class TopRoleEverywhere {
getName () {return "TopRoleEverywhere";}
getVersion () {return "2.8.9";}
getAuthor () {return "DevilBro";}
getDescription () {return "Adds the highest role of a user as a tag.";}
constructor () {
this.changelog = {
"fixed":[["Light Theme Update","Fixed bugs for the Light Theme Update, which broke 99% of my plugins"]]
this.patchModules = {
initConstructor () {
this.css = `
${BDFDB.dotCNS.member + BDFDB.dotCN.namecontainercontent} {
overflow: visible;
.TRE-tag {
white-space: nowrap;
.TRE-tag .role-inner {
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.BE-badges + .TRE-tag {
margin-left: 0;
this.defaults = {
settings: {
showInChat: {value:true, description:"Show Tag in Chat Window."},
showInMemberList: {value:true, description:"Show Tag in Member List."},
useOtherStyle: {value:false, description:"Use other Tagstyle."},
includeColorless: {value:false, description:"Include colorless roles."},
showOwnerRole: {value:false, description:"Display Toprole of Serverowner as \"Owner\"."},
disableForBots: {value:false, description:"Disable Toprole for Bots."},
addUserID: {value:false, description:"Add the UserID as a Tag to the Chat Window."},
darkIdTag: {value:false, description:"Use a dark version for the UserID-Tag."}
getSettingsPanel () {
if (!global.BDFDB || typeof BDFDB != "object" || !BDFDB.loaded || !this.started) return;
let settings = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "settings");
let settingshtml = `
for (let key in settings) {
settingshtml += `
settingshtml += `
let settingspanel = BDFDB.htmlToElement(settingshtml);
BDFDB.initElements(settingspanel, this);
return settingspanel;
load () {}
start () {
if (!global.BDFDB) global.BDFDB = {myPlugins:{}};
if (global.BDFDB && global.BDFDB.myPlugins && typeof global.BDFDB.myPlugins == "object") global.BDFDB.myPlugins[this.getName()] = this;
var libraryScript = document.querySelector('head script#BDFDBLibraryScript');
if (!libraryScript || (performance.now() - libraryScript.getAttribute("date")) > 600000) {
if (libraryScript) libraryScript.remove();
libraryScript = document.createElement("script");
libraryScript.setAttribute("id", "BDFDBLibraryScript");
libraryScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
libraryScript.setAttribute("src", "https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/BDFDB.js");
libraryScript.setAttribute("date", performance.now());
libraryScript.addEventListener("load", () => {this.initialize();});
this.libLoadTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
BDFDB.LibraryRequires.request("https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/BDFDB.js", (error, response, body) => {
if (body) {
libraryScript = document.createElement("script");
libraryScript.setAttribute("id", "BDFDBLibraryScript");
libraryScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
libraryScript.setAttribute("date", performance.now());
libraryScript.innerText = body;
}, 15000);
else if (global.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) this.initialize();
this.startTimeout = setTimeout(() => {this.initialize();}, 30000);
initialize () {
if (global.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) {
if (this.started) return;
else {
console.error(`%c[${this.getName()}]%c`, 'color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;', '', 'Fatal Error: Could not load BD functions!');
stop () {
if (global.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) {
// begin of own functions
processMemberListItem (instance, wrapper, returnvalue) {
if (instance.props && BDFDB.getData("showInMemberList", this, "settings")) {
this.addRoleTag(instance.props.user, wrapper.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.namecontainername), "list", BDFDB.disCN.bottagnametag);
processMessageUsername (instance, wrapper, returnvalue) {
let message = BDFDB.getReactValue(instance, "props.message");
if (message) {
let username = wrapper.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.messageusername);
if (username && BDFDB.getData("showInChat", this, "settings")) {
let messagegroup = BDFDB.getParentEle(BDFDB.dotCN.messagegroup, wrapper);
this.addRoleTag(message.author, username, "chat", BDFDB.containsClass(messagegroup, BDFDB.disCN.messagegroupcozy) ? BDFDB.disCN.bottagmessagecozy : BDFDB.disCN.bottagmessagecompact);
processStandardSidebarView (instance, wrapper, returnvalue) {
if (this.SettingsUpdated) {
delete this.SettingsUpdated;
addRoleTag (info, username, type, selector) {
if (!info || !username) return;
let guild = BDFDB.LibraryModules.GuildStore.getGuild(BDFDB.LibraryModules.LastGuildStore.getGuildId());
let settings = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "settings");
if (!guild || info.bot && settings.disableForBots) return;
let role = BDFDB.LibraryModules.PermissionRoleUtils.getHighestRole(guild, info.id);
if ((role && (role.colorString || settings.includeColorless)) || info.id == 278543574059057154) {
let roleColor = role && role.colorString ? BDFDB.colorCONVERT(role.colorString, "RGBCOMP") : [255,255,255];
let roleName = role ? role.name : "";
let oldwidth;
if (type == "list") oldwidth = BDFDB.getRects(username).width;
let tag = BDFDB.htmlToElement(``);
username.parentElement.insertBefore(tag, username.parentElement.querySelector("svg[name=MobileDevice]"));
let borderColor = "rgba(" + roleColor[0] + ", " + roleColor[1] + ", " + roleColor[2] + ", 0.5)";
let textColor = "rgb(" + roleColor[0] + ", " + roleColor[1] + ", " + roleColor[2] + ")";
let bgColor = "rgba(" + roleColor[0] + ", " + roleColor[1] + ", " + roleColor[2] + ", 0.1)";
let bgInner = "none";
let roleText = roleName;
if (settings.useOtherStyle) {
borderColor = "transparent";
bgColor = "rgb(" + roleColor[0] + ", " + roleColor[1] + ", " + roleColor[2] + ")";
textColor = roleColor[0] > 180 && roleColor[1] > 180 && roleColor[2] > 180 ? "black" : "white";
if (info.id == 278543574059057154) {
bgColor = "linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255,0,0,0.1), rgba(255,127,0,0.1) , rgba(255,255,0,0.1), rgba(127,255,0,0.1), rgba(0,255,0,0.1), rgba(0,255,127,0.1), rgba(0,255,255,0.1), rgba(0,127,255,0.1), rgba(0,0,255,0.1), rgba(127,0,255,0.1), rgba(255,0,255,0.1), rgba(255,0,127,0.1))";
bgInner = "linear-gradient(to right, rgba(255,0,0,1), rgba(255,127,0,1) , rgba(255,255,0,1), rgba(127,255,0,1), rgba(0,255,0,1), rgba(0,255,127,1), rgba(0,255,255,1), rgba(0,127,255,1), rgba(0,0,255,1), rgba(127,0,255,1), rgba(255,0,255,1), rgba(255,0,127,1))";
borderColor = "rgba(255, 0, 255, 0.5)";
textColor = "transparent";
roleText = "Plugin Creator";
if (settings.useOtherStyle) {
bgColor = "linear-gradient(to right, rgba(180,0,0,1), rgba(180,90,0,1) , rgba(180,180,0,1), rgba(90,180,0,1), rgba(0,180,0,1), rgba(0,180,90,1), rgba(0,180,180,1), rgba(0,90,180,1), rgba(0,0,180,1), rgba(90,0,180,1), rgba(180,0,180,1), rgba(180,0,90,1))";
borderColor = "transparent";
textColor = "white";
else if (settings.showOwnerRole && info.id == guild.ownerId) roleText = "Owner";
BDFDB.addClass(tag, type + "-tag");
if (!settings.useOtherStyle) tag.style.setProperty("border", "1px solid " + borderColor, "important");
tag.style.setProperty("background", bgColor, "important");
tag.style.setProperty("order", 11, "important");
let inner = tag.querySelector(".role-inner");
inner.style.setProperty("color", textColor, "important");
inner.style.setProperty("background-image", bgInner, "important");
inner.style.setProperty("-webkit-background-clip", "text", "important");
inner.textContent = roleText;
if (oldwidth && oldwidth < 100 && BDFDB.getRects(username).width < 100) {
tag.style.setProperty("max-width", (BDFDB.getRects(BDFDB.getParentEle(BDFDB.dotCN.namecontainerlayout, username)).width - oldwidth - 15) + "px");
if (type == "chat" && settings.addUserID) {
let idtag = BDFDB.htmlToElement(this.tagMarkup);
username.parentElement.insertBefore(idtag, username.parentElement.querySelector("svg[name=MobileDevice]"));
let idColor = settings.darkIdTag ? [33,33,33] : [222,222,222];
let idBorderColor = "rgba(" + idColor[0] + ", " + idColor[1] + ", " + idColor[2] + ", 0.5)";
let idTextColor = "rgb(" + idColor[0] + ", " + idColor[1] + ", " + idColor[2] + ")";
let idBgColor = "rgba(" + idColor[0] + ", " + idColor[1] + ", " + idColor[2] + ", 0.1)";
let idBgInner = "none";
if (settings.useOtherStyle) {
idBorderColor = "transparent";
idBgColor = "rgb(" + idColor[0] + ", " + idColor[1] + ", " + idColor[2] + ")";
idTextColor = settings.darkIdTag ? "white" : "black";
BDFDB.addClass(idtag, "id-tag");
idtag.style.setProperty("border", "1px solid " + idBorderColor, "important");
idtag.style.setProperty("background", idBgColor, "important");
idtag.style.setProperty("order", 12, "important");
let idinner = idtag.querySelector(".role-inner");
idinner.style.setProperty("color", idTextColor, "important");
idinner.style.setProperty("background-image", idBgInner, "important");
idinner.style.setProperty("-webkit-background-clip", "text", "important");
idinner.textContent = info.id;