New Plugin

This commit is contained in:
Mirco Wittrien 2019-01-09 12:56:24 +01:00
parent a8be7d2412
commit eac17381b3
3 changed files with 174 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
class OwnerTag {
getName () {return "OwnerTag";}
getVersion () {return "1.0.0";}
getAuthor () {return "DevilBro";}
getDescription () {return "Adds a Tag like Bottags to the Serverowner.";}
initConstructor () {
this.patchModules = {
this.defaults = {
settings: {
addInChatWindow: {value:true, inner:true, description:"Messages"},
addInMemberList: {value:true, inner:true, description:"Member List"},
addInUserPopout: {value:true, inner:true, description:"User Popouts"},
addInUserProfil: {value:true, inner:true, description:"User Profil Modal"},
useRoleColor: {value:true, inner:false, description:"Use the Rolecolor instead of the default Blue."},
inputs: {
ownTagName: {value:"Owner", description:"Owner Tag Text"}
getSettingsPanel () {
if (!this.started || typeof BDFDB !== "object") return;
var settings = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "settings");
var inputs = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "inputs");
var settingshtml = `<div class="${this.getName()}-settings DevilBro-settings"><div class="${BDFDB.disCNS.titledefault + BDFDB.disCNS.title + BDFDB.disCNS.size18 + BDFDB.disCNS.height24 + BDFDB.disCNS.weightnormal + BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom8}">${this.getName()}</div><div class="DevilBro-settings-inner">`;
for (let key in inputs) {
settingshtml += `<div class="${BDFDB.disCNS.flex + BDFDB.disCNS.flex2 + BDFDB.disCNS.horizontal + BDFDB.disCNS.horizontal2 + BDFDB.disCNS.directionrow + BDFDB.disCNS.justifystart + BDFDB.disCNS.aligncenter + BDFDB.disCNS.nowrap + BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom8}" style="flex: 1 1 auto;"><h3 class="${BDFDB.disCNS.titledefault + BDFDB.disCNS.title + BDFDB.disCNS.weightmedium + BDFDB.disCNS.size16 + BDFDB.disCN.flexchild}" style="flex: 0 0 30%; line-height: 38px;">${this.defaults.inputs[key].description}</h3><div class="${BDFDB.disCNS.inputwrapper + BDFDB.disCNS.vertical + BDFDB.disCNS.flex + BDFDB.disCN.directioncolumn}" style="flex: 1 1 auto;"><input type="text" option="${key}" value="${inputs[key]}" placeholder="${this.defaults.inputs[key].value}" class="${BDFDB.disCNS.inputdefault + BDFDB.disCNS.input + BDFDB.disCN.size16}"></div></div>`;
for (let key in settings) {
if (!this.defaults.settings[key].inner) settingshtml += `<div class="${BDFDB.disCNS.flex + BDFDB.disCNS.flex2 + BDFDB.disCNS.horizontal + BDFDB.disCNS.horizontal2 + BDFDB.disCNS.directionrow + BDFDB.disCNS.justifystart + BDFDB.disCNS.aligncenter + BDFDB.disCNS.nowrap + BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom8}" style="flex: 1 1 auto;"><h3 class="${BDFDB.disCNS.titledefault + BDFDB.disCNS.title + BDFDB.disCNS.marginreset + BDFDB.disCNS.weightmedium + BDFDB.disCNS.size16 + BDFDB.disCNS.height24 + BDFDB.disCN.flexchild}" style="flex: 1 1 auto;">${this.defaults.settings[key].description}</h3><div class="${BDFDB.disCNS.flexchild + BDFDB.disCNS.switchenabled + BDFDB.disCNS.switch + BDFDB.disCNS.switchvalue + BDFDB.disCNS.switchsizedefault + BDFDB.disCNS.switchsize + BDFDB.disCN.switchthemedefault}" style="flex: 0 0 auto;"><input type="checkbox" value="${key}" class="${BDFDB.disCNS.switchinnerenabled + BDFDB.disCN.switchinner}"${settings[key] ? " checked" : ""}></div></div>`;
settingshtml += `<div class="${BDFDB.disCNS.flex + BDFDB.disCNS.flex2 + BDFDB.disCNS.horizontal + BDFDB.disCNS.horizontal2 + BDFDB.disCNS.directionrow + BDFDB.disCNS.justifystart + BDFDB.disCNS.aligncenter + BDFDB.disCNS.nowrap + BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom8}" style="flex: 1 1 auto;"><h3 class="${BDFDB.disCNS.titledefault + BDFDB.disCNS.title + BDFDB.disCNS.marginreset + BDFDB.disCNS.weightmedium + BDFDB.disCNS.size16 + BDFDB.disCNS.height24 + BDFDB.disCN.flexchild}" style="flex: 0 0 auto;">Add Owner Tag in:</h3></div><div class="DevilBro-settings-inner-list">`;
for (let key in settings) {
if (this.defaults.settings[key].inner) settingshtml += `<div class="${BDFDB.disCNS.flex + BDFDB.disCNS.flex2 + BDFDB.disCNS.horizontal + BDFDB.disCNS.horizontal2 + BDFDB.disCNS.directionrow + BDFDB.disCNS.justifystart + BDFDB.disCNS.aligncenter + BDFDB.disCNS.nowrap + BDFDB.disCN.marginbottom8}" style="flex: 1 1 auto;"><h3 class="${BDFDB.disCNS.titledefault + BDFDB.disCNS.title + BDFDB.disCNS.marginreset + BDFDB.disCNS.weightmedium + BDFDB.disCNS.size16 + BDFDB.disCNS.height24 + BDFDB.disCN.flexchild}" style="flex: 1 1 auto;">${this.defaults.settings[key].description}</h3><div class="${BDFDB.disCNS.flexchild + BDFDB.disCNS.switchenabled + BDFDB.disCNS.switch + BDFDB.disCNS.switchvalue + BDFDB.disCNS.switchsizedefault + BDFDB.disCNS.switchsize + BDFDB.disCN.switchthemedefault}" style="flex: 0 0 auto;"><input type="checkbox" value="${key}" class="${BDFDB.disCNS.switchinnerenabled + BDFDB.disCN.switchinner}"${settings[key] ? " checked" : ""}></div></div>`;
settingshtml += `</div>`;
settingshtml += `</div></div>`;
var settingspanel = $(settingshtml)[0];
.on("keyup", BDFDB.dotCN.input, () => {this.saveInputs(settingspanel);})
.on("click", BDFDB.dotCN.switchinner, () => {this.updateSettings(settingspanel);});
return settingspanel;
load () {}
start () {
var libraryScript = null;
if (typeof BDFDB !== "object" || typeof BDFDB.isLibraryOutdated !== "function" || BDFDB.isLibraryOutdated()) {
libraryScript = document.querySelector('head script[src=""]');
if (libraryScript) libraryScript.remove();
libraryScript = document.createElement("script");
libraryScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
libraryScript.setAttribute("src", "");
this.startTimeout = setTimeout(() => {this.initialize();}, 30000);
if (typeof BDFDB === "object" && typeof BDFDB.isLibraryOutdated === "function") this.initialize();
else libraryScript.addEventListener("load", () => {this.initialize();});
initialize () {
if (typeof BDFDB === "object") {
this.MemberUtils = BDFDB.WebModules.findByProperties("getMembers", "getMember");
this.GuildUtils = BDFDB.WebModules.findByProperties("getGuilds","getGuild");
this.LastGuildStore = BDFDB.WebModules.findByProperties("getLastSelectedGuildId");
else {
console.error(this.getName() + ": Fatal Error: Could not load BD functions!");
stop () {
if (typeof BDFDB === "object") {
// begin of own functions
updateSettings (settingspanel) {
var settings = {};
for (var input of settingspanel.querySelectorAll(BDFDB.dotCN.switchinner)) {
settings[input.value] = input.checked;
BDFDB.saveAllData(settings, this, "settings");
this.updateTags = true;
saveInputs (settingspanel) {
let inputs = {};
for (let input of settingspanel.querySelectorAll(BDFDB.dotCN.input)) {
inputs[input.getAttribute("option")] = input.value;
BDFDB.saveAllData(inputs, this, "inputs");
this.updateTags = true;
processNameTag (instance, wrapper) {
if (!instance.props || !wrapper.classList) return;
else if (wrapper.classList.contains(BDFDB.disCN.membernametag) && BDFDB.getData("addInMemberList", this, "settings")) {
this.addOwnerTag(instance.props.user, wrapper, "list", BDFDB.disCN.bottagnametag + (instance.props.botClass ? (" " + instance.props.botClass) : ""));
else if (BDFDB.getParentEle(BDFDB.dotCN.userpopout, wrapper) && BDFDB.getData("addInUserPopout", this, "settings")) {
this.addOwnerTag(instance.props.user, wrapper, "popout", BDFDB.disCN.bottagnametag + (instance.props.botClass ? (" " + instance.props.botClass) : ""));
else if (BDFDB.getParentEle(BDFDB.dotCN.userprofile, wrapper) && BDFDB.getData("addInUserProfil", this, "settings")) {
this.addOwnerTag(instance.props.user, wrapper, "profile", BDFDB.disCN.bottagnametag + (instance.props.botClass ? (" " + instance.props.botClass) : ""));
processPopout (instance, wrapper) {
let fiber = instance._reactInternalFiber;
if (fiber.return && fiber.return.memoizedProps && fiber.return.memoizedProps.message) {
let username = wrapper.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.messageusername);
if (username) {
let message = BDFDB.getParentEle(BDFDB.dotCN.messagegroup, wrapper);
this.addOwnerTag(, username.parentElement, "chat", BDFDB.disCN.bottagmessage + " " + (message.classList.contains(BDFDB.disCN.messagegroupcozy) ? BDFDB.disCN.bottagmessagecozy : BDFDB.disCN.bottagmessagecompact));
processStandardSidebarView (instance, wrapper) {
if (this.updateTags) {
this.updateTags = false;
addOwnerTag (info, wrapper, type, selector = "") {
if (!info || !wrapper || !wrapper.parentElement) return;
let guild = this.GuildUtils.getGuild(this.LastGuildStore.getGuildId());
if (!guild || guild.ownerId != return;
let userolecolor = BDFDB.getData("useRoleColor", this, "settings");
let member = userolecolor ? (this.MemberUtils.getMember(this.LastGuildStore.getGuildId(), || {}) : {};
let EditUsersData = BDFDB.isPluginEnabled("EditUsers") ? bdplugins.EditUsers.plugin.getUserData(, wrapper) : {};
let tag = document.createElement("span");
tag.className = "owner-tag " + "owner-" + type + "-tag " + (userolecolor ? "owner-tag-rolecolor " : "") + BDFDB.disCN.bottag + (selector ? (" " + selector) : "");
tag.innerText = BDFDB.getData("ownTagName", this, "inputs") || "Owner";
let inverted = type == "popout" || type == "profile";
tag.classList.add(inverted ? BDFDB.disCN.bottaginvert : BDFDB.disCN.bottagregular); ? "color" : "background-color", BDFDB.colorCONVERT(EditUsersData.color1 || member.colorString, "RGB"), "important");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Owner Tag - [Download](
Adds a Tag like Bottags to the Serverowner.

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@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
- [Moveable Popups]( - Adds the feature to move all popups and modals around like on a normal desktop. Ctrl + drag with your left mousebutton to drag element.
- [Notification Sounds]( - Allows you to replace the native sounds of Discord with your own.
- [Old Title Bar]( - Reverts the title bar back to its former self.
- [Owner Tag]( - Adds a Tag like Bottags to the Serverowner..
- [Personal Pins]( - Similar to normal pins. Lets you save messages as notes for yourself.
- [Pin DMs]( - Allows you to pin DMs, making them appear at the top of your DM-list.
- [Plugin Repo]( - Allows you to look at all plugins from the plugin repo and download them on the fly.