
670 lines
28 KiB

* @name ServerDetails
* @authorId 278543574059057154
* @invite Jx3TjNS
* @donate
* @patreon
* @website
* @source
* @updateUrl
module.exports = (_ => {
const config = {
"info": {
"name": "ServerDetails",
"author": "DevilBro",
"version": "1.0.4",
"description": "Show details of a server when you hover over the icon in the server list"
"changeLog": {
"fixed": {
"New React Structure": "Fixed for new internal react structure"
return !window.BDFDB_Global || (!window.BDFDB_Global.loaded && !window.BDFDB_Global.started) ? class {
getName () {return;}
getAuthor () {return;}
getVersion () {return;}
getDescription () {return;}
load () {
if (!window.BDFDB_Global || !Array.isArray(window.BDFDB_Global.pluginQueue)) window.BDFDB_Global = Object.assign({}, window.BDFDB_Global, {pluginQueue: []});
if (!window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal) {
window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal = true;
BdApi.showConfirmationModal("Library Missing", `The library plugin needed for ${} is missing. Please click "Download Now" to install it.`, {
confirmText: "Download Now",
cancelText: "Cancel",
onCancel: _ => {delete window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal;},
onConfirm: _ => {
delete window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal;
require("request").get("", (e, r, b) => {
if (!e && b && b.indexOf(`* @name BDFDB`) > -1) require("fs").writeFile(require("path").join(BdApi.Plugins.folder, "0BDFDB.plugin.js"), b, _ => {});
else BdApi.alert("Error", "Could not download BDFDB library plugin, try again some time later.");
if (!window.BDFDB_Global.pluginQueue.includes( window.BDFDB_Global.pluginQueue.push(;
start () {this.load();}
stop () {}
getSettingsPanel () {
let template = document.createElement("template");
template.innerHTML = `<div style="color: var(--header-primary); font-size: 16px; font-weight: 300; white-space: pre; line-height: 22px;">The library plugin needed for ${} is missing.\nPlease click <a style="font-weight: 500;">Download Now</a> to install it.</div>`;
template.content.firstElementChild.querySelector("a").addEventListener("click", _ => {
require("request").get("", (e, r, b) => {
if (!e && b && b.indexOf(`* @name BDFDB`) > -1) require("fs").writeFile(require("path").join(BdApi.Plugins.folder, "0BDFDB.plugin.js"), b, _ => {});
else BdApi.alert("Error", "Could not download BDFDB library plugin, try again some time later.");
return template.content.firstElementChild;
} : (([Plugin, BDFDB]) => {
var _this, languages;
var settings = {}, colors = {}, choices = {}, formats = {}, amounts = {};
const GuildDetailsComponent = class GuildDetails extends BdApi.React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {fetchedOwner: false, delayed: false, repositioned: false};
componentDidUpdate () {
if (amounts.tooltipDelay && this.state.delayed && !this.state.repositioned) {
this.state.repositioned = true;
let tooltip = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getParent(BDFDB.dotCN.tooltip, BDFDB.ObjectUtils.get(this, `${BDFDB.ReactUtils.instanceKey}.return.return.stateNode.containerInfo`));
if (tooltip) tooltip.update();
render () {
if (amounts.tooltipDelay && !this.state.delayed) {
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
this.state.delayed = true;
let tooltip = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getParent(BDFDB.dotCN.tooltip, BDFDB.ObjectUtils.get(this, `${BDFDB.ReactUtils.instanceKey}.return.return.stateNode.containerInfo`));
if (tooltip) BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(tooltip, BDFDB.disCN._serverdetailstooltip);
}, amounts.tooltipDelay * 1000);
return null;
let owner = BDFDB.LibraryModules.UserStore.getUser(this.props.guild.ownerId);
if (!owner && !this.state.fetchedOwner) {
this.state.fetchedOwner = true;
BDFDB.LibraryModules.UserFetchUtils.getUser(this.props.guild.ownerId).then(_ => BDFDB.ReactUtils.forceUpdate(this));
let src = this.props.guild.getIconURL(BDFDB.LibraryModules.IconUtils.hasAnimatedGuildIcon(this.props.guild) ? "gif" : "png");
let ownerString = `${owner ? owner.username : "Unknown"}#${owner ? owner.discriminator : "0000"}`;
return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex, {
direction: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Direction.VERTICAL,
align: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Align.CENTER,
children: [
settings.addIcon && (src ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("img", {
className: BDFDB.disCN._serverdetailsicon,
src: src.replace(/\?size\=\d+$/, "?size=4096").replace(/[\?\&](height|width)=\d+/g, "")
}) : BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
className: BDFDB.disCN._serverdetailsicon,
children: this.props.guild.acronym
settings.addOwner && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(GuildDetailsRowComponent, {
prefix: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.GUILD_OWNER,
string: `${owner ? owner.username : "Unknown"}#${owner ? owner.discriminator : "0000"}`
settings.addCreation && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(GuildDetailsRowComponent, {
prefix: _this.labels.creation_date,
string: _this.getTimestamp(languages[choices.timeLang].id, BDFDB.LibraryModules.TimestampUtils.extractTimestamp(
settings.addJoin && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(GuildDetailsRowComponent, {
prefix: _this.labels.join_date,
string: _this.getTimestamp(languages[choices.timeLang].id, this.props.guild.joinedAt)
settings.addMembers && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(GuildDetailsRowComponent, {
prefix: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.MEMBERS,
string: BDFDB.LibraryModules.MemberCountUtils.getMemberCount(
settings.addChannels && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(GuildDetailsRowComponent, {
prefix: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.CHANNELS,
string: BDFDB.LibraryModules.GuildChannelStore.getChannels(
settings.addRoles && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(GuildDetailsRowComponent, {
prefix: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.ROLES,
string: Object.keys(this.props.guild.roles).length
settings.addBoosters && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(GuildDetailsRowComponent, {
prefix: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.SUBSCRIPTIONS_TITLE,
string: this.props.guild.premiumSubscriberCount
settings.addRegion && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(GuildDetailsRowComponent, {
prefix: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.REGION,
string: this.props.guild.region
].flat(10).filter(n => n)
const GuildDetailsRowComponent = class GuildDetailsRow extends BdApi.React.Component {
render () {
return (this.props.prefix.length + this.props.string.length) > Math.round(34 * (amounts.tooltipWidth/300)) ? [
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
children: `${this.props.prefix}:`
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
children: this.props.string
] : BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
children: `${this.props.prefix}: ${this.props.string}`
return class ServerDetails extends Plugin {
onLoad () {
_this = this;
this.defaults = {
settings: {
cutSeconds: {value: false, cat: "settings", description: "Cut off seconds of the time"},
forceZeros: {value: false, cat: "settings", description: "Force leading zeros"},
otherOrder: {value: false, cat: "settings", description: "Show the time before the date"},
addIcon: {value: true, cat: "tooltip", description: "GUILD_CREATE_UPLOAD_ICON_LABEL"},
addOwner: {value: true, cat: "tooltip", description: "GUILD_OWNER"},
addCreation: {value: true, cat: "tooltip", description: "creation_date"},
addJoin: {value: true, cat: "tooltip", description: "join_date"},
addMembers: {value: true, cat: "tooltip", description: "MEMBERS"},
addChannels: {value: true, cat: "tooltip", description: "CHANNELS"},
addRoles: {value: true, cat: "tooltip", description: "ROLES"},
addBoosters: {value: true, cat: "tooltip", description: "SUBSCRIPTIONS_TITLE"},
addRegion: {value: true, cat: "tooltip", description: "REGION"}
colors: {
tooltipColor: {value: "", description: "Tooltip Color"}
choices: {
timeLang: {value: "$discord", description: "Date Format"}
formats: {
ownFormat: {value: "$hour: $minute: $second, $day.$month.$year", description: "Own Format"}
amounts: {
tooltipDelay: {value: 0, cat: "tooltip", min: 0, max: 10, digits: 1, unit: "s", description: "Details Tooltip Delay"},
tooltipWidth: {value: 300, cat: "tooltip", min: 200, max: 600, digits: 0, unit: "px", description: "Details Tooltip Width"},
maxDaysAgo: {value: 0, cat: "format", min: 0, description: "Maximum count of days displayed in the $daysago placeholder", note: "0 equals no limit"}
this.patchedModules = {
after: {
Guild: "render"
this.patchPriority = 10;
this.css = `
${BDFDB.dotCNS._serverdetailstooltip + BDFDB.dotCN.tooltipcontent} {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
${BDFDB.dotCNS._serverdetailstooltip + BDFDB.dotCN._serverdetailsicon} {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
margin-bottom: 5px;
border-radius: 10px;
overflow: hidden;
${BDFDB.dotCN._serverdetailstooltip} div${BDFDB.dotCN._serverdetailsicon} {
background-color: var(--background-primary);
color: var(--text-normal);
font-size: 40px;
onStart () {
BDFDB.PatchUtils.patch(this, BDFDB.LibraryComponents.GuildComponents.Guild.prototype, "render", {after: e => {
this.processGuild({instance: e.thisObject, returnvalue: e.returnValue, methodname: "render"});
languages = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.deepAssign({
own: {
name: "Own",
id: "own"
}, BDFDB.LanguageUtils.languages);
onStop () {
BDFDB.DOMUtils.removeLocalStyle( + "TooltipWidth");
getSettingsPanel (collapseStates = {}) {
let settingsPanel;
return settingsPanel = BDFDB.PluginUtils.createSettingsPanel(this, {
collapseStates: collapseStates,
children: _ => {
let settingsItems = [];
settingsItems.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.CollapseContainer, {
title: "Settings",
collapseStates: collapseStates,
children: Object.keys(settings).map(key => this.defaults.settings[key].cat == "settings" && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, {
type: "Switch",
plugin: this,
keys: ["settings", key],
label: this.defaults.settings[key].description,
value: settings[key],
onChange: (value, instance) => {
settings[key] = value;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.forceUpdate(BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(instance, {name: "BDFDB_SettingsPanel", up: true}), {name: "BDFDB_Select", all: true, noCopies: true}));
settingsItems.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.CollapseContainer, {
title: "Tooltip Settings",
collapseStates: collapseStates,
children: [BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormTitle, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom4,
tag: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormTitle.Tags.H3,
children: "Add additional details in the server tooltip for: "
})].concat(Object.keys(settings).map(key => this.defaults.settings[key].cat == "tooltip" && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, {
type: "Switch",
plugin: this,
keys: ["settings", key],
label: this.labels[this.defaults.settings[key].description] || BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings[this.defaults.settings[key].description],
value: settings[key]
}))).concat(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormDivider, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom8
})).concat(Object.keys(amounts).map(key => this.defaults.amounts[key].cat == "tooltip" && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, {
type: "Slider",
plugin: this,
keys: ["amounts", key],
label: this.defaults.amounts[key].description,
basis: "70%",
min: this.defaults.amounts[key].min,
max: this.defaults.amounts[key].max,
digits: this.defaults.amounts[key].digits,
markerAmount: 11,
onValueRender: value => value + this.defaults.amounts[key].unit,
childProps: {type: "number"},
value: amounts[key]
}))).concat(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormDivider, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom8
})).concat(Object.keys(colors).map(key => BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, {
type: "TextInput",
plugin: this,
keys: ["colors", key],
basis: "70%",
label: this.defaults.colors[key].description,
value: colors[key],
childProps: {type: "color"},
placeholder: colors[key]
settingsItems.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.CollapseContainer, {
title: "Time Format",
collapseStates: collapseStates,
children: Object.keys(choices).map(key => BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, {
type: "Select",
plugin: this,
keys: ["choices", key],
label: this.defaults.choices[key].description,
basis: "70%",
value: choices[key],
options: BDFDB.ObjectUtils.toArray(, (lang, id) => {return {value: id, label:}})),
searchable: true,
optionRenderer: lang => {
return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex, {
align: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Align.CENTER,
children: [
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Child, {
grow: 0,
shrink: 0,
basis: "40%",
children: lang.label
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Child, {
grow: 0,
shrink: 0,
basis: "60%",
children: this.getTimestamp(languages[lang.value].id)
valueRenderer: lang => {
return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex, {
align: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Align.CENTER,
children: [
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Child, {
grow: 0,
shrink: 0,
children: lang.label
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Child, {
grow: 1,
shrink: 0,
basis: "70%",
children: this.getTimestamp(languages[lang.value].id)
})).concat(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormDivider, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom8
})).concat(Object.keys(formats).map(key => BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, {
type: "TextInput",
plugin: this,
keys: ["formats", key],
label: this.defaults.formats[key].description,
basis: "70%",
value: formats[key],
onChange: (value, instance) => {
formats[key] = value;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.forceUpdate(BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(instance, {name: "BDFDB_SettingsPanel", up: true}), {name: "BDFDB_Select", all: true, noCopies: true}));
}))).concat(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormDivider, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom8
})).concat(Object.keys(amounts).map(key => this.defaults.amounts[key].cat == "format" && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, {
type: "TextInput",
plugin: this,
keys: ["amounts", key],
label: this.defaults.amounts[key].description,
note: this.defaults.amounts[key].note,
basis: "20%",
min: this.defaults.amounts[key].min,
max: this.defaults.amounts[key].max,
childProps: {type: "number"},
value: amounts[key]
}))).filter(n => n)
settingsItems.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.CollapseContainer, {
title: "Placeholder Guide",
dividerTop: true,
collapseStates: collapseStates,
children: [
"$hour will be replaced with the hour of the date",
"$minute will be replaced with the minutes of the date",
"$second will be replaced with the seconds of the date",
"$msecond will be replaced with the milliseconds of the date",
"$timemode will change $hour to a 12h format and will be replaced with AM/PM",
"$year will be replaced with the year of the date",
"$yearS will be replaced with the year in short form",
"$month will be replaced with the month of the date",
"$day will be replaced with the day of the date",
"$monthnameL will be replaced with the monthname in long format based on the Discord Language",
"$monthnameS will be replaced with the monthname in short format based on the Discord Language",
"$weekdayL will be replaced with the weekday in long format based on the Discord Language",
"$weekdayS will be replaced with the weekday in short format based on the Discord Language",
"$daysago will be replaced with a string to tell you how many days ago the event occured. For Example: " + BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStringsFormat("ACTIVITY_FEED_USER_PLAYED_DAYS_AGO", 3)
].map(string => {
return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormText, {
type: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormTextTypes.DESCRIPTION,
children: string
return settingsItems;
onSettingsClosed () {
if (this.SettingsUpdated) {
delete this.SettingsUpdated;
forceUpdateAll () {
settings = BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "settings");
colors = BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "colors");
choices = BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "choices");
formats = BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "formats");
amounts = BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "amounts");
let iconSize = amounts.tooltipWidth - 80;
BDFDB.DOMUtils.appendLocalStyle( + "TooltipWidth", `
${BDFDB.dotCN._serverdetailstooltip} {
width: ${amounts.tooltipWidth}px !important;
max-width: unset !important;
${BDFDB.dotCNS._serverdetailstooltip + BDFDB.dotCN._serverdetailsicon} {
width: ${iconSize > 0 ? iconSize : 30}px;
height: ${iconSize > 0 ? iconSize : 30}px;
processGuild (e) {
if ( {
let [children, index] = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findParent(e.returnvalue, {name: ["GuildTooltip", "BDFDB_TooltipContainer"]});
if (index > -1) children[index] = BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.TooltipContainer, Object.assign({}, children[index].props, {
tooltipConfig: Object.assign({
backgroundColor: colors.tooltipColor
}, children[index].props.tooltipConfig, {
className: !amounts.tooltipDelay && BDFDB.disCN._serverdetailstooltip,
type: "right",
guild: e.instance.props.guild,
list: true,
offset: 12
text: _ => BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(GuildDetailsComponent, {
guild: e.instance.props.guild
getTimestamp (languageId, time) {
let timeObj = time || new Date();
if (typeof time == "string" || typeof time == "number") timeObj = new Date(time);
if (timeObj.toString() == "Invalid Date") timeObj = new Date(parseInt(time));
if (timeObj.toString() == "Invalid Date") return;
let timeString = "";
if (languageId != "own") {
let timestamp = [];
timestamp.push(settings.cutSeconds ? this.cutOffSeconds(timeObj.toLocaleTimeString(languageId)) : timeObj.toLocaleTimeString(languageId));
if (settings.otherOrder) timestamp.reverse();
timeString = timestamp.length > 1 ? timestamp.join(", ") : (timestamp.length > 0 ? timestamp[0] : "");
if (timeString && settings.forceZeros) timeString = this.addLeadingZeros(timeString);
else {
languageId = BDFDB.LanguageUtils.getLanguage().id;
let now = new Date();
let hour = timeObj.getHours(), minute = timeObj.getMinutes(), second = timeObj.getSeconds(), msecond = timeObj.getMilliseconds(), day = timeObj.getDate(), month = timeObj.getMonth()+1, timemode = "", daysago = Math.round((Date.UTC(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate()) - Date.UTC(timeObj.getFullYear(), timeObj.getMonth(), timeObj.getDate()))/(1000*60*60*24));
if (formats.ownFormat.indexOf("$timemode") > -1) {
timemode = hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
hour = hour % 12;
hour = hour ? hour : 12;
timeString = formats.ownFormat
.replace(/\$hour/g, settings.forceZeros && hour < 10 ? "0" + hour : hour)
.replace(/\$minute/g, minute < 10 ? "0" + minute : minute)
.replace(/\$second/g, second < 10 ? "0" + second : second)
.replace(/\$msecond/g, settings.forceZeros ? (msecond < 10 ? "00" + msecond : (msecond < 100 ? "0" + msecond : msecond)) : msecond)
.replace(/\$timemode/g, timemode)
.replace(/\$weekdayL/g, timeObj.toLocaleDateString(languageId, {weekday: "long"}))
.replace(/\$weekdayS/g, timeObj.toLocaleDateString(languageId, {weekday: "short"}))
.replace(/\$monthnameL/g, timeObj.toLocaleDateString(languageId, {month: "long"}))
.replace(/\$monthnameS/g, timeObj.toLocaleDateString(languageId, {month: "short"}))
.replace(/\$daysago/g, amounts.maxDaysAgo == 0 || amounts.maxDaysAgo >= daysago ? (daysago > 0 ? BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStringsFormat("ACTIVITY_FEED_USER_PLAYED_DAYS_AGO", daysago) : BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.SEARCH_SHORTCUT_TODAY) : "")
.replace(/\$day/g, settings.forceZeros && day < 10 ? "0" + day : day)
.replace(/\$month/g, settings.forceZeros && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month)
.replace(/\$yearS/g, parseInt(timeObj.getFullYear().toString().slice(-2)))
.replace(/\$year/g, timeObj.getFullYear())
.trim().split(" ").filter(n => n).join(" ");
return timeString;
cutOffSeconds (timeString) {
return timeString.replace(/(.{1,2}:.{1,2}):.{1,2}(.*)/, "$1$2").replace(/(.{1,2}\..{1,2})\..{1,2}(.*)/, "$1$2").replace(/(.{1,2} h .{1,2} min) .{1,2} s(.*)/, "$1$2");
addLeadingZeros (timeString) {
let charArray = timeString.split("");
let numreg = /[0-9]/;
for (let i = 0; i < charArray.length; i++) {
if (!numreg.test(charArray[i-1]) && numreg.test(charArray[i]) && !numreg.test(charArray[i+1])) charArray[i] = "0" + charArray[i];
return charArray.join("");
setLabelsByLanguage () {
switch (BDFDB.LanguageUtils.getLanguage().id) {
case "bg": // Bulgarian
return {
creation_date: "Дата на създаване",
join_date: "Дата на присъединяване"
case "da": // Danish
return {
creation_date: "Oprettelsesdato",
join_date: "Deltag i dato"
case "de": // German
return {
creation_date: "Erstellungsdatum",
join_date: "Beitrittsdatum"
case "el": // Greek
return {
creation_date: "Ημερομηνία δημιουργίας",
join_date: "Ημερομηνία προσχώρησης"
case "es": // Spanish
return {
creation_date: "Fecha de creación",
join_date: "Fecha de Ingreso"
case "fi": // Finnish
return {
creation_date: "Luomispäivä",
join_date: "Liittymispäivä"
case "fr": // French
return {
creation_date: "Date de création",
join_date: "Date d'inscription"
case "hr": // Croatian
return {
creation_date: "Datum stvaranja",
join_date: "Datum pridruživanja"
case "hu": // Hungarian
return {
creation_date: "Létrehozás dátuma",
join_date: "Csatlakozás dátuma"
case "it": // Italian
return {
creation_date: "Data di creazione",
join_date: "Data di iscrizione"
case "ja": // Japanese
return {
creation_date: "作成日",
join_date: "参加日"
case "ko": // Korean
return {
creation_date: "제작 일",
join_date: "가입 날짜"
case "lt": // Lithuanian
return {
creation_date: "Sukūrimo data",
join_date: "Įstojimo data"
case "nl": // Dutch
return {
creation_date: "Aanmaakdatum",
join_date: "Toetredingsdatum"
case "no": // Norwegian
return {
creation_date: "Opprettelsesdato",
join_date: "Bli med på dato"
case "pl": // Polish
return {
creation_date: "Data utworzenia",
join_date: "Data dołączenia"
case "pt-BR": // Portuguese (Brazil)
return {
creation_date: "Data de criação",
join_date: "Data de afiliação"
case "ro": // Romanian
return {
creation_date: "Data crearii",
join_date: "Data înscrierii"
case "ru": // Russian
return {
creation_date: "Дата создания",
join_date: "Дате вступления"
case "sv": // Swedish
return {
creation_date: "Skapelsedagen",
join_date: "Gå med datum"
case "th": // Thai
return {
creation_date: "วันที่สร้าง",
join_date: "วันที่เข้าร่วม"
case "tr": // Turkish
return {
creation_date: "Oluşturulma tarihi",
join_date: "Üyelik Tarihi"
case "uk": // Ukrainian
return {
creation_date: "Дата створення",
join_date: "Дата приєднання"
case "vi": // Vietnamese
return {
creation_date: "Ngày thành lập",
join_date: "Ngày tham gia"
case "zh": // Chinese
return {
creation_date: "创建日期",
join_date: "参加日期"
case "zh-TW": // Chinese (Traditional)
return {
creation_date: "創建日期",
join_date: "參加日期"
default: // English
return {
creation_date: "Creation Date",
join_date: "Join Date"