Update CompleteTimestamps.plugin.js

This commit is contained in:
Mirco Wittrien 2020-03-08 20:52:21 +01:00
parent 78ce6eff0d
commit 7216775dba
1 changed files with 45 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
var CompleteTimestamps = (_ => {
var languages;
var languages, currentMode;
return class CompleteTimestamps {
getName () {return "CompleteTimestamps";}
getVersion () {return "1.4.1";}
getVersion () {return "1.4.2";}
getAuthor () {return "DevilBro";}
@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ var CompleteTimestamps = (_ => {
constructor () {
this.changelog = {
"fixed":[["Message Update","Fixed the plugin for the new Message Update"]],
"improved":[["New Library Structure & React","Restructured my Library and switched to React rendering instead of DOM manipulation"]]
"fixed":[["Compact Mode","All timestamps are now changed to your choosen format in compact mode, like the plugin used to (disable 'Replace Chat ...' to disable this)"]]
this.patchedModules = {
@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ var CompleteTimestamps = (_ => {
creationDateLang: {value:"$discord", description:"Timestamp Format:"}
formats: {
ownFormat: {value:"$hour:$minute:$second, $day.$month.$year", description:"Own Format:"}
ownformat: {value:"$hour:$minute:$second, $day.$month.$year", description:"Own Format:"}
@ -232,6 +231,7 @@ var CompleteTimestamps = (_ => {
onSettingsClosed () {
if (this.SettingsUpdated) {
delete this.SettingsUpdated;
currentMode = null;
@ -247,7 +247,8 @@ var CompleteTimestamps = (_ => {
let [children, index] = BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChildren(e.returnvalue, {name: "MessageTimestamp"});
if (index > -1) {
let settings = BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "settings");
this.changeTimestamp(children, index, {child:!e.instance.props.compact && settings.showInChat, tooltip:settings.changeForChat});
this.changeTimestamp(children, index, {child:settings.showInChat, tooltip:settings.changeForChat});
this.setMaxWidth(children[index], e.instance.props.compact);
@ -301,39 +302,39 @@ var CompleteTimestamps = (_ => {
parent[index] = stamp;
getTimestamp (languageid, time) {
getTimestamp (languageId, time) {
let timeobj = time ? time : new Date();
if (typeof time == "string") timeobj = new Date(time);
if (timeobj.toString() == "Invalid Date") timeobj = new Date(parseInt(time));
if (timeobj.toString() == "Invalid Date") return;
let settings = BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "settings"), timestring = "";
if (languageid != "own") {
if (languageId != "own") {
let timestamp = [];
if (settings.displayDate) timestamp.push(timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageid));
if (settings.displayTime) timestamp.push(settings.cutSeconds ? this.cutOffSeconds(timeobj.toLocaleTimeString(languageid)) : timeobj.toLocaleTimeString(languageid));
if (settings.displayDate) timestamp.push(timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageId));
if (settings.displayTime) timestamp.push(settings.cutSeconds ? this.cutOffSeconds(timeobj.toLocaleTimeString(languageId)) : timeobj.toLocaleTimeString(languageId));
if (settings.otherOrder) timestamp.reverse();
timestring = timestamp.length > 1 ? timestamp.join(", ") : (timestamp.length > 0 ? timestamp[0] : "");
if (timestring && settings.forceZeros) timestring = this.addLeadingZeros(timestring);
else {
let ownformat = BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "formats", "ownFormat");
languageid = BDFDB.LanguageUtils.getLanguage().id;
let ownFormat = BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "formats", "ownformat");
languageId = BDFDB.LanguageUtils.getLanguage().id;
let hour = timeobj.getHours(), minute = timeobj.getMinutes(), second = timeobj.getSeconds(), msecond = timeobj.getMilliseconds(), day = timeobj.getDate(), month = timeobj.getMonth()+1, timemode = "", daysago = Math.round((new Date() - timeobj)/(1000*60*60*24));
if (ownformat.indexOf("$timemode") > -1) {
if (ownFormat.indexOf("$timemode") > -1) {
timemode = hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM";
hour = hour % 12;
hour = hour ? hour : 12;
timestring = ownformat
timestring = ownFormat
.replace("$hour", settings.forceZeros && hour < 10 ? "0" + hour : hour)
.replace("$minute", minute < 10 ? "0" + minute : minute)
.replace("$second", second < 10 ? "0" + second : second)
.replace("$msecond", settings.forceZeros ? (msecond < 10 ? "00" + msecond : (msecond < 100 ? "0" + msecond : msecond)) : msecond)
.replace("$timemode", timemode)
.replace("$weekdayL", timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageid,{weekday: "long"}))
.replace("$weekdayS", timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageid,{weekday: "short"}))
.replace("$monthnameL", timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageid,{month: "long"}))
.replace("$monthnameS", timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageid,{month: "short"}))
.replace("$weekdayL", timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageId,{weekday: "long"}))
.replace("$weekdayS", timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageId,{weekday: "short"}))
.replace("$monthnameL", timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageId,{month: "long"}))
.replace("$monthnameS", timeobj.toLocaleDateString(languageId,{month: "short"}))
.replace("$daysago", daysago > 0 ? BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStringsFormat("ACTIVITY_FEED_USER_PLAYED_DAYS_AGO", daysago) : BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings.SEARCH_SHORTCUT_TODAY)
.replace("$day", settings.forceZeros && day < 10 ? "0" + day : day)
.replace("$month", settings.forceZeros && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month)
@ -356,6 +357,32 @@ var CompleteTimestamps = (_ => {
return chararray.join("");
setMaxWidth (timestamp, compact) {
if (currentMode != compact) {
currentMode = compact;
if (compact && timestamp.props.className && typeof timestamp.type == "string") {
let tempTimestamp = BDFDB.DOMUtils.create(`<div class="${BDFDB.disCN.messagecompact}"><${timestamp.type} class="${timestamp.props.className}" style="width: auto !important;">${this.getTimestamp(BDFDB.DataUtils.get(this, "choices", "creationDateLang"), new Date(253402124399995))}</${timestamp.type}></div>`);
let width = BDFDB.DOMUtils.getRects(tempTimestamp.firstElementChild).width + 5;
BDFDB.DOMUtils.appendLocalStyle(this.name + "CompactCorrection", `
${BDFDB.dotCN.messagecompact + BDFDB.dotCN.messagewrapper} {
padding-left: ${44 + width}px;
${BDFDB.dotCNS.messagecompact + BDFDB.dotCN.messagecontents} {
margin-left: -${44 + width}px;
padding-left: ${44 + width}px;
text-indent: calc(-${44 + width}px - -1rem);
${BDFDB.dotCNS.messagecompact + BDFDB.dotCN.messagetimestamp} {
width: ${width}px;
else BDFDB.DOMUtils.removeLocalStyle(this.name + "CompactCorrection");
forceUpdateAll() {