2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
module . exports = ( _ => {
2020-10-09 21:09:35 +02:00
const config = {
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
"info" : {
"name" : "ServerDetails" ,
"author" : "DevilBro" ,
"version" : "1.0.2" ,
2020-10-16 10:25:30 +02:00
"description" : "Show details of a server when you hover over the icon in the server list"
2020-09-04 16:12:02 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
} ;
2020-10-09 21:09:35 +02:00
return ! window . BDFDB _Global || ( ! window . BDFDB _Global . loaded && ! window . BDFDB _Global . started ) ? class {
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
getName ( ) { return config . info . name ; }
getAuthor ( ) { return config . info . author ; }
getVersion ( ) { return config . info . version ; }
getDescription ( ) { return config . info . description ; }
2020-10-09 21:09:35 +02:00
load ( ) {
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
if ( ! window . BDFDB _Global || ! Array . isArray ( window . BDFDB _Global . pluginQueue ) ) window . BDFDB _Global = Object . assign ( { } , window . BDFDB _Global , { pluginQueue : [ ] } ) ;
if ( ! window . BDFDB _Global . downloadModal ) {
window . BDFDB _Global . downloadModal = true ;
BdApi . showConfirmationModal ( "Library Missing" , ` The library plugin needed for ${ config . info . name } is missing. Please click "Download Now" to install it. ` , {
confirmText : "Download Now" ,
cancelText : "Cancel" ,
onCancel : _ => { delete window . BDFDB _Global . downloadModal ; } ,
2020-09-20 08:15:13 +02:00
onConfirm : _ => {
delete window . BDFDB _Global . downloadModal ;
require ( "request" ) . get ( "https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Library/0BDFDB.plugin.js" , ( e , r , b ) => {
if ( ! e && b && b . indexOf ( ` //META{"name":" ` ) > - 1 ) require ( "fs" ) . writeFile ( require ( "path" ) . join ( BdApi . Plugins . folder , "0BDFDB.plugin.js" ) , b , _ => { } ) ;
else BdApi . alert ( "Error" , "Could not download BDFDB library plugin, try again some time later." ) ;
} ) ;
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
} ) ;
2020-09-04 16:12:02 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
if ( ! window . BDFDB _Global . pluginQueue . includes ( config . info . name ) ) window . BDFDB _Global . pluginQueue . push ( config . info . name ) ;
2020-10-09 21:09:35 +02:00
start ( ) { this . load ( ) ; }
stop ( ) { }
} : ( ( [ Plugin , BDFDB ] ) => {
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
var _this , languages ;
var settings = { } , colors = { } , choices = { } , formats = { } , amounts = { } ;
const GuildDetailsComponent = class GuildDetails extends BdApi . React . Component {
constructor ( props ) {
super ( props ) ;
this . state = { fetchedOwner : false , delayed : false , repositioned : false } ;
componentDidUpdate ( ) {
if ( amounts . tooltipDelay && this . state . delayed && ! this . state . repositioned ) {
this . state . repositioned = true ;
2020-09-11 19:31:36 +02:00
let tooltip = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . tooltip , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( this , "_reactInternalFiber.return.return.stateNode.containerInfo" ) ) ;
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
if ( tooltip ) tooltip . update ( ) ;
2020-09-04 16:12:02 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
render ( ) {
if ( amounts . tooltipDelay && ! this . state . delayed ) {
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => {
this . state . delayed = true ;
let tooltip = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . tooltip , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( this , "_reactInternalFiber.return.return.stateNode.containerInfo" ) ) ;
if ( tooltip ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( tooltip , BDFDB . disCN . _serverdetailstooltip ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
} , amounts . tooltipDelay * 1000 ) ;
return null ;
let owner = BDFDB . LibraryModules . UserStore . getUser ( this . props . guild . ownerId ) ;
if ( ! owner && ! this . state . fetchedOwner ) {
this . state . fetchedOwner = true ;
BDFDB . LibraryModules . UserFetchUtils . getUser ( this . props . guild . ownerId ) . then ( _ => BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ) ;
let src = this . props . guild . getIconURL ( BDFDB . LibraryModules . IconUtils . hasAnimatedGuildIcon ( this . props . guild ) ? "gif" : "png" ) ;
let ownerString = ` ${ owner ? owner . username : "Unknown" } # ${ owner ? owner . discriminator : "0000" } ` ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
direction : BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Flex . Direction . VERTICAL ,
align : BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
children : [
settings . addIcon && ( src ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "img" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . _serverdetailsicon ,
src : src . replace ( /\?size\=\d+$/ , "?size=4096" ) . replace ( /[\?\&](height|width)=\d+/g , "" )
} ) : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . _serverdetailsicon ,
children : this . props . guild . acronym
} ) ) ,
settings . addOwner && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( GuildDetailsRowComponent , {
prefix : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . GUILD _OWNER ,
string : ` ${ owner ? owner . username : "Unknown" } # ${ owner ? owner . discriminator : "0000" } `
} ) ,
settings . addCreation && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( GuildDetailsRowComponent , {
prefix : _this . labels . creationdate _text ,
string : _this . getTimestamp ( languages [ choices . timeLang ] . id , BDFDB . LibraryModules . TimestampUtils . extractTimestamp ( this . props . guild . id ) )
} ) ,
settings . addJoin && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( GuildDetailsRowComponent , {
prefix : _this . labels . joindate _text ,
string : _this . getTimestamp ( languages [ choices . timeLang ] . id , this . props . guild . joinedAt )
} ) ,
settings . addMembers && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( GuildDetailsRowComponent , {
prefix : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . MEMBERS ,
string : BDFDB . LibraryModules . MemberCountUtils . getMemberCount ( this . props . guild . id )
} ) ,
settings . addChannels && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( GuildDetailsRowComponent , {
prefix : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . CHANNELS ,
string : BDFDB . LibraryModules . GuildChannelStore . getChannels ( this . props . guild . id ) . count
} ) ,
settings . addRoles && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( GuildDetailsRowComponent , {
prefix : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . ROLES ,
string : Object . keys ( this . props . guild . roles ) . length
} ) ,
settings . addBoosters && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( GuildDetailsRowComponent , {
prefix : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . SUBSCRIPTIONS _TITLE ,
string : this . props . guild . premiumSubscriberCount
} ) ,
settings . addRegion && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( GuildDetailsRowComponent , {
prefix : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . REGION ,
string : this . props . guild . region
} )
] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n )
} ) ;
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
} ;
const GuildDetailsRowComponent = class GuildDetailsRow extends BdApi . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return ( this . props . prefix . length + this . props . string . length ) > Math . round ( 34 * ( amounts . tooltipWidth / 300 ) ) ? [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
children : ` ${ this . props . prefix } : `
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
} ) ,
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
children : this . props . string
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
} )
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
] : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
children : ` ${ this . props . prefix } : ${ this . props . string } `
} ) ;
} ;
2020-10-09 21:09:35 +02:00
return class ServerDetails extends Plugin {
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
onLoad ( ) {
_this = this ;
this . defaults = {
settings : {
cutSeconds : { value : false , cat : "settings" , description : "Cut off seconds of the time" } ,
forceZeros : { value : false , cat : "settings" , description : "Force leading zeros" } ,
otherOrder : { value : false , cat : "settings" , description : "Show the time before the date" } ,
addIcon : { value : true , cat : "tooltip" , description : "GUILD_CREATE_UPLOAD_ICON_LABEL" } ,
addOwner : { value : true , cat : "tooltip" , description : "GUILD_OWNER" } ,
addCreation : { value : true , cat : "tooltip" , description : "creationdate_text" } ,
addJoin : { value : true , cat : "tooltip" , description : "joindate_text" } ,
addMembers : { value : true , cat : "tooltip" , description : "MEMBERS" } ,
addChannels : { value : true , cat : "tooltip" , description : "CHANNELS" } ,
addRoles : { value : true , cat : "tooltip" , description : "ROLES" } ,
addBoosters : { value : true , cat : "tooltip" , description : "SUBSCRIPTIONS_TITLE" } ,
addRegion : { value : true , cat : "tooltip" , description : "REGION" }
} ,
colors : {
tooltipColor : { value : "" , description : "Tooltip Color" }
} ,
choices : {
timeLang : { value : "$discord" , description : "Date Format" }
} ,
formats : {
ownFormat : { value : "$hour:$minute:$second, $day.$month.$year" , description : "Own Format" }
} ,
amounts : {
tooltipDelay : { value : 0 , cat : "tooltip" , min : 0 , max : 10 , digits : 1 , unit : "s" , description : "Details Tooltip Delay" } ,
tooltipWidth : { value : 300 , cat : "tooltip" , min : 200 , max : 600 , digits : 0 , unit : "px" , description : "Details Tooltip Width" } ,
maxDaysAgo : { value : 0 , cat : "format" , min : 0 , description : "Maximum count of days displayed in the $daysago placeholder" , note : "0 equals no limit" }
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
} ;
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
this . patchedModules = {
after : {
Guild : "render"
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
} ;
this . patchPriority = 10 ;
this . css = `
$ { BDFDB . dotCNS . _serverdetailstooltip + BDFDB . dotCN . tooltipcontent } {
display : flex ;
flex - direction : column ;
justify - content : center ;
align - items : center ;
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
$ { BDFDB . dotCNS . _serverdetailstooltip + BDFDB . dotCN . _serverdetailsicon } {
display : flex ;
justify - content : center ;
align - items : center ;
margin - bottom : 5 px ;
border - radius : 10 px ;
overflow : hidden ;
$ { BDFDB . dotCN . _serverdetailstooltip } div$ { BDFDB . dotCN . _serverdetailsicon } {
background - color : var ( -- background - primary ) ;
color : var ( -- text - normal ) ;
font - size : 40 px ;
` ;
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
onStart ( ) {
2020-09-11 19:31:36 +02:00
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( this , BDFDB . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . Guild . prototype , "render" , { after : e => {
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
this . processGuild ( { instance : e . thisObject , returnvalue : e . returnValue , methodname : "render" } ) ;
} } ) ;
2020-09-04 22:44:01 +02:00
languages = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . deepAssign ( {
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
own : {
name : "Own" ,
id : "own"
} , BDFDB . LanguageUtils . languages ) ;
2020-09-07 14:45:33 +02:00
let amounts = BDFDB . DataUtils . load ( this , "amounts" ) ; // REMOVE 07.09.2020
if ( amounts && amounts . hoverDelay !== undefined ) {
amounts . tooltipDelay = parseFloat ( amounts . hoverDelay ) / 1000 ;
delete amounts . hoverDelay ;
BDFDB . DataUtils . save ( amounts , this , "amounts" ) ;
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
this . forceUpdateAll ( ) ;
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
onStop ( ) {
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
this . forceUpdateAll ( ) ;
2020-09-07 14:45:33 +02:00
BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeLocalStyle ( this . name + "TooltipWidth" ) ;
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
getSettingsPanel ( collapseStates = { } ) {
let settingsPanel , settingsItems = [ ] ;
settingsItems . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . CollapseContainer , {
title : "Settings" ,
collapseStates : collapseStates ,
children : Object . keys ( settings ) . map ( key => this . defaults . settings [ key ] . cat == "settings" && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . SettingsSaveItem , {
type : "Switch" ,
plugin : this ,
keys : [ "settings" , key ] ,
label : this . defaults . settings [ key ] . description ,
value : settings [ key ] ,
onChange : ( value , instance ) => {
settings [ key ] = value ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( instance , { name : "BDFDB_SettingsPanel" , up : true } ) , { name : "BDFDB_Select" , all : true , noCopies : true } ) ) ;
} ) )
} ) ) ;
settingsItems . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . CollapseContainer , {
title : "Tooltip Settings" ,
collapseStates : collapseStates ,
children : [ BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormTitle , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . marginbottom4 ,
tag : BDFDB . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormTitle . Tags . H3 ,
children : "Add additional details in the server tooltip for:"
} ) ] . concat ( Object . keys ( settings ) . map ( key => this . defaults . settings [ key ] . cat == "tooltip" && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . SettingsSaveItem , {
type : "Switch" ,
plugin : this ,
keys : [ "settings" , key ] ,
label : this . labels [ this . defaults . settings [ key ] . description ] || BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings [ this . defaults . settings [ key ] . description ] ,
value : settings [ key ]
} ) ) ) . concat ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormDivider , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . marginbottom8
} ) ) . concat ( Object . keys ( amounts ) . map ( key => this . defaults . amounts [ key ] . cat == "tooltip" && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . SettingsSaveItem , {
type : "Slider" ,
plugin : this ,
keys : [ "amounts" , key ] ,
label : this . defaults . amounts [ key ] . description ,
basis : "70%" ,
min : this . defaults . amounts [ key ] . min ,
max : this . defaults . amounts [ key ] . max ,
digits : this . defaults . amounts [ key ] . digits ,
markerAmount : 11 ,
onValueRender : value => value + this . defaults . amounts [ key ] . unit ,
childProps : { type : "number" } ,
value : amounts [ key ]
} ) ) ) . concat ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormDivider , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . marginbottom8
} ) ) . concat ( Object . keys ( colors ) . map ( key => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . SettingsSaveItem , {
type : "TextInput" ,
plugin : this ,
keys : [ "colors" , key ] ,
basis : "70%" ,
label : this . defaults . colors [ key ] . description ,
value : colors [ key ] ,
childProps : { type : "color" } ,
placeholder : colors [ key ]
} ) ) )
} ) ) ;
settingsItems . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . CollapseContainer , {
title : "Time Format" ,
collapseStates : collapseStates ,
children : Object . keys ( choices ) . map ( key => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . SettingsSaveItem , {
type : "Select" ,
plugin : this ,
keys : [ "choices" , key ] ,
label : this . defaults . choices [ key ] . description ,
basis : "70%" ,
value : choices [ key ] ,
options : BDFDB . ObjectUtils . toArray ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . map ( languages , ( lang , id ) => { return { value : id , label : lang . name } } ) ) ,
searchable : true ,
optionRenderer : lang => {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
align : BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Flex . Child , {
grow : 0 ,
shrink : 0 ,
basis : "40%" ,
children : lang . label
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Flex . Child , {
grow : 0 ,
shrink : 0 ,
basis : "60%" ,
children : this . getTimestamp ( languages [ lang . value ] . id )
} )
} ) ;
} ,
valueRenderer : lang => {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
align : BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Flex . Child , {
grow : 0 ,
shrink : 0 ,
children : lang . label
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Flex . Child , {
grow : 1 ,
shrink : 0 ,
basis : "70%" ,
children : this . getTimestamp ( languages [ lang . value ] . id )
} )
} ) ;
} ) ) . concat ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormDivider , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . marginbottom8
} ) ) . concat ( Object . keys ( formats ) . map ( key => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . SettingsSaveItem , {
type : "TextInput" ,
plugin : this ,
keys : [ "formats" , key ] ,
label : this . defaults . formats [ key ] . description ,
basis : "70%" ,
value : formats [ key ] ,
onChange : ( value , instance ) => {
formats [ key ] = value ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( instance , { name : "BDFDB_SettingsPanel" , up : true } ) , { name : "BDFDB_Select" , all : true , noCopies : true } ) ) ;
} ) ) ) . concat ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormDivider , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . marginbottom8
} ) ) . concat ( Object . keys ( amounts ) . map ( key => this . defaults . amounts [ key ] . cat == "format" && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . SettingsSaveItem , {
type : "TextInput" ,
plugin : this ,
keys : [ "amounts" , key ] ,
label : this . defaults . amounts [ key ] . description ,
note : this . defaults . amounts [ key ] . note ,
basis : "20%" ,
min : this . defaults . amounts [ key ] . min ,
max : this . defaults . amounts [ key ] . max ,
childProps : { type : "number" } ,
value : amounts [ key ]
} ) ) ) . filter ( n => n )
} ) ) ;
settingsItems . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . CollapseContainer , {
title : "Placeholder Guide" ,
2020-10-16 10:30:44 +02:00
dividerTop : true ,
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
collapseStates : collapseStates ,
children : [
"$hour will be replaced with the hour of the date" ,
"$minute will be replaced with the minutes of the date" ,
"$second will be replaced with the seconds of the date" ,
"$msecond will be replaced with the milliseconds of the date" ,
"$timemode will change $hour to a 12h format and will be replaced with AM/PM" ,
"$year will be replaced with the year of the date" ,
"$yearS will be replaced with the year in short form" ,
"$month will be replaced with the month of the date" ,
"$day will be replaced with the day of the date" ,
"$monthnameL will be replaced with the monthname in long format based on the Discord Language" ,
"$monthnameS will be replaced with the monthname in short format based on the Discord Language" ,
"$weekdayL will be replaced with the weekday in long format based on the Discord Language" ,
"$weekdayS will be replaced with the weekday in short format based on the Discord Language" ,
"$daysago will be replaced with a string to tell you how many days ago the event occured. For Example: " + BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStringsFormat ( "ACTIVITY_FEED_USER_PLAYED_DAYS_AGO" , 3 )
] . map ( string => {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormText , {
type : BDFDB . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormTextTypes . DESCRIPTION ,
children : string
} ) ;
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
} )
} ) ) ;
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
return settingsPanel = BDFDB . PluginUtils . createSettingsPanel ( this , settingsItems ) ;
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
onSettingsClosed ( ) {
if ( this . SettingsUpdated ) {
delete this . SettingsUpdated ;
this . forceUpdateAll ( ) ;
forceUpdateAll ( ) {
settings = BDFDB . DataUtils . get ( this , "settings" ) ;
colors = BDFDB . DataUtils . get ( this , "colors" ) ;
choices = BDFDB . DataUtils . get ( this , "choices" ) ;
formats = BDFDB . DataUtils . get ( this , "formats" ) ;
amounts = BDFDB . DataUtils . get ( this , "amounts" ) ;
let iconSize = amounts . tooltipWidth - 80 ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . appendLocalStyle ( this . name + "TooltipWidth" , `
$ { BDFDB . dotCN . _serverdetailstooltip } {
width : $ { amounts . tooltipWidth } px ! important ;
max - width : unset ! important ;
$ { BDFDB . dotCNS . _serverdetailstooltip + BDFDB . dotCN . _serverdetailsicon } {
width : $ { iconSize > 0 ? iconSize : 30 } px ;
height : $ { iconSize > 0 ? iconSize : 30 } px ;
` );
BDFDB . PatchUtils . forceAllUpdates ( this ) ;
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
processGuild ( e ) {
if ( BDFDB . GuildUtils . is ( e . instance . props . guild ) ) {
let [ children , index ] = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findParent ( e . returnvalue , { name : [ "GuildTooltip" , "BDFDB_TooltipContainer" ] } ) ;
if ( index > - 1 ) children [ index ] = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , Object . assign ( { } , children [ index ] . props , {
tooltipConfig : Object . assign ( {
backgroundColor : colors . tooltipColor
} , children [ index ] . props . tooltipConfig , {
className : ! amounts . tooltipDelay && BDFDB . disCN . _serverdetailstooltip ,
type : "right" ,
guild : e . instance . props . guild ,
list : true ,
offset : 12
} ) ,
text : _ => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( GuildDetailsComponent , {
guild : e . instance . props . guild
} )
} ) ) ;
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
getTimestamp ( languageId , time ) {
let timeObj = time || new Date ( ) ;
if ( typeof time == "string" || typeof time == "number" ) timeObj = new Date ( time ) ;
if ( timeObj . toString ( ) == "Invalid Date" ) timeObj = new Date ( parseInt ( time ) ) ;
if ( timeObj . toString ( ) == "Invalid Date" ) return ;
let timeString = "" ;
if ( languageId != "own" ) {
let timestamp = [ ] ;
timestamp . push ( timeObj . toLocaleDateString ( languageId ) ) ;
timestamp . push ( settings . cutSeconds ? this . cutOffSeconds ( timeObj . toLocaleTimeString ( languageId ) ) : timeObj . toLocaleTimeString ( languageId ) ) ;
if ( settings . otherOrder ) timestamp . reverse ( ) ;
timeString = timestamp . length > 1 ? timestamp . join ( ", " ) : ( timestamp . length > 0 ? timestamp [ 0 ] : "" ) ;
if ( timeString && settings . forceZeros ) timeString = this . addLeadingZeros ( timeString ) ;
else {
languageId = BDFDB . LanguageUtils . getLanguage ( ) . id ;
let now = new Date ( ) ;
let hour = timeObj . getHours ( ) , minute = timeObj . getMinutes ( ) , second = timeObj . getSeconds ( ) , msecond = timeObj . getMilliseconds ( ) , day = timeObj . getDate ( ) , month = timeObj . getMonth ( ) + 1 , timemode = "" , daysago = Math . round ( ( Date . UTC ( now . getFullYear ( ) , now . getMonth ( ) , now . getDate ( ) ) - Date . UTC ( timeObj . getFullYear ( ) , timeObj . getMonth ( ) , timeObj . getDate ( ) ) ) / ( 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 ) ) ;
if ( formats . ownFormat . indexOf ( "$timemode" ) > - 1 ) {
timemode = hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM" ;
hour = hour % 12 ;
hour = hour ? hour : 12 ;
timeString = formats . ownFormat
. replace ( /\$hour/g , settings . forceZeros && hour < 10 ? "0" + hour : hour )
. replace ( /\$minute/g , minute < 10 ? "0" + minute : minute )
. replace ( /\$second/g , second < 10 ? "0" + second : second )
. replace ( /\$msecond/g , settings . forceZeros ? ( msecond < 10 ? "00" + msecond : ( msecond < 100 ? "0" + msecond : msecond ) ) : msecond )
. replace ( /\$timemode/g , timemode )
. replace ( /\$weekdayL/g , timeObj . toLocaleDateString ( languageId , { weekday : "long" } ) )
. replace ( /\$weekdayS/g , timeObj . toLocaleDateString ( languageId , { weekday : "short" } ) )
. replace ( /\$monthnameL/g , timeObj . toLocaleDateString ( languageId , { month : "long" } ) )
. replace ( /\$monthnameS/g , timeObj . toLocaleDateString ( languageId , { month : "short" } ) )
. replace ( /\$daysago/g , amounts . maxDaysAgo == 0 || amounts . maxDaysAgo >= daysago ? ( daysago > 0 ? BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStringsFormat ( "ACTIVITY_FEED_USER_PLAYED_DAYS_AGO" , daysago ) : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . SEARCH _SHORTCUT _TODAY ) : "" )
. replace ( /\$day/g , settings . forceZeros && day < 10 ? "0" + day : day )
. replace ( /\$month/g , settings . forceZeros && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month )
. replace ( /\$yearS/g , parseInt ( timeObj . getFullYear ( ) . toString ( ) . slice ( - 2 ) ) )
. replace ( /\$year/g , timeObj . getFullYear ( ) )
. trim ( ) . split ( " " ) . filter ( n => n ) . join ( " " ) ;
return timeString ;
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
cutOffSeconds ( timeString ) {
return timeString . replace ( /(.{1,2}:.{1,2}):.{1,2}(.*)/ , "$1$2" ) . replace ( /(.{1,2}\..{1,2})\..{1,2}(.*)/ , "$1$2" ) . replace ( /(.{1,2} h .{1,2} min) .{1,2} s(.*)/ , "$1$2" ) ;
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
addLeadingZeros ( timeString ) {
let charArray = timeString . split ( "" ) ;
let numreg = /[0-9]/ ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < charArray . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( ! numreg . test ( charArray [ i - 1 ] ) && numreg . test ( charArray [ i ] ) && ! numreg . test ( charArray [ i + 1 ] ) ) charArray [ i ] = "0" + charArray [ i ] ;
2020-09-07 14:45:33 +02:00
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
return charArray . join ( "" ) ;
2020-09-04 14:31:12 +02:00
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
setLabelsByLanguage ( ) {
switch ( BDFDB . LanguageUtils . getLanguage ( ) . id ) {
case "hr" : //croatian
return {
creationdate _text : "Datum stvaranja" ,
joindate _text : "Datum pridruživanja"
} ;
case "da" : //danish
return {
creationdate _text : "Oprettelsesdato" ,
joindate _text : "Tilmeldingsdato"
} ;
case "de" : //german
return {
creationdate _text : "Erstellungsdatum" ,
joindate _text : "Beitrittsdatum"
} ;
case "es" : //spanish
return {
creationdate _text : "Fecha de creación" ,
joindate _text : "Fecha de inscripción"
} ;
case "fr" : //french
return {
creationdate _text : "Date de création" ,
joindate _text : "Date d'adhésion"
} ;
case "it" : //italian
return {
creationdate _text : "Data di creazione" ,
joindate _text : "Data di adesione"
} ;
case "nl" : //dutch
return {
creationdate _text : "Aanmaakdatum" ,
joindate _text : "Toetredingsdatum"
} ;
case "no" : //norwegian
return {
creationdate _text : "Opprettelsesdato" ,
joindate _text : "Påmeldingsdato"
} ;
case "pl" : //polish
return {
creationdate _text : "Data utworzenia" ,
joindate _text : "Data dołączenia"
} ;
case "pt-BR" : //portuguese (brazil)
return {
creationdate _text : "Data de criação" ,
joindate _text : "Data de adesão"
} ;
case "fi" : //finnish
return {
creationdate _text : "Luomispäivä" ,
joindate _text : "Liittymispäivämäärä"
} ;
case "sv" : //swedish
return {
creationdate _text : "Skapelsedagen" ,
joindate _text : "Anslutningsdagen"
} ;
case "tr" : //turkish
return {
creationdate _text : "Oluşturulma tarihi" ,
joindate _text : "Katı lı m tarihi"
} ;
case "cs" : //czech
return {
creationdate _text : "Datum vzniku" ,
joindate _text : "Datum připojení"
} ;
case "bg" : //bulgarian
return {
creationdate _text : "Дата на създаване" ,
joindate _text : "Дата на присъединяване"
} ;
case "ru" : //russian
return {
creationdate _text : "Дата создания" ,
joindate _text : "Дата присоединения"
} ;
case "uk" : //ukrainian
return {
creationdate _text : "Дата створення" ,
joindate _text : "Дата вступу"
} ;
case "ja" : //japanese
return {
creationdate _text : "作成日" ,
joindate _text : "入社の日"
} ;
case "zh-TW" : //chinese (traditional)
return {
creationdate _text : "創建日期" ,
joindate _text : "入職日期"
} ;
case "ko" : //korean
return {
creationdate _text : "제작 일" ,
joindate _text : "입사일"
} ;
default : //default: english
return {
creationdate _text : "Creationdate" ,
joindate _text : "Joindate"
} ;
} ;
2020-10-09 21:09:35 +02:00
} ) ( window . BDFDB _Global . PluginUtils . buildPlugin ( config ) ) ;
2020-09-19 20:49:33 +02:00
} ) ( ) ;