new plugin
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
- [Steam Profile Link]( - Opens a steam profile in steam instead of a browser when clicking the steamlink in a userprofile. With the help of square.
- [Theme Repo]( - Allows you to preview all themes from the theme repo and download them on the fly.
- [Theme Settings]( - Allows you to change Theme Variables within BetterDiscord.
- [Timed Light Dark Mode]( - Allows you to automatically change light/dark mode depending on the time of date. Slider is added to the 'Appearance' settings.
- [Top Role Everywhere]( - Adds the highest role of a user as a tag.
- [User Notes]( - Allows you to write your own user notes wihtout a character limit.
- [Write UpperCase]( - Changes the input in the textarea to uppercase.
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Timed Light Dark Mode - [Download](
Allows you to automatically change light/dark mode depending on the time of date. Slider is added to the 'Appearance' settings
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
class TimedLightDarkMode {
getName () {return "TimedLightDarkMode";}
getVersion () {return "1.0.0";}
getAuthor () {return "DevilBro";}
getDescription () {return "Allows you to automatically change light/dark mode depending on the time of date. Slider is added to the 'Appearance' settings.";}
initConstructor () {
this.patchModules = {
this.defaults = {
values: {
timer1: {value:25},
timer2: {value:75}
load () {}
start () {
if (!global.BDFDB) global.BDFDB = {myPlugins:{}};
if (global.BDFDB && global.BDFDB.myPlugins && typeof global.BDFDB.myPlugins == "object") global.BDFDB.myPlugins[this.getName()] = this;
var libraryScript = document.querySelector('head script[src=""]');
if (!libraryScript || - libraryScript.getAttribute("date") > 600000) {
if (libraryScript) libraryScript.remove();
libraryScript = document.createElement("script");
libraryScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
libraryScript.setAttribute("src", "");
libraryScript.addEventListener("load", () => {if (global.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) this.initialize();});
else if (global.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) this.initialize();
this.startTimeout = setTimeout(() => {this.initialize();}, 30000);
initialize () {
if (global.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) {
if (this.started) return;
this.SettingsUtils = BDFDB.WebModules.findByProperties("updateRemoteSettings","updateLocalSettings");
else {
console.error(`%c[${this.getName()}]%c`, 'color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;', '', 'Fatal Error: Could not load BD functions!');
stop () {
if (global.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) {
BDFDB.removeEles(".TLDM-slider", ".TLDM-header");
// begin of own functions
processRadioGroup (instance, wrapper) {
if (instance.props && Array.isArray(instance.props.options) && instance.props.options[0] && instance.props.options[0].value == "light" && instance.props.options[1] && instance.props.options[1].value == "dark" && wrapper.parentElement.firstElementChild.innerText && wrapper.parentElement.firstElementChild.innerText.toUpperCase() == BDFDB.LanguageStrings.THEME.toUpperCase()) {
var values = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "values");
var header = BDFDB.htmlToElement(`<h5 class="${BDFDB.disCNS.h5 + BDFDB.disCNS.h5defaultmargin + BDFDB.disCN.margintop8} TLDM-header">${BDFDB.LanguageStrings.THEME} Timer</h5>`);
var slider = BDFDB.htmlToElement(`<div class="${BDFDB.disCNS.slider + BDFDB.disCN.margintop20} TLDM-slider"><input type="number" key="timer1" class="${BDFDB.disCN.sliderinput}" value="${values.timer1}" readonly=""><input type="number" key="timer2" class="${BDFDB.disCN.sliderinput}" value="${values.timer2}" readonly=""><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidertrack}"><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermark}" style="left: 0%;"><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkvalue}">00:00</div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkdash}"></div></div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermark}" style="left: 12.5%;"><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkvalue}">03:00</div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkdash}"></div></div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermark}" style="left: 25%;"><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkvalue}">06:00</div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkdash}"></div></div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermark}" style="left: 37.5%;"><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkvalue}">09:00</div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkdash}"></div></div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermark}" style="left: 50%;"><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkvalue}">12:00</div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkdash}"></div></div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermark}" style="left: 62.5%;"><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkvalue}">15:00</div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkdash}"></div></div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermark}" style="left: 75%;"><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkvalue}">18:00</div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkdash}"></div></div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermark}" style="left: 87.5%;"><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkvalue}">21:00</div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkdash}"></div></div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermark}" style="left: 100%;"><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkvalue}">24:00</div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidermarkdash}"></div></div></div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.sliderbar}"><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.sliderbarfill}"></div></div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidertrack}"><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidergrabber}" key="timer1" style="left: ${values.timer1}%;"></div><div class="${BDFDB.disCN.slidergrabber}" key="timer2" style="left: ${values.timer2}%;"></div></div></div>`);
this.updateSlider(slider, values);
BDFDB.addChildEventListener(slider, "mousedown", BDFDB.dotCN.slidergrabber, e => {this.dragSlider(e.currentTarget);});
startInterval () {
var values = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "values");
var inverted = values.timer1 > values.timer2;
var timer1LOW = this.getTime(values.timer1), timer2LOW = this.getTime(values.timer2);
var timer1HIGH = this.getHighTime(timer2LOW), timer2HIGH = this.getHighTime(timer1LOW);
this.checkInterval = setInterval(() => {
var currenttime = new Date();
var currenthours = currenttime.getHours();
var currentminutes = currenttime.getMinutes();
if (inverted) this.changeTheme(!(this.checkTime(timer1LOW, timer1HIGH, [currenthours, currentminutes])));
else this.changeTheme(this.checkTime(timer2LOW, timer2HIGH, [currenthours, currentminutes]));
checkTime (timerLOW, timerHIGH, time) {
return timerHIGH[0] > time[0] || timerHIGH[0] == time[0] && timerHIGH[1] >= time[1] || time[0] > timerLOW[0] || time[0] == timerLOW[0] && time[1] >= timerLOW[1];
changeTheme (dark) {
var theme = BDFDB.getDiscordTheme();
if (dark && theme == BDFDB.disCN.themelight) this.SettingsUtils.updateRemoteSettings({theme:"dark"});
else if (!dark && theme == BDFDB.disCN.themedark) this.SettingsUtils.updateRemoteSettings({theme:"light"});
dragSlider (grabber) {
var track = grabber.parentNode;
var type = grabber.getAttribute("key");
var input = track.parentNode.querySelector(`${BDFDB.dotCN.sliderinput}[key="${type}"]`);
var values = BDFDB.getAllData(this, "values");
BDFDB.appendLocalStyle("disableTextSelection", `*{user-select: none !important;}`);
var value = values[type];
var othervalue = type == "timer1" ? values.timer2 : values.timer1;
var sY = 0;
var sHalfW = BDFDB.getRects(grabber).width/2;
var sMinX = BDFDB.getRects(track).left;
var sMaxX = sMinX + BDFDB.getRects(track).width;
var bubble = BDFDB.htmlToElement(`<span class="${BDFDB.disCN.sliderbubble}">${this.getTime(value, true)}</span>`);
var mouseup = () => {
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", mouseup);
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
BDFDB.saveData(type, value, this, "values");
var mousemove = e => {
sY = e.clientX > sMaxX ? sMaxX - sHalfW : (e.clientX < sMinX ? sMinX - sHalfW : e.clientX - sHalfW);
value = BDFDB.mapRange([sMinX - sHalfW, sMaxX - sHalfW], [0, 100], sY);
input.value = value;
||||"left", value + "%");
bubble.innerText = this.getTime(value, true);
values[type] = value;
this.updateSlider(track.parentNode, values);
document.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseup);
document.addEventListener("mousemove", mousemove);
updateSlider (slider, values) {
var bar = slider.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.sliderbar);
var fill = slider.querySelector(BDFDB.dotCN.sliderbarfill);
var inverted = values.timer1 > values.timer2;
||||"width", (inverted ? (values.timer1 - values.timer2) : (values.timer2 - values.timer1)) + "%");
||||"margin-left", (inverted ? values.timer2 : values.timer1) + "%");
||||"background-color", inverted ? "#66757F" : "#E0C460", "important");
||||"background-color", inverted ? "#E0C460" : "#66757F", "important");
getTime (percent, stringify) {
var time = BDFDB.mapRange([0, 100], [0, 1440], percent)/60;
var hours = Math.floor(time);
var minutes = Math.floor((time - hours) * 60);
return stringify ? (hours > 9 ? hours : ("0" + hours)) + ":" + (minutes > 9 ? minutes : ("0" + minutes)) : [hours,minutes];
getHighTime (timer) {
var hours = timer[0];
var minutes = timer[1] - 1;
if (minutes < 0) {
minutes = 59;
hours -= 1;
if (hours < 0) hours = 0;
return [hours, minutes];
Reference in New Issue