Update BetterFriendList.plugin.js
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @name BetterFriendList
* @author DevilBro
* @authorId 278543574059057154
* @version 1.5.5
* @version 1.5.6
* @description Adds extra Controls to the Friends Page, for example sort by Name/Status, Search and All/Request/Blocked Amount
* @invite Jx3TjNS
* @donate https://www.paypal.me/MircoWittrien
@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
className: BDFDB.disCN.peoplestabbaritem,
children: this.labels.favorites
if (this.settings.general.addHiddenCategory) e.instance.props.children.splice(e.instance.props.children.findIndex(c => c && c.props.id == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.FriendsSections.BLOCKED) + 1, 0, BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.TabBar.Item, {
if (this.settings.general.addHiddenCategory) e.instance.props.children.splice(e.instance.props.children.findIndex(c => c && c.props.id == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.FriendsSections.PENDING) + 1, 0, BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.TabBar.Item, {
id: hiddenFriendsSection,
className: BDFDB.disCN.peoplestabbaritem,
children: this.labels.hidden
@ -278,9 +278,9 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
processAnalyticsContext (e) {
if (e.instance.props.section != BDFDB.DiscordConstants.AnalyticsSections.FRIENDS_LIST) return;
let [children, index] = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findParent(e.instance, {filter: n => n && n.props && n.props.title && n.props.id});
if (index == -1) return;
let users = (BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChild(e.instance, {props: ["statusSections"]}) || {props: {statusSections: []}}).props.statusSections.flat(10);
let body = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChild(e.instance, {filter: n => n && n.props && n.props.renderRow && n.props.rows});
if (!body) return;
let users = body.props.rows.flat(10);
let filteredUsers = users;
if (this.settings.general.addFavorizedCategory) {
if (isFavoritesSelected) filteredUsers = filteredUsers.filter(n => n && n.user && favorizedFriends.indexOf(n.user.id) > -1);
@ -289,45 +289,51 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
if (isHiddenSelected) filteredUsers = filteredUsers.filter(n => n && n.user && hiddenFriends.indexOf(n.user.id) > -1);
else filteredUsers = filteredUsers.filter(n => n && n.user && hiddenFriends.indexOf(n.user.id) == -1);
children[index].props.title = BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex, {
align: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Align.CENTER,
children: [
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
className: BDFDB.disCN._betterfriendlisttitle,
children: this.settings.general.addFavorizedCategory && isFavoritesSelected ? `${this.labels.favorites} - ${filteredUsers.filter(u => u && u.key != placeHolderId).length}` : this.settings.general.addHiddenCategory && isHiddenSelected ? `${this.labels.hidden} - ${filteredUsers.filter(u => u && u.key != placeHolderId).length}` : children[index].props.title.replace(users.length, filteredUsers.filter(u => u && u.key != placeHolderId).length)
this.settings.general.addSortOptions && [
{key: "nicknameLower", label: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.USER_SETTINGS_LABEL_USERNAME},
{key: "statusIndex", label: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LibraryStrings.status}
].filter(n => n).map(data => BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
className: BDFDB.DOMUtils.formatClassName(BDFDB.disCN.tableheadercellwrapper, BDFDB.disCN.tableheadercell, BDFDB.disCN._betterfriendlistnamecell, sortKey == data.key && BDFDB.disCN.tableheadercellsorted, BDFDB.disCN.tableheadercellclickable),
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
className: BDFDB.disCN.tableheadercellcontent,
children: [
sortKey == data.key && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.tableheadersorticon,
name: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon.Names[sortReversed ? "ARROW_UP" : "ARROW_DOWN"]
].filter(n => n)
let renderSection = body.props.renderSection;
body.props.renderSection = BDFDB.TimeUtils.suppress((...args) => {
let returnValue = renderSection(...args);
let title = returnValue.props.children.props.title;
returnValue.props.children.props.title = BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex, {
align: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Align.CENTER,
children: [
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
className: BDFDB.disCN._betterfriendlisttitle,
children: this.settings.general.addFavorizedCategory && isFavoritesSelected ? `${this.labels.favorites} - ${filteredUsers.filter(u => u && u.key != placeHolderId).length}` : this.settings.general.addHiddenCategory && isHiddenSelected ? `${this.labels.hidden} - ${filteredUsers.filter(u => u && u.key != placeHolderId).length}` : title.replace(users.length, filteredUsers.filter(u => u && u.key != placeHolderId).length)
onClick: event => {
if (sortKey == data.key) {
if (!sortReversed) sortReversed = true;
this.settings.general.addSortOptions && [
{key: "nicknameLower", label: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.USER_SETTINGS_LABEL_USERNAME},
{key: "statusIndex", label: BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LibraryStrings.status}
].filter(n => n).map(data => BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
className: BDFDB.DOMUtils.formatClassName(BDFDB.disCN.tableheadercellwrapper, BDFDB.disCN.tableheadercell, BDFDB.disCN._betterfriendlistnamecell, sortKey == data.key && BDFDB.disCN.tableheadercellsorted, BDFDB.disCN.tableheadercellclickable),
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
className: BDFDB.disCN.tableheadercellcontent,
children: [
sortKey == data.key && BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon, {
className: BDFDB.disCN.tableheadersorticon,
name: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.SvgIcon.Names[sortReversed ? "ARROW_UP" : "ARROW_DOWN"]
].filter(n => n)
onClick: event => {
if (sortKey == data.key) {
if (!sortReversed) sortReversed = true;
else {
sortKey = null;
sortReversed = false;
else {
sortKey = null;
sortKey = data.key;
sortReversed = false;
else {
sortKey = data.key;
sortReversed = false;
].flat(10).filter(n => n)
].flat(10).filter(n => n)
return returnValue;
}, "Error in Section Render of AnalyticsContext!", this);
processPeopleListSectionedLazy (e) {
@ -336,13 +342,13 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
processPeopleListSectionedNonLazy (e) {
if (this.settings.general.addFavorizedCategory) {
if (isFavoritesSelected) e.instance.props.statusSections = [].concat(e.instance.props.statusSections).map(section => [].concat(section).filter(entry => entry && entry.user && favorizedFriends.indexOf(entry.user.id) > -1));
if (isFavoritesSelected) e.instance.props.rows = [].concat(e.instance.props.rows).map(section => [].concat(section).filter(entry => entry && entry.user && favorizedFriends.indexOf(entry.user.id) > -1));
if (this.settings.general.addHiddenCategory) {
if (isHiddenSelected) e.instance.props.statusSections = [].concat(e.instance.props.statusSections).map(section => [].concat(section).filter(entry => entry && entry.user && hiddenFriends.indexOf(entry.user.id) > -1));
else if (([].concat(e.instance.props.statusSections).flat(10)[0] || {}).type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.RelationshipTypes.FRIEND) e.instance.props.statusSections = [].concat(e.instance.props.statusSections).map(section => [].concat(section).filter(entry => entry && entry.user && hiddenFriends.indexOf(entry.user.id) == -1));
if (isHiddenSelected) e.instance.props.rows = [].concat(e.instance.props.rows).map(section => [].concat(section).filter(entry => entry && entry.user && hiddenFriends.indexOf(entry.user.id) > -1));
else if (([].concat(e.instance.props.rows).flat(10)[0] || {}).type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.RelationshipTypes.FRIEND) e.instance.props.rows = [].concat(e.instance.props.rows).map(section => [].concat(section).filter(entry => entry && entry.user && hiddenFriends.indexOf(entry.user.id) == -1));
if (sortKey && e.instance.props.statusSections.flat(10).length) e.instance.props.statusSections = [].concat(e.instance.props.statusSections).map(section => {
if (sortKey && e.instance.props.rows.flat(10).length) e.instance.props.rows = [].concat(e.instance.props.rows).map(section => {
let newSection = [].concat(section);
newSection = BDFDB.ArrayUtils.keySort(newSection.map(entry => Object.assign({}, entry, {
statusIndex: statusSortOrder[entry.status],
@ -393,7 +399,7 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
max: 10
}, true));
return returnValue;
}, "", this);
}, "Error in PeopleListItem Render!", this);
@ -423,10 +429,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
switch (BDFDB.LanguageUtils.getLanguage().id) {
case "bg": // Bulgarian
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Добавете приятел към любими",
context_hidefriend: "Скрий приятел",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Премахване на приятел от любимите",
context_unhidefriend: "Разкрий приятел",
context_favorizefriend: "Добавете приятел към любими",
context_hidefriend: "Скрий приятел",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Премахване на приятел от любимите",
context_unhidefriend: "Разкрий приятел",
favorites: "Любими",
hidden: "Скрити",
incoming: "Входящи",
@ -434,10 +440,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "cs": // Czech
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Přidat přítele do oblíbených",
context_hidefriend: "Skrýt přítele",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Odebrat přítele z oblíbených",
context_unhidefriend: "Odkrýt přítele",
context_favorizefriend: "Přidat přítele do oblíbených",
context_hidefriend: "Skrýt přítele",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Odebrat přítele z oblíbených",
context_unhidefriend: "Odkrýt přítele",
favorites: "Oblíbené",
hidden: "Skrytý",
incoming: "Přicházející",
@ -445,10 +451,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "da": // Danish
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Føj ven til favoritter",
context_hidefriend: "Skjul ven",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Fjern ven fra favoritter",
context_unhidefriend: "Skjul ven",
context_favorizefriend: "Føj ven til favoritter",
context_hidefriend: "Skjul ven",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Fjern ven fra favoritter",
context_unhidefriend: "Skjul ven",
favorites: "Favoritter",
hidden: "Skjult",
incoming: "Indgående",
@ -456,10 +462,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "de": // German
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Freund zu Favoriten hinzufügen",
context_hidefriend: "Freund ausblenden",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Freund aus Favoriten entfernen",
context_unhidefriend: "Freund einblenden",
context_favorizefriend: "Freund zu Favoriten hinzufügen",
context_hidefriend: "Freund ausblenden",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Freund aus Favoriten entfernen",
context_unhidefriend: "Freund einblenden",
favorites: "Favoriten",
hidden: "Versteckt",
incoming: "Eingehend",
@ -467,10 +473,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "el": // Greek
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Προσθήκη φίλου στους αγαπημένους",
context_hidefriend: "Απόκρυψη φίλου",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Κατάργηση φίλου από τούς αγαπημένους",
context_unhidefriend: "Επανεμφάνιση φίλου",
context_favorizefriend: "Προσθήκη φίλου στους αγαπημένους",
context_hidefriend: "Απόκρυψη φίλου",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Κατάργηση φίλου από τούς αγαπημένους",
context_unhidefriend: "Επανεμφάνιση φίλου",
favorites: "Αγαπημένοι",
hidden: "Σε απόκρυψη",
incoming: "Εισερχόμενος",
@ -478,10 +484,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "es": // Spanish
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Agregar amigo a favoritos",
context_hidefriend: "Ocultar amigo",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Quitar amigo de favoritos",
context_unhidefriend: "Mostrar amigo",
context_favorizefriend: "Agregar amigo a favoritos",
context_hidefriend: "Ocultar amigo",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Quitar amigo de favoritos",
context_unhidefriend: "Mostrar amigo",
favorites: "Favoritos",
hidden: "Oculto",
incoming: "Entrante",
@ -489,10 +495,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "fi": // Finnish
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Lisää ystävä suosikkeihin",
context_hidefriend: "Piilota ystävä",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Poista ystävä suosikeista",
context_unhidefriend: "Näytä ystävä",
context_favorizefriend: "Lisää ystävä suosikkeihin",
context_hidefriend: "Piilota ystävä",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Poista ystävä suosikeista",
context_unhidefriend: "Näytä ystävä",
favorites: "Suosikit",
hidden: "Piilotettu",
incoming: "Saapuva",
@ -500,10 +506,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "fr": // French
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Ajouter un ami aux favoris",
context_hidefriend: "Masquer l'ami",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Supprimer un ami des favoris",
context_unhidefriend: "Afficher l'ami",
context_favorizefriend: "Ajouter un ami aux favoris",
context_hidefriend: "Masquer l'ami",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Supprimer un ami des favoris",
context_unhidefriend: "Afficher l'ami",
favorites: "Favoris",
hidden: "Caché",
incoming: "Entrant",
@ -511,10 +517,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "hi": // Hindi
return {
context_favorizefriend: "मित्र को पसंदीदा में जोड़ें",
context_hidefriend: "दोस्त छुपाएं",
context_unfavorizefriend: "मित्र को पसंदीदा से हटाएं",
context_unhidefriend: "मित्र दिखाएँ",
context_favorizefriend: "मित्र को पसंदीदा में जोड़ें",
context_hidefriend: "दोस्त छुपाएं",
context_unfavorizefriend: "मित्र को पसंदीदा से हटाएं",
context_unhidefriend: "मित्र दिखाएँ",
favorites: "पसंदीदा",
hidden: "छिपा हुआ",
incoming: "आने वाली",
@ -522,10 +528,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "hr": // Croatian
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Dodaj prijatelja u favorite",
context_hidefriend: "Sakrij prijatelja",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Ukloni prijatelja iz omiljenih",
context_unhidefriend: "Otkrij prijatelja",
context_favorizefriend: "Dodaj prijatelja u favorite",
context_hidefriend: "Sakrij prijatelja",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Ukloni prijatelja iz omiljenih",
context_unhidefriend: "Otkrij prijatelja",
favorites: "Favoriti",
hidden: "Skriven",
incoming: "Dolazni",
@ -533,10 +539,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "hu": // Hungarian
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Ismerős hozzáadása a kedvencekhez",
context_hidefriend: "Barát elrejtése",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Ismerős eltávolítása a kedvencekből",
context_unhidefriend: "Barát megjelenítése",
context_favorizefriend: "Ismerős hozzáadása a kedvencekhez",
context_hidefriend: "Barát elrejtése",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Ismerős eltávolítása a kedvencekből",
context_unhidefriend: "Barát megjelenítése",
favorites: "Kedvencek",
hidden: "Rejtett",
incoming: "Beérkező",
@ -544,10 +550,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "it": // Italian
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Aggiungi amico ai preferiti",
context_hidefriend: "Nascondi amico",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Rimuovi amico dai preferiti",
context_unhidefriend: "Scopri amico",
context_favorizefriend: "Aggiungi amico ai preferiti",
context_hidefriend: "Nascondi amico",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Rimuovi amico dai preferiti",
context_unhidefriend: "Scopri amico",
favorites: "Preferiti",
hidden: "Nascosto",
incoming: "In arrivo",
@ -555,10 +561,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "ja": // Japanese
return {
context_favorizefriend: "お気に入りに友達を追加する",
context_hidefriend: "友達を隠す",
context_unfavorizefriend: "お気に入りから友達を削除する",
context_unhidefriend: "友達を再表示",
context_favorizefriend: "お気に入りに友達を追加する",
context_hidefriend: "友達を隠す",
context_unfavorizefriend: "お気に入りから友達を削除する",
context_unhidefriend: "友達を再表示",
favorites: "お気に入り",
hidden: "隠し",
incoming: "着信",
@ -566,10 +572,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "ko": // Korean
return {
context_favorizefriend: "즐겨찾기에 친구 추가",
context_hidefriend: "친구 숨기기",
context_unfavorizefriend: "즐겨찾기에서 친구 제거",
context_unhidefriend: "친구 숨기기 해제",
context_favorizefriend: "즐겨찾기에 친구 추가",
context_hidefriend: "친구 숨기기",
context_unfavorizefriend: "즐겨찾기에서 친구 제거",
context_unhidefriend: "친구 숨기기 해제",
favorites: "즐겨찾기",
hidden: "숨겨진",
incoming: "들어오는",
@ -577,10 +583,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "lt": // Lithuanian
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Pridėti draugą prie mėgstamiausių",
context_hidefriend: "Slėpti draugą",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Pašalinti draugą iš mėgstamiausių",
context_unhidefriend: "Nerodyti draugo",
context_favorizefriend: "Pridėti draugą prie mėgstamiausių",
context_hidefriend: "Slėpti draugą",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Pašalinti draugą iš mėgstamiausių",
context_unhidefriend: "Nerodyti draugo",
favorites: "Mėgstamiausi",
hidden: "Paslėpta",
incoming: "Gaunamasis",
@ -588,10 +594,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "nl": // Dutch
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Vriend toevoegen aan favorieten",
context_hidefriend: "Vriend verbergen",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Vriend uit favorieten verwijderen",
context_unhidefriend: "Vriend zichtbaar maken",
context_favorizefriend: "Vriend toevoegen aan favorieten",
context_hidefriend: "Vriend verbergen",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Vriend uit favorieten verwijderen",
context_unhidefriend: "Vriend zichtbaar maken",
favorites: "Favorieten",
hidden: "Verborgen",
incoming: "Inkomend",
@ -599,10 +605,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "no": // Norwegian
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Legg til en venn i favoritter",
context_hidefriend: "Skjul venn",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Fjern venn fra favoritter",
context_unhidefriend: "Skjul venn",
context_favorizefriend: "Legg til en venn i favoritter",
context_hidefriend: "Skjul venn",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Fjern venn fra favoritter",
context_unhidefriend: "Skjul venn",
favorites: "Favoritter",
hidden: "Skjult",
incoming: "Innkommende",
@ -610,10 +616,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "pl": // Polish
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Dodaj znajomego do ulubionych",
context_hidefriend: "Ukryj znajomego",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Usuń znajomego z ulubionych",
context_unhidefriend: "Pokaż znajomego",
context_favorizefriend: "Dodaj znajomego do ulubionych",
context_hidefriend: "Ukryj znajomego",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Usuń znajomego z ulubionych",
context_unhidefriend: "Pokaż znajomego",
favorites: "Ulubione",
hidden: "Ukryci",
incoming: "Przychodzące",
@ -621,10 +627,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "pt-BR": // Portuguese (Brazil)
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Adicionar amigo aos favoritos",
context_hidefriend: "Esconder Amigo",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Remover amigo dos favoritos",
context_unhidefriend: "Reexibir amigo",
context_favorizefriend: "Adicionar amigo aos favoritos",
context_hidefriend: "Esconder Amigo",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Remover amigo dos favoritos",
context_unhidefriend: "Reexibir amigo",
favorites: "Favoritos",
hidden: "Escondido",
incoming: "Entrada",
@ -632,10 +638,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "ro": // Romanian
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Adaugă prieten la favorite",
context_hidefriend: "Ascunde prietenul",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Scoateți prietenul din favorite",
context_unhidefriend: "Afișează prietenul",
context_favorizefriend: "Adaugă prieten la favorite",
context_hidefriend: "Ascunde prietenul",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Scoateți prietenul din favorite",
context_unhidefriend: "Afișează prietenul",
favorites: "Favorite",
hidden: "Ascuns",
incoming: "Primite",
@ -643,10 +649,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "ru": // Russian
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Добавить друга в избранное",
context_hidefriend: "Скрыть друга",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Удалить друга из избранного",
context_unhidefriend: "Показать друга",
context_favorizefriend: "Добавить друга в избранное",
context_hidefriend: "Скрыть друга",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Удалить друга из избранного",
context_unhidefriend: "Показать друга",
favorites: "Избранное",
hidden: "Скрытый",
incoming: "Входящий",
@ -654,10 +660,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "sv": // Swedish
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Lägg till vän till favoriter",
context_hidefriend: "Dölj vän",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Ta bort vän från favoriter",
context_unhidefriend: "Göm din vän",
context_favorizefriend: "Lägg till vän till favoriter",
context_hidefriend: "Dölj vän",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Ta bort vän från favoriter",
context_unhidefriend: "Göm din vän",
favorites: "Favoriter",
hidden: "Dold",
incoming: "Inkommande",
@ -665,10 +671,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "th": // Thai
return {
context_favorizefriend: "เพิ่มเพื่อนในรายการโปรด",
context_hidefriend: "ซ่อนเพื่อน",
context_unfavorizefriend: "ลบเพื่อนออกจากรายการโปรด",
context_unhidefriend: "เลิกซ่อนเพื่อน",
context_favorizefriend: "เพิ่มเพื่อนในรายการโปรด",
context_hidefriend: "ซ่อนเพื่อน",
context_unfavorizefriend: "ลบเพื่อนออกจากรายการโปรด",
context_unhidefriend: "เลิกซ่อนเพื่อน",
favorites: "รายการโปรด",
hidden: "ซ่อนเร้น",
incoming: "ขาเข้า",
@ -676,10 +682,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "tr": // Turkish
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Favorilere arkadaş ekle",
context_hidefriend: "Arkadaşı Gizle",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Arkadaşını favorilerden kaldır",
context_unhidefriend: "Arkadaşı Göster",
context_favorizefriend: "Favorilere arkadaş ekle",
context_hidefriend: "Arkadaşı Gizle",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Arkadaşını favorilerden kaldır",
context_unhidefriend: "Arkadaşı Göster",
favorites: "Favoriler",
hidden: "Gizli",
incoming: "Gelen",
@ -687,10 +693,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "uk": // Ukrainian
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Додати друга у вибране",
context_hidefriend: "Сховати друга",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Видалити друга з вибраного",
context_unhidefriend: "Показати друга",
context_favorizefriend: "Додати друга у вибране",
context_hidefriend: "Сховати друга",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Видалити друга з вибраного",
context_unhidefriend: "Показати друга",
favorites: "Вибране",
hidden: "Прихований",
incoming: "Вхідні",
@ -698,10 +704,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "vi": // Vietnamese
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Thêm bạn bè vào danh sách yêu thích",
context_hidefriend: "Ẩn bạn bè",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Xóa bạn bè khỏi danh sách yêu thích",
context_unhidefriend: "Bỏ ẩn bạn bè",
context_favorizefriend: "Thêm bạn bè vào danh sách yêu thích",
context_hidefriend: "Ẩn bạn bè",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Xóa bạn bè khỏi danh sách yêu thích",
context_unhidefriend: "Bỏ ẩn bạn bè",
favorites: "Yêu thích",
hidden: "Ẩn",
incoming: "Mới đến",
@ -709,10 +715,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "zh-CN": // Chinese (China)
return {
context_favorizefriend: "添加好友到收藏夹",
context_hidefriend: "隐藏好友",
context_unfavorizefriend: "从收藏夹中移除好友",
context_unhidefriend: "取消隐藏好友",
context_favorizefriend: "添加好友到收藏夹",
context_hidefriend: "隐藏好友",
context_unfavorizefriend: "从收藏夹中移除好友",
context_unhidefriend: "取消隐藏好友",
favorites: "收藏夹",
hidden: "隐藏",
incoming: "导入",
@ -720,10 +726,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
case "zh-TW": // Chinese (Taiwan)
return {
context_favorizefriend: "新增好友到我的最愛",
context_hidefriend: "隱藏好友",
context_unfavorizefriend: "從我的最愛中移除好友",
context_unhidefriend: "取消隱藏好友",
context_favorizefriend: "新增好友到我的最愛",
context_hidefriend: "隱藏好友",
context_unfavorizefriend: "從我的最愛中移除好友",
context_unhidefriend: "取消隱藏好友",
favorites: "我的最愛",
hidden: "隱藏",
incoming: "匯入",
@ -731,10 +737,10 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
default: // English
return {
context_favorizefriend: "Add Friend to Favorites",
context_hidefriend: "Hide Friend",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Remove Friend from Favorites",
context_unhidefriend: "Unhide Friend",
context_favorizefriend: "Add Friend to Favorites",
context_hidefriend: "Hide Friend",
context_unfavorizefriend: "Remove Friend from Favorites",
context_unhidefriend: "Unhide Friend",
favorites: "Favorites",
hidden: "Hidden",
incoming: "Incoming",
Reference in New Issue