/** * @name HideMutedCategories * @author DevilBro * @authorId 278543574059057154 * @version 1.0.6 * @description Hides muted Categories, if muted Channels are hidden * @invite Jx3TjNS * @donate https://www.paypal.me/MircoWittrien * @patreon https://www.patreon.com/MircoWittrien * @website https://mwittrien.github.io/ * @source https://github.com/mwittrien/BetterDiscordAddons/tree/master/Plugins/HideMutedCategories/ * @updateUrl https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/HideMutedCategories/HideMutedCategories.plugin.js */ module.exports = (_ => { const config = { "info": { "name": "HideMutedCategories", "author": "DevilBro", "version": "1.0.6", "description": "Hides muted Categories, if muted Channels are hidden" }, "changeLog": { "fixed": { "Unread Bar": "Unread Badge no longer shows in the channel list when an unmuted channel inside a hidden muted category has unread messages" } } }; return (window.Lightcord || window.LightCord) ? class { getName () {return config.info.name;} getAuthor () {return config.info.author;} getVersion () {return config.info.version;} getDescription () {return "Do not use LightCord!";} load () {BdApi.alert("Attention!", "By using LightCord you are risking your Discord Account, due to using a 3rd Party Client. Switch to an official Discord Client (https://discord.com/) with the proper BD Injection (https://betterdiscord.app/)");} start() {} stop() {} } : !window.BDFDB_Global || (!window.BDFDB_Global.loaded && !window.BDFDB_Global.started) ? class { getName () {return config.info.name;} getAuthor () {return config.info.author;} getVersion () {return config.info.version;} getDescription () {return `The Library Plugin needed for ${config.info.name} is missing. Open the Plugin Settings to download it. \n\n${config.info.description}`;} downloadLibrary () { require("request").get("https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Library/0BDFDB.plugin.js", (e, r, b) => { if (!e && b && r.statusCode == 200) require("fs").writeFile(require("path").join(BdApi.Plugins.folder, "0BDFDB.plugin.js"), b, _ => BdApi.showToast("Finished downloading BDFDB Library", {type: "success"})); else BdApi.alert("Error", "Could not download BDFDB Library Plugin. Try again later or download it manually from GitHub: https://mwittrien.github.io/downloader/?library"); }); } load () { if (!window.BDFDB_Global || !Array.isArray(window.BDFDB_Global.pluginQueue)) window.BDFDB_Global = Object.assign({}, window.BDFDB_Global, {pluginQueue: []}); if (!window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal) { window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal = true; BdApi.showConfirmationModal("Library Missing", `The Library Plugin needed for ${config.info.name} is missing. Please click "Download Now" to install it.`, { confirmText: "Download Now", cancelText: "Cancel", onCancel: _ => {delete window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal;}, onConfirm: _ => { delete window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal; this.downloadLibrary(); } }); } if (!window.BDFDB_Global.pluginQueue.includes(config.info.name)) window.BDFDB_Global.pluginQueue.push(config.info.name); } start () {this.load();} stop () {} getSettingsPanel () { let template = document.createElement("template"); template.innerHTML = `
The Library Plugin needed for ${config.info.name} is missing.\nPlease click Download Now to install it.
`; template.content.firstElementChild.querySelector("a").addEventListener("click", this.downloadLibrary); return template.content.firstElementChild; } } : (([Plugin, BDFDB]) => { return class HideMutedCategories extends Plugin { onLoad () { this.patchedModules = { before: { Channels: "render" }, after: { Channels: "render" } }; this.patchPriority = 9; } onStart () { BDFDB.PatchUtils.forceAllUpdates(this); } onStop () { BDFDB.PatchUtils.forceAllUpdates(this); } processChannels (e) { if (!e.instance.props.guild || !e.instance.props.collapseMuted) return; if (!e.returnvalue) { e.instance.props.categories = Object.assign({}, e.instance.props.categories); for (let catId in e.instance.props.categories) if (BDFDB.LibraryModules.MutedUtils.isChannelMuted(e.instance.props.guild.id, catId)) e.instance.props.categories[catId] = []; } else { let topBar = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChild(e.returnvalue, {props: [["className", BDFDB.disCN.channelsunreadbartop]]}); if (topBar) { let topIsVisible = topBar.props.isVisible; topBar.props.isVisible = (...args) => { args[2] = args[2].filter(id => !this.isCategoryMuted(e.instance.props.guildId, id)); return args[2].some(id => BDFDB.LibraryModules.UnreadChannelUtils.hasUnread(id) || BDFDB.LibraryModules.UnreadChannelUtils.getMentionCount(id)) ? topIsVisible(...args) : true; }; } let bottomBar = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChild(e.returnvalue, {props: [["className", BDFDB.disCN.channelsunreadbarbottom]]}); if (bottomBar) { let bottomIsVisible = bottomBar.props.isVisible; bottomBar.props.isVisible = (...args) => { args[2] = args[2].filter(id => !this.isCategoryMuted(e.instance.props.guildId, id)); return args[2].some(id => BDFDB.LibraryModules.UnreadChannelUtils.hasUnread(id) || BDFDB.LibraryModules.UnreadChannelUtils.getMentionCount(id)) ? bottomIsVisible(...args) : true; }; } let tree = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChild(e.returnvalue, {filter: n => n && n.props && typeof n.props.children == "function"}); if (tree) { let childrenRender = tree.props.children; tree.props.children = (...args) => { let children = childrenRender(...args); this.patchList(e.instance.props.guild.id, children); return children; }; } else this.patchList(e.instance.props.guild.id, e.returnvalue); } } isCategoryMuted (guildId, channelId) { if (!guildId || !channelId) return false; let channel = BDFDB.LibraryModules.ChannelStore.getChannel(channelId); return channel && channel.parent_id && BDFDB.LibraryModules.MutedUtils.isChannelMuted(guildId, channel.parent_id); } patchList (guildId, returnvalue) { let list = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChild(returnvalue, {props: [["className", BDFDB.disCN.channelsscroller]]}); if (list) { let renderSection = list.props.renderSection; list.props.renderSection = (...args) => { let section = renderSection(...args); if (section && section.props && section.props.channel && BDFDB.LibraryModules.MutedUtils.isChannelMuted(guildId, section.props.channel.id)) return null; else return section; }; } } }; })(window.BDFDB_Global.PluginUtils.buildPlugin(config)); })();