Update DiscordPreview.js
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,164 +1,160 @@
console.log("this is a test");
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window.disCN = new Proxy({}, {
get: function (list, item) {
return window.getDiscordClass(item).replace('#', '');
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window.disCN = new Proxy({}, {
get: function (list, item) {
return window.getDiscordClass(item).replace('#', '');
window.getDiscordClass = function (item) {
var classname = "Preview_undefined";
if (window.DiscordClasses === undefined || window.DiscordClassModules === undefined) return classname;
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if (window.userId == "278543574059057154") console.warn(`%c[Preview]%c`, 'color:#3a71c1; font-weight:700;', '', item + ' not found in window.DiscordClasses');
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if (window.userId == "278543574059057154") console.warn(`%c[Preview]%c`, 'color:#3a71c1; font-weight:700;', '', item + ' is not an Array of Length 2 in window.DiscordClasses');
return classname;
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if (window.userId == "278543574059057154") console.warn(`%c[Preview]%c`, 'color:#3a71c1; font-weight:700;', '', window.DiscordClasses[item][0] + ' not found in DiscordClassModules');
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if (window.userId == "278543574059057154") console.warn(`%c[Preview]%c`, 'color:#3a71c1; font-weight:700;', '', window.DiscordClasses[item][1] + ' not found in ' + window.DiscordClasses[item][0] + ' in DiscordClassModules');
return classname;
else return classname = window.DiscordClassModules[window.DiscordClasses[item][0]][window.DiscordClasses[item][1]];
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window.BdApi.findModuleByProps = window.WebModulesFindByProperties;
Reference in New Issue