//META{"name":"CompleteTimestamps"}*// class CompleteTimestamps { getName () {return "CompleteTimestamps";} getVersion () {return "1.2.9";} getAuthor () {return "DevilBro";} getDescription () {return "Replace all timestamps with complete timestamps.";} initConstructor () { this.patchModules = { "MessageGroup":["componentDidMount","componentDidUpdate"], "StandardSidebarView":"componentWillUnmount" }; this.languages; this.defaults = { settings: { showInChat: {value:true, description:"Replace Chat Timestamp with Complete Timestamp:"}, showOnHover: {value:false, description:"Also show Timestamp when you hover over a message:"}, changeForEdit: {value:false, description:"Change the Time for the Edited Time Tooltips:"}, displayTime: {value:true, description:"Display the Time in the Timestamp:"}, displayDate: {value:true, description:"Display the Date in the Timestamp:"}, cutSeconds: {value:false, description:"Cut off Seconds of the Time:"}, forceZeros: {value:false, description:"Force leading Zeros:"}, otherOrder: {value:false, description:"Show the Time before the Date:"} }, choices: { creationDateLang: {value:"$discord", description:"Timestamp Format:"} }, formats: { ownFormat: {value:"$hour:$minute:$second, $day.$month.$year", description:"Own Format:"} } }; } getSettingsPanel () { if (!global.BDFDB || typeof BDFDB != "object" || !BDFDB.loaded || !this.started) return; let settings = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "settings"); let choices = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "choices"); let formats = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "formats"); let settingshtml = `
`; for (let key in settings) { settingshtml += `


`; } for (let key in choices) { settingshtml += `


`; } for (let key in formats) { settingshtml += `


`; } let infoHidden = BDFDB.loadData("hideInfo", this, "hideInfo"); settingshtml += `
`; settingshtml += `
`; settingshtml += `
$hour will be replaced with the current hour
$minute will be replaced with the current minutes
$second will be replaced with the current seconds
$msecond will be replaced with the current milliseconds
$timemode will change $hour to a 12h format and will be replaced with AM/PM
$year will be replaced with the current year
$month will be replaced with the current month
$day will be replaced with the current day
$monthnameL will be replaced with the monthname in long format based on the Discord Language
$monthnameS will be replaced with the monthname in short format based on the Discord Language
$weekdayL will be replaced with the weekday in long format based on the Discord Language
$weekdayS will be replaced with the weekday in short format based on the Discord Language
`; settingshtml += `
`; let settingspanel = BDFDB.htmlToElement(settingshtml); BDFDB.initElements(settingspanel, this); BDFDB.addEventListener(this, settingspanel, "click", ".settings-switch", () => {this.updateSettingsPanel(settingspanel);}); BDFDB.addEventListener(this, settingspanel, "keyup", BDFDB.dotCN.input, () => {this.saveInputs(settingspanel);}); BDFDB.addEventListener(this, settingspanel, "click", BDFDB.dotCN.selectcontrol, e => {this.openDropdownMenu(e);}); BDFDB.addEventListener(this, settingspanel, "click", ".toggle-info", e => {this.toggleInfo(e.currentTarget);}); return settingspanel; } //legacy load () {} start () { var libraryScript = document.querySelector('head script[src="https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/BDFDB.js"]'); if (!libraryScript || performance.now() - libraryScript.getAttribute("date") > 600000) { if (libraryScript) libraryScript.remove(); libraryScript = document.createElement("script"); libraryScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); libraryScript.setAttribute("src", "https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/BDFDB.js"); libraryScript.setAttribute("date", performance.now()); libraryScript.addEventListener("load", () => {if (global.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) this.initialize();}); document.head.appendChild(libraryScript); } else if (global.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) this.initialize(); this.startTimeout = setTimeout(() => {this.initialize();}, 30000); } initialize () { if (global.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) { if (this.started) return; BDFDB.loadMessage(this); this.languages = Object.assign({"own":{name:"Own",id:"own",integrated:false,dic:false}},BDFDB.languages); BDFDB.addEventListener(this, document, "mouseenter", BDFDB.dotCNS.message + BDFDB.dotCN.messagecontent, e => { if (BDFDB.getData("showOnHover", this, "settings")) { let message = e.currentTarget; let messagegroup = BDFDB.getParentEle(BDFDB.dotCN.messagegroup, message); if (!messagegroup || !messagegroup.tagName) return; let info = this.getMessageData(message, messagegroup); if (!info || !info.timestamp || !info.timestamp._i) return; let choice = BDFDB.getData("creationDateLang", this, "choices"); BDFDB.createTooltip(this.getTimestamp(this.languages[choice].id, info.timestamp._i), message, {type:"left",selector:"completetimestamp-tooltip"}); } }); BDFDB.addEventListener(this, document, "mouseenter", BDFDB.dotCNS.message + BDFDB.dotCN.messageedited, e => { if (BDFDB.getData("changeForEdit", this, "settings")) { let marker = e.currentTarget; let time = marker.getAttribute("datetime"); if (!time) return; let choice = BDFDB.getData("creationDateLang", this, "choices"); let customTooltipCSS = ` body ${BDFDB.dotCN.tooltip}:not(.completetimestampedit-tooltip) { display: none !important; }`; BDFDB.createTooltip(this.getTimestamp(this.languages[choice].id, time), marker, {type:"top",selector:"completetimestampedit-tooltip",css:customTooltipCSS}); } }); BDFDB.WebModules.forceAllUpdates(); } else { console.error(`%c[${this.name}]%c`, 'color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;', '', 'Fatal Error: Could not load BD functions!'); } } stop () { if (global.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) { BDFDB.removeEles(".complete-timestamp-divider"); BDFDB.removeClasses("complete-timestamp"); BDFDB.removeLocalStyle(this.name + "CompactCorrection"); BDFDB.unloadMessage(this); } } // begin of own functions saveInputs (settingspanel) { let formats = {}; for (let input of settingspanel.querySelectorAll(BDFDB.dotCN.input)) { formats[input.getAttribute("option")] = input.value; } BDFDB.saveAllData(formats, this, "formats"); this.updateSettingsPanel(settingspanel); } updateSettingsPanel (settingspanel) { let choices = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "choices"); for (let key in choices) { settingspanel.querySelector(`${BDFDB.dotCN.select}[option='${key}'] .languageTimestamp`).innerText = this.getTimestamp(this.languages[choices[key]].id); } this.SettingsUpdated = true; } toggleInfo (ele) { BDFDB.toggleClass(ele, BDFDB.disCN.categorywrappercollapsed); BDFDB.toggleClass(ele, BDFDB.disCN.categorywrapperdefault); var svg = ele.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.categoryicontransition); BDFDB.toggleClass(svg, BDFDB.disCN.directionright); BDFDB.toggleClass(svg, BDFDB.disCN.categoryiconcollapsed); BDFDB.toggleClass(svg, BDFDB.disCN.categoryicondefault); BDFDB.toggleEles(ele.nextElementSibling); BDFDB.saveData("hideInfo", BDFDB.isEleHidden(ele.nextElementSibling), this, "hideInfo"); } openDropdownMenu (e) { let selectControl = e.currentTarget; let selectWrap = selectControl.parentElement; let plugincard = BDFDB.getParentEle("li", selectWrap); if (!plugincard || BDFDB.containsClass(selectWrap, BDFDB.disCN.selectisopen)) return; BDFDB.addClass(selectWrap, BDFDB.disCN.selectisopen); plugincard.style.setProperty("overflow", "visible", "important"); let selectMenu = this.createDropdownMenu(selectWrap.getAttribute("value")); selectWrap.appendChild(selectMenu); BDFDB.addChildEventListener(selectMenu, "mousedown", BDFDB.dotCN.selectoption, e2 => { let language = e2.currentTarget.getAttribute("value"); selectWrap.setAttribute("value", language); selectControl.querySelector(".languageName").innerText = this.languages[language].name; selectControl.querySelector(".languageTimestamp").innerText = this.getTimestamp(this.languages[language].id); BDFDB.saveData(selectWrap.getAttribute("option"), language, this, "choices"); }); var removeMenu = e2 => { if (e2.target.parentElement != selectMenu) { document.removeEventListener("mousedown", removeMenu); selectMenu.remove(); plugincard.style.removeProperty("overflow"); setTimeout(() => {BDFDB.removeClass(selectWrap, BDFDB.disCN.selectisopen);},100); } }; document.addEventListener("mousedown", removeMenu); } createDropdownMenu (choice) { let menuhtml = `
`; for (let key in this.languages) { let isSelected = key == choice ? ` ${BDFDB.disCN.selectselected}` : ``; menuhtml += `
` } menuhtml += `
`; return BDFDB.htmlToElement(menuhtml); } processMessageGroup (instance, wrapper) { for (let stamp of wrapper.querySelectorAll("time[datetime]")) this.changeTimestamp(stamp); } processStandardSidebarView (instance, wrapper) { if (this.SettingsUpdated) { delete this.SettingsUpdated; BDFDB.WebModules.forceAllUpdates(this); } } changeTimestamp (stamp) { if (!stamp.className || stamp.className.toLowerCase().indexOf("timestamp") == -1 || BDFDB.containsClass(stamp, "complete-timestamp")) return; let time = stamp.getAttribute("datetime"); if (time) { this.setMaxWidth(); BDFDB.addClass(stamp, "complete-timestamp"); let stampdivider = document.createElement("span"); stampdivider.className = "complete-timestamp-divider arabic-fix"; stampdivider.style.setProperty("display", "inline", "important"); stampdivider.style.setProperty("height", "0px", "important"); stampdivider.style.setProperty("width", "0px", "important"); stampdivider.style.setProperty("font-size", "0px", "important"); stampdivider.innerText = "ARABIC FIX"; stamp.parentElement.insertBefore(stampdivider, stamp); BDFDB.setInnerText(stamp, this.getTimestamp(this.languages[BDFDB.getData("creationDateLang", this, "choices")].id, time)); } } getMessageData (div, messagegroup) { let pos = Array.from(messagegroup.querySelectorAll("." + div.className.replace(/ /g, "."))).indexOf(div); let instance = BDFDB.getReactInstance(messagegroup); if (!instance) return; let info = instance.return.stateNode.props.messages; return info && pos > -1 ? info[pos] : null; } getTimestamp (languageid, time) { let timeobj = time ? time : new Date(); if (typeof time == "string") timeobj = new Date(time); if (timeobj.toString() == "Invalid Date") timeobj = new Date(parseInt(time)); if (timeobj.toString() == "Invalid Date") return; let settings = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "settings"), timestring = ""; if (languageid != "own") { let timestamp = []; if (settings.displayDate) timestamp.push(timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageid)); if (settings.displayTime) timestamp.push(settings.cutSeconds ? this.cutOffSeconds(timeobj.toLocaleTimeString(languageid)) : timeobj.toLocaleTimeString(languageid)); if (settings.otherOrder) timestamp.reverse(); timestring = timestamp.length > 1 ? timestamp.join(", ") : (timestamp.length > 0 ? timestamp[0] : ""); if (timestring && settings.forceZeros) timestring = this.addLeadingZeros(timestring); } else { let ownformat = BDFDB.getData("ownFormat", this, "formats"); languageid = BDFDB.getDiscordLanguage().id; let hour = timeobj.getHours(), minute = timeobj.getMinutes(), second = timeobj.getSeconds(), msecond = timeobj.getMilliseconds(), day = timeobj.getDate(), month = timeobj.getMonth()+1, timemode = ""; if (ownformat.indexOf("$timemode") > -1) { timemode = hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"; hour = hour % 12; hour = hour ? hour : 12; } timestring = ownformat .replace("$hour", settings.forceZeros && hour < 10 ? "0" + hour : hour) .replace("$minute", minute < 10 ? "0" + minute : minute) .replace("$second", second < 10 ? "0" + second : second) .replace("$msecond", msecond) .replace("$timemode", timemode) .replace("$weekdayL", timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageid,{weekday: "long"})) .replace("$weekdayS", timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageid,{weekday: "short"})) .replace("$monthnameL", timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageid,{month: "long"})) .replace("$monthnameS", timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageid,{month: "short"})) .replace("$day", settings.forceZeros && day < 10 ? "0" + day : day) .replace("$month", settings.forceZeros && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month) .replace("$year", timeobj.getFullYear()); } return timestring; } cutOffSeconds (timestring) { return timestring.replace(/(.*):(.*):(.{2})(.*)/, "$1:$2$4"); } addLeadingZeros (timestring) { let chararray = timestring.split(""); let numreg = /[0-9]/; for (let i = 0; i < chararray.length; i++) { if (!numreg.test(chararray[i-1]) && numreg.test(chararray[i]) && !numreg.test(chararray[i+1])) chararray[i] = "0" + chararray[i]; } return chararray.join(""); } setMaxWidth () { if (this.currentMode != BDFDB.getDiscordMode()) { this.currentMode = BDFDB.getDiscordMode(); let timestamp = document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.messagetimestampcompact); if (timestamp) { let choice = BDFDB.getData("creationDateLang", this, "choices"); let testtimestamp = BDFDB.htmlToElement(``); document.body.appendChild(testtimestamp); let width = BDFDB.getRects(testtimestamp).width + 5; testtimestamp.remove(); BDFDB.appendLocalStyle(this.name + "CompactCorrection", ` ${BDFDB.dotCN.messagetimestampcompact} { width: ${width}px !important; } ${BDFDB.dotCN.messagetimestampcompactismentioned} { width: ${width + 2}px !important; } ${BDFDB.dotCN.messagemarkupiscompact} { margin-left: ${width}px !important; text-indent: -${width}px !important; } ${BDFDB.dotCN.messageaccessorycompact} { padding-left: ${width}px !important; } `); } else BDFDB.removeLocalStyle(this.name + "CompactCorrection"); } } }