/** * @name MessageUtilities * @author DevilBro * @authorId 278543574059057154 * @version 1.9.7 * @description Adds several Quick Actions for Messages (Delete, Edit, Pin, etc.) * @invite Jx3TjNS * @donate https://www.paypal.me/MircoWittrien * @patreon https://www.patreon.com/MircoWittrien * @website https://mwittrien.github.io/ * @source https://github.com/mwittrien/BetterDiscordAddons/tree/master/Plugins/MessageUtilities/ * @updateUrl https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/MessageUtilities/MessageUtilities.plugin.js */ module.exports = (_ => { const changeLog = { }; return !window.BDFDB_Global || (!window.BDFDB_Global.loaded && !window.BDFDB_Global.started) ? class { constructor (meta) {for (let key in meta) this[key] = meta[key];} getName () {return this.name;} getAuthor () {return this.author;} getVersion () {return this.version;} getDescription () {return `The Library Plugin needed for ${this.name} is missing. Open the Plugin Settings to download it. \n\n${this.description}`;} downloadLibrary () { require("request").get("https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Library/0BDFDB.plugin.js", (e, r, b) => { if (!e && b && r.statusCode == 200) require("fs").writeFile(require("path").join(BdApi.Plugins.folder, "0BDFDB.plugin.js"), b, _ => BdApi.showToast("Finished downloading BDFDB Library", {type: "success"})); else BdApi.alert("Error", "Could not download BDFDB Library Plugin. Try again later or download it manually from GitHub: https://mwittrien.github.io/downloader/?library"); }); } load () { if (!window.BDFDB_Global || !Array.isArray(window.BDFDB_Global.pluginQueue)) window.BDFDB_Global = Object.assign({}, window.BDFDB_Global, {pluginQueue: []}); if (!window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal) { window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal = true; BdApi.showConfirmationModal("Library Missing", `The Library Plugin needed for ${this.name} is missing. Please click "Download Now" to install it.`, { confirmText: "Download Now", cancelText: "Cancel", onCancel: _ => {delete window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal;}, onConfirm: _ => { delete window.BDFDB_Global.downloadModal; this.downloadLibrary(); } }); } if (!window.BDFDB_Global.pluginQueue.includes(this.name)) window.BDFDB_Global.pluginQueue.push(this.name); } start () {this.load();} stop () {} getSettingsPanel () { let template = document.createElement("template"); template.innerHTML = `
The Library Plugin needed for ${this.name} is missing.\nPlease click Download Now to install it.
`; template.content.firstElementChild.querySelector("a").addEventListener("click", this.downloadLibrary); return template.content.firstElementChild; } } : (([Plugin, BDFDB]) => { const clickMap = { CLICK: 0, DBLCLICK: 1 }; var firedEvents = [], clickTimeout; var enabledBindings = {}; var ChannelTextAreaForm; return class MessageUtilities extends Plugin { onLoad () { this.defaults = { general: { "addHints": {value: true, description: "Add Key Combo hints to Context Menus"}, "clearOnEscape": {value: true, description: "Clear Chat Input when Escape is pressed"} }, toasts: {}, bindingsState: {}, bindings: { "Edit_Message": {name: "Edit Message", func: this.doEdit, value: {click: 1, keycombo: []} }, "Delete_Message": {name: "Delete Message", func: this.doDelete, value: {click: 0, keycombo: [46]} }, "Pin/Unpin_Message": {name: "Pin/Unpin Message", func: this.doPinUnPin, value: {click: 0, keycombo: [17]} }, "Reply_to_Message": {name: "Reply to Message", func: this.doReply, value: {click: 0, keycombo: [17,72]} }, "React_to_Message": {name: "Open React Menu", func: this.doOpenReact, value: {click: 0, keycombo: [17,83]} }, "Copy_Raw": {name: "Copy raw Message", func: this.doCopyRaw, value: {click: 0, keycombo: [17,68]} }, "Copy_Link": {name: "Copy Message Link", func: this.doCopyLink, value: {click: 0, keycombo: [17,81]} }, "__Quote_Message": {name: "Quote Message", func: this.doQuote, value: {click: 0, keycombo: [17,87]}, plugin: "CustomQuoter"}, "__Note_Message": {name: "Note Message", func: this.doNote, value: {click: 0, keycombo: [16]}, plugin: "PersonalPins"}, "__Translate_Message": {name: "Translate Message", func: this.doTranslate, value: {click: 0, keycombo: [20]}, plugin: "Translator"} } }; this.modulePatches = { before: [ "Menu", "Message" ], after: [ "ChannelTextAreaForm" ] }; for (let type in this.defaults.bindings) { let nativeAction = type.indexOf("__") != 0; this.defaults.bindingsState[type] = {value: nativeAction}; if (nativeAction) this.defaults.toasts[type] = {value: type != "Edit_Message" && type != "React_to_Message" && type != "Quote_Message"}; } } onStart () { BDFDB.ListenerUtils.add(this, document, "keydown", event => { if (BDFDB.DOMUtils.getParent(BDFDB.dotCN.textareawrapchat, document.activeElement)) this.onKeyDown(event); }); this.forceUpdateAll(); } onStop () { this.forceUpdateAll(); } getSettingsPanel (collapseStates = {}) { let settingsPanel; return settingsPanel = BDFDB.PluginUtils.createSettingsPanel(this, { collapseStates: collapseStates, children: _ => { let settingsItems = []; settingsItems.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.CollapseContainer, { title: "Settings", collapseStates: collapseStates, children: Object.keys(this.defaults.general).map(key => BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, { type: "Switch", plugin: this, keys: ["general", key], label: this.defaults.general[key].description, value: this.settings.general[key] })) })); settingsItems.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.CollapseContainer, { title: "Actions", collapseStates: collapseStates, children: Object.keys(this.defaults.bindings).map(action => { if (this.defaults.bindings[action].plugin && !BDFDB.BDUtils.isPluginEnabled(this.defaults.bindings[action].plugin)) return null; let keyRecorderIns, clickSelectorIns; return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", { className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom20, children: [ BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex, { className: BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom8, align: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Align.CENTER, direction: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Direction.HORIZONTAL, children: [ BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsLabel, { label: this.defaults.bindings[action].name + (this.defaults.bindings[action].plugin ? ` (${this.defaults.bindings[action].plugin})` : "") }), this.settings.toasts[action] != undefined ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, { type: "Switch", mini: true, plugin: this, keys: ["toasts", action], grow: 0, label: "Show Success Toast:", value: this.settings.toasts[action] }) : null ].filter(n => n) }), BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, { type: "Switch", plugin: this, keys: ["bindingsState", action], value: this.settings.bindingsState[action], onChange: value => { keyRecorderIns.props.disabled = !value; clickSelectorIns.props.disabled = !value; BDFDB.ReactUtils.forceUpdate(keyRecorderIns, clickSelectorIns); }, labelChildren: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex, { direction: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Direction.HORIZONTAL, children: [ BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.KeybindRecorder, { value: this.settings.bindings[action].keycombo.filter(n => n), reset: true, disabled: !this.settings.bindingsState[action], ref: instance => {if (instance) keyRecorderIns = instance;}, onChange: value => { this.settings.bindings[action].keycombo = value; BDFDB.DataUtils.save(this.settings.bindings, this, "bindings"); this.SettingsUpdated = true; } }), BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Select, { value: this.settings.bindings[action].click, options: Object.keys(clickMap).map((label, i) => ({value: i, label: label})), disabled: !this.settings.bindingsState[action], ref: instance => {if (instance) clickSelectorIns = instance;}, onChange: value => { this.settings.bindings[action].click = value; BDFDB.DataUtils.save(this.settings.bindings, this, "bindings"); this.SettingsUpdated = true; } }) ] }) }) ] }); }).concat(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsItem, { type: "Button", color: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Button.Colors.RED, label: "Reset all Key Bindings", onClick: _ => { BDFDB.ModalUtils.confirm(this, "Are you sure you want to reset all Key Bindings?", _ => { BDFDB.DataUtils.remove(this, "bindings"); BDFDB.PluginUtils.refreshSettingsPanel(this, settingsPanel, collapseStates); this.SettingsUpdated = true; }); }, children: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.RESET })) })); return settingsItems; } }); } onSettingsClosed () { if (this.SettingsUpdated) { delete this.SettingsUpdated; this.forceUpdateAll(); } } forceUpdateAll () { enabledBindings = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.filter(this.settings.bindings, action => this.settings.bindingsState[action], true); BDFDB.MessageUtils.rerenderAll(); BDFDB.PatchUtils.forceAllUpdates(this); } processMenu (e) { let contextMenu = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChild(e.instance, {props: "navId"}); if (contextMenu && BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(contextMenu.props.children)) for (let group of contextMenu.props.children) { if (group && group.type == BDFDB.LibraryComponents.MenuItems.MenuGroup && BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(group.props.children)) for (let item of group.props.children) { if (item && item.props && item.props.id && !item.props.hint && !item.props.children) { let hint, action; if (item.props.id == "mark-unread") hint = this.settings.general.addHints && `${BDFDB.LibraryModules.KeyCodeUtils.getString(18)}+CLICK`; else { switch (item.props.id) { case "copy-link": action = "Copy_Link"; break; case "edit": action = "Edit_Message"; break; case "reply": action = "Reply_to_Message"; break; case "pin": case "unpin": action = "Pin/Unpin_Message"; break; case "delete": action = "Delete_Message"; break; } if (action) hint = this.getActiveShortcutString(action); } if (hint) item.props.hint = _ => { return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.MenuItems.MenuHint, { hint: hint }); }; } } } } processMessage (e) { let message; for (let key in e.instance.props) { if (!message) message = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.get(e.instance.props[key], "props.message"); else break; } if (message) { let props = Object.assign({}, e.instance.props); e.instance.props.onClick = event => { this.onClick(event, message); if (typeof props.onClick == "function") props.onClick(event); }; e.instance.props.onDoubleClick = event => { this.onClick(event, message); if (typeof props.onDoubleClick == "function") props.onDoubleClick(event); }; } } processChannelTextAreaForm (e) { ChannelTextAreaForm = e.instance; } onClick (event, message) { if (BDFDB.DOMUtils.getParent(BDFDB.dotCNC.messagebuttons + BDFDB.dotCN.spoilerhidden, event.target)) return; let type = event.type; if (!firedEvents.includes(type)) { firedEvents.push(type); let messageDiv = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getParent(BDFDB.dotCNC.message + BDFDB.dotCN.searchresultsmessage, event.target); if (messageDiv) { let priorityAction = null; let clickType = clickMap[type.toUpperCase()]; for (let action in enabledBindings) { let binding = enabledBindings[action]; let priorityBinding = enabledBindings[priorityAction]; if (this.checkIfBindingIsValid(binding, clickType) && this.checkIfActionIsValid({messageDiv, message}, action, event) && (!enabledBindings[priorityAction] || binding.click > priorityBinding.click || binding.keycombo.length > priorityBinding.keycombo.length)) priorityAction = action; } if (priorityAction) { BDFDB.ListenerUtils.stopEvent(event); BDFDB.TimeUtils.clear(clickTimeout); if (!this.hasDoubleClickOverwrite(enabledBindings[priorityAction])) { BDFDB.TimeUtils.suppress(_ => this.defaults.bindings[priorityAction].func.apply(this, [true, {messageDiv, message}, priorityAction, event]), "", this)(); } else clickTimeout = BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => { BDFDB.TimeUtils.suppress(_ => this.defaults.bindings[priorityAction].func.apply(this, [true, {messageDiv, message}, priorityAction, event]), "", this)(); }, 500); } } BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => BDFDB.ArrayUtils.remove(firedEvents, type, true)); } } onKeyDown (event) { let type = event.type; if (!firedEvents.includes(type)) { if (event.which == 27 && this.settings.general.clearOnEscape && ChannelTextAreaForm) { ChannelTextAreaForm.setState({textValue: "", richValue: BDFDB.SlateUtils.toRichValue("")}); } BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {BDFDB.ArrayUtils.remove(firedEvents, type, true)}); } } checkIfBindingIsValid (binding, clickType) { if (binding.click != clickType) return false; for (let key of binding.keycombo) if (!BDFDB.ListenerUtils.isPressed(key)) return false; return true; } checkIfActionIsValid ({messageDiv, message}, action, event) { return BDFDB.TimeUtils.suppress(_ => this.defaults.bindings[action].func.apply(this, [false, {messageDiv, message}, action, event]), "", this)() } hasDoubleClickOverwrite (binding) { if (binding.click == clickMap.DBLCLICK) return false; let dblBindings = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.filter(enabledBindings, bndg => bndg.click == clickMap.DBLCLICK); for (let dblAction in dblBindings) { let dblBinding = dblBindings[dblAction]; let overwrite = true; if (BDFDB.equals(binding.keycombo, dblBinding.keycombo)) return true; } return false; } doDelete (execute, {messageDiv, message}, action, event) { let deleteLink = messageDiv.parentElement.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCNS.messagelocalbotoperations + BDFDB.dotCN.anchor); if (deleteLink) deleteLink.click(); else if (BDFDB.DiscordConstants.MessageTypeGroups.DELETABLE.has(message.type)) { let channel = BDFDB.LibraryStores.ChannelStore.getChannel(message.channel_id); if (channel && (BDFDB.UserUtils.can("MANAGE_MESSAGES") || message.author.id == BDFDB.UserUtils.me.id)) { if (execute) { BDFDB.LibraryModules.MessageUtils.deleteMessage(message.channel_id, message.id, message.state != BDFDB.DiscordConstants.MessageStates.SENT); if (this.settings.toasts[action]) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(this.formatToast(this.labels.toast_message_deleted), {type: "success"}); } return true; } } return false; } doEdit (execute, {messageDiv, message}, action, event) { if (message.author.id == BDFDB.UserUtils.me.id && !messageDiv.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.messagechanneltextarea)) { if (execute) { BDFDB.LibraryModules.MessageUtils.startEditMessage(message.channel_id, message.id, message.content); if (this.settings.toasts[action]) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(this.formatToast(BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.EDITING_MESSAGE), {type: "success"}); } return true; } return false; } doOpenReact (execute, {messageDiv, message}, action, event) { let reactButton = messageDiv.querySelector(`${BDFDB.dotCN.messagetoolbarbutton}[aria-label="${BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.ADD_REACTION}"]`); if (reactButton) { if (execute) { reactButton.click(); if (this.settings.toasts[action]) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(this.formatToast(BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.ADD_REACTIONS), {type: "success"}); } return true; } return false; } doPinUnPin (execute, {messageDiv, message}, action, event) { if (message.state == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.MessageStates.SENT) { let channel = BDFDB.LibraryStores.ChannelStore.getChannel(message.channel_id); if (channel && (BDFDB.DMUtils.isDMChannel(channel.id) || BDFDB.UserUtils.can("MANAGE_MESSAGES")) && BDFDB.DiscordConstants.MessageTypeGroups.USER_MESSAGE.has(message.type)) { if (execute) { if (message.pinned) { BDFDB.LibraryModules.MessagePinUtils.unpinMessage(channel, message.id); if (this.settings.toasts[action]) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(this.formatToast(BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.MESSAGE_UNPINNED), {type: "danger"}); } else { BDFDB.LibraryModules.MessagePinUtils.pinMessage(channel, message.id); if (this.settings.toasts[action]) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(this.formatToast(BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.MESSAGE_PINNED), {type: "success"}); } } return true; } } return false; } doReply (execute, {messageDiv, message}, action, event) { if (message.state == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.MessageStates.SENT) { let channel = BDFDB.LibraryStores.ChannelStore.getChannel(message.channel_id); if (channel && (BDFDB.DMUtils.isDMChannel(channel.id) || BDFDB.UserUtils.can("SEND_MESSAGES")) && BDFDB.DiscordConstants.MessageTypeGroups.USER_MESSAGE.has(message.type)) { if (execute) { BDFDB.LibraryModules.MessageManageUtils.replyToMessage(channel, message, {}); if (this.settings.toasts[action]) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(this.formatToast(BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.NOTIFICATION_REPLY), {type: "success"}); } return true; } } return false; } doCopyRaw (execute, {messageDiv, message}, action, event) { if (message.content) { if (execute) { BDFDB.LibraryModules.WindowUtils.copy(message.content); if (this.settings.toasts[action]) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(this.formatToast(BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.COPIED_TEXT), {type: "success"}); } return true; } return false; } doCopyLink (execute, {messageDiv, message}, action, event) { let channel = BDFDB.LibraryStores.ChannelStore.getChannel(message.channel_id); if (channel) { if (execute) { BDFDB.LibraryModules.MessageManageUtils.copyLink(channel, message); if (this.settings.toasts[action]) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(this.formatToast(BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.LINK_COPIED), {type: "success"}); } return true; } return false; } doQuote (execute, {messageDiv, message}, action, event) { if (BDFDB.BDUtils.isPluginEnabled(this.defaults.bindings.__Quote_Message.plugin)) { let channel = BDFDB.LibraryStores.ChannelStore.getChannel(message.channel_id); if (channel) { if (execute) BDFDB.BDUtils.getPlugin(this.defaults.bindings.__Quote_Message.plugin).quote(channel, message); return true; } } return false; } doNote (execute, {messageDiv, message}, action, event) { if (BDFDB.BDUtils.isPluginEnabled(this.defaults.bindings.__Note_Message.plugin)) { let channel = BDFDB.LibraryStores.ChannelStore.getChannel(message.channel_id); if (channel) { if (execute) BDFDB.BDUtils.getPlugin(this.defaults.bindings.__Note_Message.plugin).addMessageToNotes(message, channel); return true; } } return false; } doTranslate (execute, {messageDiv, message}, action, event) { if (BDFDB.BDUtils.isPluginEnabled(this.defaults.bindings.__Translate_Message.plugin)) { let channel = BDFDB.LibraryStores.ChannelStore.getChannel(message.channel_id); if (channel) { if (execute) BDFDB.BDUtils.getPlugin(this.defaults.bindings.__Translate_Message.plugin).translateMessage(message, channel); return true; } } return false; } formatToast (string) { return typeof string == "string" ? (string.endsWith(".") || string.endsWith("!") ? string.slice(0, -1) : string) : ""; } getActiveShortcutString (action) { if (!action) return null; let str = []; if (this.settings.general.addHints && enabledBindings[action]) { if (enabledBindings[action].keycombo.length) str.push(BDFDB.LibraryModules.KeyCodeUtils.getString(enabledBindings[action].keycombo)); str.push(Object.keys(clickMap).find(type => clickMap[type] == enabledBindings[action].click)); } return str.join("+").replace(/ /g, ""); } setLabelsByLanguage () { switch (BDFDB.LanguageUtils.getLanguage().id) { case "bg": // Bulgarian return { toast_message_deleted: "Съобщението беше успешно изтрито" }; case "cs": // Czech return { toast_message_deleted: "Zpráva byla úspěšně smazána" }; case "da": // Danish return { toast_message_deleted: "Beskeden blev slettet" }; case "de": // German return { toast_message_deleted: "Nachricht wurde erfolgreich gelöscht" }; case "el": // Greek return { toast_message_deleted: "Το μήνυμα διαγράφηκε με επιτυχία" }; case "es": // Spanish return { toast_message_deleted: "El mensaje fue eliminado con éxito" }; case "fi": // Finnish return { toast_message_deleted: "Viesti poistettiin onnistuneesti" }; case "fr": // French return { toast_message_deleted: "Le message a été supprimé avec succès" }; case "hi": // Hindi return { toast_message_deleted: "संदेश सफलतापूर्वक हटा दिया गया" }; case "hr": // Croatian return { toast_message_deleted: "Poruka je uspješno izbrisana" }; case "hu": // Hungarian return { toast_message_deleted: "Az üzenet sikeresen törölve" }; case "it": // Italian return { toast_message_deleted: "Il messaggio è stato eliminato con successo" }; case "ja": // Japanese return { toast_message_deleted: "メッセージは正常に削除されました" }; case "ko": // Korean return { toast_message_deleted: "메시지가 성공적으로 삭제되었습니다." }; case "lt": // Lithuanian return { toast_message_deleted: "Laiškas sėkmingai ištrintas" }; case "nl": // Dutch return { toast_message_deleted: "Bericht is succesvol verwijderd" }; case "no": // Norwegian return { toast_message_deleted: "Meldingen ble slettet" }; case "pl": // Polish return { toast_message_deleted: "Wiadomość została pomyślnie usunięta" }; case "pt-BR": // Portuguese (Brazil) return { toast_message_deleted: "A mensagem foi excluída com sucesso" }; case "ro": // Romanian return { toast_message_deleted: "Mesajul a fost șters cu succes" }; case "ru": // Russian return { toast_message_deleted: "Сообщение было успешно удалено" }; case "sv": // Swedish return { toast_message_deleted: "Meddelandet har raderats" }; case "th": // Thai return { toast_message_deleted: "ลบข้อความเรียบร้อยแล้ว" }; case "tr": // Turkish return { toast_message_deleted: "Mesaj başarıyla silindi" }; case "uk": // Ukrainian return { toast_message_deleted: "Повідомлення було успішно видалено" }; case "vi": // Vietnamese return { toast_message_deleted: "Tin nhắn đã được xóa thành công" }; case "zh-CN": // Chinese (China) return { toast_message_deleted: "消息已成功删除" }; case "zh-TW": // Chinese (Taiwan) return { toast_message_deleted: "消息已成功刪除" }; default: // English return { toast_message_deleted: "Message was successfully deleted" }; } } }; })(window.BDFDB_Global.PluginUtils.buildPlugin(changeLog)); })();