fixed ownertag not being inverted in the right places

This commit is contained in:
Mirco Wittrien 2019-01-09 14:21:55 +01:00
parent 11fd8c8432
commit dbe4bd40d8
1 changed files with 11 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
class OwnerTag {
getName () {return "OwnerTag";}
getVersion () {return "1.0.1";}
getVersion () {return "1.0.2";}
getAuthor () {return "DevilBro";}
@ -120,15 +120,16 @@ class OwnerTag {
processNameTag (instance, wrapper) {
let container = null;
if (!instance.props || !wrapper.classList) return;
else if (wrapper.classList.contains(BDFDB.disCN.membernametag) && BDFDB.getData("addInMemberList", this, "settings")) {
this.addOwnerTag(instance.props.user, wrapper, "list", BDFDB.disCN.bottagnametag + (instance.props.botClass ? (" " + instance.props.botClass) : ""));
this.addOwnerTag(instance.props.user, wrapper, "list", BDFDB.disCN.bottagnametag + (instance.props.botClass ? (" " + instance.props.botClass) : ""), container);
else if (BDFDB.getParentEle(BDFDB.dotCN.userpopout, wrapper) && BDFDB.getData("addInUserPopout", this, "settings")) {
this.addOwnerTag(instance.props.user, wrapper, "popout", BDFDB.disCN.bottagnametag + (instance.props.botClass ? (" " + instance.props.botClass) : ""));
else if ((container = BDFDB.getParentEle(BDFDB.dotCN.userpopout, wrapper)) != null && BDFDB.getData("addInUserPopout", this, "settings")) {
this.addOwnerTag(instance.props.user, wrapper, "popout", BDFDB.disCN.bottagnametag + (instance.props.botClass ? (" " + instance.props.botClass) : ""), container);
else if (BDFDB.getParentEle(BDFDB.dotCN.userprofile, wrapper) && BDFDB.getData("addInUserProfil", this, "settings")) {
this.addOwnerTag(instance.props.user, wrapper, "profile", BDFDB.disCN.bottagnametag + (instance.props.botClass ? (" " + instance.props.botClass) : ""));
else if ((container = BDFDB.getParentEle(BDFDB.dotCN.userprofile, wrapper)) != null && BDFDB.getData("addInUserProfil", this, "settings")) {
this.addOwnerTag(instance.props.user, wrapper, "profile", BDFDB.disCN.bottagnametag + (instance.props.botClass ? (" " + instance.props.botClass) : ""), container);
@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ class OwnerTag {
let username = wrapper.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.messageusername);
if (username) {
let message = BDFDB.getParentEle(BDFDB.dotCN.messagegroup, wrapper);
this.addOwnerTag(, username.parentElement, "chat", BDFDB.disCN.bottagmessage + " " + (message.classList.contains(BDFDB.disCN.messagegroupcozy) ? BDFDB.disCN.bottagmessagecozy : BDFDB.disCN.bottagmessagecompact));
this.addOwnerTag(, username.parentElement, "chat", BDFDB.disCN.bottagmessage + " " + (message.classList.contains(BDFDB.disCN.messagegroupcozy) ? BDFDB.disCN.bottagmessagecozy : BDFDB.disCN.bottagmessagecompact), null);
@ -151,7 +152,7 @@ class OwnerTag {
addOwnerTag (info, wrapper, type, selector = "") {
addOwnerTag (info, wrapper, type, selector = "", container) {
if (!info || !wrapper || !wrapper.parentElement) return;
let guild = this.GuildUtils.getGuild(this.LastGuildStore.getGuildId());
@ -162,7 +163,8 @@ class OwnerTag {
let tag = document.createElement("span");
tag.className = "owner-tag " + "owner-" + type + "-tag " + (userolecolor ? "owner-tag-rolecolor " : "") + BDFDB.disCN.bottag + (selector ? (" " + selector) : "");
tag.innerText = BDFDB.getData("ownTagName", this, "inputs") || "Owner";
let invert = type == "popout" || type == "profile";
let invert = false;
if (container && container.firstElementChild && !container.firstElementChild.classList.contains(BDFDB.disCN.userpopoutheadernormal) && !container.firstElementChild.classList.contains(BDFDB.disCN.userprofiletopsectionnormal)) invert = true;
tag.classList.add(invert ? BDFDB.disCN.bottaginvert : BDFDB.disCN.bottagregular);
let tagcolor = BDFDB.colorCONVERT(EditUsersData.color1 || member.colorString, "RGB");
tagcolor = BDFDB.colorISBRIGHT(tagcolor) ? BDFDB.colorCHANGE(tagcolor, -0.3) : tagcolor;