this.dividerMarkup = ``;
this.css = `
.guilds > .friends-online {
cursor: pointer;
.stalkernotifications-modal .log-time {
width: 110px;
.stalkernotifications-modal .log-avatar {
width: 35px;
height: 35px;
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
border-radius: 50%;
.StalkerNotifications-settings .avatar-list {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
flex-wrap: wrap;
.StalkerNotifications-settings .type-toast, .StalkerNotifications-settings .type-desktop {
border-radius: 3px;
padding: 0 3px;
.StalkerNotifications-settings .type-toast {
background-color: #7289DA;
.StalkerNotifications-settings .type-desktop {
background-color: #43B581;
.StalkerNotifications-settings .settings-avatar.desktop {
border-color: #43B581;
.StalkerNotifications-settings .settings-avatar {
margin: 5px;
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
background-size: cover;
background-position: center;
border: 5px solid #7289DA;
border-radius: 50%;
box-sizing: border-box;
cursor: pointer;
.StalkerNotifications-settings .settings-avatar.desktop {
border-color: #43B581;
.StalkerNotifications-settings .settings-avatar.disabled {
border-color: #36393F;
filter: grayscale(100%) brightness(50%);
.StalkerNotifications-settings .settings-avatar ${BDFDB.dotCN.hovercardbutton} {
position: relative;
top: -10px;
right: -25px;
.StalkerNotifications-settings .settings-avatar:not(:hover) ${BDFDB.dotCN.hovercardbutton} {
opacity: 1;
.StalkerNotifications-settings .disable-all {
color: white;
background-color: #36393F;
this.defaults = {
settings: {
muteOnDND: {value:false, description:"Do not notify me when I am DnD:"},
onlyOnOnline: {value:false, description:"Only notify me when a User logs in:"},
openOnClick: {value:false, description:"Open the DM when you click a Notification:"}
amounts: {
checkInterval: {value:10, description:"Check Users every X seconds:"}
getName () {return "StalkerNotifications";}
getDescription () {return "Lets you observe the status of people that aren't your friends.";}
getVersion () {return "1.0.5";}
getAuthor () {return "DevilBro";}
getSettingsPanel () {
if (!this.started || typeof BDFDB !== "object") return;
var amounts = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "amounts");
var settings = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "settings");
var users = BDFDB.loadAllData(this, "users");
var notificationsound = BDFDB.loadAllData(this, "notificationsound");
var settingshtml = `
settingshtml += `
Add User:
for (let key in amounts) {
settingshtml += `
for (let key in settings) {
settingshtml += `
if ("Notification" in window) settingshtml += `
Desktop Notification Sound:
settingshtml += `
Click on a Icon to toggle Notifications for that User:
if ("Notification" in window) settingshtml += `
Rightclick on a Icon to toggle Notifications for that User:
settingshtml += `
for (let id in users) {
let user = this.UserUtils.getUser(id);
if (user) settingshtml += this.createSettingsAvatarHtml(user, users[id]);
settingshtml += `
settingshtml += `
Batch set Users:
${"Notification" in window ? `` : ``}
settingshtml += `
Timelog of LogIns/-Outs:
settingshtml += `
var settingspanel = $(settingshtml)[0];
.on("click", ".settings-checkbox", () => {this.updateSettings(settingspanel);})
.on("click", ".btn-savesong", () => {this.saveAudio(settingspanel);})
.on("click", ".mute-checkbox", (e) => {
var notificationsound = BDFDB.loadAllData(this, "notificationsound");
notificationsound.mute = e.currentTarget.checked;
BDFDB.saveAllData(notificationsound, this, "notificationsound");
.on("mouseenter", ".settings-avatar", (e) => {
let user = this.UserUtils.getUser(e.currentTarget.getAttribute("user-id"));
let data = BDFDB.loadData(user.id, "EditUsers", "users") || {};
BDFDB.createTooltip(data.name ? data.name : user.username, e.currentTarget, {type:"top"});
.on("contextmenu", ".settings-avatar", (e) => {
if (!("Notification" in window)) return;
let desktopoff = !e.currentTarget.classList.contains("desktop");
let id = e.currentTarget.getAttribute("user-id");
e.currentTarget.classList.toggle("desktop", desktopoff);
BDFDB.saveData(id, {"desktop":desktopoff,"disabled":false}, this, "users");
.on("click", ".settings-avatar", (e) => {
if (e.target.classList.contains("remove-user")) return;
let disableoff = !e.currentTarget.classList.contains("disabled");
let id = e.currentTarget.getAttribute("user-id");
e.currentTarget.classList.toggle("disabled", disableoff);
BDFDB.saveData(id, {"desktop":false,"disabled":disableoff}, this, "users");
.on("click", ".disable-all, .toast-all, .desktop-all", (e) => {
let button = e.currentTarget;
let disableon = button.getAttribute("do-disable");
let desktopon = button.getAttribute("do-desktop");
let users = BDFDB.loadAllData(this, "users");
settingspanel.querySelectorAll(".settings-avatar").forEach(avatar => {
let id = avatar.getAttribute("user-id");
avatar.classList.toggle("disabled", disableon);
avatar.classList.toggle("desktop", desktopon);
users[id].desktop = desktopon ? true : false;
users[id].disabled = disableon ? true : false;
BDFDB.saveAllData(users, this, "users");
.on("click", ".btn-adduser", (e) => {
let idinput = settingspanel.querySelector("#input-userid");
let user = this.UserUtils.getUser(idinput.value);
if (user) {
idinput.value = "";
BDFDB.saveData(user.id, {desktop:false,disabled:false}, this, "users");
settingspanel.querySelectorAll(".settings-avatar").forEach(entry => {entry.remove();});
let listhtml = `
let users = BDFDB.loadAllData(this, "users");
for (let id in users) {
let user = this.UserUtils.getUser(id);
if (user) listhtml += this.createSettingsAvatarHtml(user, users[id]);
listhtml += `
settingspanel.querySelector(".avatar-list").innerHTML = listhtml;
else BDFDB.showToast("Please enter a valid UserID.",{type:"error"});
.on("click", ".remove-user", (e) => {
BDFDB.removeData(e.currentTarget.parentElement.getAttribute("user-id"), this, "users");
settingspanel.querySelectorAll(".settings-avatar").forEach(entry => {entry.remove();});
let listhtml = `
let users = BDFDB.loadAllData(this, "users");
for (let id in users) {
let user = this.UserUtils.getUser(id);
if (user) listhtml += this.createSettingsAvatarHtml(user, users[id]);
listhtml += `
settingspanel.querySelector(".avatar-list").innerHTML = listhtml;
.on("click", ".btn-timelog", () => {
.on("input", ".amountInput", (e) => {
let input = parseInt(e.currentTarget.value);
if (!isNaN(input) && input > 0) {
BDFDB.saveData(e.currentTarget.getAttribute("option"), input, this, "amounts");
else e.currentTarget.value = 1;
return settingspanel;
load () {}
start () {
var libraryScript = null;
if (typeof BDFDB !== "object" || typeof BDFDB.isLibraryOutdated !== "function" || BDFDB.isLibraryOutdated()) {
libraryScript = document.querySelector('head script[src="https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/BDFDB.js"]');
if (libraryScript) libraryScript.remove();
libraryScript = document.createElement("script");
libraryScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
libraryScript.setAttribute("src", "https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/BDFDB.js");
this.startTimeout = setTimeout(() => {this.initialize();}, 30000);
if (typeof BDFDB === "object" && typeof BDFDB.isLibraryOutdated === "function") this.initialize();
else libraryScript.addEventListener("load", () => {this.initialize();});
initialize () {
if (typeof BDFDB === "object") {
this.ChannelUtils = BDFDB.WebModules.findByProperties(["getDMFromUserId"]);
this.ChannelSwitchUtils = BDFDB.WebModules.findByProperties(["selectPrivateChannel"]);
this.UserMetaStore = BDFDB.WebModules.findByProperties(["getStatus", "getOnlineFriendCount"]);
this.UserUtils = BDFDB.WebModules.findByProperties(["getUsers"]);
for (let id in BDFDB.loadAllData(this, "users")) {
this.stalkerOnlineList[id] = this.UserMetaStore.getStatus(id) != "offline";
else {
console.error(this.getName() + ": Fatal Error: Could not load BD functions!");
stop () {
if (typeof BDFDB === "object") {
// begin of own functions
updateSettings (settingspanel) {
var settings = {};
for (var input of settingspanel.querySelectorAll(BDFDB.dotCN.switchinner)) {
settings[input.value] = input.checked;
BDFDB.saveAllData(settings, this, "settings");
createSettingsAvatarHtml (user, settings) {
let data = BDFDB.loadData(user.id, "EditUsers", "users") || {};
return `
startInterval () {
this.checkInterval = setInterval(() => {
let settings = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "settings");
let notificationsound = BDFDB.loadAllData(this, "notificationsound");
let users = BDFDB.loadAllData(this, "users");
for (let id in users) {
let online = this.UserMetaStore.getStatus(id) != "offline";
let user = this.UserUtils.getUser(id);
if (user && this.stalkerOnlineList[id] != online && !users[id].disabled) {
this.timeLog.push({user, online, time: new Date()});
if (!(settings.onlyOnOnline && !online) && !(settings.muteOnDND && BDFDB.getUserStatus() == "dnd")) {
let data = BDFDB.loadData(user.id, "EditUsers", "users") || {};
let string = `${BDFDB.encodeToHTML(data.name ? data.name : user.username)} is ${online ? "online" : "offline"}.`;
let avatar = data.removeIcon ? "" : (data.url ? data.url : BDFDB.getUserAvatar(user.id));
let openChannel = () => {
if (settings.openOnClick){
let DMid = this.ChannelUtils.getDMFromUserId(user.id);
if (DMid) {
if (!users[id].desktop) {
let toast = BDFDB.showToast(`
`, {html:true, timeout:5000, type:(online ? "success" : null), icon:false});
$(toast).on("click." + this.getName(), openChannel);
else {
let notificationsound = BDFDB.loadAllData(this, "notificationsound");
BDFDB.showDesktopNotification(string, {icon:avatar, timeout:5000, click:openChannel, silent:notificationsound.mute, sound:notificationsound.song});
this.stalkerOnlineList[id] = online;
},BDFDB.getData("checkInterval", this, "amounts") * 1000);
saveAudio (settingspanel) {
var successSavedAudio = (parsedurl, parseddata) => {
if (parsedurl && parseddata) BDFDB.showToast(`Sound was saved successfully.`, {type:"success"});
let notificationsound = BDFDB.loadAllData(this, "notificationsound");
notificationsound.url = parsedurl;
notificationsound.song = parseddata;
BDFDB.saveAllData(notificationsound, this, "notificationsound");
var url = settingspanel.querySelector(".songInput").value;
if (url.length == 0) {
BDFDB.showToast(`Sound was set to the default sound.`, {type:"warn"});
successSavedAudio(url, url);
else if (url.indexOf("http") == 0) {
require("request")(url, (error, response, result) => {
if (response) {
var type = response.headers["content-type"];
if (type && (type.indexOf("octet-stream") > -1 || type.indexOf("audio") > -1 || type.indexOf("video") > -1)) {
successSavedAudio(url, url);
BDFDB.showToast("Use a valid direct link to a video or audio source. They usually end on something like .mp3, .mp4 or .wav.", {type:"danger"});
else {
require("fs").readFile(url, (error, response) => {
if (error) {
BDFDB.showToast("Could not fetch file. Please make sure the file exists.", {type:"danger"});
else {
successSavedAudio(url, `data:audio/mpeg;base64,${response.toString("base64")}`);
showTimeLog () {
var timeLogModal = $(this.timeLogModalMarkup);
let logs = this.timeLog.slice(0).reverse();
for (let log of logs) {
let entry = $(this.logEntryMarkup);
let divider = $(this.dividerMarkup);
let data = BDFDB.loadData(log.user.id, "EditUsers", "users") || {};
entry.find(".log-avatar").css("background-image", `url(${data.removeIcon ? "" : (data.url ? data.url : BDFDB.getUserAvatar(log.user.id))})`);
entry.find(".log-description").text(`${data.name ? data.name : log.user.username} is ${log.online ? "online" : "offline"}.`);
timeLogModal.find(BDFDB.dotCN.modaldivider + ":last-of-type").remove();