Update 0BDFDB.plugin.js

This commit is contained in:
Mirco Wittrien 2021-05-22 15:00:58 +02:00
parent 78f1d7c2f8
commit 9ca0a3c1a5
1 changed files with 68 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -187,17 +187,32 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout = function (callback, delay, ...args) {
delay = parseFloat(delay);
if (typeof callback != "function") return;
else if (isNaN(delay) || typeof delay != "number" || delay < 1) {
if (isNaN(delay) || typeof delay != "number" || delay < 1) {
let immediate = setImmediate(_ => BDFDB.TimeUtils.suppress(callback, "Immediate")(...[immediate, args].flat()));
return immediate;
else {
let timeout = setTimeout(_ => BDFDB.TimeUtils.suppress(callback, "Timeout")(...[timeout, args].flat()), delay);
let start, paused = true, timeout = {
pause: _ => {
if (paused) return;
paused = true;
delay -= performance.now() - start;
resume: _ => {
if (!paused) return;
paused = false;
start = performance.now();
timeout.timer = setTimeout(_ => BDFDB.TimeUtils.suppress(callback, "Timeout")(...[timeout, args].flat()), delay)
return timeout;
BDFDB.TimeUtils.clear = function (...timeObjects) {
for (let t of timeObjects.flat(10).filter(n => n)) {
t = t.timer != undefined ? t.timer : t;
if (typeof t == "number") {
@ -419,6 +434,7 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
BDFDB.BDUtils = {};
BDFDB.BDUtils.getPluginsFolder = function () {
if (BdApi && BdApi.Plugins && BdApi.Plugins.folder && typeof BdApi.Plugins.folder == "string") return BdApi.Plugins.folder;
else if (LibraryRequires.process.env.BETTERDISCORD_DATA_PATH) return LibraryRequires.path.resolve(LibraryRequires.process.env.BETTERDISCORD_DATA_PATH, "plugins/");
else if (LibraryRequires.process.env.injDir) return LibraryRequires.path.resolve(LibraryRequires.process.env.injDir, "plugins/");
else switch (LibraryRequires.process.platform) {
case "win32":
@ -432,6 +448,7 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
BDFDB.BDUtils.getThemesFolder = function () {
if (BdApi && BdApi.Themes && BdApi.Themes.folder && typeof BdApi.Themes.folder == "string") return BdApi.Themes.folder;
else if (LibraryRequires.process.env.BETTERDISCORD_DATA_PATH) return LibraryRequires.path.resolve(LibraryRequires.process.env.BETTERDISCORD_DATA_PATH, "themes/");
else if (LibraryRequires.process.env.injDir) return LibraryRequires.path.resolve(LibraryRequires.process.env.injDir, "plugins/");
else switch (LibraryRequires.process.platform) {
case "win32":
@ -1245,23 +1262,11 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
else BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(data.toast, type);
let disableInteractions = data.config.disableInteractions && typeof data.config.onClick != "function";
if (disableInteractions) data.toast.style.setProperty("pointer-events", "none", "important");
else {
BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(data.toast, BDFDB.disCN.toastclosable);
data.toast.addEventListener("click", event => {
if (typeof data.config.onClick == "function" && !BDFDB.DOMUtils.getParent(BDFDB.dotCN.toastcloseicon, event.target)) data.config.onClick();
let start, progress = 0, paused = false
let timeout = typeof data.config.timeout == "number" && !disableInteractions ? data.config.timeout : 3000;
timeout = (timeout > 0 ? timeout : 600000) + 300;
let closeTimeout = BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {
}, timeout);
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => {BDFDB.DOMUtils.removeClass(data.toast, BDFDB.disCN.toastopening);});
let progressInterval, closeTimeout = BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => data.toast.close(), timeout);
data.toast.close = _ => {
if (document.contains(data.toast)) {
@ -1279,6 +1284,31 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
if (disableInteractions) data.toast.style.setProperty("pointer-events", "none", "important");
else {
BDFDB.DOMUtils.addClass(data.toast, BDFDB.disCN.toastclosable);
data.toast.addEventListener("click", event => {
if (typeof data.config.onClick == "function" && !BDFDB.DOMUtils.getParent(BDFDB.dotCN.toastcloseicon, event.target)) data.config.onClick();
if (typeof closeTimeout.pause == "function") {
data.toast.addEventListener("mouseenter", _ => {
if (paused) return;
paused = true;
data.toast.addEventListener("mouseleave", _ => {
if (!paused) return;
paused = false;
start = performance.now() - progress;
BDFDB.TimeUtils.timeout(_ => BDFDB.DOMUtils.removeClass(data.toast, BDFDB.disCN.toastopening));
let icon = data.config.avatar ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.AvatarComponents.default, {
src: data.config.avatar,
size: InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.AvatarComponents.Sizes.SIZE_24
@ -1289,18 +1319,14 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
height: 18,
nativeClass: true
}) : null);
BDFDB.ReactUtils.render(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(class BDFDB_Toast extends BDFDB.ReactUtils.Component {
BDFDB.ReactUtils.render(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(class BDFDB_Toast extends LibraryModules.React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
data.toast.update = newChildren => {
if (!newChildren) return;
this.props.children = newChildren;
this._start = performance.now();
this._progress = BDFDB.TimeUtils.interval(_ => {BDFDB.ReactUtils.forceUpdate(this);}, 10);
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.ReactUtils.Fragment, {
@ -1329,11 +1355,25 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
].filter(n => n)
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.Animations.animated.div, {
className: BDFDB.DOMUtils.formatClassName(BDFDB.disCN.toastbar, barColor && BDFDB.disCN.toastcustombar),
style: {
backgroundColor: barColor,
right: `${100 - (performance.now() - this._start) * 100 / timeout}%`
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(class extends LibraryModules.React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
start = performance.now();
progressInterval = BDFDB.TimeUtils.interval(_ => {
if (!paused) BDFDB.ReactUtils.forceUpdate(this);
}, 10);
componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
progress = performance.now() - start;
return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(InternalComponents.LibraryComponents.Animations.animated.div, {
className: BDFDB.DOMUtils.formatClassName(BDFDB.disCN.toastbar, barColor && BDFDB.disCN.toastcustombar),
style: {
backgroundColor: barColor,
right: `${100 - progress * 100 / timeout}%`