//META{"name":"OwnerTag"}*// class OwnerTag { getName () {return "OwnerTag";} getVersion () {return "1.0.0";} getAuthor () {return "DevilBro";} getDescription () {return "Adds a Tag like Bottags to the Serverowner.";} initConstructor () { this.patchModules = { "NameTag":"componentDidMount", "Popout":"componentDidMount", "StandardSidebarView":"componentWillUnmount" }; this.defaults = { settings: { addInChatWindow: {value:true, inner:true, description:"Messages"}, addInMemberList: {value:true, inner:true, description:"Member List"}, addInUserPopout: {value:true, inner:true, description:"User Popouts"}, addInUserProfil: {value:true, inner:true, description:"User Profil Modal"}, useRoleColor: {value:true, inner:false, description:"Use the Rolecolor instead of the default Blue."}, }, inputs: { ownTagName: {value:"Owner", description:"Owner Tag Text"} } }; } getSettingsPanel () { if (!this.started || typeof BDFDB !== "object") return; var settings = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "settings"); var inputs = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "inputs"); var settingshtml = `
`; for (let key in inputs) { settingshtml += `


`; } for (let key in settings) { if (!this.defaults.settings[key].inner) settingshtml += `


`; } settingshtml += `

Add Owner Tag in:

`; for (let key in settings) { if (this.defaults.settings[key].inner) settingshtml += `


`; } settingshtml += `
`; settingshtml += `
`; var settingspanel = $(settingshtml)[0]; BDFDB.initElements(settingspanel); $(settingspanel) .on("keyup", BDFDB.dotCN.input, () => {this.saveInputs(settingspanel);}) .on("click", BDFDB.dotCN.switchinner, () => {this.updateSettings(settingspanel);}); return settingspanel; } //legacy load () {} start () { var libraryScript = null; if (typeof BDFDB !== "object" || typeof BDFDB.isLibraryOutdated !== "function" || BDFDB.isLibraryOutdated()) { libraryScript = document.querySelector('head script[src="https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/BDFDB.js"]'); if (libraryScript) libraryScript.remove(); libraryScript = document.createElement("script"); libraryScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); libraryScript.setAttribute("src", "https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/BDFDB.js"); document.head.appendChild(libraryScript); } this.startTimeout = setTimeout(() => {this.initialize();}, 30000); if (typeof BDFDB === "object" && typeof BDFDB.isLibraryOutdated === "function") this.initialize(); else libraryScript.addEventListener("load", () => {this.initialize();}); } initialize () { if (typeof BDFDB === "object") { BDFDB.loadMessage(this); this.MemberUtils = BDFDB.WebModules.findByProperties("getMembers", "getMember"); this.GuildUtils = BDFDB.WebModules.findByProperties("getGuilds","getGuild"); this.LastGuildStore = BDFDB.WebModules.findByProperties("getLastSelectedGuildId"); BDFDB.WebModules.forceAllUpdates(this); } else { console.error(this.getName() + ": Fatal Error: Could not load BD functions!"); } } stop () { if (typeof BDFDB === "object") { BDFDB.removeEles(".owner-tag"); BDFDB.unloadMessage(this); } } // begin of own functions updateSettings (settingspanel) { var settings = {}; for (var input of settingspanel.querySelectorAll(BDFDB.dotCN.switchinner)) { settings[input.value] = input.checked; } BDFDB.saveAllData(settings, this, "settings"); this.updateTags = true; } saveInputs (settingspanel) { let inputs = {}; for (let input of settingspanel.querySelectorAll(BDFDB.dotCN.input)) { inputs[input.getAttribute("option")] = input.value; } BDFDB.saveAllData(inputs, this, "inputs"); this.updateTags = true; } processNameTag (instance, wrapper) { if (!instance.props || !wrapper.classList) return; else if (wrapper.classList.contains(BDFDB.disCN.membernametag) && BDFDB.getData("addInMemberList", this, "settings")) { this.addOwnerTag(instance.props.user, wrapper, "list", BDFDB.disCN.bottagnametag + (instance.props.botClass ? (" " + instance.props.botClass) : "")); } else if (BDFDB.getParentEle(BDFDB.dotCN.userpopout, wrapper) && BDFDB.getData("addInUserPopout", this, "settings")) { this.addOwnerTag(instance.props.user, wrapper, "popout", BDFDB.disCN.bottagnametag + (instance.props.botClass ? (" " + instance.props.botClass) : "")); } else if (BDFDB.getParentEle(BDFDB.dotCN.userprofile, wrapper) && BDFDB.getData("addInUserProfil", this, "settings")) { this.addOwnerTag(instance.props.user, wrapper, "profile", BDFDB.disCN.bottagnametag + (instance.props.botClass ? (" " + instance.props.botClass) : "")); } } processPopout (instance, wrapper) { let fiber = instance._reactInternalFiber; if (fiber.return && fiber.return.memoizedProps && fiber.return.memoizedProps.message) { let username = wrapper.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.messageusername); if (username) { let message = BDFDB.getParentEle(BDFDB.dotCN.messagegroup, wrapper); this.addOwnerTag(fiber.return.memoizedProps.message.author, username.parentElement, "chat", BDFDB.disCN.bottagmessage + " " + (message.classList.contains(BDFDB.disCN.messagegroupcozy) ? BDFDB.disCN.bottagmessagecozy : BDFDB.disCN.bottagmessagecompact)); } } } processStandardSidebarView (instance, wrapper) { if (this.updateTags) { this.updateTags = false; BDFDB.removeEles(".owner-tag"); BDFDB.WebModules.forceAllUpdates(this); } } addOwnerTag (info, wrapper, type, selector = "") { if (!info || !wrapper || !wrapper.parentElement) return; BDFDB.removeEles(wrapper.querySelectorAll(".owner-tag")); let guild = this.GuildUtils.getGuild(this.LastGuildStore.getGuildId()); if (!guild || guild.ownerId != info.id) return; let userolecolor = BDFDB.getData("useRoleColor", this, "settings"); let member = userolecolor ? (this.MemberUtils.getMember(this.LastGuildStore.getGuildId(), info.id) || {}) : {}; let EditUsersData = BDFDB.isPluginEnabled("EditUsers") ? bdplugins.EditUsers.plugin.getUserData(info.id, wrapper) : {}; let tag = document.createElement("span"); tag.className = "owner-tag " + "owner-" + type + "-tag " + (userolecolor ? "owner-tag-rolecolor " : "") + BDFDB.disCN.bottag + (selector ? (" " + selector) : ""); tag.innerText = BDFDB.getData("ownTagName", this, "inputs") || "Owner"; let inverted = type == "popout" || type == "profile"; tag.classList.add(inverted ? BDFDB.disCN.bottaginvert : BDFDB.disCN.bottagregular); tag.style.setProperty(inverted ? "color" : "background-color", BDFDB.colorCONVERT(EditUsersData.color1 || member.colorString, "RGB"), "important"); wrapper.appendChild(tag); } }