//META{"name":"TimedLightDarkMode","authorId":"278543574059057154","invite":"Jx3TjNS","donate":"https://www.paypal.me/MircoWittrien","patreon":"https://www.patreon.com/MircoWittrien","website":"https://github.com/mwittrien/BetterDiscordAddons/tree/master/Plugins/TimedLightDarkMode","source":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mwittrien/BetterDiscordAddons/master/Plugins/TimedLightDarkMode/TimedLightDarkMode.plugin.js"}*// var TimedLightDarkMode = (_ => { var settings = {}, values = {}; return class TimedLightDarkMode { getName () {return "TimedLightDarkMode";} getVersion () {return "1.0.7";} getAuthor () {return "DevilBro";} getDescription () {return "Allows you to automatically change light/dark mode depending on the time of day. Slider is added to the 'Appearance' settings.";} constructor () { this.changelog = { "fixed":[["Slider Bubble","Changed bubble to tooltip"]] }; this.patchedModules = { after: { RadioGroup: "componentDidMount" } }; } initConstructor () { this.defaults = { settings: { running: {value: true} }, values: { timer1: {value:25}, timer2: {value:75} } }; } // Legacy load () {} start () { if (!window.BDFDB) window.BDFDB = {myPlugins:{}}; if (window.BDFDB && window.BDFDB.myPlugins && typeof window.BDFDB.myPlugins == "object") window.BDFDB.myPlugins[this.getName()] = this; let libraryScript = document.querySelector('head script#BDFDBLibraryScript'); if (!libraryScript || (performance.now() - libraryScript.getAttribute("date")) > 600000) { if (libraryScript) libraryScript.remove(); libraryScript = document.createElement("script"); libraryScript.setAttribute("id", "BDFDBLibraryScript"); libraryScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); libraryScript.setAttribute("src", "https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/BDFDB.min.js"); libraryScript.setAttribute("date", performance.now()); libraryScript.addEventListener("load", _ => {this.initialize();}); document.head.appendChild(libraryScript); } else if (window.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) this.initialize(); this.startTimeout = setTimeout(_ => { try {return this.initialize();} catch (err) {console.error(`%c[${this.getName()}]%c`, "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;", "", "Fatal Error: Could not initiate plugin! " + err);} }, 30000); } initialize () { if (window.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) { if (this.started) return; BDFDB.PluginUtils.init(this); this.startInterval(); BDFDB.ModuleUtils.forceAllUpdates(this); } else console.error(`%c[${this.getName()}]%c`, "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;", "", "Fatal Error: Could not load BD functions!"); } stop () { if (window.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) { this.stopping = true; BDFDB.TimeUtils.clear(this.checkInterval); BDFDB.DOMUtils.remove(BDFDB.dotCN._timedlightdarkmodetimersettings); BDFDB.PluginUtils.clear(this); } } // Begin of own functions processRadioGroup (e) { if (e.instance.props && Array.isArray(e.instance.props.options) && e.instance.props.options[0] && (e.instance.props.options[0].value == "light" || e.instance.props.options[0].value == "dark") && e.instance.props.options[1] && (e.instance.props.options[1].value == "light" || e.instance.props.options[1].value == "dark") && e.node.parentElement.firstElementChild.innerText && e.node.parentElement.firstElementChild.innerText.toUpperCase() == BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.THEME.toUpperCase()) { let slider, settingsBox = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(`
`); BDFDB.ReactUtils.render(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.ReactUtils.Fragment, { children: [ BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SettingsSaveItem, { type: "Switch", plugin: this, keys: ["settings", "running"], value: settings.running, label: `${BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.THEME} Timer`, tag: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.FormComponents.FormTitle.Tags.H5, onChange: (value, instance) => { this.startInterval(); if (slider) BDFDB.DOMUtils.toggleClass(slider, BDFDB.disCN.sliderdisabled, !value); } }), BDFDB.ReactUtils.elementToReact(BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(` `), node => { if (Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(node)) { slider = node; this.updateSlider(slider, values); BDFDB.ListenerUtils.addToChildren(slider, "mousedown", BDFDB.dotCN._timedlightdarkmodetimergrabber, event => {this.dragSlider(event.currentTarget);}); BDFDB.ListenerUtils.addToChildren(slider, "mouseenter", BDFDB.dotCN._timedlightdarkmodedategrabber, event => {this.showCurrentTime(event.currentTarget);}); } }) ] }), settingsBox); e.node.parentElement.appendChild(settingsBox); } } startInterval () { BDFDB.TimeUtils.clear(this.checkInterval); settings = BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "settings"); values = BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "values"); if (settings.running) { let inverted = values.timer1 > values.timer2; let timer1LOW = this.getTime(values.timer1), timer2LOW = this.getTime(values.timer2); let timer1HIGH = this.getHighTime(timer2LOW), timer2HIGH = this.getHighTime(timer1LOW); let check = _ => { let currentTime = new Date(); let currentHours = currentTime.getHours(); let currentMinutes = currentTime.getMinutes(); if (inverted) this.changeTheme(!(this.checkTime(timer1LOW, timer1HIGH, [currentHours, currentMinutes]))); else this.changeTheme(this.checkTime(timer2LOW, timer2HIGH, [currentHours, currentMinutes])); }; check(); this.checkInterval = BDFDB.TimeUtils.interval(_ => {check();}, 60000); } } checkTime (timerLOW, timerHIGH, time) { return timerHIGH[0] > time[0] || timerHIGH[0] == time[0] && timerHIGH[1] >= time[1] || time[0] > timerLOW[0] || time[0] == timerLOW[0] && time[1] >= timerLOW[1]; } changeTheme (dark) { let theme = BDFDB.DiscordUtils.getTheme(); if (dark && theme == BDFDB.disCN.themelight) BDFDB.LibraryModules.SettingsUtils.updateLocalSettings({theme:"dark"}); else if (!dark && theme == BDFDB.disCN.themedark) BDFDB.LibraryModules.SettingsUtils.updateLocalSettings({theme:"light"}); } showCurrentTime (grabber) { let currentTime = new Date(); let currentHours = currentTime.getHours(); let currentMinutes = currentTime.getMinutes(); grabber.style.setProperty("left", `${this.getPercent(currentTime)}%`); BDFDB.TooltipUtils.create(grabber, (currentHours > 9 ? currentHours : ("0" + currentHours)) + ":" + (currentMinutes > 9 ? currentMinutes : ("0" + currentMinutes)), {color: "grey"}); } dragSlider (grabber) { let track = grabber.parentNode; if (BDFDB.DOMUtils.containsClass(track.parentNode, BDFDB.disCN.sliderdisabled)) return; let timer = grabber.getAttribute("timer"); let input = track.parentNode.querySelector(`${BDFDB.dotCN.sliderinput}[timer="${timer}"]`); BDFDB.DOMUtils.appendLocalStyle("disableTextSelection", `*{user-select: none !important;}`); let value = values[timer]; let sY = 0; let sHalfW = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getRects(grabber).width/2; let sMinX = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getRects(track).left; let sMaxX = sMinX + BDFDB.DOMUtils.getRects(track).width; let tooltip = BDFDB.TooltipUtils.create(grabber, this.getTime(value, true), {color: "grey", perssist: true}); let tooltipContent = tooltip.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.tooltipcontent); let mouseup = _ => { document.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseup); document.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemove); BDFDB.DOMUtils.removeLocalStyle("disableTextSelection"); BDFDB.DataUtils.save(value, this, "values", timer); BDFDB.DOMUtils.remove(tooltip); this.startInterval(); }; let mousemove = e => { sY = e.clientX > sMaxX ? sMaxX - sHalfW : (e.clientX < sMinX ? sMinX - sHalfW : e.clientX - sHalfW); value = BDFDB.NumberUtils.mapRange([sMinX - sHalfW, sMaxX - sHalfW], [0, 100], sY); input.value = value; grabber.style.setProperty("left", value + "%"); tooltipContent.innerText = this.getTime(value, true); tooltip.update(); values[timer] = value; this.updateSlider(track.parentNode, values); }; document.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseup); document.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemove); } updateSlider (slider, values) { let bar = slider.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.sliderbar); let fill = slider.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.sliderbarfill); let inverted = values.timer1 > values.timer2; fill.style.setProperty("width", (inverted ? (values.timer1 - values.timer2) : (values.timer2 - values.timer1)) + "%"); fill.style.setProperty("margin-left", (inverted ? values.timer2 : values.timer1) + "%"); fill.style.setProperty("background-color", inverted ? "#66757F" : "#E0C460", "important"); bar.style.setProperty("background-color", inverted ? "#E0C460" : "#66757F", "important"); } getTime (percent, stringify) { let time = BDFDB.NumberUtils.mapRange([0, 100], [0, 1440], percent)/60; let hours = Math.floor(time); let minutes = Math.floor((time - hours) * 60); return stringify ? (hours > 9 ? hours : ("0" + hours)) + ":" + (minutes > 9 ? minutes : ("0" + minutes)) : [hours,minutes]; } getPercent (time) { if (!time) return 0; let hours = Array.isArray(time) ? time[0] : (typeof time == "object" && typeof time.getHours == "function" ? time.getHours() : 0); let minutes = Array.isArray(time) ? time[1] : (typeof time == "object" && typeof time.getMinutes == "function" ? time.getMinutes() : 0); return BDFDB.NumberUtils.mapRange([0, 1440], [0, 100], (hours * 60) + minutes); } getHighTime (timer) { let hours = timer[0]; let minutes = timer[1] - 1; if (minutes < 0) { minutes = 59; hours -= 1; } if (hours < 0) hours = 0; return [hours, minutes]; } } })();