This commit is contained in:
Mirco Wittrien 2020-03-24 15:34:32 +01:00
parent b2a7da0bec
commit 02664bf648
3 changed files with 109 additions and 64 deletions

View File

@ -1697,27 +1697,73 @@
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChild = function (nodeOrInstance, config) {
if (!nodeOrInstance || ! || ! && !config.key && !config.props && !config.filter) return null;
let instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (! && ! return null; = && [].flat().filter(n => n);
config.key = config.key && [config.key].flat().filter(n => n);
config.props = config.props && [config.props].flat().filter(n => n);
config.filter = typeof config.filter == "function" && config.filter;
let depth = -1;
let start =;
let maxDepth = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.depth === undefined ? 30 : config.depth);
let maxTime = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.time === undefined ? 150 : config.time);
return getChildren(instance);
function getChildren (children) {
let result = null;
if (!children) return result;
if (! {
if (check(children)) result = children;
else if (children.props && children.props.children) {
result = getChildren(children.props.children);
else {
for (let child of children) if (child) {
if ( result = getChildren(child);
else if (check(child)) result = child;
else if (child.props && child.props.children) {
result = getChildren(child.props.children);
return result;
function check (instance) {
if (!instance) return false;
let props = instance.stateNode ? instance.stateNode.props : instance.props;
return instance.type && && => InternalBDFDB.isInstanceCorrect(instance, name)) || config.key && config.key.some(key => instance.key == key) || props && config.props && config.props[config.someProps ? "some" : "every"](prop => ? ([1]) ? prop[1].some(checkvalue => propCheck(props, prop[0], checkvalue)) : propCheck(props, prop[0], prop[1])) : props[prop] !== undefined) || config.filter && config.filter(instance);
function propCheck (props, key, value) {
return key != null && props[key] != null && value != null && (key == "className" ? (" " + props[key] + " ").indexOf(" " + value + " ") > -1 : BDFDB.equals(props[key], value));
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findChildren = function (nodeOrInstance, config) {
if (!nodeOrInstance || ! || ! && !config.key && !config.props && !config.filter) return [null, -1];
var instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
let instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (! && ! return [null, -1]; = && [].flat().filter(n => n);
config.key = config.key && [config.key].flat().filter(n => n);
config.props = config.props && [config.props].flat().filter(n => n);
config.filter = typeof config.filter == "function" && config.filter;
var parent = firstarray = instance;
while (! && firstarray.props && firstarray.props.children) firstarray = firstarray.props.children;
if (! {
let parent = firstArray = instance;
while (! && firstArray.props && firstArray.props.children) firstArray = firstArray.props.children;
if (! {
if (parent && parent.props) {
parent.props.children = [parent.props.children];
firstarray = parent.props.children;
firstArray = parent.props.children;
else firstarray = [];
else firstArray = [];
return getChildren(instance);
function getChildren (children) {
var result = [firstarray, -1];
if (!children) return result;
let result = [firstArray, -1];
if (!children || depth >= maxDepth && - start >= maxTime) return result;
if (! {
if (check(children)) result = found(children);
else if (children.props && children.props.children) {
@ -1754,7 +1800,7 @@
function check (instance) {
if (!instance) return false;
let props = instance.stateNode ? instance.stateNode.props : instance.props;
return instance.type && && => InternalBDFDB.isInstanceCorrect(instance, name)) || config.key && config.key.some(key => instance.key == key) || props && config.props && config.props.every(prop => ? ([1]) ? prop[1].some(checkvalue => propCheck(props, prop[0], checkvalue)) : propCheck(props, prop[0], prop[1])) : props[prop] !== undefined) || config.filter && config.filter(instance);
return instance.type && && => InternalBDFDB.isInstanceCorrect(instance, name)) || config.key && config.key.some(key => instance.key == key) || props && config.props && config.props[config.someProps ? "some" : "every"](prop => ? ([1]) ? prop[1].some(checkvalue => propCheck(props, prop[0], checkvalue)) : propCheck(props, prop[0], prop[1])) : props[prop] !== undefined) || config.filter && config.filter(instance);
function propCheck (props, key, value) {
return key != null && props[key] != null && value != null && (key == "className" ? (" " + props[key] + " ").indexOf(" " + value + " ") > -1 : BDFDB.equals(props[key], value));
@ -1763,17 +1809,17 @@
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findConstructor = function (nodeOrInstance, types, config = {}) {
if (! return null;
if (!nodeOrInstance || !types) return config.all ? ( ? {} : []) : null;
var instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
let instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (! return config.all ? ( ? {} : []) : null;
types = types && [types].flat(10).filter(n => typeof n == "string");
if (!types.length) return config.all ? ( ? {} : []) : null;;
var depth = -1;
var start =;
var maxdepth = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.depth === undefined ? 30 : config.depth);
var maxtime = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.time === undefined ? 150 : config.time);
var whitelist = config.up ? {return:true, sibling:true, default:true, _reactInternalFiber:true} : {child:true, sibling:true, default:true, _reactInternalFiber:true};
var foundConstructors = ? {} : [];
var singleConstructor = getConstructor(instance);
let depth = -1;
let start =;
let maxDepth = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.depth === undefined ? 30 : config.depth);
let maxTime = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.time === undefined ? 150 : config.time);
let whitelist = config.up ? {return:true, sibling:true, default:true, _reactInternalFiber:true} : {child:true, sibling:true, default:true, _reactInternalFiber:true};
let foundConstructors = ? {} : [];
let singleConstructor = getConstructor(instance);
if (config.all) {
for (let i in foundConstructors) {
if ( for (let j in foundConstructors[i]) delete foundConstructors[i][j].BDFDBreactSearch;
@ -1785,8 +1831,8 @@
function getConstructor (instance) {
var result = undefined;
if (instance && !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance) && !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(instance) && depth < maxdepth && - start < maxtime) {
let result = undefined;
if (instance && !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance) && !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(instance) && depth < maxDepth && - start < maxTime) {
if (instance.type && types.some(name => InternalBDFDB.isInstanceCorrect(instance, name.split(" _ _ ")[0]))) {
if (config.all === undefined || !config.all) result = instance.type;
else if (config.all) {
@ -1818,25 +1864,25 @@
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findDOMNode = function (instance) {
if (Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance)) return instance;
if (!instance || !instance.updater || typeof instance.updater.isMounted !== "function" || !instance.updater.isMounted(instance)) return null;
var node = LibraryModules.ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance) || BDFDB.ReactUtils.getValue(instance, "child.stateNode");
let node = LibraryModules.ReactDOM.findDOMNode(instance) || BDFDB.ReactUtils.getValue(instance, "child.stateNode");
return Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(node) ? node : null;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner = function (nodeOrInstance, config) {
if (! return null;
if (!nodeOrInstance || ! && !config.type && !config.key && !config.props) return config.all ? ( ? {} : []) : null;
var instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
let instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (! return config.all ? ( ? {} : []) : null; = && [].flat().filter(n => n);
config.type = config.type && [config.type].flat().filter(n => n);
config.key = config.key && [config.key].flat().filter(n => n);
config.props = config.props && [config.props].flat().filter(n => n);
var depth = -1;
var start =;
var maxdepth = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.depth === undefined ? 30 : config.depth);
var maxtime = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.time === undefined ? 150 : config.time);
var whitelist = config.up ? {return:true, sibling:true, _reactInternalFiber:true} : {child:true, sibling:true, _reactInternalFiber:true};
var foundInstances = ? {} : [];
var singleInstance = getOwner(instance);
let depth = -1;
let start =;
let maxDepth = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.depth === undefined ? 30 : config.depth);
let maxTime = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.time === undefined ? 150 : config.time);
let whitelist = config.up ? {return:true, sibling:true, _reactInternalFiber:true} : {child:true, sibling:true, _reactInternalFiber:true};
let foundInstances = ? {} : [];
let singleInstance = getOwner(instance);
if (config.all) {
for (let i in foundInstances) {
if ( for (let j in foundInstances[i]) delete foundInstances[i][j].BDFDBreactSearch;
@ -1848,8 +1894,8 @@
function getOwner (instance) {
var result = undefined;
if (instance && !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance) && !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(instance) && depth < maxdepth && - start < maxtime) {
let result = undefined;
if (instance && !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance) && !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(instance) && depth < maxDepth && - start < maxTime) {
let props = instance.stateNode ? instance.stateNode.props : instance.props;
if (instance.stateNode && !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance.stateNode) && (instance.type && && => InternalBDFDB.isInstanceCorrect(instance, name.split(" _ _ ")[0])) || instance.type && config.type && config.type.some(type => ? instance.type === type[1] : instance.type === type) || instance.key && config.key && config.key.some(key => instance.key == key) || props && config.props && config.props.every(prop => ? ([1]) ? prop[1].some(checkvalue => BDFDB.equals(props[prop[0]], checkvalue)) : BDFDB.equals(props[prop[0]], prop[1])) : props[prop] !== undefined))) {
if (config.all === undefined || !config.all) result = instance.stateNode;
@ -1887,21 +1933,21 @@
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findProps = function (nodeOrInstance, config) {
if (! return null;
if (!nodeOrInstance || ! && !config.key) return null;
var instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
let instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (! return null; = && [].flat().filter(n => n);
config.key = config.key && [config.key].flat().filter(n => n);
var depth = -1;
var start =;
var maxdepth = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.depth === undefined ? 30 : config.depth);
var maxtime = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.time === undefined ? 150 : config.time);
var whitelist = config.up ? {return:true, sibling:true, _reactInternalFiber:true} : {child:true, sibling:true, _reactInternalFiber:true};
let depth = -1;
let start =;
let maxDepth = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.depth === undefined ? 30 : config.depth);
let maxTime = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.time === undefined ? 150 : config.time);
let whitelist = config.up ? {return:true, sibling:true, _reactInternalFiber:true} : {child:true, sibling:true, _reactInternalFiber:true};
return findProps(instance);
function findProps (instance) {
var result = undefined;
if (instance && !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance) && !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(instance) && depth < maxdepth && - start < maxtime) {
let result = undefined;
if (instance && !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance) && !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(instance) && depth < maxDepth && - start < maxTime) {
if (instance.memoizedProps && (instance.type && && => InternalBDFDB.isInstanceCorrect(instance, name.split(" _ _ ")[0])) || config.key && config.key.some(key => instance.key == key))) result = instance.memoizedProps;
if (result === undefined) {
let keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(instance);
@ -1915,17 +1961,17 @@
return result;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findValue = function (nodeOrInstance, searchkey, config = {}) {
BDFDB.ReactUtils.findValue = function (nodeOrInstance, searchKey, config = {}) {
if (! return null;
if (!nodeOrInstance || typeof searchkey != "string") return config.all ? [] : null;
var instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (!nodeOrInstance || typeof searchKey != "string") return config.all ? [] : null;
let instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (! return config.all ? [] : null;
instance = instance._reactInternalFiber || instance;
var depth = -1;
var start =;
var maxdepth = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.depth === undefined ? 30 : config.depth);
var maxtime = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.time === undefined ? 150 : config.time);
var whitelist = {
let depth = -1;
let start =;
let maxDepth = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.depth === undefined ? 30 : config.depth);
let maxTime = config.unlimited ? 999999999 : (config.time === undefined ? 150 : config.time);
let whitelist = {
props: true,
state: true,
stateNode: true,
@ -1939,35 +1985,35 @@
return: config.up ? true : false,
sibling: config.up ? false : true
var blacklist = {
let blacklist = {
contextSection: true
if ( Object.assign(whitelist, config.whiteList);
if ( Object.assign(blacklist, config.blacklist);
var foundkeys = [];
var singlekey = getKey(instance);
if (config.all) return foundkeys;
let foundKeys = [];
let singleKey = getKey(instance);
if (config.all) return foundKeys;
else return singlekey;
function getKey(instance) {
var result = undefined;
if (instance && !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance) && !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(instance) && depth < maxdepth && - start < maxtime) {
let result = undefined;
if (instance && !Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(instance) && !BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(instance) && depth < maxDepth && - start < maxTime) {
let keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(instance);
for (let i = 0; result === undefined && i < keys.length; i++) {
let key = keys[i];
if (key && !blacklist[key]) {
var value = instance[key];
if (searchkey === key && (config.value === undefined || BDFDB.equals(config.value, value))) {
let value = instance[key];
if (searchKey === key && (config.value === undefined || BDFDB.equals(config.value, value))) {
if (config.all === undefined || !config.all) result = value;
else if (config.all) {
if (config.noCopies === undefined || !config.noCopies) foundkeys.push(value);
if (config.noCopies === undefined || !config.noCopies) foundKeys.push(value);
else if (config.noCopies) {
var copy = false;
for (let foundkey of foundkeys) if (BDFDB.equals(value, foundkey)) {
let copy = false;
for (let foundKey of foundKeys) if (BDFDB.equals(value, foundKey)) {
copy = true;
if (!copy) foundkeys.push(value);
if (!copy) foundKeys.push(value);
@ -1988,9 +2034,9 @@
BDFDB.ReactUtils.getValue = function (nodeOrInstance, valuepath) {
if (!nodeOrInstance || !valuepath) return null;
var instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
let instance = Node.prototype.isPrototypeOf(nodeOrInstance) ? BDFDB.ReactUtils.getInstance(nodeOrInstance) : nodeOrInstance;
if (! return null;
var found = instance, values = valuepath.split(".").filter(n => n);
let found = instance, values = valuepath.split(".").filter(n => n);
for (value of values) {
if (!found) return null;
found = found[value];

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ var FriendNotifications = (_ => {
BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.Flex.Child, {
children: BDFDB.ReactUtils.createElement(BDFDB.LibraryComponents.TextInput, {
className: `input-newstranger`,
placeholder: "userId",
placeholder: "user (id or name#discriminator)",
value: ""
@ -317,13 +317,12 @@ var FriendNotifications = (_ => {
if (friendIDs.includes(userId)) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast("User is already a friend of yours. Please use the 'Friend-List' area to configure him/her.", {type:"error"});
else if (Object.keys(nonFriends).includes(userId)) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast("User is already being observed as a 'Stranger'.", {type:"error"});
else {
let user = BDFDB.LibraryModules.UserStore.getUser(userId);
let user = /.+#[0-9]{4}/.test(userId) ? BDFDB.LibraryModules.UserStore.findByTag(userId.split("#").slice(0, -1).join("#"), userId.split("#").prop()) : BDFDB.LibraryModules.UserStore.getUser(userId);
if (user) {, this, "nonfriends", userId);
this.SettingsUpdated = true;
BDFDB.PluginUtils.refreshSettingsPanel(this, settingspanel, collapseStates);
else if (/.+#[0-9]{4}/.test(userId)) BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast("A UserID does not consist of the username and discriminator.", {type:"error"});
else BDFDB.NotificationUtils.toast("Please enter a valid UserID of a user that has been loaded in your client.", {type:"error"});