
1106 lines
51 KiB

var ThemeRepo = (_ => {
var loading, cachedThemes, grabbedThemes, foundThemes, loadedThemes, generatorThemes, updateInterval;
const themeStates = {
const buttonData = {
colorClass: "GREEN",
backgroundColor: "STATUS_GREEN",
text: "Updated"
colorClass: "RED",
backgroundColor: "STATUS_RED",
text: "Outdated"
colorClass: "BRAND",
backgroundColor: "BRAND",
text: "Download"
const favStates = {
const newStates = {
NEW: 0,
const sortKeys = {
NAME: "Name",
AUTHOR: "Author",
VERSION: "Version",
DESCRIPTION: "Description",
STATE: "Update State",
FAV: "Favorites",
NEW: "New Themes"
const orderKeys = {
ASC: "Ascending",
DESC: "Descending"
const themeRepoIcon = `<svg width="36" height="31" viewBox="20 0 400 332"><path d="M0.000 39.479 L 0.000 78.957 43.575 78.957 L 87.151 78.957 87.151 204.097 L 87.151 329.236 129.609 329.236 L 172.067 329.236 172.067 204.097 L 172.067 78.957 215.642 78.957 L 259.218 78.957 259.218 39.479 L 259.218 0.000 129.609 0.000 L 0.000 0.000 0.000 39.479" stroke="none" fill="#7289da" fill-rule="evenodd"></path><path d="M274.115 38.624 L 274.115 77.248 280.261 77.734 C 309.962 80.083,325.986 106.575,313.378 132.486 C 305.279 149.131,295.114 152.700,255.800 152.700 L 230.168 152.700 230.168 123.277 L 230.168 93.855 208.566 93.855 L 186.965 93.855 186.965 211.546 L 186.965 329.236 208.566 329.236 L 230.168 329.236 230.168 277.068 L 230.168 224.899 237.268 225.113 L 244.368 225.326 282.215 277.095 L 320.062 328.864 360.031 329.057 L 400.000 329.249 400.000 313.283 L 400.000 297.317 367.924 256.908 L 335.848 216.499 340.182 214.869 C 376.035 201.391,395.726 170.616,399.382 122.342 C 405.008 48.071,360.214 0.000,285.379 0.000 L 274.115 0.000 274.115 38.624" stroke="none" fill="#7f8186" fill-rule="evenodd"></path></svg>`;
const gitHubIcon = `<svg width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g fill="currentColor" transform="translate(2, 2)"><path d="M 7.19, 16.027 c -0.139, 0.026 -0.199, 0.091 -0.182, 0.195 c 0.017, 0.104, 0.095, 0.138, 0.234, 0.104 c 0.139 -0.035, 0.199 -0.095, 0.182 -0.182 C 7.406, 16.049, 7.328, 16.01, 7.19, 16.027 z"></path><path d="M 6.45, 16.131 c -0.138, 0 -0.208, 0.047 -0.208, 0.143 c 0, 0.112, 0.074, 0.16, 0.221, 0.143 c 0.138, 0, 0.208 -0.048, 0.208 -0.143 C 6.671, 16.162, 6.597, 16.114, 6.45, 16.131 z"></path><path d="M 5.438, 16.092 c -0.035, 0.095, 0.022, 0.16, 0.169, 0.195 c 0.13, 0.052, 0.212, 0.026, 0.247 -0.078 c 0.026 -0.095 -0.03 -0.164 -0.169 -0.208 C 5.554, 15.967, 5.472, 15.996, 5.438, 16.092 z"></path><path d="M 18.837, 1.097 C 18.106, 0.366, 17.226, 0, 16.196, 0 H 3.738 C 2.708, 0, 1.828, 0.366, 1.097, 1.097 C 0.366, 1.828, 0, 2.708, 0, 3.738 v 12.459 c 0, 1.03, 0.366, 1.91, 1.097, 2.641 c 0.731, 0.731, 1.612, 1.097, 2.641, 1.097 h 2.907 c 0.19, 0, 0.333 -0.007, 0.428 -0.019 c 0.095 -0.013, 0.19 -0.069, 0.285 -0.169 c 0.095 -0.099, 0.143 -0.244, 0.143 -0.435 c 0 -0.026 -0.002 -0.32 -0.007 -0.883 c -0.004 -0.562 -0.007 -1.008 -0.007 -1.337 l -0.298, 0.052 c -0.19, 0.035 -0.43, 0.05 -0.72, 0.045 c -0.29 -0.004 -0.59 -0.035 -0.902 -0.091 c -0.312 -0.056 -0.601 -0.186 -0.87 -0.389 c -0.268 -0.203 -0.458 -0.469 -0.571 -0.798 l -0.13 -0.299 c -0.086 -0.199 -0.223 -0.419 -0.409 -0.662 c -0.186 -0.242 -0.374 -0.407 -0.564 -0.493 l -0.091 -0.065 c -0.06 -0.043 -0.117 -0.095 -0.169 -0.156 c -0.052 -0.061 -0.091 -0.121 -0.117 -0.182 c -0.026 -0.061 -0.004 -0.11, 0.065 -0.149 c 0.069 -0.039, 0.195 -0.058, 0.376 -0.058 l 0.259, 0.039 c 0.173, 0.035, 0.387, 0.138, 0.642, 0.311 c 0.255, 0.173, 0.465, 0.398, 0.629, 0.675 c 0.199, 0.355, 0.439, 0.625, 0.72, 0.811 c 0.281, 0.186, 0.565, 0.279, 0.85, 0.279 s 0.532 -0.022, 0.74 -0.065 c 0.208 -0.043, 0.402 -0.108, 0.584 -0.195 c 0.078 -0.58, 0.29 -1.025, 0.636 -1.337 c -0.493 -0.052 -0.936 -0.13 -1.33 -0.234 c -0.394 -0.104 -0.8 -0.272 -1.22 -0.506 c -0.42 -0.234 -0.768 -0.523 -1.045 -0.87 c -0.277 -0.346 -0.504 -0.8 -0.681 -1.363 c -0.177 -0.562 -0.266 -1.211 -0.266 -1.947 c 0 -1.047, 0.342 -1.938, 1.025 -2.673 c -0.32 -0.787 -0.29 -1.67, 0.091 -2.647 c 0.251 -0.078, 0.623 -0.019, 1.116, 0.175 c 0.493, 0.195, 0.854, 0.361, 1.084, 0.5 c 0.229, 0.138, 0.413, 0.255, 0.552, 0.35 c 0.805 -0.225, 1.635 -0.337, 2.492 -0.337 c 0.856, 0, 1.687, 0.112, 2.492, 0.337 l 0.493 -0.311 c 0.338 -0.208, 0.735 -0.398, 1.194 -0.571 c 0.459 -0.173, 0.809 -0.221, 1.051 -0.143 c 0.389, 0.978, 0.424, 1.86, 0.104, 2.647 c 0.683, 0.735, 1.025, 1.627, 1.025, 2.673 c 0, 0.735 -0.089, 1.387 -0.266, 1.953 c -0.177, 0.567 -0.406, 1.021 -0.688, 1.363 c -0.281, 0.342 -0.632, 0.629 -1.051, 0.863 c -0.42, 0.234 -0.826, 0.402 -1.22, 0.506 c -0.394, 0.104 -0.837, 0.182 -1.33, 0.234 c 0.45, 0.389, 0.675, 1.003, 0.675, 1.843 v 3.102 c 0, 0.147, 0.021, 0.266, 0.065, 0.357 c 0.044, 0.091, 0.113, 0.153, 0.208, 0.188 c 0.096, 0.035, 0.18, 0.056, 0.253, 0.065 c 0.074, 0.009, 0.18, 0.013, 0.318, 0.013 h 2.907 c 1.029, 0, 1.91 -0.366, 2.641 -1.097 c 0.731 -0.731, 1.097 -1.612, 1.097 -2.641 V 3.738 C 19.933, 2.708, 19.568, 1.827, 18.837, 1.097 z"></path><path d="M 3.945, 14.509 c -0.06, 0.043 -0.052, 0.112, 0.026, 0.208 c 0.087, 0.086, 0.156, 0.1, 0.208, 0.039 c 0.061 -0.043, 0.052 -0.112 -0.026 -0.208 C 4.066, 14.47, 3.997, 14.457, 3.945, 14.509 z"></path><path d="M 3.517, 14.184 c -0.026, 0.061, 0.004, 0.113, 0.091, 0.156 c 0.069, 0.043, 0.126, 0.035, 0.169 -0.026 c 0.026 -0.061 -0.004 -0.113 -0.091 -0.156 C 3.599, 14.132, 3.543, 14.141, 3.517, 14.184 z"></path><path d="M 4.348, 15.015 c -0.078, 0.043 -0.078, 0.121, 0, 0.234 c 0.078, 0.113, 0.151, 0.143, 0.221, 0.091 c 0.078 -0.061, 0.078 -0.143, 0 -0.247 C 4.499, 14.981, 4.425, 14.954, 4.348, 15.015 z"></path><path d="M 4.802, 15.599 c -0.078, 0.069 -0.061, 0.151, 0.052, 0.247 c 0.104, 0.104, 0.19, 0.117, 0.259, 0.039 c 0.069 -0.069, 0.052 -0.151 -0.052 -0.246 C 4.958, 15.534, 4.871, 15.521, 4.802, 15.599 z"></path></g></svg>`;
const repoListComponent = class ThemeList extends BdApi.React.Component {
render() {
let list = BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("ul", {
className: BDFDB.disCN._repolist,
style: {
display: "flex",
flexDirection: "column",
margin: "unset",
width: "unset"
children: [].concat(this.props.entries).filter(n => n).map(entry => BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.AddonCard, entry))
BDFDB.ReactUtils.forceStyle(list, ["display", "flex-direction", "margin", "width"]);
return list;
let forceRerenderGenerator;
const generatorComponent = class ThemeGenerator extends BdApi.React.Component {
render() {
if (forceRerenderGenerator) {
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
forceRerenderGenerator = false;
}, 500);
let theme = this.props.options && loadedThemes[this.props.options.currentGenerator];
return !this.props.options || !this.props.options.frame ? null : [
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsItem, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom20,
type: "Select",
label: "Choose a Generator Theme",
basis: "70%",
value: this.props.options.currentGenerator || "-----",
options: ["-----"].concat(generatorThemes).map(url => {return {value:url, label:(loadedThemes[url] || {}).name || "-----"}}),
searchable: true,
onChange: (value, instance) => {
if (loadedThemes[value.value]) {
if (this.props.options.currentGenerator) forceRerenderGenerator = true;
this.props.options.currentGenerator = value.value;
this.props.options.generatorValues = {};
else {
delete this.props.options.currentGenerator;
delete this.props.options.generatorValues;
delete this.props.options.currentTheme;
this.props.plugin.updateList(instance, this.props.options);
origin: "ThemeRepo",
reason: "NewTheme",
checked: true,
css: (loadedThemes[value.value] || {}).fullcss
}, "*");
theme && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsItem, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom20,
type: "Button",
label: "Download generated Theme",
children: "Download",
onClick: _ => {
this.props.plugin.createThemeFile( + ".theme.css", this.props.plugin.generateTheme(theme, this.props.options));
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormDivider, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom20
theme && !forceRerenderGenerator && this.props.plugin.createGeneratorInputs(theme, this.props.options)
].flat(10).filter(n => n)
return class ThemeRepo {
getName () {return "ThemeRepo";}
getVersion () {return "1.9.1";}
getAuthor () {return "DevilBro";}
getDescription () {return "Allows you to preview all themes from the theme repo and download them on the fly. Repo button is in the theme settings.";}
constructor () {
this.changelog = {
"improved":[["New Library Structure & React","Restructured my Library and switched to React rendering instead of DOM manipulation"]]
this.patchedModules = {
after: {
V2C_ContentColumn: "render"
initConstructor () {
loading = {is:false, timeout:null, amount:0};
cachedThemes = [];
grabbedThemes = [];
foundThemes = [];
loadedThemes = {};
generatorThemes = [];
this.defaults = {
settings: {
useChromium: {value:false, description:"Use an inbuilt browser window instead of opening your default browser"},
notifyOutdated: {value:true, description:"Notifies you when one of your Themes is outdated"},
notifyNewentries: {value:true, description:"Notifies you when there are new entries in the Repo"}
modalSettings: {
updated: {value:true, modify:true, description:"Show updated Themes",},
outdated: {value:true, modify:true, description:"Show outdated Themes"},
downloadable: {value:true, modify:true, description:"Show downloadable Themes"},
rnmStart: {value:true, modify:false, description:"Apply Theme after Download"}
this.css = `
iframe.discordPreview {
width: 100vw !important;
height: 100vh !important;
position: absolute !important;
z-index: 999 !important;
iframe.discordPreview ~ ${BDFDB.dotCN.appmount} {
position: absolute !important;
top: 0 !important;
iframe.discordPreview ~ ${BDFDB.dotCNS.appmount + BDFDB.dotCN.titlebar},
iframe.discordPreview ~ ${BDFDB.dotCNS.appmount +} > *:not(.toasts):not(.bd-toasts) {
opacity: 0 !important;
visibility: hidden !important;
.${}-modal.repo-modal {
max-width: 800px;
min-height: 90vh;
max-height: 90vh;
getSettingsPanel (collapseStates = {}) {
if (!window.BDFDB || typeof BDFDB != "object" || !BDFDB.loaded || !this.started) return;
let settings = BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "settings");
let customList = this.getCustomList(), customUrl = "";
let settingspanel, settingsitems = [];
settingsitems.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.CollapseContainer, {
title: "Settings",
collapseStates: collapseStates,
children: Object.keys(settings).map(key => BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom8,
type: "Switch",
plugin: this,
keys: ["settings", key],
label: this.defaults.settings[key].description,
value: settings[key]
settingsitems.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.CollapseContainer, {
title: "Custom Themes",
collapseStates: collapseStates,
dividertop: true,
children: [
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormItem, {
title: "Add Theme:",
tag: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormTitleTags.H3,
className: BDFDB.disCNS.margintop4 + BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom8,
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex, {
align: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Align.CENTER,
children: [
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Child, {
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.TextInput, {
placeholder: customUrl,
placeholder: "Insert Raw Github Link of Theme (",
onChange: value => {customUrl = value.trim();}
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Button, {
onClick: _ => {
if (customUrl) {
customList.push(customUrl);, this, "custom");
BDFDB.PluginUtils.refreshSettingsPanel(this, settingspanel, collapseStates);
children: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.ADD
customList.length ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsPanelInner, {
title: "Custom Theme List:",
className: BDFDB.disCNS.margintop8 + BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom20,
first: true,
last: true,
children: => BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Card, {
children: url,
onRemove: _ => {
BDFDB.ArrayUtils.remove(customList, url, true);, this, "custom");
BDFDB.PluginUtils.refreshSettingsPanel(this, settingspanel, collapseStates);
}) : null,
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsItem, {
type: "Button",
color: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Button.Colors.RED,
label: "Remove all custom added Themes",
onClick: _ => {
BDFDB.ModalUtils.confirm(this, "Are you sure you want to remove all added Themes from your own list", _ => {[], this, "custom");
BDFDB.PluginUtils.refreshSettingsPanel(this, settingspanel, collapseStates);
children: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.REMOVE
].flat(10).filter(n => n)
settingsitems.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.CollapseContainer, {
title: "Refetch All",
collapseStates: collapseStates,
dividertop: true,
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsItem, {
type: "Button",
label: "Force all Themes to be fetched again",
onClick: _ => {
loading = {is:false, timeout:null, amount:0};
children: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.ERRORS_RELOAD
return settingspanel = BDFDB.PluginUtils.createSettingsPanel(this, settingsitems);
load () {}
start () {
if (!window.BDFDB) window.BDFDB = {myPlugins:{}};
if (window.BDFDB && window.BDFDB.myPlugins && typeof window.BDFDB.myPlugins == "object") window.BDFDB.myPlugins[this.getName()] = this;
let libraryScript = document.querySelector("head script#BDFDBLibraryScript");
if (!libraryScript || ( - libraryScript.getAttribute("date")) > 600000) {
if (libraryScript) libraryScript.remove();
libraryScript = document.createElement("script");
libraryScript.setAttribute("id", "BDFDBLibraryScript");
libraryScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
libraryScript.setAttribute("src", "");
libraryScript.addEventListener("load", _ => {this.initialize();});
else if (window.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) this.initialize();
this.startTimeout = setTimeout(_ => {
try {return this.initialize();}
catch (err) {console.error(`%c[${this.getName()}]%c`, "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;", "", "Fatal Error: Could not initiate plugin! " + err);}
}, 30000);
initialize () {
if (window.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) {
if (this.started) return;
// REMOVE 10.02.2020
let olddata = BDFDB.DataUtils.load(this, "ownlist", "ownlist");
if (olddata) {, this, "custom");
BDFDB.DataUtils.remove(this, "ownlist");
updateInterval = BDFDB.TimeUtils.interval(_ => {this.checkForNewThemes();}, 1000*60*30);
else console.error(`%c[${this.getName()}]%c`, "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;", "", "Fatal Error: Could not load BD functions!");
stop () {
if (window.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) {
this.stopping = true;
BDFDB.DOMUtils.remove("iframe.discordPreview", ".bd-themerepobutton", ".themerepo-notice", ".themerepo-loadingicon");
// begin of own functions
onUserSettingsCogContextMenu (e) {
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
let [children, index] = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChildren(e.returnvalue, {props: [["label", "BandagedBD"]]});
if (index > -1) children[index].props.render.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.ContextMenuItems.Item, {
label: "Theme Repo",
action: _ => {
if (! BDFDB.ContextMenuUtils.close(e.instance);
processV2CContentColumn (e) {
if (e.instance.props.title == "Themes") {
let [children, index] = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChildren(e.returnvalue, {key: "folder-button"});
if (index > -1) children.splice(index + 1, 0, BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.TooltipContainer, {
text: "Open Theme Repo",
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("button", {
className: `${BDFDB.disCN._repofolderbutton} bd-themerepobutton`,
onClick: _ => {this.openThemeRepoModal();},
children: "ThemeRepo"
getCustomList () {
let customlist = BDFDB.DataUtils.load(this, "custom");
return ? customlist : [];
openThemeRepoModal (options = {}) {
if ( BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(`Themes are still being fetched. Try again in some seconds.`, {type:"danger"});
else {
let keyPressed, messageReceived;
let modalSettings = BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "modalSettings");
let searchTimeout, automaticLoading = BDFDB.BDUtils.isAutoLoadEnabled();
options = Object.assign(options, modalSettings);
options.updated = options.updated && !options.showOnlyOutdated;
options.outdated = options.updated || options.showOnlyOutdated;
options.downloadable = options.downloadable && !options.showOnlyOutdated;
options.searchString = "";
options.sortKey = options.forcedSort || Object.keys(sortKeys)[0];
options.orderKey = options.forcedOrder || Object.keys(orderKeys)[0];
options.frame = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(`<iframe class="discordPreview" src=""></iframe>`)
let entries = this.createEntries(options);, {
className: "repo-modal",
size: "LARGE",
header: "Theme Repository",
subheader: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(class RepoAmount extends BDFDB.ReactUtils.Component {
render () {return `${this.props.entries.length}/${Object.keys(loadedThemes).length} Themes`}
}, {entries}),
tabBarChildren: [
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Child, {
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SearchBar, {
autoFocus: true,
query: options.searchString,
onChange: (value, instance) => {
searchTimeout = BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
options.searchString = value.replace(/[<|>]/g, "").toUpperCase();
this.updateList(instance, options);
}, 1000);
onClear: instance => {
options.searchString = "";
this.updateList(instance, options);
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Child, {
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.QuickSelect, {
label: "Sort by:",
value: {
label: sortKeys[options.sortKey],
value: options.sortKey
options: Object.keys(sortKeys).map(key => {return {
label: sortKeys[key],
value: key
onChange: (key, instance) => {
options.sortKey = key;
this.updateList(instance, options);
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Child, {
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.QuickSelect, {
label: "Order:",
value: {
label: orderKeys[options.orderKey],
value: options.orderKey
options: Object.keys(orderKeys).map(key => {return {
label: orderKeys[key],
value: key
onChange: (key, instance) => {
options.orderKey = key;
this.updateList(instance, options);
children: [
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.ModalComponents.ModalTabContent, {
tab: "Themes",
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(repoListComponent, {
plugin: this,
entries: entries
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.ModalComponents.ModalTabContent, {
tab: "Generator",
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(generatorComponent, {
plugin: this,
options: options
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.ModalComponents.ModalTabContent, {
tab: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.SETTINGS,
children: [
!automaticLoading && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom8,
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
className: BDFDB.disCNS.titledefault + BDFDB.disCN.cursordefault,
style: {maxWidth: 760},
children: "To experience ThemeRepo in the best way. I would recommend you to enable BD intern reload function, that way all downloaded files are loaded into Discord without the need to reload."
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom20,
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
className: BDFDB.disCNS.titledefault + BDFDB.disCN.cursordefault,
style: {maxWidth: 760},
children: "You can toggle this menu with the 'Ctrl' key to take a better look at the preview."
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsItem, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom20,
type: "Switch",
label: "Preview in light mode",
value: BDFDB.DiscordUtils.getTheme() == BDFDB.disCN.themelight,
onChange: (value, instance) => {
origin: "ThemeRepo",
reason: "DarkLight",
checked: value
}, "*");
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsItem, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom20,
type: "Switch",
label: "Preview with normalized classes",
value: BDFDB.BDUtils.getSettings("fork-ps-4"),
onChange: (value, instance) => {
origin: "ThemeRepo",
reason: "Normalize",
checked: value
}, "*");
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsItem, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom20,
type: "Switch",
label: "Include Custom CSS in Preview",
value: false,
onChange: (value, instance) => {
let customCSS = document.querySelector("style#customcss");
if (customCSS && customCSS.innerText.length > 0) options.frame.contentWindow.postMessage({
origin: "ThemeRepo",
reason: "CustomCSS",
checked: value,
css: customCSS.innerText
}, "*");
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsItem, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom20,
type: "Switch",
label: "Include ThemeFixer CSS in Preview",
value: false,
onChange: (value, instance) => {
BDFDB.LibraryRequires.request("", (error, response, body) => {
origin: "ThemeRepo",
reason: "ThemeFixer",
checked: value,
css: this.createFixerCSS(body)
}, "*");
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsItem, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom20,
type: "Button",
label: "Download ThemeFixer",
children: "Download",
onClick: _ => {
BDFDB.LibraryRequires.request("", (error, response, body) => {
this.createThemeFile("ThemeFixer.theme.css", `//META{"name":"ThemeFixer","description":"ThemeFixerCSS for transparent themes","author":"DevilBro","version":"1.0.3","authorId":"278543574059057154","invite":"Jx3TjNS","donate":"","patreon":""}*//\n\n` + this.createFixerCSS(body));
Object.keys(modalSettings).map(key => BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom20,
type: "Switch",
plugin: this,
keys: ["modalSettings", key],
label: this.defaults.modalSettings[key].description,
note: key == "rnmStart" && !automaticLoading && "Automatic Loading has to be enabled",
disabled: key == "rnmStart" && !automaticLoading,
value: options[key],
onChange: (value, instance) => {
options[key] = value;
this.updateList(instance, options);
].flat(10).filter(n => n)
onOpen: (modal, instance) => {
let layerContainer = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getParent(BDFDB.dotCN.itemlayercontainer, modal);
BDFDB.ListenerUtils.addToChildren(layerContainer, "mouseenter", BDFDB.dotCN.backdropwithlayer, e => {
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for (let child of layerContainer.childNodes) {"transition", "opacity .5s ease-in-out", "important");"opacity", "0", "important");
BDFDB.ListenerUtils.addToChildren(layerContainer, "mouseleave", BDFDB.dotCN.backdropwithlayer, e => {
if (!document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.colorpicker)) {
layerContainer.childNodes[0].style.setProperty("opacity", "0.85");
layerContainer.childNodes[1].style.setProperty("opacity", "1");
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {for (let child of layerContainer.childNodes)"transition");}, 500);
keyPressed = e => {
if (e.which == 17) {
if (!Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(BDFDB.dotCNC.input + BDFDB.dotCN.searchbarinput)).some(ele => ele == document.activeElement)) BDFDB.DOMUtils.toggle(layerContainer);
else if (e.which == 27) options.frame.remove();
messageReceived = e => {
if (!document.contains(options.frame)) {
document.removeEventListener("keyup", keyPressed);
window.removeEventListener("message", messageReceived);
else if (typeof === "object" && == "DiscordPreview") {
switch ( {
case "OnLoad":
let nativecss = document.querySelector("head link[rel='stylesheet'][integrity]");
let titlebar = document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.titlebar);
origin: "ThemeRepo",
reason: "OnLoad",
classes: JSON.stringify(BDFDB.DiscordClasses),
classmodules: JSON.stringify(BDFDB.DiscordClassModules),
avatar: BDFDB.UserUtils.getAvatar(),
nativecss: nativecss && nativecss.href,
html: document.documentElement.className,
titlebar: titlebar && titlebar.outerHTML
}, "*");
origin: "ThemeRepo",
reason: "DarkLight",
checked: BDFDB.DiscordUtils.getTheme() == BDFDB.disCN.themelight
}, "*");
case "KeyUp":
document.addEventListener("keyup", keyPressed);
window.addEventListener("message", messageReceived);
document.body.insertBefore(options.frame, document.body.firstElementChild);
onClose: (modal, instance) => {
document.removeEventListener("keyup", keyPressed);
window.removeEventListener("message", messageReceived);
updateList (instance, options = {}) {
let modalIns = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(instance, {name:"BDFDB_Modal", up:true});
if (modalIns) {
let amountIns = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(modalIns, {name:"RepoAmount"});
let listIns = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(modalIns, {name:"ThemeList"});
let genIns = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(modalIns, {name:"ThemeGenerator"});
if (amountIns && listIns && genIns) {
let entries = this.createEntries(options);
amountIns.props.entries = entries;
listIns.props.entries = entries;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.forceUpdate(amountIns, listIns, genIns);
createEntries (options = {}) {
let favorites = BDFDB.DataUtils.load(this, "favorites");
let themes = Object.keys(loadedThemes).map(url => {
let theme = loadedThemes[url];
let instTheme = BDFDB.BDUtils.getTheme(;
if (instTheme && == theme.state = instTheme.version != theme.version ? themeStates.OUTDATED : themeStates.UPDATED;
else theme.state = themeStates.DOWNLOADABLE;
return {
url: theme.url,
requesturl: theme.requesturl,
search: ( + " " + theme.version + " " + + " " + theme.description).toUpperCase(),
version: theme.version,
description: theme.description || "No Description found.",
fav: favorites[url] ? favStates.FAVORIZED : favStates.NOT_FAVORIZED,
new: !cachedThemes.includes(url) ? newStates.NEW : newStates.NOT_NEW,
state: theme.state,
css: theme.css,
fullcss: theme.fullcss
if (!options.updated) themes = themes.filter(theme => theme.state == themeStates.UPDATED);
if (!options.outdated) themes = themes.filter(theme => theme.state == themeStates.OUTDATED);
if (!options.downloadable) themes = themes.filter(theme => theme.state == themeStates.DOWNLOADABLE);
if (options.searchString) themes = themes.filter(theme => > -1).map(theme => Object.assign({}, theme, {
name: BDFDB.ReactUtils.elementToReact(BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(BDFDB.StringUtils.highlight(, options.searchString))) ||,
version: BDFDB.ReactUtils.elementToReact(BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(BDFDB.StringUtils.highlight(theme.version, options.searchString))) || theme.version,
author: BDFDB.ReactUtils.elementToReact(BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(BDFDB.StringUtils.highlight(, options.searchString))) ||,
description: BDFDB.ReactUtils.elementToReact(BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(BDFDB.StringUtils.highlight(theme.description, options.searchString))) || theme.description
BDFDB.ArrayUtils.keySort(themes, (options.sortKey == "NEW" && !themes.some(theme => == newStates.NEW) ? Object.keys(sortKeys)[0] : options.sortKey).toLowerCase());
if (options.orderKey == "DESC") themes.reverse();
return => {
let buttonConfig = buttonData[(Object.entries(themeStates).find(n => n[1] == theme.state) || [])[0]]
return buttonConfig && {
data: theme,
controls: [ == newStates.NEW && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Badges.TextBadge, {
style: {
borderRadius: 3,
textTransform: "uppercase",
background: BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Colors.STATUS_YELLOW
text: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.NEW
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FavButton, {
className: BDFDB.disCNS._repoentryiconwrapper + BDFDB.disCN.cursorpointer,
isFavorite: theme.fav == favStates.FAVORIZED,
onClick: value => {
theme.fav = value ? favStates.FAVORIZED : favStates.NOT_FAVORIZED;
if (value), this, "favorites", theme.url);
else BDFDB.DataUtils.remove(this, "favorites", theme.url);
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.TooltipContainer, {
text: "Go to Source",
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Clickable, {
className: BDFDB.disCNS._repoentryiconwrapper,
onClick: _ => {
let giturl = null;
if (theme.requesturl.indexOf("") == 0) {
let temp = theme.requesturl.replace("//raw.githubusercontent", "//github").split("/");
temp.splice(5, 0, "blob");
giturl = temp.join("/");
else if (theme.requesturl.indexOf("") == 0) {
giturl = theme.requesturl.replace("//gist.githubusercontent", "//gist.github").split("/raw/")[0];
if (giturl) BDFDB.DiscordUtils.openLink(giturl, BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "settings", "useChromium"));
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon, {
iconSVG: gitHubIcon
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Switch, {
value: options.currentTheme == theme.url,
onChange: (value, instance) => {
if (value) options.currentTheme = theme.url;
else delete options.currentTheme;
delete options.currentGenerator;
delete options.generatorValues;
this.updateList(instance, options);
origin: "ThemeRepo",
reason: "NewTheme",
checked: value,
css: theme.css
}, "*");
buttons: [
theme.state != themeStates.DOWNLOADABLE && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.TooltipContainer, {
text: "Delete Themefile",
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Clickable, {
className: BDFDB.disCN._repoentryiconwrapper,
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.svgicon,
name: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon.Names.NOVA_TRASH
onClick: (e, instance) => {
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
this.updateList(instance, options);
if (!BDFDB.BDUtils.isAutoLoadEnabled()) this.removeTheme(theme);
}, 3000);
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Button, {
size: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Button.Sizes.MIN,
color: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Button.Colors[buttonConfig.colorClass],
style: {backgroundColor: BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Colors[buttonConfig.backgroundColor]},
children: buttonConfig.text,
onClick: (e, instance) => {
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
this.updateList(instance, options);
if (options.rnmStart) this.applyTheme(theme);
}, 3000);
}).filter(n => n);
createFixerCSS (body) {
let oldcss = body.replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/\t/g, "\\t").replace(/\r/g, "\\r").split("REPLACE_CLASS_");
let newcss = oldcss.shift();
for (let str of oldcss) {
let reg = /([A-z0-9_]+)(.*)/.exec(str);
newcss += BDFDB.dotCN[reg[1]] + reg[2];
return newcss.replace(/\\n/g, "\n").replace(/\\t/g, "\t").replace(/\\r/g, "\r");
createGeneratorInputs (theme, options = {}) {
if (!options.frame || ! || ! || !theme.fullcss) return null;
let vars = theme.fullcss.split(":root");
if (vars.length < 2) return null;
vars = vars[1].replace(/\t\(/g, " (").replace(/\r|\t| {2,}/g, "").replace(/\/\*\n*((?!\/\*|\*\/).|\n)*\n+((?!\/\*|\*\/).|\n)*\n*\*\//g, "").replace(/\n\/\*.*?\*\//g, "").replace(/\n/g, "");
vars = vars.split("{");
vars = vars.join("{").replace(/\s*(:|;|--|\*)\s*/g, "$1");
vars = vars.split("}")[0];
vars = vars.slice(2).split(/;--|\*\/--/);
let inputRefs = [], updateTimeout;
for (let varstr of vars) {
varstr = varstr.split(":");
let varname = varstr.shift().trim();
varstr = varstr.join(":").split(/;[^A-z0-9]|\/\*/);
let oldvalue = varstr.shift().trim();
if (oldvalue) {
let childType = "text", childMode = "";
let iscolor = BDFDB.ColorUtils.getType(oldvalue);
let iscomp = !iscolor && /[0-9 ]+,[0-9 ]+,[0-9 ]+/g.test(oldvalue);
if (iscolor || iscomp) {
childType = "color";
childMode = iscomp && "comp";
else {
let isurlfile = /url\(.+\)/gi.test(oldvalue);
let isfile = !isurlfile && /(http(s)?):\/\/[(www\.)?a-zA-Z0-9@:%._\+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,6}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_\+.~#?&//=]*)/.test(oldvalue);
if (isfile || isurlfile) {
childType = "file";
childMode = isurlfile && "url";
let vardescription = varstr.join("").replace(/\*\/|\/\*/g, "").replace(/:/g, ": ").replace(/: \//g, ":/").replace(/--/g, " --").replace(/\( --/g, "(--").trim();
options.generatorValues[varname] = {value:oldvalue, oldvalue};
inputRefs.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsItem, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom20,
dividerbottom: vars[vars.length-1] != varstr,
type: "TextInput",
childProps: {
type: childType,
mode: childMode,
filter: childType == "file" && "image"
label: varname[0].toUpperCase() + varname.slice(1),
note: vardescription && vardescription.indexOf("*") == 0 ? vardescription.slice(1) : vardescription,
basis: "70%",
value: oldvalue,
placeholder: oldvalue,
onChange: value => {
updateTimeout = BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
options.generatorValues[varname] = {value, oldvalue};
origin: "ThemeRepo",
reason: "NewTheme",
checked: true,
css: this.generateTheme(theme, options)
}, "*");
}, 1000);
return inputRefs;
generateTheme (theme, options = {}) {
if (! || ! || ! return "";
let css = theme.fullcss;
for (let inputId in options.generatorValues) if (options.generatorValues[inputId].value && options.generatorValues[inputId].value.trim() && options.generatorValues[inputId].value != options.generatorValues[inputId].oldvalue) css = css.replace(new RegExp(`--${BDFDB.StringUtils.regEscape(inputId)}(\\s*):(\\s*)${BDFDB.StringUtils.regEscape(options.generatorValues[inputId].oldvalue)}`,"g"),`--${inputId}$1:$2${options.generatorValues[inputId].value}`);
return css;
loadThemes () {
let settings = BDFDB.DataUtils.load(this, "settings");
let getThemeInfo, outdated = 0, newentries = 0, i = 0, NFLDreplace = null;
let tags = ["name","description","author","version"];
let newentriesdata = BDFDB.DataUtils.load(this, "newentriesdata"), customList = this.getCustomList();
cachedThemes = (newentriesdata.urlbase64 ? atob(newentriesdata.urlbase64).split("\n") : []).concat(customList);
BDFDB.LibraryRequires.request("", (error, response, body) => {
if (!error && body) {
body = body.replace(/[\r\t]/g, "");, this, "newentriesdata", "urlbase64");
loadedThemes = {};
grabbedThemes = body.split("\n").filter(n => n);
BDFDB.LibraryRequires.request("", (error2, response2, body2) => {
if (!error2 && body2) {
NFLDreplace = /\/NFLD99\/Better-Discord\/tree\/master\/Themes_[^"]+">([^<]+)/i.exec(body2);
NFLDreplace = NFLDreplace && NFLDreplace.length > 1 ? NFLDreplace[1] : null;
foundThemes = grabbedThemes.concat(customList);
loading = {is:true, timeout:BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
if (this.started) {
if ( && loading.amount < 4) BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {this.loadThemes();}, 10000);
loading = {is: false, timeout:null, amount:loading.amount};
},1200000), amount:loading.amount+1};
let loadingicon = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(themeRepoIcon);
BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(loadingicon, "themerepo-loadingicon");
loadingicon.addEventListener("mouseenter", _ => {
BDFDB.TooltipUtils.create(loadingicon, this.getLoadingTooltipText(), {
type: "left",
delay: 500,
style: "max-width: unset;",
selector: "themerepo-loading-tooltip"
getThemeInfo(_ => {
if (!this.started) {
BDFDB.DOMUtils.remove(loadingicon, ".themerepo-loadingicon");
loading = {is:false, timeout:null, amount:loading.amount};
BDFDB.LogUtils.log("Finished fetching Themes.",;
if (document.querySelector(".bd-themerepobutton")) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(`Finished fetching Themes.`, {type:"success"});
if ((settings.notifyOutdated || settings.notifyOutdated == undefined) && outdated > 0) {
let oldbarbutton = document.querySelector(".themerepo-outdate-notice " + BDFDB.dotCN.noticedismiss);
if (oldbarbutton);
let bar = BDFDB.NotificationUtils.notice(`${outdated} of your Themes ${outdated == 1 ? "is" : "are"} outdated. Check:`, {
type: "danger",
btn: "ThemeRepo",
selector: "themerepo-notice themerepo-outdate-notice",
customicon: themeRepoIcon.replace(/#7289da/gi, "#FFF").replace(/#7f8186/gi, "#B9BBBE")
bar.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.noticebutton).addEventListener("click", _ => {
if ((settings.notifyNewentries || settings.notifyNewentries == undefined) && newentries > 0) {
let oldbarbutton = document.querySelector(".themerepo-newentries-notice " + BDFDB.dotCN.noticedismiss);
if (oldbarbutton);
let single = newentries == 1;
let bar = BDFDB.NotificationUtils.notice(`There ${single ? "is" : "are"} ${newentries} new Theme${single ? "" : "s"} in the Repo. Check:`, {
type: "success",
btn: "ThemeRepo",
selector: "themerepo-notice themerepo-newentries-notice",
customicon: themeRepoIcon.replace(/#7289da/gi, "#FFF").replace(/#7f8186/gi, "#B9BBBE")
bar.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.noticebutton).addEventListener("click", _ => {
if ( == "278543574059057154") {
let wrongUrls = [];
for (let url of foundThemes) if (url && !loadedThemes[url] && !wrongUrls.includes(url)) wrongUrls.push(url);
if (wrongUrls.length) {
let bar = BDFDB.NotificationUtils.notice(`ThemeRepo: ${wrongUrls.length} Theme${wrongUrls.length > 1 ? "s" : ""} could not be loaded.`, {
type: "danger",
btn: "List",
selector: "themerepo-notice themerepo-fail-notice",
customicon: themeRepoIcon.replace(/#7289da/gi, "#FFF").replace(/#7f8186/gi, "#B9BBBE")
bar.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.noticebutton).addEventListener("click", e => {
let toast = BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(wrongUrls.join("\n"), {type: "error"});"overflow", "hidden");
for (let url of wrongUrls) console.log(url);
BDFDB.LibraryRequires.request("", (error3, response3, body3) => {
if (!error3 && body3) for (let url of body3.replace(/[\r\t]/g, "").split("\n").filter(n => n)) if (loadedThemes[url]) generatorThemes.push(url);
getThemeInfo = (callback) => {
if (i >= foundThemes.length || !this.started || ! {
let url = foundThemes[i];
let requesturl = NFLDreplace && url.includes("NFLD99/Better-Discord/master/Themes") ? url.replace("master/Themes", "master/" + NFLDreplace) : url;
BDFDB.LibraryRequires.request(requesturl, (error, response, body) => {
if (!response) {
if (url && BDFDB.ArrayUtils.getAllIndexes(foundThemes, url).length < 2) foundThemes.push(url);
else if (body && body.indexOf("404: Not Found") != 0 && response.statusCode == 200) {
let theme = {}, text = body;
if ((text.split("*//").length > 1 || text.indexOf("/**") == 0) && text.split("\n").length > 1) {
let hasMETAline = text.replace(/\s/g, "").indexOf("//META{");
if (hasMETAline < 20 && hasMETAline > -1) {
let searchtext = text.replace(/\s*:\s*/g, ":").replace(/\s*}\s*/g, "}");
for (let tag of tags) {
let result = searchtext.split('"' + tag + '":"');
result = result.length > 1 ? result[1].split('",')[0].split('"}')[0] : null;
result = result && tag != "version" ? result.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + result.slice(1) : result;
theme[tag] = result ? result.trim() : result;
else {
let searchtext = text.replace(/[\r\t| ]*\*\s*/g, "*");
for (let tag of tags) {
let result = searchtext.split('@' + tag + ' ');
result = result.length > 1 ? result[1].split('\n')[0] : null;
result = result && tag != "version" ? result.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + result.slice(1) : result;
theme[tag] = result ? result.trim() : result;
let valid = true;
for (let tag of tags) if (theme[tag] === null) valid = false;
if (valid) {
theme.fullcss = text;
theme.css = hasMETAline < 20 && hasMETAline > -1 ? text.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n").replace(/[\r|\n|\t]/g, "") : text.replace(/[\r|\n|\t]/g, "");
theme.url = url;
theme.requesturl = requesturl;
loadedThemes[url] = theme;
let instTheme = BDFDB.BDUtils.getTheme(;
if (instTheme && == && instTheme.version != theme.version) outdated++;
if (!cachedThemes.includes(url)) newentries++;
let loadingtooltip = document.querySelector(".themerepo-loading-tooltip");
if (loadingtooltip) {
BDFDB.DOMUtils.setText(loadingtooltip, this.getLoadingTooltipText());
getLoadingTooltipText () {
return `Loading ThemeRepo - [${Object.keys(loadedThemes).length}/${Object.keys(grabbedThemes).length}]`;
checkForNewThemes () {
BDFDB.LibraryRequires.request("", (error, response, result) => {
if (response && !BDFDB.equals(result.replace(/\t|\r/g, "").split("\n").filter(n => n), grabbedThemes)) {
loading = {is:false, timeout:null, amount:0};
downloadTheme (data) {
BDFDB.LibraryRequires.request(data.requesturl, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(`Unable to download Theme "${}".`, {type:"danger"});
else this.createThemeFile(data.requesturl.split("/").pop(), body);
createThemeFile (filename, content) {
BDFDB.LibraryRequires.fs.writeFile(BDFDB.LibraryRequires.path.join(BDFDB.BDUtils.getThemesFolder(), filename), content, (error) => {
if (error) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(`Unable to save Theme "${filename}".`, {type:"danger"});
else BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(`Successfully saved Theme "${filename}".`, {type:"success"});
applyTheme (data) {
if (BDFDB.BDUtils.isThemeEnabled( == false) {
document.head.appendChild(BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(`<style id=${}>${data.css}</style>`));
BDFDB.LogUtils.log(`Applied Theme ${}.`,;
deleteThemeFile (data) {
let filename = data.requesturl.split("/").pop();
BDFDB.LibraryRequires.fs.unlink(BDFDB.LibraryRequires.path.join(BDFDB.BDUtils.getThemesFolder(), filename), (error) => {
if (error) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(`Unable to delete Theme "${filename}".`, {type:"danger"});
else BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(`Successfully deleted Theme "${filename}".`);
removeTheme (data) {
if (BDFDB.BDUtils.isThemeEnabled( == true) {
BDFDB.LogUtils.log(`Removed Theme ${}.`,;