/** * @name CustomQuoter * @author DevilBro * @authorId 278543574059057154 * @version 1.2.6 * @description Brings back the Quote Feature and allows you to set your own Quote Formats * @invite Jx3TjNS * @donate https://www.paypal.me/MircoWittrien * @patreon https://www.patreon.com/MircoWittrien * @website https://mwittrien.github.io/ * @source https://github.com/mwittrien/BetterDiscordAddons/tree/master/Plugins/CustomQuoter/ * @updateUrl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mwittrien/BetterDiscordAddons/master/Plugins/CustomQuoter/CustomQuoter.plugin.js */ module.exports = (_ => { const config = { "info": { "name": "CustomQuoter", "author": "DevilBro", "version": "1.2.6", "description": "Brings back the Quote Feature and allows you to set your own Quote Formats" }, "changeLog": { "improved": { "Auto New Line": "If there is already some text in your Message Input, then the plugin adds a newline before the quote" } } }; return !window.BDFDB_Global || (!window.BDFDB_Global.loaded && !window.BDFDB_Global.started) ? class { getName () {return config.info.name;} getAuthor () {return config.info.author;} getVersion () {return config.info.version;} getDescription () {return `The Library Plugin needed for ${config.info.name} is missing. Open the Plugin Settings to download it. \n\n${config.info.description}`;} downloadLibrary () { require("request").get("https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Library/0BDFDB.plugin.js", (e, r, b) => { if (!e && b && r.statusCode == 200) require("fs").writeFile(require("path").join(BdApi.Plugins.folder, "0BDFDB.plugin.js"), b, _ => BdApi.showToast("Finished downloading BDFDB Library", {type: "success"})); else BdApi.alert("Error", "Could not download BDFDB Library Plugin. Try again later or download it manually from GitHub: https://mwittrien.github.io/downloader/?library"); }); } load () { if (!window.BDFDB_Global || !Array.isArray(window.BDFDB_Global.pluginQueue)) window.BDFDB_Global = Object.assign({}, window.BDFDB_Global, {pluginQueue: []}); if (!window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal) { window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal = true; BdApi.showConfirmationModal("Library Missing", `The Library Plugin needed for ${config.info.name} is missing. Please click "Download Now" to install it.`, { confirmText: "Download Now", cancelText: "Cancel", onCancel: _ => {delete window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal;}, onConfirm: _ => { delete window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal; this.downloadLibrary(); } }); } if (!window.BDFDB_Global.pluginQueue.includes(config.info.name)) window.BDFDB_Global.pluginQueue.push(config.info.name); } start () {this.load();} stop () {} getSettingsPanel () { let template = document.createElement("template"); template.innerHTML = `
The Library Plugin needed for ${config.info.name} is missing.\nPlease click Download Now to install it.
`; template.content.firstElementChild.querySelector("a").addEventListener("click", this.downloadLibrary); return template.content.firstElementChild; } } : (([Plugin, BDFDB]) => { var _this, ChannelTextAreaForm; var formats = {}, format = null; const PreviewMessageComponent = class PreviewMessage extends BdApi.React.Component { render() { let spoofChannel = new BDFDB.DiscordObjects.Channel({ id: "126223823845647771", guild_id: "850725684241078788", "name": "Test Channel" }); let spoofQuotedMessage = new BDFDB.DiscordObjects.Message({ id: "562432230424221059", author: new BDFDB.DiscordObjects.User({ id: "230422432565221049", username: "Quoted User" }), channel_id: spoofChannel.id, content: "This is a test message\nto showcase what the quote would look like" }); let spoofMessage = new BDFDB.DiscordObjects.Message({ author: new BDFDB.DiscordObjects.User({ id: "222242304256531049", username: "Test User" }), channel_id: spoofChannel.id, content: _this.parseQuote(spoofQuotedMessage, spoofChannel, this.props.format) }); return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", { className: BDFDB.disCN.messagepopout, children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.MessageGroup, { disableInteraction: true, message: spoofMessage, channel: spoofChannel }) }); } }; return class CustomQuoter extends Plugin { onLoad () { _this = this; this.patchedModules = { before: { ChannelTextAreaForm: "render" } }; this.defaults = { general: { quoteOnlySelected: {value: true, description: "Only insert selected Text in a Quoted Message"}, holdShiftToolbar: {value: false, description: "Need to hold Shift on a Message to show Quick Quote"}, alwaysCopy: {value: false, description: "Always copy Quote to Clipboard without holding Shift"}, ignoreMentionInDM: {value: true, description: "Do not add a mention in Direct Messages"}, forceZeros: {value: false, description: "Force leading Zeros"} } }; } onStart () { this.forceUpdateAll(); } onStop () {} getSettingsPanel (collapseStates = {}) { let settingsPanel; return settingsPanel = BDFDB.PluginUtils.createSettingsPanel(this, { collapseStates: collapseStates, children: _ => { let settingsItems = []; settingsItems.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.CollapseContainer, { title: "Settings", collapseStates: collapseStates, children: Object.keys(this.settings.general).map(key => BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, { type: "Switch", plugin: this, keys: ["general", key], label: this.defaults.general[key].description, value: this.settings.general[key] })) })); settingsItems.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.CollapseContainer, { title: "Formats", collapseStates: collapseStates, children: [ BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex, { className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom8, align: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Align.END, children: [ BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Child, { children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormItem, { title: "Name:", children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.TextInput, { className: "input-newquote input-name", value: "", placeholder: "Formatname" }) }) }), BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Child, { children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormItem, { title: "Quote:", children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.TextInput, { className: "input-newquote input-quote", value: "", placeholder: "Quote" }) }) }), BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Button, { style: {marginBottom: 1}, onClick: _ => { for (let input of settingsPanel.props._node.querySelectorAll(".input-newquote " + BDFDB.dotCN.input)) if (!input.value || input.value.length == 0 || input.value.trim().length == 0) return BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast("Fill out all fields to add a new quote.", {type: "danger"}); let key = settingsPanel.props._node.querySelector(".input-name " + BDFDB.dotCN.input).value.trim(); let quote = settingsPanel.props._node.querySelector(".input-quote " + BDFDB.dotCN.input).value.trim(); if (formats[key]) return BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast("A quote with the choosen name already exists, please choose another name", {type: "danger"}); else { formats[key] = quote; BDFDB.DataUtils.save(formats, this, "formats"); BDFDB.PluginUtils.refreshSettingsPanel(this, settingsPanel, collapseStates); } }, children: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.ADD }) ] }), BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormDivider, { className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom20 }) ].concat(Object.keys(formats).map(key => BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Card, { cardId: key, noRemove: key == "Standard", onRemove: _ => { delete formats[key]; BDFDB.DataUtils.save(formats, this, "formats"); BDFDB.PluginUtils.refreshSettingsPanel(this, settingsPanel, collapseStates); }, children: [ BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, { type: "TextInput", plugin: this, keys: ["formats", key], label: key + ":", basis: "70%", value: formats[key], onChange: (value, instance) => { formats[key] = value; BDFDB.ReactUtils.forceUpdate(BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(BDFDB.ObjectUtils.get(instance, `${BDFDB.ReactUtils.instanceKey}.return`), {key: "PREVIEW_MESSAGE_" + key.replace(/\s/g, "_")})); } }), BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(PreviewMessageComponent, { key: "PREVIEW_MESSAGE_" + key.replace(/\s/g, "_"), format: key }) ] }))) })); settingsItems.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.CollapseContainer, { title: "Placeholder Guide", collapseStates: collapseStates, children: [ "$quote will be replaced with the quoted message content", "$rawQuote will be replaced with the raw quoted message content", "$mention will be replaced with a mention of the message author", "$link will be replaced with a discord direct link pointing to the message", "$authorId will be replaced with the ID of the message author", "$authorName will be replaced with the nickname or username of the message author", "$authorAccount will be replaced with the accountname of the message author (username#discriminator)", "$channel will be replaced with a mention of the channel (ignored for DMs)", "$channelId will be replaced with the ID of the channel", "$channelName will be replaced with the Name of the channel", "$serverId will be replaced with the ID of the server", "$serverName will be replaced with the name of the server", "$hour will be replaced with the quote hour", "$minute will be replaced with the quote minutes", "$second will be replaced with the quote seconds", "$msecond will be replaced with the quote milliseconds", "$timemode will change $hour to a 12h format and will be replaced with AM/PM", "$year will be replaced with the quote year", "$month will be replaced with the quote month", "$day will be replaced with the quote day", "$monthnameL will be replaced with the monthname in long format based on the Discord Language", "$monthnameS will be replaced with the monthname in short format based on the Discord Language", "$weekdayL will be replaced with the weekday in long format based on the Discord Language", "$weekdayS will be replaced with the weekday in short format based on the Discord Language" ].map(string => BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormText, { type: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormTextTypes.DESCRIPTION, children: string })) })); return settingsItems; } }); } onSettingsClosed () { if (this.SettingsUpdated) { delete this.SettingsUpdated; this.forceUpdateAll(); } } forceUpdateAll () { formats = Object.assign({"Standard": "$quote $mention"}, BDFDB.DataUtils.load(this, "formats")); BDFDB.PatchUtils.forceAllUpdates(this); } onMessageContextMenu (e) { if (e.instance.props.message && e.instance.props.channel) { let item = null, action = (choice, shift) => { format = choice; this.quote(e.instance.props.channel, e.instance.props.message, shift); format = null; }; let [children, index] = BDFDB.ContextMenuUtils.findItem(e.returnvalue, {id: "quote"}); if (index > -1) { item = children[index]; item.props.action = event => {action(null, event.shiftKey);}; } else { item = BDFDB.ContextMenuUtils.createItem(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.MenuItems.MenuItem, { label: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.QUOTE, id: "quote", action: event => {action(null, event.shiftKey);} }); let [unreadChildren, unreadIndex] = BDFDB.ContextMenuUtils.findItem(e.returnvalue, {id: "mark-unread"}); unreadChildren.splice(unreadIndex > -1 ? unreadIndex - 1 : unreadChildren.length, 0, item); } let addedFormats = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.exclude(formats, "Standard"); if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.isEmpty(addedFormats)) item.props.children = BDFDB.ContextMenuUtils.createItem(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.MenuItems.MenuGroup, { children: Object.keys(addedFormats).map(key => BDFDB.ContextMenuUtils.createItem(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.MenuItems.MenuItem, { label: key, id: BDFDB.ContextMenuUtils.createItemId(this.name, "added-quote", key), action: event => {action(key, event.shiftKey);} })) }); else { let hint = BDFDB.BDUtils.isPluginEnabled("MessageUtilities") ? BDFDB.BDUtils.getPlugin("MessageUtilities").getActiveShortcutString("__Quote_Message") : null; if (hint) item.props.hint = _ => { return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.MenuItems.MenuHint, { hint: hint }); }; } } } onMessageOptionContextMenu (e) { if (e.instance.props.message && e.instance.props.channel) { let [quoteChildren, quoteIndex] = BDFDB.ContextMenuUtils.findItem(e.returnvalue, {id: "quote"}); if (quoteIndex == -1) { let [children, index] = BDFDB.ContextMenuUtils.findItem(e.returnvalue, {id: "mark-unread"}); children.splice(index > -1 ? index : 0, 0, BDFDB.ContextMenuUtils.createItem(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.MenuItems.MenuItem, { label: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.QUOTE, id: BDFDB.ContextMenuUtils.createItemId(this.name, "quote"), icon: _ => { return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon, { className: BDFDB.disCN.menuicon, name: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon.Names.QUOTE }); }, action: event => { this.quote(e.instance.props.channel, e.instance.props.message, event.shiftKey); } })); } } } onMessageOptionToolbar (e) { if ((e.instance.props.expanded || !this.settings.general.holdShiftToolbar) && e.instance.props.message && e.instance.props.channel) { let quoteButton = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChild(e.returnvalue, {key: "quote"}); if (!quoteButton) { let [children, index] = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findParent(e.returnvalue, {key: ["reply", "mark-unread"]}); children.splice(index > -1 ? index : (!e.instance.props.expanded ? 1 : 0), 0, BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.TooltipContainer, { key: "quote", text: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.QUOTE, children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Clickable, { className: BDFDB.disCN.messagetoolbarbutton, onClick: _ => { this.quote(e.instance.props.channel, e.instance.props.message); }, children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon, { className: BDFDB.disCN.messagetoolbaricon, name: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon.Names.QUOTE }) }) })); } } } processChannelTextAreaForm (e) { ChannelTextAreaForm = e.instance; } quote (channel, message, shift) { let text = this.parseQuote(message, channel); if (text && text.length) { if (shift && !this.settings.general.alwaysCopy || !shift && this.settings.general.alwaysCopy || !(BDFDB.DMUtils.isDMChannel(channel.id) || BDFDB.UserUtils.can("SEND_MESSAGES"))) { BDFDB.LibraryRequires.electron.clipboard.write({text: text}); BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(this.labels.toast_quotecopied, {type: "success"}); } else { if (ChannelTextAreaForm) { let textValue = [ChannelTextAreaForm.state.textValue, text].filter(n => n).join("\n"); ChannelTextAreaForm.setState({textValue: textValue, richValue: BDFDB.LibraryModules.SlateUtils.deserialize(textValue)}); } else BDFDB.LibraryModules.DispatchUtils.ComponentDispatch.dispatchToLastSubscribed(BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ComponentActions.INSERT_TEXT, {content: text}); } } } parseQuote (message, channel, choice = format) { let languageId = BDFDB.LanguageUtils.getLanguage().id; let quoteFormat = formats[choice] || formats.Standard || ""; let guild = channel.guild_id ? (BDFDB.LibraryModules.GuildStore.getGuild(channel.guild_id) || {id: channel.guild_id, name: "Test Server"}) : {id: BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ME, name: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.DIRECT_MESSAGES}; let member = guild && BDFDB.LibraryModules.MemberStore.getMember(guild.id, message.author.id); let timestamp = new Date(message.editedTimestamp || message.timestamp); let hour = timestamp.getHours(), minute = timestamp.getMinutes(), second = timestamp.getSeconds(), msecond = timestamp.getMilliseconds(), day = timestamp.getDate(), month = timestamp.getMonth()+1, timemode = ""; if (quoteFormat.indexOf("$timemode") > -1) { timemode = hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"; hour = hour % 12; hour = hour ? hour : 12; } let content = message.content; let selectedText = this.settings.general.quoteOnlySelected && document.getSelection().toString().trim(); if (selectedText) content = BDFDB.StringUtils.extractSelection(content, selectedText); if (content) { content = content.replace(/(@everyone|@here)/g, "`$1`").replace(/``(@everyone|@here)``/g, "`$1`"); content = content.replace(/<@[!&]{0,1}([0-9]{10,})>/g, (string, match) => { let user = BDFDB.LibraryModules.UserStore.getUser(match); if (user) { let userMember = channel.guild_id && BDFDB.LibraryModules.MemberStore.getMember(guild.id, match); return `@ ${userMember && userMember.nick || user.username}`; } else if (channel.guild_id && guild.roles[match] && guild.roles[match].name) return `${guild.roles[match].name.indexOf("@") == 0 ? "" : "@"} ${guild.roles[match].name}`; return string; }); } let unquotedLines = content.split("\n").filter(line => !line.startsWith("> ")); let quotedLines = unquotedLines.slice(unquotedLines.findIndex(line => line.trim().length > 0)).map(line => "> " + line + "\n").join(""); return BDFDB.StringUtils.insertNRST(quoteFormat) .replace("$mention", this.settings.general.ignoreMentionInDM && channel.isDM() ? "" : `<@!${message.author.id}>`) .replace("$link", ``) .replace("$authorName", member && member.nick || message.author.username || "") .replace("$authorAccount", `${message.author.username}#${message.author.discriminator}`) .replace("$authorId", message.author.id || "") .replace("$channelName", channel.name || "") .replace("$channelId", channel.id || "") .replace("$channel", channel.isDM() && channel.rawRecipients[0] ? `@ ${channel.rawRecipients[0].username}` : `<#${channel.id}>`) .replace("$serverId", guild.id || "") .replace("$serverName", guild.name || "") .replace("$hour", this.settings.general.forceZeros && hour < 10 ? "0" + hour : hour) .replace("$minute", minute < 10 ? "0" + minute : minute) .replace("$second", second < 10 ? "0" + second : second) .replace("$msecond", this.settings.general.forceZeros ? (msecond < 10 ? "00" + msecond : (msecond < 100 ? "0" + msecond : msecond)) : msecond) .replace("$timemode", timemode) .replace("$weekdayL", timestamp.toLocaleDateString(languageId, {weekday: "long"})) .replace("$weekdayS", timestamp.toLocaleDateString(languageId, {weekday: "short"})) .replace("$monthnameL", timestamp.toLocaleDateString(languageId, {month: "long"})) .replace("$monthnameS", timestamp.toLocaleDateString(languageId, {month: "short"})) .replace("$day", this.settings.general.forceZeros && day < 10 ? "0" + day : day) .replace("$month", this.settings.general.forceZeros && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month) .replace("$year", timestamp.getFullYear()) .replace("$quote", quotedLines || "") .replace("$rawQuote", unquotedLines.join("\n") || ""); } addLeadingZeros (timestring) { let charArray = timestring.split(""); let numreg = /[0-9]/; for (let i = 0; i < charArray.length; i++) if (!numreg.test(charArray[i-1]) && numreg.test(charArray[i]) && !numreg.test(charArray[i+1])) charArray[i] = "0" + charArray[i]; return charArray.join(""); } setLabelsByLanguage () { switch (BDFDB.LanguageUtils.getLanguage().id) { case "bg": // Bulgarian return { toast_quotecopied: "Цитатът е копиран в клипборда" }; case "da": // Danish return { toast_quotecopied: "Citatet er kopieret til udklipsholderen" }; case "de": // German return { toast_quotecopied: "Zitat wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert" }; case "el": // Greek return { toast_quotecopied: "Το απόσπασμα έχει αντιγραφεί στο πρόχειρο" }; case "es": // Spanish return { toast_quotecopied: "La cita se copió al portapapeles" }; case "fi": // Finnish return { toast_quotecopied: "Lainaus on kopioitu leikepöydälle" }; case "fr": // French return { toast_quotecopied: "Le devis a été copié dans le presse-papiers" }; case "hr": // Croatian return { toast_quotecopied: "Citat je kopiran u međuspremnik" }; case "hu": // Hungarian return { toast_quotecopied: "Az árajánlatot a vágólapra másolta" }; case "it": // Italian return { toast_quotecopied: "La citazione è stata copiata negli appunti" }; case "ja": // Japanese return { toast_quotecopied: "見積もりがクリップボードにコピーされました" }; case "ko": // Korean return { toast_quotecopied: "견적이 클립 보드에 복사되었습니다." }; case "lt": // Lithuanian return { toast_quotecopied: "Citata nukopijuota į mainų sritį" }; case "nl": // Dutch return { toast_quotecopied: "Citaat is naar het klembord gekopieerd" }; case "no": // Norwegian return { toast_quotecopied: "Tilbudet er kopiert til utklippstavlen" }; case "pl": // Polish return { toast_quotecopied: "Cytat został skopiowany do schowka" }; case "pt-BR": // Portuguese (Brazil) return { toast_quotecopied: "A citação foi copiada para a área de transferência" }; case "ro": // Romanian return { toast_quotecopied: "Citatul a fost copiat în clipboard" }; case "ru": // Russian return { toast_quotecopied: "Цитата скопирована в буфер обмена" }; case "sv": // Swedish return { toast_quotecopied: "Citatet har kopierats till Urklipp" }; case "th": // Thai return { toast_quotecopied: "คัดลอกใบเสนอราคาไปยังคลิปบอร์ดแล้ว" }; case "tr": // Turkish return { toast_quotecopied: "Alıntı panoya kopyalandı" }; case "uk": // Ukrainian return { toast_quotecopied: "Цитата скопійована в буфер обміну" }; case "vi": // Vietnamese return { toast_quotecopied: "Trích dẫn đã được sao chép vào khay nhớ tạm" }; case "zh-CN": // Chinese (China) return { toast_quotecopied: "报价已复制到剪贴板" }; case "zh-TW": // Chinese (Taiwan) return { toast_quotecopied: "報價已復製到剪貼板" }; default: // English return { toast_quotecopied: "Quote has been copied to clipboard" }; } } }; })(window.BDFDB_Global.PluginUtils.buildPlugin(config)); })();