
137 lines
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2019-09-20 22:32:52 +02:00
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
class ForceImagePreviews {
2019-01-17 23:48:29 +01:00
getName () {return "ForceImagePreviews";}
2019-11-11 15:13:59 +01:00
getVersion () {return "1.1.4";}
2019-01-17 23:48:29 +01:00
getAuthor () {return "DevilBro";}
getDescription () {return "Forces embedded Image Previews, if Discord doesn't do it itself. Caution: Externals Images can contain malicious code and reveal your IP!";}
2019-01-26 22:45:19 +01:00
2019-09-04 12:34:02 +02:00
constructor () {
2019-06-13 14:36:18 +02:00
this.changelog = {
2019-11-11 15:13:59 +01:00
"improved":[["New Library Structure & React","Restructured my Library and switched to React rendering instead of DOM manipulation"]]
2019-01-04 21:16:02 +01:00
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
load () {}
start () {
2019-02-04 09:13:15 +01:00
if (!global.BDFDB) global.BDFDB = {myPlugins:{}};
if (global.BDFDB && global.BDFDB.myPlugins && typeof global.BDFDB.myPlugins == "object") global.BDFDB.myPlugins[this.getName()] = this;
2019-05-26 13:55:26 +02:00
var libraryScript = document.querySelector('head script#BDFDBLibraryScript');
if (!libraryScript || ( - libraryScript.getAttribute("date")) > 600000) {
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
if (libraryScript) libraryScript.remove();
libraryScript = document.createElement("script");
2019-05-26 13:55:26 +02:00
libraryScript.setAttribute("id", "BDFDBLibraryScript");
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
libraryScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
2019-10-18 10:56:41 +02:00
libraryScript.setAttribute("src", "");
2019-01-17 23:48:29 +01:00
2019-05-26 13:55:26 +02:00
libraryScript.addEventListener("load", () => {this.initialize();});
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2019-05-26 13:55:26 +02:00
else if (global.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) this.initialize();
2019-11-01 10:27:07 +01:00
this.startTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
try {return this.initialize();}
catch (err) {console.error(`%c[${this.getName()}]%c`, "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;", "", "Fatal Error: Could not initiate plugin! " + err);}
}, 30000);
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
initialize () {
2019-01-17 23:48:29 +01:00
if (global.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) {
2019-01-22 11:05:54 +01:00
if (this.started) return;
2019-10-22 18:55:25 +02:00
2019-11-11 15:13:59 +01:00
BDFDB.ModuleUtils.patch(this, BDFDB.ModuleUtils.findByName("MessageAccessories").prototype, "render", {before: e => {
if (e.thisObject.props.message.content) {
let message = new BDFDB.DiscordObjects.Message(e.thisObject.props.message);
for (let word of e.thisObject.props.message.content.split(/\n|\s|\r|\t|\0/g)) if (word.indexOf("https://") > -1 || word.indexOf("http://") > -1) {
word = word.indexOf("<") == 0 && word.indexOf(">") == word.length-1 ? word.slice(1,-1) : word;
if (!this.isEmbedded(message.embeds, word)) this.injectEmbed(e.thisObject, message.embeds, word);
e.thisObject.props.message = message;
BDFDB.ReactUtils.forceUpdate(BDFDB.ReactUtils.findOwner(document.querySelector(, {name:"MessageAccessories", all:true, noCopies:true, unlimited:true}));
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2019-11-01 10:14:50 +01:00
else console.error(`%c[${this.getName()}]%c`, "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;", "", "Fatal Error: Could not load BD functions!");
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
stop () {
2019-01-17 23:48:29 +01:00
if (global.BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB.loaded) {
2019-10-22 11:37:23 +02:00
this.stopping = true;
2019-11-11 15:13:59 +01:00
2019-10-22 18:55:25 +02:00
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2019-01-26 22:45:19 +01:00
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
// begin of own functions
2019-11-11 15:13:59 +01:00
injectEmbed (instance, embeds, link) {
BDFDB.LibraryRequires.request(link, (error, response, result) => {
if (response && response.headers["content-type"] && response.headers["content-type"].indexOf("image") > -1) {
let imagethrowaway = document.createElement("img");
imagethrowaway.src = link;
imagethrowaway.onload = () => {
if (!this.isEmbedded(embeds, link)) {
image: {
url: link,
proxyURL: link,
height: imagethrowaway.naturalHeight,
width: imagethrowaway.naturalWidth
type: "image",
url: link
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2019-11-11 15:13:59 +01:00
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2019-11-11 15:13:59 +01:00
else if (response && response.headers["server"] && response.headers["server"].toLowerCase().indexOf("youtube") > -1 && result.indexOf("yt-user-info") > -1) {
if (!this.isEmbedded(embeds, link)) {
result = result.replace(/[\r|\n|\t]|[\s]{2,}/g, "");
let width = result.split(new RegExp(BDFDB.StringUtils.regEscape('<meta itemprop="width" content="'), "i"))[1].split('"')[0];
let height = result.split(new RegExp(BDFDB.StringUtils.regEscape('<meta itemprop="height" content="'), "i"))[1].split('"')[0];
let thumbnail = result.split(new RegExp(BDFDB.StringUtils.regEscape('<link itemprop="thumbnailUrl" href="'), "i"))[1].split('"')[0];
author: {
name: result.split(new RegExp(BDFDB.StringUtils.regEscape('<div class="yt-user-info"><a href="'), "i"))[1].split('>')[1].split('<')[0],
url: `${result.split(new RegExp(BDFDB.StringUtils.regEscape('<div class="yt-user-info"><a href="'), "i"))[1].split('"')[0]}`
color: "#ff0000",
provider: {
name: "YouTube",
url: ""
rawDescription: result.split(new RegExp(BDFDB.StringUtils.regEscape('<meta property="og:description" content="'), "i"))[1].split('"')[0],
rawTitle: result.split(new RegExp(BDFDB.StringUtils.regEscape('<meta property="og:title" content="'), "i"))[1].split('"')[0],
thumbnail: {
url: thumbnail,
proxyURL: thumbnail,
width: width,
height: height
type: "video",
url: link,
video: {
url: result.split(new RegExp(BDFDB.StringUtils.regEscape('<link itemprop="embedUrl" href="'), "i"))[1].split('"')[0],
width: width,
height: height
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2019-11-11 15:13:59 +01:00
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2019-11-11 15:13:59 +01:00
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2019-11-11 15:13:59 +01:00
isEmbedded (embeds, link) {
for (let embed of embeds) if (embed.url == link) return true;
return false;
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00