(_ => {
if (window.BDFDB && window.BDFDB.ListenerUtils && typeof window.BDFDB.ListenerUtils.remove == "function") window.BDFDB.ListenerUtils.remove(window.BDFDB);
if (window.BDFDB && window.BDFDB.StoreChangeUtils && typeof window.BDFDB.StoreChangeUtils.remove == "function") window.BDFDB.StoreChangeUtils.remove(window.BDFDB);
if (window.BDFDB && window.BDFDB.ObserverUtils && typeof window.BDFDB.ObserverUtils.disconnect == "function") window.BDFDB.ObserverUtils.disconnect(window.BDFDB);
if (window.BDFDB && window.BDFDB.ModuleUtils && typeof window.BDFDB.ModuleUtils.unpatch == "function") window.BDFDB.ModuleUtils.unpatch(window.BDFDB);
if (window.BDFDB && window.BDFDB.WindowUtils && typeof window.BDFDB.WindowUtils.closeAll == "function") window.BDFDB.WindowUtils.closeAll(window.BDFDB);
if (window.BDFDB && window.BDFDB.WindowUtils && typeof window.BDFDB.WindowUtils.removeListener == "function") window.BDFDB.WindowUtils.removeListener(window.BDFDB);
const BDFDB = {
myPlugins: Object.assign({}, window.BDFDB && window.BDFDB.myPlugins),
InternalData: Object.assign({
pressedKeys: [],
mousePosition: {
pageX: 0,
pageY: 0
componentPatchQueries: {}
window.BDFDB && window.BDFDB.InternalData,
creationTime: performance.now()
BDv2Api: window.BDFDB && window.BDFDB.BDv2Api || undefined,
name: "BDFDB"
const InternalBDFDB = {
name: "BDFDB",
patchPriority: 0
const loadId = Math.round(Math.random() * 10000000000000000);
BDFDB.InternalData.loadId = loadId;
if (typeof Array.prototype.flat != "function") Array.prototype.flat = function () {return this;}
InternalBDFDB.defaults = {
settings: {
showToasts: {value:true, description:"Show Plugin start and stop Toasts"},
showSupportBadges: {value:true, description:"Show little Badges for Users who support my Patreon"}
BDFDB.LogUtils = {};
BDFDB.LogUtils.log = function (string, name) {
console.log(`%c[${typeof name == "string" && name || "BDFDB"}]`, "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;", (typeof string == "string" && string || "").trim());
BDFDB.LogUtils.warn = function (string, name) {
console.warn(`%c[${typeof name == "string" && name || "BDFDB"}]`, "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;", (typeof string == "string" && string || "").trim());
BDFDB.LogUtils.error = function (string, name) {
console.error(`%c[${typeof name == "string" && name || "BDFDB"}]`, "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;", "Fatal Error: " + (typeof string == "string" && string || "").trim());
BDFDB.LogUtils.log("Loading library.");
BDFDB.PluginUtils = {};
BDFDB.PluginUtils.init = function (plugin) {
plugin.name = plugin.name || (typeof plugin.getName == "function" ? plugin.getName() : null);
plugin.version = plugin.version || (typeof plugin.getVersion == "function" ? plugin.getVersion() : null);
plugin.author = plugin.author || (typeof plugin.getAuthor == "function" ? plugin.getAuthor() : null);
plugin.description = plugin.description || (typeof plugin.getDescription == "function" ? plugin.getDescription() : null);
let loadMessage = BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LibraryStringsFormat("toast_plugin_started", "v" + plugin.version);
BDFDB.LogUtils.log(loadMessage, plugin.name);
if (!BDFDB.BDUtils.getSettings("fork-ps-2") && BDFDB.DataUtils.get(BDFDB, "settings", "showToasts")) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(plugin.name + " " + loadMessage, {nopointer: true, selector: "plugin-started-toast"});
let url = typeof plugin.getRawUrl == "function" && typeof plugin.getRawUrl() == "string" ? plugin.getRawUrl() : `https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/${plugin.name}/${plugin.name}.plugin.js`;
BDFDB.PluginUtils.checkUpdate(plugin.name, url);
if (typeof plugin.initConstructor === "function") BDFDB.TimeUtils.suppress(plugin.initConstructor.bind(plugin), "Could not initiate constructor!", plugin.name)();
if (typeof plugin.css === "string") BDFDB.DOMUtils.appendLocalStyle(plugin.name, plugin.css);
if (!window.PluginUpdates || typeof window.PluginUpdates !== "object") window.PluginUpdates = {plugins: {} };
window.PluginUpdates.plugins[url] = {name: plugin.name, raw: url, version: plugin.version};
if (typeof window.PluginUpdates.interval === "undefined") window.PluginUpdates.interval = BDFDB.TimeUtils.interval(_ => {BDFDB.PluginUtils.checkAllUpdates();}, 1000*60*60*2);
plugin.started = true;
delete plugin.stopping;
for (let name in BDFDB.myPlugins) if (!BDFDB.myPlugins[name].started && typeof BDFDB.myPlugins[name].initialize == "function") setImmediate(_ => {BDFDB.TimeUtils.suppress(BDFDB.myPlugins[name].initialize.bind(BDFDB.myPlugins[name]), "Could not initiate plugin!", name)();});
BDFDB.PluginUtils.clear = function (plugin) {
delete BDFDB.myPlugins[plugin.name];
let unloadMessage = BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LibraryStringsFormat("toast_plugin_stopped", "v" + plugin.version);
BDFDB.LogUtils.log(unloadMessage, plugin.name);
if (!BDFDB.BDUtils.getSettings("fork-ps-2") && BDFDB.DataUtils.get(BDFDB, "settings", "showToasts")) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(plugin.name + " " + unloadMessage, {nopointer: true, selector: "plugin-stopped-toast"});
let url = typeof plugin.getRawUrl == "function" && typeof plugin.getRawUrl() == "string" ? plugin.getRawUrl() : `https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/${plugin.name}/${plugin.name}.plugin.js`;
if (typeof plugin.css === "string") BDFDB.DOMUtils.removeLocalStyle(plugin.name);
for (let type in BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries) BDFDB.ArrayUtils.remove(BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type].query, plugin, true);
for (let modal of document.querySelectorAll(`.${plugin.name}-modal, .${plugin.name.toLowerCase()}-modal, .${plugin.name}-settingsmodal, .${plugin.name.toLowerCase()}-settingsmodal`)) {
let closeButton = modal.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.modalclose);
if (closeButton) closeButton.click();
delete BDFDB.DataUtils.cached[plugin.name]
delete window.PluginUpdates.plugins[url];
delete plugin.started;
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {delete plugin.stopping;});
BDFDB.PluginUtils.translate = function (plugin) {
plugin.labels = {};
if (typeof plugin.setLabelsByLanguage === "function" || typeof plugin.changeLanguageStrings === "function") {
if (document.querySelector("html").lang) translate();
else {
let translateInterval = BDFDB.TimeUtils.interval(_ => {
if (document.querySelector("html").lang) {
}, 100);
function translate() {
let language = BDFDB.LanguageUtils.getLanguage();
if (typeof plugin.setLabelsByLanguage === "function") plugin.labels = plugin.setLabelsByLanguage(language.id);
if (typeof plugin.changeLanguageStrings === "function") plugin.changeLanguageStrings();
BDFDB.LogUtils.log(BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LibraryStringsFormat("toast_plugin_translated", language.ownlang), plugin.name);
BDFDB.PluginUtils.checkUpdate = function (pluginName, url) {
if (pluginName && url) return new Promise(callback => {
LibraryRequires.request(url, (error, response, result) => {
if (error) return callback(null);
let newVersion = result.match(/['"][0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+['"]/i);
if (!newVersion) return callback(null);
if (BDFDB.NumberUtils.getVersionDifference(newVersion[0], window.PluginUpdates.plugins[url].version) > 0.2) {
BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(`${pluginName} will be force updated, because your version is heavily outdated.`, {
type: "warn",
nopointer: true,
selector: "plugin-forceupdate-toast"
BDFDB.PluginUtils.downloadUpdate(pluginName, url);
return callback(2);
else if (BDFDB.NumberUtils.compareVersions(newVersion[0], window.PluginUpdates.plugins[url].version)) {
BDFDB.PluginUtils.showUpdateNotice(pluginName, url);
return callback(1);
else {
return callback(0);
return new Promise(_ => {callback(null);});
BDFDB.PluginUtils.checkAllUpdates = function () {
return new Promise(callback => {
let finished = 0, amount = 0;
for (let url in window.PluginUpdates.plugins) {
let plugin = window.PluginUpdates.plugins[url];
if (plugin) BDFDB.PluginUtils.checkUpdate(plugin.name, plugin.raw).then(state => {
if (state == 1) amount++;
if (finished >= Object.keys(window.PluginUpdates.plugins).length) callback(amount);
BDFDB.PluginUtils.showUpdateNotice = function (pluginName, url) {
if (!pluginName || !url) return;
let updateNotice = document.querySelector("#pluginNotice");
if (!updateNotice) {
updateNotice = BDFDB.NotificationUtils.notice(`The following plugins need to be updated: `, {html:true, id:"pluginNotice", type:"info", btn:!BDFDB.BDUtils.isAutoLoadEnabled() ? "Reload" : "", customicon:``});
updateNotice.style.setProperty("display", "block", "important");
updateNotice.style.setProperty("visibility", "visible", "important");
updateNotice.style.setProperty("opacity", "1", "important");
updateNotice.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.noticedismiss).addEventListener("click", _ => {
let reloadButton = updateNotice.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.noticebutton);
if (reloadButton) {
BDFDB.DOMUtils.toggle(reloadButton, true);
reloadButton.addEventListener("click", _ => {
reloadButton.addEventListener("mouseenter", _ => {
if (window.PluginUpdates.downloaded) BDFDB.TooltipUtils.create(reloadButton, window.PluginUpdates.downloaded.join(", "), {type:"bottom", selector:"update-notice-tooltip", style: "max-width: 420px"});
if (updateNotice) {
let updateNoticeList = updateNotice.querySelector("#outdatedPlugins");
if (updateNoticeList && !updateNoticeList.querySelector(`#${pluginName}-notice`)) {
if (updateNoticeList.querySelector("span")) updateNoticeList.appendChild(BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(`, `));
let updateEntry = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(`${pluginName}`);
updateEntry.addEventListener("click", _ => {BDFDB.PluginUtils.downloadUpdate(pluginName, url);});
if (!document.querySelector(".update-clickme-tooltip")) BDFDB.TooltipUtils.create(updateNoticeList, "Click us!", {type:"bottom", selector:"update-clickme-tooltip", delay:500});
BDFDB.PluginUtils.removeUpdateNotice = function (pluginName, updateNotice = document.querySelector("#pluginNotice")) {
if (!pluginName || !updateNotice) return;
let updateNoticeList = updateNotice.querySelector("#outdatedPlugins");
if (updateNoticeList) {
let noticeEntry = updateNoticeList.querySelector(`#${pluginName}-notice`);
if (noticeEntry) {
let nextSibling = noticeEntry.nextSibling;
let prevSibling = noticeEntry.prevSibling;
if (nextSibling && BDFDB.DOMUtils.containsClass(nextSibling, "separator")) nextSibling.remove();
else if (prevSibling && BDFDB.DOMUtils.containsClass(prevSibling, "separator")) prevSibling.remove();
if (!updateNoticeList.querySelector("span")) {
let reloadButton = updateNotice.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.noticebutton);
if (reloadButton) {
updateNotice.querySelector(".notice-message").innerText = "To finish updating you need to reload.";
BDFDB.DOMUtils.toggle(reloadButton, false);
else updateNotice.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.noticedismiss).click();
BDFDB.PluginUtils.downloadUpdate = function (pluginName, url) {
if (!pluginName || !url) return;
LibraryRequires.request(url, (error, response, result) => {
if (error) return BDFDB.LogUtils.warn("Unable to get update for " + pluginName);
BDFDB.InternalData.creationTime = 0;
let newVersion = result.match(/['"][0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+['"]/i);
newVersion = newVersion.toString().replace(/['"]/g, "");
LibraryRequires.fs.writeFileSync(LibraryRequires.path.join(BDFDB.BDUtils.getPluginsFolder(), url.split("/").slice(-1)[0]), result);
BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast(`${pluginName} v${window.PluginUpdates.plugins[url].version} has been replaced by ${pluginName} v${newVersion}.`, {nopointer:true, selector:"plugin-updated-toast"});
let updateNotice = document.querySelector("#pluginNotice");
if (updateNotice) {
if (updateNotice.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.noticebutton)) {
window.PluginUpdates.plugins[url].version = newVersion;
if (!window.PluginUpdates.downloaded) window.PluginUpdates.downloaded = [];
if (!window.PluginUpdates.downloaded.includes(pluginName)) window.PluginUpdates.downloaded.push(pluginName);
BDFDB.PluginUtils.removeUpdateNotice(pluginName, updateNotice);
BDFDB.PluginUtils.checkChangeLog = function (plugin) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) || !plugin.changelog) return;
let changeLog = BDFDB.DataUtils.load(plugin, "changelog");
if (!changeLog.currentversion || BDFDB.NumberUtils.compareVersions(plugin.version, changeLog.currentversion)) {
changeLog.currentversion = plugin.version;
BDFDB.DataUtils.save(changeLog, plugin, "changelog");
BDFDB.PluginUtils.openChangeLog = function (plugin) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) || !plugin.changelog) return;
let changeLogHTML = "", headers = {
added: "New Features",
fixed: "Bug Fixes",
improved: "Improvements",
progress: "Progress"
for (let type in plugin.changelog) {
type = type.toLowerCase();
let className = BDFDB.disCN["changelog" + type];
if (className) {
changeLogHTML += `
for (let log of plugin.changelog[type]) changeLogHTML += `
${log[0]}${log[1] ? (": " + log[1] + ".") : ""}
changeLogHTML += `
if (changeLogHTML) BDFDB.ModalUtils.open(plugin, {header:`${plugin.name} ${BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.CHANGE_LOG}`, subheader:`Version ${plugin.version}`, children:BDFDB.ReactUtils.elementToReact(BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(changeLogHTML)), className:BDFDB.disCN.modalchangelogmodal, contentClassName:BDFDB.disCNS.changelogcontainer + BDFDB.disCN.modalminicontent});
BDFDB.PluginUtils.addLoadingIcon = function (icon) {
if (!Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(icon)) return;
BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(icon, BDFDB.disCN.loadingicon);
let loadingIconWrapper = document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.app + ">" + BDFDB.dotCN.loadingiconwrapper);
if (!loadingIconWrapper) {
loadingIconWrapper = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(``);
let killObserver = new MutationObserver(changes => {if (!loadingIconWrapper.firstElementChild) BDFDB.DOMUtils.remove(loadingIconWrapper);});
killObserver.observe(loadingIconWrapper, {childList:true});
BDFDB.PluginUtils.createSettingsPanel = function (plugin, children) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) || !children || (!BDFDB.ReactUtils.isValidElement(children) && !BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(children)) || (BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(children) && !children.length)) return;
let settingsPanel = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(``);
BDFDB.ReactUtils.render(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.SettingsPanel, {
key: `${plugin.name}-settingsPanel`,
title: plugin.name,
}), settingsPanel);
return settingsPanel;
BDFDB.PluginUtils.refreshSettingsPanel = function (plugin, settingsPanel, ...args) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) || typeof plugin.getSettingsPanel != "function" || !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(settingsPanel) || !settingsPanel.parentElement) return;
InternalBDFDB.clearStartTimeout = function (plugin) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin)) return;
BDFDB.TimeUtils.clear(plugin.startTimeout, plugin.libLoadTimeout);
delete plugin.startTimeout;
delete plugin.libLoadTimeout;
InternalBDFDB.addSpecialListeners = function (plugin) {
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin)) {
if (typeof plugin.onSettingsClosed === "function") {
let SettingsLayer = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByName("StandardSidebarView");
if (SettingsLayer) BDFDB.ModuleUtils.patch(plugin, SettingsLayer.prototype, "componentWillUnmount", {after: e => {
if (typeof plugin.onSwitch === "function") {
let spacer = document.querySelector(`${BDFDB.dotCN.guildswrapper} ~ * > ${BDFDB.dotCN.chatspacer}`);
if (spacer) {
let noChannelObserver = new MutationObserver(changes => {changes.forEach(change => {
if (change.target && BDFDB.DOMUtils.containsClass(change.target, BDFDB.disCN.nochannel)) plugin.onSwitch();
BDFDB.ObserverUtils.connect(plugin, spacer.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCNC.chat + BDFDB.dotCN.nochannel), {name:"switchFixNoChannelObserver", instance:noChannelObserver}, {attributes: true});
let spacerObserver = new MutationObserver(changes => {changes.forEach(change => {if (change.addedNodes) {change.addedNodes.forEach(node => {
if (BDFDB.DOMUtils.containsClass(node, BDFDB.disCN.chat, BDFDB.disCN.nochannel, false)) {
BDFDB.ObserverUtils.connect(plugin, node, {name:"switchFixNoChannelObserver", instance:noChannelObserver}, {attributes: true});
BDFDB.ObserverUtils.connect(plugin, spacer, {name:"switchFixSpacerObserver", instance:spacerObserver}, {childList: true});
BDFDB.ObserverUtils = {};
BDFDB.ObserverUtils.connect = function (plugin, eleOrSelec, observer, config = {childList: true}) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) || !eleOrSelec || !observer) return;
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.isEmpty(plugin.observers)) plugin.observers = {};
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(plugin.observers[observer.name])) plugin.observers[observer.name] = [];
if (!observer.multi) for (let subinstance of plugin.observers[observer.name]) subinstance.disconnect();
if (observer.instance) plugin.observers[observer.name].push(observer.instance);
let instance = plugin.observers[observer.name][plugin.observers[observer.name].length - 1];
if (instance) {
let node = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(eleOrSelec) ? eleOrSelec : typeof eleOrSelec === "string" ? document.querySelector(eleOrSelec) : null;
if (node) instance.observe(node, config);
BDFDB.ObserverUtils.disconnect = function (plugin, observer) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) && !BDFDB.ObjectUtils.isEmpty(plugin.observers)) {
let observername = typeof observer == "string" ? observer : (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(observer) ? observer.name : null);
if (!observername) {
for (let observer in plugin.observers) for (let instance of plugin.observers[observer]) instance.disconnect();
delete plugin.observers;
else if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(plugin.observers[observername])) {
for (let instance of plugin.observers[observername]) instance.disconnect();
delete plugin.observers[observername];
BDFDB.StoreChangeUtils = {};
BDFDB.StoreChangeUtils.add = function (plugin, store, callback) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) || !BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(store) || typeof store.addChangeListener != "function" || typeof callback != "function") return;
BDFDB.ListenerUtils.remove(plugin, store, callback);
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(plugin.changeListeners)) plugin.changeListeners = [];
plugin.changeListeners.push({store, callback});
BDFDB.StoreChangeUtils.remove = function (plugin, store, callback) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) || !BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(plugin.changeListeners)) return;
if (!store) {
while (plugin.changeListeners.length) {
let listener = plugin.changeListeners.pop();
else if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(store) && typeof store.addChangeListener == "function") {
if (!callback) {
for (let listener of plugin.changeListeners) {
let removedListeners = [];
if (listener.store == store) {
if (removedListeners.length) plugin.changeListeners = plugin.changeListeners.filter(listener => !removedListeners.includes(listener));
else if (typeof callback == "function") {
plugin.changeListeners = plugin.changeListeners.filter(listener => listener.store == store && listener.callback == callback);
BDFDB.ListenerUtils = {};
BDFDB.ListenerUtils.add = function (plugin, ele, actions, selectorOrCallback, callbackOrNothing) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) || (!Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(ele) && ele !== window) || !actions) return;
let callbackIs4th = typeof selectorOrCallback == "function";
let selector = callbackIs4th ? undefined : selectorOrCallback;
let callback = callbackIs4th ? selectorOrCallback : callbackOrNothing;
if (typeof callback != "function") return;
BDFDB.ListenerUtils.remove(plugin, ele, actions, selector);
for (let action of actions.split(" ")) {
action = action.split(".");
let eventname = action.shift().toLowerCase();
if (!eventname) return;
let origeventname = eventname;
eventname = eventname == "mouseenter" || eventname == "mouseleave" ? "mouseover" : eventname;
let namespace = (action.join(".") || "") + plugin.name;
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(plugin.eventListeners)) plugin.eventListeners = [];
let eventcallback = null;
if (selector) {
if (origeventname == "mouseenter" || origeventname == "mouseleave") {
eventcallback = e => {
for (let child of e.path) if (typeof child.matches == "function" && child.matches(selector) && !child[namespace + "BDFDB" + origeventname]) {
child[namespace + "BDFDB" + origeventname] = true;
if (origeventname == "mouseenter") callback(BDFDB.ListenerUtils.copyEvent(e, child));
let mouseout = e2 => {
if (e2.target.contains(child) || e2.target == child || !child.contains(e2.target)) {
if (origeventname == "mouseleave") callback(BDFDB.ListenerUtils.copyEvent(e, child));
delete child[namespace + "BDFDB" + origeventname];
document.removeEventListener("mouseout", mouseout);
document.addEventListener("mouseout", mouseout);
else {
eventcallback = e => {
for (let child of e.path) if (typeof child.matches == "function" && child.matches(selector)) {
callback(BDFDB.ListenerUtils.copyEvent(e, child));
else eventcallback = e => {callback(BDFDB.ListenerUtils.copyEvent(e, ele));};
plugin.eventListeners.push({ele, eventname, origeventname, namespace, selector, eventcallback});
ele.addEventListener(eventname, eventcallback, true);
BDFDB.ListenerUtils.remove = function (plugin, ele, actions = "", selector) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) || !BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(plugin.eventListeners)) return;
if (!ele) {
while (plugin.eventListeners.length) {
let listener = plugin.eventListeners.pop();
listener.ele.removeEventListener(listener.eventname, listener.eventcallback, true);
else if (Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(ele) || ele === window) {
for (let action of actions.split(" ")) {
action = action.split(".");
let eventname = action.shift().toLowerCase();
let namespace = (action.join(".") || "") + plugin.name;
for (let listener of plugin.eventListeners) {
let removedListeners = [];
if (listener.ele == ele && (!eventname || listener.origeventname == eventname) && listener.namespace == namespace && (selector === undefined || listener.selector == selector)) {
listener.ele.removeEventListener(listener.eventname, listener.eventcallback, true);
if (removedListeners.length) plugin.eventListeners = plugin.eventListeners.filter(listener => !removedListeners.includes(listener));
BDFDB.ListenerUtils.multiAdd = function (node, actions, callback) {
if (!Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(node) || !actions || typeof callback != "function") return;
for (let action of actions.trim().split(" ").filter(n => n)) node.addEventListener(action, callback, true);
BDFDB.ListenerUtils.multiRemove = function (node, actions, callback) {
if (!Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(node) || !actions || typeof callback != "function") return;
for (let action of actions.trim().split(" ").filter(n => n)) node.removeEventListener(action, callback, true);
BDFDB.ListenerUtils.addToChildren = function (node, actions, selector, callback) {
if (!Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(node) || !actions || !selector || !selector.trim() || typeof callback != "function") return;
for (let action of actions.trim().split(" ").filter(n => n)) {
let eventcallback = callback;
if (action == "mouseenter" || action == "mouseleave") eventcallback = e => {if (e.target.matches(selector)) callback(e);};
node.querySelectorAll(selector.trim()).forEach(child => {child.addEventListener(action, eventcallback, true);});
BDFDB.ListenerUtils.copyEvent = function (e, ele) {
if (!e || !e.constructor || !e.type) return e;
let ecopy = new e.constructor(e.type, e);
Object.defineProperty(ecopy, "originalEvent", {value: e});
Object.defineProperty(ecopy, "which", {value: e.which});
Object.defineProperty(ecopy, "keyCode", {value: e.keyCode});
Object.defineProperty(ecopy, "path", {value: e.path});
Object.defineProperty(ecopy, "relatedTarget", {value: e.relatedTarget});
Object.defineProperty(ecopy, "srcElement", {value: e.srcElement});
Object.defineProperty(ecopy, "target", {value: e.target});
Object.defineProperty(ecopy, "toElement", {value: e.toElement});
if (ele) Object.defineProperty(ecopy, "currentTarget", {value: ele});
return ecopy;
BDFDB.ListenerUtils.stopEvent = function (e) {
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(e)) {
if (typeof e.preventDefault == "function") e.preventDefault();
if (typeof e.stopPropagation == "function") e.stopPropagation();
if (typeof e.stopImmediatePropagation == "function") e.stopImmediatePropagation();
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(e.originalEvent)) {
if (typeof e.originalEvent.preventDefault == "function") e.originalEvent.preventDefault();
if (typeof e.originalEvent.stopPropagation == "function") e.originalEvent.stopPropagation();
if (typeof e.originalEvent.stopImmediatePropagation == "function") e.originalEvent.stopImmediatePropagation();
var NotificationBars = [], DesktopNotificationQueue = {queue:[], running:false};
BDFDB.NotificationUtils = {};
BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast = function (text, options = {}) {
let toasts = document.querySelector(".toasts, .bd-toasts");
if (!toasts) {
let channels = document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.channels + " + div");
let channelRects = channels ? BDFDB.DOMUtils.getRects(channels) : null;
let members = channels ? channels.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.memberswrap) : null;
let left = channelRects ? channelRects.left : 310;
let width = channelRects ? (members ? channelRects.width - BDFDB.DOMUtils.getRects(members).width : channelRects.width) : window.outerWidth - 0;
let form = channels ? channels.querySelector("form") : null;
let bottom = form ? BDFDB.DOMUtils.getRects(form).height : 80;
toasts = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(``);
(document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.app) || document.body).appendChild(toasts);
const {type = "", icon = true, timeout = 3000, html = false, selector = "", nopointer = false, color = ""} = options;
let toast = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(`
${html === true ? text : BDFDB.StringUtils.htmlEscape(text)}
if (type) {
BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(toast, "toast-" + type);
if (icon) BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(toast, "icon");
else if (color) {
let rgbcolor = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(color, "RGB");
if (rgbcolor) toast.style.setProperty("background-color", rgbcolor);
BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(toast, selector);
toast.close = _ => {
if (document.contains(toast)) {
BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(toast, "closing");
toast.style.setProperty("pointer-events", "none", "important");
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
if (!toasts.querySelectorAll(".toast, .bd-toast").length) toasts.remove();
}, 3000);
if (nopointer) toast.style.setProperty("pointer-events", "none", "important");
else toast.addEventListener("click", toast.close);
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {toast.close();}, timeout > 0 ? timeout : 600000);
return toast;
BDFDB.NotificationUtils.desktop = function (parsedcontent, parsedoptions = {}) {
const queue = _ => {
DesktopNotificationQueue.queue.push({parsedcontent, parsedoptions});
const runqueue = _ => {
if (!DesktopNotificationQueue.running) {
let notification = DesktopNotificationQueue.queue.shift();
if (notification) notify(notification.parsedcontent, notification.parsedoptions);
const notify = (content, options) => {
DesktopNotificationQueue.running = true;
let muted = options.silent;
options.silent = options.silent || options.sound ? true : false;
let notification = new Notification(content, options);
let audio = new Audio();
let timeout = BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {close();}, options.timeout ? options.timeout : 3000);
if (typeof options.click == "function") notification.onclick = _ => {
if (!muted && options.sound) {
audio.src = options.sound;
const close = _ => {
DesktopNotificationQueue.running = false;
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {runqueue();}, 1000);
if (!("Notification" in window)) {}
else if (Notification.permission === "granted") queue();
else if (Notification.permission !== "denied") Notification.requestPermission(function (response) {if (response === "granted") queue();});
BDFDB.NotificationUtils.notice = function (text, options = {}) {
if (!text) return;
let layers = document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.layers);
if (!layers) return;
let id = BDFDB.NumberUtils.generateId(NotificationBars);
let notice = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(`
layers.parentElement.insertBefore(notice, layers);
let noticeMessage = notice.querySelector(".notice-message");
if (options.platform) for (let platform of options.platform.split(" ")) if (DiscordClasses["noticeicon" + platform]) {
let icon = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(``);
BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(icon, BDFDB.disCN.noticeplatformicon);
BDFDB.DOMUtils.removeClass(icon, BDFDB.disCN.noticeicon);
notice.insertBefore(icon, noticeMessage);
if (options.customicon) {
let iconinner = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(options.customicon)
let icon = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(``);
if (iconinner.tagName == "span" && !iconinner.firstElementChild) icon.style.setProperty("background", `url(${options.customicon}) center/cover no-repeat`);
else icon.appendChild(iconinner);
BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(icon, BDFDB.disCN.noticeplatformicon);
BDFDB.DOMUtils.removeClass(icon, BDFDB.disCN.noticeicon);
notice.insertBefore(icon, noticeMessage);
if (options.btn || options.button) notice.appendChild(BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(``));
if (options.id) notice.id = options.id.split(" ").join("");
if (options.selector) BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(notice, options.selector);
if (options.css) BDFDB.DOMUtils.appendLocalStyle("BDFDBcustomNotificationBar" + id, options.css);
if (options.style) notice.style = options.style;
if (options.html === true) noticeMessage.innerHTML = text;
else {
let link = document.createElement("a");
let newText = [];
for (let word of text.split(" ")) {
let encodedWord = BDFDB.StringUtils.htmlEscape(word);
link.href = word;
newText.push(link.host && link.host !== window.location.host ? `` : encodedWord);
noticeMessage.innerHTML = newText.join(" ");
let type = null;
if (options.type && !document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCNS.chatbase + BDFDB.dotCN.noticestreamer)) {
if (type = BDFDB.disCN["notice" + options.type]) BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(notice, type);
if (options.type == "premium") {
let noticeButton = notice.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.noticebutton);
if (noticeButton) BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(noticeButton, BDFDB.disCN.noticepremiumaction);
BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(noticeMessage, BDFDB.disCN.noticepremiumtext);
notice.insertBefore(BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(``), noticeMessage);
if (!type) {
let comp = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(options.color, "RGBCOMP");
if (comp) {
let fontColor = comp[0] > 180 && comp[1] > 180 && comp[2] > 180 ? "#000" : "#FFF";
let backgroundcolor = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(comp, "HEX");
let filter = comp[0] > 180 && comp[1] > 180 && comp[2] > 180 ? "brightness(0%)" : "brightness(100%)";
BDFDB.DOMUtils.appendLocalStyle("BDFDBcustomNotificationBarColorCorrection" + id, `${BDFDB.dotCN.noticewrapper}[notice-id="${id}"]{background-color:${backgroundcolor} !important;}${BDFDB.dotCN.noticewrapper}[notice-id="${id}"] .notice-message {color:${fontColor} !important;}${BDFDB.dotCN.noticewrapper}[notice-id="${id}"] ${BDFDB.dotCN.noticebutton} {color:${fontColor} !important;border-color:${BDFDB.ColorUtils.setAlpha(fontColor, 0.25, "RGBA")} !important;}${BDFDB.dotCN.noticewrapper}[notice-id="${id}"] ${BDFDB.dotCN.noticebutton}:hover {color:${backgroundcolor} !important;background-color:${fontColor} !important;}${BDFDB.dotCN.noticewrapper}[notice-id="${id}"] ${BDFDB.dotCN.noticedismiss} {filter:${filter} !important;}`);
else BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(notice, BDFDB.disCN.noticedefault);
notice.style.setProperty("height", "36px", "important");
notice.style.setProperty("min-width", "70vw", "important");
notice.style.setProperty("left", "unset", "important");
notice.style.setProperty("right", "unset", "important");
let sideMargin = ((BDFDB.DOMUtils.getWidth(document.body.firstElementChild) - BDFDB.DOMUtils.getWidth(notice))/2);
notice.style.setProperty("left", sideMargin + "px", "important");
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notice.style.setProperty("min-width", "unset", "important");
notice.style.setProperty("width", "unset", "important");
notice.style.setProperty("max-width", "calc(100vw - " + (sideMargin*2) + "px)", "important");
notice.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.noticedismiss).addEventListener("click", _ => {
notice.style.setProperty("overflow", "hidden", "important");
notice.style.setProperty("height", "0px", "important");
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
BDFDB.ArrayUtils.remove(NotificationBars, id);
BDFDB.DOMUtils.removeLocalStyle("BDFDBcustomNotificationBar" + id);
BDFDB.DOMUtils.removeLocalStyle("BDFDBcustomNotificationBarColorCorrection" + id);
}, 500);
return notice;
BDFDB.NotificationUtils.alert = function (header, body) {
if (typeof header == "string" && typeof header == "string" && window.BdApi && typeof BdApi.alert == "function") BdApi.alert(header, body);
var Tooltips = [];
BDFDB.TooltipUtils = {};
BDFDB.TooltipUtils.create = function (anker, text, options = {}) {
let itemLayerContainer = document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.appmount + " > * > " + BDFDB.dotCN.itemlayercontainer);
if (!itemLayerContainer || (typeof text != "string" && !BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(options.guild)) || !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(anker) || !document.contains(anker)) return null;
let id = BDFDB.NumberUtils.generateId(Tooltips);
let itemLayer = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(`
let tooltip = itemLayer.firstElementChild;
if (options.id) tooltip.id = options.id.split(" ").join("");
if (typeof options.type != "string" || !BDFDB.disCN["tooltip" + options.type.toLowerCase()]) options.type = "top";
let type = options.type.toLowerCase();
BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(tooltip, BDFDB.disCN["tooltip" + type]);
let fontColorIsGradient = false, customBackgroundColor = false, style = "";
if (options.style) style += options.style;
if (options.fontColor) {
fontColorIsGradient = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(options.fontColor);
if (!fontColorIsGradient) style = (style ? (style + " ") : "") + `color: ${BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(options.fontColor, "RGBA")} !important;`
if (options.backgroundColor) {
customBackgroundColor = true;
let backgroundColorIsGradient = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(options.backgroundColor);
let backgroundColor = !backgroundColorIsGradient ? BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(options.backgroundColor, "RGBA") : BDFDB.ColorUtils.createGradient(options.backgroundColor);
style = (style ? (style + " ") : "") + `background: ${backgroundColor} !important; border-color: ${backgroundColorIsGradient ? BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(options.backgroundColor[type == "left" ? 100 : 0], "RGBA") : backgroundColor} !important;`;
if (style) tooltip.style = style;
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itemLayer.style.setProperty("z-index", options.zIndex, "important");
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if (options.list || BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(options.guild)) BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(tooltip, BDFDB.disCN.tooltiplistitem);
if (options.selector) BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(tooltip, options.selector);
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(options.guild)) {
let streamOwnerIds = LibraryModules.StreamUtils.getAllApplicationStreams().filter(app => app.guildId === options.guild.id).map(app => app.ownerId);
let streamOwners = streamOwnerIds.map(ownerId => LibraryModules.UserStore.getUser(ownerId)).filter(n => n);
let connectedUsers = Object.keys(LibraryModules.VoiceUtils.getVoiceStates(options.guild.id)).map(userId => !streamOwnerIds.includes(userId) && BDFDB.LibraryModules.UserStore.getUser(userId)).filter(n => n);
let tooltipText = text || options.guild.toString();
if (fontColorIsGradient) tooltipText = `${BDFDB.StringUtils.htmlEscape(tooltipText)}`;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.render(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.ReactUtils.Fragment, {
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BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.GuildComponents.Badge, {
guild: options.guild,
size: LibraryModules.StringUtils.cssValueToNumber(DiscordClassModules.TooltipGuild.iconSize),
className: BDFDB.disCN.tooltiprowicon
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("span", {
className: BDFDB.DOMUtils.formatClassName(BDFDB.disCN.tooltipguildnametext, (connectedUsers.length || streamOwners.length) && BDFDB.disCN.tooltipguildnametextlimitedsize),
children: fontColorIsGradient || options.html ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.elementToReact(BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(tooltipText)) : tooltipText
connectedUsers.length ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
className: BDFDB.disCN.tooltiprow,
children: [
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon, {
name: InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon.Names.SPEAKER,
className: BDFDB.disCN.tooltipactivityicon
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.UserSummaryItem, {
users: connectedUsers,
max: 6
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streamOwners.length ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
className: BDFDB.disCN.tooltiprow,
children: [
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon, {
name: InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon.Names.STREAM,
className: BDFDB.disCN.tooltipactivityicon
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.UserSummaryItem, {
users: streamOwners,
max: 6
}) : null
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}), tooltip);
else {
if (fontColorIsGradient) tooltip.innerHTML = `${BDFDB.StringUtils.htmlEscape(text)}`;
else if (options.html === true) tooltip.innerHTML = text;
else tooltip.innerText = text;
if (options.hide) BDFDB.DOMUtils.appendLocalStyle("BDFDBhideOtherTooltips" + id, `#app-mount ${BDFDB.dotCN.tooltip}:not([tooltip-id="${id}"]) {display: none !important;}`, itemLayerContainer);
let mouseleave = _ => {BDFDB.DOMUtils.remove(itemLayer);};
anker.addEventListener("mouseleave", mouseleave);
let observer = new MutationObserver(changes => changes.forEach(change => {
let nodes = Array.from(change.removedNodes);
if (nodes.indexOf(itemLayer) > -1 || nodes.indexOf(anker) > -1 || nodes.some(n => n.contains(anker))) {
BDFDB.ArrayUtils.remove(Tooltips, id);
BDFDB.DOMUtils.removeLocalStyle("BDFDBhideOtherTooltips" + id, itemLayerContainer);
anker.removeEventListener("mouseleave", mouseleave);
observer.observe(document.body, {subtree:true, childList:true});
(tooltip.update = _ => {
let pointer = tooltip.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.tooltippointer);
let left, top, tRects = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getRects(anker), iRects = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getRects(itemLayer), aRects = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getRects(document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.appmount)), positionOffsets = {height: 10, width: 10}, offset = typeof options.offset == "number" ? options.offset : 0;
switch (type) {
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top = tRects.top - iRects.height - positionOffsets.height + 2 - offset;
left = tRects.left + (tRects.width - iRects.width) / 2;
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top = tRects.top + tRects.height + positionOffsets.height - 2 + offset;
left = tRects.left + (tRects.width - iRects.width) / 2;
case "left":
top = tRects.top + (tRects.height - iRects.height) / 2;
left = tRects.left - iRects.width - positionOffsets.width + 2 - offset;
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top = tRects.top + (tRects.height - iRects.height) / 2;
left = tRects.left + tRects.width + positionOffsets.width - 2 + offset;
itemLayer.style.setProperty("top", top + "px");
itemLayer.style.setProperty("left", left + "px");
if (type == "top" || type == "bottom") {
if (left < 0) {
itemLayer.style.setProperty("left", "5px");
pointer.style.setProperty("margin-left", `${left - 10}px`);
else {
let rightMargin = aRects.width - (left + iRects.width);
if (rightMargin < 0) {
itemLayer.style.setProperty("left", (aRects.width - iRects.width - 5) + "px");
pointer.style.setProperty("margin-left", `${-1*rightMargin}px`);
else if (type == "left" || type == "right") {
if (top < 0) {
itemLayer.style.setProperty("top", "5px");
pointer.style.setProperty("margin-top", `${top - 10}px`);
else {
let bottomMargin = aRects.height - (top + iRects.height);
if (bottomMargin < 0) {
itemLayer.style.setProperty("top", aRects.height - iRects.height - 5 + "px");
pointer.style.setProperty("margin-top", `${-1*bottomMargin}px`);
if (options.delay) {
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {BDFDB.DOMUtils.toggle(itemLayer);}, options.delay);
return itemLayer;
BDFDB.ObjectUtils = {};
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is = function (obj) {
return obj && Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf(obj) && !Array.prototype.isPrototypeOf(obj);
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.extract = function (obj, ...keys) {
let newObj = {};
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(obj)) for (let key of keys.flat(10).filter(n => n)) if (obj[key]) newObj[key] = obj[key];
return newObj;
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.exclude = function (obj, ...keys) {
let newObj = Object.assign({}, obj);
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.delete(newObj, ...keys)
return newObj;
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.delete = function (obj, ...keys) {
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(obj)) for (let key of keys.flat(10).filter(n => n)) delete obj[key];
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.sort = function (obj, sort, except) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(obj)) return {};
let newObj = {};
if (sort === undefined || !sort) for (let key of Object.keys(obj).sort()) newObj[key] = obj[key];
else {
let values = [];
for (let key in obj) values.push(obj[key]);
values = BDFDB.ArrayUtils.keySort(values, sort, except);
for (let value of values) for (let key in obj) if (BDFDB.equals(value, obj[key])) {
newObj[key] = value;
return newObj;
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.reverse = function (obj, sort) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(obj)) return {};
let newObj = {};
for (let key of (sort === undefined || !sort) ? Object.keys(obj).reverse() : Object.keys(obj).sort().reverse()) newObj[key] = obj[key];
return newObj;
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.filter = function (obj, filter, byKey = false) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(obj)) return {};
if (typeof filter != "function") return obj;
return Object.keys(obj).filter(key => filter(byKey ? key : obj[key])).reduce((newObj, key) => (newObj[key] = obj[key], newObj), {});
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.push = function (obj, value) {
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(obj)) obj[Object.keys(obj).length] = value;
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.pop = function (obj, value) {
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(obj)) {
let keys = Object.keys(obj);
if (!keys.length) return;
let value = obj[keys[keys.length-1]];
delete obj[keys[keys.length-1]];
return value;
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.map = function (obj, mapfunc) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(obj)) return {};
if (typeof mapfunc != "string" && typeof mapfunc != "function") return obj;
let newObj = {};
for (let key in obj) if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(obj[key])) newObj[key] = typeof mapfunc == "string" ? obj[key][mapfunc] : mapfunc(obj[key], key);
return newObj;
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.toArray = function (obj) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(obj)) return [];
return Object.entries(obj).map(n => n[1]);
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.deepAssign = function (obj, ...objs) {
if (!objs.length) return obj;
let nextobj = objs.shift();
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(obj) && BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(nextobj)) {
for (let key in nextobj) {
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(nextobj[key])) {
if (!obj[key]) Object.assign(obj, {[key]:{}});
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.deepAssign(obj[key], nextobj[key]);
else Object.assign(obj, {[key]:nextobj[key]});
return BDFDB.ObjectUtils.deepAssign(obj, ...objs);
BDFDB.ObjectUtils.isEmpty = function (obj) {
return !BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(obj) || Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).length == 0;
BDFDB.ArrayUtils = {};
BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is = function (array) {
return array && Array.isArray(array);
BDFDB.ArrayUtils.sum = function (array) {
return Array.isArray(array) ? array.reduce((total, num) => total + Math.round(num), 0) : 0;
BDFDB.ArrayUtils.keySort = function (array, key, except) {
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(array)) return [];
if (key == null) return array;
if (except === undefined) except = null;
return array.sort((x, y) => {
let xValue = x[key], yValue = y[key];
if (xValue !== except) return xValue < yValue ? -1 : xValue > yValue ? 1 : 0;
BDFDB.ArrayUtils.numSort = function (array) {
return array.sort((x, y) => {return x < y ? -1 : x > y ? 1 : 0;});
BDFDB.ArrayUtils.includes = function (array, ...values) {
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(array)) return null;
if (!array.length) return false;
let all = values.pop();
if (typeof all != "boolean") {
all = true;
if (!values.length) return false;
let contained = undefined;
for (let v of values) {
if (contained === undefined) contained = all;
if (all && !array.includes(v)) contained = false;
if (!all && array.includes(v)) contained = true;
return contained;
BDFDB.ArrayUtils.remove = function (array, value, all = false) {
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(array)) return [];
if (!array.includes(value)) return array;
if (!all) array.splice(array.indexOf(value), 1);
else while (array.indexOf(value) > -1) array.splice(array.indexOf(value), 1);
return array;
BDFDB.ArrayUtils.getAllIndexes = function (array, value) {
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(array) && typeof array != "string") return [];
var indexes = [], index = -1;
while ((index = array.indexOf(value, index + 1)) !== -1) indexes.push(index);
return indexes;
BDFDB.ArrayUtils.removeCopies = function (array) {
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(array)) return [];
return [...new Set(array)];
BDFDB.ModuleUtils = {};
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.cached = window.BDFDB && window.BDFDB.ModuleUtils && window.BDFDB.ModuleUtils.cached || {};
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.find = function (filter, getExport) {
getExport = typeof getExport != "boolean" ? true : getExport;
let req = InternalBDFDB.getWebModuleReq();
for (let i in req.c) if (req.c.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
let m = req.c[i].exports;
if (m && (typeof m == "object" || typeof m == "function") && filter(m)) return getExport ? m : req.c[i];
if (m && m.__esModule) {
for (let j in m) if (m[j] && (typeof m[j] == "object" || typeof m[j] == "function") && filter(m[j])) return getExport ? m[j] : req.c[i];
if (m.default && (typeof m.default == "object" || typeof m.default == "function")) for (let j in m.default) if (m.default[j] && (typeof m.default[j] == "object" || typeof m.default[j] == "function") && filter(m.default[j])) return getExport ? m.default[j] : req.c[i];
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties = function (...properties) {
properties = properties.flat(10);
let getExport = properties.pop();
if (typeof getExport != "boolean") {
getExport = true;
return InternalBDFDB.findModule("prop", JSON.stringify(properties), m => properties.every(prop => m[prop] !== undefined), getExport);
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByName = function (name, getExport) {
return InternalBDFDB.findModule("name", JSON.stringify(name), m => m.displayName === name || m.render && m.render.displayName === name, typeof getExport != "boolean" ? true : getExport);
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByString = function (...strings) {
strings = strings.flat(10);
let getExport = strings.pop();
if (typeof getExport != "boolean") {
getExport = true;
return InternalBDFDB.findModule("string", JSON.stringify(strings), m => strings.every(string => typeof m == "function" && (m.toString().indexOf(string) > -1 || typeof m.__originalMethod == "function" && m.__originalMethod.toString().indexOf(string) > -1 || typeof m.__originalFunction == "function" && m.__originalFunction.toString().indexOf(string) > -1) || BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(m) && typeof m.type == "function" && m.type.toString().indexOf(string) > -1), getExport);
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByPrototypes = function (...protoprops) {
protoprops = protoprops.flat(10);
let getExport = protoprops.pop();
if (typeof getExport != "boolean") {
getExport = true;
return InternalBDFDB.findModule("proto", JSON.stringify(protoprops), m => m.prototype && protoprops.every(prop => m.prototype[prop] !== undefined), getExport);
InternalBDFDB.findModule = function (type, cachestring, filter, getExport) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(BDFDB.ModuleUtils.cached[type])) BDFDB.ModuleUtils.cached[type] = {module:{}, export:{}};
if (getExport && BDFDB.ModuleUtils.cached[type].export[cachestring]) return BDFDB.ModuleUtils.cached[type].export[cachestring];
else if (!getExport && BDFDB.ModuleUtils.cached[type].module[cachestring]) return BDFDB.ModuleUtils.cached[type].module[cachestring];
else {
var m = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.find(filter, getExport);
if (m) {
if (getExport) BDFDB.ModuleUtils.cached[type].export[cachestring] = m;
else BDFDB.ModuleUtils.cached[type].module[cachestring] = m;
return m;
else BDFDB.LogUtils.warn(`${cachestring} [${type}] not found in WebModules`);
InternalBDFDB.getWebModuleReq = function () {
if (!InternalBDFDB.getWebModuleReq.req) {
const id = "BDFDB-WebModules";
const req = window.webpackJsonp.push([[], {[id]: (module, exports, req) => module.exports = req}, [[id]]]);
delete req.m[id];
delete req.c[id];
InternalBDFDB.getWebModuleReq.req = req;
return InternalBDFDB.getWebModuleReq.req;
var WebModulesData = {};
WebModulesData.PatchTypes = ["before", "instead", "after"];
WebModulesData.PatchMap = {
BannedCard: "BannedUser",
ChannelWindow: "Channel",
InvitationCard: "InviteRow",
InviteCard: "InviteRow",
MemberCard: "Member",
PopoutContainer: "Popout",
QuickSwitchResult: "Result",
UserProfile: "UserProfileBody",
WebhookCard: "Webhook"
WebModulesData.ForceObserve = [
WebModulesData.NonRender = [
WebModulesData.MemoComponent = [
WebModulesData.LoadedInComponents = {
AutocompleteChannelResult: "LibraryComponents.AutocompleteItems.Channel",
AutocompleteUserResult: "LibraryComponents.AutocompleteItems.User",
ContextMenuItem: "NativeSubComponents.ContextMenuItem",
QuickSwitchChannelResult: "LibraryComponents.QuickSwitchItems.Channel",
QuickSwitchGroupDMResult: "LibraryComponents.QuickSwitchItems.GroupDM",
QuickSwitchGuildResult: "LibraryComponents.QuickSwitchItems.Guild",
QuickSwitchUserResult: "LibraryComponents.QuickSwitchItems.User",
WebModulesData.SpecialFilter = {
V2C_ContentColumn: ins => ins && ins.return && ins.return.stateNode && ins.return.stateNode.props && typeof ins.return.stateNode.props.title == "string" && (ins.return.stateNode.props.title.toUpperCase().indexOf("PLUGINS") == 0 || ins.return.stateNode.props.title.toUpperCase().indexOf("THEMES") == 0) && ins.return.type,
V2C_PluginCard: ins => ins && ins.return && ins.return.stateNode && ins.return.stateNode.props && ins.return.stateNode.props.addon && ins.return.stateNode.props.addon.plugin && ins.return.type,
V2C_ThemeCard: ins => ins && ins.return && ins.return.stateNode && ins.return.stateNode.props && ins.return.stateNode.props.addon && ins.return.stateNode.props.addon.css && ins.return.type,
GuildFolder: ins => ins && ins.return && ins.return.memoizedProps && ins.return.memoizedProps.folderId && ins.return.memoizedProps.guildIds && ins.return.type
WebModulesData.PatchFinder = {
Account: "accountinfo",
App: "app",
AppSkeleton: "app",
AppView: "appcontainer",
AuthWrapper: "loginscreen",
BannedCard: "guildsettingsbannedcard",
ChannelCall: "callcurrentcontainer",
ChannelMember: "member",
ChannelTextAreaForm: "chatform",
ChannelWindow: "chatcontent",
DirectMessage: "guildouter",
EmojiPicker: "emojipicker",
Guild: "guildouter",
GuildFolder: "guildfolderwrapper",
GuildIcon: "avataricon",
Guilds: "guildswrapper",
GuildSettingsBans: "guildsettingsbannedcard",
GuildSettingsEmoji: "guildsettingsemojicard",
GuildSettingsMembers: "guildsettingsmembercard",
GuildSidebar: "guildchannels",
I18nLoaderWrapper: "app",
InstantInviteModal: "invitemodalwrapper",
InvitationCard: "invitemodalinviterow",
InviteCard: "guildsettingsinvitecard",
MemberCard: "guildsettingsmembercard",
Messages: "messages",
MessagesPopout: "messagespopout",
ModalLayer: "layermodal",
MutualGuilds: "userprofilebody",
MutualFriends: "userprofilebody",
Note: "usernote",
PopoutContainer: "popout",
Popouts: "popouts",
PrivateChannelCall: "callcurrentcontainer",
PrivateChannelCallParticipants: "callcurrentcontainer",
PrivateChannelRecipientsInvitePopout: "searchpopoutdmaddpopout",
PrivateChannelsList: "dmchannelsscroller",
QuickSwitchChannelResult: "quickswitchresult",
QuickSwitchGuildResult: "quickswitchresult",
QuickSwitchResult: "quickswitchresult",
SearchResults: "searchresultswrap",
TypingUsers: "typing",
UnreadDMs: "guildsscroller",
Upload: "uploadmodal",
UserHook: "auditloguserhook",
UserPopout: "userpopout",
UserProfile: "userprofile",
V2C_ContentColumn: "contentcolumn",
V2C_PluginCard: "_repocard",
V2C_ThemeCard: "_repocard"
WebModulesData.CodeFinder = {
WebModulesData.PropsFinder = {
MessageHeader: "MessageTimestamp",
UnavailableGuildsButton: "UnavailableGuildsButton"
WebModulesData.NonPrototype = [].concat(WebModulesData.NonRender, Object.keys(WebModulesData.CodeFinder), Object.keys(WebModulesData.PropsFinder), WebModulesData.MemoComponent, [
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.isPatched = function (plugin, module, methodName) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (!plugin || !BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(module) || !module.BDFDBpatch || !methodName) return false;
const pluginId = (typeof plugin === "string" ? plugin : plugin.name).toLowerCase();
return pluginId && module[methodName] && module[methodName].__isBDFDBpatched && module.BDFDBpatch[methodName] && BDFDB.ObjectUtils.toArray(module.BDFDBpatch[methodName]).some(patchObj => BDFDB.ObjectUtils.toArray(patchObj).some(priorityObj => Object.keys(priorityObj).includes(pluginId)));
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.patch = function (plugin, module, methodNames, patchMethods, config = {}) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (!plugin || !BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(module) || !methodNames || !BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(patchMethods)) return null;
patchMethods = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.filter(patchMethods, type => WebModulesData.PatchTypes.includes(type), true);
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.isEmpty(patchMethods)) return null;
const pluginName = typeof plugin === "string" ? plugin : plugin.name;
const pluginId = pluginName.toLowerCase();
const patchPriority = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) && !isNaN(plugin.patchPriority) ? (plugin.patchPriority < 0 ? 0 : (plugin.patchPriority > 10 ? 10 : Math.round(plugin.patchPriority))) : 5;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(module.BDFDBpatch)) module.BDFDBpatch = {};
methodNames = [methodNames].flat(10).filter(n => n);
let cancel = _ => {BDFDB.ModuleUtils.unpatch(plugin, module, methodNames);};
for (let methodName of methodNames) if (module[methodName] == null || typeof module[methodName] == "function") {
let i = 0;
if (!module.BDFDBpatch[methodName] || config.force && (!module[methodName] || !module[methodName].__isBDFDBpatched)) {
if (!module.BDFDBpatch[methodName]) {
module.BDFDBpatch[methodName] = {};
for (let type of WebModulesData.PatchTypes) module.BDFDBpatch[methodName][type] = {};
if (!module[methodName]) module[methodName] = (_ => {});
const originalMethod = module[methodName];
module.BDFDBpatch[methodName].originalMethod = originalMethod;
module[methodName] = function () {
let callInstead = false, stopCall = false;
const data = {
thisObject: this,
methodArguments: arguments,
originalMethod: originalMethod,
originalMethodName: methodName,
callOriginalMethod: _ => {if (!stopCall) data.returnValue = data.originalMethod.apply(data.thisObject, data.methodArguments)},
callOriginalMethodAfterwards: _ => {callInstead = true;},
stopOriginalMethodCall: _ => {stopCall = true;}
if (module.BDFDBpatch && module.BDFDBpatch[methodName]) {
for (let priority in module.BDFDBpatch[methodName].before) for (let id in BDFDB.ObjectUtils.sort(module.BDFDBpatch[methodName].before[priority])) {
BDFDB.TimeUtils.suppress(module.BDFDBpatch[methodName].before[priority][id], `"before" callback of ${methodName} in ${module.constructor ? (module.constructor.displayName || module.constructor.name) : "module"}`, module.BDFDBpatch[methodName].before[priority][id].pluginName)(data);
let hasInsteadPatches = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.toArray(module.BDFDBpatch[methodName].instead).some(priorityObj => !BDFDB.ObjectUtils.isEmpty(priorityObj));
if (hasInsteadPatches) for (let priority in module.BDFDBpatch[methodName].instead) for (let id in BDFDB.ObjectUtils.sort(module.BDFDBpatch[methodName].instead[priority])) {
let tempreturn = BDFDB.TimeUtils.suppress(module.BDFDBpatch[methodName].instead[priority][id], `"instead" callback of ${methodName} in ${module.constructor ? (module.constructor.displayName || module.constructor.name) : "module"}`, module.BDFDBpatch[methodName].instead[priority][id].pluginName)(data);
if (tempreturn !== undefined) data.returnValue = tempreturn;
if ((!hasInsteadPatches || callInstead) && !stopCall) BDFDB.TimeUtils.suppress(data.callOriginalMethod, `originalMethod of ${methodName} in ${module.constructor ? (module.constructor.displayName || module.constructor.name) : "module"}`)();
for (let priority in module.BDFDBpatch[methodName].after) for (let id in BDFDB.ObjectUtils.sort(module.BDFDBpatch[methodName].after[priority])) {
let tempreturn = BDFDB.TimeUtils.suppress(module.BDFDBpatch[methodName].after[priority][id], `"after" callback of ${methodName} in ${module.constructor ? (module.constructor.displayName || module.constructor.name) : "module"}`, module.BDFDBpatch[methodName].after[priority][id].pluginName)(data);
if (tempreturn !== undefined) data.returnValue = tempreturn;
else BDFDB.TimeUtils.suppress(data.callOriginalMethod, `originalMethod of ${methodName} in ${module.constructor ? module.constructor.displayName || module.constructor.name : "module"}`)();
callInstead = false, stopCall = false;
return methodName == "render" && data.returnValue === undefined ? null : data.returnValue;
for (let key of Object.keys(originalMethod)) module[methodName][key] = originalMethod[key];
if (!module[methodName].__originalFunction) {
let realOriginalMethod = originalMethod.__originalMethod || originalMethod.__originalFunction || originalMethod;
if (typeof realOriginalMethod == "function") module[methodName].__originalFunction = realOriginalMethod;
module[methodName].__isBDFDBpatched = true;
for (let type in patchMethods) if (typeof patchMethods[type] == "function") {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(module.BDFDBpatch[methodName][type][patchPriority])) module.BDFDBpatch[methodName][type][patchPriority] = {};
module.BDFDBpatch[methodName][type][patchPriority][pluginId] = (...args) => {
if (config.once) cancel();
return patchMethods[type](...args);
module.BDFDBpatch[methodName][type][patchPriority][pluginId].pluginName = pluginName;
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) && !config.once && !config.noCache) {
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(plugin.patchCancels)) plugin.patchCancels = [];
return cancel;
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.unpatch = function (plugin, module, methodNames) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (!module && !methodNames) {
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) && BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(plugin.patchCancels)) while (plugin.patchCancels.length) (plugin.patchCancels.pop())();
else {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(module) || !module.BDFDBpatch) return;
const pluginId = !plugin ? null : (typeof plugin === "string" ? plugin : plugin.name).toLowerCase();
if (methodNames) {
for (let methodName of [methodNames].flat(10).filter(n => n)) if (module[methodName] && module.BDFDBpatch[methodName]) unpatch(methodName, pluginId);
else for (let patchedMethod of module.BDFDBpatch) unpatch(patchedMethod, pluginId);
function unpatch (funcName, pluginId) {
for (let type of WebModulesData.PatchTypes) {
if (pluginId) for (let priority in module.BDFDBpatch[funcName][type]) {
delete module.BDFDBpatch[funcName][type][priority][pluginId];
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.isEmpty(module.BDFDBpatch[funcName][type][priority])) delete module.BDFDBpatch[funcName][type][priority];
else delete module.BDFDBpatch[funcName][type];
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.isEmpty(BDFDB.ObjectUtils.filter(module.BDFDBpatch[funcName], key => WebModulesData.PatchTypes.includes(key) && !BDFDB.ObjectUtils.isEmpty(module.BDFDBpatch[funcName][key]), true))) {
module[funcName] = module.BDFDBpatch[funcName].originalMethod;
delete module.BDFDBpatch[funcName];
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.isEmpty(module.BDFDBpatch)) delete module.BDFDBpatch;
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.forceAllUpdates = function (plugin, selectedTypes) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) && BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin.patchedModules)) {
const app = document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.app);
const bdSettings = document.querySelector("#bd-settingspane-container > *");
if (app) {
selectedTypes = [selectedTypes].flat(10).filter(n => n).map(type => type && WebModulesData.PatchMap[type] ? WebModulesData.PatchMap[type] + " _ _ " + type : type);
let filteredModules = [], specialModules = [], patchtypes = {};
for (let patchType in plugin.patchedModules) for (let type in plugin.patchedModules[patchType]) {
let methodNames = [plugin.patchedModules[patchType][type]].flat(10).filter(n => n);
if (BDFDB.ArrayUtils.includes(methodNames, "componentDidMount", "componentDidUpdate", "render", false) && (!selectedTypes.length || selectedTypes.includes(type))) {
let unmappedType = type.split(" _ _ ")[1] || type;
let className = WebModulesData.PatchFinder[unmappedType];
let filter = WebModulesData.SpecialFilter[unmappedType];
if (className && DiscordClasses[className] && typeof filter == "function") {
for (let ele of document.querySelectorAll(BDFDB.dotCN[className])) {
let constro = filter(BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(ele));
if (constro) {
specialModules.push([type, constro]);
else filteredModules.push(type);
let name = type.split(" _ _ ")[0];
if (!patchtypes[name]) patchtypes[name] = [];
if (filteredModules.length || specialModules.length) {
filteredModules = BDFDB.ArrayUtils.removeCopies(filteredModules);
specialModules = BDFDB.ArrayUtils.removeCopies(specialModules);
try {
const appInsDown = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(app, {name:filteredModules, type:specialModules, all:true, group:true, unlimited:true});
const appInsUp = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(app, {name:filteredModules, type:specialModules, all:true, group:true, unlimited:true, up:true});
for (let type in appInsDown) for (let ins of appInsDown[type]) InternalBDFDB.forceInitiateProcess(plugin, ins, type, patchtypes[type]);
for (let type in appInsUp) for (let ins of appInsUp[type]) InternalBDFDB.forceInitiateProcess(plugin, ins, type, patchtypes[type]);
if (bdSettings) {
const bdSettingsIns = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(bdSettings, {name:filteredModules, type:specialModules, all:true, unlimited:true});
if (bdSettingsIns.length) {
const bdSettingsWrap = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(document.querySelector("#bd-settingspane-container > *")), {props:"onChange", up:true});
if (bdSettingsWrap && bdSettingsWrap.props && typeof bdSettingsWrap.props.onChange == "function") bdSettingsWrap.props.onChange(bdSettingsWrap.props.type);
catch (err) {BDFDB.LogUtils.error("Could not force update components! " + err, plugin.name);}
InternalBDFDB.forceInitiateProcess = function (plugin, instance, type, patchtypes) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (!plugin || !instance || !type) return;
let methodNames = [];
for (let patchType in plugin.patchedModules) if (plugin.patchedModules[patchType][type]) methodNames.push(plugin.patchedModules[patchType][type]);
methodNames = BDFDB.ArrayUtils.removeCopies(methodNames).flat(10).filter(n => n);
if (methodNames.includes("componentDidMount")) InternalBDFDB.initiateProcess(plugin, type, {instance, methodname:"componentDidMount", patchtypes});
if (methodNames.includes("render")) BDFDB.ReactUtils.forceUpdate(instance);
else if (methodNames.includes("componentDidUpdate")) InternalBDFDB.initiateProcess(plugin, type, {instance, methodname:"componentDidUpdate", patchtypes});
InternalBDFDB.initiateProcess = function (plugin, type, e) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) && !plugin.stopping && e.instance) {
type = LibraryModules.StringUtils.upperCaseFirstChar(type.split(" _ _ ")[1] || type).replace(/[^A-z0-9]|_/g, "");
if (typeof plugin[`process${type}`] == "function") {
if (typeof e.methodname == "string" && (e.methodname.indexOf("componentDid") == 0 || e.methodname.indexOf("componentWill") == 0)) {
e.node = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findDOMNode(e.instance);
if (e.node) return plugin[`process${type}`](e);
else BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
e.node = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findDOMNode(e.instance);
if (e.node) return plugin[`process${type}`](e);
else if (e.returnvalue || e.patchtypes.includes("before")) return plugin[`process${type}`](e);
InternalBDFDB.patchPlugin = function (plugin) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin) || !BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin.patchedModules)) return;
for (let patchType in plugin.patchedModules) for (let type in plugin.patchedModules[patchType]) {
let unmappedType = type.split(" _ _ ")[1] || type;
let component = WebModulesData.LoadedInComponents[type] && BDFDB.ReactUtils.getValue(InternalComponents, WebModulesData.LoadedInComponents[type]);
if (component) patchInstance(WebModulesData.NonRender.includes(unmappedType) ? (BDFDB.ModuleUtils.find(m => m == component, false) || {}).exports : component, type, patchType);
else {
let className = WebModulesData.PatchFinder[unmappedType];
let codeFind = WebModulesData.CodeFinder[unmappedType];
let propertyFind = WebModulesData.PropsFinder[unmappedType];
let mapped = WebModulesData.PatchMap[type];
let mappedType = mapped ? mapped + " _ _ " + type : type;
let name = mappedType.split(" _ _ ")[0];
if (mapped) {
plugin.patchedModules[patchType][mappedType] = plugin.patchedModules[patchType][type];
delete plugin.patchedModules[patchType][type];
if (className && DiscordClasses[className]) checkForInstance(className, mappedType, patchType, WebModulesData.ForceObserve.includes(unmappedType));
else if (codeFind) patchInstance((BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByString(codeFind, false) || {}).exports, mappedType, patchType, true);
else if (propertyFind) patchInstance((BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties(propertyFind, false) || {}).exports, mappedType, patchType, true);
else if (WebModulesData.NonRender.includes(unmappedType)) patchInstance((BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByName(name, false) || {}).exports, mappedType, patchType, true);
else if (WebModulesData.MemoComponent.includes(unmappedType)) patchInstance((BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByName(name, false) || {exports:{}}).exports.default, mappedType, patchType, true);
else patchInstance(BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByName(name), mappedType, patchType);
function patchInstance(instance, type, patchType, ignoreCheck) {
if (instance) {
let name = type.split(" _ _ ")[0];
instance = instance._reactInternalFiber && instance._reactInternalFiber.type ? instance._reactInternalFiber.type : instance;
instance = ignoreCheck || InternalBDFDB.isInstanceCorrect(instance, name) || WebModulesData.LoadedInComponents[type] ? instance : (BDFDB.ReactUtils.findConstructor(instance, name) || BDFDB.ReactUtils.findConstructor(instance, name, {up:true}));
if (instance) {
instance = instance._reactInternalFiber && instance._reactInternalFiber.type ? instance._reactInternalFiber.type : instance;
let patchMethods = {};
patchMethods[patchType] = e => {
return InternalBDFDB.initiateProcess(plugin, type, {
instance: window != e.thisObject ? e.thisObject : {props:e.methodArguments[0]},
returnvalue: e.returnValue,
methodname: e.originalMethodName,
patchtypes: [patchType]
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.patch(plugin, WebModulesData.NonPrototype.includes(name) ? instance : instance.prototype, plugin.patchedModules[patchType][type], patchMethods);
function checkEle(ele, type, patchType, instanceObserver) {
let unmappedType = type.split(" _ _ ")[1] || type;
let ins = BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(ele);
let filter = WebModulesData.SpecialFilter[unmappedType];
if (typeof filter == "function") {
let component = filter(ins);
if (component) {
if (WebModulesData.NonRender.includes(unmappedType)) patchInstance((BDFDB.ModuleUtils.find(m => m == component, false) || {}).exports, type, patchType, true);
else if (WebModulesData.MemoComponent.includes(unmappedType)) patchInstance((BDFDB.ModuleUtils.find(m => m == component, false) || {exports:{}}).exports.default, type, patchType, true);
else patchInstance(component, type, patchType, true);
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.forceAllUpdates(plugin, type);
return true;
else if (isCorrectInstance(ins, type)) {
patchInstance(ins, type, patchType);
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.forceAllUpdates(plugin, type);
return true;
return false;
function checkForInstance(className, type, patchType, forceobserve) {
const app = document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.app), bdSettings = document.querySelector("#bd-settingspane-container " + BDFDB.dotCN.scrollerwrap);
let instancefound = false;
if (!forceobserve) {
if (app) {
let appins = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findConstructor(app, type, {unlimited:true}) || BDFDB.ReactUtils.findConstructor(app, type, {unlimited:true, up:true});
if (appins && (instancefound = true)) patchInstance(appins, type, patchType);
if (!instancefound && bdSettings) {
let bdSettingsIns = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findConstructor(bdSettings, type, {unlimited:true});
if (bdSettingsIns && (instancefound = true)) patchInstance(bdSettingsIns, type, patchType);
if (!instancefound) {
let found = false, disclass = BDFDB.disCN[className], dotclass = BDFDB.dotCN[className];
for (let ele of document.querySelectorAll(dotclass)) {
found = checkEle(ele, type, patchType);
if (found) break;
if (!found) {
let instanceObserver = new MutationObserver(cs => {cs.forEach(c => {c.addedNodes.forEach(n => {
if (found || !n || !n.tagName) return;
let ele = null;
if ((ele = BDFDB.DOMUtils.containsClass(n, disclass) ? n : n.querySelector(dotclass)) != null) {
found = checkEle(ele, type, patchType);
if (found) instanceObserver.disconnect();
BDFDB.ObserverUtils.connect(plugin, BDFDB.dotCN.appmount, {name:"checkForinstanceObserver", instance:instanceObserver, multi:true
}, {childList:true, subtree:true});
function isCorrectInstance(instance, name) {
if (!instance) return false;
instance = instance._reactInternalFiber && instance._reactInternalFiber.type ? instance._reactInternalFiber.type : instance;
instance = InternalBDFDB.isInstanceCorrect(instance, name) ? instance : (BDFDB.ReactUtils.findConstructor(instance, name) || BDFDB.ReactUtils.findConstructor(instance, name, {up:true}));
return !!instance;
InternalBDFDB.isInstanceCorrect = function (instance, name) {
return instance && ((instance.type && (instance.type.render && instance.type.render.displayName === name || instance.type.displayName === name || instance.type.name === name || instance.type === name)) || instance.render && (instance.render.displayName === name || instance.render.name === name) || instance.displayName == name || instance.name === name);
InternalBDFDB.addContextListeners = function (plugin) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
for (let type of ComponentTypeData.NormalContextMenus) if (typeof plugin[`on${type}`] === "function") InternalBDFDB.patchContextMenuPlugin(plugin, type, InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus[type]);
for (let type of ComponentTypeData.FluxContextMenus) if (typeof plugin[`on${type}`] === "function") {
if (BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type].module) InternalBDFDB.patchContextMenuPlugin(plugin, type, BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type].module);
else {
BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type].query.sort((x, y) => {return x.name < y.name ? -1 : x.name > y.name ? 1 : 0;});
for (let type of ComponentTypeData.QueuedComponents) if (typeof plugin[`on${type}`] === "function") {
if (BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type].module) InternalBDFDB.patchExportedContextMenuPlugin(plugin, type, BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type].module);
else {
BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type].query.sort((x, y) => {return x.name < y.name ? -1 : x.name > y.name ? 1 : 0;});
InternalBDFDB.patchContextMenuPlugin = function (plugin, type, module) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (module && module.prototype) BDFDB.ModuleUtils.patch(plugin, module.prototype, "render", {after: e => {
if (e.thisObject && e.returnValue && typeof plugin[`on${type}`] === "function") plugin[`on${type}`]({instance:e.thisObject, returnvalue:e.returnValue, methodname:"render"});
InternalBDFDB.patchExportedContextMenuPlugin = function (plugin, type, module) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
if (module && module.exports) BDFDB.ModuleUtils.patch(plugin, module.exports, "default", {after: e => {
if (e.returnValue && typeof plugin[`on${type}`] === "function") plugin[`on${type}`]({instance:{props:e.methodArguments[0]}, returnvalue:e.returnValue, methodname:"default"});
InternalBDFDB.executeExtraPatchedPatches = function (type, e) {
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type]) && BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type].query)) for (let plugin of BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type].query) if (e.returnvalue && typeof plugin[`on${type}`] === "function") plugin[`on${type}`](e);
InternalBDFDB.patchContextMenuLib = function (module, repatch) {
if (module && module.prototype) {
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.patch(BDFDB, module.prototype, "render", {after: e => {
if (e.thisObject.props.BDFDBcontextMenu && e.thisObject.props.children && e.returnValue && e.returnValue.props) {
e.returnValue.props.children = e.thisObject.props.children;
delete e.thisObject.props.value;
delete e.thisObject.props.children;
delete e.thisObject.props.BDFDBcontextMenu;
if (repatch) {
let newmodule = BDFDB.ReactUtils.getValue(e, "thisObject._reactInternalFiber.child.type");
if (newmodule && newmodule.displayName && BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[newmodule.displayName] && !BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[newmodule.displayName].module) {
BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[newmodule.displayName].module = newmodule;
InternalBDFDB.patchContextMenuLib(newmodule, false);
while (BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[newmodule.displayName].query.length) InternalBDFDB.patchContextMenuPlugin(BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[newmodule.displayName].query.pop(), newmodule.displayName, newmodule);
InternalBDFDB.patchExportedContextMenuLib = function (menu, type, shouldCloseOnPatch) {
let module = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.find(m => m == menu.type, false);
if (module && module.exports && module.exports.default) {
if (!InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus[type]) {
InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus[type] = module.exports.default;
BDFDB.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus[type] = module.exports.default;
if (!InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus._Exports[type]) {
InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus._Exports[type] = module.exports;
BDFDB.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus._Exports[type] = module.exports;
if (BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type] && !BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type].module) {
BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type].module = module;
while (BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type].query.length) InternalBDFDB.patchExportedContextMenuPlugin(BDFDB.InternalData.componentPatchQueries[type].query.pop(), type, module);
let close = shouldCloseOnPatch && BDFDB.ReactUtils.getValue(menu, "memoizedProps.onClose");
if (typeof close == "function") close();
if (!module.exports.default.displayName) module.exports.default.displayName = type;
InternalBDFDB.getContextMenuType = function (menuType, component) {
if (menuType) {
if (menuType == "MessageContextMenu" && component && component.type != InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus.MessageContextMenu) return "MessageOptionContextMenu";
else if (menuType.endsWith("ContextMenu")) return menuType;
else if (InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus._Types.includes(menuType)) {
if (menuType.indexOf("USER_") == 0) return "UserContextMenu";
else if (menuType.indexOf("CHANNEL_") == 0) return "ChannelContextMenu";
else if (menuType.indexOf("GUILD_") == 0) return "GuildContextMenu";
else if (menuType.indexOf("MESSAGE_") == 0) return "MessageContextMenu";
return null;
BDFDB.DiscordConstants = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("Permissions", "ActivityTypes");
var DiscordObjects = {};
DiscordObjects.Channel = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByPrototypes("getRecipientId", "isManaged", "getGuildId");
DiscordObjects.Guild = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByPrototypes("getIconURL", "getMaxEmojiSlots", "getRole");
DiscordObjects.Invite = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByPrototypes("getExpiresAt", "isExpired");
DiscordObjects.Message = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByPrototypes("getReaction", "getAuthorName", "getChannelId");
DiscordObjects.Messages = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByPrototypes("jumpToMessage", "hasAfterCached", "forEach");
DiscordObjects.Timestamp = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByPrototypes("add", "dayOfYear", "hasAlignedHourOffset");
DiscordObjects.User = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByPrototypes("hasFlag", "isLocalBot", "isClaimed");
BDFDB.DiscordObjects = Object.assign({}, DiscordObjects);
var LibraryRequires = {};
for (let name of ["child_process", "electron", "fs", "path", "process", "request"]) {
try {LibraryRequires[name] = require(name);} catch (err) {}
BDFDB.LibraryRequires = Object.assign({}, LibraryRequires);
var LibraryModules = {};
LibraryModules.AckUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("localAck", "bulkAck");
LibraryModules.APIUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getAPIBaseURL");
LibraryModules.AnalyticsUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("isThrottled", "track");
LibraryModules.AnimationUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("spring", "decay");
LibraryModules.BadgeUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getBadgeCountString", "getBadgeWidthForValue");
LibraryModules.CategoryCollapseStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getCollapsedCategories", "isCollapsed");
LibraryModules.CategoryCollapseUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("categoryCollapse", "categoryCollapseAll");
LibraryModules.ChannelStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getChannel", "getChannels");
LibraryModules.ColorUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("hex2int", "hex2rgb");
LibraryModules.ContextMenuUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("closeContextMenu", "openContextMenu");
LibraryModules.CopyLinkUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("SUPPORTS_COPY", "copy");
LibraryModules.CurrentUserStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getCurrentUser");
LibraryModules.CurrentVoiceUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getAveragePing", "isConnected");
LibraryModules.DirectMessageStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getPrivateChannelIds", "getPrivateChannelTimestamps");
LibraryModules.DirectMessageUnreadStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getUnreadPrivateChannelIds");
LibraryModules.DispatchApiUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("dirtyDispatch", "isDispatching");
LibraryModules.DispatchUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("ComponentDispatch");
LibraryModules.DirectMessageUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("addRecipient", "openPrivateChannel");
LibraryModules.EmojiUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("translateInlineEmojiToSurrogates", "translateSurrogatesToInlineEmoji");
LibraryModules.FriendUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getFriendIDs", "getRelationships");
LibraryModules.FolderStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getGuildFolderById", "getFlattenedGuilds");
LibraryModules.FolderUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("isFolderExpanded", "getExpandedFolders");
LibraryModules.GuildBoostUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getTierName", "getUserLevel");
LibraryModules.GuildChannelStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getChannels", "getDefaultChannel");
LibraryModules.GuildEmojiStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getGuildEmoji", "getDisambiguatedEmojiContext");
LibraryModules.GuildSettingsUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("updateChannelOverrideSettings", "updateNotificationSettings");
LibraryModules.GuildStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getGuild", "getGuilds");
LibraryModules.GuildUnavailableStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("isUnavailable", "totalUnavailableGuilds");
LibraryModules.GuildUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("transitionToGuildSync");
LibraryModules.HistoryUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("transitionTo", "replaceWith", "getHistory");;
LibraryModules.IconUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getGuildIconURL", "getGuildBannerURL");
LibraryModules.InviteUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("acceptInvite", "createInvite");
LibraryModules.KeyCodeUtils = Object.assign({}, BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("toCombo", "keyToCode"));
LibraryModules.KeyCodeUtils.getString = function (keyarray) {
return LibraryModules.KeyCodeUtils.toString([keyarray].flat(10).filter(n => n).map(keycode => [BDFDB.DiscordConstants.KeyboardDeviceTypes.KEYBOARD_KEY, keycode, BDFDB.DiscordConstants.KeyboardEnvs.BROWSER]), true);
LibraryModules.KeyEvents = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("aliases", "code", "codes");
LibraryModules.LanguageStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getLanguages", "Messages");
LibraryModules.LastChannelStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getLastSelectedChannelId");
LibraryModules.LastGuildStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getLastSelectedGuildId");
LibraryModules.LoginUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("login", "logout");
LibraryModules.MemberStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getMember", "getMembers");
LibraryModules.MentionUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("isRawMessageMentioned", "isMentioned");
LibraryModules.MessagePinUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("pinMessage", "unpinMessage");
LibraryModules.MessageStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getMessage", "getMessages");
LibraryModules.MessageUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("receiveMessage", "editMessage");
LibraryModules.ModalUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("openModal", "hasModalOpen");
LibraryModules.MutedUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("isGuildOrCategoryOrChannelMuted");
LibraryModules.NoteStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getNotes", "getNote");
LibraryModules.NotificationSettingsStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getDesktopType", "getTTSType");
LibraryModules.NotificationSettingsUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("setDesktopType", "setTTSType");
LibraryModules.NotificationUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("makeTextChatNotification", "shouldNotify");
LibraryModules.PlatformUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("isWindows", "isLinux");
LibraryModules.PermissionUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getChannelPermissions", "canUser");
LibraryModules.PermissionRoleUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getHighestRole", "can");
LibraryModules.QuoteUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("canQuote", "createQuotedText");
LibraryModules.ReactionUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("addReaction", "removeReaction");
LibraryModules.SearchPageUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("searchNextPage", "searchPreviousPage");
LibraryModules.SelectChannelUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("selectChannel", "selectPrivateChannel");
LibraryModules.SettingsUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("updateRemoteSettings", "updateLocalSettings");
LibraryModules.SoundUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("playSound", "createSound");
LibraryModules.SpellCheckUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("learnWord", "toggleSpellcheck");
LibraryModules.SlateUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("serialize", "deserialize");
LibraryModules.SlateSelectionUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("serialize", "serializeSelection");
LibraryModules.StateStoreUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("useStateFromStores", "useStateFromStoresArray");
LibraryModules.StatusMetaUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getApplicationActivity", "getStatus");
LibraryModules.StoreChangeUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("get", "set", "clear", "remove");
LibraryModules.StreamUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getStreamForUser", "getActiveStream");
LibraryModules.StringUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("cssValueToNumber", "upperCaseFirstChar");
LibraryModules.UnreadGuildUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("hasUnread", "getUnreadGuilds");
LibraryModules.UnreadChannelUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getUnreadCount", "getOldestUnreadMessageId");
LibraryModules.UploadUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("upload", "instantBatchUpload");
LibraryModules.UserNameUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getName", "getNickname");
LibraryModules.UserStore = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getUser", "getUsers");
LibraryModules.Utilities = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("flatMap", "cloneDeep");
LibraryModules.VoiceUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("getAllVoiceStates", "getVoiceStatesForChannel");
LibraryModules.ZoomUtils = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("setZoom", "setFontSize");
BDFDB.LibraryModules = Object.assign({}, LibraryModules);
LibraryModules.React = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("createElement", "cloneElement");
LibraryModules.ReactDOM = BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByProperties("render", "findDOMNode");
BDFDB.ReactUtils = Object.assign({}, LibraryModules.React, LibraryModules.ReactDOM);
BDFDB.ReactUtils.childrenToArray = function (parent) {
if (parent && parent.props && parent.props.children && !BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(parent.props.children)) {
var child = parent.props.children;
parent.props.children = [];
return parent.props.children;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement = function (component, props) {
if (component && component.defaultProps) for (let key in component.defaultProps) if (props[key] == null) props[key] = component.defaultProps[key];
try {return LibraryModules.React.createElement(component || "div", props || {}) || null;}
catch (err) {BDFDB.LogUtils.error("Could not create react element! " + err);}
return null;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.elementToReact = function (node, ref) {
if (BDFDB.ReactUtils.isValidElement(node)) return node;
else if (!Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(node)) return null;
else if (node.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) return node.nodeValue;
let attributes = {}, importantStyles = [];
if (typeof ref == "function") attributes.ref = ref;
for (let attr of node.attributes) attributes[attr.name] = attr.value;
if (node.attributes.style) attributes.style = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.filter(node.style, n => node.style[n] && isNaN(parseInt(n)), true);
attributes.children = [];
if (node.style && node.style.cssText) for (let propStr of node.style.cssText.split(";")) if (propStr.endsWith("!important")) {
let key = propStr.split(":")[0];
let camelprop = key.replace(/-([a-z]?)/g, (m, g) => g.toUpperCase());
if (attributes.style[camelprop] != null) importantStyles.push(key);
for (let child of node.childNodes) attributes.children.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.elementToReact(child));
let reactEle = BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(node.tagName, attributes);
BDFDB.ReactUtils.forceStyle(reactEle, importantStyles);
return reactEle;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.forceStyle = function (reactEle, styles) {
if (!BDFDB.ReactUtils.isValidElement(reactEle) || !BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(reactEle.props.style) || !BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(styles) || !styles.length) return;
let ref = reactEle.ref;
reactEle.ref = instance => {
if (typeof ref == "function") ref(instance);
let node = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findDOMNode(instance);
if (Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(node)) for (let key of styles) {
let propValue = reactEle.props.style[key.replace(/-([a-z]?)/g, (m, g) => g.toUpperCase())];
if (propValue != null) node.style.setProperty(key, propValue, "important");
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChild = function (nodeOrInstance, config) {
if (!nodeOrInstance || !BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config) || !config.name && !config.key && !config.props && !config.filter) return null;
let instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(instance) && !BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(instance)) return null;
config.name = config.name && [config.name].flat().filter(n => n);
config.key = config.key && [config.key].flat().filter(n => n);
config.props = config.props && [config.props].flat().filter(n => n);
config.filter = typeof config.filter == "function" && config.filter;
let depth = -1;
let start = performance.now();
let maxDepth = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.depth === undefined ? 30 : config.depth);
let maxTime = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.time === undefined ? 150 : config.time);
return getChild(instance);
function getChild (children) {
let result = null;
if (!children || depth >= maxDepth && performance.now() - start >= maxTime) return result;
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(children)) {
if (check(children)) result = children;
else if (children.props && children.props.children) {
result = getChild(children.props.children);
else {
for (let child of children) if (child) {
if (BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(child)) result = getChild(child);
else if (check(child)) result = child;
else if (child.props && child.props.children) {
result = getChild(child.props.children);
return result;
function check (instance) {
if (!instance) return false;
let props = instance.stateNode ? instance.stateNode.props : instance.props;
return instance.type && config.name && config.name.some(name => InternalBDFDB.isInstanceCorrect(instance, name)) || config.key && config.key.some(key => instance.key == key) || props && config.props && config.props[config.someProps ? "some" : "every"](prop => BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(prop) ? (BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(prop[1]) ? prop[1].some(checkvalue => propCheck(props, prop[0], checkvalue)) : propCheck(props, prop[0], prop[1])) : props[prop] !== undefined) || config.filter && config.filter(instance);
function propCheck (props, key, value) {
return key != null && props[key] != null && value != null && (key == "className" ? (" " + props[key] + " ").indexOf(" " + value + " ") > -1 : BDFDB.equals(props[key], value));
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChildren = function (nodeOrInstance, config) {
if (!nodeOrInstance || !BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config) || !config.name && !config.key && !config.props && !config.filter) return [null, -1];
let instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(instance) && !BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(instance)) return [null, -1];
config.name = config.name && [config.name].flat().filter(n => n);
config.key = config.key && [config.key].flat().filter(n => n);
config.props = config.props && [config.props].flat().filter(n => n);
config.filter = typeof config.filter == "function" && config.filter;
let parent = firstArray = instance;
while (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(firstArray) && firstArray.props && firstArray.props.children) firstArray = firstArray.props.children;
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(firstArray)) {
if (parent && parent.props) {
parent.props.children = [parent.props.children];
firstArray = parent.props.children;
else firstArray = [];
return getChildren(instance);
function getChildren (children) {
let result = [firstArray, -1];
if (!children) return result;
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(children)) {
if (check(children)) result = found(children);
else if (children.props && children.props.children) {
parent = children;
result = getChildren(children.props.children);
else {
for (let i = 0; result[1] == -1 && i < children.length; i++) if (children[i]) {
if (BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(children[i])) {
parent = children;
result = getChildren(children[i]);
else if (check(children[i])) {
parent = children;
result = found(children[i]);
else if (children[i].props && children[i].props.children) {
parent = children[i];
result = getChildren(children[i].props.children);
return result;
function found (child) {
if (BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(parent)) return [parent, parent.indexOf(child)];
else {
parent.props.children = [];
return [parent.props.children, 0];
function check (instance) {
if (!instance) return false;
let props = instance.stateNode ? instance.stateNode.props : instance.props;
return instance.type && config.name && config.name.some(name => InternalBDFDB.isInstanceCorrect(instance, name)) || config.key && config.key.some(key => instance.key == key) || props && config.props && config.props[config.someProps ? "some" : "every"](prop => BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(prop) ? (BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(prop[1]) ? prop[1].some(checkvalue => propCheck(props, prop[0], checkvalue)) : propCheck(props, prop[0], prop[1])) : props[prop] !== undefined) || config.filter && config.filter(instance);
function propCheck (props, key, value) {
return key != null && props[key] != null && value != null && (key == "className" ? (" " + props[key] + " ").indexOf(" " + value + " ") > -1 : BDFDB.equals(props[key], value));
BDFDB.ReactUtils.setChild = function (parent, stringOrChild) {
if (!BDFDB.ReactUtils.isValidElement(parent) || (!BDFDB.ReactUtils.isValidElement(stringOrChild) && typeof stringOrChild != "string" && !BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(stringOrChild))) return;
let set = false;
function checkParent(child) {
if (set) return;
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(child)) checkChild(child);
else for (let subChild of child) checkChild(subChild);
function checkChild(child) {
if (!BDFDB.ReactUtils.isValidElement(child)) return;
if (BDFDB.ReactUtils.isValidElement(child.props.children)) checkParent(child.props.children);
else if (BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(child.props.children)) {
if (child.props.children.every(c => !c || typeof c == "string")) {
set = true;
child.props.children = [stringOrChild].flat(10);
else checkParent(child.props.children);
else {
set = true;
child.props.children = stringOrChild;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findConstructor = function (nodeOrInstance, types, config = {}) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config)) return null;
if (!nodeOrInstance || !types) return config.all ? (config.group ? {} : []) : null;
let instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(instance)) return config.all ? (config.group ? {} : []) : null;
types = types && [types].flat(10).filter(n => typeof n == "string");
if (!types.length) return config.all ? (config.group ? {} : []) : null;;
let depth = -1;
let start = performance.now();
let maxDepth = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.depth === undefined ? 30 : config.depth);
let maxTime = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.time === undefined ? 150 : config.time);
let whitelist = config.up ? {return:true, sibling:true, default:true, _reactInternalFiber:true} : {child:true, sibling:true, default:true, _reactInternalFiber:true};
let foundConstructors = config.group ? {} : [];
let singleConstructor = getConstructor(instance);
if (config.all) {
for (let i in foundConstructors) {
if (config.group) for (let j in foundConstructors[i]) delete foundConstructors[i][j].BDFDBreactSearch;
else delete foundConstructors[i].BDFDBreactSearch;
return foundConstructors;
else return singleConstructor;
function getConstructor (instance) {
let result = undefined;
if (instance && !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance) && !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(instance) && depth < maxDepth && performance.now() - start < maxTime) {
if (instance.type && types.some(name => InternalBDFDB.isInstanceCorrect(instance, name.split(" _ _ ")[0]))) {
if (config.all === undefined || !config.all) result = instance.type;
else if (config.all) {
if (!instance.type.BDFDBreactSearch) {
instance.type.BDFDBreactSearch = true;
if (config.group) {
if (instance.type && (instance.type.render && instance.type.render.displayName || instance.type.displayName || instance.type.name)) {
let group = config.name.find(name => (instance.type.render && instance.type.render.displayName || instance.type.displayName || instance.type.name || instance.type) == name.split(" _ _ ")[0]) || "Default";
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(foundConstructors[group])) foundConstructors[group] = [];
else foundConstructors.push(instance.type);
if (result === undefined) {
let keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(instance);
for (let i = 0; result === undefined && i < keys.length; i++) {
let key = keys[i];
if (key && whitelist[key] && (typeof instance[key] === "object" || typeof instance[key] === "function")) result = getConstructor(instance[key]);
return result;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findDOMNode = function (instance) {
if (Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance)) return instance;
if (!instance || !instance.updater || typeof instance.updater.isMounted !== "function" || !instance.updater.isMounted(instance)) return null;
let node = LibraryModules.ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance) || BDFDB.ReactUtils.getValue(instance, "child.stateNode");
return Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(node) ? node : null;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner = function (nodeOrInstance, config) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config)) return null;
if (!nodeOrInstance || !config.name && !config.type && !config.key && !config.props) return config.all ? (config.group ? {} : []) : null;
let instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(instance)) return config.all ? (config.group ? {} : []) : null;
config.name = config.name && [config.name].flat().filter(n => n);
config.type = config.type && [config.type].flat().filter(n => n);
config.key = config.key && [config.key].flat().filter(n => n);
config.props = config.props && [config.props].flat().filter(n => n);
let depth = -1;
let start = performance.now();
let maxDepth = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.depth === undefined ? 30 : config.depth);
let maxTime = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.time === undefined ? 150 : config.time);
let whitelist = config.up ? {return:true, sibling:true, _reactInternalFiber:true} : {child:true, sibling:true, _reactInternalFiber:true};
let foundInstances = config.group ? {} : [];
let singleInstance = getOwner(instance);
if (config.all) {
for (let i in foundInstances) {
if (config.group) for (let j in foundInstances[i]) delete foundInstances[i][j].BDFDBreactSearch;
else delete foundInstances[i].BDFDBreactSearch;
return foundInstances;
else return singleInstance;
function getOwner (instance) {
let result = undefined;
if (instance && !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance) && !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(instance) && depth < maxDepth && performance.now() - start < maxTime) {
let props = instance.stateNode ? instance.stateNode.props : instance.props;
if (instance.stateNode && !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance.stateNode) && (instance.type && config.name && config.name.some(name => InternalBDFDB.isInstanceCorrect(instance, name.split(" _ _ ")[0])) || instance.type && config.type && config.type.some(type => BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(type) ? instance.type === type[1] : instance.type === type) || instance.key && config.key && config.key.some(key => instance.key == key) || props && config.props && config.props.every(prop => BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(prop) ? (BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(prop[1]) ? prop[1].some(checkvalue => BDFDB.equals(props[prop[0]], checkvalue)) : BDFDB.equals(props[prop[0]], prop[1])) : props[prop] !== undefined))) {
if (config.all === undefined || !config.all) result = instance.stateNode;
else if (config.all) {
if (!instance.stateNode.BDFDBreactSearch) {
instance.stateNode.BDFDBreactSearch = true;
if (config.group) {
if (config.name && instance.type && (instance.type.render && instance.type.render.displayName || instance.type.displayName || instance.type.name || instance.type)) {
let group = config.name.find(name => (instance.type.render && instance.type.render.displayName || instance.type.displayName || instance.type.name || instance.type) == name.split(" _ _ ")[0]) || "Default";
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(foundInstances[group])) foundInstances[group] = [];
if (config.type && instance.type) {
let group = [config.type.find(t => BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(t) && instance.type === t[1])].flat(10)[0] || "Default";
if (!BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(foundInstances[group])) foundInstances[group] = [];
else foundInstances.push(instance.stateNode);
if (result === undefined) {
let keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(instance);
for (let i = 0; result === undefined && i < keys.length; i++) {
let key = keys[i];
if (key && whitelist[key] && (typeof instance[key] === "object" || typeof instance[key] === "function")) result = getOwner(instance[key]);
return result;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findProps = function (nodeOrInstance, config) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config)) return null;
if (!nodeOrInstance || !config.name && !config.key) return null;
let instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(instance)) return null;
config.name = config.name && [config.name].flat().filter(n => n);
config.key = config.key && [config.key].flat().filter(n => n);
let depth = -1;
let start = performance.now();
let maxDepth = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.depth === undefined ? 30 : config.depth);
let maxTime = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.time === undefined ? 150 : config.time);
let whitelist = config.up ? {return:true, sibling:true, _reactInternalFiber:true} : {child:true, sibling:true, _reactInternalFiber:true};
return findProps(instance);
function findProps (instance) {
let result = undefined;
if (instance && !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance) && !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(instance) && depth < maxDepth && performance.now() - start < maxTime) {
if (instance.memoizedProps && (instance.type && config.name && config.name.some(name => InternalBDFDB.isInstanceCorrect(instance, name.split(" _ _ ")[0])) || config.key && config.key.some(key => instance.key == key))) result = instance.memoizedProps;
if (result === undefined) {
let keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(instance);
for (let i = 0; result === undefined && i < keys.length; i++) {
let key = keys[i];
if (key && whitelist[key] && (typeof instance[key] === "object" || typeof instance[key] === "function")) result = findProps(instance[key]);
return result;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findValue = function (nodeOrInstance, searchKey, config = {}) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config)) return null;
if (!nodeOrInstance || typeof searchKey != "string") return config.all ? [] : null;
let instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(instance)) return config.all ? [] : null;
instance = instance._reactInternalFiber || instance;
let depth = -1;
let start = performance.now();
let maxDepth = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.depth === undefined ? 30 : config.depth);
let maxTime = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.time === undefined ? 150 : config.time);
let whitelist = {
props: true,
state: true,
stateNode: true,
updater: true,
prototype: true,
type: true,
children: config.up ? false : true,
memoizedProps: true,
memoizedState: true,
child: config.up ? false : true,
return: config.up ? true : false,
sibling: config.up ? false : true
let blacklist = {
contextSection: true
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config.whitelist)) Object.assign(whitelist, config.whiteList);
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config.blacklist)) Object.assign(blacklist, config.blacklist);
let foundKeys = [];
let singleKey = getKey(instance);
if (config.all) return foundKeys;
else return singleKey;
function getKey(instance) {
let result = undefined;
if (instance && !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance) && !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(instance) && depth < maxDepth && performance.now() - start < maxTime) {
let keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(instance);
for (let i = 0; result === undefined && i < keys.length; i++) {
let key = keys[i];
if (key && !blacklist[key]) {
let value = instance[key];
if (searchKey === key && (config.value === undefined || BDFDB.equals(config.value, value))) {
if (config.all === undefined || !config.all) result = value;
else if (config.all) {
if (config.noCopies === undefined || !config.noCopies) foundKeys.push(value);
else if (config.noCopies) {
let copy = false;
for (let foundKey of foundKeys) if (BDFDB.equals(value, foundKey)) {
copy = true;
if (!copy) foundKeys.push(value);
else if ((typeof value === "object" || typeof value === "function") && (whitelist[key] || key[0] == "." || !isNaN(key[0]))) result = getKey(value);
return result;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.forceUpdate = function (...instances) {
for (let ins of instances.flat(10).filter(n => n)) if (ins.updater && typeof ins.updater.isMounted == "function" && ins.updater.isMounted(ins)) ins.forceUpdate();
BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance = function (node) {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(node)) return null;
return node[Object.keys(node).find(key => key.startsWith("__reactInternalInstance"))];
BDFDB.ReactUtils.getValue = function (nodeOrInstance, valuepath) {
if (!nodeOrInstance || !valuepath) return null;
let instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(instance)) return null;
let found = instance, values = valuepath.split(".").filter(n => n);
for (value of values) {
if (!found) return null;
found = found[value];
return found;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.render = function (component, node) {
if (!BDFDB.ReactUtils.isValidElement(component) || !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(node)) return;
try {
LibraryModules.ReactDOM.render(component, node);
let observer = new MutationObserver(changes => changes.forEach(change => {
let nodes = Array.from(change.removedNodes);
if (nodes.indexOf(node) > -1 || nodes.some(n => n.contains(node))) {
observer.observe(document.body, {subtree:true, childList:true});
catch (err) {BDFDB.LogUtils.error("Could not render react element! " + err);}
InternalBDFDB.setDefaultProps = function (component, defaultProps) {
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(component)) component.defaultProps = Object.assign({}, component.defaultProps, defaultProps);
InternalBDFDB.loadPatchedComp = function (path) {
let comp = BDFDB.ReactUtils.getValue(window.BDFDB, `LibraryComponents.${path}`);
if (comp && comp.prototype && comp.prototype.BDFDBpatch) return comp;
BDFDB.sameProto = function (a, b) {
if (a != null && typeof a == "object") return a.constructor && a.constructor.prototype && typeof a.constructor.prototype.isPrototypeOf == "function" && a.constructor.prototype.isPrototypeOf(b);
else return typeof a == typeof b;
BDFDB.equals = function (mainA, mainB, sorted) {
var i = -1;
if (sorted === undefined || typeof sorted !== "boolean") sorted = false;
return equal(mainA, mainB);
function equal(a, b) {
var result = true;
if (i > 1000) result = null;
else {
if (typeof a !== typeof b) result = false;
else if (typeof a === "function") result = a.toString() == b.toString();
else if (typeof a === "undefined") result = true;
else if (typeof a === "symbol") result = true;
else if (typeof a === "boolean") result = a == b;
else if (typeof a === "string") result = a == b;
else if (typeof a === "number") {
if (isNaN(a) || isNaN(b)) result = isNaN(a) == isNaN(b);
else result = a == b;
else if (!a && !b) result = true;
else if (!a || !b) result = false;
else if (typeof a === "object") {
var keysA = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a);
var keysB = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b);
if (keysA.length !== keysB.length) result = false;
else for (let j = 0; result === true && j < keysA.length; j++) {
if (sorted) result = equal(a[keysA[j]], b[keysB[j]]);
else result = equal(a[keysA[j]], b[keysA[j]]);
return result;
let MessageRerenderTimeout;
BDFDB.MessageUtils = {};
BDFDB.MessageUtils.rerenderAll = function () {
MessageRerenderTimeout = BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
let MessagesIns = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.app), {name:"Messages", unlimited:true});
let MessagesPrototype = BDFDB.ReactUtils.getValue(MessagesIns, "_reactInternalFiber.type.prototype");
if (MessagesIns && MessagesPrototype) {
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.patch(BDFDB, MessagesPrototype, "render", {after: e => {
let [children, index] = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChildren(e.returnValue, {props: ["message", "channel"]});
if (index > -1) for (let ele of children) if (ele.props.message) ele.props.message = new BDFDB.DiscordObjects.Message(ele.props.message);
}}, {once: true});
}, 1000);
BDFDB.UserUtils = {};
BDFDB.UserUtils.is = function (user) {
return user && user instanceof BDFDB.DiscordObjects.User;
var myDataUser = LibraryModules.CurrentUserStore && LibraryModules.CurrentUserStore.getCurrentUser();
BDFDB.UserUtils.me = new Proxy(myDataUser || {}, {
get: function (list, item) {
return (myDataUser = LibraryModules.CurrentUserStore.getCurrentUser()) && myDataUser[item];
BDFDB.UserUtils.getStatus = function (id = BDFDB.UserUtils.me.id) {
id = typeof id == "number" ? id.toFixed() : id;
let activity = BDFDB.UserUtils.getActivitiy(id);
return activity && activity.type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ActivityTypes.STREAMING ? "streaming" : LibraryModules.StatusMetaUtils.getStatus(id);
BDFDB.UserUtils.getStatusColor = function (status) {
status = typeof status == "string" ? status.toLowerCase() : null;
switch (status) {
case "online": return BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Colors.STATUS_GREEN;
case "mobile": return BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Colors.STATUS_GREEN;
case "idle": return BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Colors.STATUS_YELLOW;
case "dnd": return BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Colors.STATUS_RED;
case "playing": return BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Colors.BRAND;
case "listening": return BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Colors.SPOTIFY;
case "streaming": return BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Colors.TWITCH;
default: return BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Colors.STATUS_GREY;
BDFDB.UserUtils.getActivitiy = function (id = BDFDB.UserUtils.me.id) {
for (let activity of LibraryModules.StatusMetaUtils.getActivities(id)) if (activity.type != BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ActivityTypes.CUSTOM_STATUS) return activity;
return null;
BDFDB.UserUtils.getAvatar = function (id = BDFDB.UserUtils.me.id) {
var user = LibraryModules.UserStore.getUser(typeof id == "number" ? id.toFixed() : id);
if (!user) return window.location.origin + "/assets/322c936a8c8be1b803cd94861bdfa868.png";
else return ((user.avatar ? "" : window.location.origin) + LibraryModules.IconUtils.getUserAvatarURL(user)).split("?")[0];
BDFDB.UserUtils.can = function (permission, id = BDFDB.UserUtils.me.id, channelid = LibraryModules.LastChannelStore.getChannelId()) {
if (!BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Permissions[permission]) BDFDB.LogUtils.warn(permission + " not found in Permissions");
else {
var channel = LibraryModules.ChannelStore.getChannel(channelid);
if (channel) return LibraryModules.PermissionUtils.canUser(id, BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Permissions[permission], channel);
return false;
let GuildsRerenderTimeout;
BDFDB.GuildUtils = {};
BDFDB.GuildUtils.is = function (guild) {
return guild && guild instanceof BDFDB.DiscordObjects.Guild;
BDFDB.GuildUtils.getIcon = function (id) {
let guild = LibraryModules.GuildStore.getGuild(typeof id == "number" ? id.toFixed() : id);
if (!guild || !guild.icon) return null;
return LibraryModules.IconUtils.getGuildIconURL(guild).split("?")[0];
BDFDB.GuildUtils.getBanner = function (id) {
let guild = LibraryModules.GuildStore.getGuild(typeof id == "number" ? id.toFixed() : id);
if (!guild || !guild.banner) return null;
return LibraryModules.IconUtils.getGuildBannerURL(guild).split("?")[0];
BDFDB.GuildUtils.getFolder = function (id) {
return BDFDB.LibraryModules.FolderStore.guildFolders.filter(n => n.folderId).find(n => n.guildIds.includes(id));
BDFDB.GuildUtils.getId = function (div) {
if (!Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(div) || !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(div)) return;
let guilddiv = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getParent(BDFDB.dotCN.guildouter, div);
if (!guilddiv) return;
let iconWrap = guilddiv.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.guildiconwrapper);
let id = iconWrap && iconWrap.href ? iconWrap.href.split("/").slice(-2)[0] : null;
return id && !isNaN(parseInt(id)) ? id.toString() : null;
BDFDB.GuildUtils.getData = function (eleOrInfoOrId) {
if (!eleOrInfoOrId) return null;
let id = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(eleOrInfoOrId) ? BDFDB.GuildUtils.getId(eleOrInfoOrId) : (typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId.id : eleOrInfoOrId);
id = typeof id == "number" ? id.toFixed() : id;
for (let info of BDFDB.GuildUtils.getAll()) if (info && info.id == id) return info;
return null;
BDFDB.GuildUtils.getAll = function () {
let found = [], objs = [];
for (let ins of BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.guilds), {name:["Guild","GuildIcon"], all:true, unlimited:true})) {
if (ins.props && ins.props.guild) objs.push(Object.assign(new ins.props.guild.constructor(ins.props.guild), {div:ins.handleContextMenu && BDFDB.ReactUtils.findDOMNode(ins), instance:ins}));
for (let id of BDFDB.LibraryModules.FolderStore.getFlattenedGuildIds()) {
let foundobj = null;
for (let obj of objs) if (obj.id == id) {
foundobj = obj
if (foundobj) found.push(foundobj);
else {
let guild = BDFDB.LibraryModules.GuildStore.getGuild(id);
if (guild) found.push(Object.assign(new guild.constructor(guild), {div:null, instance:null}))
return found;
BDFDB.GuildUtils.getUnread = function (servers) {
let found = [];
for (let eleOrInfoOrId of servers === undefined || !BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(servers) ? BDFDB.GuildUtils.getAll() : servers) {
if (!eleOrInfoOrId) return null;
let id = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(eleOrInfoOrId) ? BDFDB.GuildUtils.getId(eleOrInfoOrId) : (typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId.id : eleOrInfoOrId);
id = typeof id == "number" ? id.toFixed() : id;
if (id && (LibraryModules.UnreadGuildUtils.hasUnread(id) || LibraryModules.UnreadGuildUtils.getMentionCount(id) > 0)) found.push(eleOrInfoOrId);
return found;
BDFDB.GuildUtils.getPinged = function (servers) {
let found = [];
for (let eleOrInfoOrId of servers === undefined || !BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(servers) ? BDFDB.GuildUtils.getAll() : servers) {
if (!eleOrInfoOrId) return null;
let id = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(eleOrInfoOrId) ? BDFDB.GuildUtils.getId(eleOrInfoOrId) : (typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId.id : eleOrInfoOrId);
id = typeof id == "number" ? id.toFixed() : id;
if (id && LibraryModules.UnreadGuildUtils.getMentionCount(id) > 0) found.push(eleOrInfoOrId);
return found;
BDFDB.GuildUtils.getMuted = function (servers) {
let found = [];
for (let eleOrInfoOrId of servers === undefined || !BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(servers) ? BDFDB.GuildUtils.getAll() : servers) {
if (!eleOrInfoOrId) return null;
let id = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(eleOrInfoOrId) ? BDFDB.GuildUtils.getId(eleOrInfoOrId) : (typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId.id : eleOrInfoOrId);
id = typeof id == "number" ? id.toFixed() : id;
if (id && LibraryModules.MutedUtils.isGuildOrCategoryOrChannelMuted(id)) found.push(eleOrInfoOrId);
return found;
BDFDB.GuildUtils.getSelected = function () {
let info = LibraryModules.GuildStore.getGuild(LibraryModules.LastGuildStore.getGuildId());
if (info) return BDFDB.GuildUtils.getData(info.id) || Object.assign(new info.constructor(info), {div:null, instance:null});
else return null;
BDFDB.GuildUtils.openMenu = function (eleOrInfoOrId, e = BDFDB.InternalData.mousePosition) {
if (!eleOrInfoOrId) return;
let id = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(eleOrInfoOrId) ? BDFDB.GuildUtils.getId(eleOrInfoOrId) : (typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId.id : eleOrInfoOrId);
let guild = LibraryModules.GuildStore.getGuild(id);
if (guild) LibraryModules.ContextMenuUtils.openContextMenu(e, function (e) {
return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus._Exports.GuildContextMenu && InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus._Exports.GuildContextMenu.default, Object.assign({}, e, {
type: BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ContextMenuTypes.GUILD_ICON_BAR,
guild: guild,
badge: LibraryModules.UnreadGuildUtils.getMentionCount(guild.id),
link: BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Routes.CHANNEL(guild.id, LibraryModules.LastChannelStore.getChannelId(guild.id)),
selected: guild.id == LibraryModules.LastGuildStore.getGuildId()
BDFDB.GuildUtils.markAsRead = function (guilds) {
if (!guilds) return;
let unreadChannels = [];
for (let guild of BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(guilds) ? guilds : (typeof guilds == "string" || typeof guilds == "number" ? Array.of(guilds) : Array.from(guilds))) {
let id = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(guild) ? BDFDB.GuildUtils.getId(guild) : (guild && typeof guild == "object" ? guild.id : guild);
let channels = id && LibraryModules.GuildChannelStore.getChannels(id);
if (channels) for (let type in channels) if (BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(channels[type])) for (let channelobj of channels[type]) unreadChannels.push(channelobj.channel.id);
if (unreadChannels.length) LibraryModules.AckUtils.bulkAck(unreadChannels);
BDFDB.GuildUtils.rerenderAll = function () {
GuildsRerenderTimeout = BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
let GuildsIns = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.app), {name:"Guilds", unlimited:true});
let GuildsPrototype = BDFDB.ReactUtils.getValue(GuildsIns, "_reactInternalFiber.type.prototype");
if (GuildsIns && GuildsPrototype) {
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.patch(BDFDB, GuildsPrototype, "render", {after: e => {
let [children, index] = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChildren(e.returnValue, {name: "ConnectedUnreadDMs"});
if (index > -1) children.splice(index + 1, 0, BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {}));
}}, {once: true});
}, 1000);
BDFDB.FolderUtils = {};
BDFDB.FolderUtils.getId = function (div) {
if (!Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(div) || !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(div)) return;
div = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getParent(BDFDB.dotCN.guildfolderwrapper, div);
if (!div) return;
return BDFDB.ReactUtils.findValue(div, "folderId", {up:true});
BDFDB.FolderUtils.getDefaultName = function (folderId) {
let folder = BDFDB.LibraryModules.FolderStore.getGuildFolderById(folderId);
if (!folder) return "";
let rest = 2 * BDFDB.DiscordConstants.MAX_GUILD_FOLDER_NAME_LENGTH;
let names = [], allNames = folder.guildIds.map(guildId => (BDFDB.LibraryModules.GuildStore.getGuild(guildId) || {}).name).filter(n => n);
for (let name of allNames) if (name.length < rest || names.length === 0) {
rest -= name.length;
return names.join(", ") + (names.length < allNames.length ? ", ..." : "");
BDFDB.FolderUtils.getDiv = function (eleOrInfoOrId) {
if (!eleOrInfoOrId) return null;
let info = BDFDB.FolderUtils.getData(eleOrInfoOrId);
return info ? info.div : null;
BDFDB.FolderUtils.getData = function (eleOrInfoOrId) {
if (!eleOrInfoOrId) return null;
let id = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(eleOrInfoOrId) ? BDFDB.FolderUtils.getId(eleOrInfoOrId) : (typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId.id : eleOrInfoOrId);
id = typeof id == "number" ? id.toFixed() : id;
for (let info of BDFDB.FolderUtils.getAll()) if (info && info.folderId == id) return info;
return null;
BDFDB.FolderUtils.getAll = function () {
let found = [];
for (let ins of BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.guildswrapper), {name:"GuildFolder", all:true, unlimited:true})) {
if (ins.props && ins.props.folderId) found.push(Object.assign({}, ins.props, {div:BDFDB.ReactUtils.findDOMNode(ins), instance:ins}));
return found;
BDFDB.ChannelUtils = {};
BDFDB.ChannelUtils.is = function (channel) {
return channel && channel instanceof BDFDB.DiscordObjects.Channel;
BDFDB.ChannelUtils.isTextChannel = function (channelOrId) {
let channel = typeof channelOrId == "string" ? LibraryModules.ChannelStore.getChannel(channelOrId) : channelOrId;
return BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(channel) && (channel.type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ChannelTypes.GUILD_TEXT || channel.type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ChannelTypes.GUILD_STORE || channel.type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ChannelTypes.GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT);
BDFDB.ChannelUtils.getId = function (div) {
if (!Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(div) || !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(div)) return;
div = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getParent(BDFDB.dotCNC.categorycontainerdefault + BDFDB.dotCNC.channelcontainerdefault + BDFDB.dotCN.dmchannel, div);
if (!div) return;
let info = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findValue(div, "channel");
return info ? info.id.toString() : null;
BDFDB.ChannelUtils.getDiv = function (eleOrInfoOrId) {
if (!eleOrInfoOrId) return null;
let info = BDFDB.ChannelUtils.getData(eleOrInfoOrId);
return info ? info.div : null;
BDFDB.ChannelUtils.getData = function (eleOrInfoOrId) {
if (!eleOrInfoOrId) return null;
let id = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(eleOrInfoOrId) ? BDFDB.ChannelUtils.getId(eleOrInfoOrId) : (typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId.id : eleOrInfoOrId);
id = typeof id == "number" ? id.toFixed() : id;
for (let info of BDFDB.ChannelUtils.getAll()) if (info && info.id == id) return info;
return null;
BDFDB.ChannelUtils.getName = function (id, addPrefix) {
let channel = BDFDB.LibraryModules.ChannelStore.getChannel(id);
if (!channel) return "";
switch (channel.type) {
case BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ChannelTypes.DM:
let user = channel.recipients.map(BDFDB.LibraryModules.UserStore.getUser).filter(n => n)[0];
return (addPrefix && "@" || "") + (user && user.toString() || "");
case BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ChannelTypes.GROUP_DM:
if (channel.name) return channel.name;
let users = channel.recipients.map(BDFDB.LibraryModules.UserStore.getUser).filter(n => n);
return users.length > 0 ? users.map(user => user.toString).join(", ") : BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.UNNAMED;
case BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ChannelTypes.GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT:
case BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ChannelTypes.GUILD_TEXT:
return (addPrefix && "#" || "") + channel.name;
return channel.name
BDFDB.ChannelUtils.getAll = function () {
let found = [];
for (let ins of BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.channels), {name: ["ChannelCategoryItem", "ChannelItem", "PrivateChannel"], all:true, unlimited:true})) if (ins.props && !ins.props.ispin && ins.props.channel && ins._reactInternalFiber.return) {
var div = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findDOMNode(ins);
div = div && BDFDB.DOMUtils.containsClass(div.parentElement, BDFDB.disCN.categorycontainerdefault, BDFDB.disCN.channelcontainerdefault, false) ? div.parentElement : div;
found.push(Object.assign(new ins.props.channel.constructor(ins.props.channel), {div, instance:ins}));
return found;
BDFDB.ChannelUtils.getSelected = function () {
let info = LibraryModules.ChannelStore.getChannel(LibraryModules.LastChannelStore.getChannelId());
if (info) return BDFDB.ChannelUtils.getData(info.id) || Object.assign(new info.constructor(info), {div:null, instance:null});
else return null;
BDFDB.ChannelUtils.openMenu = function (eleOrInfoOrId, e = BDFDB.InternalData.mousePosition) {
if (!eleOrInfoOrId) return;
let id = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(eleOrInfoOrId) ? BDFDB.ChannelUtils.getId(eleOrInfoOrId) : (typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId.id : eleOrInfoOrId);
let channel = LibraryModules.ChannelStore.getChannel(id);
if (channel) {
let type = null;
for (let t in BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ChannelTypes) if (BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ChannelTypes[t] == channel.type) {
type = BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ContextMenuTypes[(t == "GUILD_CATEGORY" ? "CHANNEL_" : "CHANNEL_LIST_") + t.replace("GUILD_", "")];
if (type) LibraryModules.ContextMenuUtils.openContextMenu(e, function (e) {
return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus._Exports.ChannelContextMenu && InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus._Exports.ChannelContextMenu.default, Object.assign({}, e, {
type: type,
channel: channel,
guild: LibraryModules.GuildStore.getGuild(channel.guild_id),
selected: channel.id == LibraryModules.LastChannelStore.getChannelId()
BDFDB.ChannelUtils.markAsRead = function (channels) {
if (!channels) return;
let unreadChannels = [];
for (let channel of channels = BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(channels) ? channels : (typeof channels == "string" || typeof channels == "number" ? Array.of(channels) : Array.from(channels))) {
let id = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(channel) ? BDFDB.ChannelUtils.getId(channel) : (channel && typeof channel == "object" ? channel.id : channel);
if (id) unreadChannels.push(id);
if (unreadChannels.length) LibraryModules.AckUtils.bulkAck(unreadChannels);
BDFDB.DMUtils = {};
BDFDB.DMUtils.isDMChannel = function (channelOrId) {
let channel = typeof channelOrId == "string" ? LibraryModules.ChannelStore.getChannel(channelOrId) : channelOrId;
return BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(channel) && (channel.type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ChannelTypes.DM || channel.type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ChannelTypes.GROUP_DM);
BDFDB.DMUtils.getIcon = function (id) {
let channel = LibraryModules.ChannelStore.getChannel(id = typeof id == "number" ? id.toFixed() : id);
if (!channel) return null;
if (!channel.icon) return channel.type == 1 ? BDFDB.UserUtils.getAvatar(channel.recipients[0]) : (channel.type == 3 ? window.location.origin + LibraryModules.IconUtils.getChannelIconURL(channel).split("?")[0] : null);
return LibraryModules.IconUtils.getChannelIconURL(channel).split("?")[0];
BDFDB.DMUtils.getId = function (div) {
if (!Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(div) || !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(div)) return;
let dmdiv = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getParent(BDFDB.dotCN.guildouter, div);
if (!dmdiv) return;
let iconWrap = dmdiv.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.guildiconwrapper);
let id = iconWrap && iconWrap.href ? iconWrap.href.split("/").slice(-1)[0] : null;
return id && !isNaN(parseInt(id)) ? id.toString() : null;
BDFDB.DMUtils.getDiv = function (eleOrInfoOrId) {
if (!eleOrInfoOrId) return null;
if (Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(eleOrInfoOrId)) {
var div = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getParent(BDFDB.dotCN.guildouter, eleOrInfoOrId);
return div ? div.parentElement : div;
else {
let id = typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId.id : eleOrInfoOrId;
if (id) {
var div = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getParent(BDFDB.dotCN.guildouter, document.querySelector(`${BDFDB.dotCNS.guilds + BDFDB.dotCN.dmpill + " + * " + BDFDB.dotCN.guildiconwrapper}[href*="/channels/@me/${id}"]`));
return div && BDFDB? div.parentElement : div;
return null;
BDFDB.DMUtils.getData = function (eleOrInfoOrId) {
if (!eleOrInfoOrId) return null;
let id = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(eleOrInfoOrId) ? BDFDB.BDFDB.DMUtils.getId(eleOrInfoOrId) : (typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId.id : eleOrInfoOrId);
id = typeof id == "number" ? id.toFixed() : id;
for (let info of BDFDB.DMUtils.getAll()) if (info && info.id == id) return info;
return null;
BDFDB.DMUtils.getAll = function () {
let found = [];
for (let ins of BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.guilds), {name:"DirectMessage", all:true, unlimited:true})) {
if (ins.props && ins.props.channel) found.push(Object.assign(new ins.props.channel.constructor(ins.props.channel), {div:BDFDB.ReactUtils.findDOMNode(ins), instance:ins}));
return found;
BDFDB.DMUtils.openMenu = function (eleOrInfoOrId, e = BDFDB.InternalData.mousePosition) {
if (!eleOrInfoOrId) return;
let id = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(eleOrInfoOrId) ? BDFDB.ChannelUtils.getId(eleOrInfoOrId) : (typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId.id : eleOrInfoOrId);
let channel = LibraryModules.ChannelStore.getChannel(id);
if (channel) {
if (channel.isMultiUserDM()) LibraryModules.ContextMenuUtils.openContextMenu(e, function (e) {
return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus.GroupDMContextMenu, Object.assign({}, e, {
channelId: channel.id,
selected: channel.id == LibraryModules.LastChannelStore.getChannelId()
}, {noBlurEvent: true});
else LibraryModules.ContextMenuUtils.openContextMenu(e, function (e) {
return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus._Exports.UserContextMenu && InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.ContextMenus._Exports.UserContextMenu.default, Object.assign({}, e, {
type: BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ContextMenuTypes.USER_PRIVATE_CHANNELS,
user: LibraryModules.UserStore.getUser(channel.recipients[0]),
channelId: channel.id,
selected: channel.id == LibraryModules.LastChannelStore.getChannelId()
BDFDB.DMUtils.markAsRead = function (dms) {
if (!dms) return;
let unreadChannels = [];
for (let dm of dms = BDFDB.ArrayUtils.is(dms) ? dms : (typeof dms == "string" || typeof dms == "number" ? Array.of(dms) : Array.from(dms))) {
let id = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(dm) ? BDFDB.BDFDB.DMUtils.getId(dm) : (dm && typeof dm == "object" ? dm.id : dm);
if (id) unreadChannels.push(id);
for (let i in unreadChannels) BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {LibraryModules.AckUtils.ack(unreadChannels[i]);}, i * 1000);
BDFDB.DataUtils = {};
BDFDB.DataUtils.cached = window.BDFDB && window.BDFDB.DataUtils && window.BDFDB.DataUtils.cached || {};
BDFDB.DataUtils.save = function (data, plugin, key, id) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
let pluginName = typeof plugin === "string" ? plugin : plugin.name;
let configPath = LibraryRequires.path.join(BDFDB.BDUtils.getPluginsFolder(), pluginName + ".config.json");
let config = BDFDB.DataUtils.cached[pluginName] !== undefined ? BDFDB.DataUtils.cached[pluginName] : (InternalBDFDB.readConfig(configPath) || {});
if (key === undefined) config = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(data) ? BDFDB.ObjectUtils.sort(data) : data;
else {
if (id === undefined) config[key] = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(data) ? BDFDB.ObjectUtils.sort(data) : data;
else {
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config[key])) config[key] = {};
config[key][id] = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(data) ? BDFDB.ObjectUtils.sort(data) : data;
let configIsObject = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config);
if (key !== undefined && configIsObject && BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config[key]) && BDFDB.ObjectUtils.isEmpty(config[key])) delete config[key];
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.isEmpty(config)) {
delete BDFDB.DataUtils.cached[pluginName];
if (LibraryRequires.fs.existsSync(configPath)) LibraryRequires.fs.unlinkSync(configPath);
else {
if (configIsObject) config = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.sort(config);
BDFDB.DataUtils.cached[pluginName] = configIsObject ? BDFDB.ObjectUtils.deepAssign({}, config) : config;
LibraryRequires.fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, " "));
BDFDB.DataUtils.load = function (plugin, key, id) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
let pluginName = typeof plugin === "string" ? plugin : plugin.name;
let configPath = LibraryRequires.path.join(BDFDB.BDUtils.getPluginsFolder(), pluginName + ".config.json");
let config = BDFDB.DataUtils.cached[pluginName] !== undefined ? BDFDB.DataUtils.cached[pluginName] : (InternalBDFDB.readConfig(configPath) || {});
let configIsObject = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config);
BDFDB.DataUtils.cached[pluginName] = configIsObject ? BDFDB.ObjectUtils.deepAssign({}, config) : config;
if (key === undefined) return config;
else {
let keydata = configIsObject ? (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config[key]) || config[key] == undefined ? BDFDB.ObjectUtils.deepAssign({}, config[key]) : config[key]) : null;
if (id === undefined) return keydata;
else return !BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(keydata) || keydata[id] === undefined ? null : keydata[id];
BDFDB.DataUtils.remove = function (plugin, key, id) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
let pluginName = typeof plugin === "string" ? plugin : plugin.name;
let configPath = LibraryRequires.path.join(BDFDB.BDUtils.getPluginsFolder(), pluginName + ".config.json");
let config = BDFDB.DataUtils.cached[pluginName] !== undefined ? BDFDB.DataUtils.cached[pluginName] : (InternalBDFDB.readConfig(configPath) || {});
let configIsObject = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config);
if (key === undefined || !configIsObject) config = {};
else {
if (id === undefined) delete config[key];
else if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config[key])) delete config[key][id];
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(config[key]) && BDFDB.ObjectUtils.isEmpty(config[key])) delete config[key];
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.isEmpty(config)) {
delete BDFDB.DataUtils.cached[pluginName];
if (LibraryRequires.fs.existsSync(configPath)) LibraryRequires.fs.unlinkSync(configPath);
else {
if (configIsObject) config = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.sort(config);
BDFDB.DataUtils.cached[pluginName] = configIsObject ? BDFDB.ObjectUtils.deepAssign({}, config) : config;
LibraryRequires.fs.writeFileSync(configPath, JSON.stringify(config, null, " "));
BDFDB.DataUtils.get = function (plugin, key, id) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin;
plugin = typeof plugin == "string" ? BDFDB.BDUtils.getPlugin(plugin) : plugin;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(plugin)) return id === undefined ? {} : null;
let defaults = plugin.defaults;
if (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(defaults) || !defaults[key]) return id === undefined ? {} : null;
let oldC = BDFDB.DataUtils.load(plugin, key), newC = {}, update = false;
for (let k in defaults[key]) {
let isObj = BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(defaults[key][k].value);
if (oldC[k] == null || isObj && (!BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(oldC[k]) || Object.keys(defaults[key][k].value).some(n => defaults[key][k].value[n] != null && !BDFDB.sameProto(defaults[key][k].value[n], oldC[k][n])))) {
newC[k] = isObj ? BDFDB.ObjectUtils.deepAssign({}, defaults[key][k].value) : defaults[key][k].value;
update = true;
else newC[k] = oldC[k];
if (update) BDFDB.DataUtils.save(newC, plugin, key);
if (id === undefined) return newC;
else return newC[id] === undefined ? null : newC[id];
InternalBDFDB.readConfig = function (path) {
try {return JSON.parse(LibraryRequires.fs.readFileSync(path));}
catch (err) {return {};}
BDFDB.ColorUtils = {};
BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert = function (color, conv, type) {
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(color)) {
var newcolor = {};
for (let pos in color) newcolor[pos] = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(color[pos], conv, type);
return newcolor;
else {
conv = conv === undefined || !conv ? conv = "RGBCOMP" : conv.toUpperCase();
type = type === undefined || !type || !["RGB", "RGBA", "RGBCOMP", "HSL", "HSLA", "HSLCOMP", "HEX", "HEXA", "INT"].includes(type.toUpperCase()) ? BDFDB.ColorUtils.getType(color) : type.toUpperCase();
if (conv == "RGBCOMP") {
switch (type) {
case "RGBCOMP":
if (color.length == 3) return processRGB(color);
else if (color.length == 4) {
let a = processA(color.pop());
return processRGB(color).concat(a);
case "RGB":
return processRGB(color.replace(/\s/g, "").slice(4, -1).split(","));
case "RGBA":
let comp = color.replace(/\s/g, "").slice(5, -1).split(",");
let a = processA(comp.pop());
return processRGB(comp).concat(a);
case "HSLCOMP":
if (color.length == 3) return BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(`hsl(${processHSL(color).join(",")})`, "RGBCOMP");
else if (color.length == 4) {
let a = processA(color.pop());
return BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(`hsl(${processHSL(color).join(",")})`, "RGBCOMP").concat(a);
case "HSL":
var hslcomp = processHSL(color.replace(/\s/g, "").slice(4, -1).split(","));
var r, g, b, m, c, x, p, q;
var h = hslcomp[0] / 360, l = parseInt(hslcomp[1]) / 100, s = parseInt(hslcomp[2]) / 100; m = Math.floor(h * 6); c = h * 6 - m; x = s * (1 - l); p = s * (1 - c * l); q = s * (1 - (1 - c) * l);
switch (m % 6) {
case 0: r = s, g = q, b = x; break;
case 1: r = p, g = s, b = x; break;
case 2: r = x, g = s, b = q; break;
case 3: r = x, g = p, b = s; break;
case 4: r = q, g = x, b = s; break;
case 5: r = s, g = x, b = p; break;
return [Math.round(r * 255), Math.round(g * 255), Math.round(b * 255)];
case "HSLA":
var hslcomp = color.replace(/\s/g, "").slice(5, -1).split(",");
return BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(`hsl(${hslcomp.slice(0, 3).join(",")})`, "RGBCOMP").concat(processA(hslcomp.pop()));
case "HEX":
var hex = /^#([a-f\d]{1})([a-f\d]{1})([a-f\d]{1})$|^#([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(color);
return [parseInt(hex[1] + hex[1] || hex[4], 16).toString(), parseInt(hex[2] + hex[2] || hex[5], 16).toString(), parseInt(hex[3] + hex[3] || hex[6], 16).toString()];
case "HEXA":
var hex = /^#([a-f\d]{1})([a-f\d]{1})([a-f\d]{1})([a-f\d]{1})$|^#([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(color);
return [parseInt(hex[1] + hex[1] || hex[5], 16).toString(), parseInt(hex[2] + hex[2] || hex[6], 16).toString(), parseInt(hex[3] + hex[3] || hex[7], 16).toString(), Math.floor(BDFDB.NumberUtils.mapRange([0, 255], [0, 100], parseInt(hex[4] + hex[4] || hex[8], 16).toString()))/100];
case "INT":
color = processINT(color);
return [(color >> 16 & 255).toString(), (color >> 8 & 255).toString(), (color & 255).toString()];
return null;
else {
var rgbcomp = type == "RGBCOMP" ? color : BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(color, "RGBCOMP", type);
if (rgbcomp) switch (conv) {
case "RGB":
return `rgb(${processRGB(rgbcomp.slice(0, 3)).join(",")})`;
case "RGBA":
rgbcomp = rgbcomp.slice(0, 4);
var a = rgbcomp.length == 4 ? processA(rgbcomp.pop()) : 1;
return `rgba(${processRGB(rgbcomp).concat(a).join(",")})`;
case "HSLCOMP":
var a = rgbcomp.length == 4 ? processA(rgbcomp.pop()) : null;
var hslcomp = processHSL(BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(rgbcomp, "HSL").replace(/\s/g, "").split(","));
return a != null ? hslcomp.concat(a) : hslcomp;
case "HSL":
var r = processC(rgbcomp[0]), g = processC(rgbcomp[1]), b = processC(rgbcomp[2]);
var max = Math.max(r, g, b), min = Math.min(r, g, b), dif = max - min, h, l = max === 0 ? 0 : dif / max, s = max / 255;
switch (max) {
case min: h = 0; break;
case r: h = g - b + dif * (g < b ? 6 : 0); h /= 6 * dif; break;
case g: h = b - r + dif * 2; h /= 6 * dif; break;
case b: h = r - g + dif * 4; h /= 6 * dif; break;
return `hsl(${processHSL([Math.round(h * 360), l * 100, s * 100]).join(",")})`;
case "HSLA":
var j0 = rgbcomp.length == 4 ? processA(rgbcomp.pop()) : 1;
return `hsla(${BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(rgbcomp, "HSL").slice(4, -1).split(",").concat(j0).join(",")})`;
case "HEX":
return ("#" + (0x1000000 + (rgbcomp[2] | rgbcomp[1] << 8 | rgbcomp[0] << 16)).toString(16).slice(1)).toUpperCase();
case "HEXA":
return ("#" + (0x1000000 + (rgbcomp[2] | rgbcomp[1] << 8 | rgbcomp[0] << 16)).toString(16).slice(1) + (0x100 + Math.round(BDFDB.NumberUtils.mapRange([0, 100], [0, 255], processA(rgbcomp[3]) * 100))).toString(16).slice(1)).toUpperCase();
case "INT":
return processINT(rgbcomp[2] | rgbcomp[1] << 8 | rgbcomp[0] << 16);
return null;
return null;
function processC(c) {if (c == null) {return 255;} else {c = parseInt(c.toString().replace(/[^0-9\-]/g, ""));return isNaN(c) || c > 255 ? 255 : c < 0 ? 0 : c;}};
function processRGB(comp) {return comp.map(c => {return processC(c);});};
function processA(a) {if (a == null) {return 1;} else {a = a.toString();a = (a.indexOf("%") > -1 ? 0.01 : 1) * parseFloat(a.replace(/[^0-9\.\-]/g, ""));return isNaN(a) || a > 1 ? 1 : a < 0 ? 0 : a;}};
function processSL(sl) {if (sl == null) {return "100%";} else {sl = parseFloat(sl.toString().replace(/[^0-9\.\-]/g, ""));return (isNaN(sl) || sl > 100 ? 100 : sl < 0 ? 0 : sl) + "%";}};
function processHSL(comp) {let h = parseFloat(comp.shift().toString().replace(/[^0-9\.\-]/g, ""));h = isNaN(h) || h > 360 ? 360 : h < 0 ? 0 : h;return [h].concat(comp.map(sl => {return processSL(sl);}));};
function processINT(c) {if (c == null) {return 16777215;} else {c = parseInt(c.toString().replace(/[^0-9]/g, ""));return isNaN(c) || c > 16777215 ? 16777215 : c < 0 ? 0 : c;}};
BDFDB.ColorUtils.setAlpha = function (color, a, conv) {
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(color)) {
var newcolor = {};
for (let pos in color) newcolor[pos] = BDFDB.ColorUtils.setAlpha(color[pos], a, conv);
return newcolor;
else {
var comp = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(color, "RGBCOMP");
if (comp) {
a = a.toString();
a = (a.indexOf("%") > -1 ? 0.01 : 1) * parseFloat(a.replace(/[^0-9\.\-]/g, ""));
a = isNaN(a) || a > 1 ? 1 : a < 0 ? 0 : a;
comp[3] = a;
conv = (conv || BDFDB.ColorUtils.getType(color)).toUpperCase();
conv = conv == "RGB" || conv == "HSL" || conv == "HEX" ? conv + "A" : conv;
return BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(comp, conv);
return null;
BDFDB.ColorUtils.getAlpha = function (color) {
var comp = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(color, "RGBCOMP");
if (comp) {
if (comp.length == 3) return 1;
else if (comp.length == 4) {
let a = comp[3].toString();
a = (a.indexOf("%") > -1 ? 0.01 : 1) * parseFloat(a.replace(/[^0-9\.\-]/g, ""));
return isNaN(a) || a > 1 ? 1 : a < 0 ? 0 : a;
return null;
BDFDB.ColorUtils.change = function (color, value, conv) {
value = parseFloat(value);
if (color != null && typeof value == "number" && !isNaN(value)) {
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(color)) {
var newcolor = {};
for (let pos in color) newcolor[pos] = BDFDB.ColorUtils.change(color[pos], value, conv);
return newcolor;
else {
var comp = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(color, "RGBCOMP");
if (comp) {
if (parseInt(value) !== value) {
value = value.toString();
value = (value.indexOf("%") > -1 ? 0.01 : 1) * parseFloat(value.replace(/[^0-9\.\-]/g, ""));
value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : value;
return BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert([Math.round(comp[0] * (1 + value)), Math.round(comp[1] * (1 + value)), Math.round(comp[2] * (1 + value))], conv || BDFDB.ColorUtils.getType(color));
else return BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert([Math.round(comp[0] + value), Math.round(comp[1] + value), Math.round(comp[2] + value)], conv || BDFDB.ColorUtils.getType(color));
return null;
BDFDB.ColorUtils.invert = function (color, conv) {
if (BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(color)) {
var newcolor = {};
for (let pos in color) newcolor[pos] = BDFDB.ColorUtils.invert(color[pos], conv);
return newcolor;
else {
var comp = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(color, "RGBCOMP");
if (comp) return BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert([255 - comp[0], 255 - comp[1], 255 - comp[2]], conv || BDFDB.ColorUtils.getType(color));
return null;
BDFDB.ColorUtils.compare = function (color1, color2) {
if (color1 && color2) {
color1 = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(color1, "RGBA");
color2 = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(color2, "RGBA");
if (color1 && color2) return BDFDB.equals(color1, color2);
return null;
BDFDB.ColorUtils.isBright = function (color, compare = 160) {
color = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(color, "RGBCOMP");
if (!color) return false;
return parseInt(compare) < Math.sqrt(0.299 * color[0]**2 + 0.587 * color[1]**2 + 0.144 * color[2]**2);
BDFDB.ColorUtils.getType = function (color) {
if (color != null) {
if (typeof color === "object" && (color.length == 3 || color.length == 4)) {
if (isRGB(color)) return "RGBCOMP";
else if (isHSL(color)) return "HSLCOMP";
else if (typeof color === "string") {
if (/^#[a-f\d]{3}$|^#[a-f\d]{6}$/i.test(color)) return "HEX";
else if (/^#[a-f\d]{4}$|^#[a-f\d]{8}$/i.test(color)) return "HEXA";
else {
color = color.toUpperCase();
var comp = color.replace(/[^0-9\.\-\,\%]/g, "").split(",");
if (color.indexOf("RGB(") == 0 && comp.length == 3 && isRGB(comp)) return "RGB";
else if (color.indexOf("RGBA(") == 0 && comp.length == 4 && isRGB(comp)) return "RGBA";
else if (color.indexOf("HSL(") == 0 && comp.length == 3 && isHSL(comp)) return "HSL";
else if (color.indexOf("HSLA(") == 0 && comp.length == 4 && isHSL(comp)) return "HSLA";
else if (typeof color === "number" && parseInt(color) == color && color > -1 && color < 16777216) return "INT";
return null;
function isRGB(comp) {return comp.slice(0, 3).every(rgb => rgb.toString().indexOf("%") == -1 && parseFloat(rgb) == parseInt(rgb));};
function isHSL(comp) {return comp.slice(1, 3).every(hsl => hsl.toString().indexOf("%") == hsl.length - 1);};
BDFDB.ColorUtils.createGradient = function (colorobj, direction = "to right") {
var sortedgradient = {};
var gradientstring = "linear-gradient(" + direction;
for (let pos of Object.keys(colorobj).sort()) {
let color = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(colorobj[pos], "RGBA");
gradientstring += color ? `, ${color} ${pos*100}%` : ''
return gradientstring += ")";
BDFDB.ColorUtils.getSwatchColor = function (container, number) {
if (!Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(container)) return;
let swatches = container.querySelector(`${BDFDB.dotCN.colorpickerswatches}[number="${number}"], ${BDFDB.dotCN.colorpickerswatch}[number="${number}"]`);
if (!swatches) return null;
return BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(BDFDB.ReactUtils.findValue(BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(swatches), "selectedColor", {up:true, blacklist:{"props":true}}));
BDFDB.ColorUtils.openPicker = function (container, target, color, options = {gradient: true, alpha: true, callback: _ => {}}) {
let itemLayerContainer = document.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.appmount + " > * > " + BDFDB.dotCN.itemlayercontainer);
if (!itemLayerContainer || !container || !target) return;
if (typeof options.callback != "function") options.callback = _ => {};
let hexFormat = options.alpha ? "HEXA" : "HEX";
let hexRegex = options.alpha ? /^#([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i : /^#([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i;
let isGradient = color && BDFDB.ObjectUtils.is(color);
let selectedColor = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(isGradient ? color[Object.keys(color)[0]] : color, hexFormat) || (options.alpha ? "#000000FF" : "#000000");
let [h, s, l] = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(selectedColor, "HSLCOMP");
let a = BDFDB.ColorUtils.getAlpha(isGradient ? color[Object.keys(color)[0]] : color);
a = a == null ? 1 : a;
let targetrects = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getRects(target);
let colorPicker = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(`
var removePopout = e => {
if (!colorPicker.contains(e.target)) {
document.removeEventListener("mousedown", removePopout);
document.addEventListener("mousedown", removePopout);
let hexInput = colorPicker.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCNS.colorpickerhexinput + BDFDB.dotCN.input);
let satPane = colorPicker.querySelector(".saturation-color");
let satCursor = colorPicker.querySelector(".saturation-cursor");
let huePane = colorPicker.querySelector(".hue-horizontal");
let hueCursor = colorPicker.querySelector(".hue-cursor");
let alphaPane = colorPicker.querySelector(".alpha-horizontal");
let alphaCursor = colorPicker.querySelector(".alpha-cursor");
let gradientButton = colorPicker.querySelector(".gradient-button");
let gradientBar = colorPicker.querySelector(".gradient-bar");
let gradientPane = colorPicker.querySelector(".gradient-horizontal");
let sMinX, sMaxX, sMinY, sMaxY, hMinX, hMaxX, aMinX, aMaxX, gMinX, gMaxX;
if (isGradient) for (let pos in color) if (pos > 0 && pos < 1) gradientPane.appendChild(BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(`
if (!options.gradient) BDFDB.DOMUtils.remove(colorPicker.querySelectorAll(".gradient-button, .gradient-bar"));
if (!options.alpha) BDFDB.DOMUtils.remove(colorPicker.querySelectorAll(".alpha-bar"));
BDFDB.ListenerUtils.addToChildren(colorPicker, "mousedown", ".move-corner", e => {
let rects = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getRects(colorPicker);
let transform = getComputedStyle(colorPicker, null).getPropertyValue("transform").replace(/[^0-9,-]/g,"").split(",");
let left = rects.left - (transform.length > 4 ? parseFloat(transform[4]) : 0);
let top = rects.top - (transform.length > 4 ? parseFloat(transform[5]) : 0);
let oldX = e.pageX;
let oldY = e.pageY;
let mouseup = _ => {
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseup);
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
let mousemove = e2 => {
left = left - (oldX - e2.pageX);
top = top - (oldY - e2.pageY);
oldX = e2.pageX;
oldY = e2.pageY;
colorPicker.style.setProperty("left", left + "px", "important");
colorPicker.style.setProperty("top", top + "px", "important");
document.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseup);
document.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
satPane.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
s = BDFDB.NumberUtils.mapRange([sMinX, sMaxX], [0, 100], e.clientX) + "%";
l = BDFDB.NumberUtils.mapRange([sMinY, sMaxY], [100, 0], e.clientY) + "%";
let mouseup = _ => {
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseup);
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
let mousemove = e2 => {
s = BDFDB.NumberUtils.mapRange([sMinX, sMaxX], [0, 100], e2.clientX) + "%";
l = BDFDB.NumberUtils.mapRange([sMinY, sMaxY], [100, 0], e2.clientY) + "%";
document.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseup);
document.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
huePane.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
h = BDFDB.NumberUtils.mapRange([hMinX, hMaxX], [0, 360], e.clientX);
let mouseup = _ => {
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseup);
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
let mousemove = e2 => {
h = BDFDB.NumberUtils.mapRange([hMinX, hMaxX], [0, 360], e2.clientX);
document.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseup);
document.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
alphaPane.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
a = BDFDB.NumberUtils.mapRange([aMinX, aMaxX], [0, 1], e.clientX);
let bubble = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(``);
let mouseup = _ => {
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseup);
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
let mousemove = e2 => {
if (!bubble.parentElement) alphaCursor.appendChild(bubble);
a = Math.floor(BDFDB.NumberUtils.mapRange([aMinX, aMaxX], [0, 100], e2.clientX))/100;
bubble.innerText = a;
document.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseup);
document.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
gradientPane.addEventListener("mousedown", e => {
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
if (BDFDB.DOMUtils.containsClass(e.target.parentElement, "gradient-cursor")) {
if (e.which == 1) {
if (!BDFDB.DOMUtils.containsClass(e.target.parentElement, "selected")) {
BDFDB.DOMUtils.removeClass(gradientPane.querySelectorAll(".gradient-cursor.selected"), "selected");
BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(e.target.parentElement, "selected");
[h, s, l] = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(e.target.style.getPropertyValue("background-color"), "HSLCOMP");
a = BDFDB.ColorUtils.getAlpha(e.target.style.getPropertyValue("background-color"));
if (!BDFDB.DOMUtils.containsClass(e.target.parentElement, "edge")) {
let mouseup = _ => {
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseup);
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
let mousemove = e2 => {
e.target.parentElement.style.setProperty("left", BDFDB.NumberUtils.mapRange([gMinX, gMaxX], [1, 99], e2.clientX) + "%");
document.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseup);
document.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
else if (e.which == 3 && !BDFDB.DOMUtils.containsClass(e.target.parentElement, "edge")) {
if (BDFDB.DOMUtils.containsClass(e.target.parentElement, "selected")) {
let firstcursor = gradientPane.querySelector(".gradient-cursor");
BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(firstcursor, "selected");
[h, s, l] = BDFDB.ColorUtils.convert(firstcursor.firstElementChild.style.getPropertyValue("background-color"), "HSLCOMP");
a = BDFDB.ColorUtils.getAlpha(firstElementChild.style.getPropertyValue("background-color"));
else if (gradientPane == e.target && e.which == 1) {
BDFDB.DOMUtils.removeClass(gradientPane.querySelectorAll(".gradient-cursor.selected"), "selected");
let newcursor = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(`