/** * @name BlurpleRecolor * @description Replaces Discord's native Blurple and Boost-Pink with your own Color * @author DevilBro * @version 1.0.0 * @authorId 278543574059057154 * @invite Jx3TjNS * @donate https://www.paypal.me/MircoWittrien * @patreon https://www.patreon.com/MircoWittrien * @website https://mwittrien.github.io/ * @source https://github.com/mwittrien/BetterDiscordAddons/tree/master/Themes/BlurpleRecolor/ * @updateUrl https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Themes/BlurpleRecolor/BlurpleRecolor.theme.css */ /* To change stuff like the colors, transparency and background image, change the variables inside the root {}, do NOT change the @import url() */ @import url(https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Themes/BlurpleRecolor/BlurpleRecolor.css); /* All colors are in RGB format (red, green, blue) use: https://www.google.com/search?q=colorpicker */ :root { --accentcolor: 163,47,194; /* blurple - default: 114,137,218 */ --accentcolor2: 225,115,180; /* boostpink - default: 255,115,250 */ --linkcolor: 190,60,220; /* link - default: 0,176,244 */ }