Update ShowHiddenChannels.plugin.js

This commit is contained in:
Mirco Wittrien 2021-01-25 18:23:02 +01:00
parent ce1e4ac9f9
commit 196235aada
1 changed files with 31 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -14,16 +14,12 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
"info": {
"name": "ShowHiddenChannels",
"author": "DevilBro",
"version": "2.8.9",
"version": "2.9.0",
"description": "Display channels that are hidden from you by role restrictions"
"changeLog": {
"added": {
"Always Collapse": "You can now enable the plugin to always collapse the 'Hidden' Category at the bottom if you switch servers"
"fixed": {
"Locked Voice Channels": "You can now open the voice channel window if you got moved into a locked voice channel by another user",
"Locked Text Channels": "Setting to not show hidden text channels works again"
"improved": {
"Admin/Owner": "Now shows admins and owners in the access modal"
@ -79,7 +75,7 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
const typeNameMap = {
@ -87,7 +83,7 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
const channelIcons = {
GUILD: `M 5.88657 21 C 5.57547 21 5.3399 20.7189 5.39427 20.4126 L 6.00001 17 H 2.59511 C 2.28449 17 2.04905 16.7198 2.10259 16.4138 L 2.27759 15.4138 C 2.31946 15.1746 2.52722 15 2.77011 15 H 6.35001 L 7.41001 9 H 4.00511 C 3.69449 9 3.45905 8.71977 3.51259 8.41381 L 3.68759 7.41381 C 3.72946 7.17456 3.93722 7 4.18011 7 H 7.76001 L 8.39677 3.41262 C 8.43914 3.17391 8.64664 3 8.88907 3 H 9.87344 C 10.1845 3 10.4201 3.28107 10.3657 3.58738 L 9.76001 7 H 15.76 L 16.3968 3.41262 C 16.4391 3.17391 16.6466 3 16.8891 3 H 17.8734 C 18.1845 3 18.4201 3.28107 18.3657 3.58738 L 17.76 7 H 21.1649 C 21.4755 7 21.711 7.28023 21.6574 7.58619 L 21.4824 8.58619 C 21.4406 8.82544 21.2328 9 20.9899 9 H 17.41 L 16.35 15 H 19.7549 C 20.0655 15 20.301 15.2802 20.2474 15.5862 L 20.0724 16.5862 C 20.0306 16.8254 19.8228 17 19.5799 17 H 16 L 15.3632 20.5874 C 15.3209 20.8261 15.1134 21 14.8709 21 H 13.8866 C 13.5755 21 13.3399 20.7189 13.3943 20.4126 L 14 17 H 8.00001 L 7.36325 20.5874 C 7.32088 20.8261 7.11337 21 6.87094 21 H 5.88657Z M 9.41045 9 L 8.35045 15 H 14.3504 L 15.4104 9 H 9.41045 Z`,
GUILD_TEXT: `M 5.88657 21 C 5.57547 21 5.3399 20.7189 5.39427 20.4126 L 6.00001 17 H 2.59511 C 2.28449 17 2.04905 16.7198 2.10259 16.4138 L 2.27759 15.4138 C 2.31946 15.1746 2.52722 15 2.77011 15 H 6.35001 L 7.41001 9 H 4.00511 C 3.69449 9 3.45905 8.71977 3.51259 8.41381 L 3.68759 7.41381 C 3.72946 7.17456 3.93722 7 4.18011 7 H 7.76001 L 8.39677 3.41262 C 8.43914 3.17391 8.64664 3 8.88907 3 H 9.87344 C 10.1845 3 10.4201 3.28107 10.3657 3.58738 L 9.76001 7 H 15.76 L 16.3968 3.41262 C 16.4391 3.17391 16.6466 3 16.8891 3 H 17.8734 C 18.1845 3 18.4201 3.28107 18.3657 3.58738 L 17.76 7 H 21.1649 C 21.4755 7 21.711 7.28023 21.6574 7.58619 L 21.4824 8.58619 C 21.4406 8.82544 21.2328 9 20.9899 9 H 17.41 L 16.35 15 H 19.7549 C 20.0655 15 20.301 15.2802 20.2474 15.5862 L 20.0724 16.5862 C 20.0306 16.8254 19.8228 17 19.5799 17 H 16 L 15.3632 20.5874 C 15.3209 20.8261 15.1134 21 14.8709 21 H 13.8866 C 13.5755 21 13.3399 20.7189 13.3943 20.4126 L 14 17 H 8.00001 L 7.36325 20.5874 C 7.32088 20.8261 7.11337 21 6.87094 21 H 5.88657Z M 9.41045 9 L 8.35045 15 H 14.3504 L 15.4104 9 H 9.41045 Z`,
GUILD_VOICE: `M 11.383 3.07904 C 11.009 2.92504 10.579 3.01004 10.293 3.29604 L 6 8.00204 H 3 C 2.45 8.00204 2 8.45304 2 9.00204 V 15.002 C 2 15.552 2.45 16.002 3 16.002 H 6 L 10.293 20.71 C 10.579 20.996 11.009 21.082 11.383 20.927 C 11.757 20.772 12 20.407 12 20.002 V 4.00204 C 12 3.59904 11.757 3.23204 11.383 3.07904Z M 14 5.00195 V 7.00195 C 16.757 7.00195 19 9.24595 19 12.002 C 19 14.759 16.757 17.002 14 17.002 V 19.002 C 17.86 19.002 21 15.863 21 12.002 C 21 8.14295 17.86 5.00195 14 5.00195Z M 14 9.00195 C 15.654 9.00195 17 10.349 17 12.002 C 17 13.657 15.654 15.002 14 15.002 V 13.002 C 14.551 13.002 15 12.553 15 12.002 C 15 11.451 14.551 11.002 14 11.002 V 9.00195 Z`,
GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT: `M 3.9 8.26 H 2 V 15.2941 H 3.9 V 8.26 Z M 19.1 4 V 5.12659 L 4.85 8.26447 V 18.1176 C 4.85 18.5496 5.1464 18.9252 5.5701 19.0315 L 9.3701 19.9727 C 9.4461 19.9906 9.524 20 9.6 20 C 9.89545 20 10.1776 19.8635 10.36 19.6235 L 12.7065 16.5242 L 19.1 17.9304 V 19.0588 H 21 V 4 H 19.1 Z M 9.2181 17.9944 L 6.75 17.3826 V 15.2113 L 10.6706 16.0753 L 9.2181 17.9944 Z`,
GUILD_STORE: `M 21.707 13.293l -11 -11 C 10.519 2.105 10.266 2 10 2 H 3c -0.553 0 -1 0.447 -1 1 v 7 c 0 0.266 0.105 0.519 0.293 0.707l11 11 c 0.195 0.195 0.451 0.293 0.707 0.293 s 0.512 -0.098 0.707 -0.293l7 -7 c 0.391 -0.391 0.391 -1.023 0 -1.414 z M 7 9c -1.106 0 -2 -0.896 -2 -2 0 -1.106 0.894 -2 2 -2 1.104 0 2 0.894 2 2 0 1.104 -0.896 2 -2 2 z`,
@ -106,11 +102,13 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
render() {
return BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.ListRow, {
prefix: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.AvatarComponents.default, {
prefix: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("div", {
className: BDFDB.disCN.listavatar,
src: BDFDB.UserUtils.getAvatar(this.props.user.id),
status: BDFDB.UserUtils.getStatus(this.props.user.id),
size: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.AvatarComponents.Sizes.SIZE_40
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.AvatarComponents.default, {
src: BDFDB.UserUtils.getAvatar(this.props.user.id),
status: BDFDB.UserUtils.getStatus(this.props.user.id),
size: BDFDB.LibraryComponents.AvatarComponents.Sizes.SIZE_40
label: [
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement("span", {
@ -507,27 +505,37 @@ module.exports = (_ => {
let myMember = guild && BDFDB.LibraryModules.MemberStore.getMember(guild.id, BDFDB.UserUtils.me.id);
let category = BDFDB.LibraryModules.ChannelStore.getChannel(BDFDB.LibraryModules.ChannelStore.getChannel(channel.id).parent_id);
let lightTheme = BDFDB.DiscordUtils.getTheme() == BDFDB.disCN.themelight;
let addUser = (id, users) => {
let user = BDFDB.LibraryModules.UserStore.getUser(id);
if (user) allowedUsers.push(Object.assign({}, user, BDFDB.LibraryModules.MemberStore.getMember(guild.id, id) || {}));
else users.push({id: id, username: `UserId: ${id}`, fetchable: true});
let checkPerm = permString => {
return ((permString | BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Permissions.VIEW_CHANNEL) == permString || (permString | BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Permissions.READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY) == permString || channel.type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.ChannelTypes.GUILD_VOICE && (permString | BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Permissions.CONNECT) == permString);
let allowedRoles = [], allowedUsers = [], deniedRoles = [], deniedUsers = [], everyoneDenied = false;
for (let id in channel.permissionOverwrites) {
if ((channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.ROLE || overrideTypes[channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type] == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.ROLE) && (guild.roles[id] && guild.roles[id].name != "@everyone") && ((channel.permissionOverwrites[id].allow | BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Permissions.VIEW_CHANNEL) == channel.permissionOverwrites[id].allow || (channel.permissionOverwrites[id].allow | BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Permissions.CONNECT) == channel.permissionOverwrites[id].allow)) {
if ((channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.ROLE || overrideTypes[channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type] == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.ROLE) && (guild.roles[id] && guild.roles[id].name != "@everyone") && checkPerm(channel.permissionOverwrites[id].allow)) {
allowedRoles.push(Object.assign({overwritten: myMember && myMember.roles.includes(id) && !allowed}, guild.roles[id]));
else if ((channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.MEMBER || overrideTypes[channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type] == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.MEMBER) && ((channel.permissionOverwrites[id].allow | BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Permissions.VIEW_CHANNEL) == channel.permissionOverwrites[id].allow || (channel.permissionOverwrites[id].allow | BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Permissions.CONNECT) == channel.permissionOverwrites[id].allow)) {
let user = BDFDB.LibraryModules.UserStore.getUser(id);
if (user) allowedUsers.push(Object.assign({}, user, BDFDB.LibraryModules.MemberStore.getMember(guild.id, id) || {}));
else allowedUsers.push({id: id, username: `UserId: ${id}`, fetchable: true});
else if ((channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.MEMBER || overrideTypes[channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type] == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.MEMBER) && checkPerm(channel.permissionOverwrites[id].allow)) {
addUser(id, allowedUsers);
if ((channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.ROLE || overrideTypes[channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type] == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.ROLE) && ((channel.permissionOverwrites[id].deny | BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Permissions.VIEW_CHANNEL) == channel.permissionOverwrites[id].deny || (channel.permissionOverwrites[id].deny | BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Permissions.CONNECT) == channel.permissionOverwrites[id].deny)) {
if ((channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.ROLE || overrideTypes[channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type] == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.ROLE) && checkPerm(channel.permissionOverwrites[id].deny)) {
if (guild.roles[id] && guild.roles[id].name == "@everyone") everyoneDenied = true;
else if ((channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.MEMBER || overrideTypes[channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type] == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.MEMBER) && ((channel.permissionOverwrites[id].deny | BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Permissions.VIEW_CHANNEL) == channel.permissionOverwrites[id].deny || (channel.permissionOverwrites[id].deny | BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Permissions.CONNECT) == channel.permissionOverwrites[id].deny)) {
let user = BDFDB.LibraryModules.UserStore.getUser(id);
if (user) deniedUsers.push(Object.assign({}, user, BDFDB.LibraryModules.MemberStore.getMember(guild.id, id) || {}));
else deniedUsers.push({id: id, username: `UserId: ${id}`, fetchable: true});
else if ((channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.MEMBER || overrideTypes[channel.permissionOverwrites[id].type] == BDFDB.DiscordConstants.PermissionOverrideType.MEMBER) && checkPerm(channel.permissionOverwrites[id].den)) {
addUser(id, deniedUsers);
if (![].concat(allowedUsers, deniedUsers).find(user => user.id == guild.ownerId)) addUser(guild.ownerId, allowedUsers);
for (let id in guild.roles) if ((guild.roles[id].permissions | BDFDB.DiscordConstants.Permissions.ADMINISTRATOR) == guild.roles[id].permissions && ![].concat(allowedRoles, deniedRoles).find(role => role.id == id)) allowedRoles.push(Object.assign({overwritten: myMember && myMember.roles.includes(id) && !allowed}, guild.roles[id]));
if (allowed && !everyoneDenied) allowedRoles.push({name: "@everyone"});
let allowedElements = [], deniedElements = [];
for (let role of allowedRoles) allowedElements.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(roleRowComponent, {role: role, guildId: guild.id, channelId: channel.id}));
for (let user of allowedUsers) allowedElements.push(BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(userRowComponent, {user: user, guildId: guild.id, channelId: channel.id}));