2020-10-20 23:25:34 +02:00
/ * *
* @ name BDFDB
* @ authorId 278543574059057154
* @ invite Jx3TjNS
* @ donate https : //www.paypal.me/MircoWittrien
* @ patreon https : //www.patreon.com/MircoWittrien
* @ website https : //github.com/mwittrien/BetterDiscordAddons/tree/master/Library
* @ source https : //raw.githubusercontent.com/mwittrien/BetterDiscordAddons/master/Library/0BDFDB.plugin.js
2020-11-12 17:30:48 +01:00
* @ updateUrl https : //raw.githubusercontent.com/mwittrien/BetterDiscordAddons/master/Library/0BDFDB.plugin.js
2020-10-20 23:25:34 +02:00
* /
2020-09-10 13:08:22 +02:00
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
module . exports = ( _ => {
2020-11-11 00:25:33 +01:00
const isBeta = ! ( window . BdApi && ! Array . isArray ( BdApi . settings ) ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
const config = {
"info" : {
"name" : "BDFDB" ,
"author" : "DevilBro" ,
2020-11-12 17:48:14 +01:00
"version" : "1.1.2" ,
2020-10-16 10:25:30 +02:00
"description" : "Give other plugins utility functions"
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ,
"rawUrl" : "https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Library/0BDFDB.plugin.js" ,
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
"changeLog" : {
"fixed" : {
2020-11-12 17:48:14 +01:00
"BD Beta" : "Fixed some issues with the BD Beta"
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ;
const DiscordObjects = { } ;
const LibraryRequires = { } ;
const LibraryModules = { } ;
const InternalComponents = { NativeSubComponents : { } , LibraryComponents : { } } ;
const Cache = { data : { } , modules : { } } ;
2020-09-22 23:30:15 +02:00
var libraryInstance ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
var settings = { } ;
if ( window . BDFDB _Global && window . BDFDB _Global . PluginUtils && typeof window . BDFDB _Global . PluginUtils . cleanUp == "function" ) {
window . BDFDB _Global . PluginUtils . cleanUp ( window . BDFDB _Global ) ;
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
const BDFDB = {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
started : true
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
} ;
for ( let key in config ) key == "info" ? Object . assign ( BDFDB , config [ key ] ) : ( BDFDB [ key ] = config [ key ] ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
const InternalBDFDB = Object . assign ( { } , BDFDB , {
patchPriority : 0 ,
defaults : {
settings : {
showToasts : { value : true , description : "Show Plugin start and stop Toasts" } ,
showSupportBadges : { value : true , description : "Show little Badges for Users who support my Patreon" }
} ,
} ) ;
const PluginStores = {
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
loaded : { } ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
delayedLoad : [ ] ,
delayedStart : [ ] ,
updateTimeout : [ ] ,
patchQueues : { }
} ;
const Plugin = function ( config ) {
return class Plugin {
getName ( ) { return config . info . name ; }
getAuthor ( ) { return config . info . author ; }
getVersion ( ) { return config . info . version ; }
getDescription ( ) { return config . info . description ; }
load ( ) {
2020-09-23 08:41:34 +02:00
this . loaded = true ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
if ( window . BDFDB _Global . loading ) {
if ( ! PluginStores . delayedLoad . includes ( this ) ) PluginStores . delayedLoad . push ( this ) ;
else {
Object . assign ( this , config . info , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( config , "info" ) ) ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . suppress ( _ => {
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
PluginStores . loaded [ config . info . name ] = this ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . PluginUtils . load ( this ) ;
if ( typeof this . onLoad == "function" ) this . onLoad ( ) ;
} , "Failed to load plugin!" , config . info . name ) ( ) ;
start ( ) {
2020-09-23 08:41:34 +02:00
if ( ! this . loaded ) this . load ( ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
if ( window . BDFDB _Global . loading ) {
if ( ! PluginStores . delayedStart . includes ( this ) ) PluginStores . delayedStart . push ( this ) ;
else {
if ( this . started ) return ;
this . started = true ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . suppress ( _ => {
BDFDB . PluginUtils . init ( this ) ;
if ( typeof this . onStart == "function" ) this . onStart ( ) ;
} , "Failed to start plugin!" , config . info . name ) ( ) ;
delete this . stopping ;
stop ( ) {
if ( this . stopping ) return ;
this . stopping = true ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => { delete this . stopping ; } ) ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . suppress ( _ => {
if ( typeof this . onStop == "function" ) this . onStop ( ) ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . clear ( this ) ;
} , "Failed to stop plugin!" , config . info . name ) ( ) ;
delete this . started ;
} ;
} ;
BDFDB . LogUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . LogUtils . log = function ( string , name ) {
console . log ( ` %c[ ${ typeof name == "string" && name || "BDFDB" } ] ` , "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;" , ( typeof string == "string" && string || "" ) . trim ( ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . LogUtils . warn = function ( string , name ) {
console . warn ( ` %c[ ${ typeof name == "string" && name || "BDFDB" } ] ` , "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;" , ( typeof string == "string" && string || "" ) . trim ( ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . LogUtils . error = function ( string , name ) {
console . error ( ` %c[ ${ typeof name == "string" && name || "BDFDB" } ] ` , "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;" , "Fatal Error: " + ( typeof string == "string" && string || "" ) . trim ( ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . interval = function ( callback , delay , ... args ) {
if ( typeof callback != "function" || typeof delay != "number" || delay < 1 ) return ;
else {
let count = 0 , interval = setInterval ( _ => { BDFDB . TimeUtils . suppress ( callback , "Interval" ) ( ... [ interval , count ++ , args ] . flat ( ) ) ; } , delay ) ;
return interval ;
} ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout = function ( callback , delay , ... args ) {
delay = parseFloat ( delay ) ;
if ( typeof callback != "function" ) return ;
else if ( isNaN ( delay ) || typeof delay != "number" || delay < 1 ) {
let immediate = setImmediate ( _ => { BDFDB . TimeUtils . suppress ( callback , "Immediate" ) ( ... [ immediate , args ] . flat ( ) ) ; } ) ;
return immediate ;
else {
let timeout = setTimeout ( _ => { BDFDB . TimeUtils . suppress ( callback , "Timeout" ) ( ... [ timeout , args ] . flat ( ) ) ; } , delay ) ;
return timeout ;
} ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . clear = function ( ... timeObjects ) {
for ( let t of timeObjects . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) {
if ( typeof t == "number" ) {
clearInterval ( t ) ;
clearTimeout ( t ) ;
else if ( typeof t == "object" ) clearImmediate ( t ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . suppress = function ( callback , string , name ) { return function ( ... args ) {
try { return callback ( ... args ) ; }
catch ( err ) { BDFDB . LogUtils . error ( ( typeof string == "string" && string || "" ) + " " + err , name ) ; }
} } ;
BDFDB . LogUtils . log ( "Loading library." ) ;
BDFDB . sameProto = function ( a , b ) {
if ( a != null && typeof a == "object" ) return a . constructor && a . constructor . prototype && typeof a . constructor . prototype . isPrototypeOf == "function" && a . constructor . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( b ) ;
else return typeof a == typeof b ;
} ;
BDFDB . equals = function ( mainA , mainB , sorted ) {
let i = - 1 ;
if ( sorted === undefined || typeof sorted !== "boolean" ) sorted = false ;
return equal ( mainA , mainB ) ;
function equal ( a , b ) {
i ++ ;
let result = true ;
if ( i > 1000 ) result = null ;
else {
if ( typeof a !== typeof b ) result = false ;
else if ( typeof a === "function" ) result = a . toString ( ) == b . toString ( ) ;
else if ( typeof a === "undefined" ) result = true ;
else if ( typeof a === "symbol" ) result = true ;
else if ( typeof a === "boolean" ) result = a == b ;
else if ( typeof a === "string" ) result = a == b ;
else if ( typeof a === "number" ) {
if ( isNaN ( a ) || isNaN ( b ) ) result = isNaN ( a ) == isNaN ( b ) ;
else result = a == b ;
else if ( ! a && ! b ) result = true ;
else if ( ! a || ! b ) result = false ;
else if ( typeof a === "object" ) {
let keysA = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( a ) ;
let keysB = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( b ) ;
if ( keysA . length !== keysB . length ) result = false ;
else for ( let j = 0 ; result === true && j < keysA . length ; j ++ ) {
if ( sorted ) result = equal ( a [ keysA [ j ] ] , b [ keysB [ j ] ] ) ;
else result = equal ( a [ keysA [ j ] ] , b [ keysA [ j ] ] ) ;
i -- ;
return result ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is = function ( obj ) {
return obj && Object . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( obj ) && ! Array . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( obj ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get = function ( nodeOrObj , valuePath ) {
if ( ! nodeOrObj || ! valuePath ) return null ;
let obj = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( nodeOrObj ) ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( nodeOrObj ) : nodeOrObj ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj ) ) return null ;
let found = obj , values = valuePath . split ( "." ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
for ( value of values ) {
if ( ! found ) return null ;
found = found [ value ] ;
return found ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . extract = function ( obj , ... keys ) {
let newObj = { } ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj ) ) for ( let key of keys . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) if ( obj [ key ] ) newObj [ key ] = obj [ key ] ;
return newObj ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude = function ( obj , ... keys ) {
let newObj = Object . assign ( { } , obj ) ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . delete ( newObj , ... keys )
return newObj ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . delete = function ( obj , ... keys ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj ) ) for ( let key of keys . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) delete obj [ key ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . sort = function ( obj , sort , except ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj ) ) return { } ;
let newObj = { } ;
if ( sort === undefined || ! sort ) for ( let key of Object . keys ( obj ) . sort ( ) ) newObj [ key ] = obj [ key ] ;
else {
let values = [ ] ;
for ( let key in obj ) values . push ( obj [ key ] ) ;
values = BDFDB . ArrayUtils . keySort ( values , sort , except ) ;
for ( let value of values ) for ( let key in obj ) if ( BDFDB . equals ( value , obj [ key ] ) ) {
newObj [ key ] = value ;
break ;
return newObj ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . reverse = function ( obj , sort ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj ) ) return { } ;
let newObj = { } ;
for ( let key of ( sort === undefined || ! sort ) ? Object . keys ( obj ) . reverse ( ) : Object . keys ( obj ) . sort ( ) . reverse ( ) ) newObj [ key ] = obj [ key ] ;
return newObj ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . filter = function ( obj , filter , byKey = false ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj ) ) return { } ;
if ( typeof filter != "function" ) return obj ;
return Object . keys ( obj ) . filter ( key => filter ( byKey ? key : obj [ key ] ) ) . reduce ( ( newObj , key ) => ( newObj [ key ] = obj [ key ] , newObj ) , { } ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . push = function ( obj , value ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj ) ) obj [ Object . keys ( obj ) . length ] = value ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . pop = function ( obj , value ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj ) ) {
let keys = Object . keys ( obj ) ;
if ( ! keys . length ) return ;
let value = obj [ keys [ keys . length - 1 ] ] ;
delete obj [ keys [ keys . length - 1 ] ] ;
return value ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . map = function ( obj , mapfunc ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj ) ) return { } ;
if ( typeof mapfunc != "string" && typeof mapfunc != "function" ) return obj ;
let newObj = { } ;
for ( let key in obj ) if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj [ key ] ) ) newObj [ key ] = typeof mapfunc == "string" ? obj [ key ] [ mapfunc ] : mapfunc ( obj [ key ] , key ) ;
return newObj ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . toArray = function ( obj ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj ) ) return [ ] ;
return Object . entries ( obj ) . map ( n => n [ 1 ] ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . deepAssign = function ( obj , ... objs ) {
if ( ! objs . length ) return obj ;
let nextObj = objs . shift ( ) ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj ) && BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( nextObj ) ) {
for ( let key in nextObj ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( nextObj [ key ] ) ) {
if ( ! obj [ key ] ) Object . assign ( obj , { [ key ] : { } } ) ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . deepAssign ( obj [ key ] , nextObj [ key ] ) ;
else Object . assign ( obj , { [ key ] : nextObj [ key ] } ) ;
return BDFDB . ObjectUtils . deepAssign ( obj , ... objs ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObjectUtils . isEmpty = function ( obj ) {
return ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj ) || Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( obj ) . length == 0 ;
} ;
BDFDB . ArrayUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is = function ( array ) {
return array && Array . isArray ( array ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ArrayUtils . sum = function ( array ) {
return Array . isArray ( array ) ? array . reduce ( ( total , num ) => total + Math . round ( num ) , 0 ) : 0 ;
} ;
BDFDB . ArrayUtils . keySort = function ( array , key , except ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( array ) ) return [ ] ;
if ( key == null ) return array ;
if ( except === undefined ) except = null ;
return array . sort ( ( x , y ) => {
let xValue = x [ key ] , yValue = y [ key ] ;
if ( xValue !== except ) return xValue < yValue ? - 1 : xValue > yValue ? 1 : 0 ;
} ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ArrayUtils . numSort = function ( array ) {
return array . sort ( ( x , y ) => ( x < y ? - 1 : x > y ? 1 : 0 ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ArrayUtils . includes = function ( array , ... values ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( array ) ) return null ;
if ( ! array . length ) return false ;
let all = values . pop ( ) ;
if ( typeof all != "boolean" ) {
values . push ( all ) ;
all = true ;
if ( ! values . length ) return false ;
let contained = undefined ;
for ( let v of values ) {
if ( contained === undefined ) contained = all ;
if ( all && ! array . includes ( v ) ) contained = false ;
if ( ! all && array . includes ( v ) ) contained = true ;
return contained ;
} ;
BDFDB . ArrayUtils . remove = function ( array , value , all = false ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( array ) ) return [ ] ;
if ( ! array . includes ( value ) ) return array ;
if ( ! all ) array . splice ( array . indexOf ( value ) , 1 ) ;
else while ( array . indexOf ( value ) > - 1 ) array . splice ( array . indexOf ( value ) , 1 ) ;
return array ;
} ;
BDFDB . ArrayUtils . getAllIndexes = function ( array , value ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( array ) && typeof array != "string" ) return [ ] ;
var indexes = [ ] , index = - 1 ;
while ( ( index = array . indexOf ( value , index + 1 ) ) !== - 1 ) indexes . push ( index ) ;
return indexes ;
} ;
BDFDB . ArrayUtils . removeCopies = function ( array ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( array ) ) return [ ] ;
return [ ... new Set ( array ) ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . BDUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . BDUtils . getPluginsFolder = function ( ) {
if ( window . BdApi && BdApi . Plugins . folder && typeof BdApi . Plugins . folder == "string" ) return BdApi . Plugins . folder ;
else if ( LibraryRequires . process . env . injDir ) return LibraryRequires . path . resolve ( LibraryRequires . process . env . injDir , "plugins/" ) ;
else switch ( LibraryRequires . process . platform ) {
case "win32" :
return LibraryRequires . path . resolve ( LibraryRequires . process . env . appdata , "BetterDiscord/plugins/" ) ;
case "darwin" :
return LibraryRequires . path . resolve ( LibraryRequires . process . env . HOME , "Library/Preferences/BetterDiscord/plugins/" ) ;
default :
if ( LibraryRequires . process . env . XDG _CONFIG _HOME ) return LibraryRequires . path . resolve ( LibraryRequires . process . env . XDG _CONFIG _HOME , "BetterDiscord/plugins/" ) ;
else return LibraryRequires . path . resolve ( LibraryRequires . process . env . HOME , ".config/BetterDiscord/plugins/" ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . BDUtils . getThemesFolder = function ( ) {
if ( window . BdApi && BdApi . Themes . folder && typeof BdApi . Themes . folder == "string" ) return BdApi . Themes . folder ;
else if ( LibraryRequires . process . env . injDir ) return LibraryRequires . path . resolve ( LibraryRequires . process . env . injDir , "plugins/" ) ;
else switch ( LibraryRequires . process . platform ) {
case "win32" :
return LibraryRequires . path . resolve ( LibraryRequires . process . env . appdata , "BetterDiscord/themes/" ) ;
case "darwin" :
return LibraryRequires . path . resolve ( LibraryRequires . process . env . HOME , "Library/Preferences/BetterDiscord/themes/" ) ;
default :
if ( LibraryRequires . process . env . XDG _CONFIG _HOME ) return LibraryRequires . path . resolve ( LibraryRequires . process . env . XDG _CONFIG _HOME , "BetterDiscord/themes/" ) ;
else return LibraryRequires . path . resolve ( LibraryRequires . process . env . HOME , ".config/BetterDiscord/themes/" ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . BDUtils . isPluginEnabled = function ( pluginName ) {
if ( ! window . BdApi ) return null ;
else if ( BdApi . Plugins && typeof BdApi . Plugins . isEnabled == "function" ) return BdApi . Plugins . isEnabled ( pluginName ) ;
else if ( typeof BdApi . isPluginEnabled == "function" ) return BdApi . isPluginEnabled ( pluginName ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . BDUtils . reloadPlugin = function ( pluginName ) {
if ( ! window . BdApi ) return ;
else if ( BdApi . Plugins && typeof BdApi . Plugins . reload == "function" ) BdApi . Plugins . reload ( pluginName ) ;
else if ( window . pluginModule ) window . pluginModule . reloadPlugin ( pluginName ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . BDUtils . enablePlugin = function ( pluginName ) {
if ( ! window . BdApi ) return ;
else if ( BdApi . Plugins && typeof BdApi . Plugins . enable == "function" ) BdApi . Plugins . enable ( pluginName ) ;
else if ( window . pluginModule ) window . pluginModule . startPlugin ( pluginName ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . BDUtils . disablePlugin = function ( pluginName ) {
if ( ! window . BdApi ) return ;
else if ( BdApi . Plugins && typeof BdApi . Plugins . disable == "function" ) BdApi . Plugins . disable ( pluginName ) ;
else if ( window . pluginModule ) window . pluginModule . stopPlugin ( pluginName ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . BDUtils . getPlugin = function ( pluginName , hasToBeEnabled = false , overHead = false ) {
if ( window . BdApi && ! hasToBeEnabled || BDFDB . BDUtils . isPluginEnabled ( pluginName ) ) {
if ( BdApi . Plugins . get && typeof BdApi . Plugins . get == "function" ) {
let plugin = BdApi . Plugins . get ( pluginName ) ;
if ( overHead ) return plugin ? { filename : LibraryRequires . fs . existsSync ( LibraryRequires . path . join ( BDFDB . BDUtils . getPluginsFolder ( ) , ` ${ pluginName } .plugin.js ` ) ) ? ` ${ pluginName } .plugin.js ` : null , id : pluginName , name : pluginName , plugin : plugin } : null ;
else return plugin ;
else if ( window . bdplugins ) overHead ? window . bdplugins [ pluginName ] : ( window . bdplugins [ pluginName ] || { } ) . plugin ;
return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . BDUtils . isThemeEnabled = function ( themeName ) {
if ( ! window . BdApi ) return null ;
else if ( BdApi . Themes && typeof BdApi . Themes . isEnabled == "function" ) return BdApi . Themes . isEnabled ( themeName ) ;
else if ( typeof BdApi . isThemeEnabled == "function" ) return BdApi . isThemeEnabled ( themeName ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . BDUtils . enableTheme = function ( themeName ) {
if ( ! window . BdApi ) return ;
else if ( BdApi . Themes && typeof BdApi . Themes . enable == "function" ) BdApi . Themes . enable ( themeName ) ;
else if ( window . themeModule ) window . themeModule . enableTheme ( themeName ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . BDUtils . disableTheme = function ( themeName ) {
if ( ! window . BdApi ) return ;
else if ( BdApi . Themes && typeof BdApi . Themes . disable == "function" ) BdApi . Themes . disable ( themeName ) ;
else if ( window . themeModule ) window . themeModule . disableTheme ( themeName ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . BDUtils . getTheme = function ( themeName , hasToBeEnabled = false ) {
if ( window . BdApi && ! hasToBeEnabled || BDFDB . BDUtils . isThemeEnabled ( themeName ) ) {
if ( BdApi . Themes && typeof BdApi . Themes . get == "function" ) return BdApi . Themes . get ( themeName ) ;
else if ( window . bdthemes ) window . bdthemes [ themeName ] ;
return null ;
} ;
2020-11-11 00:25:33 +01:00
BDFDB . BDUtils . settingsIds = ! isBeta ? {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
automaticLoading : "fork-ps-5" ,
coloredText : "bda-gs-7" ,
normalizedClasses : "fork-ps-4" ,
showToasts : "fork-ps-2"
} : {
2020-09-17 08:16:37 +02:00
automaticLoading : "settings.addons.autoReload" ,
coloredText : "settings.appearance.coloredText" ,
normalizedClasses : "settings.general.classNormalizer" ,
showToasts : "settings.general.showToasts"
} ;
BDFDB . BDUtils . toggleSettings = function ( key , state ) {
if ( window . BdApi && typeof key == "string" ) {
let path = key . split ( "." ) ;
let currentState = BDFDB . BDUtils . getSettings ( key ) ;
if ( state === true ) {
if ( currentState === false ) BdApi . enableSetting ( ... path ) ;
else if ( state === false ) {
if ( currentState === true ) BdApi . disableSetting ( ... path ) ;
else if ( currentState === true || currentState === false ) BDFDB . BDUtils . toggleSettings ( key , ! currentState ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . BDUtils . getSettings = function ( key ) {
if ( ! window . BdApi ) return { } ;
if ( typeof key == "string" ) return BdApi . isSettingEnabled ( ... key . split ( "." ) ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
else return oldSettings ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . getValue ( BdApi . getBDData ( "settings" ) , ` ${ BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getBuilt ( ) } .settings ` ) : BdApi . settings . map ( n => n . settings . map ( m => m . settings . map ( l => ( { id : [ n . id , m . id , l . id ] . join ( "." ) , value : l . value } ) ) ) ) . flat ( 10 ) . reduce ( ( newObj , setting ) => ( newObj [ setting . id ] = setting . value , newObj ) , { } ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . buildPlugin = function ( config ) {
return [ Plugin ( config ) , BDFDB ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . load = function ( plugin ) {
if ( ! PluginStores . updateTimeout . includes ( plugin . name ) ) {
PluginStores . updateTimeout . push ( plugin . name ) ;
let url = plugin . rawUrl || ` https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/ ${ plugin . name } / ${ plugin . name } .plugin.js ` ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( window . PluginUpdates ) || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( window . PluginUpdates . plugins ) ) window . PluginUpdates = { plugins : { } } ;
window . PluginUpdates . plugins [ url ] = { name : plugin . name , raw : url , version : plugin . version } ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . checkUpdate ( plugin . name , url ) ;
if ( window . PluginUpdates . interval === undefined ) window . PluginUpdates . interval = BDFDB . TimeUtils . interval ( _ => {
BDFDB . PluginUtils . checkAllUpdates ( ) ;
} , 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2 ) ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => { BDFDB . ArrayUtils . remove ( PluginStores . updateTimeout , plugin . name , true ) ; } , 30000 ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . init = function ( plugin ) {
BDFDB . PluginUtils . load ( plugin ) ;
let startMsg = BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStringsFormat ( "toast_plugin_started" , "v" + plugin . version ) ;
BDFDB . LogUtils . log ( startMsg , plugin . name ) ;
if ( settings . showToasts && ! BDFDB . BDUtils . getSettings ( BDFDB . BDUtils . settingsIds . showToasts ) ) BDFDB . NotificationUtils . toast ( ` ${ plugin . name } ${ startMsg } ` , { nopointer : true } ) ;
if ( plugin . css ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . appendLocalStyle ( plugin . name , plugin . css ) ;
InternalBDFDB . patchPlugin ( plugin ) ;
InternalBDFDB . addSpecialListeners ( plugin ) ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . translate ( plugin ) ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . checkChangeLog ( plugin ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . clear = function ( plugin ) {
let stopMsg = BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStringsFormat ( "toast_plugin_stopped" , "v" + plugin . version ) ;
BDFDB . LogUtils . log ( stopMsg , plugin . name ) ;
if ( settings . showToasts && ! BDFDB . BDUtils . getSettings ( BDFDB . BDUtils . settingsIds . showToasts ) ) BDFDB . NotificationUtils . toast ( ` ${ plugin . name } ${ stopMsg } ` , { nopointer : true } ) ;
let url = plugin . rawUrl || ` https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/ ${ plugin . name } / ${ plugin . name } .plugin.js ` ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . cleanUp ( plugin ) ;
for ( let type in PluginStores . patchQueues ) BDFDB . ArrayUtils . remove ( PluginStores . patchQueues [ type ] . query , plugin , true ) ;
for ( let modal of document . querySelectorAll ( ` . ${ plugin . name } -modal, . ${ plugin . name . toLowerCase ( ) } -modal, . ${ plugin . name } -settingsmodal, . ${ plugin . name . toLowerCase ( ) } -settingsmodal ` ) ) {
let closeButton = modal . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . modalclose ) ;
if ( closeButton ) closeButton . click ( ) ;
delete Cache . data [ plugin . name ]
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( window . PluginUpdates ) && BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( window . PluginUpdates . plugins ) ) delete window . PluginUpdates . plugins [ url ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . translate = function ( plugin ) {
plugin . labels = { } ;
if ( typeof plugin . setLabelsByLanguage === "function" || typeof plugin . changeLanguageStrings === "function" ) {
if ( LibraryModules . LanguageStore . chosenLocale ) translate ( ) ;
else BDFDB . TimeUtils . interval ( interval => {
if ( LibraryModules . LanguageStore . chosenLocale ) {
BDFDB . TimeUtils . clear ( interval ) ;
translate ( ) ;
} , 100 ) ;
function translate ( ) {
let language = BDFDB . LanguageUtils . getLanguage ( ) ;
if ( typeof plugin . setLabelsByLanguage === "function" ) plugin . labels = plugin . setLabelsByLanguage ( language . id ) ;
if ( typeof plugin . changeLanguageStrings === "function" ) plugin . changeLanguageStrings ( ) ;
BDFDB . LogUtils . log ( BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStringsFormat ( "toast_plugin_translated" , language . ownlang ) , plugin . name ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . cleanUp = function ( plugin ) {
BDFDB . TimeUtils . suppress ( _ => {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) ) return ;
if ( plugin == BDFDB ) {
delete window . BDFDB _Global . loaded ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . interval ( ( interval , count ) => {
if ( count > 60 || window . BDFDB _Global . loaded ) BDFDB . TimeUtils . clear ( interval ) ;
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
if ( window . BDFDB _Global . loaded ) for ( let pluginName in BDFDB _Global . ObjectUtils . sort ( PluginStores . loaded ) ) BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => {
if ( PluginStores . loaded [ pluginName ] . started ) BDFDB . BDUtils . reloadPlugin ( pluginName ) ;
} ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} , 1000 ) ;
2020-10-23 19:07:35 +02:00
if ( BDFDB . DOMUtils ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeLocalStyle ( plugin . name ) ;
if ( BDFDB . ListenerUtils ) BDFDB . ListenerUtils . remove ( plugin ) ;
if ( BDFDB . StoreChangeUtils ) BDFDB . StoreChangeUtils . remove ( plugin ) ;
if ( BDFDB . ObserverUtils ) BDFDB . ObserverUtils . disconnect ( plugin ) ;
if ( BDFDB . PatchUtils ) BDFDB . PatchUtils . unpatch ( plugin ) ;
if ( BDFDB . WindowUtils ) {
BDFDB . WindowUtils . closeAll ( plugin ) ;
BDFDB . WindowUtils . removeListener ( plugin ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} , "Failed to clean up plugin!" , plugin . name ) ( ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . checkUpdate = function ( pluginName , url ) {
if ( pluginName && url && window . PluginUpdates . plugins [ url ] ) return new Promise ( callback => {
LibraryRequires . request ( url , ( error , response , body ) => {
2020-09-19 21:55:44 +02:00
if ( error || ! window . PluginUpdates . plugins [ url ] ) return callback ( null ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
let newName = ( body . match ( /"name"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"/ ) || [ ] ) [ 1 ] || pluginName ;
let newVersion = body . match ( /['"][0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+['"]/i ) ;
if ( ! newVersion ) return callback ( null ) ;
if ( pluginName == newName && BDFDB . NumberUtils . getVersionDifference ( newVersion [ 0 ] , window . PluginUpdates . plugins [ url ] . version ) > 0.2 ) {
BDFDB . NotificationUtils . toast ( ` ${ pluginName } will be force updated, because your version is heavily outdated. ` , {
type : "warn" ,
nopointer : true
} ) ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . downloadUpdate ( pluginName , url ) ;
return callback ( 2 ) ;
else if ( BDFDB . NumberUtils . compareVersions ( newVersion [ 0 ] , window . PluginUpdates . plugins [ url ] . version ) ) {
2020-10-19 13:52:29 +02:00
window . PluginUpdates . plugins [ url ] . outdated = true ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . PluginUtils . showUpdateNotice ( pluginName , url ) ;
return callback ( 1 ) ;
else {
BDFDB . PluginUtils . removeUpdateNotice ( pluginName ) ;
return callback ( 0 ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
return new Promise ( callback => { callback ( null ) ; } ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . checkAllUpdates = function ( ) {
return new Promise ( callback => {
let finished = 0 , amount = 0 ;
for ( let url in window . PluginUpdates . plugins ) {
let plugin = window . PluginUpdates . plugins [ url ] ;
if ( plugin ) BDFDB . PluginUtils . checkUpdate ( plugin . name , plugin . raw ) . then ( state => {
finished ++ ;
if ( state == 1 ) amount ++ ;
if ( finished >= Object . keys ( window . PluginUpdates . plugins ) . length ) callback ( amount ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . showUpdateNotice = function ( pluginName , url ) {
if ( ! pluginName || ! url ) return ;
let updateNotice = document . querySelector ( "#pluginNotice" ) ;
if ( ! updateNotice ) {
2020-10-31 11:43:29 +01:00
let vanishObserver = new MutationObserver ( changes => {
if ( ! document . contains ( updateNotice ) ) {
if ( updateNotice . querySelector ( "#outdatedPlugins span" ) ) {
let layers = document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . layers ) || document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . appmount ) ;
if ( layers ) layers . parentElement . insertBefore ( updateNotice , layers ) ;
else vanishObserver . disconnect ( ) ;
else if ( document . contains ( updateNotice ) && ! updateNotice . querySelector ( "#outdatedPlugins span," + BDFDB . dotCN . noticebutton ) ) vanishObserver . disconnect ( ) ;
} ) ;
vanishObserver . observe ( document . body , { childList : true , subtree : true } ) ;
updateNotice = BDFDB . NotificationUtils . notice ( ` ${ BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStrings . update _notice _update } <strong id="outdatedPlugins"></strong> ` , {
id : "pluginNotice" ,
type : "info" ,
html : true ,
btn : ! BDFDB . BDUtils . getSettings ( BDFDB . BDUtils . settingsIds . automaticLoading ) ? BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . ERRORS _RELOAD : "" ,
customicon : ` <svg height="100%" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xml:space="preserve" width="100%" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 2000 2000"><metadata /><defs><filter id="shadow1"><feDropShadow dx="20" dy="0" stdDeviation="20" flood-color="rgba(0,0,0,0.35)"/></filter><filter id="shadow2"><feDropShadow dx="15" dy="0" stdDeviation="20" flood-color="rgba(255,255,255,0.15)"/></filter><filter id="shadow3"><feDropShadow dx="10" dy="0" stdDeviation="20" flood-color="rgba(0,0,0,0.35)"/></filter></defs><g><path style="filter: url(#shadow3)" d="M1195.44+135.442L1195.44+135.442L997.6+136.442C1024.2+149.742+1170.34+163.542+1193.64+179.742C1264.34+228.842+1319.74+291.242+1358.24+365.042C1398.14+441.642+1419.74+530.642+1422.54+629.642L1422.54+630.842L1422.54+632.042C1422.54+773.142+1422.54+1228.14+1422.54+1369.14L1422.54+1370.34L1422.54+1371.54C1419.84+1470.54+1398.24+1559.54+1358.24+1636.14C1319.74+1709.94+1264.44+1772.34+1193.64+1821.44C1171.04+1837.14+1025.7+1850.54+1000+1863.54L1193.54+1864.54C1539.74+1866.44+1864.54+1693.34+1864.54+1296.64L1864.54+716.942C1866.44+312.442+1541.64+135.442+1195.44+135.442Z" fill="#171717" opacity="1"/><path style="filter: url(#shadow2)" d="M1695.54+631.442C1685.84+278.042+1409.34+135.442+1052.94+135.442L361.74+136.442L803.74+490.442L1060.74+490.442C1335.24+490.442+1335.24+835.342+1060.74+835.342L1060.74+1164.84C1150.22+1164.84+1210.53+1201.48+1241.68+1250.87C1306.07+1353+1245.76+1509.64+1060.74+1509.64L361.74+1863.54L1052.94+1864.54C1409.24+1864.54+1685.74+1721.94+1695.54+1368.54C1695.54+1205.94+1651.04+1084.44+1572.64+999.942C1651.04+915.542+1695.54+794.042+1695.54+631.442Z" fill="#3E82E5" opacity="1"/><path style="filter: url(#shadow1)" d="M1469.25+631.442C1459.55+278.042+1183.05+135.442+826.65+135.442L135.45+135.442L135.45+1004C135.45+1004+135.427+1255.21+355.626+1255.21C575.825+1255.21+575.848+1004+575.848+1004L577.45+490.442L834.45+490.442C1108.95+490.442+1108.95+835.342+834.45+835.342L664.65+835.342L664.65+1164.84L834.45+1164.84C923.932+1164.84+984.244+1201.48+1015.39+1250.87C1079.78+1353+1019.47+1509.64+834.45+1509.64L135.45+1509.64L135.45+1864.54L826.65+1864.54C1182.95+1864.54+1459.45+1721.94+1469.25+1368.54C1469.25+1205.94+1424.75+1084.44+1346.35+999.942C1424.75+915.542+1469.25+794.042+1469.25+631.442Z" fill="#FFFFFF" opacity="1"/></g></svg> ` ,
onClose : _ => { vanishObserver . disconnect ( ) ; }
} ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
updateNotice . style . setProperty ( "z-index" , "100000" , "important" ) ;
updateNotice . style . setProperty ( "display" , "block" , "important" ) ;
updateNotice . style . setProperty ( "visibility" , "visible" , "important" ) ;
updateNotice . style . setProperty ( "opacity" , "1" , "important" ) ;
let reloadButton = updateNotice . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . noticebutton ) ;
if ( reloadButton ) {
BDFDB . DOMUtils . toggle ( reloadButton , true ) ;
reloadButton . addEventListener ( "click" , _ => {
LibraryRequires . electron . remote . getCurrentWindow ( ) . reload ( ) ;
} ) ;
reloadButton . addEventListener ( "mouseenter" , _ => {
if ( window . PluginUpdates . downloaded ) BDFDB . TooltipUtils . create ( reloadButton , window . PluginUpdates . downloaded . join ( ", " ) , { type : "bottom" , selector : "update-notice-tooltip" , style : "max-width: 420px" } ) ;
} ) ;
if ( updateNotice ) {
let updateNoticeList = updateNotice . querySelector ( "#outdatedPlugins" ) ;
if ( updateNoticeList && ! updateNoticeList . querySelector ( ` # ${ pluginName } -notice ` ) ) {
if ( updateNoticeList . querySelector ( "span" ) ) updateNoticeList . appendChild ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <span class="separator">, </span> ` ) ) ;
let updateEntry = BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <span id=" ${ pluginName } -notice"> ${ pluginName } </span> ` ) ;
updateEntry . addEventListener ( "click" , _ => {
if ( ! updateEntry . wasClicked ) {
updateEntry . wasClicked = true ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . downloadUpdate ( pluginName , url ) ;
} ) ;
updateNoticeList . appendChild ( updateEntry ) ;
if ( ! updateNoticeList . hasTooltip ) {
updateNoticeList . hasTooltip = true ;
updateNotice . tooltip = BDFDB . TooltipUtils . create ( updateNoticeList , BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStrings . update _notice _click , {
type : "bottom" ,
zIndex : 100001 ,
delay : 500 ,
onHide : _ => { updateNoticeList . hasTooltip = false ; }
} ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . removeUpdateNotice = function ( pluginName , updateNotice = document . querySelector ( "#pluginNotice" ) ) {
if ( ! pluginName || ! updateNotice ) return ;
let updateNoticeList = updateNotice . querySelector ( "#outdatedPlugins" ) ;
if ( updateNoticeList ) {
let noticeEntry = updateNoticeList . querySelector ( ` # ${ pluginName } -notice ` ) ;
if ( noticeEntry ) {
let nextSibling = noticeEntry . nextSibling ;
let prevSibling = noticeEntry . prevSibling ;
if ( nextSibling && BDFDB . DOMUtils . containsClass ( nextSibling , "separator" ) ) nextSibling . remove ( ) ;
else if ( prevSibling && BDFDB . DOMUtils . containsClass ( prevSibling , "separator" ) ) prevSibling . remove ( ) ;
noticeEntry . remove ( ) ;
if ( ! updateNoticeList . querySelector ( "span" ) ) {
let reloadButton = updateNotice . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . noticebutton ) ;
if ( reloadButton ) {
updateNotice . querySelector ( ".notice-message" ) . innerText = BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStrings . update _notice _reload ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . toggle ( reloadButton , false ) ;
else updateNotice . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . noticedismiss ) . click ( ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . downloadUpdate = function ( pluginName , url ) {
if ( pluginName && url ) LibraryRequires . request ( url , ( error , response , body ) => {
if ( error ) {
let updateNotice = document . querySelector ( "#pluginNotice" ) ;
if ( updateNotice ) BDFDB . PluginUtils . removeUpdateNotice ( pluginName , updateNotice ) ;
BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( "Unable to get update for " + pluginName ) ;
else {
let wasEnabled = BDFDB . BDUtils . isPluginEnabled ( pluginName ) ;
let newName = ( body . match ( /"name"\s*:\s*"([^"]+)"/ ) || [ ] ) [ 1 ] || pluginName ;
let newVersion = body . match ( /['"][0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+['"]/i ) . toString ( ) . replace ( /['"]/g , "" ) ;
let oldVersion = window . PluginUpdates . plugins [ url ] . version ;
let fileName = pluginName == "BDFDB" ? "0BDFDB" : pluginName ;
let newFileName = newName == "BDFDB" ? "0BDFDB" : newName ;
LibraryRequires . fs . writeFile ( LibraryRequires . path . join ( BDFDB . BDUtils . getPluginsFolder ( ) , newFileName + ".plugin.js" ) , body , _ => {
if ( fileName != newFileName ) {
url = url . replace ( new RegExp ( fileName , "g" ) , newFileName ) ;
LibraryRequires . fs . unlink ( LibraryRequires . path . join ( BDFDB . BDUtils . getPluginsFolder ( ) , fileName + ".plugin.js" ) , _ => { } ) ;
let configPath = LibraryRequires . path . join ( BDFDB . BDUtils . getPluginsFolder ( ) , fileName + ".config.json" ) ;
LibraryRequires . fs . exists ( configPath , exists => {
if ( exists ) LibraryRequires . fs . rename ( configPath , LibraryRequires . path . join ( BDFDB . BDUtils . getPluginsFolder ( ) , newFileName + ".config.json" ) , _ => { } ) ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => { if ( wasEnabled && ! BDFDB . BDUtils . isPluginEnabled ( newName ) ) BDFDB . BDUtils . enablePlugin ( newName ) ; } , 3000 ) ;
BDFDB . NotificationUtils . toast ( BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStringsFormat ( "toast_plugin_updated" , pluginName , "v" + oldVersion , newName , "v" + newVersion ) , { nopointer : true , selector : "plugin-updated-toast" } ) ;
let updateNotice = document . querySelector ( "#pluginNotice" ) ;
if ( updateNotice ) {
if ( updateNotice . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . noticebutton ) ) {
window . PluginUpdates . plugins [ url ] . version = newVersion ;
if ( ! window . PluginUpdates . downloaded ) window . PluginUpdates . downloaded = [ ] ;
if ( ! window . PluginUpdates . downloaded . includes ( pluginName ) ) window . PluginUpdates . downloaded . push ( pluginName ) ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . removeUpdateNotice ( pluginName , updateNotice ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . checkChangeLog = function ( plugin ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin . changeLog ) ) return ;
let changeLog = BDFDB . DataUtils . load ( plugin , "changeLog" ) ;
if ( ! changeLog . version || BDFDB . NumberUtils . compareVersions ( plugin . version , changeLog . version ) ) {
changeLog . version = plugin . version ;
BDFDB . DataUtils . save ( changeLog , plugin , "changeLog" ) ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . openChangeLog ( plugin ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . openChangeLog = function ( plugin ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin . changeLog ) ) return ;
let changeLogHTML = "" , headers = {
added : "New Features" ,
fixed : "Bug Fixes" ,
improved : "Improvements" ,
progress : "Progress"
} ;
for ( let type in plugin . changeLog ) {
type = type . toLowerCase ( ) ;
let className = BDFDB . disCN [ "changelog" + type ] ;
if ( className ) {
changeLogHTML += ` <h1 class=" ${ className } ${ BDFDB . disCN . margintop20 } " ${ changeLogHTML . indexOf ( "<h1" ) == - 1 ? ` style="margin-top: 0px !important;" ` : "" } > ${ headers [ type ] } </h1><ul> ` ;
for ( let key in plugin . changeLog [ type ] ) changeLogHTML += ` <li><strong> ${ key } </strong> ${ plugin . changeLog [ type ] [ key ] ? ( ": " + plugin . changeLog [ type ] [ key ] + "." ) : "" } </li> ` ;
changeLogHTML += ` </ul> `
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
if ( changeLogHTML ) BDFDB . ModalUtils . open ( plugin , {
header : ` ${ plugin . name } ${ BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . CHANGE _LOG } ` ,
subheader : ` Version ${ plugin . version } ` ,
className : BDFDB . disCN . modalchangelogmodal ,
contentClassName : BDFDB . disCNS . changelogcontainer + BDFDB . disCN . modalminicontent ,
footerDirection : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Direction . HORIZONTAL ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . elementToReact ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( changeLogHTML ) ) ,
2020-10-17 09:27:56 +02:00
footerChildren : ( plugin == BDFDB || plugin == libraryInstance || PluginStores . loaded [ plugin . name ] && PluginStores . loaded [ plugin . name ] == plugin && plugin . author == "DevilBro" ) && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
className : BDFDB . disCN . changelogfooter ,
children : [
{ href : "https://www.paypal.me/MircoWittrien" , name : "PayPal" , icon : "PAYPAL" } ,
{ href : "https://www.patreon.com/MircoWittrien" , name : "Patreon" , icon : "PATREON" }
] . map ( data => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Anchor , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . changelogsociallink ,
href : data . href ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
text : data . name ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
name : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names [ data . icon ] ,
width : 16 ,
height : 16
} )
} )
} ) ) . concat ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextElement , {
size : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextElement . Sizes . SIZE _12 ,
2020-10-08 19:37:46 +02:00
children : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStrings . donate _message
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
} ) )
} )
} ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . addLoadingIcon = function ( icon ) {
if ( ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( icon ) ) return ;
let app = document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . app ) ;
if ( ! app ) return ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( icon , BDFDB . disCN . loadingicon ) ;
let loadingIconWrapper = document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . app + ">" + BDFDB . dotCN . loadingiconwrapper )
if ( ! loadingIconWrapper ) {
loadingIconWrapper = BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <div class=" ${ BDFDB . disCN . loadingiconwrapper } "></div> ` ) ;
app . appendChild ( loadingIconWrapper ) ;
let killObserver = new MutationObserver ( changes => { if ( ! loadingIconWrapper . firstElementChild ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . remove ( loadingIconWrapper ) ; } ) ;
killObserver . observe ( loadingIconWrapper , { childList : true } ) ;
loadingIconWrapper . appendChild ( icon ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . createSettingsPanel = function ( plugin , children ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || ! children || ( ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( children ) && ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( children ) ) ) return ;
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
let settingsPanel = BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <div class=" ${ plugin . name } -settings ${ BDFDB . disCN . settingspanel } "></div> ` ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . ReactUtils . render ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SettingsPanel , {
key : ` ${ plugin . name } -settingsPanel ` ,
plugin : plugin ,
2020-11-11 00:25:33 +01:00
title : ! isBeta && plugin . name ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
children : children
} ) , settingsPanel ) ;
return settingsPanel ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . refreshSettingsPanel = function ( plugin , settingsPanel , ... args ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || typeof plugin . getSettingsPanel != "function" || ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( settingsPanel ) || ! settingsPanel . parentElement ) return ;
settingsPanel . parentElement . appendChild ( plugin . getSettingsPanel ( ... args ) ) ;
settingsPanel . remove ( ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . addSpecialListeners = function ( plugin ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) ) {
if ( typeof plugin . onSwitch === "function" ) {
let spacer = document . querySelector ( ` ${ BDFDB . dotCN . guildswrapper } ~ * > ${ BDFDB . dotCN . chatspacer } ` ) ;
if ( spacer ) {
let noChannelObserver = new MutationObserver ( changes => { changes . forEach ( change => {
if ( change . target && BDFDB . DOMUtils . containsClass ( change . target , BDFDB . disCN . nochannel ) ) plugin . onSwitch ( ) ;
} ) ; } ) ;
BDFDB . ObserverUtils . connect ( plugin , spacer . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCNC . chat + BDFDB . dotCN . nochannel ) , { name : "switchFixNoChannelObserver" , instance : noChannelObserver } , { attributes : true } ) ;
let spacerObserver = new MutationObserver ( changes => { changes . forEach ( change => { if ( change . addedNodes ) { change . addedNodes . forEach ( node => {
if ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . containsClass ( node , BDFDB . disCN . chat , BDFDB . disCN . nochannel , false ) ) {
BDFDB . ObserverUtils . connect ( plugin , node , { name : "switchFixNoChannelObserver" , instance : noChannelObserver } , { attributes : true } ) ;
} ) ; } } ) ; } ) ;
BDFDB . ObserverUtils . connect ( plugin , spacer , { name : "switchFixSpacerObserver" , instance : spacerObserver } , { childList : true } ) ;
InternalBDFDB . addContextListeners ( plugin ) ;
} ;
window . BDFDB _Global = Object . assign ( {
started : true ,
loading : true ,
PluginUtils : {
buildPlugin : BDFDB . PluginUtils . buildPlugin ,
cleanUp : BDFDB . PluginUtils . cleanUp
} , config , window . BDFDB _Global ) ;
const loadLibrary = tryAgain => {
require ( "request" ) . get ( "https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Library/_res/BDFDB.raw.css" , ( error , response , body ) => {
if ( ( error || ! body ) && tryAgain ) return BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => { loadLibrary ( ) ; } , 10000 ) ;
const css = body ;
require ( "request" ) . get ( "https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Library/_res/BDFDB.data.json" , BDFDB . TimeUtils . suppress ( ( error2 , response2 , body2 ) => {
if ( ( error2 || ! body2 ) && tryAgain ) return BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => { loadLibrary ( ) ; } , 10000 ) ;
const InternalData = JSON . parse ( body2 ) ;
BDFDB . ObserverUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . ObserverUtils . connect = function ( plugin , eleOrSelec , observer , config = { childList : true } ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || ! eleOrSelec || ! observer ) return ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . isEmpty ( plugin . observers ) ) plugin . observers = { } ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( plugin . observers [ observer . name ] ) ) plugin . observers [ observer . name ] = [ ] ;
if ( ! observer . multi ) for ( let subinstance of plugin . observers [ observer . name ] ) subinstance . disconnect ( ) ;
if ( observer . instance ) plugin . observers [ observer . name ] . push ( observer . instance ) ;
let instance = plugin . observers [ observer . name ] [ plugin . observers [ observer . name ] . length - 1 ] ;
if ( instance ) {
let node = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( eleOrSelec ) ? eleOrSelec : typeof eleOrSelec === "string" ? document . querySelector ( eleOrSelec ) : null ;
if ( node ) instance . observe ( node , config ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ObserverUtils . disconnect = function ( plugin , observer ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) && ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . isEmpty ( plugin . observers ) ) {
let observername = typeof observer == "string" ? observer : ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( observer ) ? observer . name : null ) ;
if ( ! observername ) {
for ( let observer in plugin . observers ) for ( let instance of plugin . observers [ observer ] ) instance . disconnect ( ) ;
delete plugin . observers ;
else if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( plugin . observers [ observername ] ) ) {
for ( let instance of plugin . observers [ observername ] ) instance . disconnect ( ) ;
delete plugin . observers [ observername ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . StoreChangeUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . StoreChangeUtils . add = function ( plugin , store , callback ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( store ) || typeof store . addChangeListener != "function" || typeof callback != "function" ) return ;
2020-10-06 11:30:21 +02:00
BDFDB . StoreChangeUtils . remove ( plugin , store , callback ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( plugin . changeListeners ) ) plugin . changeListeners = [ ] ;
plugin . changeListeners . push ( { store , callback } ) ;
store . addChangeListener ( callback ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . StoreChangeUtils . remove = function ( plugin , store , callback ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( plugin . changeListeners ) ) return ;
if ( ! store ) {
while ( plugin . changeListeners . length ) {
let listener = plugin . changeListeners . pop ( ) ;
listener . store . removeChangeListener ( listener . callback ) ;
else if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( store ) && typeof store . addChangeListener == "function" ) {
if ( ! callback ) {
for ( let listener of plugin . changeListeners ) {
let removedListeners = [ ] ;
if ( listener . store == store ) {
listener . store . removeChangeListener ( listener . callback ) ;
removedListeners . push ( listener ) ;
if ( removedListeners . length ) plugin . changeListeners = plugin . changeListeners . filter ( listener => ! removedListeners . includes ( listener ) ) ;
else if ( typeof callback == "function" ) {
store . removeChangeListener ( callback ) ;
plugin . changeListeners = plugin . changeListeners . filter ( listener => listener . store == store && listener . callback == callback ) ;
} ;
var pressedKeys = [ ] , mousePosition ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . isPressed = function ( key ) {
return pressedKeys . includes ( key ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . getPosition = function ( key ) {
return mousePosition ;
} ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . add = function ( plugin , ele , actions , selectorOrCallback , callbackOrNothing ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || ( ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) && ele !== window ) || ! actions ) return ;
let callbackIs4th = typeof selectorOrCallback == "function" ;
let selector = callbackIs4th ? undefined : selectorOrCallback ;
let callback = callbackIs4th ? selectorOrCallback : callbackOrNothing ;
if ( typeof callback != "function" ) return ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . remove ( plugin , ele , actions , selector ) ;
for ( let action of actions . split ( " " ) ) {
action = action . split ( "." ) ;
let eventName = action . shift ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( ! eventName ) return ;
let origEventName = eventName ;
eventName = eventName == "mouseenter" || eventName == "mouseleave" ? "mouseover" : eventName ;
let namespace = ( action . join ( "." ) || "" ) + plugin . name ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( plugin . eventListeners ) ) plugin . eventListeners = [ ] ;
let eventCallback = null ;
if ( selector ) {
if ( origEventName == "mouseenter" || origEventName == "mouseleave" ) {
eventCallback = e => {
for ( let child of e . path ) if ( typeof child . matches == "function" && child . matches ( selector ) && ! child [ namespace + "BDFDB" + origEventName ] ) {
child [ namespace + "BDFDB" + origEventName ] = true ;
if ( origEventName == "mouseenter" ) callback ( BDFDB . ListenerUtils . copyEvent ( e , child ) ) ;
let mouseout = e2 => {
if ( e2 . target . contains ( child ) || e2 . target == child || ! child . contains ( e2 . target ) ) {
if ( origEventName == "mouseleave" ) callback ( BDFDB . ListenerUtils . copyEvent ( e , child ) ) ;
delete child [ namespace + "BDFDB" + origEventName ] ;
document . removeEventListener ( "mouseout" , mouseout ) ;
} ;
document . addEventListener ( "mouseout" , mouseout ) ;
break ;
} ;
else {
eventCallback = e => {
for ( let child of e . path ) if ( typeof child . matches == "function" && child . matches ( selector ) ) {
callback ( BDFDB . ListenerUtils . copyEvent ( e , child ) ) ;
break ;
} ;
else eventCallback = e => { callback ( BDFDB . ListenerUtils . copyEvent ( e , ele ) ) ; } ;
plugin . eventListeners . push ( { ele , eventName , origEventName , namespace , selector , eventCallback } ) ;
ele . addEventListener ( eventName , eventCallback , true ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . remove = function ( plugin , ele , actions = "" , selector ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( plugin . eventListeners ) ) return ;
if ( ! ele ) {
while ( plugin . eventListeners . length ) {
let listener = plugin . eventListeners . pop ( ) ;
listener . ele . removeEventListener ( listener . eventName , listener . eventCallback , true ) ;
else if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) || ele === window ) {
for ( let action of actions . split ( " " ) ) {
action = action . split ( "." ) ;
let eventName = action . shift ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
let namespace = ( action . join ( "." ) || "" ) + plugin . name ;
for ( let listener of plugin . eventListeners ) {
let removedListeners = [ ] ;
if ( listener . ele == ele && ( ! eventName || listener . origEventName == eventName ) && listener . namespace == namespace && ( selector === undefined || listener . selector == selector ) ) {
listener . ele . removeEventListener ( listener . eventName , listener . eventCallback , true ) ;
removedListeners . push ( listener ) ;
if ( removedListeners . length ) plugin . eventListeners = plugin . eventListeners . filter ( listener => ! removedListeners . includes ( listener ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . multiAdd = function ( node , actions , callback ) {
if ( ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) || ! actions || typeof callback != "function" ) return ;
for ( let action of actions . trim ( ) . split ( " " ) . filter ( n => n ) ) node . addEventListener ( action , callback , true ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . multiRemove = function ( node , actions , callback ) {
if ( ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) || ! actions || typeof callback != "function" ) return ;
for ( let action of actions . trim ( ) . split ( " " ) . filter ( n => n ) ) node . removeEventListener ( action , callback , true ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . addToChildren = function ( node , actions , selector , callback ) {
if ( ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) || ! actions || ! selector || ! selector . trim ( ) || typeof callback != "function" ) return ;
for ( let action of actions . trim ( ) . split ( " " ) . filter ( n => n ) ) {
let eventCallback = callback ;
if ( action == "mouseenter" || action == "mouseleave" ) eventCallback = e => { if ( e . target . matches ( selector ) ) callback ( e ) ; } ;
node . querySelectorAll ( selector . trim ( ) ) . forEach ( child => { child . addEventListener ( action , eventCallback , true ) ; } ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . copyEvent = function ( e , ele ) {
if ( ! e || ! e . constructor || ! e . type ) return e ;
let eCopy = new e . constructor ( e . type , e ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( eCopy , "originalEvent" , { value : e } ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( eCopy , "which" , { value : e . which } ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( eCopy , "keyCode" , { value : e . keyCode } ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( eCopy , "path" , { value : e . path } ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( eCopy , "relatedTarget" , { value : e . relatedTarget } ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( eCopy , "srcElement" , { value : e . srcElement } ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( eCopy , "target" , { value : e . target } ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( eCopy , "toElement" , { value : e . toElement } ) ;
if ( ele ) Object . defineProperty ( eCopy , "currentTarget" , { value : ele } ) ;
return eCopy ;
} ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . stopEvent = function ( e ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( e ) ) {
if ( typeof e . preventDefault == "function" ) e . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( typeof e . stopPropagation == "function" ) e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
if ( typeof e . stopImmediatePropagation == "function" ) e . stopImmediatePropagation ( ) ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( e . originalEvent ) ) {
if ( typeof e . originalEvent . preventDefault == "function" ) e . originalEvent . preventDefault ( ) ;
if ( typeof e . originalEvent . stopPropagation == "function" ) e . originalEvent . stopPropagation ( ) ;
if ( typeof e . originalEvent . stopImmediatePropagation == "function" ) e . originalEvent . stopImmediatePropagation ( ) ;
} ;
var NotificationBars = [ ] , DesktopNotificationQueue = { queue : [ ] , running : false } ;
BDFDB . NotificationUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . NotificationUtils . toast = function ( text , options = { } ) {
let toasts = document . querySelector ( ".toasts, .bd-toasts" ) ;
if ( ! toasts ) {
let channels = document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . channels + " + div" ) ;
let channelRects = channels ? BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( channels ) : null ;
let members = channels ? channels . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . memberswrap ) : null ;
let left = channelRects ? channelRects . left : 310 ;
let width = channelRects ? ( members ? channelRects . width - BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( members ) . width : channelRects . width ) : window . outerWidth - 0 ;
let form = channels ? channels . querySelector ( "form" ) : null ;
let bottom = form ? BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( form ) . height : 80 ;
toasts = BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <div class="toasts bd-toasts" style="width: ${ width } px; left: ${ left } px; bottom: ${ bottom } px;"></div> ` ) ;
( document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . app ) || document . body ) . appendChild ( toasts ) ;
const { type = "" , icon = true , timeout = 3000 , html = false , selector = "" , nopointer = false , color = "" } = options ;
let toast = BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <div class="toast bd-toast"> ${ html === true ? text : BDFDB . StringUtils . htmlEscape ( text ) } </div> ` ) ;
if ( type ) {
BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( toast , "toast-" + type ) ;
if ( icon ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( toast , "icon" ) ;
else if ( color ) {
2020-10-15 21:56:54 +02:00
let rgbColor = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color , "RGB" ) ;
if ( rgbColor ) {
toast . style . setProperty ( "background-color" , rgbColor ) ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( toast , "toast-custom" ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( toast , selector ) ;
toasts . appendChild ( toast ) ;
toast . close = _ => {
if ( document . contains ( toast ) ) {
BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( toast , "closing" ) ;
toast . style . setProperty ( "pointer-events" , "none" , "important" ) ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => {
toast . remove ( ) ;
if ( ! toasts . querySelectorAll ( ".toast, .bd-toast" ) . length ) toasts . remove ( ) ;
} , 3000 ) ;
} ;
if ( nopointer ) toast . style . setProperty ( "pointer-events" , "none" , "important" ) ;
else toast . addEventListener ( "click" , toast . close ) ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => { toast . close ( ) ; } , timeout > 0 ? timeout : 600000 ) ;
return toast ;
} ;
BDFDB . NotificationUtils . desktop = function ( parsedcontent , parsedoptions = { } ) {
const queue = _ => {
DesktopNotificationQueue . queue . push ( { parsedcontent , parsedoptions } ) ;
runqueue ( ) ;
} ;
const runqueue = _ => {
if ( ! DesktopNotificationQueue . running ) {
let notification = DesktopNotificationQueue . queue . shift ( ) ;
if ( notification ) notify ( notification . parsedcontent , notification . parsedoptions ) ;
} ;
const notify = ( content , options ) => {
DesktopNotificationQueue . running = true ;
let muted = options . silent ;
options . silent = options . silent || options . sound ? true : false ;
let notification = new Notification ( content , options ) ;
let audio = new Audio ( ) ;
let timeout = BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => { close ( ) ; } , options . timeout ? options . timeout : 3000 ) ;
if ( typeof options . click == "function" ) notification . onclick = _ => {
BDFDB . TimeUtils . clear ( timeout ) ;
close ( ) ;
options . click ( ) ;
} ;
if ( ! muted && options . sound ) {
audio . src = options . sound ;
audio . play ( ) ;
const close = _ => {
audio . pause ( ) ;
notification . close ( ) ;
DesktopNotificationQueue . running = false ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => { runqueue ( ) ; } , 1000 ) ;
} ;
} ;
if ( ! ( "Notification" in window ) ) { }
else if ( Notification . permission === "granted" ) queue ( ) ;
else if ( Notification . permission !== "denied" ) Notification . requestPermission ( function ( response ) { if ( response === "granted" ) queue ( ) ; } ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . NotificationUtils . notice = function ( text , options = { } ) {
if ( ! text ) return ;
2020-10-31 11:43:29 +01:00
let layers = document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . layers ) || document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . appmount ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
if ( ! layers ) return ;
let id = BDFDB . NumberUtils . generateId ( NotificationBars ) ;
2020-09-20 13:55:30 +02:00
let notice = BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <div class=" ${ BDFDB . disCNS . notice + BDFDB . disCN . noticewrapper } " notice-id=" ${ id } "><div class=" ${ BDFDB . disCN . noticedismiss } " style="width: 36px !important; height: 36px !important; position: absolute !important; top: 0 !important; right: 0 !important; left: unset !important;"></div><span class="notice-message"></span></div> ` ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
layers . parentElement . insertBefore ( notice , layers ) ;
let noticeMessage = notice . querySelector ( ".notice-message" ) ;
if ( options . platform ) for ( let platform of options . platform . split ( " " ) ) if ( DiscordClasses [ "noticeicon" + platform ] ) {
let icon = BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <i class=" ${ BDFDB . disCN [ "noticeicon" + platform ] } "></i> ` ) ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( icon , BDFDB . disCN . noticeplatformicon ) ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeClass ( icon , BDFDB . disCN . noticeicon ) ;
notice . insertBefore ( icon , noticeMessage ) ;
if ( options . customicon ) {
let iconinner = BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( options . customicon )
let icon = BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <i></i> ` ) ;
if ( iconinner . tagName == "span" && ! iconinner . firstElementChild ) icon . style . setProperty ( "background" , ` url( ${ options . customicon } ) center/cover no-repeat ` ) ;
else icon . appendChild ( iconinner ) ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( icon , BDFDB . disCN . noticeplatformicon ) ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeClass ( icon , BDFDB . disCN . noticeicon ) ;
notice . insertBefore ( icon , noticeMessage ) ;
2020-09-26 19:29:07 +02:00
if ( options . btn || options . button ) notice . appendChild ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <button class=" ${ BDFDB . disCN . noticebutton } "> ${ options . btn || options . button } </button> ` ) ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
if ( options . id ) notice . id = options . id . split ( " " ) . join ( "" ) ;
if ( options . selector ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( notice , options . selector ) ;
if ( options . css ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . appendLocalStyle ( "BDFDBcustomNotificationBar" + id , options . css ) ;
if ( options . style ) notice . style = options . style ;
if ( options . html === true ) noticeMessage . innerHTML = text ;
else {
let link = document . createElement ( "a" ) ;
let newText = [ ] ;
for ( let word of text . split ( " " ) ) {
let encodedWord = BDFDB . StringUtils . htmlEscape ( word ) ;
link . href = word ;
2020-09-19 23:10:13 +02:00
newText . push ( link . host && link . host !== window . location . host ? ` <label class=" ${ BDFDB . disCN . noticetextlink } "> ${ encodedWord } </label> ` : encodedWord ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
noticeMessage . innerHTML = newText . join ( " " ) ;
let type = null ;
if ( options . type && ! document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCNS . chatbase + BDFDB . dotCN . noticestreamer ) ) {
if ( type = BDFDB . disCN [ "notice" + options . type ] ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( notice , type ) ;
if ( options . type == "premium" ) {
let noticeButton = notice . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . noticebutton ) ;
if ( noticeButton ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( noticeButton , BDFDB . disCN . noticepremiumaction ) ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( noticeMessage , BDFDB . disCN . noticepremiumtext ) ;
notice . insertBefore ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <i class=" ${ BDFDB . disCN . noticepremiumlogo } "></i> ` ) , noticeMessage ) ;
if ( ! type ) {
let comp = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( options . color , "RGBCOMP" ) ;
if ( comp ) {
let fontColor = comp [ 0 ] > 180 && comp [ 1 ] > 180 && comp [ 2 ] > 180 ? "#000" : "#FFF" ;
let backgroundcolor = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( comp , "HEX" ) ;
let filter = comp [ 0 ] > 180 && comp [ 1 ] > 180 && comp [ 2 ] > 180 ? "brightness(0%)" : "brightness(100%)" ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . appendLocalStyle ( "BDFDBcustomNotificationBarColorCorrection" + id , ` ${ BDFDB . dotCN . noticewrapper } [notice-id=" ${ id } "]{background-color: ${ backgroundcolor } !important;} ${ BDFDB . dotCN . noticewrapper } [notice-id=" ${ id } "] .notice-message {color: ${ fontColor } !important;} ${ BDFDB . dotCN . noticewrapper } [notice-id=" ${ id } "] ${ BDFDB . dotCN . noticebutton } {color: ${ fontColor } !important;border-color: ${ BDFDB . ColorUtils . setAlpha ( fontColor , 0.25 , "RGBA" ) } !important;} ${ BDFDB . dotCN . noticewrapper } [notice-id=" ${ id } "] ${ BDFDB . dotCN . noticebutton } :hover {color: ${ backgroundcolor } !important;background-color: ${ fontColor } !important;} ${ BDFDB . dotCN . noticewrapper } [notice-id=" ${ id } "] ${ BDFDB . dotCN . noticedismiss } {filter: ${ filter } !important;} ` ) ;
else BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( notice , BDFDB . disCN . noticedefault ) ;
notice . style . setProperty ( "height" , "36px" , "important" ) ;
notice . style . setProperty ( "min-width" , "70vw" , "important" ) ;
notice . style . setProperty ( "left" , "unset" , "important" ) ;
notice . style . setProperty ( "right" , "unset" , "important" ) ;
let sideMargin = ( ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . getWidth ( document . body . firstElementChild ) - BDFDB . DOMUtils . getWidth ( notice ) ) / 2 ) ;
notice . style . setProperty ( "left" , ` ${ sideMargin } px ` , "important" ) ;
notice . style . setProperty ( "right" , ` ${ sideMargin } px ` , "important" ) ;
notice . style . setProperty ( "min-width" , "unset" , "important" ) ;
notice . style . setProperty ( "width" , "unset" , "important" ) ;
notice . style . setProperty ( "max-width" , ` calc(100vw - ${ sideMargin * 2 } px) ` , "important" ) ;
notice . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . noticedismiss ) . addEventListener ( "click" , _ => {
notice . style . setProperty ( "overflow" , "hidden" , "important" ) ;
notice . style . setProperty ( "height" , "0px" , "important" ) ;
if ( notice . tooltip && typeof notice . tooltip . removeTooltip == "function" ) notice . tooltip . removeTooltip ( ) ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => {
2020-10-31 11:43:29 +01:00
if ( typeof options . onClose == "function" ) options . onClose ( ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . ArrayUtils . remove ( NotificationBars , id ) ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeLocalStyle ( "BDFDBcustomNotificationBar" + id ) ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeLocalStyle ( "BDFDBcustomNotificationBarColorCorrection" + id ) ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . remove ( notice ) ;
} , 500 ) ;
} ) ;
return notice ;
} ;
BDFDB . NotificationUtils . alert = function ( header , body ) {
if ( typeof header == "string" && typeof header == "string" && window . BdApi && typeof BdApi . alert == "function" ) BdApi . alert ( header , body ) ;
} ;
var Tooltips = [ ] ;
BDFDB . TooltipUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . TooltipUtils . create = function ( anker , text , options = { } ) {
let itemLayerContainer = document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . appmount + " > " + BDFDB . dotCN . itemlayercontainer ) ;
if ( ! itemLayerContainer || ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( anker ) || ! document . contains ( anker ) ) return null ;
text = typeof text == "function" ? text ( ) : text ;
if ( typeof text != "string" && ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( text ) && ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( options . guild ) ) return null ;
let id = BDFDB . NumberUtils . generateId ( Tooltips ) ;
2020-09-23 07:51:49 +02:00
let zIndexed = typeof options . zIndex == "number" ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
let itemLayer = BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <div class=" ${ BDFDB . disCNS . itemlayer + BDFDB . disCN . itemlayerdisabledpointerevents } "><div class=" ${ BDFDB . disCN . tooltip } " tooltip-id=" ${ id } "><div class=" ${ BDFDB . disCN . tooltippointer } "></div><div class=" ${ BDFDB . disCN . tooltipcontent } "></div></div></div> ` ) ;
if ( zIndexed ) {
let itemLayerContainerClone = itemLayerContainer . cloneNode ( ) ;
itemLayerContainerClone . style . setProperty ( "z-index" , options . zIndex || 1002 , "important" ) ;
2020-09-23 07:51:49 +02:00
itemLayerContainer . parentElement . insertBefore ( itemLayerContainerClone , itemLayerContainer . nextElementSibling ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
itemLayerContainer = itemLayerContainerClone ;
itemLayerContainer . appendChild ( itemLayer ) ;
let tooltip = itemLayer . firstElementChild ;
let tooltipContent = itemLayer . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . tooltipcontent ) ;
let tooltipPointer = itemLayer . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . tooltippointer ) ;
if ( options . id ) tooltip . id = options . id . split ( " " ) . join ( "" ) ;
if ( typeof options . type != "string" || ! BDFDB . disCN [ "tooltip" + options . type . toLowerCase ( ) ] ) options . type = "top" ;
let type = options . type . toLowerCase ( ) ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( tooltip , BDFDB . disCN [ "tooltip" + type ] , options . className , options . selector ) ;
let fontColorIsGradient = false , customBackgroundColor = false , style = "" ;
if ( options . style ) style += options . style ;
if ( options . fontColor ) {
fontColorIsGradient = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( options . fontColor ) ;
if ( ! fontColorIsGradient ) style = ( style ? ( style + " " ) : "" ) + ` color: ${ BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( options . fontColor , "RGBA" ) } !important; `
if ( options . backgroundColor ) {
customBackgroundColor = true ;
let backgroundColorIsGradient = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( options . backgroundColor ) ;
let backgroundColor = ! backgroundColorIsGradient ? BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( options . backgroundColor , "RGBA" ) : BDFDB . ColorUtils . createGradient ( options . backgroundColor ) ;
style = ( style ? ( style + " " ) : "" ) + ` background: ${ backgroundColor } !important; border-color: ${ backgroundColorIsGradient ? BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( options . backgroundColor [ type == "left" ? 100 : 0 ] , "RGBA" ) : backgroundColor } !important; ` ;
if ( style ) tooltip . style = style ;
if ( zIndexed ) {
itemLayer . style . setProperty ( "z-index" , options . zIndex || 1002 , "important" ) ;
tooltip . style . setProperty ( "z-index" , options . zIndex || 1002 , "important" ) ;
tooltipContent . style . setProperty ( "z-index" , options . zIndex || 1002 , "important" ) ;
if ( typeof options . width == "number" && options . width > 196 ) {
tooltip . style . setProperty ( "width" , ` ${ options . width } px ` , "important" ) ;
tooltip . style . setProperty ( "max-width" , ` ${ options . width } px ` , "important" ) ;
if ( typeof options . maxWidth == "number" && options . maxWidth > 196 ) {
tooltip . style . setProperty ( "max-width" , ` ${ options . maxWidth } px ` , "important" ) ;
2020-09-23 07:51:49 +02:00
if ( customBackgroundColor ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( tooltip , BDFDB . disCN . tooltipcustom ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
else if ( options . color && BDFDB . disCN [ "tooltip" + options . color . toLowerCase ( ) ] ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( tooltip , BDFDB . disCN [ "tooltip" + options . color . toLowerCase ( ) ] ) ;
else BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( tooltip , BDFDB . disCN . tooltipblack ) ;
if ( options . list || BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( options . guild ) ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( tooltip , BDFDB . disCN . tooltiplistitem ) ;
let mouseLeave = _ => { itemLayer . removeTooltip ( ) ; } ;
if ( ! options . perssist ) anker . addEventListener ( "mouseleave" , mouseLeave ) ;
let observer = new MutationObserver ( changes => changes . forEach ( change => {
let nodes = Array . from ( change . removedNodes ) ;
if ( nodes . indexOf ( itemLayer ) > - 1 || nodes . indexOf ( anker ) > - 1 || nodes . some ( n => n . contains ( anker ) ) ) {
BDFDB . ArrayUtils . remove ( Tooltips , id ) ;
observer . disconnect ( ) ;
itemLayer . removeTooltip ( ) ;
anker . removeEventListener ( "mouseleave" , mouseLeave ) ;
if ( typeof options . onHide == "function" ) options . onHide ( itemLayer , anker ) ;
} ) ) ;
observer . observe ( document . body , { subtree : true , childList : true } ) ;
( tooltip . setText = itemLayer . setText = newText => {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( options . guild ) ) {
let streamOwnerIds = LibraryModules . StreamUtils . getAllApplicationStreams ( ) . filter ( app => app . guildId === options . guild . id ) . map ( app => app . ownerId ) || [ ] ;
let streamOwners = streamOwnerIds . map ( ownerId => LibraryModules . UserStore . getUser ( ownerId ) ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
let connectedUsers = Object . keys ( LibraryModules . VoiceUtils . getVoiceStates ( options . guild . id ) ) . map ( userId => ! streamOwnerIds . includes ( userId ) && BDFDB . LibraryModules . UserStore . getUser ( userId ) ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
let tooltipText = options . guild . toString ( ) ;
if ( fontColorIsGradient ) tooltipText = ` <span style="pointer-events: none; -webkit-background-clip: text !important; color: transparent !important; background-image: ${ BDFDB . ColorUtils . createGradient ( options . fontColor ) } !important;"> ${ BDFDB . StringUtils . htmlEscape ( tooltipText ) } </span> ` ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . render ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . Fragment , {
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . tooltiprow , BDFDB . disCN . tooltiprowguildname ) ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . Badge , {
guild : options . guild ,
size : LibraryModules . StringUtils . cssValueToNumber ( DiscordClassModules . TooltipGuild . iconSize ) ,
className : BDFDB . disCN . tooltiprowicon
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "span" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . tooltipguildnametext , ( connectedUsers . length || streamOwners . length ) && BDFDB . disCN . tooltipguildnametextlimitedsize ) ,
children : fontColorIsGradient || options . html ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . elementToReact ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( tooltipText ) ) : tooltipText
} ) ,
} ) ,
newText && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . tooltiprow , BDFDB . disCN . tooltiprowextra ) ,
children : newText
} ) ,
connectedUsers . length && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . tooltiprow ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
name : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . SPEAKER ,
className : BDFDB . disCN . tooltipactivityicon
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . UserSummaryItem , {
users : connectedUsers ,
max : 6
} )
} ) ,
streamOwners . length && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . tooltiprow ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
name : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . STREAM ,
className : BDFDB . disCN . tooltipactivityicon
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . UserSummaryItem , {
users : streamOwners ,
max : 6
} )
} )
] . filter ( n => n )
} ) , tooltipContent ) ;
else {
if ( fontColorIsGradient ) tooltipContent . innerHTML = ` <span style="pointer-events: none; -webkit-background-clip: text !important; color: transparent !important; background-image: ${ BDFDB . ColorUtils . createGradient ( options . fontColor ) } !important;"> ${ BDFDB . StringUtils . htmlEscape ( newText ) } </span> ` ;
else if ( options . html === true ) tooltipContent . innerHTML = newText ;
else tooltipContent . innerText = newText ;
} ) ( text ) ;
( tooltip . removeTooltip = itemLayer . removeTooltip = _ => {
BDFDB . DOMUtils . remove ( itemLayer ) ;
if ( zIndexed ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . remove ( itemLayerContainer ) ;
} ) ;
( tooltip . update = itemLayer . update = newText => {
if ( newText ) tooltip . setText ( newText ) ;
2020-09-23 07:51:49 +02:00
let left , top ;
const tRects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( anker ) ;
const iRects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( itemLayer ) ;
const aRects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . appmount ) ) ;
const positionOffsets = { height : 10 , width : 10 } ;
const offset = typeof options . offset == "number" ? options . offset : 0 ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
switch ( type ) {
case "top" :
top = tRects . top - iRects . height - positionOffsets . height + 2 - offset ;
left = tRects . left + ( tRects . width - iRects . width ) / 2 ;
break ;
case "bottom" :
top = tRects . top + tRects . height + positionOffsets . height - 2 + offset ;
left = tRects . left + ( tRects . width - iRects . width ) / 2 ;
break ;
case "left" :
top = tRects . top + ( tRects . height - iRects . height ) / 2 ;
left = tRects . left - iRects . width - positionOffsets . width + 2 - offset ;
break ;
case "right" :
top = tRects . top + ( tRects . height - iRects . height ) / 2 ;
left = tRects . left + tRects . width + positionOffsets . width - 2 + offset ;
break ;
itemLayer . style . setProperty ( "top" , ` ${ top } px ` , "important" ) ;
itemLayer . style . setProperty ( "left" , ` ${ left } px ` , "important" ) ;
tooltipPointer . style . removeProperty ( "margin-left" ) ;
tooltipPointer . style . removeProperty ( "margin-top" ) ;
if ( type == "top" || type == "bottom" ) {
if ( left < 0 ) {
itemLayer . style . setProperty ( "left" , "5px" , "important" ) ;
tooltipPointer . style . setProperty ( "margin-left" , ` ${ left - 10 } px ` , "important" ) ;
else {
2020-09-23 07:51:49 +02:00
const rightMargin = aRects . width - ( left + iRects . width ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
if ( rightMargin < 0 ) {
itemLayer . style . setProperty ( "left" , ` ${ aRects . width - iRects . width - 5 } px ` , "important" ) ;
tooltipPointer . style . setProperty ( "margin-left" , ` ${ - 1 * rightMargin } px ` , "important" ) ;
else if ( type == "left" || type == "right" ) {
if ( top < 0 ) {
2020-09-23 07:51:49 +02:00
const bRects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . titlebar ) ) ;
2020-09-23 07:54:14 +02:00
const barCorrection = ( bRects . width || 0 ) >= Math . round ( 75 * window . outerWidth / aRects . width ) ? ( bRects . height + 5 ) : 0 ;
2020-09-23 07:51:49 +02:00
itemLayer . style . setProperty ( "top" , ` ${ 5 + barCorrection } px ` , "important" ) ;
tooltipPointer . style . setProperty ( "margin-top" , ` ${ top - 10 - barCorrection } px ` , "important" ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
else {
2020-09-23 07:51:49 +02:00
const bottomMargin = aRects . height - ( top + iRects . height ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
if ( bottomMargin < 0 ) {
itemLayer . style . setProperty ( "top" , ` ${ aRects . height - iRects . height - 5 } px ` , "important" ) ;
tooltipPointer . style . setProperty ( "margin-top" , ` ${ - 1 * bottomMargin } px ` , "important" ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
if ( options . delay ) {
BDFDB . DOMUtils . toggle ( itemLayer ) ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => {
BDFDB . DOMUtils . toggle ( itemLayer ) ;
if ( typeof options . onShow == "function" ) options . onShow ( itemLayer , anker ) ;
} , options . delay ) ;
else {
if ( typeof options . onShow == "function" ) options . onShow ( itemLayer , anker ) ;
return itemLayer ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . findModule = function ( type , cachestring , filter , getExport ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( Cache . modules [ type ] ) ) Cache . modules [ type ] = { module : { } , export : { } } ;
if ( getExport && Cache . modules [ type ] . export [ cachestring ] ) return Cache . modules [ type ] . export [ cachestring ] ;
else if ( ! getExport && Cache . modules [ type ] . module [ cachestring ] ) return Cache . modules [ type ] . module [ cachestring ] ;
else {
let m = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . find ( filter , getExport ) ;
if ( m ) {
if ( getExport ) Cache . modules [ type ] . export [ cachestring ] = m ;
else Cache . modules [ type ] . module [ cachestring ] = m ;
return m ;
else BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( ` ${ cachestring } [ ${ type } ] not found in WebModules ` ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . getWebModuleReq = function ( ) {
if ( ! InternalBDFDB . getWebModuleReq . req ) {
const id = "BDFDB-WebModules" ;
const req = window . webpackJsonp . push ( [ [ ] , { [ id ] : ( module , exports , req ) => module . exports = req } , [ [ id ] ] ] ) ;
delete req . m [ id ] ;
delete req . c [ id ] ;
InternalBDFDB . getWebModuleReq . req = req ;
return InternalBDFDB . getWebModuleReq . req ;
} ;
BDFDB . ModuleUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . ModuleUtils . find = function ( filter , getExport ) {
getExport = typeof getExport != "boolean" ? true : getExport ;
let req = InternalBDFDB . getWebModuleReq ( ) ;
for ( let i in req . c ) if ( req . c . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ) {
let m = req . c [ i ] . exports ;
if ( m && ( typeof m == "object" || typeof m == "function" ) && filter ( m ) ) return getExport ? m : req . c [ i ] ;
if ( m && m . _ _esModule ) {
for ( let j in m ) if ( m [ j ] && ( typeof m [ j ] == "object" || typeof m [ j ] == "function" ) && filter ( m [ j ] ) ) return getExport ? m [ j ] : req . c [ i ] ;
if ( m . default && ( typeof m . default == "object" || typeof m . default == "function" ) ) for ( let j in m . default ) if ( m . default [ j ] && ( typeof m . default [ j ] == "object" || typeof m . default [ j ] == "function" ) && filter ( m . default [ j ] ) ) return getExport ? m . default [ j ] : req . c [ i ] ;
for ( let i in req . m ) if ( req . m . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ) {
let m = req . m [ i ] ;
if ( m && typeof m == "function" && filter ( m ) ) {
if ( req . c [ i ] ) return getExport ? req . c [ i ] . exports : req . c [ i ] ;
else {
let resolved = { } ;
req . m [ i ] ( resolved , null , req ) ;
return getExport ? resolved . exports : resolved ;
} ;
BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByProperties = function ( ... properties ) {
properties = properties . flat ( 10 ) ;
let getExport = properties . pop ( ) ;
if ( typeof getExport != "boolean" ) {
properties . push ( getExport ) ;
getExport = true ;
return InternalBDFDB . findModule ( "prop" , JSON . stringify ( properties ) , m => properties . every ( prop => m [ prop ] !== undefined ) , getExport ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByName = function ( name , getExport ) {
return InternalBDFDB . findModule ( "name" , JSON . stringify ( name ) , m => m . displayName === name || m . render && m . render . displayName === name , typeof getExport != "boolean" ? true : getExport ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByString = function ( ... strings ) {
strings = strings . flat ( 10 ) ;
let getExport = strings . pop ( ) ;
if ( typeof getExport != "boolean" ) {
strings . push ( getExport ) ;
getExport = true ;
return InternalBDFDB . findModule ( "string" , JSON . stringify ( strings ) , m => strings . every ( string => typeof m == "function" && ( m . toString ( ) . indexOf ( string ) > - 1 || typeof m . _ _originalMethod == "function" && m . _ _originalMethod . toString ( ) . indexOf ( string ) > - 1 || typeof m . _ _originalFunction == "function" && m . _ _originalFunction . toString ( ) . indexOf ( string ) > - 1 ) || BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( m ) && typeof m . type == "function" && m . type . toString ( ) . indexOf ( string ) > - 1 ) , getExport ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByPrototypes = function ( ... protoProps ) {
protoProps = protoProps . flat ( 10 ) ;
let getExport = protoProps . pop ( ) ;
if ( typeof getExport != "boolean" ) {
protoProps . push ( getExport ) ;
getExport = true ;
return InternalBDFDB . findModule ( "proto" , JSON . stringify ( protoProps ) , m => m . prototype && protoProps . every ( prop => m . prototype [ prop ] !== undefined ) , getExport ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . forceInitiateProcess = function ( pluginDataObjs , instance , type ) {
pluginDataObjs = [ pluginDataObjs ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
if ( pluginDataObjs . length && instance && type ) {
let forceRender = false ;
for ( let pluginData of pluginDataObjs ) {
let plugin = pluginData . plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || pluginData . plugin , methodNames = [ ] ;
for ( let patchType in plugin . patchedModules ) {
if ( plugin . patchedModules [ patchType ] [ type ] ) methodNames . push ( plugin . patchedModules [ patchType ] [ type ] ) ;
methodNames = BDFDB . ArrayUtils . removeCopies ( methodNames ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
if ( methodNames . includes ( "componentDidMount" ) ) InternalBDFDB . initiateProcess ( plugin , type , {
instance : instance ,
methodname : "componentDidMount" ,
patchtypes : pluginData . patchTypes [ type ]
} ) ;
if ( methodNames . includes ( "render" ) ) forceRender = true ;
else if ( ! forceRender && methodNames . includes ( "componentDidUpdate" ) ) InternalBDFDB . initiateProcess ( plugin , type , {
instance : instance ,
methodname : "componentDidUpdate" ,
patchtypes : pluginData . patchTypes [ type ]
} ) ;
if ( forceRender ) BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( instance ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . initiateProcess = function ( plugin , type , e ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) && ! plugin . stopping && e . instance ) {
type = LibraryModules . StringUtils . upperCaseFirstChar ( type . split ( " _ _ " ) [ 1 ] || type ) . replace ( /[^A-z0-9]|_/g , "" ) ;
if ( typeof plugin [ ` process ${ type } ` ] == "function" ) {
if ( typeof e . methodname == "string" && ( e . methodname . indexOf ( "componentDid" ) == 0 || e . methodname . indexOf ( "componentWill" ) == 0 ) ) {
e . node = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( e . instance ) ;
if ( e . node ) return plugin [ ` process ${ type } ` ] ( e ) ;
else BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => {
e . node = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( e . instance ) ;
if ( e . node ) return plugin [ ` process ${ type } ` ] ( e ) ;
} ) ;
else if ( e . returnvalue || e . patchtypes . includes ( "before" ) ) return plugin [ ` process ${ type } ` ] ( e ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData = { observer : null , data : { } } ;
InternalBDFDB . patchPlugin = function ( plugin ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin . patchedModules ) ) return ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . unpatch ( plugin ) ;
let patchedModules = { } ;
for ( let patchType in plugin . patchedModules ) for ( let type in plugin . patchedModules [ patchType ] ) {
if ( ! patchedModules [ type ] ) patchedModules [ type ] = { } ;
patchedModules [ type ] [ patchType ] = plugin . patchedModules [ patchType ] [ type ] ;
for ( let type in patchedModules ) {
let pluginData = { plugin : plugin , patchTypes : patchedModules [ type ] } ;
let unmappedType = type . split ( " _ _ " ) [ 1 ] || type ;
let config = {
classNames : [ InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . Finder [ unmappedType ] && InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . Finder [ unmappedType ] . class ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => DiscordClasses [ n ] ) ,
stringFind : InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . Finder [ unmappedType ] && InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . Finder [ unmappedType ] . strings ,
propertyFind : InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . Finder [ unmappedType ] && InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . Finder [ unmappedType ] . props ,
specialFilter : InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . Finder [ unmappedType ] && InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . Finder [ unmappedType ] . special && InternalBDFDB . createFilter ( InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . Finder [ unmappedType ] . special ) ,
memoComponent : InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . MemoComponent . includes ( unmappedType ) ,
forceObserve : InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . ForceObserve . includes ( unmappedType ) ,
nonRender : BDFDB . ObjectUtils . toArray ( pluginData . patchTypes ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n && ! InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . InstanceFunctions . includes ( n ) ) . length > 0 ,
mapped : InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . PatchMap [ type ]
} ;
2020-09-25 21:34:18 +02:00
config . ignoreCheck = ! ! ( config . codeFind || config . propertyFind || config . specialFilter || config . nonRender || config . memoComponent ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
config . nonPrototype = InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . NonPrototype . includes ( unmappedType ) || ! ! ( config . codeFind || config . propertyFind || config . nonRender ) ;
let component = InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . LoadedInComponents [ type ] && BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( InternalComponents , InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . LoadedInComponents [ type ] ) ;
if ( component ) InternalBDFDB . patchInstance ( pluginData , config . nonRender ? ( BDFDB . ModuleUtils . find ( m => m == component , false ) || { } ) . exports : component , type , config ) ;
else {
let mappedType = config . mapped ? config . mapped + " _ _ " + type : type ;
let name = mappedType . split ( " _ _ " ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( config . mapped ) {
for ( let patchType in plugin . patchedModules ) if ( plugin . patchedModules [ patchType ] [ type ] ) {
plugin . patchedModules [ patchType ] [ mappedType ] = plugin . patchedModules [ patchType ] [ type ] ;
delete plugin . patchedModules [ patchType ] [ type ] ;
if ( config . classNames . length ) InternalBDFDB . checkForInstance ( pluginData , mappedType , config ) ;
else if ( config . stringFind ) {
let exports = ( BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByString ( config . stringFind , false ) || { } ) . exports ;
InternalBDFDB . patchInstance ( pluginData , exports && config . memoComponent ? exports . default : exports , mappedType , config ) ;
else if ( config . propertyFind ) {
let exports = ( BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByProperties ( config . propertyFind , false ) || { } ) . exports ;
InternalBDFDB . patchInstance ( pluginData , exports && config . memoComponent ? exports . default : exports , mappedType , config ) ;
else if ( config . nonRender ) {
let exports = ( BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByName ( name , false ) || { } ) . exports ;
InternalBDFDB . patchInstance ( pluginData , exports && config . memoComponent ? exports . default : exports , mappedType , config ) ;
else InternalBDFDB . patchInstance ( pluginData , BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByName ( name ) , mappedType , config ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . patchInstance = function ( pluginDataObjs , instance , type , config ) {
pluginDataObjs = [ pluginDataObjs ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
if ( pluginDataObjs . length && instance ) {
let name = type . split ( " _ _ " ) [ 0 ] ;
instance = instance . _reactInternalFiber && instance . _reactInternalFiber . type ? instance . _reactInternalFiber . type : instance ;
instance = config . ignoreCheck || BDFDB . ReactUtils . isCorrectInstance ( instance , name ) || InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . LoadedInComponents [ type ] ? instance : ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . findConstructor ( instance , name ) || BDFDB . ReactUtils . findConstructor ( instance , name , { up : true } ) ) ;
if ( instance ) {
instance = instance . _reactInternalFiber && instance . _reactInternalFiber . type ? instance . _reactInternalFiber . type : instance ;
let toBePatched = config . nonPrototype ? instance : instance . prototype ;
for ( let pluginData of pluginDataObjs ) for ( let patchType in pluginData . patchTypes ) {
let patchMethods = { } ;
patchMethods [ patchType ] = e => {
return InternalBDFDB . initiateProcess ( pluginData . plugin , type , {
instance : e . thisObject && window != e . thisObject ? e . thisObject : { props : e . methodArguments [ 0 ] } ,
returnvalue : e . returnValue ,
methodname : e . originalMethodName ,
patchtypes : [ patchType ]
} ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( pluginData . plugin , toBePatched , pluginData . patchTypes [ patchType ] , patchMethods ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . createFilter = function ( config ) {
return ins => ins && config . every ( prop => {
let value = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( ins , prop . path ) ;
return value && ( ! prop . value || [ prop . value ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => typeof n == "string" ) . some ( n => value . toUpperCase ( ) . indexOf ( n . toUpperCase ( ) ) == 0 ) ) ;
} ) && ins . return . type ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . checkEle = function ( pluginDataObjs , ele , type , config ) {
pluginDataObjs = [ pluginDataObjs ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
let unmappedType = type . split ( " _ _ " ) [ 1 ] || type ;
let ins = BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( ele ) ;
if ( typeof config . specialFilter == "function" ) {
let component = config . specialFilter ( ins ) ;
if ( component ) {
if ( config . nonRender ) {
let exports = ( BDFDB . ModuleUtils . find ( m => m == component , false ) || { } ) . exports ;
InternalBDFDB . patchInstance ( pluginDataObjs , exports && config . memoComponent ? exports . default : exports , type , config ) ;
else InternalBDFDB . patchInstance ( pluginDataObjs , component , type , config ) ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . forceAllUpdates ( pluginDataObjs . map ( n => n . plugin ) , type ) ;
return true ;
else if ( InternalBDFDB . isCorrectPatchInstance ( ins , type ) ) {
InternalBDFDB . patchInstance ( pluginDataObjs , ins , type , config ) ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . forceAllUpdates ( pluginDataObjs . map ( n => n . plugin ) , type ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . checkForInstance = function ( pluginData , type , config ) {
const app = document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . app ) , bdSettings = document . querySelector ( "#bd-settingspane-container .scroller" ) ;
let instanceFound = false ;
if ( ! config . forceObserve ) {
if ( app ) {
let appIns = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findConstructor ( app , type , { unlimited : true } ) || BDFDB . ReactUtils . findConstructor ( app , type , { unlimited : true , up : true } ) ;
if ( appIns && ( instanceFound = true ) ) InternalBDFDB . patchInstance ( pluginData , appIns , type , config ) ;
if ( ! instanceFound && bdSettings ) {
let bdSettingsIns = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findConstructor ( bdSettings , type , { unlimited : true } ) ;
if ( bdSettingsIns && ( instanceFound = true ) ) InternalBDFDB . patchInstance ( pluginData , bdSettingsIns , type , config ) ;
if ( ! instanceFound ) {
let elementFound = false , classes = config . classNames . map ( n => BDFDB . disCN [ n ] ) , selector = config . classNames . map ( n => BDFDB . dotCN [ n ] ) . join ( ", " ) ;
for ( let ele of document . querySelectorAll ( selector ) ) {
elementFound = InternalBDFDB . checkEle ( pluginData , ele , type , config ) ;
if ( elementFound ) break ;
if ( ! elementFound ) {
if ( ! InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . observer ) {
2020-09-23 00:03:17 +02:00
let appMount = document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . appmount ) ;
if ( appMount ) {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . observer = new MutationObserver ( cs => { cs . forEach ( c => { c . addedNodes . forEach ( n => {
if ( ! n || ! n . tagName ) return ;
for ( let type in InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . data ) if ( ! InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . data [ type ] . found ) {
let ele = null ;
if ( ( ele = BDFDB . DOMUtils . containsClass ( n , ... InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . data [ type ] . classes ) ? n : n . querySelector ( InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . data [ type ] . selector ) ) != null ) {
2020-09-23 00:03:17 +02:00
InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . data [ type ] . found = InternalBDFDB . checkEle ( InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . data [ type ] . plugins , ele , type , InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . data [ type ] . config ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
if ( InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . data [ type ] . found ) {
delete InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . data [ type ] ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . isEmpty ( InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . data ) ) {
InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . observer . disconnect ( ) ;
InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . observer = null ;
} ) ; } ) ; } ) ;
2020-09-23 00:03:17 +02:00
InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . observer . observe ( appMount , { childList : true , subtree : true } ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
2020-09-23 00:03:17 +02:00
if ( ! InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . data [ type ] ) InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . data [ type ] = { selector , classes , found : false , config , plugins : [ ] } ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
InternalBDFDB . patchObserverData . data [ type ] . plugins . push ( pluginData ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . isCorrectPatchInstance = function ( instance , name ) {
if ( ! instance ) return false ;
instance = instance . _reactInternalFiber && instance . _reactInternalFiber . type ? instance . _reactInternalFiber . type : instance ;
instance = BDFDB . ReactUtils . isCorrectInstance ( instance , name ) ? instance : ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . findConstructor ( instance , name ) || BDFDB . ReactUtils . findConstructor ( instance , name , { up : true } ) ) ;
return ! ! instance ;
} ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . isPatched = function ( plugin , module , methodName ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( ! plugin || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( module ) || ! module . BDFDB _patches || ! methodName ) return false ;
const pluginId = ( typeof plugin === "string" ? plugin : plugin . name ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
return pluginId && module [ methodName ] && module [ methodName ] . _ _is _BDFDB _patched && module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] && BDFDB . ObjectUtils . toArray ( module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] ) . some ( patchObj => BDFDB . ObjectUtils . toArray ( patchObj ) . some ( priorityObj => Object . keys ( priorityObj ) . includes ( pluginId ) ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch = function ( plugin , module , methodNames , patchMethods , config = { } ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( ! plugin || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( module ) || ! methodNames || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( patchMethods ) ) return null ;
patchMethods = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . filter ( patchMethods , type => InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . PatchTypes . includes ( type ) , true ) ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . isEmpty ( patchMethods ) ) return null ;
const pluginName = typeof plugin === "string" ? plugin : plugin . name ;
const pluginId = pluginName . toLowerCase ( ) ;
const patchPriority = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) && ! isNaN ( plugin . patchPriority ) ? ( plugin . patchPriority < 0 ? 0 : ( plugin . patchPriority > 10 ? 10 : Math . round ( plugin . patchPriority ) ) ) : 5 ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( module . BDFDB _patches ) ) module . BDFDB _patches = { } ;
methodNames = [ methodNames ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
let cancel = _ => { BDFDB . PatchUtils . unpatch ( plugin , module , methodNames ) ; } ;
for ( let methodName of methodNames ) if ( module [ methodName ] == null || typeof module [ methodName ] == "function" ) {
if ( ! module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] || config . force && ( ! module [ methodName ] || ! module [ methodName ] . _ _is _BDFDB _patched ) ) {
if ( ! module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] ) {
module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] = { } ;
for ( let type of InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . PatchTypes ) module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] [ type ] = { } ;
if ( ! module [ methodName ] ) module [ methodName ] = ( _ => { } ) ;
const originalMethod = module [ methodName ] ;
module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] . originalMethod = originalMethod ;
module [ methodName ] = function ( ) {
let callInstead = false , stopCall = false ;
const data = {
thisObject : this ,
methodArguments : arguments ,
originalMethod : originalMethod ,
originalMethodName : methodName ,
callOriginalMethod : _ => { if ( ! stopCall ) data . returnValue = data . originalMethod . apply ( data . thisObject , data . methodArguments ) } ,
callOriginalMethodAfterwards : _ => { callInstead = true ; } ,
stopOriginalMethodCall : _ => { stopCall = true ; }
} ;
if ( module . BDFDB _patches && module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] ) {
for ( let priority in module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] . before ) for ( let id in BDFDB . ObjectUtils . sort ( module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] . before [ priority ] ) ) {
BDFDB . TimeUtils . suppress ( module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] . before [ priority ] [ id ] , ` "before" callback of ${ methodName } in ${ module . constructor ? ( module . constructor . displayName || module . constructor . name ) : "module" } ` , module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] . before [ priority ] [ id ] . pluginName ) ( data ) ;
if ( ! module . BDFDB _patches || ! module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] ) return methodName == "render" && data . returnValue === undefined ? null : data . returnValue ;
let hasInsteadPatches = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . toArray ( module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] . instead ) . some ( priorityObj => ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . isEmpty ( priorityObj ) ) ;
if ( hasInsteadPatches ) for ( let priority in module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] . instead ) for ( let id in BDFDB . ObjectUtils . sort ( module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] . instead [ priority ] ) ) {
let tempReturn = BDFDB . TimeUtils . suppress ( module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] . instead [ priority ] [ id ] , ` "instead" callback of ${ methodName } in ${ module . constructor ? ( module . constructor . displayName || module . constructor . name ) : "module" } ` , module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] . instead [ priority ] [ id ] . pluginName ) ( data ) ;
if ( tempReturn !== undefined ) data . returnValue = tempReturn ;
if ( ( ! hasInsteadPatches || callInstead ) && ! stopCall ) BDFDB . TimeUtils . suppress ( data . callOriginalMethod , ` originalMethod of ${ methodName } in ${ module . constructor ? ( module . constructor . displayName || module . constructor . name ) : "module" } ` ) ( ) ;
if ( ! module . BDFDB _patches || ! module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] ) return methodName == "render" && data . returnValue === undefined ? null : data . returnValue ;
for ( let priority in module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] . after ) for ( let id in BDFDB . ObjectUtils . sort ( module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] . after [ priority ] ) ) {
let tempReturn = BDFDB . TimeUtils . suppress ( module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] . after [ priority ] [ id ] , ` "after" callback of ${ methodName } in ${ module . constructor ? ( module . constructor . displayName || module . constructor . name ) : "module" } ` , module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] . after [ priority ] [ id ] . pluginName ) ( data ) ;
if ( tempReturn !== undefined ) data . returnValue = tempReturn ;
else BDFDB . TimeUtils . suppress ( data . callOriginalMethod , ` originalMethod of ${ methodName } in ${ module . constructor ? module . constructor . displayName || module . constructor . name : "module" } ` ) ( ) ;
callInstead = false , stopCall = false ;
return methodName == "render" && data . returnValue === undefined ? null : data . returnValue ;
} ;
for ( let key of Object . keys ( originalMethod ) ) module [ methodName ] [ key ] = originalMethod [ key ] ;
if ( ! module [ methodName ] . _ _originalFunction ) {
let realOriginalMethod = originalMethod . _ _originalMethod || originalMethod . _ _originalFunction || originalMethod ;
if ( typeof realOriginalMethod == "function" ) {
module [ methodName ] . _ _originalFunction = realOriginalMethod ;
module [ methodName ] . toString = _ => realOriginalMethod . toString ( ) ;
module [ methodName ] . _ _is _BDFDB _patched = true ;
for ( let type in patchMethods ) if ( typeof patchMethods [ type ] == "function" ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] [ type ] [ patchPriority ] ) ) module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] [ type ] [ patchPriority ] = { } ;
module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] [ type ] [ patchPriority ] [ pluginId ] = ( ... args ) => {
if ( config . once || ! plugin . started ) cancel ( ) ;
return patchMethods [ type ] ( ... args ) ;
} ;
module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] [ type ] [ patchPriority ] [ pluginId ] . pluginName = pluginName ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) && ! config . once && ! config . noCache ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( plugin . patchCancels ) ) plugin . patchCancels = [ ] ;
plugin . patchCancels . push ( cancel ) ;
return cancel ;
} ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . unpatch = function ( plugin , module , methodNames ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( ! module && ! methodNames ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) && BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( plugin . patchCancels ) ) while ( plugin . patchCancels . length ) ( plugin . patchCancels . pop ( ) ) ( ) ;
else {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( module ) || ! module . BDFDB _patches ) return ;
const pluginId = ! plugin ? null : ( typeof plugin === "string" ? plugin : plugin . name ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
if ( methodNames ) {
for ( let methodName of [ methodNames ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) if ( module [ methodName ] && module . BDFDB _patches [ methodName ] ) unpatch ( methodName , pluginId ) ;
else for ( let patchedMethod of module . BDFDB _patches ) unpatch ( patchedMethod , pluginId ) ;
function unpatch ( funcName , pluginId ) {
for ( let type of InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . PatchTypes ) {
if ( pluginId ) for ( let priority in module . BDFDB _patches [ funcName ] [ type ] ) {
delete module . BDFDB _patches [ funcName ] [ type ] [ priority ] [ pluginId ] ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . isEmpty ( module . BDFDB _patches [ funcName ] [ type ] [ priority ] ) ) delete module . BDFDB _patches [ funcName ] [ type ] [ priority ] ;
else delete module . BDFDB _patches [ funcName ] [ type ] ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . isEmpty ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . filter ( module . BDFDB _patches [ funcName ] , key => InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . PatchTypes . includes ( key ) && ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . isEmpty ( module . BDFDB _patches [ funcName ] [ key ] ) , true ) ) ) {
module [ funcName ] = module . BDFDB _patches [ funcName ] . originalMethod ;
delete module . BDFDB _patches [ funcName ] ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . isEmpty ( module . BDFDB _patches ) ) delete module . BDFDB _patches ;
} ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . forceAllUpdates = function ( plugins , selectedTypes ) {
plugins = [ plugins ] . flat ( 10 ) . map ( n => n == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || n ) . filter ( n => BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( n . patchedModules ) ) ;
if ( plugins . length ) {
const app = document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . app ) ;
const bdSettings = document . querySelector ( "#bd-settingspane-container > *" ) ;
if ( app ) {
selectedTypes = [ selectedTypes ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) . map ( type => type && InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . PatchMap [ type ] ? InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . PatchMap [ type ] + " _ _ " + type : type ) ;
let updateData = { } ;
for ( let plugin of plugins ) {
updateData [ plugin . name ] = {
filteredModules : [ ] ,
specialModules : [ ] ,
specialModuleTypes : [ ] ,
patchTypes : { }
} ;
for ( let patchType in plugin . patchedModules ) for ( let type in plugin . patchedModules [ patchType ] ) {
let methodNames = [ plugin . patchedModules [ patchType ] [ type ] ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . includes ( methodNames , "componentDidMount" , "componentDidUpdate" , "render" , false ) && ( ! selectedTypes . length || selectedTypes . includes ( type ) ) ) {
let unmappedType = type . split ( " _ _ " ) [ 1 ] || type ;
let selector = [ InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . Finder [ unmappedType ] ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => DiscordClasses [ n ] ) . map ( n => BDFDB . dotCN [ n ] ) . join ( ", " ) ;
let specialFilter = InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . Finder [ unmappedType ] && InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . Finder [ unmappedType ] . special && InternalBDFDB . createFilter ( InternalData . ModuleUtilsConfig . Finder [ unmappedType ] . special ) ;
if ( selector && typeof specialFilter == "function" ) {
for ( let ele of document . querySelectorAll ( selector ) ) {
let constro = specialFilter ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( ele ) ) ;
if ( constro ) {
updateData [ plugin . name ] . specialModules . push ( [ type , constro ] ) ;
updateData [ plugin . name ] . specialModuleTypes . push ( type ) ;
break ;
else updateData [ plugin . name ] . filteredModules . push ( type ) ;
let name = type . split ( " _ _ " ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! updateData [ plugin . name ] . patchTypes [ name ] ) updateData [ plugin . name ] . patchTypes [ name ] = [ ] ;
updateData [ plugin . name ] . patchTypes [ name ] . push ( patchType ) ;
let updateDataArray = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . toArray ( updateData ) ;
if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . sum ( updateDataArray . map ( n => n . filteredModules . length + n . specialModules . length ) ) ) {
try {
let filteredModules = BDFDB . ArrayUtils . removeCopies ( updateDataArray . map ( n => n . filteredModules ) . flat ( 10 ) ) ;
let specialModules = BDFDB . ArrayUtils . removeCopies ( updateDataArray . map ( n => n . specialModules ) . flat ( 10 ) ) ;
const appInsDown = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( app , { name : filteredModules , type : specialModules , all : true , group : true , unlimited : true } ) ;
const appInsUp = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( app , { name : filteredModules , type : specialModules , all : true , group : true , unlimited : true , up : true } ) ;
for ( let type in appInsDown ) {
let filteredPlugins = plugins . filter ( n => updateData [ n . name ] . filteredModules . includes ( type ) || updateData [ n . name ] . specialModuleTypes . includes ( type ) ) . map ( n => ( { plugin : n , patchTypes : updateData [ n . name ] . patchTypes } ) ) ;
for ( let ins of appInsDown [ type ] ) InternalBDFDB . forceInitiateProcess ( filteredPlugins , ins , type ) ;
for ( let type in appInsUp ) {
let filteredPlugins = plugins . filter ( n => updateData [ n . name ] . filteredModules . includes ( type ) || updateData [ n . name ] . specialModuleTypes . includes ( type ) ) . map ( n => ( { plugin : n , patchTypes : updateData [ n . name ] . patchTypes } ) ) ;
for ( let ins of appInsUp [ type ] ) InternalBDFDB . forceInitiateProcess ( filteredPlugins , ins , type ) ;
if ( bdSettings ) {
const bdSettingsIns = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( bdSettings , { name : filteredModules , type : specialModules , all : true , unlimited : true } ) ;
if ( bdSettingsIns . length ) {
const bdSettingsWrap = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( document . querySelector ( "#bd-settingspane-container > *" ) ) , { props : "onChange" , up : true } ) ;
if ( bdSettingsWrap && bdSettingsWrap . props && typeof bdSettingsWrap . props . onChange == "function" ) bdSettingsWrap . props . onChange ( bdSettingsWrap . props . type ) ;
catch ( err ) { BDFDB . LogUtils . error ( "Could not force update components! " + err , plugins . map ( n => n . name ) . join ( ", " ) ) ; }
} ;
BDFDB . DiscordConstants = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByProperties ( "Permissions" , "ActivityTypes" ) ;
for ( let name in InternalData . DiscordObjects ) {
if ( InternalData . DiscordObjects [ name ] . props ) DiscordObjects [ name ] = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByPrototypes ( InternalData . DiscordObjects [ name ] . props ) ;
else if ( InternalData . DiscordObjects [ name ] . protos ) DiscordObjects [ name ] = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . find ( m => m . prototype && InternalData . DiscordObjects [ name ] . protos . every ( proto => m . prototype [ proto ] && ( ! InternalData . DiscordObjects [ name ] . array || Array . isArray ( m . prototype [ proto ] ) ) ) ) ;
BDFDB . DiscordObjects = Object . assign ( { } , DiscordObjects ) ;
for ( let name of InternalData . LibraryRequires ) {
try { LibraryRequires [ name ] = require ( name ) ; } catch ( err ) { }
BDFDB . LibraryRequires = Object . assign ( { } , LibraryRequires ) ;
for ( let name in InternalData . LibraryModules ) {
if ( InternalData . LibraryModules [ name ] . props ) {
if ( InternalData . LibraryModules [ name ] . nonProps ) LibraryModules [ name ] = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . find ( m => InternalData . LibraryModules [ name ] . props . every ( prop => typeof m [ prop ] == "function" ) && InternalData . LibraryModules [ name ] . nonProps . every ( prop => typeof m [ prop ] != "function" ) ) ;
else LibraryModules [ name ] = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByProperties ( InternalData . LibraryModules [ name ] . props ) ;
if ( LibraryModules . KeyCodeUtils ) LibraryModules . KeyCodeUtils . getString = function ( keyArray ) {
return LibraryModules . KeyCodeUtils . toString ( [ keyArray ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) . map ( keycode => [ BDFDB . DiscordConstants . KeyboardDeviceTypes . KEYBOARD _KEY , keycode , BDFDB . DiscordConstants . KeyboardEnvs . BROWSER ] ) , true ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . LibraryModules = Object . assign ( { } , LibraryModules ) ;
LibraryModules . React = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByProperties ( "createElement" , "cloneElement" ) ;
LibraryModules . ReactDOM = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByProperties ( "render" , "findDOMNode" ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils = Object . assign ( { } , LibraryModules . React , LibraryModules . ReactDOM ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . childrenToArray = function ( parent ) {
if ( parent && parent . props && parent . props . children && ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( parent . props . children ) ) {
var child = parent . props . children ;
parent . props . children = [ ] ;
parent . props . children . push ( child ) ;
return parent . props . children ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement = function ( component , props = { } , errorWrap = false ) {
if ( component && component . defaultProps ) for ( let key in component . defaultProps ) if ( props [ key ] == null ) props [ key ] = component . defaultProps [ key ] ;
try {
let child = LibraryModules . React . createElement ( component || "div" , props ) || null ;
if ( errorWrap ) return LibraryModules . React . createElement ( InternalComponents . ErrorBoundary , { } , child ) || null ;
else return child ;
catch ( err ) { BDFDB . LogUtils . error ( "Could not create react element! " + err ) ; }
return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . objectToReact = function ( obj ) {
if ( ! obj ) return null ;
else if ( typeof obj == "string" ) return obj ;
else if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj ) ) return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( obj . type || obj . props && obj . props . href && "a" || "div" , ! obj . props ? { } : Object . assign ( { } , obj . props , {
children : obj . props . children ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . objectToReact ( obj . props . children ) : null
} ) ) ;
else if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( obj ) ) return obj . map ( n => BDFDB . ReactUtils . objectToReact ( n ) ) ;
else return null ;
} ;
2020-11-12 15:40:12 +01:00
BDFDB . ReactUtils . markdownParse = function ( str ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . markdownParse . parser || ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . markdownParse . render ) {
BDFDB . ReactUtils . markdownParse . parser = LibraryModules . SimpleMarkdownParser . parserFor ( LibraryModules . SimpleMarkdownParser . defaultRules ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . markdownParse . render = LibraryModules . SimpleMarkdownParser . reactFor ( LibraryModules . SimpleMarkdownParser . ruleOutput ( LibraryModules . SimpleMarkdownParser . defaultRules , "react" ) ) ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . markdownParse . render ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . markdownParse . parser ( str , { inline : true } ) ) ;
} ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . ReactUtils . elementToReact = function ( node , ref ) {
if ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( node ) ) return node ;
else if ( ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) ) return null ;
else if ( node . nodeType == Node . TEXT _NODE ) return node . nodeValue ;
let attributes = { } , importantStyles = [ ] ;
if ( typeof ref == "function" ) attributes . ref = ref ;
for ( let attr of node . attributes ) attributes [ attr . name ] = attr . value ;
if ( node . attributes . style ) attributes . style = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . filter ( node . style , n => node . style [ n ] && isNaN ( parseInt ( n ) ) , true ) ;
attributes . children = [ ] ;
if ( node . style && node . style . cssText ) for ( let propStr of node . style . cssText . split ( ";" ) ) if ( propStr . endsWith ( "!important" ) ) {
let key = propStr . split ( ":" ) [ 0 ] ;
let camelprop = key . replace ( /-([a-z]?)/g , ( m , g ) => g . toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
if ( attributes . style [ camelprop ] != null ) importantStyles . push ( key ) ;
for ( let child of node . childNodes ) attributes . children . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . elementToReact ( child ) ) ;
attributes . className = BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( attributes . className , attributes . class ) ;
delete attributes . class ;
let reactEle = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( node . tagName , attributes ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceStyle ( reactEle , importantStyles ) ;
return reactEle ;
} ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceStyle = function ( reactEle , styles ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( reactEle ) || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( reactEle . props . style ) || ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( styles ) || ! styles . length ) return null ;
let ref = reactEle . ref ;
reactEle . ref = instance => {
if ( typeof ref == "function" ) ref ( instance ) ;
let node = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( instance ) ;
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) ) for ( let key of styles ) {
let propValue = reactEle . props . style [ key . replace ( /-([a-z]?)/g , ( m , g ) => g . toUpperCase ( ) ) ] ;
if ( propValue != null ) node . style . setProperty ( key , propValue , "important" ) ;
} ;
return reactEle ;
} ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . findChild = function ( nodeOrInstance , config ) {
if ( ! nodeOrInstance || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config ) || ! config . name && ! config . key && ! config . props && ! config . filter ) return config . all ? [ ] : null ;
let instance = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( nodeOrInstance ) ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( nodeOrInstance ) : nodeOrInstance ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( instance ) && ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( instance ) ) return null ;
config . name = config . name && [ config . name ] . flat ( ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
config . key = config . key && [ config . key ] . flat ( ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
config . props = config . props && [ config . props ] . flat ( ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
config . filter = typeof config . filter == "function" && config . filter ;
let depth = - 1 ;
let start = performance . now ( ) ;
let maxDepth = config . unlimited ? 999999999 : ( config . depth === undefined ? 30 : config . depth ) ;
let maxTime = config . unlimited ? 999999999 : ( config . time === undefined ? 150 : config . time ) ;
let foundChildren = [ ] ;
let singleChild = getChild ( instance ) ;
if ( config . all ) {
for ( let i in foundChildren ) delete foundChildren [ i ] . BDFDBreactSearch ;
return foundChildren ;
else return singleChild ;
function getChild ( children ) {
let result = null ;
if ( ! children || depth >= maxDepth || performance . now ( ) - start >= maxTime ) return result ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( children ) ) {
if ( check ( children ) ) {
if ( config . all === undefined || ! config . all ) result = children ;
else if ( config . all ) {
if ( ! children . BDFDBreactSearch ) {
children . BDFDBreactSearch = true ;
foundChildren . push ( children ) ;
else if ( children . props && children . props . children ) {
depth ++ ;
result = getChild ( children . props . children ) ;
depth -- ;
else {
for ( let child of children ) if ( child ) {
if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( child ) ) result = getChild ( child ) ;
else if ( check ( child ) ) {
if ( config . all === undefined || ! config . all ) result = child ;
else if ( config . all ) {
if ( ! child . BDFDBreactSearch ) {
child . BDFDBreactSearch = true ;
foundChildren . push ( child ) ;
else if ( child . props && child . props . children ) {
depth ++ ;
result = getChild ( child . props . children ) ;
depth -- ;
if ( result ) break ;
return result ;
function check ( instance ) {
if ( ! instance ) return false ;
let props = instance . stateNode ? instance . stateNode . props : instance . props ;
return instance . type && config . name && config . name . some ( name => BDFDB . ReactUtils . isCorrectInstance ( instance , name ) ) || config . key && config . key . some ( key => instance . key == key ) || props && config . props && config . props [ config . someProps ? "some" : "every" ] ( prop => BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( prop ) ? ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( prop [ 1 ] ) ? prop [ 1 ] . some ( checkValue => propCheck ( props , prop [ 0 ] , checkValue ) ) : propCheck ( props , prop [ 0 ] , prop [ 1 ] ) ) : props [ prop ] !== undefined ) || config . filter && config . filter ( instance ) ;
function propCheck ( props , key , value ) {
return key != null && props [ key ] != null && value != null && ( key == "className" ? ( " " + props [ key ] + " " ) . indexOf ( " " + value + " " ) > - 1 : BDFDB . equals ( props [ key ] , value ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . setChild = function ( parent , stringOrChild ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( parent ) || ( ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( stringOrChild ) && typeof stringOrChild != "string" && ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( stringOrChild ) ) ) return ;
let set = false ;
checkParent ( parent ) ;
function checkParent ( child ) {
if ( set ) return ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( child ) ) checkChild ( child ) ;
else for ( let subChild of child ) checkChild ( subChild ) ;
function checkChild ( child ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( child ) ) return ;
if ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( child . props . children ) ) checkParent ( child . props . children ) ;
else if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( child . props . children ) ) {
if ( child . props . children . every ( c => ! c || typeof c == "string" ) ) {
set = true ;
child . props . children = [ stringOrChild ] . flat ( 10 ) ;
else checkParent ( child . props . children ) ;
else {
set = true ;
child . props . children = stringOrChild ;
} ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . findConstructor = function ( nodeOrInstance , types , config = { } ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config ) ) return null ;
if ( ! nodeOrInstance || ! types ) return config . all ? ( config . group ? { } : [ ] ) : null ;
let instance = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( nodeOrInstance ) ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( nodeOrInstance ) : nodeOrInstance ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( instance ) ) return config . all ? ( config . group ? { } : [ ] ) : null ;
types = types && [ types ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => typeof n == "string" ) ;
if ( ! types . length ) return config . all ? ( config . group ? { } : [ ] ) : null ; ;
let depth = - 1 ;
let start = performance . now ( ) ;
let maxDepth = config . unlimited ? 999999999 : ( config . depth === undefined ? 30 : config . depth ) ;
let maxTime = config . unlimited ? 999999999 : ( config . time === undefined ? 150 : config . time ) ;
let whitelist = config . up ? { return : true , sibling : true , default : true , _reactInternalFiber : true } : { child : true , sibling : true , default : true , _reactInternalFiber : true } ;
let foundConstructors = config . group ? { } : [ ] ;
let singleConstructor = getConstructor ( instance ) ;
if ( config . all ) {
for ( let i in foundConstructors ) {
if ( config . group ) for ( let j in foundConstructors [ i ] ) delete foundConstructors [ i ] [ j ] . BDFDBreactSearch ;
else delete foundConstructors [ i ] . BDFDBreactSearch ;
return foundConstructors ;
else return singleConstructor ;
function getConstructor ( instance ) {
depth ++ ;
let result = undefined ;
if ( instance && ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( instance ) && ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( instance ) && depth < maxDepth && performance . now ( ) - start < maxTime ) {
if ( instance . type && types . some ( name => BDFDB . ReactUtils . isCorrectInstance ( instance , name . split ( " _ _ " ) [ 0 ] ) ) ) {
if ( config . all === undefined || ! config . all ) result = instance . type ;
else if ( config . all ) {
if ( ! instance . type . BDFDBreactSearch ) {
instance . type . BDFDBreactSearch = true ;
if ( config . group ) {
if ( instance . type && ( instance . type . render && instance . type . render . displayName || instance . type . displayName || instance . type . name ) ) {
let group = config . name . find ( name => ( instance . type . render && instance . type . render . displayName || instance . type . displayName || instance . type . name || instance . type ) == name . split ( " _ _ " ) [ 0 ] ) || "Default" ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( foundConstructors [ group ] ) ) foundConstructors [ group ] = [ ] ;
foundConstructors [ group ] . push ( instance . stateNode ) ;
else foundConstructors . push ( instance . type ) ;
if ( result === undefined ) {
let keys = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( instance ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; result === undefined && i < keys . length ; i ++ ) {
let key = keys [ i ] ;
if ( key && whitelist [ key ] && ( typeof instance [ key ] === "object" || typeof instance [ key ] === "function" ) ) result = getConstructor ( instance [ key ] ) ;
depth -- ;
return result ;
} ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode = function ( instance ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( instance ) ) return instance ;
if ( ! instance || ! instance . updater || typeof instance . updater . isMounted !== "function" || ! instance . updater . isMounted ( instance ) ) return null ;
let node = LibraryModules . ReactDOM . findDOMNode ( instance ) || BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( instance , "child.stateNode" ) ;
return Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) ? node : null ;
} ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner = function ( nodeOrInstance , config ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config ) ) return null ;
2020-10-14 21:21:08 +02:00
if ( ! nodeOrInstance || ! config . name && ! config . type && ! config . key && ! config . props && ! config . filter ) return config . all ? ( config . group ? { } : [ ] ) : null ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
let instance = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( nodeOrInstance ) ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( nodeOrInstance ) : nodeOrInstance ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( instance ) ) return config . all ? ( config . group ? { } : [ ] ) : null ;
config . name = config . name && [ config . name ] . flat ( ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
config . type = config . type && [ config . type ] . flat ( ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
config . key = config . key && [ config . key ] . flat ( ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
config . props = config . props && [ config . props ] . flat ( ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
2020-10-14 21:21:08 +02:00
config . filter = typeof config . filter == "function" && config . filter ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
let depth = - 1 ;
let start = performance . now ( ) ;
let maxDepth = config . unlimited ? 999999999 : ( config . depth === undefined ? 30 : config . depth ) ;
let maxTime = config . unlimited ? 999999999 : ( config . time === undefined ? 150 : config . time ) ;
let whitelist = config . up ? { return : true , sibling : true , _reactInternalFiber : true } : { child : true , sibling : true , _reactInternalFiber : true } ;
let foundInstances = config . group ? { } : [ ] ;
let singleInstance = getOwner ( instance ) ;
if ( config . all ) {
for ( let i in foundInstances ) {
if ( config . group ) for ( let j in foundInstances [ i ] ) delete foundInstances [ i ] [ j ] . BDFDBreactSearch ;
else delete foundInstances [ i ] . BDFDBreactSearch ;
return foundInstances ;
else return singleInstance ;
function getOwner ( instance ) {
depth ++ ;
let result = undefined ;
if ( instance && ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( instance ) && ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( instance ) && depth < maxDepth && performance . now ( ) - start < maxTime ) {
let props = instance . stateNode ? instance . stateNode . props : instance . props ;
2020-10-14 21:21:08 +02:00
if ( instance . stateNode && ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( instance . stateNode ) && ( instance . type && config . name && config . name . some ( name => BDFDB . ReactUtils . isCorrectInstance ( instance , name . split ( " _ _ " ) [ 0 ] ) ) || instance . type && config . type && config . type . some ( type => BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( type ) ? instance . type === type [ 1 ] : instance . type === type ) || instance . key && config . key && config . key . some ( key => instance . key == key ) || props && config . props && config . props . every ( prop => BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( prop ) ? ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( prop [ 1 ] ) ? prop [ 1 ] . some ( checkValue => BDFDB . equals ( props [ prop [ 0 ] ] , checkValue ) ) : BDFDB . equals ( props [ prop [ 0 ] ] , prop [ 1 ] ) ) : props [ prop ] !== undefined ) ) || config . filter && config . filter ( instance ) ) {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
if ( config . all === undefined || ! config . all ) result = instance . stateNode ;
else if ( config . all ) {
if ( ! instance . stateNode . BDFDBreactSearch ) {
instance . stateNode . BDFDBreactSearch = true ;
if ( config . group ) {
if ( config . name && instance . type && ( instance . type . render && instance . type . render . displayName || instance . type . displayName || instance . type . name || instance . type ) ) {
let group = config . name . find ( name => ( instance . type . render && instance . type . render . displayName || instance . type . displayName || instance . type . name || instance . type ) == name . split ( " _ _ " ) [ 0 ] ) || "Default" ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( foundInstances [ group ] ) ) foundInstances [ group ] = [ ] ;
foundInstances [ group ] . push ( instance . stateNode ) ;
else if ( config . type && instance . type ) {
let group = [ config . type . find ( t => BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( t ) && instance . type === t [ 1 ] ) ] . flat ( 10 ) [ 0 ] || "Default" ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( foundInstances [ group ] ) ) foundInstances [ group ] = [ ] ;
foundInstances [ group ] . push ( instance . stateNode ) ;
else foundInstances . push ( instance . stateNode ) ;
if ( result === undefined ) {
let keys = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( instance ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; result === undefined && i < keys . length ; i ++ ) {
let key = keys [ i ] ;
if ( key && whitelist [ key ] && ( typeof instance [ key ] === "object" || typeof instance [ key ] === "function" ) ) result = getOwner ( instance [ key ] ) ;
depth -- ;
return result ;
} ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . findParent = function ( nodeOrInstance , config ) {
if ( ! nodeOrInstance || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config ) || ! config . name && ! config . key && ! config . props && ! config . filter ) return [ null , - 1 ] ;
let instance = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( nodeOrInstance ) ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( nodeOrInstance ) : nodeOrInstance ;
2020-10-30 16:31:52 +01:00
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( instance ) && ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( instance ) || instance . props && typeof instance . props . children == "function" ) return [ null , - 1 ] ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
config . name = config . name && [ config . name ] . flat ( ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
config . key = config . key && [ config . key ] . flat ( ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
config . props = config . props && [ config . props ] . flat ( ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
config . filter = typeof config . filter == "function" && config . filter ;
let parent = firstArray = instance ;
while ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( firstArray ) && firstArray . props && firstArray . props . children ) firstArray = firstArray . props . children ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( firstArray ) ) {
if ( parent && parent . props ) {
parent . props . children = [ parent . props . children ] ;
firstArray = parent . props . children ;
else firstArray = [ ] ;
return getParent ( instance ) ;
function getParent ( children ) {
let result = [ firstArray , - 1 ] ;
if ( ! children ) return result ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( children ) ) {
if ( check ( children ) ) result = found ( children ) ;
else if ( children . props && children . props . children ) {
parent = children ;
result = getParent ( children . props . children ) ;
else {
for ( let i = 0 ; result [ 1 ] == - 1 && i < children . length ; i ++ ) if ( children [ i ] ) {
if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( children [ i ] ) ) {
parent = children ;
result = getParent ( children [ i ] ) ;
else if ( check ( children [ i ] ) ) {
parent = children ;
result = found ( children [ i ] ) ;
else if ( children [ i ] . props && children [ i ] . props . children ) {
parent = children [ i ] ;
result = getParent ( children [ i ] . props . children ) ;
return result ;
function found ( child ) {
if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( parent ) ) return [ parent , parent . indexOf ( child ) ] ;
else {
parent . props . children = [ ] ;
parent . props . children . push ( child ) ;
return [ parent . props . children , 0 ] ;
function check ( instance ) {
if ( ! instance ) return false ;
let props = instance . stateNode ? instance . stateNode . props : instance . props ;
return instance . type && config . name && config . name . some ( name => BDFDB . ReactUtils . isCorrectInstance ( instance , name ) ) || config . key && config . key . some ( key => instance . key == key ) || props && config . props && config . props [ config . someProps ? "some" : "every" ] ( prop => BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( prop ) ? ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( prop [ 1 ] ) ? prop [ 1 ] . some ( checkValue => propCheck ( props , prop [ 0 ] , checkValue ) ) : propCheck ( props , prop [ 0 ] , prop [ 1 ] ) ) : props [ prop ] !== undefined ) || config . filter && config . filter ( instance ) ;
function propCheck ( props , key , value ) {
return key != null && props [ key ] != null && value != null && ( key == "className" ? ( " " + props [ key ] + " " ) . indexOf ( " " + value + " " ) > - 1 : BDFDB . equals ( props [ key ] , value ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . findProps = function ( nodeOrInstance , config ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config ) ) return null ;
if ( ! nodeOrInstance || ! config . name && ! config . key ) return null ;
let instance = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( nodeOrInstance ) ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( nodeOrInstance ) : nodeOrInstance ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( instance ) ) return null ;
config . name = config . name && [ config . name ] . flat ( ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
config . key = config . key && [ config . key ] . flat ( ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
let depth = - 1 ;
let start = performance . now ( ) ;
let maxDepth = config . unlimited ? 999999999 : ( config . depth === undefined ? 30 : config . depth ) ;
let maxTime = config . unlimited ? 999999999 : ( config . time === undefined ? 150 : config . time ) ;
let whitelist = config . up ? { return : true , sibling : true , _reactInternalFiber : true } : { child : true , sibling : true , _reactInternalFiber : true } ;
return findProps ( instance ) ;
function findProps ( instance ) {
depth ++ ;
let result = undefined ;
if ( instance && ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( instance ) && ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( instance ) && depth < maxDepth && performance . now ( ) - start < maxTime ) {
if ( instance . memoizedProps && ( instance . type && config . name && config . name . some ( name => BDFDB . ReactUtils . isCorrectInstance ( instance , name . split ( " _ _ " ) [ 0 ] ) ) || config . key && config . key . some ( key => instance . key == key ) ) ) result = instance . memoizedProps ;
if ( result === undefined ) {
let keys = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( instance ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; result === undefined && i < keys . length ; i ++ ) {
let key = keys [ i ] ;
if ( key && whitelist [ key ] && ( typeof instance [ key ] === "object" || typeof instance [ key ] === "function" ) ) result = findProps ( instance [ key ] ) ;
depth -- ;
return result ;
} ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . findValue = function ( nodeOrInstance , searchKey , config = { } ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config ) ) return null ;
if ( ! nodeOrInstance || typeof searchKey != "string" ) return config . all ? [ ] : null ;
let instance = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( nodeOrInstance ) ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( nodeOrInstance ) : nodeOrInstance ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( instance ) ) return config . all ? [ ] : null ;
instance = instance . _reactInternalFiber || instance ;
let depth = - 1 ;
let start = performance . now ( ) ;
let maxDepth = config . unlimited ? 999999999 : ( config . depth === undefined ? 30 : config . depth ) ;
let maxTime = config . unlimited ? 999999999 : ( config . time === undefined ? 150 : config . time ) ;
let whitelist = {
props : true ,
state : true ,
stateNode : true ,
updater : true ,
prototype : true ,
type : true ,
children : config . up ? false : true ,
memoizedProps : true ,
memoizedState : true ,
child : config . up ? false : true ,
return : config . up ? true : false ,
sibling : config . up ? false : true
} ;
let blacklist = {
contextSection : true
} ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config . whitelist ) ) Object . assign ( whitelist , config . whiteList ) ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config . blacklist ) ) Object . assign ( blacklist , config . blacklist ) ;
let foundKeys = [ ] ;
let singleKey = getKey ( instance ) ;
if ( config . all ) return foundKeys ;
else return singleKey ;
function getKey ( instance ) {
depth ++ ;
let result = undefined ;
if ( instance && ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( instance ) && ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( instance ) && depth < maxDepth && performance . now ( ) - start < maxTime ) {
let keys = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( instance ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; result === undefined && i < keys . length ; i ++ ) {
let key = keys [ i ] ;
if ( key && ! blacklist [ key ] ) {
let value = instance [ key ] ;
if ( searchKey === key && ( config . value === undefined || BDFDB . equals ( config . value , value ) ) ) {
if ( config . all === undefined || ! config . all ) result = value ;
else if ( config . all ) {
if ( config . noCopies === undefined || ! config . noCopies ) foundKeys . push ( value ) ;
else if ( config . noCopies ) {
let copy = false ;
for ( let foundKey of foundKeys ) if ( BDFDB . equals ( value , foundKey ) ) {
copy = true ;
break ;
if ( ! copy ) foundKeys . push ( value ) ;
else if ( ( typeof value === "object" || typeof value === "function" ) && ( whitelist [ key ] || key [ 0 ] == "." || ! isNaN ( key [ 0 ] ) ) ) result = getKey ( value ) ;
depth -- ;
return result ;
} ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate = function ( ... instances ) {
for ( let ins of instances . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) if ( ins . updater && typeof ins . updater . isMounted == "function" && ins . updater . isMounted ( ins ) ) ins . forceUpdate ( ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance = function ( node ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( node ) ) return null ;
return node [ Object . keys ( node ) . find ( key => key . startsWith ( "__reactInternalInstance" ) ) ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . isCorrectInstance = function ( instance , name ) {
return instance && ( ( instance . type && ( instance . type . render && instance . type . render . displayName === name || instance . type . displayName === name || instance . type . name === name || instance . type === name ) ) || instance . render && ( instance . render . displayName === name || instance . render . name === name ) || instance . displayName == name || instance . name === name ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . render = function ( component , node ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( component ) || ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) ) return ;
try {
LibraryModules . ReactDOM . render ( component , node ) ;
let observer = new MutationObserver ( changes => changes . forEach ( change => {
let nodes = Array . from ( change . removedNodes ) ;
if ( nodes . indexOf ( node ) > - 1 || nodes . some ( n => n . contains ( node ) ) ) {
observer . disconnect ( ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . unmountComponentAtNode ( node ) ;
} ) ) ;
observer . observe ( document . body , { subtree : true , childList : true } ) ;
catch ( err ) { BDFDB . LogUtils . error ( "Could not render react element! " + err ) ; }
} ;
let MessageRerenderTimeout ;
BDFDB . MessageUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . MessageUtils . rerenderAll = function ( instant ) {
BDFDB . TimeUtils . clear ( MessageRerenderTimeout ) ;
MessageRerenderTimeout = BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => {
let channel = BDFDB . LibraryModules . ChannelStore . getChannel ( BDFDB . LibraryModules . LastChannelStore . getChannelId ( ) ) ;
if ( channel ) {
if ( BDFDB . DMUtils . isDMChannel ( channel ) ) BDFDB . DMUtils . markAsRead ( channel ) ;
else BDFDB . ChannelUtils . markAsRead ( channel ) ;
let LayerProviderIns = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . messageswrapper ) , { name : "LayerProvider" , unlimited : true , up : true } ) ;
let LayerProviderPrototype = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( LayerProviderIns , "_reactInternalFiber.type.prototype" ) ;
if ( LayerProviderIns && LayerProviderPrototype ) {
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , LayerProviderPrototype , "render" , { after : e => {
e . returnValue . props . children = [ ] ;
} } , { once : true } ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( LayerProviderIns ) ;
} , instant ? 0 : 1000 ) ;
} ;
2020-10-06 12:40:59 +02:00
BDFDB . MessageUtils . openMenu = function ( message , e = mousePosition , slim = false ) {
2020-10-06 12:09:36 +02:00
if ( ! message ) return ;
let channel = LibraryModules . ChannelStore . getChannel ( message . channel _id ) ;
if ( channel ) LibraryModules . ContextMenuUtils . openContextMenu ( e , function ( e ) {
2020-10-06 12:40:59 +02:00
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( ( BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByName ( slim ? "MessageSearchResultContextMenu" : "MessageContextMenu" , false ) || { exports : { } } ) . exports . default , Object . assign ( { } , e , {
2020-10-06 12:09:36 +02:00
message : message ,
channel : channel
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . UserUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . UserUtils . is = function ( user ) {
return user && user instanceof BDFDB . DiscordObjects . User ;
} ;
var myDataUser = LibraryModules . CurrentUserStore && LibraryModules . CurrentUserStore . getCurrentUser ( ) ;
BDFDB . UserUtils . me = new Proxy ( myDataUser || { } , {
get : function ( list , item ) {
return ( myDataUser = LibraryModules . CurrentUserStore . getCurrentUser ( ) ) && myDataUser [ item ] ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . UserUtils . getStatus = function ( id = BDFDB . UserUtils . me . id ) {
id = typeof id == "number" ? id . toFixed ( ) : id ;
2020-09-23 19:55:13 +02:00
let activity = BDFDB . UserUtils . getActivity ( id ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
return activity && activity . type == BDFDB . DiscordConstants . ActivityTypes . STREAMING ? "streaming" : LibraryModules . StatusMetaUtils . getStatus ( id ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . UserUtils . getStatusColor = function ( status ) {
status = typeof status == "string" ? status . toLowerCase ( ) : null ;
switch ( status ) {
case "online" : return BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . STATUS _GREEN ;
case "mobile" : return BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . STATUS _GREEN ;
case "idle" : return BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . STATUS _YELLOW ;
case "dnd" : return BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . STATUS _RED ;
case "playing" : return BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . BRAND ;
case "listening" : return BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . SPOTIFY ;
case "streaming" : return BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . TWITCH ;
default : return BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . STATUS _GREY ;
} ;
2020-09-23 19:55:13 +02:00
BDFDB . UserUtils . getActivity = function ( id = BDFDB . UserUtils . me . id ) {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
for ( let activity of LibraryModules . StatusMetaUtils . getActivities ( id ) ) if ( activity . type != BDFDB . DiscordConstants . ActivityTypes . CUSTOM _STATUS ) return activity ;
return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . UserUtils . getAvatar = function ( id = BDFDB . UserUtils . me . id ) {
let user = LibraryModules . UserStore . getUser ( typeof id == "number" ? id . toFixed ( ) : id ) ;
if ( ! user ) return window . location . origin + "/assets/322c936a8c8be1b803cd94861bdfa868.png" ;
else return ( ( user . avatar ? "" : window . location . origin ) + LibraryModules . IconUtils . getUserAvatarURL ( user ) ) . split ( "?" ) [ 0 ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . UserUtils . can = function ( permission , id = BDFDB . UserUtils . me . id , channelId = LibraryModules . LastChannelStore . getChannelId ( ) ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Permissions [ permission ] ) BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( permission + " not found in Permissions" ) ;
else {
let channel = LibraryModules . ChannelStore . getChannel ( channelId ) ;
if ( channel ) return LibraryModules . PermissionRoleUtils . can ( BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Permissions [ permission ] , id , channel ) ;
return false ;
} ;
BDFDB . UserUtils . openMenu = function ( id , guildId , e = mousePosition ) {
if ( ! id || ! guildId ) return ;
let user = LibraryModules . UserStore . getUser ( id ) ;
if ( user ) LibraryModules . ContextMenuUtils . openContextMenu ( e , function ( e ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( ( BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByName ( "GuildChannelUserContextMenu" , false ) || { exports : { } } ) . exports . default , Object . assign ( { } , e , {
user : user ,
guildId : guildId
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
let GuildsRerenderTimeout ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils . is = function ( guild ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( guild ) ) return false ;
let keys = Object . keys ( guild ) ;
return guild instanceof BDFDB . DiscordObjects . Guild || Object . keys ( new BDFDB . DiscordObjects . Guild ( { } ) ) . every ( key => keys . indexOf ( key ) > - 1 ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils . getIcon = function ( id ) {
let guild = LibraryModules . GuildStore . getGuild ( typeof id == "number" ? id . toFixed ( ) : id ) ;
if ( ! guild || ! guild . icon ) return null ;
return LibraryModules . IconUtils . getGuildIconURL ( guild ) . split ( "?" ) [ 0 ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils . getBanner = function ( id ) {
let guild = LibraryModules . GuildStore . getGuild ( typeof id == "number" ? id . toFixed ( ) : id ) ;
if ( ! guild || ! guild . banner ) return null ;
return LibraryModules . IconUtils . getGuildBannerURL ( guild ) . split ( "?" ) [ 0 ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils . getFolder = function ( id ) {
return BDFDB . LibraryModules . FolderStore . guildFolders . filter ( n => n . folderId ) . find ( n => n . guildIds . includes ( id ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils . getId = function ( div ) {
if ( ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( div ) || ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( div ) ) return ;
let guilddiv = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . guildouter , div ) ;
if ( ! guilddiv ) return ;
let iconWrap = guilddiv . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . guildiconwrapper ) ;
let id = iconWrap && iconWrap . href ? iconWrap . href . split ( "/" ) . slice ( - 2 ) [ 0 ] : null ;
return id && ! isNaN ( parseInt ( id ) ) ? id . toString ( ) : null ;
} ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils . getData = function ( eleOrInfoOrId ) {
if ( ! eleOrInfoOrId ) return null ;
let id = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ? BDFDB . GuildUtils . getId ( eleOrInfoOrId ) : ( typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId . id : eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
id = typeof id == "number" ? id . toFixed ( ) : id ;
for ( let info of BDFDB . GuildUtils . getAll ( ) ) if ( info && info . id == id ) return info ;
return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils . getAll = function ( ) {
let found = [ ] , objs = [ ] ;
for ( let ins of BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . guilds ) , { name : [ "Guild" , "GuildIcon" ] , all : true , unlimited : true } ) ) {
if ( ins . props && ins . props . guild ) objs . push ( Object . assign ( new ins . props . guild . constructor ( ins . props . guild ) , { div : ins . handleContextMenu && BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( ins ) , instance : ins } ) ) ;
for ( let id of BDFDB . LibraryModules . FolderStore . getFlattenedGuildIds ( ) ) {
let foundobj = null ;
for ( let obj of objs ) if ( obj . id == id ) {
foundobj = obj
break ;
if ( foundobj ) found . push ( foundobj ) ;
else {
let guild = BDFDB . LibraryModules . GuildStore . getGuild ( id ) ;
if ( guild ) found . push ( Object . assign ( new guild . constructor ( guild ) , { div : null , instance : null } ) )
return found ;
} ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils . getUnread = function ( servers ) {
let found = [ ] ;
for ( let eleOrInfoOrId of servers === undefined || ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( servers ) ? BDFDB . GuildUtils . getAll ( ) : servers ) {
if ( ! eleOrInfoOrId ) return null ;
let id = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ? BDFDB . GuildUtils . getId ( eleOrInfoOrId ) : ( typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId . id : eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
id = typeof id == "number" ? id . toFixed ( ) : id ;
if ( id && ( LibraryModules . UnreadGuildUtils . hasUnread ( id ) || LibraryModules . UnreadGuildUtils . getMentionCount ( id ) > 0 ) ) found . push ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
return found ;
} ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils . getPinged = function ( servers ) {
let found = [ ] ;
for ( let eleOrInfoOrId of servers === undefined || ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( servers ) ? BDFDB . GuildUtils . getAll ( ) : servers ) {
if ( ! eleOrInfoOrId ) return null ;
let id = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ? BDFDB . GuildUtils . getId ( eleOrInfoOrId ) : ( typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId . id : eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
id = typeof id == "number" ? id . toFixed ( ) : id ;
if ( id && LibraryModules . UnreadGuildUtils . getMentionCount ( id ) > 0 ) found . push ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
return found ;
} ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils . getMuted = function ( servers ) {
let found = [ ] ;
for ( let eleOrInfoOrId of servers === undefined || ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( servers ) ? BDFDB . GuildUtils . getAll ( ) : servers ) {
if ( ! eleOrInfoOrId ) return null ;
let id = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ? BDFDB . GuildUtils . getId ( eleOrInfoOrId ) : ( typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId . id : eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
id = typeof id == "number" ? id . toFixed ( ) : id ;
if ( id && LibraryModules . MutedUtils . isGuildOrCategoryOrChannelMuted ( id ) ) found . push ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
return found ;
} ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils . getSelected = function ( ) {
let info = LibraryModules . GuildStore . getGuild ( LibraryModules . LastGuildStore . getGuildId ( ) ) ;
if ( info ) return BDFDB . GuildUtils . getData ( info . id ) || Object . assign ( new info . constructor ( info ) , { div : null , instance : null } ) ;
else return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils . openMenu = function ( eleOrInfoOrId , e = mousePosition ) {
if ( ! eleOrInfoOrId ) return ;
let id = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ? BDFDB . GuildUtils . getId ( eleOrInfoOrId ) : ( typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId . id : eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
let guild = LibraryModules . GuildStore . getGuild ( id ) ;
if ( guild ) LibraryModules . ContextMenuUtils . openContextMenu ( e , function ( e ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( ( BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByName ( "GuildContextMenu" , false ) || { exports : { } } ) . exports . default , Object . assign ( { } , e , {
guild : guild
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils . markAsRead = function ( guilds ) {
if ( ! guilds ) return ;
let unreadChannels = [ ] ;
for ( let guild of [ guilds ] . map ( n => NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( n ) ? Array . from ( n ) : n ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) {
let id = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( guild ) ? BDFDB . GuildUtils . getId ( guild ) : ( guild && typeof guild == "object" ? guild . id : guild ) ;
let channels = id && LibraryModules . GuildChannelStore . getChannels ( id ) ;
if ( channels ) for ( let type in channels ) if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( channels [ type ] ) ) for ( let channelObj of channels [ type ] ) unreadChannels . push ( channelObj . channel . id ) ;
if ( unreadChannels . length ) BDFDB . ChannelUtils . markAsRead ( unreadChannels ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . GuildUtils . rerenderAll = function ( instant ) {
BDFDB . TimeUtils . clear ( GuildsRerenderTimeout ) ;
GuildsRerenderTimeout = BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => {
let GuildsIns = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . app ) , { name : "Guilds" , unlimited : true } ) ;
let GuildsPrototype = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( GuildsIns , "_reactInternalFiber.type.prototype" ) ;
if ( GuildsIns && GuildsPrototype ) {
2020-10-30 16:10:32 +01:00
let injectPlaceholder = returnValue => {
let [ children , index ] = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findParent ( returnValue , { name : "ConnectedUnreadDMs" } ) ;
if ( index > - 1 ) children . splice ( index + 1 , 0 , BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , { } ) ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( GuildsIns ) ;
2020-10-30 16:10:32 +01:00
} ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , GuildsPrototype , "render" , { after : e => {
if ( typeof e . returnValue . props . children == "function" ) {
let childrenRender = e . returnValue . props . children ;
e . returnValue . props . children = ( ... args ) => {
let children = childrenRender ( ... args ) ;
injectPlaceholder ( children ) ;
return children ;
} ;
else injectPlaceholder ( e . returnValue ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} } , { once : true } ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( GuildsIns ) ;
} , instant ? 0 : 1000 ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . FolderUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . FolderUtils . getId = function ( div ) {
if ( ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( div ) || ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( div ) ) return ;
div = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . guildfolderwrapper , div ) ;
if ( ! div ) return ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . findValue ( div , "folderId" , { up : true } ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . FolderUtils . getDefaultName = function ( folderId ) {
let folder = BDFDB . LibraryModules . FolderStore . getGuildFolderById ( folderId ) ;
if ( ! folder ) return "" ;
let rest = 2 * BDFDB . DiscordConstants . MAX _GUILD _FOLDER _NAME _LENGTH ;
let names = [ ] , allNames = folder . guildIds . map ( guildId => ( BDFDB . LibraryModules . GuildStore . getGuild ( guildId ) || { } ) . name ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
for ( let name of allNames ) if ( name . length < rest || names . length === 0 ) {
names . push ( name ) ;
rest -= name . length ;
return names . join ( ", " ) + ( names . length < allNames . length ? ", ..." : "" ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . FolderUtils . getDiv = function ( eleOrInfoOrId ) {
if ( ! eleOrInfoOrId ) return null ;
let info = BDFDB . FolderUtils . getData ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
return info ? info . div : null ;
} ;
BDFDB . FolderUtils . getData = function ( eleOrInfoOrId ) {
if ( ! eleOrInfoOrId ) return null ;
let id = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ? BDFDB . FolderUtils . getId ( eleOrInfoOrId ) : ( typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId . id : eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
id = typeof id == "number" ? id . toFixed ( ) : id ;
for ( let info of BDFDB . FolderUtils . getAll ( ) ) if ( info && info . folderId == id ) return info ;
return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . FolderUtils . getAll = function ( ) {
let found = [ ] ;
for ( let ins of BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . guildswrapper ) , { name : "GuildFolder" , all : true , unlimited : true } ) ) {
if ( ins . props && ins . props . folderId ) found . push ( Object . assign ( { } , ins . props , { div : BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( ins ) , instance : ins } ) ) ;
return found ;
} ;
2020-10-30 15:42:08 +01:00
let ChannelsRerenderTimeout ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . ChannelUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . ChannelUtils . is = function ( channel ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( channel ) ) return false ;
let keys = Object . keys ( channel ) ;
return channel instanceof BDFDB . DiscordObjects . Channel || Object . keys ( new BDFDB . DiscordObjects . Channel ( { } ) ) . every ( key => keys . indexOf ( key ) > - 1 ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ChannelUtils . isTextChannel = function ( channelOrId ) {
let channel = typeof channelOrId == "string" ? LibraryModules . ChannelStore . getChannel ( channelOrId ) : channelOrId ;
return BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( channel ) && ( channel . type == BDFDB . DiscordConstants . ChannelTypes . GUILD _TEXT || channel . type == BDFDB . DiscordConstants . ChannelTypes . GUILD _STORE || channel . type == BDFDB . DiscordConstants . ChannelTypes . GUILD _ANNOUNCEMENT ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ChannelUtils . getId = function ( div ) {
if ( ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( div ) || ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( div ) ) return ;
div = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCNC . categorycontainerdefault + BDFDB . dotCNC . channelcontainerdefault + BDFDB . dotCN . dmchannel , div ) ;
if ( ! div ) return ;
let info = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findValue ( div , "channel" ) ;
return info ? info . id . toString ( ) : null ;
} ;
BDFDB . ChannelUtils . getDiv = function ( eleOrInfoOrId ) {
if ( ! eleOrInfoOrId ) return null ;
let info = BDFDB . ChannelUtils . getData ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
return info ? info . div : null ;
} ;
BDFDB . ChannelUtils . getData = function ( eleOrInfoOrId ) {
if ( ! eleOrInfoOrId ) return null ;
let id = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ? BDFDB . ChannelUtils . getId ( eleOrInfoOrId ) : ( typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId . id : eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
id = typeof id == "number" ? id . toFixed ( ) : id ;
for ( let info of BDFDB . ChannelUtils . getAll ( ) ) if ( info && info . id == id ) return info ;
return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . ChannelUtils . getName = function ( id , addPrefix ) {
let channel = BDFDB . LibraryModules . ChannelStore . getChannel ( id ) ;
if ( ! channel ) return "" ;
switch ( channel . type ) {
case BDFDB . DiscordConstants . ChannelTypes . DM :
let user = channel . recipients . map ( BDFDB . LibraryModules . UserStore . getUser ) . filter ( n => n ) [ 0 ] ;
return ( addPrefix && "@" || "" ) + ( user && user . toString ( ) || "" ) ;
case BDFDB . DiscordConstants . ChannelTypes . GROUP _DM :
if ( channel . name ) return channel . name ;
let users = channel . recipients . map ( BDFDB . LibraryModules . UserStore . getUser ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
return users . length > 0 ? users . map ( user => user . toString ) . join ( ", " ) : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . UNNAMED ;
case BDFDB . DiscordConstants . ChannelTypes . GUILD _ANNOUNCEMENT :
case BDFDB . DiscordConstants . ChannelTypes . GUILD _TEXT :
return ( addPrefix && "#" || "" ) + channel . name ;
default :
return channel . name
} ;
BDFDB . ChannelUtils . getAll = function ( ) {
let found = [ ] ;
for ( let ins of BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . channels ) , { name : [ "ChannelCategoryItem" , "ChannelItem" , "PrivateChannel" ] , all : true , unlimited : true } ) ) if ( ins . props && ! ins . props . ispin && ins . props . channel && ins . _reactInternalFiber . return ) {
let div = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( ins ) ;
div = div && BDFDB . DOMUtils . containsClass ( div . parentElement , BDFDB . disCN . categorycontainerdefault , BDFDB . disCN . channelcontainerdefault , false ) ? div . parentElement : div ;
found . push ( Object . assign ( new ins . props . channel . constructor ( ins . props . channel ) , { div , instance : ins } ) ) ;
return found ;
} ;
BDFDB . ChannelUtils . getSelected = function ( ) {
let info = LibraryModules . ChannelStore . getChannel ( LibraryModules . LastChannelStore . getChannelId ( ) ) ;
if ( info ) return BDFDB . ChannelUtils . getData ( info . id ) || Object . assign ( new info . constructor ( info ) , { div : null , instance : null } ) ;
else return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . ChannelUtils . markAsRead = function ( channels ) {
if ( ! channels ) return ;
let unreadChannels = [ ] ;
for ( let channel of [ channels ] . map ( n => NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( n ) ? Array . from ( n ) : n ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) {
let id = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( channel ) ? BDFDB . ChannelUtils . getId ( channel ) : ( channel && typeof channel == "object" ? channel . id : channel ) ;
if ( id && BDFDB . ChannelUtils . isTextChannel ( id ) ) unreadChannels . push ( {
channelId : id ,
messageId : LibraryModules . UnreadChannelUtils . lastMessageId ( id )
} ) ;
if ( unreadChannels . length ) LibraryModules . AckUtils . bulkAck ( unreadChannels ) ;
} ;
2020-10-30 15:42:08 +01:00
BDFDB . ChannelUtils . rerenderAll = function ( instant ) {
BDFDB . TimeUtils . clear ( ChannelsRerenderTimeout ) ;
ChannelsRerenderTimeout = BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => {
let ChannelsIns = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . guildchannels ) , { name : "Channels" , unlimited : true } ) ;
let ChannelsPrototype = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( ChannelsIns , "_reactInternalFiber.type.prototype" ) ;
if ( ChannelsIns && ChannelsPrototype ) {
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , ChannelsPrototype , "render" , { after : e => {
2020-10-30 15:54:55 +01:00
e . returnValue . props . children = typeof e . returnValue . props . children == "function" ? ( _ => { return null ; } ) : [ ] ;
2020-10-30 15:42:08 +01:00
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( ChannelsIns ) ;
} } , { once : true } ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( ChannelsIns ) ;
} , instant ? 0 : 1000 ) ;
} ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . DMUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . DMUtils . isDMChannel = function ( channelOrId ) {
let channel = typeof channelOrId == "string" ? LibraryModules . ChannelStore . getChannel ( channelOrId ) : channelOrId ;
return BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( channel ) && ( channel . type == BDFDB . DiscordConstants . ChannelTypes . DM || channel . type == BDFDB . DiscordConstants . ChannelTypes . GROUP _DM ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DMUtils . getIcon = function ( id ) {
let channel = LibraryModules . ChannelStore . getChannel ( id = typeof id == "number" ? id . toFixed ( ) : id ) ;
if ( ! channel ) return null ;
if ( ! channel . icon ) return channel . type == 1 ? BDFDB . UserUtils . getAvatar ( channel . recipients [ 0 ] ) : ( channel . type == 3 ? window . location . origin + LibraryModules . IconUtils . getChannelIconURL ( channel ) . split ( "?" ) [ 0 ] : null ) ;
return LibraryModules . IconUtils . getChannelIconURL ( channel ) . split ( "?" ) [ 0 ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . DMUtils . getId = function ( div ) {
if ( ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( div ) || ! BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( div ) ) return ;
let dmdiv = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . guildouter , div ) ;
if ( ! dmdiv ) return ;
let iconWrap = dmdiv . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . guildiconwrapper ) ;
let id = iconWrap && iconWrap . href ? iconWrap . href . split ( "/" ) . slice ( - 1 ) [ 0 ] : null ;
return id && ! isNaN ( parseInt ( id ) ) ? id . toString ( ) : null ;
} ;
BDFDB . DMUtils . getDiv = function ( eleOrInfoOrId ) {
if ( ! eleOrInfoOrId ) return null ;
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ) {
var div = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . guildouter , eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
return div ? div . parentElement : div ;
else {
let id = typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId . id : eleOrInfoOrId ;
if ( id ) {
var div = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . guildouter , document . querySelector ( ` ${ BDFDB . dotCNS . guilds + BDFDB . dotCN . dmpill + " + * " + BDFDB . dotCN . guildiconwrapper } [href*="/channels/@me/ ${ id } "] ` ) ) ;
return div && BDFDB ? div . parentElement : div ;
return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . DMUtils . getData = function ( eleOrInfoOrId ) {
if ( ! eleOrInfoOrId ) return null ;
let id = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ? BDFDB . BDFDB . DMUtils . getId ( eleOrInfoOrId ) : ( typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId . id : eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
id = typeof id == "number" ? id . toFixed ( ) : id ;
for ( let info of BDFDB . DMUtils . getAll ( ) ) if ( info && info . id == id ) return info ;
return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . DMUtils . getAll = function ( ) {
let found = [ ] ;
for ( let ins of BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . guilds ) , { name : "DirectMessage" , all : true , unlimited : true } ) ) {
if ( ins . props && ins . props . channel ) found . push ( Object . assign ( new ins . props . channel . constructor ( ins . props . channel ) , { div : BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( ins ) , instance : ins } ) ) ;
return found ;
} ;
BDFDB . DMUtils . openMenu = function ( eleOrInfoOrId , e = mousePosition ) {
if ( ! eleOrInfoOrId ) return ;
let id = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( eleOrInfoOrId ) ? BDFDB . ChannelUtils . getId ( eleOrInfoOrId ) : ( typeof eleOrInfoOrId == "object" ? eleOrInfoOrId . id : eleOrInfoOrId ) ;
let channel = LibraryModules . ChannelStore . getChannel ( id ) ;
if ( channel ) {
if ( channel . isMultiUserDM ( ) ) LibraryModules . ContextMenuUtils . openContextMenu ( e , function ( e ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( ( BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByName ( "GroupDMContextMenu" , false ) || { exports : { } } ) . exports . default , Object . assign ( { } , e , {
channel : channel ,
selected : channel . id == LibraryModules . LastChannelStore . getChannelId ( )
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
else LibraryModules . ContextMenuUtils . openContextMenu ( e , function ( e ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( ( BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByName ( "DMUserContextMenu" , false ) || { exports : { } } ) . exports . default , Object . assign ( { } , e , {
user : LibraryModules . UserStore . getUser ( channel . recipients [ 0 ] ) ,
channel : channel ,
selected : channel . id == LibraryModules . LastChannelStore . getChannelId ( )
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DMUtils . markAsRead = function ( dms ) {
if ( ! dms ) return ;
let unreadChannels = [ ] ;
for ( let dm of [ dms ] . map ( n => NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( n ) ? Array . from ( n ) : n ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) {
let id = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( dm ) ? BDFDB . BDFDB . DMUtils . getId ( dm ) : ( dm && typeof dm == "object" ? dm . id : dm ) ;
if ( id ) unreadChannels . push ( id ) ;
for ( let i in unreadChannels ) BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => { LibraryModules . AckUtils . ack ( unreadChannels [ i ] ) ; } , i * 1000 ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . writeConfig = function ( path , config ) {
try { LibraryRequires . fs . writeFileSync ( path , JSON . stringify ( config , null , " " ) ) ; }
catch ( err ) { }
} ;
InternalBDFDB . readConfig = function ( path ) {
try { return JSON . parse ( LibraryRequires . fs . readFileSync ( path ) ) ; }
catch ( err ) { return { } ; }
} ;
BDFDB . DataUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . DataUtils . save = function ( data , plugin , key , id ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
let pluginName = typeof plugin === "string" ? plugin : plugin . name ;
2020-09-29 09:10:42 +02:00
let fileName = pluginName == "BDFDB" ? "0BDFDB" : pluginName ;
let configPath = LibraryRequires . path . join ( BDFDB . BDUtils . getPluginsFolder ( ) , fileName + ".config.json" ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
let config = Cache . data [ pluginName ] !== undefined ? Cache . data [ pluginName ] : ( InternalBDFDB . readConfig ( configPath ) || { } ) ;
if ( key === undefined ) config = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( data ) ? BDFDB . ObjectUtils . sort ( data ) : data ;
else {
if ( id === undefined ) config [ key ] = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( data ) ? BDFDB . ObjectUtils . sort ( data ) : data ;
else {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config [ key ] ) ) config [ key ] = { } ;
config [ key ] [ id ] = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( data ) ? BDFDB . ObjectUtils . sort ( data ) : data ;
let configIsObject = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config ) ;
if ( key !== undefined && configIsObject && BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config [ key ] ) && BDFDB . ObjectUtils . isEmpty ( config [ key ] ) ) delete config [ key ] ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . isEmpty ( config ) ) {
delete Cache . data [ pluginName ] ;
if ( LibraryRequires . fs . existsSync ( configPath ) ) LibraryRequires . fs . unlinkSync ( configPath ) ;
else {
if ( configIsObject ) config = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . sort ( config ) ;
Cache . data [ pluginName ] = configIsObject ? BDFDB . ObjectUtils . deepAssign ( { } , config ) : config ;
InternalBDFDB . writeConfig ( configPath , config ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DataUtils . load = function ( plugin , key , id ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
let pluginName = typeof plugin === "string" ? plugin : plugin . name ;
2020-09-29 09:10:42 +02:00
let fileName = pluginName == "BDFDB" ? "0BDFDB" : pluginName ;
let configPath = LibraryRequires . path . join ( BDFDB . BDUtils . getPluginsFolder ( ) , fileName + ".config.json" ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
let config = Cache . data [ pluginName ] !== undefined ? Cache . data [ pluginName ] : ( InternalBDFDB . readConfig ( configPath ) || { } ) ;
let configIsObject = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config ) ;
Cache . data [ pluginName ] = configIsObject ? BDFDB . ObjectUtils . deepAssign ( { } , config ) : config ;
if ( key === undefined ) return config ;
else {
let keydata = configIsObject ? ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config [ key ] ) || config [ key ] == undefined ? BDFDB . ObjectUtils . deepAssign ( { } , config [ key ] ) : config [ key ] ) : null ;
if ( id === undefined ) return keydata ;
else return ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( keydata ) || keydata [ id ] === undefined ? null : keydata [ id ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . DataUtils . remove = function ( plugin , key , id ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
let pluginName = typeof plugin === "string" ? plugin : plugin . name ;
2020-09-29 09:10:42 +02:00
let fileName = pluginName == "BDFDB" ? "0BDFDB" : pluginName ;
let configPath = LibraryRequires . path . join ( BDFDB . BDUtils . getPluginsFolder ( ) , fileName + ".config.json" ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
let config = Cache . data [ pluginName ] !== undefined ? Cache . data [ pluginName ] : ( InternalBDFDB . readConfig ( configPath ) || { } ) ;
let configIsObject = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config ) ;
if ( key === undefined || ! configIsObject ) config = { } ;
else {
if ( id === undefined ) delete config [ key ] ;
else if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config [ key ] ) ) delete config [ key ] [ id ] ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config [ key ] ) && BDFDB . ObjectUtils . isEmpty ( config [ key ] ) ) delete config [ key ] ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . isEmpty ( config ) ) {
delete Cache . data [ pluginName ] ;
if ( LibraryRequires . fs . existsSync ( configPath ) ) LibraryRequires . fs . unlinkSync ( configPath ) ;
else {
if ( configIsObject ) config = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . sort ( config ) ;
Cache . data [ pluginName ] = configIsObject ? BDFDB . ObjectUtils . deepAssign ( { } , config ) : config ;
InternalBDFDB . writeConfig ( configPath , config ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DataUtils . get = function ( plugin , key , id ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
plugin = typeof plugin == "string" ? BDFDB . BDUtils . getPlugin ( plugin ) : plugin ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) ) return id === undefined ? { } : null ;
let defaults = plugin . defaults ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( defaults ) || ! defaults [ key ] ) return id === undefined ? { } : null ;
let oldC = BDFDB . DataUtils . load ( plugin , key ) , newC = { } , update = false ;
for ( let k in defaults [ key ] ) {
let isObj = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( defaults [ key ] [ k ] . value ) ;
if ( oldC [ k ] == null || isObj && ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( oldC [ k ] ) || Object . keys ( defaults [ key ] [ k ] . value ) . some ( n => defaults [ key ] [ k ] . value [ n ] != null && ! BDFDB . sameProto ( defaults [ key ] [ k ] . value [ n ] , oldC [ k ] [ n ] ) ) ) ) {
newC [ k ] = isObj ? BDFDB . ObjectUtils . deepAssign ( { } , defaults [ key ] [ k ] . value ) : defaults [ key ] [ k ] . value ;
update = true ;
else newC [ k ] = oldC [ k ] ;
if ( update ) BDFDB . DataUtils . save ( newC , plugin , key ) ;
if ( id === undefined ) return newC ;
else return newC [ id ] === undefined ? null : newC [ id ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . ColorUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert = function ( color , conv , type ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( color ) ) {
var newColor = { } ;
for ( let pos in color ) newColor [ pos ] = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color [ pos ] , conv , type ) ;
return newColor ;
else {
conv = conv === undefined || ! conv ? conv = "RGBCOMP" : conv . toUpperCase ( ) ;
type = type === undefined || ! type || ! [ "RGB" , "RGBA" , "RGBCOMP" , "HSL" , "HSLA" , "HSLCOMP" , "HEX" , "HEXA" , "INT" ] . includes ( type . toUpperCase ( ) ) ? BDFDB . ColorUtils . getType ( color ) : type . toUpperCase ( ) ;
if ( conv == "RGBCOMP" ) {
switch ( type ) {
case "RGBCOMP" :
if ( color . length == 3 ) return processRGB ( color ) ;
else if ( color . length == 4 ) {
let a = processA ( color . pop ( ) ) ;
return processRGB ( color ) . concat ( a ) ;
break ;
case "RGB" :
return processRGB ( color . replace ( /\s/g , "" ) . slice ( 4 , - 1 ) . split ( "," ) ) ;
case "RGBA" :
let comp = color . replace ( /\s/g , "" ) . slice ( 5 , - 1 ) . split ( "," ) ;
let a = processA ( comp . pop ( ) ) ;
return processRGB ( comp ) . concat ( a ) ;
case "HSLCOMP" :
if ( color . length == 3 ) return BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( ` hsl( ${ processHSL ( color ) . join ( "," ) } ) ` , "RGBCOMP" ) ;
else if ( color . length == 4 ) {
let a = processA ( color . pop ( ) ) ;
return BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( ` hsl( ${ processHSL ( color ) . join ( "," ) } ) ` , "RGBCOMP" ) . concat ( a ) ;
break ;
case "HSL" :
var hslcomp = processHSL ( color . replace ( /\s/g , "" ) . slice ( 4 , - 1 ) . split ( "," ) ) ;
var r , g , b , m , c , x , p , q ;
var h = hslcomp [ 0 ] / 360 , l = parseInt ( hslcomp [ 1 ] ) / 100 , s = parseInt ( hslcomp [ 2 ] ) / 100 ; m = Math . floor ( h * 6 ) ; c = h * 6 - m ; x = s * ( 1 - l ) ; p = s * ( 1 - c * l ) ; q = s * ( 1 - ( 1 - c ) * l ) ;
switch ( m % 6 ) {
case 0 : r = s , g = q , b = x ; break ;
case 1 : r = p , g = s , b = x ; break ;
case 2 : r = x , g = s , b = q ; break ;
case 3 : r = x , g = p , b = s ; break ;
case 4 : r = q , g = x , b = s ; break ;
case 5 : r = s , g = x , b = p ; break ;
return [ Math . round ( r * 255 ) , Math . round ( g * 255 ) , Math . round ( b * 255 ) ] ;
case "HSLA" :
var hslcomp = color . replace ( /\s/g , "" ) . slice ( 5 , - 1 ) . split ( "," ) ;
return BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( ` hsl( ${ hslcomp . slice ( 0 , 3 ) . join ( "," ) } ) ` , "RGBCOMP" ) . concat ( processA ( hslcomp . pop ( ) ) ) ;
case "HEX" :
var hex = /^#([a-f\d]{1})([a-f\d]{1})([a-f\d]{1})$|^#([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i . exec ( color ) ;
return [ parseInt ( hex [ 1 ] + hex [ 1 ] || hex [ 4 ] , 16 ) . toString ( ) , parseInt ( hex [ 2 ] + hex [ 2 ] || hex [ 5 ] , 16 ) . toString ( ) , parseInt ( hex [ 3 ] + hex [ 3 ] || hex [ 6 ] , 16 ) . toString ( ) ] ;
case "HEXA" :
var hex = /^#([a-f\d]{1})([a-f\d]{1})([a-f\d]{1})([a-f\d]{1})$|^#([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i . exec ( color ) ;
return [ parseInt ( hex [ 1 ] + hex [ 1 ] || hex [ 5 ] , 16 ) . toString ( ) , parseInt ( hex [ 2 ] + hex [ 2 ] || hex [ 6 ] , 16 ) . toString ( ) , parseInt ( hex [ 3 ] + hex [ 3 ] || hex [ 7 ] , 16 ) . toString ( ) , Math . floor ( BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ 0 , 255 ] , [ 0 , 100 ] , parseInt ( hex [ 4 ] + hex [ 4 ] || hex [ 8 ] , 16 ) . toString ( ) ) ) / 100 ] ;
case "INT" :
color = processINT ( color ) ;
return [ ( color >> 16 & 255 ) . toString ( ) , ( color >> 8 & 255 ) . toString ( ) , ( color & 255 ) . toString ( ) ] ;
default :
return null ;
else {
if ( conv && type && conv . indexOf ( "HSL" ) == 0 && type . indexOf ( "HSL" ) == 0 ) {
if ( type == "HSLCOMP" ) {
switch ( conv ) {
case "HSLCOMP" :
if ( color . length == 3 ) return processHSL ( color ) ;
else if ( color . length == 4 ) {
var a = processA ( color . pop ( ) ) ;
return processHSL ( color ) . concat ( a ) ;
break ;
case "HSL" :
return ` hsl( ${ processHSL ( color . slice ( 0 , 3 ) ) . join ( "," ) } ) ` ;
case "HSLA" :
color = color . slice ( 0 , 4 ) ;
var a = color . length == 4 ? processA ( color . pop ( ) ) : 1 ;
return ` hsla( ${ processHSL ( color ) . concat ( a ) . join ( "," ) } ) ` ;
else return BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color . replace ( /\s/g , "" ) . slice ( color . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( "hsla" ) == 0 ? 5 : 4 , - 1 ) . split ( "," ) , conv , "HSLCOMP" ) ;
else {
let rgbcomp = type == "RGBCOMP" ? color : BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color , "RGBCOMP" , type ) ;
if ( rgbcomp ) switch ( conv ) {
case "RGB" :
return ` rgb( ${ processRGB ( rgbcomp . slice ( 0 , 3 ) ) . join ( "," ) } ) ` ;
case "RGBA" :
rgbcomp = rgbcomp . slice ( 0 , 4 ) ;
var a = rgbcomp . length == 4 ? processA ( rgbcomp . pop ( ) ) : 1 ;
return ` rgba( ${ processRGB ( rgbcomp ) . concat ( a ) . join ( "," ) } ) ` ;
case "HSLCOMP" :
var a = rgbcomp . length == 4 ? processA ( rgbcomp . pop ( ) ) : null ;
var hslcomp = processHSL ( BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( rgbcomp , "HSL" ) . replace ( /\s/g , "" ) . split ( "," ) ) ;
return a != null ? hslcomp . concat ( a ) : hslcomp ;
case "HSL" :
var r = processC ( rgbcomp [ 0 ] ) , g = processC ( rgbcomp [ 1 ] ) , b = processC ( rgbcomp [ 2 ] ) ;
var max = Math . max ( r , g , b ) , min = Math . min ( r , g , b ) , dif = max - min , h , l = max === 0 ? 0 : dif / max , s = max / 255 ;
switch ( max ) {
case min : h = 0 ; break ;
case r : h = g - b + dif * ( g < b ? 6 : 0 ) ; h /= 6 * dif ; break ;
case g : h = b - r + dif * 2 ; h /= 6 * dif ; break ;
case b : h = r - g + dif * 4 ; h /= 6 * dif ; break ;
return ` hsl( ${ processHSL ( [ Math . round ( h * 360 ) , l * 100 , s * 100 ] ) . join ( "," ) } ) ` ;
case "HSLA" :
var a = rgbcomp . length == 4 ? processA ( rgbcomp . pop ( ) ) : 1 ;
return ` hsla( ${ BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( rgbcomp , "HSL" ) . slice ( 4 , - 1 ) . split ( "," ) . concat ( a ) . join ( "," ) } ) ` ;
case "HEX" :
return ( "#" + ( 0x1000000 + ( rgbcomp [ 2 ] | rgbcomp [ 1 ] << 8 | rgbcomp [ 0 ] << 16 ) ) . toString ( 16 ) . slice ( 1 ) ) . toUpperCase ( ) ;
case "HEXA" :
return ( "#" + ( 0x1000000 + ( rgbcomp [ 2 ] | rgbcomp [ 1 ] << 8 | rgbcomp [ 0 ] << 16 ) ) . toString ( 16 ) . slice ( 1 ) + ( 0x100 + Math . round ( BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ 0 , 100 ] , [ 0 , 255 ] , processA ( rgbcomp [ 3 ] ) * 100 ) ) ) . toString ( 16 ) . slice ( 1 ) ) . toUpperCase ( ) ;
case "INT" :
return processINT ( rgbcomp [ 2 ] | rgbcomp [ 1 ] << 8 | rgbcomp [ 0 ] << 16 ) ;
default :
return null ;
return null ;
function processC ( c ) { if ( c == null ) { return 255 ; } else { c = parseInt ( c . toString ( ) . replace ( /[^0-9\-]/g , "" ) ) ; return isNaN ( c ) || c > 255 ? 255 : c < 0 ? 0 : c ; } } ;
function processRGB ( comp ) { return comp . map ( c => { return processC ( c ) ; } ) ; } ;
function processA ( a ) { if ( a == null ) { return 1 ; } else { a = a . toString ( ) ; a = ( a . indexOf ( "%" ) > - 1 ? 0.01 : 1 ) * parseFloat ( a . replace ( /[^0-9\.\-]/g , "" ) ) ; return isNaN ( a ) || a > 1 ? 1 : a < 0 ? 0 : a ; } } ;
function processSL ( sl ) { if ( sl == null ) { return "100%" ; } else { sl = parseFloat ( sl . toString ( ) . replace ( /[^0-9\.\-]/g , "" ) ) ; return ( isNaN ( sl ) || sl > 100 ? 100 : sl < 0 ? 0 : sl ) + "%" ; } } ;
function processHSL ( comp ) { let h = parseFloat ( comp . shift ( ) . toString ( ) . replace ( /[^0-9\.\-]/g , "" ) ) ; h = isNaN ( h ) || h > 360 ? 360 : h < 0 ? 0 : h ; return [ h ] . concat ( comp . map ( sl => { return processSL ( sl ) ; } ) ) ; } ;
function processINT ( c ) { if ( c == null ) { return 16777215 ; } else { c = parseInt ( c . toString ( ) . replace ( /[^0-9]/g , "" ) ) ; return isNaN ( c ) || c > 16777215 ? 16777215 : c < 0 ? 0 : c ; } } ;
} ;
BDFDB . ColorUtils . setAlpha = function ( color , a , conv ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( color ) ) {
var newcolor = { } ;
for ( let pos in color ) newcolor [ pos ] = BDFDB . ColorUtils . setAlpha ( color [ pos ] , a , conv ) ;
return newcolor ;
else {
var comp = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color , "RGBCOMP" ) ;
if ( comp ) {
a = a . toString ( ) ;
a = ( a . indexOf ( "%" ) > - 1 ? 0.01 : 1 ) * parseFloat ( a . replace ( /[^0-9\.\-]/g , "" ) ) ;
a = isNaN ( a ) || a > 1 ? 1 : a < 0 ? 0 : a ;
comp [ 3 ] = a ;
conv = ( conv || BDFDB . ColorUtils . getType ( color ) ) . toUpperCase ( ) ;
conv = conv == "RGB" || conv == "HSL" || conv == "HEX" ? conv + "A" : conv ;
return BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( comp , conv ) ;
return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . ColorUtils . getAlpha = function ( color ) {
var comp = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color , "RGBCOMP" ) ;
if ( comp ) {
if ( comp . length == 3 ) return 1 ;
else if ( comp . length == 4 ) {
let a = comp [ 3 ] . toString ( ) ;
a = ( a . indexOf ( "%" ) > - 1 ? 0.01 : 1 ) * parseFloat ( a . replace ( /[^0-9\.\-]/g , "" ) ) ;
return isNaN ( a ) || a > 1 ? 1 : a < 0 ? 0 : a ;
return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . ColorUtils . change = function ( color , value , conv ) {
value = parseFloat ( value ) ;
if ( color != null && typeof value == "number" && ! isNaN ( value ) ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( color ) ) {
var newcolor = { } ;
for ( let pos in color ) newcolor [ pos ] = BDFDB . ColorUtils . change ( color [ pos ] , value , conv ) ;
return newcolor ;
else {
var comp = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color , "RGBCOMP" ) ;
if ( comp ) {
if ( parseInt ( value ) !== value ) {
value = value . toString ( ) ;
value = ( value . indexOf ( "%" ) > - 1 ? 0.01 : 1 ) * parseFloat ( value . replace ( /[^0-9\.\-]/g , "" ) ) ;
value = isNaN ( value ) ? 0 : value ;
return BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( [ Math . round ( comp [ 0 ] * ( 1 + value ) ) , Math . round ( comp [ 1 ] * ( 1 + value ) ) , Math . round ( comp [ 2 ] * ( 1 + value ) ) ] , conv || BDFDB . ColorUtils . getType ( color ) ) ;
else return BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( [ Math . round ( comp [ 0 ] + value ) , Math . round ( comp [ 1 ] + value ) , Math . round ( comp [ 2 ] + value ) ] , conv || BDFDB . ColorUtils . getType ( color ) ) ;
return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . ColorUtils . invert = function ( color , conv ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( color ) ) {
var newcolor = { } ;
for ( let pos in color ) newcolor [ pos ] = BDFDB . ColorUtils . invert ( color [ pos ] , conv ) ;
return newcolor ;
else {
var comp = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color , "RGBCOMP" ) ;
if ( comp ) return BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( [ 255 - comp [ 0 ] , 255 - comp [ 1 ] , 255 - comp [ 2 ] ] , conv || BDFDB . ColorUtils . getType ( color ) ) ;
return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . ColorUtils . compare = function ( color1 , color2 ) {
if ( color1 && color2 ) {
color1 = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color1 , "RGBA" ) ;
color2 = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color2 , "RGBA" ) ;
if ( color1 && color2 ) return BDFDB . equals ( color1 , color2 ) ;
return null ;
} ;
BDFDB . ColorUtils . isBright = function ( color , compare = 160 ) {
color = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color , "RGBCOMP" ) ;
if ( ! color ) return false ;
return parseInt ( compare ) < Math . sqrt ( 0.299 * color [ 0 ] * * 2 + 0.587 * color [ 1 ] * * 2 + 0.144 * color [ 2 ] * * 2 ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ColorUtils . getType = function ( color ) {
if ( color != null ) {
if ( typeof color === "object" && ( color . length == 3 || color . length == 4 ) ) {
if ( isRGB ( color ) ) return "RGBCOMP" ;
else if ( isHSL ( color ) ) return "HSLCOMP" ;
else if ( typeof color === "string" ) {
if ( /^#[a-f\d]{3}$|^#[a-f\d]{6}$/i . test ( color ) ) return "HEX" ;
else if ( /^#[a-f\d]{4}$|^#[a-f\d]{8}$/i . test ( color ) ) return "HEXA" ;
else {
color = color . toUpperCase ( ) ;
var comp = color . replace ( /[^0-9\.\-\,\%]/g , "" ) . split ( "," ) ;
if ( color . indexOf ( "RGB(" ) == 0 && comp . length == 3 && isRGB ( comp ) ) return "RGB" ;
else if ( color . indexOf ( "RGBA(" ) == 0 && comp . length == 4 && isRGB ( comp ) ) return "RGBA" ;
else if ( color . indexOf ( "HSL(" ) == 0 && comp . length == 3 && isHSL ( comp ) ) return "HSL" ;
else if ( color . indexOf ( "HSLA(" ) == 0 && comp . length == 4 && isHSL ( comp ) ) return "HSLA" ;
else if ( typeof color === "number" && parseInt ( color ) == color && color > - 1 && color < 16777216 ) return "INT" ;
return null ;
function isRGB ( comp ) { return comp . slice ( 0 , 3 ) . every ( rgb => rgb . toString ( ) . indexOf ( "%" ) == - 1 && parseFloat ( rgb ) == parseInt ( rgb ) ) ; } ;
function isHSL ( comp ) { return comp . slice ( 1 , 3 ) . every ( hsl => hsl . toString ( ) . indexOf ( "%" ) == hsl . length - 1 ) ; } ;
} ;
2020-10-23 19:07:35 +02:00
BDFDB . ColorUtils . createGradient = function ( colorObj , direction = "to right" ) {
let gradientString = "linear-gradient(" + direction ;
for ( let pos of Object . keys ( colorObj ) . sort ( ) ) {
let color = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( colorObj [ pos ] , "RGBA" ) ;
gradientString += color ? ` , ${ color } ${ pos * 100 } % ` : ''
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
2020-10-23 19:07:35 +02:00
return gradientString += ")" ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ;
BDFDB . ColorUtils . getSwatchColor = function ( container , number ) {
if ( ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( container ) ) return ;
let swatches = container . querySelector ( ` ${ BDFDB . dotCN . colorpickerswatches } [number=" ${ number } "], ${ BDFDB . dotCN . colorpickerswatch } [number=" ${ number } "] ` ) ;
if ( ! swatches ) return null ;
return BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . findValue ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( swatches ) , "selectedColor" , { up : true , blacklist : { "props" : true } } ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . getSelection = function ( ) {
let selection = document . getSelection ( ) ;
return selection && selection . anchorNode ? selection . getRangeAt ( 0 ) . toString ( ) : "" ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass = function ( eles , ... classes ) {
if ( ! eles || ! classes ) return ;
for ( let ele of [ eles ] . map ( n => NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( n ) ? Array . from ( n ) : n ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) ) add ( ele ) ;
else if ( NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) ) for ( let e of ele ) add ( e ) ;
else if ( typeof ele == "string" ) for ( let e of ele . split ( "," ) ) if ( e && ( e = e . trim ( ) ) ) for ( let n of document . querySelectorAll ( e ) ) add ( n ) ;
function add ( node ) {
if ( node && node . classList ) for ( let cla of classes ) for ( let cl of [ cla ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) if ( typeof cl == "string" ) for ( let c of cl . split ( " " ) ) if ( c ) node . classList . add ( c ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeClass = function ( eles , ... classes ) {
if ( ! eles || ! classes ) return ;
for ( let ele of [ eles ] . map ( n => NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( n ) ? Array . from ( n ) : n ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) ) remove ( ele ) ;
else if ( NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) ) for ( let e of ele ) remove ( e ) ;
else if ( typeof ele == "string" ) for ( let e of ele . split ( "," ) ) if ( e && ( e = e . trim ( ) ) ) for ( let n of document . querySelectorAll ( e ) ) remove ( n ) ;
function remove ( node ) {
if ( node && node . classList ) for ( let cla of classes ) for ( let cl of [ cla ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) if ( typeof cl == "string" ) for ( let c of cl . split ( " " ) ) if ( c ) node . classList . remove ( c ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . toggleClass = function ( eles , ... classes ) {
if ( ! eles || ! classes ) return ;
var force = classes . pop ( ) ;
if ( typeof force != "boolean" ) {
classes . push ( force ) ;
force = undefined ;
if ( ! classes . length ) return ;
for ( let ele of [ eles ] . map ( n => NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( n ) ? Array . from ( n ) : n ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) ) toggle ( ele ) ;
else if ( NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) ) for ( let e of ele ) toggle ( e ) ;
else if ( typeof ele == "string" ) for ( let e of ele . split ( "," ) ) if ( e && ( e = e . trim ( ) ) ) for ( let n of document . querySelectorAll ( e ) ) toggle ( n ) ;
function toggle ( node ) {
if ( node && node . classList ) for ( let cla of classes ) for ( let cl of [ cla ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) if ( typeof cl == "string" ) for ( let c of cl . split ( " " ) ) if ( c ) node . classList . toggle ( c , force ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . containsClass = function ( eles , ... classes ) {
if ( ! eles || ! classes ) return ;
let all = classes . pop ( ) ;
if ( typeof all != "boolean" ) {
classes . push ( all ) ;
all = true ;
if ( ! classes . length ) return ;
let contained = undefined ;
for ( let ele of [ eles ] . map ( n => NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( n ) ? Array . from ( n ) : n ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) ) contains ( ele ) ;
else if ( NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) ) for ( let e of ele ) contains ( e ) ;
else if ( typeof ele == "string" ) for ( let c of ele . split ( "," ) ) if ( c && ( c = c . trim ( ) ) ) for ( let n of document . querySelectorAll ( c ) ) contains ( n ) ;
return contained ;
function contains ( node ) {
if ( node && node . classList ) for ( let cla of classes ) if ( typeof cla == "string" ) for ( let c of cla . split ( " " ) ) if ( c ) {
if ( contained === undefined ) contained = all ;
if ( all && ! node . classList . contains ( c ) ) contained = false ;
if ( ! all && node . classList . contains ( c ) ) contained = true ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . replaceClass = function ( eles , oldclass , newclass ) {
if ( ! eles || typeof oldclass != "string" || typeof newclass != "string" ) return ;
for ( let ele of [ eles ] . map ( n => NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( n ) ? Array . from ( n ) : n ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) ) replace ( ele ) ;
else if ( NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) ) for ( let e of ele ) replace ( e ) ;
else if ( typeof ele == "string" ) for ( let e of ele . split ( "," ) ) if ( e && ( e = e . trim ( ) ) ) for ( let n of document . querySelectorAll ( e ) ) replace ( n ) ;
function replace ( node ) {
if ( node && node . tagName && node . className ) node . className = node . className . replace ( new RegExp ( oldclass , "g" ) , newclass ) . trim ( ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName = function ( ... classes ) {
return BDFDB . ArrayUtils . removeCopies ( classes . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) . join ( " " ) . split ( " " ) ) . join ( " " ) . trim ( ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeClassFromDOM = function ( ... classes ) {
for ( let c of classes . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) if ( typeof c == "string" ) for ( let a of c . split ( "," ) ) if ( a && ( a = a . replace ( /\.|\s/g , "" ) ) ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeClass ( document . querySelectorAll ( "." + a ) , a ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . show = function ( ... eles ) {
BDFDB . DOMUtils . toggle ( ... eles , true ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . hide = function ( ... eles ) {
BDFDB . DOMUtils . toggle ( ... eles , false ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . toggle = function ( ... eles ) {
if ( ! eles ) return ;
let force = eles . pop ( ) ;
if ( typeof force != "boolean" ) {
eles . push ( force ) ;
force = undefined ;
if ( ! eles . length ) return ;
for ( let ele of eles . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) ) toggle ( ele ) ;
else if ( NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) ) for ( let node of ele ) toggle ( node ) ;
else if ( typeof ele == "string" ) for ( let c of ele . split ( "," ) ) if ( c && ( c = c . trim ( ) ) ) for ( let node of document . querySelectorAll ( c ) ) toggle ( node ) ;
function toggle ( node ) {
if ( ! node || ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) ) return ;
let hidden = force === undefined ? ! BDFDB . DOMUtils . isHidden ( node ) : ! force ;
if ( hidden ) {
let display = node . style . getPropertyValue ( "display" ) ;
if ( display && display != "none" ) node . BDFDBhideDisplayState = {
display : display ,
important : ( ` ${ node . style . cssText } ` . split ( ` display: ${ display } ` ) [ 1 ] || "" ) . trim ( ) . indexOf ( "!important" ) == 0
} ;
node . style . setProperty ( "display" , "none" , "important" ) ;
else {
if ( node . BDFDBhideDisplayState ) {
node . style . setProperty ( "display" , node . BDFDBhideDisplayState . display , node . BDFDBhideDisplayState . important ? "important" : "" ) ;
delete node . BDFDBhideDisplayState ;
else node . style . removeProperty ( "display" ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . isHidden = function ( node ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) && node . nodeType != Node . TEXT _NODE ) return getComputedStyle ( node , null ) . getPropertyValue ( "display" ) == "none" ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . remove = function ( ... eles ) {
for ( let ele of eles . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) ) ele . remove ( ) ;
else if ( NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( ele ) ) {
let nodes = Array . from ( ele ) ;
while ( nodes . length ) nodes . shift ( ) . remove ( ) ;
else if ( typeof ele == "string" ) for ( let c of ele . split ( "," ) ) if ( c && ( c = c . trim ( ) ) ) {
let nodes = Array . from ( document . querySelectorAll ( c ) ) ;
while ( nodes . length ) nodes . shift ( ) . remove ( ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . create = function ( html ) {
if ( typeof html != "string" || ! html . trim ( ) ) return null ;
let template = document . createElement ( "template" ) ;
try { template . innerHTML = html . replace ( /(?<!pre)>[\t\r\n]+<(?!pre)/g , "><" ) ; }
catch ( err ) { template . innerHTML = html . replace ( />[\t\r\n]+<(?!pre)/g , "><" ) ; }
2020-11-11 11:25:04 +01:00
if ( template . content . childNodes . length == 1 ) return template . content . firstElementChild || template . content . firstChild ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
else {
let wrapper = document . createElement ( "span" ) ;
let nodes = Array . from ( template . content . childNodes ) ;
while ( nodes . length ) wrapper . appendChild ( nodes . shift ( ) ) ;
return wrapper ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent = function ( listOrSelector , node ) {
let parent = null ;
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) && listOrSelector ) {
let list = NodeList . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( listOrSelector ) ? listOrSelector : typeof listOrSelector == "string" ? document . querySelectorAll ( listOrSelector ) : null ;
if ( list ) for ( let listNode of list ) if ( listNode . contains ( node ) ) {
parent = listNode ;
break ;
return parent ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . setText = function ( node , stringOrNode ) {
if ( ! node || ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) ) return ;
let textnode = node . nodeType == Node . TEXT _NODE ? node : null ;
if ( ! textnode ) for ( let child of node . childNodes ) if ( child . nodeType == Node . TEXT _NODE || BDFDB . DOMUtils . containsClass ( child , "BDFDB-textnode" ) ) {
textnode = child ;
break ;
if ( textnode ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( stringOrNode ) && stringOrNode . nodeType != Node . TEXT _NODE ) {
BDFDB . DOMUtils . addClass ( stringOrNode , "BDFDB-textnode" ) ;
node . replaceChild ( stringOrNode , textnode ) ;
else if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( textnode ) && textnode . nodeType != Node . TEXT _NODE ) node . replaceChild ( document . createTextNode ( stringOrNode ) , textnode ) ;
else textnode . textContent = stringOrNode ;
else node . appendChild ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( stringOrNode ) ? stringOrNode : document . createTextNode ( stringOrNode ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . getText = function ( node ) {
if ( ! node || ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) ) return ;
for ( let child of node . childNodes ) if ( child . nodeType == Node . TEXT _NODE ) return child . textContent ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects = function ( node ) {
let rects = { } ;
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) && node . nodeType != Node . TEXT _NODE ) {
let hideNode = node ;
while ( hideNode ) {
let hidden = BDFDB . DOMUtils . isHidden ( hideNode ) ;
if ( hidden ) {
BDFDB . DOMUtils . toggle ( hideNode , true ) ;
hideNode . BDFDBgetRectsHidden = true ;
hideNode = hideNode . parentElement ;
rects = node . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ;
hideNode = node ;
while ( hideNode ) {
if ( hideNode . BDFDBgetRectsHidden ) {
BDFDB . DOMUtils . toggle ( hideNode , false ) ;
delete hideNode . BDFDBgetRectsHidden ;
hideNode = hideNode . parentElement ;
return rects ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . getHeight = function ( node ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) && node . nodeType != Node . TEXT _NODE ) {
let rects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( node ) ;
let style = getComputedStyle ( node ) ;
return rects . height + parseInt ( style . marginTop ) + parseInt ( style . marginBottom ) ;
return 0 ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . getInnerHeight = function ( node ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) && node . nodeType != Node . TEXT _NODE ) {
let rects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( node ) ;
let style = getComputedStyle ( node ) ;
return rects . height - parseInt ( style . paddingTop ) - parseInt ( style . paddingBottom ) ;
return 0 ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . getWidth = function ( node ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) && node . nodeType != Node . TEXT _NODE ) {
let rects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( node ) ;
let style = getComputedStyle ( node ) ;
return rects . width + parseInt ( style . marginLeft ) + parseInt ( style . marginRight ) ;
return 0 ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . getInnerWidth = function ( node ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( node ) && node . nodeType != Node . TEXT _NODE ) {
let rects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( node ) ;
let style = getComputedStyle ( node ) ;
return rects . width - parseInt ( style . paddingLeft ) - parseInt ( style . paddingRight ) ;
return 0 ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . appendWebScript = function ( url , container ) {
if ( typeof url != "string" ) return ;
if ( ! container && ! document . head . querySelector ( "bd-head bd-scripts" ) ) document . head . appendChild ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <bd-head><bd-scripts></bd-scripts></bd-head> ` ) ) ;
container = container || document . head . querySelector ( "bd-head bd-scripts" ) || document . head ;
container = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( container ) ? container : document . head ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeWebScript ( url , container ) ;
let script = document . createElement ( "script" ) ;
script . src = url ;
container . appendChild ( script ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeWebScript = function ( url , container ) {
if ( typeof url != "string" ) return ;
container = container || document . head . querySelector ( "bd-head bd-scripts" ) || document . head ;
container = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( container ) ? container : document . head ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . remove ( container . querySelectorAll ( ` script[src=" ${ url } "] ` ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . appendWebStyle = function ( url , container ) {
if ( typeof url != "string" ) return ;
if ( ! container && ! document . head . querySelector ( "bd-head bd-styles" ) ) document . head . appendChild ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <bd-head><bd-styles></bd-styles></bd-head> ` ) ) ;
container = container || document . head . querySelector ( "bd-head bd-styles" ) || document . head ;
container = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( container ) ? container : document . head ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeWebStyle ( url , container ) ;
container . appendChild ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <link type="text/css" rel="Stylesheet" href=" ${ url } "></link> ` ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeWebStyle = function ( url , container ) {
if ( typeof url != "string" ) return ;
container = container || document . head . querySelector ( "bd-head bd-styles" ) || document . head ;
container = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( container ) ? container : document . head ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . remove ( container . querySelectorAll ( ` link[href=" ${ url } "] ` ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . appendLocalStyle = function ( id , css , container ) {
if ( typeof id != "string" || typeof css != "string" ) return ;
if ( ! container && ! document . head . querySelector ( "bd-head bd-styles" ) ) document . head . appendChild ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <bd-head><bd-styles></bd-styles></bd-head> ` ) ) ;
container = container || document . head . querySelector ( "bd-head bd-styles" ) || document . head ;
container = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( container ) ? container : document . head ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeLocalStyle ( id , container ) ;
container . appendChild ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` <style id=" ${ id } CSS"> ${ css . replace ( /\t|\r|\n/g , "" ) } </style> ` ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . removeLocalStyle = function ( id , container ) {
if ( typeof id != "string" ) return ;
container = container || document . head . querySelector ( "bd-head bd-styles" ) || document . head ;
container = Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( container ) ? container : document . head ;
BDFDB . DOMUtils . remove ( container . querySelectorAll ( ` style[id=" ${ id } CSS"] ` ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ModalUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . ModalUtils . open = function ( plugin , config ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config ) ) return ;
let modal , modalInstance , modalProps , cancels = [ ] , closeModal = _ => {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( modalProps ) && typeof modalProps . onClose == "function" ) modalProps . onClose ( ) ;
} ;
let headerChildren = [ ] , contentChildren = [ ] , footerChildren = [ ] ;
if ( typeof config . text == "string" ) {
contentChildren . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextElement , {
children : config . text
} ) ) ;
if ( config . children ) {
let tabBarItems = [ ] ;
for ( let child of [ config . children ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) if ( LibraryModules . React . isValidElement ( child ) ) {
if ( child . type == InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ModalComponents . ModalTabContent ) {
if ( ! tabBarItems . length ) child . props . open = true ;
else delete child . props . open ;
tabBarItems . push ( { value : child . props . tab } ) ;
contentChildren . push ( child ) ;
if ( tabBarItems . length ) headerChildren . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . tabbarcontainer ,
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TabBar , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . tabbar ,
itemClassName : BDFDB . disCN . tabbaritem ,
type : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TabBar . Types . TOP ,
items : tabBarItems ,
onItemSelect : ( value , instance ) => {
let tabContentInstances = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( modal , { name : "BDFDB_ModalTabContent" , all : true , unlimited : true } ) ;
for ( let ins of tabContentInstances ) {
if ( ins . props . tab == value ) ins . props . open = true ;
else delete ins . props . open ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( tabContentInstances ) ;
} ) ,
config . tabBarChildren
] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n )
} ) ) ;
if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( config . buttons ) ) for ( let button of config . buttons ) {
let contents = typeof button . contents == "string" && button . contents ;
if ( contents ) {
let color = typeof button . color == "string" && InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button . Colors [ button . color . toUpperCase ( ) ] ;
let look = typeof button . look == "string" && InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button . Looks [ button . look . toUpperCase ( ) ] ;
let click = typeof button . click == "function" ? button . click : ( typeof button . onClick == "function" ? button . onClick : _ => { } ) ;
if ( button . cancel ) cancels . push ( click ) ;
footerChildren . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , button , {
look : look || ( color ? InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button . Looks . FILLED : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button . Looks . LINK ) ,
color : color || InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button . Colors . PRIMARY ,
onClick : _ => {
if ( button . close ) closeModal ( ) ;
if ( ! ( button . close && button . cancel ) ) click ( modal , modalInstance ) ;
} ,
children : contents
} ) , "click" , "close" , "cancel" , "contents" ) ) ) ;
contentChildren = contentChildren . concat ( config . contentChildren ) . filter ( n => n && ( typeof n == "string" || BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( n ) ) ) ;
headerChildren = headerChildren . concat ( config . headerChildren ) . filter ( n => n && ( typeof n == "string" || BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( n ) ) ) ;
footerChildren = footerChildren . concat ( config . footerChildren ) . filter ( n => n && ( typeof n == "string" || BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( n ) ) ) ;
if ( contentChildren . length ) {
if ( typeof config . onClose != "function" ) config . onClose = _ => { } ;
if ( typeof config . onOpen != "function" ) config . onOpen = _ => { } ;
let name = plugin . name || ( typeof plugin . getName == "function" ? plugin . getName ( ) : null ) ;
name = typeof name == "string" ? name : null ;
let oldTransitionState = 0 ;
LibraryModules . ModalUtils . openModal ( props => {
modalProps = props ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( class BDFDB _Modal extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ModalComponents . ModalRoot , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( name && ` ${ name } -modal ` , BDFDB . disCN . modalwrapper , config . className ) ,
size : typeof config . size == "string" && InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ModalComponents . ModalSize [ config . size . toUpperCase ( ) ] || InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ModalComponents . ModalSize . SMALL ,
transitionState : props . transitionState ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ModalComponents . ModalHeader , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( config . headerClassName , config . shade && BDFDB . disCN . modalheadershade , headerChildren . length && BDFDB . disCN . modalheaderhassibling ) ,
separator : config . headerSeparator || false ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Child , {
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormTitle , {
tag : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormTitle . Tags . H4 ,
children : config . header
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextElement , {
size : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextElement . Sizes . SIZE _12 ,
children : typeof config . subheader == "string" || BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( config . subheader ) ? config . subheader : ( name || "" )
} )
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ModalComponents . ModalCloseButton , {
onClick : closeModal
} )
} ) ,
headerChildren . length ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
grow : 0 ,
shrink : 0 ,
children : headerChildren
} ) : null ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ModalComponents . ModalContent , {
className : config . contentClassName ,
scroller : config . scroller ,
direction : config . direction ,
content : config . content ,
children : contentChildren
} ) ,
footerChildren . length ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ModalComponents . ModalFooter , {
className : config . footerClassName ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
direction : config . footerDirection ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
children : footerChildren
} ) : null
} ) ;
componentDidMount ( ) {
modalInstance = this ;
modal = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( this ) ;
modal = modal && modal . parentElement ? modal . parentElement . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . modalwrapper ) : null ;
if ( modal && props . transitionState == 1 && props . transitionState > oldTransitionState ) config . onOpen ( modal , this ) ;
oldTransitionState = props . transitionState ;
componentWillUnmount ( ) {
if ( modal && props . transitionState == 3 ) {
for ( let cancel of cancels ) cancel ( modal ) ;
config . onClose ( modal , this ) ;
} , props , true ) ;
} , {
onCloseRequest : closeModal
} ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ModalUtils . confirm = function ( plugin , text , callback ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || typeof text != "string" ) return ;
BDFDB . ModalUtils . open ( plugin , { text , header : "Are you sure?" , className : BDFDB . disCN . modalconfirmmodal , scroller : false , buttons : [
{ contents : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . OKAY , close : true , color : "RED" , click : typeof callback == "function" ? callback : _ => { } } ,
{ contents : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . CANCEL , close : true }
] } ) ;
} ;
const RealMenuItems = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByProperties ( "MenuItem" , "MenuGroup" ) ;
BDFDB . ContextMenuUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . ContextMenuUtils . open = function ( plugin , e , children ) {
LibraryModules . ContextMenuUtils . openContextMenu ( e , function ( e ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Menu , {
navId : "bdfdb-context" ,
onClose : BDFDB . LibraryModules . ContextMenuUtils . closeContextMenu ,
children : children
} , true ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ContextMenuUtils . close = function ( nodeOrInstance ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( nodeOrInstance ) ) return ;
let instance = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( nodeOrInstance , { props : "closeContextMenu" , up : true } ) ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( instance ) && instance . props && typeof instance . props . closeContextMenu == "function" ) instance . props . closeContextMenu ( ) ;
else BDFDB . LibraryModules . ContextMenuUtils . closeContextMenu ( ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ContextMenuUtils . createItem = function ( component , props = { } ) {
if ( ! component ) return null ;
else {
if ( props . persisting || BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( props . popoutProps ) || ( typeof props . color == "string" && ! DiscordClasses [ ` menu ${ props . color . toLowerCase ( ) } ` ] ) ) component = InternalComponents . MenuItem ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . toArray ( RealMenuItems ) . some ( c => c == component ) ) return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( component , props ) ;
else return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( RealMenuItems . MenuItem , {
id : props . id ,
disabled : props . disabled ,
render : menuItemProps => {
if ( ! props . state ) props . state = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . extract ( props , "checked" , "value" ) ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . CustomMenuItemWrapper , {
disabled : props . disabled ,
childProps : Object . assign ( { } , props , menuItemProps , { color : props . color } ) ,
children : component
} , true ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ContextMenuUtils . createItemId = function ( ... strings ) {
return strings . map ( s => typeof s == "number" ? s . toString ( ) : s ) . filter ( s => typeof s == "string" ) . map ( s => s . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /\s/ , "-" ) ) . join ( "-" ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ContextMenuUtils . findItem = function ( returnvalue , config ) {
if ( ! returnvalue || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( config ) || ! config . label && ! config . id ) return [ null , - 1 ] ;
config . label = config . label && [ config . label ] . flat ( ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
config . id = config . id && [ config . id ] . flat ( ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
let contextMenu = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findChild ( returnvalue , { props : "navId" } ) ;
if ( contextMenu ) {
for ( let i in contextMenu . props . children ) {
if ( contextMenu . props . children [ i ] && contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . type == RealMenuItems . MenuGroup ) {
if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props . children ) ) {
for ( let j in contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props . children ) if ( check ( contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props . children [ j ] ) ) {
if ( config . group ) return [ contextMenu . props . children , parseInt ( i ) ] ;
else return [ contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props . children , parseInt ( j ) ] ;
else if ( contextMenu . props . children [ i ] && contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props ) {
if ( check ( contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props . children ) ) {
if ( config . group ) return [ contextMenu . props . children , parseInt ( i ) ] ;
else {
contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props . children = [ contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props . children ] ;
return [ contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props . children , 0 ] ;
else if ( contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props . children && contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props . children . props && BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props . children . props . children ) ) {
for ( let j in contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props . children . props . children ) if ( check ( contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props . children . props . children [ j ] ) ) {
if ( config . group ) return [ contextMenu . props . children , parseInt ( i ) ] ;
else return [ contextMenu . props . children [ i ] . props . children . props . children , parseInt ( j ) ] ;
else if ( check ( contextMenu . props . children [ i ] ) ) return [ contextMenu . props . children , parseInt ( i ) ] ;
return [ contextMenu . props . children , - 1 ] ;
return [ null , - 1 ] ;
function check ( child ) {
if ( ! child ) return false ;
let props = child . stateNode ? child . stateNode . props : child . props ;
if ( ! props ) return false ;
return config . id && config . id . some ( key => props . id == key ) || config . label && config . label . some ( key => props . label == key ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . StringUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . StringUtils . htmlEscape = function ( string ) {
let ele = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
ele . innerText = string ;
return ele . innerHTML ;
} ;
BDFDB . StringUtils . regEscape = function ( string ) {
return typeof string == "string" && string . replace ( /([\-\/\\\^\$\*\+\?\.\(\)\|\[\]\{\}])/g , "\\$1" ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . StringUtils . insertNRST = function ( string ) {
return typeof string == "string" && string . replace ( /\\r/g , "\r" ) . replace ( /\\n/g , "\n" ) . replace ( /\\t/g , "\t" ) . replace ( /\\s/g , " " ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . StringUtils . highlight = function ( string , searchstring , prefix = ` <span class=" ${ BDFDB . disCN . highlight } "> ` , suffix = ` </span> ` ) {
if ( typeof string != "string" || ! searchstring || searchstring . length < 1 ) return string ;
let offset = 0 , original = string ;
BDFDB . ArrayUtils . getAllIndexes ( string . toUpperCase ( ) , searchstring . toUpperCase ( ) ) . forEach ( index => {
let d1 = offset * ( prefix . length + suffix . length ) ;
index = index + d1 ;
let d2 = index + searchstring . length ;
let d3 = [ - 1 ] . concat ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . getAllIndexes ( string . substring ( 0 , index ) , "<" ) ) ;
let d4 = [ - 1 ] . concat ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . getAllIndexes ( string . substring ( 0 , index ) , ">" ) ) ;
if ( d3 [ d3 . length - 1 ] > d4 [ d4 . length - 1 ] ) return ;
string = string . substring ( 0 , index ) + prefix + string . substring ( index , d2 ) + suffix + string . substring ( d2 ) ;
offset ++ ;
} ) ;
return string || original ;
} ;
2020-09-26 17:30:44 +02:00
BDFDB . StringUtils . findMatchCaseless = function ( match , string , any ) {
2020-09-26 20:11:27 +02:00
if ( typeof match != "string" || typeof string != "string" || ! match || ! string ) return "" ;
match = BDFDB . StringUtils . regEscape ( match ) ;
2020-09-26 17:30:44 +02:00
let exec = ( new RegExp ( any ? ` ([ \\ n \\ r \\ s]+ ${ match } )|(^ ${ match } ) ` : ` ([ \\ n \\ r \\ s]+ ${ match } [ \\ n \\ r \\ s]+)|([ \\ n \\ r \\ s]+ ${ match } $ )|(^ ${ match } [ \\ n \\ r \\ s]+)|(^ ${ match } $ ) ` , "i" ) ) . exec ( string ) ;
2020-09-26 17:16:07 +02:00
return exec && typeof exec [ 0 ] == "string" && exec [ 0 ] . replace ( /[\n\r\s]/g , "" ) || "" ;
} ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . StringUtils . extractSelection = function ( original , selection ) {
if ( typeof original != "string" ) return "" ;
if ( typeof selection != "string" ) return original ;
let s = [ ] , f = [ ] , wrong = 0 , canceled = false , done = false ;
for ( let i of BDFDB . ArrayUtils . getAllIndexes ( original , selection [ 0 ] ) ) if ( ! done ) {
while ( i <= original . length && ! done ) {
let subSelection = selection . slice ( s . filter ( n => n != undefined ) . length ) ;
if ( ! subSelection && s . length - 20 <= selection . length ) done = true ;
else for ( let j in subSelection ) if ( ! done && ! canceled ) {
if ( original [ i ] == subSelection [ j ] ) {
s [ i ] = subSelection [ j ] ;
f [ i ] = subSelection [ j ] ;
wrong = 0 ;
if ( i == original . length ) done = true ;
else {
s [ i ] = null ;
f [ i ] = original [ i ] ;
wrong ++ ;
if ( wrong > 4 ) {
s = [ ] , f = [ ] , wrong = 0 , canceled = true ;
break ;
break ;
canceled = false ;
i ++ ;
if ( s . filter ( n => n ) . length ) {
let reverseS = [ ] . concat ( s ) . reverse ( ) , i = 0 , j = 0 ;
for ( let k in s ) {
if ( s [ k ] == null ) i = parseInt ( k ) + 1 ;
else break ;
for ( let k in reverseS ) {
if ( reverseS [ k ] == null ) j = parseInt ( k ) + 1 ;
else break ;
return f . slice ( i , f . length - j ) . join ( "" ) ;
else return original ;
} ;
BDFDB . SlateUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . SlateUtils . isRichValue = function ( richValue ) {
return BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( richValue ) && LibraryModules . SlateUtils . deserialize ( "" ) . constructor . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( richValue ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . SlateUtils . copyRichValue = function ( string , richValue ) {
let newRichValue = LibraryModules . SlateUtils . deserialize ( string ) ;
if ( BDFDB . SlateUtils . isRichValue ( richValue ) && richValue . _map && richValue . _map . _root && BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( richValue . _map . _root . entries ) ) {
for ( let i in richValue . _map . _root . entries ) if ( richValue . _map . _root . entries [ i ] [ 0 ] == "selection" ) {
newRichValue . _map . _root . entries [ i ] = richValue . _map . _root . entries [ i ] ;
break ;
return newRichValue ;
} ;
BDFDB . SlateUtils . hasOpenPlainTextCodeBlock = function ( editor ) {
let richValue = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( editor , "props.richValue" ) ;
if ( ! BDFDB . SlateUtils . isRichValue ( richValue ) ) return false ;
let codeMatches = BDFDB . LibraryModules . SlateSelectionUtils . serializeSelection ( richValue . document , {
start : {
key : richValue . document . getFirstText ( ) . key ,
offset : 0
} ,
end : richValue . selection . start
} , "raw" ) . match ( /```/g ) ;
return codeMatches && codeMatches . length && codeMatches . length % 2 != 0 ;
} ;
BDFDB . SlateUtils . getCurrentWord = function ( editor ) {
let richValue = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( editor , "props.richValue" ) ;
if ( ! BDFDB . SlateUtils . isRichValue ( richValue ) || ! richValue . selection . isCollapsed || BDFDB . SlateUtils . hasOpenPlainTextCodeBlock ( editor ) || richValue . document . text . trim ( ) . length == 0 ) return { word : null , isAtStart : false } ;
if ( editor . props . useSlate ) {
if ( richValue . document . text . startsWith ( "/giphy " ) || richValue . document . text . startsWith ( "/tenor " ) ) {
let node = richValue . document . getNode ( richValue . selection . start . key ) ;
if ( node ) return {
word : node . text . substring ( 0 , richValue . selection . start . offset ) ,
isAtStart : true
let node = richValue . document . getNode ( richValue . selection . start . key ) ;
if ( node == null ) return {
word : null ,
isAtStart : false
} ;
let word = "" , atStart = false ;
let offset = richValue . selection . start . offset ;
let block = richValue . document . getClosestBlock ( node . key ) ;
while ( true ) {
if ( -- offset < 0 ) {
if ( ( node = block . getPreviousNode ( node . key ) == null ) ) {
atStart = true ;
break ;
if ( node . object !== "text" ) break ;
offset = node . text . length - 1 ;
if ( node . object !== "text" ) break ;
let prefix = node . text [ offset ] ;
if ( /(\t|\s)/ . test ( prefix ) ) break ;
word = prefix + word ;
return {
word : ! word ? null : word ,
isAtStart : atStart && block . type == "line" && richValue . document . nodes . get ( 0 ) === block
} ;
else {
let textarea = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( editor . ref . current ) ;
if ( ! Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( textarea ) || textarea . tagName != "TEXTAREA" || ! textarea . value . length || /\s/ . test ( textarea . value . slice ( textarea . selectionStart , textarea . selectionEnd ) ) ) return {
word : null ,
isAtStart : true
} ;
else {
if ( textarea . selectionEnd == textarea . value . length ) {
let words = textarea . value . split ( /\s/ ) . reverse ( ) ;
return {
word : ! words [ 0 ] ? null : words [ 0 ] ,
isAtStart : words . length > 1
} ;
else {
let chars = textarea . value . split ( "" ) , word = "" , currentWord = "" , isCurrentWord = false , isAtStart = true ;
for ( let i in chars ) {
if ( i == textarea . selectionStart ) isCurrentWord = true ;
if ( /\s/ . test ( chars [ i ] ) ) {
word = "" ;
isAtStart = currentWord . length > 0 && isAtStart || false ;
isCurrentWord = false ;
else {
word += chars [ i ] ;
if ( isCurrentWord ) currentWord = word ;
return {
word : ! currentWord ? null : currentWord ,
isAtStart : isAtStart
} ;
} ;
BDFDB . NumberUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . NumberUtils . formatBytes = function ( bytes , sigDigits ) {
bytes = parseInt ( bytes ) ;
if ( isNaN ( bytes ) || bytes < 0 ) return "0 Bytes" ;
if ( bytes == 1 ) return "1 Byte" ;
let size = Math . floor ( Math . log ( bytes ) / Math . log ( 1024 ) ) ;
return parseFloat ( ( bytes / Math . pow ( 1024 , size ) ) . toFixed ( sigDigits < 1 ? 0 : sigDigits > 20 ? 20 : sigDigits || 2 ) ) + " " + [ "Bytes" , "KB" , "MB" , "GB" , "TB" , "PB" , "EB" , "ZB" , "YB" ] [ size ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange = function ( from , to , value ) {
if ( parseFloat ( value ) < parseFloat ( from [ 0 ] ) ) return parseFloat ( to [ 0 ] ) ;
else if ( parseFloat ( value ) > parseFloat ( from [ 1 ] ) ) return parseFloat ( to [ 1 ] ) ;
else return parseFloat ( to [ 0 ] ) + ( parseFloat ( value ) - parseFloat ( from [ 0 ] ) ) * ( parseFloat ( to [ 1 ] ) - parseFloat ( to [ 0 ] ) ) / ( parseFloat ( from [ 1 ] ) - parseFloat ( from [ 0 ] ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . NumberUtils . generateId = function ( array ) {
array = BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( array ) ? array : [ ] ;
let id = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * 10000000000000000 ) ;
if ( array . includes ( id ) ) return BDFDB . NumberUtils . generateId ( array ) ;
else {
array . push ( id ) ;
return id ;
} ;
2020-11-02 23:15:43 +01:00
BDFDB . NumberUtils . compareVersions = function ( newV , oldV ) {
if ( ! newV || ! oldV ) return true ;
newV = newV . toString ( ) . replace ( /["'`]/g , "" ) . split ( /,|\./g ) . map ( n => parseInt ( n ) ) . filter ( n => ( n || n == 0 ) && ! isNaN ( n ) ) ;
oldV = oldV . toString ( ) . replace ( /["'`]/g , "" ) . split ( /,|\./g ) . map ( n => parseInt ( n ) ) . filter ( n => ( n || n == 0 ) && ! isNaN ( n ) ) ;
let length = Math . max ( newV . length , oldV . length ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
if ( ! length ) return true ;
2020-11-02 23:15:43 +01:00
if ( newV . length > oldV . length ) {
let tempArray = new Array ( newV . length - oldV . length ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < tempArray . length ; i ++ ) tempArray [ i ] = 0 ;
oldV = tempArray . concat ( oldV ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
2020-11-02 23:15:43 +01:00
else if ( newV . length < oldV . length ) {
let tempArray = new Array ( oldV . length - newV . length ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < tempArray . length ; i ++ ) tempArray [ i ] = 0 ;
newV = tempArray . concat ( newV ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
2020-11-03 12:56:51 +01:00
for ( let i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) for ( let iOutdated = false , j = 0 ; j <= i ; j ++ ) {
2020-11-02 23:15:43 +01:00
if ( j == i && newV [ j ] < oldV [ j ] ) return false ;
2020-11-03 12:56:51 +01:00
if ( j < i ) iOutdated = newV [ j ] == oldV [ j ] ;
if ( ( j == 0 || iOutdated ) && j == i && newV [ j ] > oldV [ j ] ) return true ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
return false ;
} ;
2020-11-02 23:15:43 +01:00
BDFDB . NumberUtils . getVersionDifference = function ( newV , oldV ) {
if ( ! newV || ! oldV ) return false ;
newV = newV . toString ( ) . replace ( /["'`]/g , "" ) . split ( /,|\./g ) . map ( n => parseInt ( n ) ) . filter ( n => ( n || n == 0 ) && ! isNaN ( n ) ) ;
oldV = oldV . toString ( ) . replace ( /["'`]/g , "" ) . split ( /,|\./g ) . map ( n => parseInt ( n ) ) . filter ( n => ( n || n == 0 ) && ! isNaN ( n ) ) ;
let length = Math . max ( newV . length , oldV . length ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
if ( ! length ) return false ;
2020-11-02 23:15:43 +01:00
if ( newV . length > oldV . length ) {
let tempArray = new Array ( newV . length - oldV . length ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < tempArray . length ; i ++ ) tempArray [ i ] = 0 ;
oldV = tempArray . concat ( oldV ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
2020-11-02 23:15:43 +01:00
else if ( newV . length < oldV . length ) {
let tempArray = new Array ( oldV . length - newV . length ) ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < tempArray . length ; i ++ ) tempArray [ i ] = 0 ;
newV = tempArray . concat ( newV ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
2020-11-02 23:15:43 +01:00
let oldvValue = 0 , newValue = 0 ;
for ( let i in oldV . reverse ( ) ) oldvValue += ( oldV [ i ] * ( 10 * * i ) ) ;
for ( let i in newV . reverse ( ) ) newValue += ( newV [ i ] * ( 10 * * i ) ) ;
return ( newValue - oldvValue ) / ( 10 * * ( length - 1 ) ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ;
BDFDB . DiscordUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . DiscordUtils . openLink = function ( url , inbuilt , minimized ) {
if ( ! inbuilt ) window . open ( url , "_blank" ) ;
else {
let browserWindow = new LibraryRequires . electron . remote . BrowserWindow ( {
frame : true ,
resizeable : true ,
show : true ,
darkTheme : BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getTheme ( ) == BDFDB . disCN . themedark ,
webPreferences : {
nodeIntegration : false ,
nodeIntegrationInWorker : false
} ) ;
browserWindow . setMenu ( null ) ;
browserWindow . loadURL ( url ) ;
if ( minimized ) browserWindow . minimize ( null ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getFolder = function ( ) {
var built = BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getBuilt ( ) ;
built = "discord" + ( built == "stable" ? "" : built ) ;
return LibraryRequires . path . resolve ( LibraryRequires . electron . remote . app . getPath ( "appData" ) , built , BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getVersion ( ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getBuilt = function ( ) {
if ( BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getBuilt . built ) return BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getBuilt . built ;
else {
var built = null ;
try { built = require ( LibraryRequires . electron . remote . app . getAppPath ( ) + "/build_info.json" ) . releaseChannel . toLowerCase ( ) ; }
catch ( err ) {
try { built = require ( LibraryRequires . electron . remote . app . getAppPath ( ) . replace ( "\app.asar" , "" ) + "/build_info.json" ) . releaseChannel . toLowerCase ( ) ; }
catch ( err ) {
var version = BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getVersion ( ) ;
if ( version ) {
version = version . split ( "." ) ;
if ( version . length == 3 && ! isNaN ( version = parseInt ( version [ 2 ] ) ) ) built = version > 300 ? "stable" : da > 200 ? "canary" : "ptb" ;
else built = "stable" ;
else built = "stable" ;
BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getBuilt . built = built ;
return built ;
} ;
BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getVersion = function ( ) {
if ( BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getBuilt . version ) return BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getBuilt . version ;
else {
let version = null ;
try { version = LibraryRequires . electron . remote . app . getVersion ( ) ; }
catch ( err ) { version = "" ; }
BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getBuilt . version = version ;
return version ;
} ;
BDFDB . DiscordUtils . isDevModeEnabled = function ( ) {
2020-09-30 17:50:04 +02:00
return ( LibraryModules . StoreChangeUtils . get ( "UserSettingsStore" ) || { } ) . developerMode ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ;
BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getTheme = function ( ) {
2020-09-30 17:50:04 +02:00
return ( LibraryModules . StoreChangeUtils . get ( "UserSettingsStore" ) || { } ) . theme != "dark" ? BDFDB . disCN . themelight : BDFDB . disCN . themedark ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ;
BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getMode = function ( ) {
2020-09-30 17:50:04 +02:00
return ( LibraryModules . StoreChangeUtils . get ( "UserSettingsStore" ) || { } ) . message _display _compact ? "compact" : "cozy" ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ;
BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getZoomFactor = function ( ) {
let aRects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . appmount ) ) ;
let widthZoom = Math . round ( 100 * window . outerWidth / aRects . width ) ;
let heightZoom = Math . round ( 100 * window . outerHeight / aRects . height ) ;
return widthZoom < heightZoom ? widthZoom : heightZoom ;
} ;
BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getFontScale = function ( ) {
return parseInt ( document . firstElementChild . style . fontSize . replace ( "%" , "" ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DiscordUtils . shake = function ( ) {
BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . appold ) ) . return . stateNode . shake ( ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . WindowUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . WindowUtils . open = function ( plugin , url , options = { } ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || ! url ) return ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( plugin . browserWindows ) ) plugin . browserWindows = [ ] ;
let config = Object . assign ( {
show : false ,
webPreferences : {
nodeIntegration : true ,
nodeIntegrationInWorker : true
} , options ) ;
let browserWindow = new LibraryRequires . electron . remote . BrowserWindow ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( config , "showOnReady" , "onLoad" ) ) ;
if ( ! config . show && config . showOnReady ) browserWindow . once ( "ready-to-show" , browserWindow . show ) ;
if ( config . devTools ) browserWindow . openDevTools ( ) ;
if ( typeof config . onLoad == "function" ) browserWindow . webContents . on ( "did-finish-load" , ( ... args ) => { config . onLoad ( ... args ) ; } ) ;
if ( typeof config . onClose == "function" ) browserWindow . once ( "closed" , ( ... args ) => { config . onClose ( ... args ) ; } ) ;
if ( typeof browserWindow . removeMenu == "function" ) browserWindow . removeMenu ( ) ;
else browserWindow . setMenu ( null ) ;
browserWindow . loadURL ( url ) ;
browserWindow . executeJavaScriptSafe = js => { if ( ! browserWindow . isDestroyed ( ) ) browserWindow . webContents . executeJavaScript ( ` (_ => { ${ js } })(); ` ) ; } ;
plugin . browserWindows . push ( browserWindow ) ;
return browserWindow ;
} ;
BDFDB . WindowUtils . close = function ( browserWindow ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( browserWindow ) && ! browserWindow . isDestroyed ( ) && browserWindow . isClosable ( ) ) browserWindow . close ( ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . WindowUtils . closeAll = function ( plugin ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( plugin . browserWindows ) ) return ;
while ( plugin . browserWindows . length ) BDFDB . WindowUtils . close ( plugin . browserWindows . pop ( ) ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . WindowUtils . addListener = function ( plugin , actions , callback ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || ! actions || typeof callback != "function" ) return ;
BDFDB . WindowUtils . removeListener ( plugin , actions ) ;
for ( let action of actions . split ( " " ) ) {
action = action . split ( "." ) ;
let eventName = action . shift ( ) ;
if ( ! eventName ) return ;
let namespace = ( action . join ( "." ) || "" ) + plugin . name ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( plugin . ipcListeners ) ) plugin . ipcListeners = [ ] ;
plugin . ipcListeners . push ( { eventName , namespace , callback } ) ;
LibraryRequires . electron . ipcRenderer . on ( eventName , callback ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . WindowUtils . removeListener = function ( plugin , actions = "" ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( plugin ) || ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( plugin . ipcListeners ) ) return ;
if ( actions ) {
for ( let action of actions . split ( " " ) ) {
action = action . split ( "." ) ;
let eventName = action . shift ( ) ;
let namespace = ( action . join ( "." ) || "" ) + plugin . name ;
for ( let listener of plugin . ipcListeners ) {
let removedListeners = [ ] ;
if ( listener . eventName == eventName && listener . namespace == namespace ) {
LibraryRequires . electron . ipcRenderer . off ( listener . eventName , listener . callback ) ;
removedListeners . push ( listener ) ;
if ( removedListeners . length ) plugin . ipcListeners = plugin . ipcListeners . filter ( listener => { return removedListeners . indexOf ( listener ) < 0 ; } ) ;
else {
for ( let listener of plugin . ipcListeners ) LibraryRequires . electron . ipcRenderer . off ( listener . eventName , listener . callback ) ;
plugin . ipcListeners = [ ] ;
} ;
const DiscordClassModules = Object . assign ( { } , InternalData . CustomClassModules ) ;
for ( let name in InternalData . DiscordClassModules ) {
if ( InternalData . DiscordClassModules [ name ] . length ) DiscordClassModules [ name ] = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . find ( m => InternalData . DiscordClassModules [ name ] . props . every ( prop => typeof m [ prop ] == "string" ) && ( InternalData . DiscordClassModules [ name ] . smaller ? Object . keys ( m ) . length < InternalData . DiscordClassModules [ name ] . length : Object . keys ( m ) . length == InternalData . DiscordClassModules [ name ] . length ) ) ;
else DiscordClassModules [ name ] = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByProperties ( InternalData . DiscordClassModules [ name ] . props ) ;
BDFDB . DiscordClassModules = Object . assign ( { } , DiscordClassModules ) ;
const DiscordClasses = Object . assign ( { } , InternalData . DiscordClasses ) ;
BDFDB . DiscordClasses = Object . assign ( { } , DiscordClasses ) ;
2020-09-23 08:08:23 +02:00
InternalBDFDB . getDiscordClass = function ( item , selector ) {
let className = fallbackClassName = DiscordClassModules . BDFDB . BDFDBundefined + "-" + InternalBDFDB . generateClassId ( ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
if ( DiscordClasses [ item ] === undefined ) {
BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( item + " not found in DiscordClasses" ) ;
return className ;
else if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( DiscordClasses [ item ] ) || DiscordClasses [ item ] . length != 2 ) {
BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( item + " is not an Array of Length 2 in DiscordClasses" ) ;
return className ;
else if ( DiscordClassModules [ DiscordClasses [ item ] [ 0 ] ] === undefined ) {
BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( DiscordClasses [ item ] [ 0 ] + " not found in DiscordClassModules" ) ;
return className ;
2020-09-20 13:29:55 +02:00
else if ( [ DiscordClasses [ item ] [ 1 ] ] . flat ( ) . every ( prop => DiscordClassModules [ DiscordClasses [ item ] [ 0 ] ] [ prop ] === undefined ) ) {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( DiscordClasses [ item ] [ 1 ] + " not found in " + DiscordClasses [ item ] [ 0 ] + " in DiscordClassModules" ) ;
return className ;
else {
2020-09-20 13:29:55 +02:00
for ( let prop of [ DiscordClasses [ item ] [ 1 ] ] . flat ( ) ) {
className = DiscordClassModules [ DiscordClasses [ item ] [ 0 ] ] [ prop ] ;
if ( className ) break ;
2020-09-23 08:08:23 +02:00
else className = fallbackClassName ;
2020-09-20 13:29:55 +02:00
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
if ( selector ) {
className = className . split ( " " ) . filter ( n => n . indexOf ( "da-" ) != 0 ) . join ( selector ? "." : " " ) ;
2020-09-23 08:08:23 +02:00
className = className || fallbackClassName ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
else {
if ( BDFDB . BDUtils . getSettings ( BDFDB . BDUtils . settingsIds . normalizedClasses ) ) className = className . split ( " " ) . filter ( n => n . indexOf ( "da-" ) != 0 ) . map ( n => n . replace ( /^([A-z0-9]+?)-([A-z0-9_-]{6})$/g , "$1-$2 da-$1" ) ) . join ( " " ) ;
2020-09-23 08:08:23 +02:00
return BDFDB . ArrayUtils . removeCopies ( className . split ( " " ) ) . join ( " " ) || fallbackClassName ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ;
2020-09-23 08:08:23 +02:00
const generationChars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_" . split ( "" ) ;
InternalBDFDB . generateClassId = function ( ) {
let id = "" ;
while ( id . length < 6 ) id += generationChars [ Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * generationChars . length ) ] ;
return id ;
} ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . disCN = new Proxy ( DiscordClasses , {
get : function ( list , item ) {
return InternalBDFDB . getDiscordClass ( item , false ) . replace ( "#" , "" ) ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . disCNS = new Proxy ( DiscordClasses , {
get : function ( list , item ) {
return InternalBDFDB . getDiscordClass ( item , false ) . replace ( "#" , "" ) + " " ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . disCNC = new Proxy ( DiscordClasses , {
get : function ( list , item ) {
return InternalBDFDB . getDiscordClass ( item , false ) . replace ( "#" , "" ) + "," ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . dotCN = new Proxy ( DiscordClasses , {
get : function ( list , item ) {
let className = InternalBDFDB . getDiscordClass ( item , true ) ;
return ( className . indexOf ( "#" ) == 0 ? "" : "." ) + className ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . dotCNS = new Proxy ( DiscordClasses , {
get : function ( list , item ) {
let className = InternalBDFDB . getDiscordClass ( item , true ) ;
return ( className . indexOf ( "#" ) == 0 ? "" : "." ) + className + " " ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . dotCNC = new Proxy ( DiscordClasses , {
get : function ( list , item ) {
let className = InternalBDFDB . getDiscordClass ( item , true ) ;
return ( className . indexOf ( "#" ) == 0 ? "" : "." ) + className + "," ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . notCN = new Proxy ( DiscordClasses , {
get : function ( list , item ) {
return ` :not(. ${ InternalBDFDB . getDiscordClass ( item , true ) . split ( "." ) [ 0 ] } ) ` ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . notCNS = new Proxy ( DiscordClasses , {
get : function ( list , item ) {
return ` :not(. ${ InternalBDFDB . getDiscordClass ( item , true ) . split ( "." ) [ 0 ] } ) ` ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . notCNC = new Proxy ( DiscordClasses , {
get : function ( list , item ) {
return ` :not(. ${ InternalBDFDB . getDiscordClass ( item , true ) . split ( "." ) [ 0 ] } ), ` ;
} ) ;
const LanguageStrings = LibraryModules . LanguageStore && LibraryModules . LanguageStore . _proxyContext ? Object . assign ( { } , LibraryModules . LanguageStore . _proxyContext . defaultMessages ) : { } ;
const LibraryStrings = Object . assign ( { } , InternalData . LibraryStrings ) ;
BDFDB . LanguageUtils = { } ;
BDFDB . LanguageUtils . languages = Object . assign ( { } , InternalData . Languages ) ;
BDFDB . LanguageUtils . getLanguage = function ( ) {
let lang = LibraryModules . LanguageStore . chosenLocale || "en" ;
if ( lang == "en-GB" || lang == "en-US" ) lang = "en" ;
let langIds = lang . split ( "-" ) ;
let langId = langIds [ 0 ] ;
let langId2 = langIds [ 1 ] || "" ;
lang = langId2 && langId . toUpperCase ( ) !== langId2 . toUpperCase ( ) ? langId + "-" + langId2 : langId ;
return BDFDB . LanguageUtils . languages [ lang ] || BDFDB . LanguageUtils . languages [ langId ] || BDFDB . LanguageUtils . languages [ "en" ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings = new Proxy ( LanguageStrings , {
get : function ( list , item ) {
let stringObj = LibraryModules . LanguageStore . Messages [ item ] ;
if ( ! stringObj ) BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( item + " not found in BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings" ) ;
else {
if ( stringObj && typeof stringObj == "object" && typeof stringObj . format == "function" ) return BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStringsFormat ( item ) ;
else return stringObj ;
return "" ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStringsCheck = new Proxy ( LanguageStrings , {
get : function ( list , item ) {
return ! ! LibraryModules . LanguageStore . Messages [ item ] ;
} ) ;
let parseLanguageStringObj = obj => {
let string = "" ;
if ( typeof obj == "string" ) string += obj ;
else if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( obj ) ) {
if ( obj . props ) string += parseLanguageStringObj ( obj . props ) ;
else if ( obj . type ) {
let text = obj . content || obj . children && obj . children [ 0 ] && obj . children [ 0 ] . toString ( ) || "" ;
if ( text ) {
if ( obj . type == "text" || obj . content ) string = parseLanguageStringObj ( text ) ;
else string += ` < ${ obj . type } > ${ parseLanguageStringObj ( text ) } </ ${ obj . type } > ` ;
else if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( obj ) ) for ( let ele of obj ) string += parseLanguageStringObj ( ele ) ;
return string ;
} ;
BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStringsFormat = function ( item , ... values ) {
if ( item ) {
let stringObj = LibraryModules . LanguageStore . Messages [ item ] ;
if ( stringObj && typeof stringObj == "object" && typeof stringObj . format == "function" ) {
let i = 0 , returnvalue , formatVars = { } ;
while ( ! returnvalue && i < 10 ) {
i ++ ;
try { returnvalue = stringObj . format ( formatVars , false ) ; }
catch ( err ) {
returnvalue = null ;
let value = values . shift ( ) ;
formatVars [ err . toString ( ) . split ( "for: " ) [ 1 ] ] = value != null ? ( value === 0 ? "0" : value ) : "undefined" ;
if ( returnvalue ) return parseLanguageStringObj ( returnvalue ) ;
else {
BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( item + " failed to format string in BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings" ) ;
return "" ;
else return BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings [ item ] ;
else BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( item + " enter a valid key to format the string in BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LanguageStrings" ) ;
return "" ;
} ;
BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStrings = new Proxy ( LibraryStrings . default || { } , {
get : function ( list , item ) {
let languageId = BDFDB . LanguageUtils . getLanguage ( ) . id ;
if ( LibraryStrings [ languageId ] && LibraryStrings [ languageId ] [ item ] ) return LibraryStrings [ languageId ] [ item ] ;
else if ( LibraryStrings . default [ item ] ) return LibraryStrings . default [ item ] ;
else BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( item + " not found in BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LibraryStrings" ) ;
return "" ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStringsCheck = new Proxy ( LanguageStrings , {
get : function ( list , item ) {
return ! ! LibraryStrings . default [ item ] ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStringsFormat = function ( item , ... values ) {
if ( item && values . length ) {
let languageId = BDFDB . LanguageUtils . getLanguage ( ) . id , string = null ;
if ( LibraryStrings [ languageId ] && LibraryStrings [ languageId ] [ item ] ) string = LibraryStrings [ languageId ] [ item ] ;
else if ( LibraryStrings . default [ item ] ) string = LibraryStrings . default [ item ] ;
if ( string ) {
for ( let i = 0 ; i < values . length ; i ++ ) if ( typeof values [ i ] == "string" ) string = string . replace ( new RegExp ( ` {{var ${ i } }} ` , "g" ) , values [ i ] ) ;
return string ;
else BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( item + " not found in BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LibraryStrings" ) ;
else BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( item + " enter a valid key and at least one value to format the string in BDFDB.LanguageUtils.LibraryStrings" ) ;
return "" ;
} ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . interval ( interval => {
if ( LibraryModules . LanguageStore . chosenLocale ) {
BDFDB . TimeUtils . clear ( interval ) ;
let language = BDFDB . LanguageUtils . getLanguage ( ) ;
if ( language ) BDFDB . LanguageUtils . languages . $discord = Object . assign ( { } , language , { name : ` Discord ( ${ language . name } ) ` } ) ;
} , 100 ) ;
const reactInitialized = LibraryModules . React && LibraryModules . React . Component ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps = function ( component , defaultProps ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( component ) ) component . defaultProps = Object . assign ( { } , component . defaultProps , defaultProps ) ;
} ;
let openedItem ;
InternalComponents . MenuItem = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _MenuItem extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
constructor ( props ) {
super ( props ) ;
this . state = { hovered : false } ;
componentWillUnmount ( ) {
if ( openedItem == this . props . id ) openedItem = null ;
render ( ) {
let color = ( typeof this . props . color == "string" ? this . props . color : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . MenuItems . Colors . DEFAULT ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
let isCustomColor = false ;
if ( color ) {
if ( DiscordClasses [ ` menu ${ color } ` ] ) color = color ;
else if ( BDFDB . ColorUtils . getType ( color ) ) {
isCustomColor = true ;
color = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color , "RGBA" ) ;
else color = ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . MenuItems . Colors . DEFAULT || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
let renderPopout , onClose , hasPopout = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( this . props . popoutProps ) ;
if ( hasPopout ) {
renderPopout = instance => {
openedItem = this . props . id ;
return typeof this . props . popoutProps . renderPopout == "function" && this . props . popoutProps . renderPopout ( instance ) ;
} ;
onClose = instance => {
openedItem = null ;
typeof this . props . popoutProps . onClose == "function" && this . props . popoutProps . onClose ( instance ) ;
} ;
let focused = ! openedItem ? this . props . isFocused : openedItem == this . props . id ;
let themeDark = BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getTheme ( ) == BDFDB . disCN . themedark ;
let item = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Clickable , Object . assign ( {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . menuitem , BDFDB . disCN . menulabelcontainer , color && ( isCustomColor ? BDFDB . disCN . menucolorcustom : BDFDB . disCN [ ` menu ${ color } ` ] ) , this . props . disabled && BDFDB . disCN . menudisabled , focused && BDFDB . disCN . menufocused ) ,
style : {
color : isCustomColor ? ( ( focused || this . state . hovered ) ? ( BDFDB . ColorUtils . isBright ( color ) ? "#000000" : "#ffffff" ) : color ) : ( this . state . hovered ? "#ffffff" : null ) ,
background : isCustomColor && ( focused || this . state . hovered ) && color
} ,
onClick : this . props . disabled ? null : e => {
if ( ! this . props . action ) return false ;
! this . props . persisting && ! hasPopout && this . props . onClose ( ) ;
this . props . action ( e , this ) ;
} ,
onMouseEnter : this . props . disabled ? null : e => {
this . setState ( { hovered : true } ) ;
} ,
onMouseLeave : this . props . disabled ? null : e => {
this . setState ( { hovered : false } ) ;
} ,
"aria-disabled" : this . props . disabled ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . menulabel ,
children : [
typeof this . props . label == "function" ? this . props . label ( this ) : this . props . label ,
this . props . subtext && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . menusubtext ,
children : typeof this . props . subtext == "function" ? this . props . subtext ( this ) : this . props . subtext
} )
] . filter ( n => n )
} ) ,
this . props . hint && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . menuhintcontainer ,
children : typeof this . props . hint == "function" ? this . props . hint ( this ) : this . props . hint
} ) ,
this . props . icon && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . menuiconcontainer ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( this . props . icon , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . menuicon ,
} )
} ) ,
this . props . imageUrl && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . menuimagecontainer ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "img" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . menuimage ,
src : typeof this . props . imageUrl == "function" ? this . props . imageUrl ( this ) : this . props . imageUrl ,
alt : ""
} )
} )
] . filter ( n => n )
} , this . props . menuItemProps , { isFocused : focused } ) ) ;
return hasPopout ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PopoutContainer , Object . assign ( { } , this . props . popoutProps , {
children : item ,
renderPopout : renderPopout ,
onClose : onClose
} ) ) : item ;
} ;
InternalComponents . CustomMenuItemWrapper = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _CustomMenuItemWrapper extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
constructor ( props ) {
super ( props ) ;
this . state = { hovered : false } ;
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
onMouseEnter : e => {
this . setState ( { hovered : true } ) ;
} ,
onMouseLeave : e => {
this . setState ( { hovered : false } ) ;
} ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( this . props . children , Object . assign ( { } , this . props . childProps , { isFocused : this . state . hovered && ! this . props . disabled } ) )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . ErrorBoundary = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _ErrorBoundary extends LibraryModules . React . PureComponent {
constructor ( props ) {
super ( props ) ;
this . state = { hasError : false } ;
static getDerivedStateFromError ( error ) {
return { hasError : true } ;
componentDidCatch ( error , info ) {
BDFDB . LogUtils . error ( "Could not create react element! " + error ) ;
render ( ) {
if ( this . state . hasError ) return LibraryModules . React . createElement ( "span" , {
style : {
background : BDFDB . DiscordConstants && BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors && BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . PRIMARY _DARK ,
borderRadius : 5 ,
color : BDFDB . DiscordConstants && BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors && BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . STATUS _RED ,
fontSize : 12 ,
fontWeight : 600 ,
padding : 6 ,
textAlign : "center" ,
verticalAlign : "center"
} ,
children : "React Component Error"
} ) ;
return this . props . children ;
} ;
for ( let name in InternalData . NativeSubComponents ) {
if ( InternalData . NativeSubComponents [ name ] . name ) {
if ( InternalData . NativeSubComponents [ name ] . protos ) InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents [ name ] = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . find ( m => m && m . displayName == InternalData . NativeSubComponents [ name ] . name && m . prototype && InternalData . NativeSubComponents [ name ] . protos . every ( proto => m . prototype [ proto ] ) ) ;
else InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents [ name ] = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByName ( InternalData . NativeSubComponents [ name ] . name ) ;
else if ( InternalData . NativeSubComponents [ name ] . props ) InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents [ name ] = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByProperties ( InternalData . NativeSubComponents [ name ] . props ) ;
for ( let name in InternalData . LibraryComponents ) {
let module ;
if ( InternalData . LibraryComponents [ name ] . name ) module = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByName ( InternalData . LibraryComponents [ name ] . name ) ;
else if ( InternalData . LibraryComponents [ name ] . strings ) module = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByString ( InternalData . LibraryComponents [ name ] . strings ) ;
else if ( InternalData . LibraryComponents [ name ] . props ) module = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByProperties ( InternalData . LibraryComponents [ name ] . props ) ;
let child = name , parent = child . split ( " " ) , components = InternalComponents . LibraryComponents ;
if ( parent . length > 1 ) {
child = parent [ 1 ] , parent = parent [ 0 ] ;
if ( ! InternalComponents . LibraryComponents [ parent ] ) InternalComponents . LibraryComponents [ parent ] = { } ;
components = InternalComponents . LibraryComponents [ parent ] ;
if ( InternalData . LibraryComponents [ name ] . value ) module = ( module || { } ) [ InternalData . LibraryComponents [ name ] . value ] ;
if ( InternalData . LibraryComponents [ name ] . assign ) components [ child ] = Object . assign ( { } , module ) ;
else components [ child ] = module ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . AddonCard = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _AddonCard extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
2020-11-12 15:40:12 +01:00
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( this . props . data ) ) return null ;
2020-11-11 10:02:09 +01:00
let controls = [ ] . concat ( this . props . controls ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
let links = [ ] . concat ( this . props . links ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
let buttons = [ ] . concat ( this . props . buttons ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
2020-11-11 10:16:57 +01:00
let meta = [
2020-11-11 11:07:19 +01:00
! isBeta && " v" ,
2020-11-11 10:16:57 +01:00
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "span" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . _repoversion ,
2020-11-11 11:07:19 +01:00
children : isBeta ? ` v ${ this . props . data . version } ` : this . props . data . version
2020-11-11 10:16:57 +01:00
} ) ,
" by " ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "span" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . _repoauthor ,
children : this . props . data . author
} )
2020-11-11 11:07:19 +01:00
] . filter ( n => n ) ;
2020-11-12 15:40:12 +01:00
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . _repoentry , this . props . className , BDFDB . disCN . _repocard , BDFDB . disCN . _reposettingsclosed , BDFDB . disCN . _repocheckboxitem ) ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . _repoheader ,
style : { overflow : "visible" } ,
children : [
2020-11-12 17:11:25 +01:00
isBeta && this . props . icon ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "span" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . _repoheadertitle ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "span" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . _reponame ,
children : this . props . data . name
} ) ,
2020-11-11 10:16:57 +01:00
isBeta ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . _repometa ,
children : meta
} ) : meta
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ) ,
2020-11-11 17:08:40 +01:00
controls . length && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . _repoheadercontrols ,
2020-11-11 10:02:09 +01:00
children : controls
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} )
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . _repodescriptionwrap ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . _repodescription ,
2020-11-12 16:03:47 +01:00
children : this . props . data . description && BDFDB . ReactUtils . markdownParse ( this . props . data . description )
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} )
} ) ,
2020-11-11 10:02:09 +01:00
( links . length || buttons . length ) && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
className : BDFDB . disCN . _repofooter ,
children : [
2020-11-11 10:02:09 +01:00
links . length && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "span" , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
className : BDFDB . disCN . _repolinks ,
2020-11-11 10:02:09 +01:00
children : links . map ( ( data , i ) => {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( data ) ) return ;
let link = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "a" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . _repolink , typeof data . label == "string" && BDFDB . disCN . _repolink + "-" + data . label . toLowerCase ( ) . replace ( /\s/g , "" ) ) ,
href : data . href ,
children : data . icon || data . label
} ) ;
2020-11-12 16:37:22 +01:00
if ( ! isBeta ) return [
2020-11-11 10:02:09 +01:00
i > 0 && " | " ,
2020-11-12 16:37:22 +01:00
] ;
else {
let button = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . _repocontrolsbutton ,
children : link ,
onClick : e => {
if ( typeof data . onClick == "function" ) {
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . stopEvent ( e ) ;
data . onClick ( ) ;
2020-11-11 10:02:09 +01:00
2020-11-12 16:37:22 +01:00
} ) ;
return typeof data . label == "string" ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
2020-11-11 10:02:09 +01:00
text : data . label ,
2020-11-12 16:37:22 +01:00
children : button
} ) : button ;
2020-11-11 10:02:09 +01:00
} ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n )
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ) ,
2020-11-12 14:12:06 +01:00
buttons . length && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
2020-11-12 14:16:17 +01:00
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . _repofootercontrols , isBeta && BDFDB . disCN . _repocontrols ) ,
2020-11-12 14:12:06 +01:00
children : buttons
} )
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n )
2020-11-11 10:02:09 +01:00
} )
] . filter ( n => n )
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . BadgeAnimationContainer = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _BadgeAnimationContainer extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
componentDidMount ( ) { BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ; }
componentWillAppear ( e ) { if ( typeof e == "function" ) e ( ) ; }
componentWillEnter ( e ) { if ( typeof e == "function" ) e ( ) ; }
componentWillLeave ( e ) { if ( typeof e == "function" ) this . timeoutId = setTimeout ( e , 300 ) ; }
componentWillUnmount ( ) { clearTimeout ( this . timeoutId ) }
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Animations . animated . div , {
className : this . props . className ,
style : this . props . animatedStyle ,
children : this . props . children
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Badges = Object . assign ( { } , BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByProperties ( "IconBadge" , "NumberBadge" ) ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Badges . IconBadge = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _IconBadge extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . badgeiconbadge , this . props . className ) ,
style : Object . assign ( {
backgroundColor : this . props . disableColor ? null : ( this . props . color || BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . STATUS _RED )
} , this . props . style ) ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . badgeicon ,
name : this . props . icon
} )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . BotTag = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _BotTag extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleClick ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onClick == "function" ) this . props . onClick ( e , this ) ; }
handleContextMenu ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onContextMenu == "function" ) this . props . onContextMenu ( e , this ) ; }
handleMouseEnter ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onMouseEnter == "function" ) this . props . onMouseEnter ( e , this ) ; }
handleMouseLeave ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onMouseLeave == "function" ) this . props . onMouseLeave ( e , this ) ; }
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "span" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . className , this . props . invertColor ? BDFDB . disCN . bottaginvert : BDFDB . disCN . bottagregular , this . props . useRemSizes ? BDFDB . disCN . bottagrem : BDFDB . disCN . bottagpx ) ,
style : this . props . style ,
onClick : this . handleClick . bind ( this ) ,
onContextMenu : this . handleContextMenu . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseEnter : this . handleMouseEnter . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseLeave : this . handleMouseLeave . bind ( this ) ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "span" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . bottagtext ,
children : this . props . tag || BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . BOT _TAG _BOT
} )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _Button extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleClick ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onClick == "function" ) this . props . onClick ( e , this ) ; }
handleContextMenu ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onContextMenu == "function" ) this . props . onContextMenu ( e , this ) ; }
handleMouseDown ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onMouseDown == "function" ) this . props . onMouseDown ( e , this ) ; }
handleMouseUp ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onMouseUp == "function" ) this . props . onMouseUp ( e , this ) ; }
handleMouseEnter ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onMouseEnter == "function" ) this . props . onMouseEnter ( e , this ) ; }
handleMouseLeave ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onMouseLeave == "function" ) this . props . onMouseLeave ( e , this ) ; }
render ( ) {
let processingAndListening = ( this . props . disabled || this . props . submitting ) && ( null != this . props . onMouseEnter || null != this . props . onMouseLeave ) ;
let props = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( this . props , "look" , "color" , "hover" , "size" , "fullWidth" , "grow" , "disabled" , "submitting" , "type" , "style" , "wrapperClassName" , "className" , "innerClassName" , "onClick" , "onContextMenu" , "onMouseDown" , "onMouseUp" , "onMouseEnter" , "onMouseLeave" , "children" , "rel" ) ;
let button = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "button" , Object . assign ( { } , ! this . props . disabled && ! this . props . submitting && props , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . className , BDFDB . disCN . button , this . props . look != null ? this . props . look : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button . Looks . FILLED , this . props . color != null ? this . props . color : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button . Colors . BRAND , this . props . hover , this . props . size != null ? this . props . size : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button . Sizes . MEDIUM , processingAndListening && this . props . wrapperClassName , this . props . fullWidth && BDFDB . disCN . buttonfullwidth , ( this . props . grow === undefined || this . props . grow ) && BDFDB . disCN . buttongrow , this . props . hover && this . props . hover !== InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button . Hovers . DEFAULT && BDFDB . disCN . buttonhashover , this . props . submitting && BDFDB . disCN . buttonsubmitting ) ,
onClick : ( this . props . disabled || this . props . submitting ) ? e => { return e . preventDefault ( ) ; } : this . handleClick . bind ( this ) ,
onContextMenu : ( this . props . disabled || this . props . submitting ) ? e => { return e . preventDefault ( ) ; } : this . handleContextMenu . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseUp : ! this . props . disabled && this . handleMouseDown . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseDown : ! this . props . disabled && this . handleMouseUp . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseEnter : this . handleMouseEnter . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseLeave : this . handleMouseLeave . bind ( this ) ,
type : ! this . props . type ? "button" : this . props . type ,
disabled : this . props . disabled ,
style : this . props . style ,
rel : this . props . rel ,
children : [
this . props . submitting && ! this . props . disabled ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Spinner , {
type : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Spinner . Type . PULSING _ELLIPSIS ,
className : BDFDB . disCN . buttonspinner ,
itemClassName : BDFDB . disCN . buttonspinneritem
} ) : null ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . buttoncontents , this . props . innerClassName ) ,
children : this . props . children
} )
} ) ) ;
return ! processingAndListening ? button : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "span" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . buttondisabledwrapper , this . props . wrapperClassName , this . props . size != null ? this . props . size : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button . Sizes . MEDIUM , this . props . fullWidth && BDFDB . disCN . buttonfullwidth , ( this . props . grow === undefined || this . props . grow ) && BDFDB . disCN . buttongrow ) ,
children : [
button ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "span" , {
onMouseEnter : this . handleMouseEnter . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseLeave : this . handleMouseLeave . bind ( this ) ,
className : BDFDB . disCN . buttondisabledoverlay
} )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Card = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _Card extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . hovercardwrapper , this . props . backdrop && BDFDB . disCN . hovercard , this . props . className ) ,
onMouseEnter : e => { if ( typeof this . props . onMouseEnter == "function" ) this . props . onMouseEnter ( e , this ) ; } ,
onMouseLeave : e => { if ( typeof this . props . onMouseLeave == "function" ) this . props . onMouseLeave ( e , this ) ; } ,
onClick : e => { if ( typeof this . props . onClick == "function" ) this . props . onClick ( e , this ) ; } ,
onContextMenu : e => { if ( typeof this . props . onContextMenu == "function" ) this . props . onContextMenu ( e , this ) ; } ,
children : [
! this . props . noRemove ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . CardRemoveButton , {
onClick : e => {
if ( typeof this . props . onRemove == "function" ) this . props . onRemove ( e , this ) ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . stopEvent ( e ) ;
} ) : null ,
typeof this . props . children == "string" ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextElement , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . hovercardinner ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextScroller , { children : this . props . children } )
} ) : this . props . children
] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n )
} ) , "backdrop" , "noRemove" ) ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Card , { backdrop : true , noRemove : false } ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ChannelTextAreaButton = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _ChannelTextAreaButton extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button , {
look : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button . Looks . BLANK ,
size : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button . Sizes . NONE ,
"aria-label" : this . props . label ,
tabIndex : this . props . tabIndex ,
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . textareabuttonwrapper , this . props . isActive && BDFDB . disCN . textareabuttonactive ) ,
innerClassName : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . textareabutton , this . props . className , this . props . pulse && BDFDB . disCN . textareaattachbuttonplus ) ,
onClick : this . props . onClick ,
onContextMenu : this . props . onContextMenu ,
onMouseEnter : this . props . onMouseEnter ,
onMouseLeave : this . props . onMouseLeave ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
name : this . props . iconName ,
iconSVG : this . props . iconSVG ,
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . textareaicon , this . props . iconClassName , this . props . pulse && BDFDB . disCN . textareaiconpulse ) ,
nativeClass : this . props . nativeClass
} )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ChannelTextAreaButton , { tabIndex : 0 } ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . CharCounter = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _CharCounter extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
getCounterString ( ) {
let input = this . refElement || { } , string = "" ;
if ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . containsClass ( this . refElement , BDFDB . disCN . textarea ) ) {
let instance = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( input , { name : "ChannelEditorContainer" , up : true } ) ;
if ( instance ) string = instance . props . textValue ;
else string = input . value || input . textContent || "" ;
else string = input . value || input . textContent || "" ;
let start = input . selectionStart || 0 , end = input . selectionEnd || 0 , selectlength = end - start , selection = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getSelection ( ) ;
let select = ! selectlength && ! selection ? 0 : ( selectlength || selection . length ) ;
select = ! select ? 0 : ( select > string . length ? ( end || start ? string . length - ( string . length - end - start ) : string . length ) : select ) ;
let children = [
typeof this . props . renderPrefix == "function" && this . props . renderPrefix ( string . length ) ,
` ${ string . length } ${ ! this . props . max ? "" : "/" + this . props . max } ${ ! select ? "" : " (" + select + ")" } ` ,
typeof this . props . renderSuffix == "function" && this . props . renderSuffix ( string . length )
] . filter ( n => n ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . onChange == "function" ) this . props . onChange ( this ) ;
return children . length == 1 ? children [ 0 ] : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
children : children
} ) ;
updateCounter ( ) {
if ( ! this . refElement ) return ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . clear ( this . updateTimeout ) ;
this . updateTimeout = BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( this . forceUpdateCounter . bind ( this ) , 100 ) ;
forceUpdateCounter ( ) {
if ( ! this . refElement ) return ;
this . props . children = this . getCounterString ( ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
handleSelection ( ) {
if ( ! this . refElement ) return ;
let mousemove = _ => {
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( this . forceUpdateCounter . bind ( this ) , 10 ) ;
} ;
let mouseup = _ => {
document . removeEventListener ( "mousemove" , mousemove ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
if ( this . refElement . selectionEnd - this . refElement . selectionStart ) BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => {
document . addEventListener ( "click" , click ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
let click = _ => {
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( this . forceUpdateCounter . bind ( this ) , 100 ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "mousemove" , mousemove ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "click" , click ) ;
} ;
document . addEventListener ( "mousemove" , mousemove ) ;
document . addEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
componentDidMount ( ) {
if ( this . props . refClass ) {
let node = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( this ) ;
if ( node && node . parentElement ) {
this . refElement = node . parentElement . querySelector ( this . props . refClass ) ;
if ( this . refElement ) {
if ( ! this . _updateCounter ) this . _updateCounter = _ => {
if ( ! document . contains ( node ) ) BDFDB . ListenerUtils . multiRemove ( this . refElement , "keydown click change" , this . _updateCounter ) ;
else this . updateCounter ( ) ;
} ;
if ( ! this . _handleSelection ) this . _handleSelection = _ => {
if ( ! document . contains ( node ) ) BDFDB . ListenerUtils . multiRemove ( this . refElement , "mousedown" , this . _handleSelection ) ;
else this . handleSelection ( ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . multiRemove ( this . refElement , "mousedown" , this . _handleSelection ) ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . multiAdd ( this . refElement , "mousedown" , this . _handleSelection ) ;
if ( this . refElement . tagName == "INPUT" || this . refElement . tagName == "TEXTAREA" ) {
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . multiRemove ( this . refElement , "keydown click change" , this . _updateCounter ) ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . multiAdd ( this . refElement , "keydown click change" , this . _updateCounter ) ;
else {
if ( ! this . _mutationObserver ) this . _mutationObserver = new MutationObserver ( changes => {
if ( ! document . contains ( node ) ) this . _mutationObserver . disconnect ( ) ;
else this . updateCounter ( ) ;
} ) ;
else this . _mutationObserver . disconnect ( ) ;
this . _mutationObserver . observe ( this . refElement , { childList : true , subtree : true } ) ;
this . updateCounter ( ) ;
else BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( "could not find referenceElement for BDFDB_CharCounter" ) ;
else BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( "refClass can not be undefined for BDFDB_CharCounter" ) ;
render ( ) {
let string = this . getCounterString ( ) ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => { if ( string != this . getCounterString ( ) ) BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ; } ) ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . charcounter , this . props . className ) ,
children : string
} ) , "parsing" , "max" , "refClass" , "renderPrefix" , "renderSuffix" ) ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Checkbox = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _Checkbox extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleChange ( ) {
this . props . value = ! this . props . value ;
if ( typeof this . props . onChange == "function" ) this . props . onChange ( this . props . value , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . Checkbox , Object . assign ( { } , this . props , { onChange : this . handleChange . bind ( this ) } ) ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Clickable = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _Clickable extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleClick ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onClick == "function" ) this . props . onClick ( e , this ) ; }
handleContextMenu ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onContextMenu == "function" ) this . props . onContextMenu ( e , this ) ; }
handleMouseDown ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onMouseDown == "function" ) this . props . onMouseDown ( e , this ) ; }
handleMouseUp ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onMouseUp == "function" ) this . props . onMouseUp ( e , this ) ; }
handleMouseEnter ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onMouseEnter == "function" ) this . props . onMouseEnter ( e , this ) ; }
handleMouseLeave ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onMouseLeave == "function" ) this . props . onMouseLeave ( e , this ) ; }
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . Clickable , Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . className , ( this . props . className || "" ) . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( "disabled" ) == - 1 && BDFDB . disCN . cursorpointer ) ,
onClick : this . handleClick . bind ( this ) ,
onContextMenu : this . handleContextMenu . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseUp : this . handleMouseDown . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseDown : ! this . props . disabled && this . handleMouseUp . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseEnter : this . handleMouseEnter . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseLeave : this . handleMouseLeave . bind ( this )
} ) ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . CollapseContainer = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _CollapseContainer extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( this . props . collapseStates ) ) this . props . collapseStates = { } ;
this . props . collapsed = this . props . collapsed && ( this . props . collapseStates [ this . props . title ] || this . props . collapseStates [ this . props . title ] == undefined ) ;
this . props . collapseStates [ this . props . title ] = this . props . collapsed ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . collapsed && BDFDB . disCN . collapsecontainercollapsed , this . props . mini ? BDFDB . disCN . collapsecontainermini : BDFDB . disCN . collapsecontainer , this . props . className ) ,
id : this . props . id ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . collapsecontainerheader ,
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
onClick : e => {
this . props . collapsed = ! this . props . collapsed ;
this . props . collapseStates [ this . props . title ] = this . props . collapsed ;
if ( typeof this . props . onClick == "function" ) this . props . onClick ( this . props . collapsed , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
} ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormTitle , {
tag : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormTitle . Tags . H5 ,
className : BDFDB . disCN . collapsecontainertitle ,
children : this . props . title
} )
} ) ,
! this . props . collapsed ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . collapsecontainerinner ,
children : this . props . children
} ) : null
} ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . CollapseContainer , { collapsed : true , mini : true } ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ColorPicker = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _ColorPicker extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
constructor ( props ) {
super ( props ) ;
if ( ! this . state ) this . state = { } ;
this . state . isGradient = props . gradient && props . color && BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( props . color ) ;
this . state . gradientBarEnabled = this . state . isGradient ;
this . state . draggingAlphaCursor = false ;
this . state . draggingGradientCursor = false ;
this . state . selectedGradientCursor = 0 ;
handleColorChange ( color ) {
let changed = false ;
if ( color != null ) {
changed = ! BDFDB . equals ( this . state . isGradient ? this . props . color [ this . state . selectedGradientCursor ] : this . props . color , color ) ;
if ( this . state . isGradient ) this . props . color [ this . state . selectedGradientCursor ] = color ;
else this . props . color = color ;
else changed = true ;
if ( changed ) {
if ( typeof this . props . onColorChange == "function" ) this . props . onColorChange ( this . props . color ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
componentDidMount ( ) {
this . domElementRef = { current : BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . itemlayer , BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( this ) ) } ;
let popoutContainerInstance = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( this . domElementRef . current , { name : "BDFDB_PopoutContainer" , up : true , unlimited : true } ) ;
if ( popoutContainerInstance ) {
let mousedown = event => {
if ( ! this . domElementRef . current || ! document . contains ( this . domElementRef . current ) ) document . removeEventListener ( "mousedown" , mousedown ) ;
else if ( ! this . domElementRef . current . contains ( event . target ) ) {
let mouseup = event => {
if ( ! this . domElementRef . current || ! document . contains ( this . domElementRef . current ) ) {
document . removeEventListener ( "mousedown" , mousedown ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
else if ( ! this . domElementRef . current . contains ( event . target ) ) {
document . removeEventListener ( "mousedown" , mousedown ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
popoutContainerInstance . handleClick ( event ) ;
} ;
document . addEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
} ;
document . addEventListener ( "mousedown" , mousedown ) ;
render ( ) {
if ( this . state . isGradient ) this . props . color = Object . assign ( { } , this . props . color ) ;
let hslFormat = this . props . alpha ? "HSLA" : "HSL" ;
let hexRegex = this . props . alpha ? /^#([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i : /^#([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i ;
let selectedColor = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( this . state . isGradient ? this . props . color [ this . state . selectedGradientCursor ] : this . props . color , hslFormat ) || BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( "#000000FF" , hslFormat ) ;
let currentGradient = ( this . state . isGradient ? Object . entries ( this . props . color , hslFormat ) : [ [ 0 , selectedColor ] , [ 1 , selectedColor ] ] ) ;
let [ h , s , l ] = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( selectedColor , "HSLCOMP" ) ;
let a = BDFDB . ColorUtils . getAlpha ( selectedColor ) ;
a = a == null ? 1 : a ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PopoutFocusLock , {
className : BDFDB . disCNS . colorpickerwrapper + BDFDB . disCN . colorpicker ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerinner ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickersaturation ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickersaturationcolor ,
style : { position : "absolute" , top : 0 , right : 0 , bottom : 0 , left : 0 , cursor : "crosshair" , backgroundColor : BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( [ h , "100%" , "100%" ] , "RGB" ) } ,
onClick : event => {
let rects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . colorpickersaturationcolor , event . target ) ) ;
let newS = BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ rects . left , rects . left + rects . width ] , [ 0 , 100 ] , event . clientX ) + "%" ;
let newL = BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ rects . top , rects . top + rects . height ] , [ 100 , 0 ] , event . clientY ) + "%" ;
this . handleColorChange ( BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( [ h , newS , newL , a ] , hslFormat ) ) ;
} ,
onMouseDown : event => {
let rects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . colorpickersaturationcolor , event . target ) ) ;
let mouseup = _ => {
document . removeEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "mousemove" , mousemove ) ;
} ;
let mousemove = event2 => {
let newS = BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ rects . left , rects . left + rects . width ] , [ 0 , 100 ] , event2 . clientX ) + "%" ;
let newL = BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ rects . top , rects . top + rects . height ] , [ 100 , 0 ] , event2 . clientY ) + "%" ;
this . handleColorChange ( BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( [ h , newS , newL , a ] , hslFormat ) ) ;
} ;
document . addEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
document . addEventListener ( "mousemove" , mousemove ) ;
} ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "style" , {
children : ` ${ BDFDB . dotCN . colorpickersaturationwhite } {background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to right, #fff, rgba(255,255,255,0));background: linear-gradient(to right, #fff, rgba(255,255,255,0));} ${ BDFDB . dotCN . colorpickersaturationblack } {background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to top, #000, rgba(0,0,0,0));background: linear-gradient(to top, #000, rgba(0,0,0,0));} `
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickersaturationwhite ,
style : { position : "absolute" , top : 0 , right : 0 , bottom : 0 , left : 0 } ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickersaturationblack ,
style : { position : "absolute" , top : 0 , right : 0 , bottom : 0 , left : 0 }
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickersaturationcursor ,
style : { position : "absolute" , cursor : "crosshair" , left : s , top : ` ${ BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ 0 , 100 ] , [ 100 , 0 ] , parseFloat ( l ) ) } % ` } ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
style : { width : 4 , height : 4 , boxShadow : "rgb(255, 255, 255) 0px 0px 0px 1.5px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0px 0px 1px 1px inset, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) 0px 0px 1px 2px" , borderRadius : "50%" , transform : "translate(-2px, -2px)" }
} )
} )
} )
} )
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerhue ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
style : { position : "absolute" , top : 0 , right : 0 , bottom : 0 , left : 0 } ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerhuehorizontal ,
style : { padding : "0px 2px" , position : "relative" , height : "100%" } ,
onClick : event => {
let rects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . colorpickerhuehorizontal , event . target ) ) ;
let newH = BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ rects . left , rects . left + rects . width ] , [ 0 , 360 ] , event . clientX ) ;
this . handleColorChange ( BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( [ newH , s , l , a ] , hslFormat ) ) ;
} ,
onMouseDown : event => {
let rects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . colorpickerhuehorizontal , event . target ) ) ;
let mouseup = _ => {
document . removeEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "mousemove" , mousemove ) ;
} ;
let mousemove = event2 => {
let newH = BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ rects . left , rects . left + rects . width ] , [ 0 , 360 ] , event2 . clientX ) ;
this . handleColorChange ( BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( [ newH , s , l , a ] , hslFormat ) ) ;
} ;
document . addEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
document . addEventListener ( "mousemove" , mousemove ) ;
} ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "style" , {
children : ` ${ BDFDB . dotCN . colorpickerhuehorizontal } {background: linear-gradient(to right, #f00 0%, #ff0 17%, #0f0 33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 67%, #f0f 83%, #f00 100%);background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to right, #f00 0%, #ff0 17%, #0f0 33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 67%, #f0f 83%, #f00 100%);} ${ BDFDB . dotCN . colorpickerhuevertical } {background: linear-gradient(to top, #f00 0%, #ff0 17%, #0f0 33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 67%, #f0f 83%, #f00 100%);background: -webkit-linear-gradient(to top, #f00 0%, #ff0 17%, #0f0 33%, #0ff 50%, #00f 67%, #f0f 83%, #f00 100%);} `
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerhuecursor ,
style : { position : "absolute" , cursor : "ew-resize" , left : ` ${ BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ 0 , 360 ] , [ 0 , 100 ] , h ) } % ` } ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
style : { marginTop : 1 , width : 4 , borderRadius : 1 , height : 8 , boxShadow : "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) 0px 0px 2px" , background : "rgb(255, 255, 255)" , transform : "translateX(-2px)" }
} )
} )
} )
} )
} ) ,
this . props . alpha && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickeralpha ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
style : { position : "absolute" , top : 0 , right : 0 , bottom : 0 , left : 0 } ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickeralphacheckered ,
style : { padding : "0px 2px" , position : "relative" , height : "100%" }
} )
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
style : { position : "absolute" , top : 0 , right : 0 , bottom : 0 , left : 0 } ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickeralphahorizontal ,
style : { padding : "0px 2px" , position : "relative" , height : "100%" , background : ` linear-gradient(to right, ${ BDFDB . ColorUtils . setAlpha ( [ h , s , l ] , 0 , "RGBA" ) } , ${ BDFDB . ColorUtils . setAlpha ( [ h , s , l ] , 1 , "RGBA" ) } ` } ,
onClick : event => {
let rects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . colorpickeralphahorizontal , event . target ) ) ;
let newA = BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ rects . left , rects . left + rects . width ] , [ 0 , 1 ] , event . clientX ) ;
this . handleColorChange ( BDFDB . ColorUtils . setAlpha ( selectedColor , newA , hslFormat ) ) ;
} ,
onMouseDown : event => {
let rects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . colorpickeralphahorizontal , event . target ) ) ;
let mouseup = _ => {
document . removeEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "mousemove" , mousemove ) ;
this . state . draggingAlphaCursor = false ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
} ;
let mousemove = event2 => {
this . state . draggingAlphaCursor = true ;
let newA = BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ rects . left , rects . left + rects . width ] , [ 0 , 1 ] , event2 . clientX ) ;
this . handleColorChange ( BDFDB . ColorUtils . setAlpha ( selectedColor , newA , hslFormat ) ) ;
} ;
document . addEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
document . addEventListener ( "mousemove" , mousemove ) ;
} ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickeralphacursor ,
style : { position : "absolute" , cursor : "ew-resize" , left : ` ${ a * 100 } % ` } ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
style : { marginTop : 1 , width : 4 , borderRadius : 1 , height : 8 , boxShadow : "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6) 0px 0px 2px" , background : "rgb(255, 255, 255)" , transform : "translateX(-2px)" }
} ) ,
this . state . draggingAlphaCursor && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "span" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . sliderbubble ,
style : { opacity : 1 , visibility : "visible" , left : 2 } ,
children : ` ${ Math . floor ( a * 100 ) } % `
} )
] . filter ( n => n )
} )
} )
} )
} ) ,
this . state . gradientBarEnabled && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickergradient ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
style : { position : "absolute" , top : 0 , right : 0 , bottom : 0 , left : 0 } ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickergradientcheckered ,
style : { padding : "0px 2px" , position : "relative" , height : "100%" }
} )
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
style : { position : "absolute" , top : 0 , right : 0 , bottom : 0 , left : 0 } ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickergradienthorizontal ,
style : { padding : "0px 2px" , position : "relative" , cursor : "copy" , height : "100%" , background : BDFDB . ColorUtils . createGradient ( currentGradient . reduce ( ( colorObj , posAndColor ) => ( colorObj [ posAndColor [ 0 ] ] = posAndColor [ 1 ] , colorObj ) , { } ) ) } ,
onClick : event => {
let rects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( event . target ) ;
let pos = BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ rects . left , rects . left + rects . width ] , [ 0.01 , 0.99 ] , event . clientX ) ;
if ( Object . keys ( this . props . color ) . indexOf ( pos ) == - 1 ) {
this . props . color [ pos ] = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( "#000000FF" , hslFormat ) ;
this . state . selectedGradientCursor = pos ;
this . handleColorChange ( ) ;
} ,
children : currentGradient . map ( posAndColor => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . colorpickergradientcursor , ( posAndColor [ 0 ] == 0 || posAndColor [ 0 ] == 1 ) && BDFDB . disCNS . colorpickergradientcursoredge , this . state . selectedGradientCursor == posAndColor [ 0 ] && BDFDB . disCN . colorpickergradientcursorselected ) ,
style : { position : "absolute" , cursor : "pointer" , left : ` ${ posAndColor [ 0 ] * 100 } % ` } ,
onMouseDown : posAndColor [ 0 ] == 0 || posAndColor [ 0 ] == 1 ? _ => { } : event => {
event = event . nativeEvent || event ;
let mousemove = event2 => {
if ( Math . sqrt ( ( event . pageX - event2 . pageX ) * * 2 ) > 10 ) {
document . removeEventListener ( "mousemove" , mousemove ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
this . state . draggingGradientCursor = true ;
let cursor = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getParent ( BDFDB . dotCN . colorpickergradientcursor , event . target ) ;
let rects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( cursor . parentElement ) ;
let releasing = _ => {
document . removeEventListener ( "mousemove" , dragging ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "mouseup" , releasing ) ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => { this . state . draggingGradientCursor = false ; } ) ;
} ;
let dragging = event3 => {
let pos = BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ rects . left , rects . left + rects . width ] , [ 0.01 , 0.99 ] , event3 . clientX ) ;
if ( Object . keys ( this . props . color ) . indexOf ( pos ) == - 1 ) {
delete this . props . color [ posAndColor [ 0 ] ] ;
posAndColor [ 0 ] = pos ;
this . props . color [ pos ] = posAndColor [ 1 ] ;
this . state . selectedGradientCursor = pos ;
this . handleColorChange ( ) ;
} ;
document . addEventListener ( "mousemove" , dragging ) ;
document . addEventListener ( "mouseup" , releasing ) ;
} ;
let mouseup = _ => {
document . removeEventListener ( "mousemove" , mousemove ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
} ;
document . addEventListener ( "mousemove" , mousemove ) ;
document . addEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
} ,
onClick : event => {
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . stopEvent ( event ) ;
if ( ! this . state . draggingGradientCursor ) {
this . state . selectedGradientCursor = posAndColor [ 0 ] ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
} ,
onContextMenu : posAndColor [ 0 ] == 0 || posAndColor [ 0 ] == 1 ? _ => { } : event => {
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . stopEvent ( event ) ;
delete this . props . color [ posAndColor [ 0 ] ] ;
this . state . selectedGradientCursor = 0 ;
this . handleColorChange ( ) ;
} ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
style : { background : BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( posAndColor [ 1 ] , "RGBA" ) }
} )
} ) )
} )
} )
} )
] . filter ( n => n )
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextInput , {
className : BDFDB . disCNS . colorpickerhexinput + BDFDB . disCN . margintop8 ,
maxLength : this . props . alpha ? 9 : 7 ,
valuePrefix : "#" ,
value : BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( selectedColor , this . props . alpha ? "HEXA" : "HEX" ) ,
autoFocus : true ,
onChange : value => {
if ( hexRegex . test ( value ) ) this . handleColorChange ( value ) ;
} ,
inputChildren : this . props . gradient && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
text : "Gradient" ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Clickable , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . colorpickergradientbutton , this . state . gradientBarEnabled && BDFDB . disCN . colorpickergradientbuttonenabled ) ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
nativeClass : true ,
width : 28 ,
height : 28 ,
name : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . GRADIENT
} ) ,
onClick : _ => {
this . state . gradientBarEnabled = ! this . state . gradientBarEnabled ;
if ( this . state . gradientBarEnabled && ! this . state . isGradient ) this . props . color = { 0 : selectedColor , 1 : selectedColor } ;
else if ( ! this . state . gradientBarEnabled && this . state . isGradient ) this . props . color = selectedColor ;
this . state . isGradient = this . props . color && BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( this . props . color ) ;
this . handleColorChange ( ) ;
} )
} )
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : "move-corners" ,
children : [ { top : 0 , left : 0 } , { top : 0 , right : 0 } , { bottom : 0 , right : 0 } , { bottom : 0 , left : 0 } ] . map ( pos => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : "move-corner" ,
onMouseDown : e => {
if ( ! this . domElementRef . current ) return ;
let rects = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( this . domElementRef . current ) ;
let left = rects . left , top = rects . top ;
let oldX = e . pageX , oldY = e . pageY ;
let mouseup = _ => {
document . removeEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "mousemove" , mousemove ) ;
} ;
let mousemove = e2 => {
left = left - ( oldX - e2 . pageX ) , top = top - ( oldY - e2 . pageY ) ;
oldX = e2 . pageX , oldY = e2 . pageY ;
this . domElementRef . current . style . setProperty ( "left" , ` ${ left } px ` , "important" ) ;
this . domElementRef . current . style . setProperty ( "top" , ` ${ top } px ` , "important" ) ;
} ;
document . addEventListener ( "mouseup" , mouseup ) ;
document . addEventListener ( "mousemove" , mousemove ) ;
} ,
style : Object . assign ( { } , pos , { width : 10 , height : 10 , cursor : "move" , position : "absolute" } )
} ) )
} )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ColorSwatches = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _ColorSwatches extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
constructor ( props ) {
super ( props ) ;
props . selectedColor = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( props . color ) ? props . color : BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( props . color , "RGBA" ) ;
props . colors = ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( props . colors ) ? props . colors : [ null , 5433630 , 3066993 , 1752220 , 3447003 , 3429595 , 8789737 , 10181046 , 15277667 , 15286558 , 15158332 , 15105570 , 15844367 , 13094093 , 7372936 , 6513507 , 16777215 , 3910932 , 2067276 , 1146986 , 2123412 , 2111892 , 7148717 , 7419530 , 11342935 , 11345940 , 10038562 , 11027200 , 12745742 , 9936031 , 6121581 , 2894892 ] ) . map ( c => BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( c , "RGBA" ) ) ;
props . colorRows = props . colors . length ? [ props . colors . slice ( 0 , parseInt ( props . colors . length / 2 ) ) , props . colors . slice ( parseInt ( props . colors . length / 2 ) ) ] : [ ] ;
props . customColor = props . selectedColor != null ? ( props . colors . indexOf ( props . selectedColor ) > - 1 ? null : props . selectedColor ) : null ;
props . customSelected = ! ! props . customColor ;
props . pickerConfig = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( props . pickerConfig ) ? props . pickerConfig : { gradient : true , alpha : true } ;
this . state = props ;
var swatches = this ;
this . ColorSwatch = class BDFDB _ColorSwatch extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
let useWhite = ! BDFDB . ColorUtils . isBright ( this . props . color ) ;
let swatch = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "button" , {
type : "button" ,
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerswatch , this . props . isSingle && BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerswatchsingle , this . props . isDisabled && BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerswatchdisabled , this . props . isSelected && BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerswatchselected , this . props . isCustom && BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerswatchcustom , this . props . color == null && BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerswatchnocolor ) ,
number : this . props . number ,
disabled : this . props . isDisabled ,
onClick : _ => {
if ( ! this . props . isSelected ) {
let color = this . props . isCustom && this . props . color == null ? "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)" : this . props . color ;
if ( typeof swatches . props . onColorChange == "function" ) swatches . props . onColorChange ( BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color , "RGBA" ) ) ;
swatches . setState ( {
selectedColor : color ,
customColor : this . props . isCustom ? color : swatches . state . customColor ,
customSelected : this . props . isCustom
} ) ;
} ,
style : Object . assign ( { } , this . props . style , {
background : BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( this . props . color ) ? BDFDB . ColorUtils . createGradient ( this . props . color ) : BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( this . props . color , "RGBA" )
} ) ,
children : [
this . props . isCustom || this . props . isSingle ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerswatchdropper ,
foreground : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerswatchdropperfg ,
name : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . DROPPER ,
width : this . props . isCustom ? 14 : 10 ,
height : this . props . isCustom ? 14 : 10 ,
color : useWhite ? BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . WHITE : BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . BLACK
} ) : null ,
this . props . isSelected && ! this . props . isSingle ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
name : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . CHECKMARK ,
width : this . props . isCustom ? 32 : 16 ,
height : this . props . isCustom ? 24 : 16 ,
color : useWhite ? BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . WHITE : BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . BLACK
} ) : null
} ) ;
if ( this . props . isCustom || this . props . isSingle || this . props . color == null ) swatch = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
text : this . props . isCustom || this . props . isSingle ? BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . CUSTOM _COLOR : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . DEFAULT ,
tooltipConfig : { type : this . props . isSingle ? "top" : "bottom" } ,
children : swatch
} ) ;
if ( this . props . isCustom || this . props . isSingle ) swatch = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PopoutContainer , {
children : swatch ,
wrap : false ,
popoutClassName : BDFDB . disCNS . colorpickerwrapper + BDFDB . disCN . colorpicker ,
animation : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PopoutContainer . Animation . TRANSLATE ,
position : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PopoutContainer . Positions . BOTTOM ,
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PopoutContainer . Align . CENTER ,
renderPopout : _ => {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ColorPicker , Object . assign ( {
color : this . props . color ,
onColorChange : color => {
if ( typeof swatches . props . onColorChange == "function" ) swatches . props . onColorChange ( BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color , "RGBA" ) )
this . props . color = color ;
swatches . setState ( {
selectedColor : color ,
customColor : color ,
customSelected : true
} ) ;
} , props . pickerConfig ) , true ) ;
} ) ;
return swatch ;
renderRow ( colors ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerrow ,
wrap : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Wrap . WRAP ,
children : colors . map ( color => {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( this . ColorSwatch , {
color : color ,
isCustom : false ,
isSelected : ! this . state . customSelected && color === this . state . selectedColor ,
isDisabled : this . state . disabled
} )
} )
} ) ;
render ( ) {
let customSwatch = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( this . ColorSwatch , {
number : ! this . state . colors . length ? ( this . props . number != null ? this . props . number : 0 ) : null ,
color : this . state . customColor ,
isSingle : ! this . state . colors . length ,
isCustom : this . state . colors . length ,
isSelected : this . state . customSelected ,
isDisabled : this . state . disabled ,
style : { margin : 0 }
} ) ;
return ! this . state . colors . length ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerswatchsinglewrapper ,
children : customSwatch
} ) : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerswatches , this . state . disabled && BDFDB . disCN . colorpickerswatchesdisabled ) ,
number : this . props . number != null ? this . props . number : 0 ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Child , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . marginreset ,
shrink : 0 ,
grow : 0 ,
children : customSwatch
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
direction : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Direction . VERTICAL ,
className : BDFDB . disCN . flexmarginreset ,
grow : 1 ,
children : [
this . renderRow ( this . state . colorRows [ 0 ] ) ,
this . renderRow ( this . state . colorRows [ 1 ] )
} )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . EmojiPickerButton = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _EmojiPickerButton extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleEmojiChange ( emoji ) {
if ( emoji != null ) {
this . props . emoji = emoji . id ? {
id : emoji . id ,
name : emoji . name ,
animated : emoji . animated
} : {
id : null ,
name : emoji . optionallyDiverseSequence ,
animated : false
} ;
if ( typeof this . props . onSelect == "function" ) this . props . onSelect ( this . props . emoji , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PopoutContainer , {
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . EmojiButton , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . className , BDFDB . disCN . emojiinputbutton ) ,
renderButtonContents : this . props . emoji ? _ => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Emoji , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . emoji ,
emojiId : this . props . emoji . id ,
emojiName : this . props . emoji . name
} ) : null
} ) ,
wrap : false ,
animation : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PopoutContainer . Animation . NONE ,
position : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PopoutContainer . Positions . TOP ,
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PopoutContainer . Align . LEFT ,
renderPopout : instance => {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . EmojiPicker , {
closePopout : instance . close ,
onSelectEmoji : this . handleEmojiChange . bind ( this ) ,
allowManagedEmojis : this . props . allowManagedEmojis
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . EmojiPickerButton , { allowManagedEmojis : false } ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FavButton = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _FavButton extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleClick ( ) {
this . props . isFavorite = ! this . props . isFavorite ;
if ( typeof this . props . onClick == "function" ) this . props . onClick ( this . props . isFavorite , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . favbuttoncontainer , this . props . className ) ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . FavButton , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , { onClick : this . handleClick . bind ( this ) } ) , "className" ) )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FileButton = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _FileButton extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
componentDidMount ( ) {
if ( this . props . searchFolders ) {
let node = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( this ) ;
if ( node && ( node = node . querySelector ( "input[type='file']" ) ) != null ) {
node . setAttribute ( "directory" , "" ) ;
node . setAttribute ( "webkitdirectory" , "" ) ;
render ( ) {
let filter = this . props . filter && [ this . props . filter ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => typeof n == "string" ) || [ ] ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Button , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
onClick : e => { e . currentTarget . querySelector ( "input" ) . click ( ) ; } ,
children : [
BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStrings . file _navigator _text ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "input" , {
type : "file" ,
accept : filter . length && ( filter . join ( "/*," ) + "/*" ) ,
style : { display : "none" } ,
onChange : e => {
let file = e . currentTarget . files [ 0 ] ;
if ( this . refInput && file && ( ! filter . length || filter . some ( n => file . type . indexOf ( n ) == 0 ) ) ) {
this . refInput . props . value = this . props . searchFolders ? file . path . split ( file . name ) . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) . join ( file . name ) : ` ${ this . props . mode == "url" ? "url('" : "" } ${ ( this . props . useFilePath ) ? file . path : ` data: ${ file . type } ;base64, ${ BDFDB . LibraryRequires . fs . readFileSync ( file . path ) . toString ( "base64" ) } ` } ${ this . props . mode ? "')" : "" } ` ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this . refInput ) ;
this . refInput . handleChange ( this . refInput . props . value ) ;
} )
} ) , "filter" , "mode" , "useFilePath" , "searchFolders" ) ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormItem = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _FormItem extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : this . props . className ,
style : this . props . style ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . BASELINE ,
children : [
this . props . title != null || this . props . error != null ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Child , {
wrap : true ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormTitle , {
tag : this . props . tag || InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormTitle . Tags . H5 ,
disabled : this . props . disabled ,
required : this . props . required ,
error : this . props . error ,
className : this . props . titleClassName ,
children : this . props . title
} )
} ) : null
] . concat ( [ this . props . titlechildren ] . flat ( 10 ) ) . filter ( n => n )
} ) ,
] . concat ( this . props . children )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents = Object . assign ( { } , InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . Guild = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _Guild extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
constructor ( props ) {
super ( props ) ;
this . state = { hovered : false } ;
handleMouseEnter ( e ) {
if ( ! this . props . sorting ) this . setState ( { hovered : true } ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . onMouseEnter == "function" ) this . props . onMouseEnter ( e , this ) ;
handleMouseLeave ( e ) {
if ( ! this . props . sorting ) this . setState ( { hovered : false } ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . onMouseLeave == "function" ) this . props . onMouseLeave ( e , this ) ;
handleMouseDown ( e ) {
if ( ! this . props . unavailable && this . props . guild && this . props . selectedChannelId ) LibraryModules . DirectMessageUtils . preload ( this . props . guild . id , this . props . selectedChannelId ) ;
if ( e . button == 0 && typeof this . props . onMouseDown == "function" ) this . props . onMouseDown ( e , this ) ;
handleMouseUp ( e ) {
if ( e . button == 0 && typeof this . props . onMouseUp == "function" ) this . props . onMouseUp ( e , this ) ;
handleClick ( e ) {
if ( typeof this . props . onClick == "function" ) this . props . onClick ( e , this ) ;
handleContextMenu ( e ) {
if ( this . props . menu ) BDFDB . GuildUtils . openMenu ( this . props . guild , e ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . onContextMenu == "function" ) this . props . onContextMenu ( e , this ) ;
setRef ( e ) {
if ( typeof this . props . setRef == "function" ) this . props . setRef ( this . props . guild . id , e )
componentDidMount ( ) {
let node = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( this ) ;
if ( node ) for ( let child of node . querySelectorAll ( "a" ) ) child . setAttribute ( "draggable" , false ) ;
render ( ) {
if ( ! this . props . guild ) return null ;
let currentVoiceChannel = LibraryModules . ChannelStore . getChannel ( LibraryModules . CurrentVoiceUtils . getChannelId ( ) ) ;
let hasVideo = currentVoiceChannel && LibraryModules . VoiceUtils . hasVideo ( currentVoiceChannel ) ;
this . props . guildId = this . props . guild . id ;
this . props . selectedChannelId = LibraryModules . LastChannelStore . getChannelId ( this . props . guild . id ) ;
this . props . selected = this . props . state ? LibraryModules . LastGuildStore . getGuildId ( ) == this . props . guild . id : false ;
this . props . unread = this . props . state ? LibraryModules . UnreadGuildUtils . hasUnread ( this . props . guild . id ) : false ;
this . props . badge = this . props . state ? LibraryModules . UnreadGuildUtils . getMentionCount ( this . props . guild . id ) : 0 ;
this . props . audio = this . props . state ? currentVoiceChannel && currentVoiceChannel . guild _id == this . props . guild . id && ! hasVideo : false ;
this . props . video = this . props . state ? currentVoiceChannel && currentVoiceChannel . guild _id == this . props . guild . id && hasVideo : false ;
this . props . screenshare = this . props . state ? ! ! LibraryModules . StreamUtils . getAllApplicationStreams ( ) . filter ( stream => stream . guildId == this . props . guild . id ) [ 0 ] : false ;
this . props . isCurrentUserInThisGuildVoice = this . props . state ? LibraryModules . CurrentVoiceUtils . getGuildId ( ) == this . props . guild . id : false ;
this . props . animatable = this . props . state ? LibraryModules . IconUtils . hasAnimatedGuildIcon ( this . props . guild ) : false ;
this . props . unavailable = this . props . state ? LibraryModules . GuildUnavailableStore . unavailableGuilds . includes ( this . props . guild . id ) : false ;
let isDraggedGuild = this . props . draggingGuildId === this . props . guild . id ;
let guild = isDraggedGuild ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . Items . DragPlaceholder , { } )
} ) : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . guildcontainer ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . BlobMask , {
selected : this . state . isDropHovering || this . props . selected || this . state . hovered ,
upperBadge : this . props . unavailable ? InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . Items . renderUnavailableBadge ( ) : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . Items . renderIconBadge ( this . props . audio , this . props . video , this . props . screenshare , this . props . isCurrentUserInThisGuildVoice ) ,
lowerBadge : this . props . badge > 0 ? InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . Items . renderMentionBadge ( this . props . badge ) : null ,
lowerBadgeWidth : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Badges . getBadgeWidthForValue ( this . props . badge ) ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . NavItem , {
to : {
pathname : BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Routes . CHANNEL ( this . props . guild . id , this . props . selectedChannelId ) ,
state : {
analyticsSource : {
page : BDFDB . DiscordConstants . AnalyticsPages . GUILD _CHANNEL ,
section : BDFDB . DiscordConstants . AnalyticsSections . CHANNEL _LIST ,
object : BDFDB . DiscordConstants . AnalyticsObjects . CHANNEL
} ,
name : this . props . guild . name ,
onMouseEnter : this . handleMouseEnter . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseLeave : this . handleMouseLeave . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseDown : this . handleMouseDown . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseUp : this . handleMouseUp . bind ( this ) ,
onClick : this . handleClick . bind ( this ) ,
onContextMenu : this . handleContextMenu . bind ( this ) ,
icon : this . props . guild . getIconURL ( this . state . hovered && this . props . animatable ? "gif" : "png" ) ,
selected : this . props . selected || this . state . hovered
} )
} )
} ) ;
if ( this . props . draggable && typeof this . props . connectDragSource == "function" ) guild = this . props . connectDragSource ( guild ) ;
let children = [
this . props . list || this . props . pill ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . Pill , {
hovered : ! isDraggedGuild && this . state . hovered ,
selected : ! isDraggedGuild && this . props . selected ,
unread : ! isDraggedGuild && this . props . unread ,
className : BDFDB . disCN . guildpill
} ) : null ,
! this . props . tooltip ? guild : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
tooltipConfig : Object . assign ( { type : "right" } , this . props . tooltipConfig , { guild : this . props . list && this . props . guild } ) ,
children : guild
} )
] . filter ( n => n ) ;
return this . props . list ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
ref : null != this . props . setRef ? this . props . setRef : null ,
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . guildouter , BDFDB . disCN . _bdguild , this . props . unread && BDFDB . disCN . _bdguildunread , this . props . selected && BDFDB . disCN . _bdguildselected , this . props . unread && BDFDB . disCN . _bdguildunread , this . props . audio && BDFDB . disCN . _bdguildaudio , this . props . video && BDFDB . disCN . _bdguildvideo ) ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . Fragment , {
children : children
} )
} ) : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . guild , this . props . className ) ,
children : children
} ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . Guild , { menu : true , tooltip : true , list : false , state : false , draggable : false , sorting : false } ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildSummaryItem = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _GuildSummaryItem extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
defaultRenderGuild ( guild , isLast ) {
if ( ! guild ) return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . guildsummaryemptyguild
} ) ;
let icon = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . Icon , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . guildsummaryicon ,
guild : guild ,
showTooltip : this . props . showTooltip ,
tooltipPosition : "top" ,
size : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . Icon . Sizes . SMALLER
} ) ;
return this . props . switchOnClick ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Clickable , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . guildsummaryclickableicon ,
onClick : _ => { LibraryModules . SelectChannelUtils . selectChannel ( guild . id , LibraryModules . LastChannelStore . getChannelId ( guild . id ) ) ; } ,
key : guild . id ,
tabIndex : - 1 ,
children : icon
} ) : icon ;
renderGuilds ( ) {
let elements = [ ] ;
let renderGuild = typeof this . props . renderGuild != "function" ? this . defaultRenderGuild : this . props . renderGuild ;
let loaded = 0 , max = this . props . guilds . length === this . props . max ? this . props . guilds . length : this . props . max - 1 ;
while ( loaded < max && loaded < this . props . guilds . length ) {
let isLast = loaded === this . props . guilds . length - 1 ;
let guild = renderGuild . apply ( this , [ this . props . guilds [ loaded ] , isLast ] ) ;
elements . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : isLast ? BDFDB . disCN . guildsummaryiconcontainer : BDFDB . disCN . guildsummaryiconcontainermasked ,
children : guild
} ) ) ;
loaded ++ ;
if ( loaded < this . props . guilds . length ) {
let rest = Math . min ( this . props . guilds . length - loaded , 99 ) ;
elements . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( LibraryModules . React . Fragment , {
key : "more-guilds" ,
children : this . props . renderMoreGuilds ( "+" + rest , rest , this . props . guilds . slice ( loaded ) , this . props )
} ) ) ;
return elements ;
renderIcon ( ) {
return this . props . renderIcon ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
name : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . WHATISTHIS ,
className : BDFDB . disCN . guildsummarysvgicon
} ) : null ;
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . className , BDFDB . disCN . guildsummarycontainer ) ,
ref : this . props . _ref ,
children : [
this . renderIcon . apply ( this ) ,
this . renderGuilds . apply ( this )
] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n )
} ) ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildSummaryItem , { max : 10 , renderMoreGuilds : ( count , amount , restGuilds , props ) => {
let icon = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , { className : BDFDB . disCN . guildsummarymoreguilds , children : count } ) ;
return props . showTooltip ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
text : restGuilds . map ( guild => guild . name ) . join ( ", " ) ,
children : icon
} ) : icon ;
} , renderIcon : false } ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . KeybindRecorder = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _KeybindRecorder extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleChange ( arrays ) {
if ( typeof this . props . onChange == "function" ) this . props . onChange ( arrays . map ( platformkey => LibraryModules . KeyEvents . codes [ BDFDB . LibraryModules . KeyCodeUtils . codeToKey ( platformkey ) ] || platformkey [ 1 ] ) , this ) ;
handleReset ( ) {
this . props . defaultValue = [ ] ;
let recorder = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( this , { name : "KeybindRecorder" } ) ;
if ( recorder ) recorder . setState ( { codes : [ ] } ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . onChange == "function" ) this . props . onChange ( [ ] , this ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . onReset == "function" ) this . props . onReset ( this ) ;
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . hotkeywrapper ,
direction : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Direction . HORIZONTAL ,
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . KeybindRecorder , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
defaultValue : [ this . props . defaultValue ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) . map ( keycode => [ BDFDB . DiscordConstants . KeyboardDeviceTypes . KEYBOARD _KEY , keycode , BDFDB . DiscordConstants . KeyboardEnvs . BROWSER ] ) ,
onChange : this . handleChange . bind ( this )
} ) , "reset" , "onReset" ) ) ,
this . props . reset || this . props . onReset ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
text : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . REMOVE _KEYBIND ,
tooltipConfig : { type : "top" } ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Clickable , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . hotkeyresetbutton ,
onClick : this . handleReset . bind ( this ) ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
iconSVG : ` <svg height="20" width="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path fill="currentColor" d="M 14.348 14.849 c -0.469 0.469 -1.229 0.469 -1.697 0 l -2.651 -3.030 -2.651 3.029 c -0.469 0.469 -1.229 0.469 -1.697 0 -0.469 -0.469 -0.469 -1.229 0 -1.697l2.758 -3.15 -2.759 -3.152 c -0.469 -0.469 -0.469 -1.228 0 -1.697 s 1.228 -0.469 1.697 0 l 2.652 3.031 2.651 -3.031 c 0.469 -0.469 1.228 -0.469 1.697 0 s 0.469 1.229 0 1.697l -2.758 3.152 2.758 3.15 c 0.469 0.469 0.469 1.229 0 1.698 z"></path></svg> ` ,
} )
} )
} ) : null
] . filter ( n => n )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ListRow = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _ListRow extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . listrowwrapper , this . props . className , BDFDB . disCN . listrow ) ,
children : [
this . props . prefix ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . listrowcontent ,
style : { flex : "1 1 auto" } ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . listname , this . props . labelClassName ) ,
style : { flex : "1 1 auto" } ,
children : this . props . label
} ) ,
typeof this . props . note == "string" ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormText , {
type : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormText . Types . DESCRIPTION ,
children : this . props . note
} ) : null
] . filter ( n => n )
} ) ,
this . props . suffix
] . filter ( n => n )
} ) , "label" , "note" , "suffix" , "prefix" , "labelClassName" ) ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . MemberRole = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _MemberRole extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleClick ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onClick == "function" ) this . props . onClick ( e , this ) ; }
handleContextMenu ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onContextMenu == "function" ) this . props . onContextMenu ( e , this ) ; }
render ( ) {
let color = BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( this . props . role . colorString || BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . PRIMARY _DARK _300 , "RGB" ) ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "li" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . userpopoutrole , this . props . className ) ,
style : { borderColor : BDFDB . ColorUtils . setAlpha ( color , 0.6 ) } ,
onClick : this . handleClick . bind ( this ) ,
onContextMenu : this . handleContextMenu . bind ( this ) ,
children : [
! this . props . noCircle ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . userpopoutrolecircle ,
style : { backgroundColor : color }
} ) : null ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . userpopoutrolename ,
children : this . props . role . name
} )
] . filter ( n => n )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . MenuItems . MenuCheckboxItem = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _MenuCheckboxItem extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleClick ( ) {
if ( this . props . state ) {
this . props . state . checked = ! this . props . state . checked ;
if ( typeof this . props . action == "function" ) this . props . action ( this . props . state . checked , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . MenuCheckboxItem , Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
checked : this . props . state && this . props . state . checked ,
action : this . handleClick . bind ( this )
} ) ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . MenuItems . MenuHint = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _MenuHint extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return ! this . props . hint ? null : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . menuhint ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextScroller , {
children : this . props . hint
} )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . MenuItems . MenuIcon = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _MenuIcon extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
let isString = typeof this . props . icon == "string" ;
return ! this . props . icon ? null : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . menuicon ,
2020-10-06 11:57:12 +02:00
nativeClass : true ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
iconSVG : isString ? this . props . icon : null ,
name : ! isString ? this . props . icon : null
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . MenuItems . MenuSliderItem = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _MenuSliderItem extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleValueChange ( value ) {
if ( this . props . state ) {
this . props . state . value = Math . round ( BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ 0 , 100 ] , [ this . props . minValue , this . props . maxValue ] , value ) * Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ) / Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . onValueChange == "function" ) this . props . onValueChange ( this . props . state . value , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
handleValueRender ( value ) {
let newValue = Math . round ( BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ 0 , 100 ] , [ this . props . minValue , this . props . maxValue ] , value ) * Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ) / Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . onValueRender == "function" ) {
let tempReturn = this . props . onValueRender ( newValue , this ) ;
if ( tempReturn != undefined ) newValue = tempReturn ;
return newValue ;
render ( ) {
let value = this . props . state && this . props . state . value || 0 ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . MenuControlItem , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
label : typeof this . props . renderLabel == "function" ? this . props . renderLabel ( Math . round ( value * Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ) / Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ) : this . props . label ,
control : ( menuItemProps , ref ) => {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . menuslidercontainer ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . Slider , Object . assign ( { } , menuItemProps , {
ref : ref ,
className : BDFDB . disCN . menuslider ,
mini : true ,
initialValue : Math . round ( BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ this . props . minValue , this . props . maxValue ] , [ 0 , 100 ] , value ) * Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ) / Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ,
onValueChange : this . handleValueChange . bind ( this ) ,
onValueRender : this . handleValueRender . bind ( this )
} ) )
} ) ;
} ) , "digits" , "renderLabel" ) ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . MenuItems . MenuSliderItem , { minValue : 0 , maxValue : 100 , digits : 0 } ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ModalComponents . ModalContent = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _ModalContent extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return this . props . scroller ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Scrollers . Thin , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . modalcontent , this . props . className ) ,
ref : this . props . scrollerRef ,
children : this . props . children
} ) : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . content && BDFDB . disCN . modalcontent , BDFDB . disCN . modalnoscroller , this . props . className ) ,
direction : this . props . direction || InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Direction . VERTICAL ,
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . STRETCH ,
children : this . props . children
} ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ModalComponents . ModalContent , { scroller : true , content : true } ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ModalComponents . ModalTabContent = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _ModalTabContent extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceStyle ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( this . props . scroller ? InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Scrollers . Thin : "div" , Object . assign ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( this . props , "scroller" , "open" , "render" ) , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . modaltabcontent , this . props . open && BDFDB . disCN . modaltabcontentopen , this . props . className ) ,
style : Object . assign ( { } , this . props . style , {
display : this . props . open ? null : "none"
} ) ,
children : ! this . props . open && ! this . props . render ? null : this . props . children
} ) ) , [ "display" ] ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ModalComponents . ModalTabContent , { tab : "unnamed" , render : true } ) ;
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ModalComponents . ModalFooter = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _ModalFooter extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . className , BDFDB . disCN . modalfooter ) ,
direction : this . props . direction || InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Direction . HORIZONTAL _REVERSE ,
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . STRETCH ,
2020-10-15 12:54:49 +02:00
grow : 0 ,
2020-10-31 11:49:46 +01:00
shrink : 0 ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
children : this . props . children
} ) ;
} ;
2020-10-29 20:34:51 +01:00
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . MultiInput = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _MultiInput extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
constructor ( props ) {
super ( props ) ;
this . state = { focused : false } ;
render ( ) {
if ( this . props . children && this . props . children . props ) this . props . children . props . className = BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . children . props . className , BDFDB . disCN . inputmultifield ) ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . className , BDFDB . disCN . inputwrapper , BDFDB . disCN . inputmultiwrapper ) ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . input , BDFDB . disCN . inputmulti , this . state . focused && BDFDB . disCN . inputfocused ) ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . innerClassName , BDFDB . disCN . inputwrapper , BDFDB . disCN . inputmultifirst ) ,
children : this . props . children
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextInput , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . inputmultilast ,
inputClassName : BDFDB . disCN . inputmultifield ,
onFocus : e => { this . setState ( { focused : true } ) } ,
onBlur : e => { this . setState ( { focused : false } ) }
2020-10-30 17:55:12 +01:00
} ) , "children" , "innerClassName" ) )
2020-10-29 20:34:51 +01:00
} )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ListInput = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _ListInput extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleChange ( ) {
if ( typeof this . props . onChange ) this . props . onChange ( this . props . items , this ) ;
render ( ) {
2020-10-31 11:12:54 +01:00
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( this . props . items ) ) this . props . items = [ ] ;
2020-10-30 18:13:44 +01:00
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . MultiInput , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
2020-10-29 20:34:51 +01:00
className : BDFDB . disCN . inputlist ,
innerClassName : BDFDB . disCN . inputlistitems ,
onKeyDown : e => {
if ( e . which == 13 && e . target . value && e . target . value . trim ( ) ) {
2020-10-30 18:13:44 +01:00
let value = e . target . value . trim ( ) ;
2020-10-29 20:34:51 +01:00
this . props . value = "" ;
if ( ! this . props . items . includes ( value ) ) {
this . props . items . push ( value ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
this . handleChange . apply ( this , [ ] ) ;
} ,
2020-10-31 11:12:54 +01:00
children : this . props . items . map ( item => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Badges . TextBadge , {
2020-10-29 20:34:51 +01:00
className : BDFDB . disCN . inputlistitem ,
color : BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . BRAND ,
style : { borderRadius : "3px" } ,
text : [
item ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . inputlistdelete ,
name : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . CLOSE ,
onClick : _ => {
BDFDB . ArrayUtils . remove ( this . props . items , item ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
this . handleChange . apply ( this , [ ] ) ;
} )
} ) )
2020-10-30 18:13:44 +01:00
} ) , "items" ) ) ;
2020-10-29 20:34:51 +01:00
} ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PaginatedList = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _PaginatedList extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
constructor ( props ) {
super ( props ) ;
this . state = {
offset : props . offset
} ;
jump ( offset ) {
if ( offset > - 1 && offset < Math . ceil ( this . props . items . length / this . props . amount ) && this . state . offset != offset ) {
this . state . offset = offset ;
if ( typeof this . props . onJump == "function" ) this . props . onJump ( offset , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
renderPagination ( ) {
let maxOffset = Math . ceil ( this . props . items . length / this . props . amount ) - 1 ;
return this . props . items . length > this . props . amount && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "nav" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . paginationlistpagination ,
children : [
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
this . props . first && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
text : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStrings . first ,
"aria-label" : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStrings . first ,
tooltipConfig : { zIndex : 3001 } ,
onClick : _ => { if ( this . state . offset > 0 ) this . jump ( 0 ) ; } ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Clickable , {
2020-10-24 10:57:08 +02:00
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . searchresultspaginationbutton , this . state . offset <= 0 && BDFDB . disCN . searchresultspaginationdisabled ) ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
className : BDFDB . disCN . searchresultspaginationicon ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
name : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . LEFT _DOUBLE _CARET
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} )
} )
} ) ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
text : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . PAGINATION _PREVIOUS ,
"aria-label" : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . PAGINATION _PREVIOUS ,
tooltipConfig : { zIndex : 3001 } ,
onClick : _ => {
if ( this . state . offset > 0 ) this . jump ( this . state . offset - 1 ) ;
} ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Clickable , {
2020-10-24 10:57:08 +02:00
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . searchresultspaginationbutton , this . state . offset <= 0 && BDFDB . disCN . searchresultspaginationdisabled ) ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
className : BDFDB . disCN . searchresultspaginationicon ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
name : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . LEFT _CARET
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} )
} )
} ) ,
BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStringsFormat ( "PAGINATION_PAGE_OF" , this . state . offset + 1 , maxOffset + 1 ) ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
text : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . PAGINATION _NEXT ,
"aria-label" : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . PAGINATION _NEXT ,
tooltipConfig : { zIndex : 3001 } ,
onClick : _ => { if ( this . state . offset < maxOffset ) this . jump ( this . state . offset + 1 ) ; } ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Clickable , {
2020-10-24 10:57:08 +02:00
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . searchresultspaginationbutton , this . state . offset >= maxOffset && BDFDB . disCN . searchresultspaginationdisabled ) ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
className : BDFDB . disCN . searchresultspaginationicon ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
name : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . RIGHT _CARET
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} )
} )
} ) ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
this . props . last && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
text : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStrings . last ,
"aria-label" : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LibraryStrings . last ,
tooltipConfig : { zIndex : 3001 } ,
onClick : _ => { if ( this . state . offset < maxOffset ) this . jump ( maxOffset ) ; } ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Clickable , {
2020-10-24 10:57:08 +02:00
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . searchresultspaginationbutton , this . state . offset >= maxOffset && BDFDB . disCN . searchresultspaginationdisabled ) ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
className : BDFDB . disCN . searchresultspaginationicon ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
name : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . RIGHT _DOUBLE _CARET
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} )
} )
} ) ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
this . props . jump && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextInput , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
key : "pagination-list-jumpinput" ,
type : "number" ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
size : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextInput . Sizes . MINI ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
value : this . state . offset + 1 ,
min : 1 ,
max : maxOffset + 1 ,
onKeyDown : ( event , instance ) => { if ( event . which == 13 ) this . jump ( isNaN ( parseInt ( instance . props . value ) ) ? - 1 : instance . props . value - 1 ) ; }
} ) ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
this . props . jump && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
text : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . JUMP ,
"aria-label" : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . JUMP ,
tooltipConfig : { zIndex : 3001 } ,
onClick : ( event , instance ) => {
let jumpInput = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( instance . _reactInternalFiber . return , { key : "pagination-list-jumpinput" } ) ;
if ( jumpInput ) this . jump ( isNaN ( parseInt ( jumpInput . props . value ) ) ? - 1 : jumpInput . props . value - 1 ) ;
} ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Clickable , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
className : BDFDB . disCN . searchresultspaginationbutton ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
className : BDFDB . disCN . searchresultspaginationicon ,
style : { transform : "rotate(90deg" } ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
name : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . RIGHT _CARET
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} )
} )
} )
] . filter ( n => n )
} ) ;
render ( ) {
let items = [ ] , alphabet = { } ;
if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( this . props . items ) && this . props . items . length ) {
if ( ! this . props . alphabetKey ) items = this . props . items ;
else {
let unsortedItems = [ ] . concat ( this . props . items ) ;
for ( let key of [ "0-9" , "A" , "B" , "C" , "D" , "E" , "F" , "G" , "H" , "I" , "J" , "K" , "L" , "M" , "N" , "O" , "P" , "Q" , "R" , "S" , "T" , "U" , "V" , "W" , "X" , "Y" , "Z" ] ) {
let numbers = key == "0-9" , alphaItems = [ ] ;
for ( let item of unsortedItems ) if ( item && item [ this . props . alphabetKey ] && ( numbers && ! isNaN ( parseInt ( item [ this . props . alphabetKey ] [ 0 ] ) ) || item [ this . props . alphabetKey ] . toUpperCase ( ) . indexOf ( key ) == 0 ) ) alphaItems . push ( item ) ;
for ( let sortedItem of alphaItems ) BDFDB . ArrayUtils . remove ( unsortedItems , sortedItem ) ;
alphabet [ key ] = { items : BDFDB . ArrayUtils . keySort ( alphaItems , this . props . alphabetKey ) , disabled : ! alphaItems . length } ;
alphabet [ "?!" ] = { items : BDFDB . ArrayUtils . keySort ( unsortedItems , this . props . alphabetKey ) , disabled : ! unsortedItems . length } ;
for ( let key in alphabet ) items . push ( alphabet [ key ] . items ) ;
items = items . flat ( 10 ) ;
return typeof this . props . renderItem != "function" || ! items . length ? null : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Scrollers . Thin , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . className , BDFDB . disCN . paginationlist , this . props . mini , BDFDB . disCN . paginationlistmini ) ,
fade : this . props . fade ,
children : [
this . renderPagination ( ) ,
items . length > this . props . amount && this . props . alphabetKey && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "nav" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . paginationlistalphabet ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
children : Object . keys ( alphabet ) . map ( key => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Clickable , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . paginationlistalphabetchar , alphabet [ key ] . disabled && BDFDB . disCN . paginationlistalphabetchardisabled ) ,
onClick : _ => { if ( ! alphabet [ key ] . disabled ) this . jump ( Math . floor ( items . indexOf ( alphabet [ key ] . items [ 0 ] ) / this . props . amount ) ) ; } ,
children : key
} ) )
} ) ,
this . props . header ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . paginationlistcontent ,
children : items . slice ( this . state . offset * this . props . amount , ( this . state . offset + 1 ) * this . props . amount ) . map ( ( data , i ) => { return this . props . renderItem ( data , i ) ; } ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n )
} ) ,
this . props . copyToBottom && this . renderPagination ( )
] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PaginatedList , { amount : 50 , offset : 0 , jump : true , first : true , last : true , copyToBottom : false , fade : true } ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Popout = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _Popout extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
componentWillUnmount ( ) {
delete this . props . containerInstance . popout ;
if ( typeof this . props . onClose == "function" ) this . props . onClose ( this . props . containerInstance , this ) ;
render ( ) {
let pos = typeof this . props . position == "string" ? this . props . position . toLowerCase ( ) : null ;
let positionClass = pos && DiscordClasses [ "popout" + pos ] ? BDFDB . disCN [ "popout" + pos ] : BDFDB . disCN . popouttop ;
let arrowClass = ! this . props . arrow ? BDFDB . disCN . popoutnoarrow : ( pos && pos . indexOf ( "top" ) > - 1 && pos != "top" ? BDFDB . disCN . popoutarrowalignmenttop : BDFDB . disCN . popoutarrowalignmentmiddle ) ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PopoutFocusLock , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . popoutwrapper , BDFDB . disCN . popout , positionClass , this . props . invert && pos && pos != "bottom" && BDFDB . disCN . popoutinvert , arrowClass , ! this . props . shadow && BDFDB . disCN . popoutnoshadow ) ,
id : this . props . id ,
onClick : e => { e . stopPropagation ( ) ; } ,
style : Object . assign ( { } , this . props . style , {
position : this . props . isChild ? "relative" : "absolute"
} ) ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . className , this . props . themed && BDFDB . disCN . popoutthemedpopout ) ,
style : BDFDB . ObjectUtils . extract ( this . props , "padding" , "height" , "maxHeight" , "minHeight" , "width" , "maxWidth" , "minWidth" ) ,
children : this . props . children
} )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Popout , { themed : true } ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PopoutContainer = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _PopoutContainer extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleRender ( e ) {
let children = typeof this . props . renderPopout == "function" ? this . props . renderPopout ( this ) : null ;
return this . context . popout = ! children ? null : ( ! this . props . wrap ? children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Popout , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
className : this . props . popoutClassName ,
containerInstance : this ,
isChild : true ,
position : e . position ,
style : this . props . popoutStyle ,
onClose : typeof this . props . onClose == "function" ? this . props . onClose . bind ( this ) : _ => { } ,
children : children
} ) , "popoutStyle" , "popoutClassName" ) ) ) ;
componentDidMount ( ) {
let basePopout = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( this , { name : "BasePopout" } ) ;
if ( ! basePopout || ! basePopout . handleClick ) return ;
basePopout . isBDFDBpopout = true ;
this . handleClick = e => { return basePopout . handleClick ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( e ) ? e : ( new MouseEvent ( { } ) ) ) ; } ;
this . close = basePopout . close ;
this . domElementRef = basePopout . domElementRef ;
render ( ) {
let child = ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( this . props . children ) ? this . props . children [ 0 ] : this . props . children ) || BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , { style : { height : "100%" , width : "100%" } } ) ;
child . props . className = BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( child . props . className , this . props . className ) ;
let childClick = child . props . onClick , childContextMenu = child . props . onContextMenu ;
child . props . onClick = ( e , childThis ) => {
if ( ! this . domElementRef . current || this . domElementRef . current . contains ( e . target ) ) {
if ( ( this . props . openOnClick || this . props . openOnClick === undefined ) && typeof this . handleClick == "function" ) this . handleClick ( e ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . onClick == "function" ) this . props . onClick ( e , this ) ;
if ( typeof childClick == "function" ) childClick ( e , childThis ) ;
else e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
} ;
child . props . onContextMenu = ( e , childThis ) => {
if ( ! this . domElementRef . current || this . domElementRef . current . contains ( e . target ) ) {
if ( this . props . openOnContextMenu && typeof this . handleClick == "function" ) this . handleClick ( e ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . onContextMenu == "function" ) this . props . onContextMenu ( e , this ) ;
if ( typeof childContextMenu == "function" ) childContextMenu ( e , childThis ) ;
else e . stopPropagation ( ) ;
} ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( LibraryModules . React . Fragment , {
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . PopoutContainer , Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
children : _ => { return child ; } ,
renderPopout : this . handleRender . bind ( this )
} ) )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PopoutContainer , { wrap : true } ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . QuickSelect = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _QuickSelect extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleChange ( option ) {
this . props . value = option ;
if ( typeof this . props . onChange == "function" ) this . props . onChange ( option . value || option . key , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
render ( ) {
let options = ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( this . props . options ) ? this . props . options : [ { } ] ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
let selectedOption = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( this . props . value ) ? this . props . value : ( options [ 0 ] || { } ) ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . className , BDFDB . disCN . quickselectwrapper ) ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . quickselect ,
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . quickselectlabel ,
children : this . props . label
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
className : BDFDB . disCN . quickselectclick ,
onClick : event => {
LibraryModules . ContextMenuUtils . openContextMenu ( event , _ => {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Menu , {
navId : "bdfdb-quickselect" ,
onClose : BDFDB . LibraryModules . ContextMenuUtils . closeContextMenu ,
className : this . props . popoutClassName ,
children : BDFDB . ContextMenuUtils . createItem ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . MenuItems . MenuGroup , {
children : options . map ( ( option , i ) => {
let selected = option . value && option . value === selectedOption . value || option . key && option . key === selectedOption . key ;
return BDFDB . ContextMenuUtils . createItem ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . MenuItems . MenuItem , {
label : option . label ,
id : BDFDB . ContextMenuUtils . createItemId ( "option" , option . key || option . value || i ) ,
action : selected ? null : event2 => {
this . handleChange . bind ( this ) ( option )
} ) ;
} )
} )
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . quickselectvalue ,
children : typeof this . props . renderValue == "function" ? this . props . renderValue ( this . props . value ) : this . props . value . label
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . quickselectarrow
} )
} )
} )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . RadioGroup = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _RadioGroup extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleChange ( value ) {
this . props . value = value . value ;
if ( typeof this . props . onChange == "function" ) this . props . onChange ( value , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . RadioGroup , Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
onChange : this . handleChange . bind ( this )
} ) ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SearchBar = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _SearchBar extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleChange ( query ) {
this . props . query = query ;
if ( typeof this . props . onChange == "function" ) this . props . onChange ( query , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
handleClear ( ) {
this . props . query = "" ;
if ( this . props . changeOnClear && typeof this . props . onChange == "function" ) this . props . onChange ( "" , this ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . onClear == "function" ) this . props . onClear ( this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
render ( ) {
let props = Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
onChange : this . handleChange . bind ( this ) ,
onClear : this . handleClear . bind ( this )
} ) ;
if ( typeof props . query != "string" ) props . query = "" ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . SearchBar , props ) ;
} ;
2020-10-06 23:53:08 +02:00
let NativeSubSelectExport = ( BDFDB . ModuleUtils . find ( m => m == InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . Select , false ) || { exports : { } } ) . exports ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Select = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _Select extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleChange ( value ) {
this . props . value = value . value || value ;
if ( typeof this . props . onChange == "function" ) this . props . onChange ( value , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
render ( ) {
2020-10-06 23:53:08 +02:00
let lightTheme = BDFDB . DiscordUtils . getTheme ( ) == BDFDB . disCN . themelight ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . selectwrapper ,
direction : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Direction . HORIZONTAL ,
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . Select , Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
2020-10-06 23:53:08 +02:00
lightThemeColorOverrides : NativeSubSelectExport [ lightTheme ? "LIGHT_THEME_COLORS" : "DARK_THEME_COLORS" ] ,
darkThemeColorOverrides : NativeSubSelectExport [ lightTheme ? "LIGHT_THEME_COLORS" : "DARK_THEME_COLORS" ] ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
onChange : this . handleChange . bind ( this )
} ) )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SettingsGuildList = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _SettingsGuildList extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
this . props . disabled = BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( this . props . disabled ) ? this . props . disabled : [ ] ;
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
className : this . props . className ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
wrap : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Wrap . WRAP ,
children : [ this . props . includeDMs && { name : "Direct Messages" , acronym : "DMs" , id : BDFDB . DiscordConstants . ME , getIconURL : _ => { } } ] . concat ( BDFDB . LibraryModules . FolderStore . getFlattenedGuilds ( ) ) . filter ( n => n ) . map ( guild => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
text : guild . name ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . guildClassName , BDFDB . disCN . settingsguild , this . props . disabled . includes ( guild . id ) && BDFDB . disCN . settingsguilddisabled ) ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . Icon , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
guild : guild ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
size : this . props . size || InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . Icon . Sizes . MEDIUM
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ) ,
onClick : e => {
let isDisabled = this . props . disabled . includes ( guild . id ) ;
if ( isDisabled ) BDFDB . ArrayUtils . remove ( this . props . disabled , guild . id , true ) ;
else this . props . disabled . push ( guild . id ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . onClick == "function" ) this . props . onClick ( this . props . disabled , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
} )
} ) )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SettingsPanel = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _SettingsPanel extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
componentWillUnmount ( ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( this . props . plugin ) && typeof this . props . plugin . onSettingsClosed == "function" ) this . props . plugin . onSettingsClosed ( ) ;
render ( ) {
let headerItems = [
this . props . title && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormTitle , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . settingspaneltitle ,
tag : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormTitle . Tags . H2 ,
children : this . props . title
} ) ,
this . props . controls && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . settingspanelheadercontrols ,
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
grow : 0 ,
children : this . props . controls
} )
] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
let panelItems = [
this . props . children
] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
direction : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Direction . VERTICAL ,
2020-11-11 00:25:33 +01:00
children : headerItems . length ? ( [
2020-11-11 00:26:41 +01:00
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . settingspanelheader ,
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
children : headerItems
} ) ,
panelItems . length && BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormDivider , {
className : BDFDB . disCNS . margintop4 + BDFDB . disCN . marginbottom8
} )
] ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . settingspanelinner ,
direction : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Direction . VERTICAL ,
children : panelItems
} )
2020-11-11 00:25:33 +01:00
] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ) : panelItems
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SettingsPanelInner = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _SettingsPanelInner extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return this . props . children ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : this . props . className ,
direction : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Direction . VERTICAL ,
children : [
! this . props . first ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormDivider , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . marginbottom8
} ) : null ,
typeof this . props . title == "string" ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormTitle , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . marginbottom4 ,
tag : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormTitle . Tags . H3 ,
children : this . props . title
} ) : null ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . settingspanellist ,
direction : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Direction . VERTICAL ,
children : this . props . children
} ) ,
! this . props . last ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormDivider , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . marginbottom20
} ) : null
} ) : null ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SettingsItem = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _SettingsItem extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleChange ( value ) {
if ( typeof this . props . onChange == "function" ) this . props . onChange ( value , this ) ;
render ( ) {
if ( typeof this . props . type != "string" || ! [ "BUTTON" , "SELECT" , "SLIDER" , "SWITCH" , "TEXTINPUT" ] . includes ( this . props . type . toUpperCase ( ) ) ) return null ;
let childComponent = InternalComponents . LibraryComponents [ this . props . type ] ;
if ( ! childComponent ) return null ;
if ( this . props . mini && childComponent . Sizes ) this . props . size = childComponent . Sizes . MINI || childComponent . Sizes . MIN ;
2020-10-15 18:15:42 +02:00
let margin = this . props . margin != null ? this . props . margin : ( this . props . mini ? 0 : 8 ) ;
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
2020-10-15 18:15:42 +02:00
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . className , BDFDB . disCN . settingsrow , BDFDB . disCN . settingsrowcontainer , this . props . disabled && BDFDB . disCN . settingsrowdisabled , margin != null && ( BDFDB . DiscordClasses [ ` marginbottom ${ margin } ` ] && BDFDB . disCN [ ` marginbottom ${ margin } ` ] || margin == 0 && BDFDB . disCN . marginreset ) ) ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
id : this . props . id ,
children : [
2020-10-14 21:21:08 +02:00
this . props . dividerTop ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormDivider , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
className : this . props . mini ? BDFDB . disCN . marginbottom4 : BDFDB . disCN . marginbottom8
} ) : null ,
2020-10-15 18:15:42 +02:00
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . settingsrowlabel ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
children : [
this . props . label ? ( this . props . tag ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormTitle , {
2020-10-14 21:21:08 +02:00
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . labelClassName , BDFDB . disCN . flexchild , BDFDB . disCN . marginreset ) ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
tag : this . props . tag ,
children : this . props . label
2020-10-14 21:21:08 +02:00
} ) : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SettingsLabel , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . labelClassName , BDFDB . disCN . flexchild ) ,
mini : this . props . mini ,
label : this . props . label
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ) ) : null ,
this . props . labelchildren ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Child , {
2020-10-14 21:21:08 +02:00
className : BDFDB . disCNS . settingsrowcontrol + BDFDB . disCN . flexchild ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
grow : 0 ,
shrink : this . props . basis ? 0 : 1 ,
basis : this . props . basis ,
wrap : true ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( childComponent , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( this . props , "className" , "id" , "type" ) , this . props . childProps , {
onChange : this . handleChange . bind ( this ) ,
onValueChange : this . handleChange . bind ( this )
2020-11-11 00:25:33 +01:00
} ) , "basis" , "margin" , "dividerBottom" , "dividerTop" , "label" , "labelClassName" , "labelchildren" , "tag" , "mini" , "note" , "childProps" ) )
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} )
] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n )
} ) ,
typeof this . props . note == "string" ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Child , {
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
className : BDFDB . disCN . settingsrownote ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormText , {
disabled : this . props . disabled ,
type : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormText . Types . DESCRIPTION ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextScroller , { speed : 2 , children : this . props . note } )
} )
} ) : null ,
2020-10-14 21:21:08 +02:00
this . props . dividerBottom ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FormComponents . FormDivider , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
className : this . props . mini ? BDFDB . disCN . margintop4 : BDFDB . disCN . margintop8
} ) : null
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SettingsLabel = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _SettingsLabel extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextScroller , {
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . className , BDFDB . disCN . settingsrowtitle , this . props . mini ? BDFDB . disCN . settingsrowtitlemini : BDFDB . disCN . settingsrowtitledefault , BDFDB . disCN . cursordefault ) ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
speed : 2 ,
children : this . props . label
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SettingsList = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _SettingsList extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
componentDidMount ( ) {
let list = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( this ) ;
if ( list && ! this . props . maxWidth ) {
let headers = Array . from ( list . querySelectorAll ( BDFDB . dotCN . settingstableheader ) ) ;
headers . shift ( ) ;
if ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( headers [ 0 ] ) . width == 0 ) BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => { this . resizeList ( list , headers ) ; } ) ;
else this . resizeList ( list , headers ) ;
resizeList ( list , headers ) {
let maxWidth = 0 , biggestWidth = 0 ;
if ( ! maxWidth ) {
for ( let header of headers ) {
header . style = "" ;
let width = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( header ) . width ;
maxWidth = width > maxWidth ? width : maxWidth ;
maxWidth += 4 ;
biggestWidth = maxWidth ;
if ( headers . length * maxWidth > 300 ) {
this . props . vertical = true ;
maxWidth = parseInt ( 290 / headers . length ) ;
else if ( maxWidth < 36 ) {
maxWidth = 36 ;
biggestWidth = maxWidth ;
this . props . maxWidth = maxWidth ;
this . props . biggestWidth = biggestWidth ;
this . props . fullWidth = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( list ) . width ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
render ( ) {
this . props . settings = BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( this . props . settings ) ? this . props . settings : [ ] ;
this . props . renderLabel = typeof this . props . renderLabel == "function" ? this . props . renderLabel : data => data . label ;
this . props . data = ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( this . props . data ) ? this . props . data : [ { } ] ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
let labelWidth = this . props . maxWidth && this . props . fullWidth && ( this . props . fullWidth - 20 - ( this . props . maxWidth * this . props . settings . length ) ) ;
let configWidth = this . props . maxWidth && this . props . maxWidth * this . props . settings . length ;
let isHeaderClickable = typeof this . props . onHeaderClick == "function" || typeof this . props . onHeaderContextMenu == "function" ;
let renderItem = data => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Card , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( [ this . props . cardClassName , data . className ] . filter ( n => n ) . join ( " " ) . indexOf ( BDFDB . disCN . card ) == - 1 && BDFDB . disCN . cardprimaryoutline , BDFDB . disCN . settingstablecard , this . props . cardClassName , data . className ) ,
cardId : data . key ,
backdrop : false ,
style : Object . assign ( { } , this . props . cardStyle , data . style ) ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . settingstablecardlabel ,
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
grow : 0 ,
shrink : 0 ,
basis : labelWidth || "auto" ,
style : { maxWidth : labelWidth || null } ,
children : this . props . renderLabel ( data )
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . settingstablecardconfigs ,
justify : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Justify . AROUND ,
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
grow : 0 ,
shrink : 0 ,
basis : configWidth || "auto" ,
style : { maxWidth : configWidth || null } ,
children : this . props . settings . map ( setting => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Child , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . checkboxcontainer ,
grow : 0 ,
shrink : 0 ,
wrap : true ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Checkbox , {
disabled : data . disabled ,
cardId : data . key ,
settingId : setting ,
shape : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Checkbox . Shapes . ROUND ,
type : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Checkbox . Types . INVERTED ,
value : data [ setting ] ,
onChange : this . props . onCheckboxChange
} )
} ) ) . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n )
} )
} ) , "title" , "data" , "settings" , "renderLabel" , "cardClassName" , "cardStyle" , "onCheckboxChange" , "maxWidth" , "fullWidth" , "biggestWidth" , "pagination" ) ) ;
let header = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . settingstableheaders ,
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . STRETCH ,
style : this . props . vertical && this . props . biggestWidth ? {
marginTop : this . props . biggestWidth - 15 || 0
} : { } ,
children : [ ] . concat ( this . props . title || "" , this . props . settings ) . map ( ( setting , i ) => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( i == 0 ? BDFDB . disCN . settingstableheadername : BDFDB . disCN . settingstableheaderoption , i != 0 && this . props . vertical && BDFDB . disCN . settingstableheadervertical , BDFDB . disCN . colorbase , BDFDB . disCN . size10 , isHeaderClickable && BDFDB . disCN . cursorpointer ) ,
onClick : _ => { if ( typeof this . props . onHeaderClick == "function" ) this . props . onHeaderClick ( setting , this ) ; } ,
onContextMenu : _ => { if ( typeof this . props . onHeaderContextMenu == "function" ) this . props . onHeaderContextMenu ( setting , this ) ; } ,
style : i != 0 && this . props . maxWidth ? {
maxWidth : this . props . maxWidth ,
width : this . props . maxWidth ,
flex : ` 0 0 ${ this . props . maxWidth } px `
} : { } ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "span" , {
children : setting
} )
} ) )
} ) ;
let usePagination = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( this . props . pagination ) ;
return ! this . props . data . length ? null : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . settingstablelist , this . props . className ) ,
children : [
! usePagination && header ,
! usePagination ? this . props . data . map ( renderItem ) : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PaginatedList , Object . assign ( { } , this . props . pagination , {
header : header ,
items : this . props . data ,
renderItem : renderItem ,
onJump : ( offset , instance ) => {
this . props . pagination . offset = offset ;
if ( typeof this . props . pagination . onJump == "function" ) this . props . pagination . onJump ( offset , this , instance ) ;
} ) )
] . filter ( n => n )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SettingsSaveItem = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _SettingsSaveItem extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
saveSettings ( value ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( this . props . keys ) || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( this . props . plugin ) ) return ;
let keys = this . props . keys . filter ( n => n ) ;
let option = keys . shift ( ) ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( this . props . plugin ) && option ) {
let data = BDFDB . DataUtils . load ( this . props . plugin , option ) ;
let newData = "" ;
for ( let key of keys ) newData += ` {" ${ key } ": ` ;
value = value != null && value . value != null ? value . value : value ;
let isString = typeof value == "string" ;
let marker = isString ? ` " ` : ` ` ;
newData += ( marker + ( isString ? value . replace ( /\\/g , "\\\\" ) : value ) + marker ) + "}" . repeat ( keys . length ) ;
newData = JSON . parse ( newData ) ;
BDFDB . DataUtils . save ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( newData ) ? BDFDB . ObjectUtils . deepAssign ( { } , data , newData ) : newData , this . props . plugin , option ) ;
this . props . plugin . SettingsUpdated = true ;
if ( typeof this . props . onChange == "function" ) this . props . onChange ( value , this ) ;
render ( ) {
if ( typeof this . props . type != "string" || ! [ "SELECT" , "SLIDER" , "SWITCH" , "TEXTINPUT" ] . includes ( this . props . type . toUpperCase ( ) ) ) return null ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SettingsItem , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
onChange : this . saveSettings . bind ( this )
} ) , "keys" , "key" , "plugin" ) ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SidebarList = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _SidebarList extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleItemSelect ( item ) {
this . props . selectedItem = item ;
if ( typeof this . props . onItemSelect == "function" ) this . props . onItemSelect ( item , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
render ( ) {
let items = ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( this . props . items ) ? this . props . items : [ { } ] ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
let selectedItem = this . props . selectedItem || ( items [ 0 ] || { } ) . value ;
let selectedElements = ( items . find ( n => n . value == selectedItem ) || { } ) . elements ;
let renderElement = typeof this . props . renderElement == "function" ? this . props . renderElement : ( _ => { } ) ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . className , BDFDB . disCN . sidebarlist ) ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Scrollers . Thin , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . sidebarClassName , BDFDB . disCN . sidebar ) ,
fade : true ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TabBar , {
itemClassName : this . props . itemClassName ,
type : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TabBar . Types . SIDE ,
items : items ,
selectedItem : selectedItem ,
renderItem : this . props . renderItem ,
onItemSelect : this . handleItemSelect . bind ( this )
} )
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Scrollers . Thin , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . contentClassName , BDFDB . disCN . sidebarcontent ) ,
fade : true ,
children : [ selectedElements ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) . map ( data => renderElement ( data ) )
} )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Slider = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _Slider extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleMarkerRender ( marker ) {
let newMarker = BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ 0 , 100 ] , this . props . edges , marker ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . digits == "number" ) newMarker = Math . round ( newMarker * Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ) / Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ;
return newMarker ;
handleValueChange ( value ) {
let newValue = BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ 0 , 100 ] , this . props . edges , value ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . digits == "number" ) newValue = Math . round ( newValue * Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ) / Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ;
this . props . defaultValue = this . props . value = newValue ;
if ( typeof this . props . onValueChange == "function" ) this . props . onValueChange ( newValue , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
handleValueRender ( value ) {
let newValue = BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( [ 0 , 100 ] , this . props . edges , value ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . digits == "number" ) newValue = Math . round ( newValue * Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ) / Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . onValueRender == "function" ) {
let tempReturn = this . props . onValueRender ( newValue , this ) ;
if ( tempReturn != undefined ) newValue = tempReturn ;
return newValue ;
render ( ) {
let value = this . props . value || this . props . defaultValue || 0 ;
if ( ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( this . props . edges ) || this . props . edges . length != 2 ) this . props . edges = [ this . props . min || this . props . minValue || 0 , this . props . max || this . props . maxValue || 100 ] ;
this . props . minValue = 0 ;
this . props . maxValue = 100 ;
let defaultValue = BDFDB . NumberUtils . mapRange ( this . props . edges , [ 0 , 100 ] , value ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . digits == "number" ) defaultValue = Math . round ( defaultValue * Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ) / Math . pow ( 10 , this . props . digits ) ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . Slider , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
initialValue : defaultValue ,
markers : typeof this . props . markerAmount == "number" ? Array . from ( Array ( this . props . markerAmount ) . keys ( ) ) . map ( ( _ , i ) => i * ( this . props . maxValue - this . props . minValue ) / 10 ) : undefined ,
onMarkerRender : this . handleMarkerRender . bind ( this ) ,
onValueChange : this . handleValueChange . bind ( this ) ,
onValueRender : this . handleValueRender . bind ( this )
} ) , "digits" , "edges" , "max" , "min" , "markerAmount" ) ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Slider , { hideBubble : false } ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _Icon extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( this . props . name ) ) {
if ( this . props . className ) this . props . nativeClass = true ;
this . props . iconSVG = this . props . name . icon ;
let props = Object . assign ( {
width : 24 ,
height : 24 ,
color : "currentColor"
} , this . props . name . defaultProps , this . props , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( typeof this . props . name . getClassName == "function" && this . props . name . getClassName ( this . props ) , this . props . className )
} ) ;
for ( let key in props ) this . props . iconSVG = this . props . iconSVG . replace ( new RegExp ( ` %% ${ key } ` , "g" ) , props [ key ] ) ;
if ( this . props . iconSVG ) {
let icon = BDFDB . ReactUtils . elementToReact ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( this . props . iconSVG ) ) ;
if ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( icon ) ) {
icon . props . className = BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( ! this . props . nativeClass && BDFDB . disCN . svgicon , icon . props . className , this . props . className ) ;
icon . props . style = Object . assign ( { } , icon . props . style , this . props . style ) ;
icon . props = Object . assign ( { } , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . extract ( this . props , "onClick" , "onContextMenu" , "onMouseDown" , "onMouseUp" , "onMouseEnter" , "onMouseLeave" ) , icon . props ) ;
return icon ;
return null ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names = {
defaultProps : {
width : 18 ,
height : 18
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="ArrowDown" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 18 18"><path fill="%%color" d="M4 7l5 5 5-5H4z"></path></svg> `
} ,
defaultProps : {
width : 18 ,
height : 18
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="ArrowUp" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 18 18"><path fill="%%color" d="M4 11l5-5 5 5H4z"></path></svg> `
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="ChangeLog" fill="%%color" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M13 3c-4.97 0-9 4.03-9 9H1l3.89 12H6c0-3.87 3.13-7 7-7s7 3.13 7 7-3.13 7-7 7c-1.93 0-3.68-.79-4.94-2.06l-1.42 1.42C8.27 19.99 10.51 21 13 21c4.97 0 9-4.03 9-9s-4.03-9-9-9zm-1 5v5l4.28 2.54.72-1.21-3.5-2.08V8H12z"></path></svg> `
} ,
defaultProps : {
background : "" ,
foreground : ""
} ,
icon : ` <svg aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M5.37499 3H18.625C19.9197 3 21.0056 4.08803 21 5.375V18.625C21 19.936 19.9359 21 18.625 21H5.37499C4.06518 21 3 19.936 3 18.625V5.375C3 4.06519 4.06518 3 5.37499 3Z" class="%%background" fill="%%color"></path><path d="M9.58473 14.8636L6.04944 11.4051L4.50003 12.9978L9.58473 18L19.5 8.26174L17.9656 6.64795L9.58473 14.8636Z" class="%%foreground" fill="%%color"></path></svg> `
} ,
defaultProps : {
foreground : ""
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="CheckBoxEmpty" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M18.625 3H5.375C4.06519 3 3 4.06519 3 5.375V18.625C3 19.936 4.06519 21 5.375 21H18.625C19.936 21 21 19.936 21 18.625V5.375C21.0057 4.08803 19.9197 3 18.625 3ZM19 19V5H4.99999V19H19Z" class="%%foreground" fill="%%color"></path></svg> `
} ,
defaultProps : {
width : 18 ,
height : 18
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="Checkmark" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 18 18"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><polyline stroke="%%color" stroke-width="2" points="3.5 9.5 7 13 15 5"></polyline></g></svg> `
} ,
defaultProps : {
width : 12 ,
height : 12
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="Close" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 12 12"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M0 0h12v12H0"></path><path class="fill" fill="%%color" d="M9.5 3.205L8.795 2.5 6 5.295 3.205 2.5l-.705.705L5.295 6 2.5 8.795l.705.705L6 6.705 8.795 9.5l.705-.705L6.705 6"></path></g></svg> `
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="CloseCircle" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 14 14"><path fill="%%color" d="M7.02799 0.333252C3.346 0.333252 0.361328 3.31792 0.361328 6.99992C0.361328 10.6819 3.346 13.6666 7.02799 13.6666C10.71 13.6666 13.6947 10.6819 13.6947 6.99992C13.6947 3.31792 10.7093 0.333252 7.02799 0.333252ZM10.166 9.19525L9.22333 10.1379L7.02799 7.94325L4.83266 10.1379L3.89 9.19525L6.08466 6.99992L3.88933 4.80459L4.832 3.86259L7.02733 6.05792L9.22266 3.86259L10.1653 4.80459L7.97066 6.99992L10.166 9.19525Z"></path></svg> `
} ,
COG : {
defaultProps : {
width : 20 ,
height : 20
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="Cog" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="%%color" d="M19.738 10H22V14H19.739C19.498 14.931 19.1 15.798 18.565 16.564L20 18L18 20L16.565 18.564C15.797 19.099 14.932 19.498 14 19.738V22H10V19.738C9.069 19.498 8.203 19.099 7.436 18.564L6 20L4 18L5.436 16.564C4.901 15.799 4.502 14.932 4.262 14H2V10H4.262C4.502 9.068 4.9 8.202 5.436 7.436L4 6L6 4L7.436 5.436C8.202 4.9 9.068 4.502 10 4.262V2H14V4.261C14.932 4.502 15.797 4.9 16.565 5.435L18 3.999L20 5.999L18.564 7.436C19.099 8.202 19.498 9.069 19.738 10ZM12 16C14.2091 16 16 14.2091 16 12C16 9.79086 14.2091 8 12 8C9.79086 8 8 9.79086 8 12C8 14.2091 9.79086 16 12 16Z"></path></svg> `
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="Crown" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13.6572 5.42868C13.8879 5.29002 14.1806 5.30402 14.3973 5.46468C14.6133 5.62602 14.7119 5.90068 14.6473 6.16202L13.3139 11.4954C13.2393 11.7927 12.9726 12.0007 12.6666 12.0007H3.33325C3.02725 12.0007 2.76058 11.792 2.68592 11.4954L1.35258 6.16202C1.28792 5.90068 1.38658 5.62602 1.60258 5.46468C1.81992 5.30468 2.11192 5.29068 2.34325 5.42868L5.13192 7.10202L7.44592 3.63068C7.46173 3.60697 7.48377 3.5913 7.50588 3.57559C7.5192 3.56612 7.53255 3.55663 7.54458 3.54535L6.90258 2.90268C6.77325 2.77335 6.77325 2.56068 6.90258 2.43135L7.76458 1.56935C7.89392 1.44002 8.10658 1.44002 8.23592 1.56935L9.09792 2.43135C9.22725 2.56068 9.22725 2.77335 9.09792 2.90268L8.45592 3.54535C8.46794 3.55686 8.48154 3.56651 8.49516 3.57618C8.51703 3.5917 8.53897 3.60727 8.55458 3.63068L10.8686 7.10202L13.6572 5.42868ZM2.66667 12.6673H13.3333V14.0007H2.66667V12.6673Z" fill="%%color" aria-hidden="true"></path></svg> `
} ,
2020-10-19 13:52:29 +02:00
defaultProps : {
foreground : ""
} ,
2020-10-19 14:06:37 +02:00
icon : ` <svg name="Download" fill="%%color" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="-2 -2 28 28"><path class="%%foreground" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M16.293 9.293L17.707 10.707L12 16.414L6.29297 10.707L7.70697 9.293L11 12.586V2H13V12.586L16.293 9.293ZM18 20V18H20V20C20 21.102 19.104 22 18 22H6C4.896 22 4 21.102 4 20V18H6V20H18Z" aria-hidden="true"></path></svg> `
2020-10-19 13:52:29 +02:00
} ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
defaultProps : {
width : 16 ,
height : 16 ,
foreground : ""
} ,
2020-10-18 19:17:45 +02:00
icon : ` <svg width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><g fill="none"><path d="M-4-4h24v24H-4z"></path><path class="%%foreground" fill="%%color" d="M14.994 1.006C13.858-.257 11.904-.3 10.72.89L8.637 2.975l-.696-.697-1.387 1.388 5.557 5.557 1.387-1.388-.697-.697 1.964-1.964c1.13-1.13 1.3-2.985.23-4.168zm-13.25 10.25c-.225.224-.408.48-.55.764L.02 14.37l1.39 1.39 2.35-1.174c.283-.14.54-.33.765-.55l4.808-4.808-2.776-2.776-4.813 4.803z"></path></g></svg> `
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="Folder" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="%%color" d="M20 7H12L10.553 5.106C10.214 4.428 9.521 4 8.764 4H3C2.447 4 2 4.447 2 5V19C2 20.104 2.895 21 4 21H20C21.104 21 22 20.104 22 19V9C22 7.896 21.104 7 20 7Z"></path></svg> `
} ,
2020-11-11 10:02:09 +01:00
icon : ` <svg name="Github" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g fill="%%color"><path d="m12 .5c-6.63 0-12 5.28-12 11.792 0 5.211 3.438 9.63 8.205 0-.28-.01-1.022-.015-2.005-3.338.711-4.042-1.582-4.042-1.582-.546-1.361-1.335-1.725-1.335-1.725-1.087-.731.084-.716.084-.716 1.205.082 1.838 1.215 1.838 1.215 1.07 1.803 2.809 1.282 3.495.981.108-.763.417-1.282.76-1.577-2.665-.295-5.466-1.309-5.466-5.827 0-1.287.465-2.339 1.235-3.164-.135-.298-.54-1.497.105-3.121 0 0 1.005-.316 3.3 1.209.96-.262 1.98-.392 3-.398 1.02.006 2.04.136 3 .398 2.28-1.525 3.285-1.209 3.285-1.209.645 1.624.24 2.823.12 3.121.765.825 1.23 1.877 1.23 3.164 0 4.53-2.805 5.527-5.475 5.817.42.354.81 1.077.81 2.182 0 1.578-.015 2.846-.015 3.229 0 .309.21.678.825.56 4.801-1.548 8.236-5.97 8.236-11.173 0-6.512-5.373-11.792-12-11.792z"></path></g></svg> `
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ,
defaultProps : {
width : 36 ,
height : 36
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="Gradient" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 36 36" fill="%%color" fill-rule="evenodd"><path d="M 5 0 h 26 c 0 0, 5 0, 5 5 v 26 c 0 0, 0 5, -5 5 h -26 c 0 0, -5 0, -5 -5 v -26 c 0 0, 0 -5, 5 -5 z M 4 4 h 20 v 28 h -20 v -28 z"></path><rect x="12" y="4" width="4" height="4"></rect><rect x="20" y="4" width="4" height="4"></rect><rect x="16" y="8" width="4" height="4"></rect><rect x="12" y="12" width="4" height="4"></rect><rect x="20" y="12" width="4" height="4"></rect><rect x="16" y="16" width="4" height="4"></rect><rect x="12" y="20" width="4" height="4"></rect><rect x="20" y="20" width="4" height="4"></rect><rect x="16" y="24" width="4" height="4"></rect><rect x="12" y="28" width="4" height="4"></rect><rect x="20" y="28" width="4" height="4"></rect></svg> `
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="LeftCaret" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><polygon fill="%%color" fill-rule="nonzero" points="18.35 4.35 16 2 6 12 16 22 18.35 19.65 10.717 12"></polygon><polygon points="0 0 24 0 24 24 0 24"></polygon></g></svg> `
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="LeftDoubleCaret" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><polygon fill="%%color" fill-rule="nonzero" points="12.35 4.35 10 2 0 12 10 22 12.35 19.65 4.717 12"></polygon><polygon fill="%%color" fill-rule="nonzero" points="24.35 4.35 22 2 12 12 22 22 24.35 19.65 16.717 12"></polygon><polygon points="0 0 24 0 24 24 0 24"></polygon></g></svg> `
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="LockClosed" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="%%color" d="M17 11V7C17 4.243 14.756 2 12 2C9.242 2 7 4.243 7 7V11C5.897 11 5 11.896 5 13V20C5 21.103 5.897 22 7 22H17C18.103 22 19 21.103 19 20V13C19 11.896 18.103 11 17 11ZM12 18C11.172 18 10.5 17.328 10.5 16.5C10.5 15.672 11.172 15 12 15C12.828 15 13.5 15.672 13.5 16.5C13.5 17.328 12.828 18 12 18ZM15 11H9V7C9 5.346 10.346 4 12 4C13.654 4 15 5.346 15 7V11Z"></path></svg> `
} ,
getClassName : props => BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . menucaretarrow , props . open && BDFDB . disCN . menucaretopen ) ,
icon : ` <svg name="MenuCaret" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" aria-hidden="true"><path fill="%%color" d="M16.59 8.59004L12 13.17L7.41 8.59004L6 10L12 16L18 10L16.59 8.59004Z"></path></g></svg> `
} ,
MORE : {
icon : ` <svg name="More" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" aria-hidden="true"><path fill="%%color" d="M7 12.001C7 10.8964 6.10457 10.001 5 10.001C3.89543 10.001 3 10.8964 3 12.001C3 13.1055 3.89543 14.001 5 14.001C6.10457 14.001 7 13.1055 7 12.001ZM14 12.001C14 10.8964 13.1046 10.001 12 10.001C10.8954 10.001 10 10.8964 10 12.001C10 13.1055 10.8954 14.001 12 14.001C13.1046 14.001 14 13.1055 14 12.001ZM19 10.001C20.1046 10.001 21 10.8964 21 12.001C21 13.1055 20.1046 14.001 19 14.001C17.8954 14.001 17 13.1055 17 12.001C17 10.8964 17.8954 10.001 19 10.001Z"></path></g></svg> `
} ,
NOVA _AT : {
icon : ` <svg name="Nova_At" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="%%color" d="M12 2C6.486 2 2 6.486 2 12C2 17.515 6.486 22 12 22C14.039 22 15.993 21.398 17.652 20.259L16.521 18.611C15.195 19.519 13.633 20 12 20C7.589 20 4 16.411 4 12C4 7.589 7.589 4 12 4C16.411 4 20 7.589 20 12V12.782C20 14.17 19.402 15 18.4 15L18.398 15.018C18.338 15.005 18.273 15 18.209 15H18C17.437 15 16.6 14.182 16.6 13.631V12C16.6 9.464 14.537 7.4 12 7.4C9.463 7.4 7.4 9.463 7.4 12C7.4 14.537 9.463 16.6 12 16.6C13.234 16.6 14.35 16.106 15.177 15.313C15.826 16.269 16.93 17 18 17L18.002 16.981C18.064 16.994 18.129 17 18.195 17H18.4C20.552 17 22 15.306 22 12.782V12C22 6.486 17.514 2 12 2ZM12 14.599C10.566 14.599 9.4 13.433 9.4 11.999C9.4 10.565 10.566 9.399 12 9.399C13.434 9.399 14.6 10.565 14.6 11.999C14.6 13.433 13.434 14.599 12 14.599Z"></path></svg> `
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="Nova_Pin" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="%%color" d="M22 12L12.101 2.10101L10.686 3.51401L12.101 4.92901L7.15096 9.87801V9.88001L5.73596 8.46501L4.32196 9.88001L8.56496 14.122L2.90796 19.778L4.32196 21.192L9.97896 15.536L14.222 19.778L15.636 18.364L14.222 16.95L19.171 12H19.172L20.586 13.414L22 12Z"></path></svg> `
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="Nova_Trash" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="%%color" d="M15 3.999V2H9V3.999H3V5.999H21V3.999H15Z"></path><path fill="%%color" d="M5 6.99902V18.999C5 20.101 5.897 20.999 7 20.999H17C18.103 20.999 19 20.101 19 18.999V6.99902H5ZM11 17H9V11H11V17ZM15 17H13V11H15V17Z"></path></svg> `
} ,
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
icon : ` <svg name="Patreon" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g fill="%%color"><path d="m 0,0.5 h 4.219 v 23 H 0 Z"></path><path d="m 15.384,0.5 c -4.767,0 -8.644,3.873 -8.644,8.633 0,4.75 3.877,8.61 8.644,8.61 C 20.138,17.743 24,13.878 24,9.133 24,4.374 20.137,0.5 15.384,0.5 Z"></path></g></svg> `
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="PayPal" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><g fill="%%color" transform="matrix(0.96,0,0,0.96,-0.14,2)"><path d="M 25.772542,2.414 C 24.280605,0.724 21.580605,0 18.126542,0 H 8.1025423 c -0.706,0 -1.306,0.51 -1.418,1.2 L 2.5106048,27.462 c -0.082,0.518 0.322,0.986 0.85,0.986 h 6.188 l 1.5540002,-9.78 -0.048,0.308 c 0.11,-0.69 0.708,-1.2 1.414,-1.2 h 2.94 c 5.778,0 10.3,-2.328 11.622,-9.062 0.04,-0.2 0.102,-0.584 0.102,-0.584 0.375937,-2.492 -0.0021,-4.182 -1.360063,-5.716 z"></path><path d="m 30.199,10.906 c -1.436,6.63 -6.018,10.138 -13.29,10.138 H 14.273 L 12.305,33.5 h 4.276 c 0.618,0 1.144,-0.446 1.24,-1.052 l 0.05,-0.264 0.984,-6.182 0.064,-0.34 c 0.096,-0.606 0.622,-1.052 1.238,-1.052 h 0.782 c 5.054,0 9.01,-2.036 10.166,-7.926 0.464,-2.364 0.24,-4.346 -0.906,-5.778 z"></path></g></svg> `
} ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
defaultProps : {
width : 16 ,
height : 16
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icon : ` <svg name="Pencil" aria-hidden="false" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="%%color" d="M20.1039 9.58997L20.8239 8.87097C22.3929 7.30197 22.3929 4.74797 20.8239 3.17797C19.2549 1.60897 16.6999 1.60897 15.1309 3.17797L14.4119 3.89797L20.1039 9.58997ZM12.9966 5.30896L4.42847 13.8795L10.1214 19.5709L18.6896 11.0003L12.9966 5.30896ZM3.24398 21.968L8.39998 20.68L3.31998 15.6L2.03098 20.756C1.94598 21.096 2.04598 21.457 2.29398 21.705C2.54198 21.953 2.90298 22.052 3.24398 21.968Z"></path></svg> `
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PIN : {
defaultProps : {
width : 16 ,
height : 16
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icon : ` <svg name="Pin" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><path fill="%%color" d="M19 3H5V5H7V12H5V14H11V22H13V14H19V12H17V5H19V3Z"></path></g></svg> `
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icon : ` <svg name="RawText" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 48 48"><path fill="%%color" d="M 2,2 h 28 v 8 h -6 v -2 h -4 v 28 h 4 v 6 h -16 v -6 h 4 v -28 h -4 v 2 h -6 Z"></path><path fill="%%color" d="M 24,16 h 22 v 7 h -5 v -2 h -3 v 16 h 3 v 5 h -12 v -5 h 3 v -16 h -3 v 2 h -5 Z"></path></svg> `
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icon : ` <svg name="RightCaret" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><polygon fill="%%color" fill-rule="nonzero" points="8.47 2 6.12 4.35 13.753 12 6.12 19.65 8.47 22 18.47 12"></polygon><polygon points="0 0 24 0 24 24 0 24"></polygon></g></svg> `
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="RightDoubleCaret" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd"><polygon fill="%%color" fill-rule="nonzero" points="2.47 2 0.12 4.35 7.753 12 0.12 19.65 2.47 22 12.47 12"></polygon><polygon fill="%%color" fill-rule="nonzero" points="14.47 2 12.12 4.35 19.753 12 12.12 19.65 14.47 22 24.47 12"></polygon><polygon points="0 0 24 0 24 24 0 24"></polygon></g></svg> `
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defaultProps : {
width : 18 ,
height : 18
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icon : ` <svg name="Search" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 18 18"><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" aria-hidden="true"><path fill="%%color" d="M3.60091481,7.20297313 C3.60091481,5.20983419 5.20983419,3.60091481 7.20297313,3.60091481 C9.19611206,3.60091481 10.8050314,5.20983419 10.8050314,7.20297313 C10.8050314,9.19611206 9.19611206,10.8050314 7.20297313,10.8050314 C5.20983419,10.8050314 3.60091481,9.19611206 3.60091481,7.20297313 Z M12.0057176,10.8050314 L11.3733562,10.8050314 L11.1492281,10.5889079 C11.9336764,9.67638651 12.4059463,8.49170955 12.4059463,7.20297313 C12.4059463,4.32933105 10.0766152,2 7.20297313,2 C4.32933105,2 2,4.32933105 2,7.20297313 C2,10.0766152 4.32933105,12.4059463 7.20297313,12.4059463 C8.49170955,12.4059463 9.67638651,11.9336764 10.5889079,11.1492281 L10.8050314,11.3733562 L10.8050314,12.0057176 L14.8073185,16 L16,14.8073185 L12.2102538,11.0099776 L12.0057176,10.8050314 Z"></path></g></svg> `
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="Speaker" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="%%color" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M11.383 3.07904C11.009 2.92504 10.579 3.01004 10.293 3.29604L6 8.00204H3C2.45 8.00204 2 8.45304 2 9.00204V15.002C2 15.552 2.45 16.002 3 16.002H6L10.293 20.71C10.579 20.996 11.009 21.082 11.383 20.927C11.757 20.772 12 20.407 12 20.002V4.00204C12 3.59904 11.757 3.23204 11.383 3.07904ZM14 5.00195V7.00195C16.757 7.00195 19 9.24595 19 12.002C19 14.759 16.757 17.002 14 17.002V19.002C17.86 19.002 21 15.863 21 12.002C21 8.14295 17.86 5.00195 14 5.00195ZM14 9.00195C15.654 9.00195 17 10.349 17 12.002C17 13.657 15.654 15.002 14 15.002V13.002C14.551 13.002 15 12.553 15 12.002C15 11.451 14.551 11.002 14 11.002V9.00195Z"></path></svg> `
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="Stream" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="%%color" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M20 3V4L23 3V7L20 6V7C20 7.553 19.552 8 19 8H15C14.448 8 14 7.553 14 7V3C14 2.447 14.448 2 15 2H19C19.552 2 20 2.447 20 3ZM18 15V10H19H20V17C20 18.104 19.103 19 18 19H11V21H15V23H5V21H9V19H2C0.897 19 0 18.104 0 17V6C0 4.897 0.897 4 2 4H12V6H2V15H7H10H13H18Z"></path></svg> `
2020-11-12 16:30:15 +01:00
} ,
icon : ` <svg name="Trash" aria-hidden="false" width="%%width" height="%%height" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0V0z"></path><path fill="%%color" d="M6 19c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h8c1.1 0 2-.9 2-2V7H6v12zm2.46-7.12l1.41-1.41L12 12.59l2.12-2.12 1.41 1.41L13.41 14l2.12 2.12-1.41 1.41L12 15.41l-2.12 2.12-1.41-1.41L10.59 14l-2.13-2.12zM15.5 4l-1-1h-5l-1 1H5v2h14V4z"></path></svg> `
} ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ;
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
const SwitchIconPaths = {
a : {
TOP : "M5.13231 6.72963L6.7233 5.13864L14.855 13.2704L13.264 14.8614L5.13231 6.72963Z" ,
BOTTOM : "M13.2704 5.13864L14.8614 6.72963L6.72963 14.8614L5.13864 13.2704L13.2704 5.13864Z"
} ,
b : {
TOP : "M6.56666 11.0013L6.56666 8.96683L13.5667 8.96683L13.5667 11.0013L6.56666 11.0013Z" ,
BOTTOM : "M13.5582 8.96683L13.5582 11.0013L6.56192 11.0013L6.56192 8.96683L13.5582 8.96683Z"
} ,
c : {
TOP : "M7.89561 14.8538L6.30462 13.2629L14.3099 5.25755L15.9009 6.84854L7.89561 14.8538Z" ,
BOTTOM : "M4.08643 11.0903L5.67742 9.49929L9.4485 13.2704L7.85751 14.8614L4.08643 11.0903Z"
} ;
const SwitchInner = function ( props ) {
let reducedMotion = BDFDB . ReactUtils . useContext ( LibraryModules . PreferencesContext . AccessibilityPreferencesContext ) . reducedMotion ;
let ref = BDFDB . ReactUtils . useRef ( null ) ;
let state = BDFDB . ReactUtils . useState ( false ) ;
let animation = InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Animations . useSpring ( {
config : {
mass : 1 ,
tension : 250
} ,
opacity : props . disabled ? . 3 : 1 ,
state : state [ 0 ] ? ( props . value ? . 7 : . 3 ) : ( props . value ? 1 : 0 )
} ) ;
let fill = animation . state . to ( {
output : [ props . uncheckedColor , props . checkedColor ]
} ) ;
2020-10-15 18:15:42 +02:00
let mini = props . size == InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Switch . Sizes . MINI ;
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Animations . animated . div , {
2020-10-15 18:15:42 +02:00
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( props . className , BDFDB . disCN . switch , mini && BDFDB . disCN . switchmini ) ,
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
onMouseDown : _ => {
return ! props . disabled && state [ 1 ] ( true ) ;
} ,
onMouseUp : _ => {
return state [ 1 ] ( false ) ;
} ,
onMouseLeave : _ => {
return state [ 1 ] ( false ) ;
} ,
style : {
opacity : animation . opacity ,
backgroundColor : animation . state . to ( {
output : [ props . uncheckedColor , props . checkedColor ]
} )
} ,
tabIndex : - 1 ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Animations . animated . svg , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . switchslider ,
viewBox : "0 0 28 20" ,
preserveAspectRatio : "xMinYMid meet" ,
style : {
left : animation . state . to ( {
range : [ 0 , . 3 , . 7 , 1 ] ,
2020-10-15 18:15:42 +02:00
output : mini ? [ - 1 , 2 , 6 , 9 ] : [ - 3 , 1 , 8 , 12 ]
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
} )
} ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Animations . animated . rect , {
fill : "white" ,
x : animation . state . to ( {
range : [ 0 , . 3 , . 7 , 1 ] ,
output : [ 4 , 0 , 0 , 4 ]
} ) ,
y : animation . state . to ( {
range : [ 0 , . 3 , . 7 , 1 ] ,
output : [ 0 , 1 , 1 , 0 ]
} ) ,
height : animation . state . to ( {
range : [ 0 , . 3 , . 7 , 1 ] ,
output : [ 20 , 18 , 18 , 20 ]
} ) ,
width : animation . state . to ( {
range : [ 0 , . 3 , . 7 , 1 ] ,
output : [ 20 , 28 , 28 , 20 ]
} ) ,
rx : "10"
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "svg" , {
viewBox : "0 0 20 20" ,
fill : "none" ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Animations . animated . path , {
fill : fill ,
d : animation . state . to ( {
range : [ 0 , . 3 , . 7 , 1 ] ,
output : reducedMotion . enabled ? [ SwitchIconPaths . a . TOP , SwitchIconPaths . a . TOP , SwitchIconPaths . c . TOP , SwitchIconPaths . c . TOP ] : [ SwitchIconPaths . a . TOP , SwitchIconPaths . b . TOP , SwitchIconPaths . b . TOP , SwitchIconPaths . c . TOP ]
} )
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Animations . animated . path , {
fill : fill ,
d : animation . state . to ( {
range : [ 0 , . 3 , . 7 , 1 ] ,
output : reducedMotion . enabled ? [ SwitchIconPaths . a . BOTTOM , SwitchIconPaths . a . BOTTOM , SwitchIconPaths . c . BOTTOM , SwitchIconPaths . c . BOTTOM ] : [ SwitchIconPaths . a . BOTTOM , SwitchIconPaths . b . BOTTOM , SwitchIconPaths . b . BOTTOM , SwitchIconPaths . c . BOTTOM ]
} )
} )
} )
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "input" , {
id : props . id ,
type : "checkbox" ,
ref : ref ,
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( props . inputClassName , BDFDB . disCN . switchinner ) ,
tabIndex : props . disabled ? - 1 : 0 ,
onKeyDown : e => {
if ( ! props . disabled && ! e . repeat && ( e . key == " " || e . key == "Enter" ) ) state [ 1 ] ( true ) ;
} ,
onKeyUp : e => {
if ( ! props . disabled && ! e . repeat ) {
state [ 1 ] ( false ) ;
if ( e . key == "Enter" && ref . current ) ref . current . click ( ) ;
} ,
onChange : e => {
state [ 1 ] ( false ) ;
if ( typeof props . onChange == "function" ) props . onChange ( e . currentTarget . checked , e ) ;
} ,
checked : props . value ,
disabled : props . disabled
} )
} ) ;
} ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Switch = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _Switch extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleChange ( ) {
this . props . value = ! this . props . value ;
if ( typeof this . props . onChange == "function" ) this . props . onChange ( this . props . value , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
render ( ) {
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( SwitchInner , Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
onChange : this . handleChange . bind ( this )
} ) ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ;
2020-10-14 21:21:08 +02:00
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Switch . Sizes = {
DEFAULT : "default" ,
MINI : "mini" ,
} ;
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Switch , {
2020-10-14 21:21:08 +02:00
size : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Switch . Sizes . DEFAULT ,
2020-10-14 19:24:48 +02:00
uncheckedColor : BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . PRIMARY _DARK _400 ,
checkedColor : BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Colors . BRAND
} ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TabBar = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _TabBar extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleItemSelect ( item ) {
this . props . selectedItem = item ;
if ( typeof this . props . onItemSelect == "function" ) this . props . onItemSelect ( item , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
render ( ) {
let items = ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( this . props . items ) ? this . props . items : [ { } ] ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
let selectedItem = this . props . selectedItem || ( items [ 0 ] || { } ) . value ;
let renderItem = typeof this . props . renderItem == "function" ? this . props . renderItem : ( data => data . label || data . value ) ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . TabBar , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
selectedItem : selectedItem ,
onItemSelect : this . handleItemSelect . bind ( this ) ,
children : items . map ( data => BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TabBar . Item , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . itemClassName , selectedItem == data . value && this . props . itemSelectedClassName ) ,
itemType : this . props . type ,
id : data . value ,
children : renderItem ( data ) ,
"aria-label" : data . label || data . value
} ) )
} ) , "itemClassName" , "items" , "renderItem" ) ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Table = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _Table extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . Table , Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . table , this . props . className ) ,
headerCellClassName : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . tableheadercell , this . props . headerCellClassName ) ,
sortedHeaderCellClassName : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . tableheadercellsorted , this . props . sortedHeaderCellClassName ) ,
bodyCellClassName : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . tablebodycell , this . props . bodyCellClassName ) ,
onSort : ( sortKey , sortDirection ) => {
this . props . sortDirection = this . props . sortKey != sortKey && sortDirection == InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Table . SortDirection . ASCENDING && this . props . columns . filter ( n => n . key == sortKey ) [ 0 ] . reverse ? InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Table . SortDirection . DESCENDING : sortDirection ;
this . props . sortKey = sortKey ;
this . props . data = BDFDB . ArrayUtils . keySort ( this . props . data , this . props . sortKey ) ;
if ( this . props . sortDirection == InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Table . SortDirection . DESCENDING ) this . props . data . reverse ( ) ;
if ( typeof this . props . onSort == "function" ) this . props . onSort ( this . props . sortKey , this . props . sortDirection ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
} ) ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextArea = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _TextArea extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleChange ( e ) {
this . props . value = e ;
if ( typeof this . props . onChange == "function" ) this . props . onChange ( e , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
handleBlur ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onBlur == "function" ) this . props . onBlur ( e , this ) ; }
handleFocus ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onFocus == "function" ) this . props . onFocus ( e , this ) ; }
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents . TextArea , Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
onChange : this . handleChange . bind ( this ) ,
onBlur : this . handleBlur . bind ( this ) ,
onFocus : this . handleFocus . bind ( this )
} ) ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextGradientElement = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _TextGradientElement extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
if ( this . props . gradient && this . props . children ) return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "span" , {
children : this . props . children ,
ref : instance => {
let ele = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( instance ) ;
if ( ele ) {
ele . style . setProperty ( "background-image" , this . props . gradient , "important" ) ;
ele . style . setProperty ( "color" , "transparent" , "important" ) ;
ele . style . setProperty ( "-webkit-background-clip" , "text" , "important" ) ;
} ) ;
return this . props . children || null ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextInput = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _TextInput extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
handleChange ( e ) {
let value = e = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( e ) ? e . currentTarget . value : e ;
this . props . value = this . props . valuePrefix && ! value . startsWith ( this . props . valuePrefix ) ? ( this . props . valuePrefix + value ) : value ;
if ( typeof this . props . onChange == "function" ) this . props . onChange ( this . props . value , this ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
handleInput ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onInput == "function" ) this . props . onInput ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( e ) ? e . currentTarget . value : e , this ) ; }
handleKeyDown ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onKeyDown == "function" ) this . props . onKeyDown ( e , this ) ; }
handleBlur ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onBlur == "function" ) this . props . onBlur ( e , this ) ; }
handleFocus ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onFocus == "function" ) this . props . onFocus ( e , this ) ; }
handleMouseEnter ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onMouseEnter == "function" ) this . props . onMouseEnter ( e , this ) ; }
handleMouseLeave ( e ) { if ( typeof this . props . onMouseLeave == "function" ) this . props . onMouseLeave ( e , this ) ; }
handleNumberButton ( ins , value ) {
BDFDB . TimeUtils . clear ( ins . pressedTimeout ) ;
ins . pressedTimeout = BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => {
delete this . props . focused ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
} , 1000 ) ;
this . props . focused = true ;
this . handleChange . bind ( this ) ( value ) ;
this . handleInput . bind ( this ) ( value ) ;
componentDidMount ( ) {
if ( this . props . type == "file" ) {
let navigatorInstance = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( this , { name : "BDFDB_FileButton" } ) ;
if ( navigatorInstance ) navigatorInstance . refInput = this ;
let input = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( this ) ;
if ( ! input ) return ;
input = input . querySelector ( "input" ) || input ;
if ( input && ! input . patched ) {
input . addEventListener ( "keydown" , e => {
this . handleKeyDown . bind ( this ) ( e ) ;
e . stopImmediatePropagation ( ) ;
} ) ;
input . patched = true ;
render ( ) {
let inputChildren = [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "input" , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( this . props . size && InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextInput . Sizes [ this . props . size . toUpperCase ( ) ] && BDFDB . disCN [ "input" + this . props . size . toLowerCase ( ) ] || BDFDB . disCN . inputdefault , this . props . inputClassName , this . props . focused && BDFDB . disCN . inputfocused , this . props . error || this . props . errorMessage ? BDFDB . disCN . inputerror : ( this . props . success && BDFDB . disCN . inputsuccess ) , this . props . disabled && BDFDB . disCN . inputdisabled , this . props . editable && BDFDB . disCN . inputeditable ) ,
type : this . props . type == "color" || this . props . type == "file" ? "text" : this . props . type ,
onChange : this . handleChange . bind ( this ) ,
onInput : this . handleInput . bind ( this ) ,
onKeyDown : this . handleKeyDown . bind ( this ) ,
onBlur : this . handleBlur . bind ( this ) ,
onFocus : this . handleFocus . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseEnter : this . handleMouseEnter . bind ( this ) ,
onMouseLeave : this . handleMouseLeave . bind ( this ) ,
maxLength : this . props . type == "file" ? false : this . props . maxLength ,
2020-10-31 11:12:54 +01:00
style : this . props . width ? { width : ` ${ this . props . width } px ` } : { } ,
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
ref : this . props . inputRef
} ) , "errorMessage" , "focused" , "error" , "success" , "inputClassName" , "inputChildren" , "valuePrefix" , "inputPrefix" , "size" , "editable" , "inputRef" , "style" , "mode" , "noAlpha" , "filter" , "useFilePath" , "searchFolders" ) ) ,
this . props . inputChildren ,
this . props . type == "color" ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Child , {
wrap : true ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . ColorSwatches , {
colors : [ ] ,
color : this . props . value && this . props . mode == "comp" ? BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( this . props . value . split ( "," ) , "RGB" ) : this . props . value ,
onColorChange : color => {
this . handleChange ( ! color ? "" : ( this . props . mode == "comp" ? BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color , "RGBCOMP" ) . slice ( 0 , 3 ) . join ( "," ) : ( this . props . noAlpha ? BDFDB . ColorUtils . convert ( color , "RGB" ) : color ) ) ) ;
} ,
pickerConfig : { gradient : false , alpha : this . props . mode != "comp" && ! this . props . noAlpha }
} )
} ) : null ,
this . props . type == "file" ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . FileButton , {
filter : this . props . filter ,
mode : this . props . mode ,
useFilePath : this . props . useFilePath ,
searchFolders : this . props . searchFolders
} ) : null
] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => n ) ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . inputwrapper , this . props . type == "number" && ( this . props . size && InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextInput . Sizes [ this . props . size . toUpperCase ( ) ] && BDFDB . disCN [ "inputnumberwrapper" + this . props . size . toLowerCase ( ) ] || BDFDB . disCN . inputnumberwrapperdefault ) , this . props . className ) ,
style : this . props . style ,
children : [
this . props . inputPrefix ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "span" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . inputprefix
} ) : null ,
this . props . type == "number" ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . inputnumberbuttons ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . inputnumberbuttonup ,
onClick : e => {
let min = parseInt ( this . props . min ) ;
let max = parseInt ( this . props . max ) ;
2020-11-02 23:15:43 +01:00
let newV = parseInt ( this . props . value ) + 1 || min || 0 ;
if ( isNaN ( max ) || ! isNaN ( max ) && newV <= max ) this . handleNumberButton . bind ( this ) ( e . _targetInst , isNaN ( min ) || ! isNaN ( min ) && newV >= min ? newV : min ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . inputnumberbuttondown ,
onClick : e => {
let min = parseInt ( this . props . min ) ;
let max = parseInt ( this . props . max ) ;
2020-11-02 23:15:43 +01:00
let newV = parseInt ( this . props . value ) - 1 || min || 0 ;
if ( isNaN ( min ) || ! isNaN ( min ) && newV >= min ) this . handleNumberButton . bind ( this ) ( e . _targetInst , isNaN ( max ) || ! isNaN ( max ) && newV <= max ? newV : max ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} )
} ) : null ,
inputChildren . length == 1 ? inputChildren [ 0 ] : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
align : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
children : inputChildren . map ( ( child , i ) => i != 0 ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Flex . Child , { shrink : 0 , children : child } ) : child )
} ) ,
this . props . errorMessage ? BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextElement , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . carderror ,
size : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextElement . Sizes . SIZE _12 ,
color : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextElement . Colors . STATUS _RED ,
children : this . props . errorMessage
} ) : null
] . filter ( n => n )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TextScroller = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _TextScroller extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( BDFDB . disCN . textscroller , this . props . className ) ,
style : Object . assign ( { } , this . props . style , {
position : "relative" ,
display : "block" ,
overflow : "hidden"
} ) ,
ref : instance => {
let ele = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( instance ) ;
if ( ele && ele . parentElement ) {
let maxWidth = BDFDB . DOMUtils . getInnerWidth ( ele . parentElement ) ;
if ( maxWidth > 50 ) ele . style . setProperty ( "max-width" , ` ${ maxWidth } px ` ) ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => {
2020-10-15 13:17:55 +02:00
if ( document . contains ( ele . parentElement ) ) BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( this ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} , 3000 ) ;
let Animation = new LibraryModules . AnimationUtils . Value ( 0 ) ;
. interpolate ( { inputRange : [ 0 , 1 ] , outputRange : [ 0 , ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( ele . firstElementChild ) . width - BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( ele ) . width ) * - 1 ] } )
. addListener ( v => { ele . firstElementChild . style . setProperty ( "left" , ` ${ v . value } px ` , "important" ) ; } ) ;
this . scroll = p => {
let w = p + parseFloat ( ele . firstElementChild . style . getPropertyValue ( "left" ) ) / ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( ele . firstElementChild ) . width - BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( ele ) . width ) ;
w = isNaN ( w ) || ! isFinite ( w ) ? p : w ;
w *= BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( ele . firstElementChild ) . width / ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( ele ) . width * 2 ) ;
LibraryModules . AnimationUtils . parallel ( [ LibraryModules . AnimationUtils . timing ( Animation , { toValue : p , duration : Math . sqrt ( w * * 2 ) * 4000 / ( parseInt ( this . props . speed ) || 1 ) } ) ] ) . start ( ) ;
} ,
onClick : e => {
if ( typeof this . props . onClick == "function" ) this . props . onClick ( e , this ) ;
} ,
onMouseEnter : e => {
if ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( e . currentTarget ) . width < BDFDB . DOMUtils . getRects ( e . currentTarget . firstElementChild ) . width ) {
this . scrolling = true ;
e . currentTarget . firstElementChild . style . setProperty ( "display" , "block" , "important" ) ;
this . scroll ( 1 ) ;
} ,
onMouseLeave : e => {
if ( this . scrolling ) {
delete this . scrolling ;
e . currentTarget . firstElementChild . style . setProperty ( "display" , "inline" , "important" ) ;
this . scroll ( 0 ) ;
} ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
style : {
left : "0" ,
position : "relative" ,
display : "inline" ,
whiteSpace : "nowrap"
} ,
children : this . props . children
} )
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _TooltipContainer extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
updateTooltip ( text ) {
if ( this . tooltip ) this . tooltip . update ( text ) ;
render ( ) {
let child = ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( this . props . children ) ? this . props . children [ 0 ] : this . props . children ) || BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , { } ) ;
child . props . className = BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( child . props . className , this . props . className ) ;
2020-10-08 19:37:46 +02:00
let childProps = Object . assign ( { } , child . props ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
let shown = false ;
child . props . onMouseEnter = ( e , childThis ) => {
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
if ( ! shown && ! e . currentTarget . BDFDBtooltipShown ) {
e . currentTarget . BDFDBtooltipShown = shown = true ;
this . tooltip = BDFDB . TooltipUtils . create ( e . currentTarget , typeof this . props . text == "function" ? this . props . text ( this ) : this . props . text , Object . assign ( {
2020-11-12 17:11:25 +01:00
delay : this . props . delay
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
} , this . props . tooltipConfig , {
onHide : ( tooltip , anker ) => {
delete anker . BDFDBtooltipShown ;
shown = false ;
if ( this . props . tooltipConfig && typeof this . props . tooltipConfig . onHide == "function" ) this . props . onHide ( tooltip , anker ) ;
} ) ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
if ( typeof this . props . onMouseEnter == "function" ) this . props . onMouseEnter ( e , this ) ;
2020-10-08 19:37:46 +02:00
if ( typeof childProps . onMouseEnter == "function" ) childProps . onMouseEnter ( e , childThis ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ;
child . props . onMouseLeave = ( e , childThis ) => {
if ( typeof this . props . onMouseLeave == "function" ) this . props . onMouseLeave ( e , this ) ;
2020-10-08 19:37:46 +02:00
if ( typeof childProps . onMouseLeave == "function" ) childProps . onMouseLeave ( e , childThis ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ;
child . props . onClick = ( e , childThis ) => {
if ( typeof this . props . onClick == "function" ) this . props . onClick ( e , this ) ;
2020-10-08 19:37:46 +02:00
if ( typeof childProps . onClick == "function" ) childProps . onClick ( e , childThis ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ;
child . props . onContextMenu = ( e , childThis ) => {
if ( typeof this . props . onContextMenu == "function" ) this . props . onContextMenu ( e , this ) ;
2020-10-08 19:37:46 +02:00
if ( typeof childProps . onContextMenu == "function" ) childProps . onContextMenu ( e , childThis ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ;
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( LibraryModules . React . Fragment , {
children : child
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . UserPopoutContainer = reactInitialized && class BDFDB _UserPopoutContainer extends LibraryModules . React . Component {
render ( ) {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . PopoutContainer , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( Object . assign ( { } , this . props , {
wrap : false ,
renderPopout : instance => {
return BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . UserPopout , {
userId : this . props . userId ,
guildId : this . props . guildId ,
channelId : this . props . channelId
} ) ;
} ) , "userId" , "guildId" , "channelId" ) ) ;
} ;
for ( let type in InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents ) if ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents [ type ] ) for ( let key in InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents [ type ] ) if ( key != "displayName" && key != "name" && ( typeof InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents [ type ] [ key ] != "function" || key . charAt ( 0 ) == key . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) ) ) {
if ( key == "defaultProps" ) InternalComponents . LibraryComponents [ type ] [ key ] = Object . assign ( { } , InternalComponents . LibraryComponents [ type ] [ key ] , InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents [ type ] [ key ] ) ;
else InternalComponents . LibraryComponents [ type ] [ key ] = InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents [ type ] [ key ] ;
BDFDB . LibraryComponents = Object . assign ( { } , InternalComponents . LibraryComponents ) ;
2020-09-22 23:30:15 +02:00
2020-11-11 00:25:33 +01:00
InternalBDFDB . createCustomControl = function ( data ) {
2020-11-12 17:11:25 +01:00
let controlButton = BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( ` < ${ isBeta ? "button" : "div" } class=" ${ BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( isBeta && BDFDB . disCN . _repobutton , BDFDB . disCN . _repocontrolsbutton ) } "></ ${ isBeta ? "button" : "div" } > ` ) ;
BDFDB . ReactUtils . render ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
2020-11-11 00:25:33 +01:00
className : ! isBeta && BDFDB . disCN . _repoicon ,
2020-11-06 16:42:45 +01:00
nativeClass : true ,
name : data . svgName ,
2020-11-11 00:25:33 +01:00
width : isBeta ? "20" : "24" ,
height : isBeta ? "20" : "24"
2020-11-12 17:11:25 +01:00
} ) , controlButton ) ;
2020-11-06 16:42:45 +01:00
controlButton . addEventListener ( "click" , _ => { if ( typeof data . onClick == "function" ) data . onClick ( ) ; } ) ;
2020-11-12 17:11:25 +01:00
if ( data . tooltipText ) controlButton . addEventListener ( "mouseenter" , _ => { BDFDB . TooltipUtils . create ( controlButton , data . tooltipText ) ; } ) ;
2020-09-22 23:30:15 +02:00
return controlButton ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . appendCustomControls = function ( card ) {
let checkbox = card . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . _reposwitch ) ;
if ( ! checkbox ) return ;
2020-10-06 23:53:08 +02:00
let props = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . getInstance ( card ) , "return.stateNode.props" ) ;
2020-10-24 10:57:08 +02:00
let plugin = props && props . addon && ( props . addon . plugin || props . addon . instance ) ;
if ( plugin && ! props . hasCustomControls && ( plugin == libraryInstance || plugin . name && plugin . name && PluginStores . loaded [ plugin . name ] && PluginStores . loaded [ plugin . name ] == plugin ) ) {
2020-10-06 23:53:08 +02:00
props . hasCustomControls = true ;
2020-10-24 10:57:08 +02:00
let url = plugin . rawUrl || ` https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/ ${ plugin . name } / ${ plugin . name } .plugin.js ` ;
2020-10-19 14:06:37 +02:00
let controls = [ ] ;
2020-11-12 14:30:33 +01:00
let footerControls = card . querySelector ( "." + BDFDB . disCN . _repofooter . split ( " " ) [ 0 ] + " " + BDFDB . dotCN . _repocontrols ) ;
2020-11-06 16:42:45 +01:00
if ( plugin . changeLog ) controls . push ( InternalBDFDB . createCustomControl ( {
tooltipText : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . CHANGE _LOG ,
svgName : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . CHANGELOG ,
onClick : _ => { BDFDB . PluginUtils . openChangeLog ( plugin ) ; }
2020-11-11 00:25:33 +01:00
} ) ) ;
2020-11-06 16:42:45 +01:00
if ( window . PluginUpdates && window . PluginUpdates . plugins && window . PluginUpdates . plugins [ url ] && window . PluginUpdates . plugins [ url ] . outdated ) controls . push ( InternalBDFDB . createCustomControl ( {
tooltipText : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . UPDATE _MANUALLY ,
svgName : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . DOWNLOAD ,
onClick : _ => { BDFDB . PluginUtils . downloadUpdate ( plugin . name , url ) ; }
2020-11-11 00:25:33 +01:00
} ) ) ;
2020-11-06 16:42:45 +01:00
if ( footerControls ) for ( let control of controls ) footerControls . insertBefore ( control , footerControls . firstElementChild ) ;
else for ( let control of controls ) checkbox . parentElement . insertBefore ( control , checkbox . parentElement . firstElementChild ) ;
2020-09-22 23:30:15 +02:00
} ;
const cardObserver = ( new MutationObserver ( changes => { changes . forEach ( change => { if ( change . addedNodes ) { change . addedNodes . forEach ( node => {
if ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . containsClass ( node , BDFDB . disCN . _repocard ) ) InternalBDFDB . appendCustomControls ( node ) ;
if ( node . nodeType != Node . TEXT _NODE ) for ( let child of node . querySelectorAll ( BDFDB . dotCN . _repocard ) ) InternalBDFDB . appendCustomControls ( child ) ;
} ) ; } } ) ; } ) ) ;
BDFDB . ObserverUtils . connect ( BDFDB , document . querySelector ( ` ${ BDFDB . dotCN . layer } [aria-label=" ${ BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Layers . USER _SETTINGS } "] ` ) , { name : "cardObserver" , instance : cardObserver } , { childList : true , subtree : true } ) ;
BDFDB . ObserverUtils . connect ( BDFDB , BDFDB . dotCN . applayers , { name : "appLayerObserver" , instance : ( new MutationObserver ( changes => { changes . forEach ( change => { if ( change . addedNodes ) { change . addedNodes . forEach ( node => {
if ( node . nodeType != Node . TEXT _NODE && node . getAttribute ( "aria-label" ) == BDFDB . DiscordConstants . Layers . USER _SETTINGS ) BDFDB . ObserverUtils . connect ( BDFDB , node , { name : "cardObserver" , instance : cardObserver } , { childList : true , subtree : true } ) ;
} ) ; } } ) ; } ) ) } , { childList : true } ) ;
for ( let child of document . querySelectorAll ( BDFDB . dotCN . _repocard ) ) InternalBDFDB . appendCustomControls ( child ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
const keyDownTimeouts = { } ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . add ( BDFDB , document , "keydown.BDFDBPressedKeys" , e => {
if ( ! pressedKeys . includes ( e . which ) ) {
BDFDB . TimeUtils . clear ( keyDownTimeouts [ e . which ] ) ;
pressedKeys . push ( e . which ) ;
keyDownTimeouts [ e . which ] = BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => {
BDFDB . ArrayUtils . remove ( pressedKeys , e . which , true ) ;
} , 60000 ) ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . add ( BDFDB , document , "keyup.BDFDBPressedKeys" , e => {
BDFDB . TimeUtils . clear ( keyDownTimeouts [ e . which ] ) ;
BDFDB . ArrayUtils . remove ( pressedKeys , e . which , true ) ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . add ( BDFDB , document , "mousedown.BDFDBMousePosition" , e => {
mousePosition = e ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . ListenerUtils . add ( BDFDB , window , "focus.BDFDBPressedKeysReset" , e => {
pressedKeys = [ ] ;
} ) ;
InternalBDFDB . patchedModules = {
before : {
MessageContent : "type"
} ,
after : {
DiscordTag : "default" ,
Mention : "default" ,
Message : "default" ,
MessageHeader : "default" ,
MemberListItem : [ "componentDidMount" , "componentDidUpdate" ] ,
PrivateChannel : [ "componentDidMount" , "componentDidUpdate" ] ,
UserPopout : [ "componentDidMount" , "componentDidUpdate" ] ,
UserProfile : [ "componentDidMount" , "componentDidUpdate" ] ,
V2C _ContentColumn : "render"
} ;
InternalBDFDB . processV2CContentColumn = function ( e ) {
if ( window . PluginUpdates && window . PluginUpdates . plugins && typeof e . instance . props . title == "string" && e . instance . props . title . toUpperCase ( ) . indexOf ( "PLUGINS" ) == 0 ) {
let [ children , index ] = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findParent ( e . returnvalue , { key : "folder-button" } ) ;
if ( index > - 1 ) children . splice ( index + 1 , 0 , BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
text : "Only checks for updates of plugins, which support the updatecheck. Rightclick for a list of supported plugins. (Listed ≠ Outdated)" ,
tooltipConfig : {
type : "bottom" ,
maxWidth : 420
} ,
onContextMenu : ( event , instance ) => {
instance . updateTooltip ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . toArray ( window . PluginUpdates . plugins ) . map ( p => p . name ) . filter ( n => n ) . sort ( ) . join ( ", " ) ) ;
} ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "button" , {
className : ` ${ BDFDB . disCNS . _repobutton + BDFDB . disCN . _repofolderbutton } bd-updatebtn ` ,
onClick : _ => {
2020-10-16 10:09:48 +02:00
let toast = BDFDB . NotificationUtils . toast ( "Plugin update check in progress" , { type : "info" , timeout : 0 } ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . PluginUtils . checkAllUpdates ( ) . then ( outdated => {
toast . close ( ) ;
2020-10-16 10:09:48 +02:00
if ( outdated > 0 ) BDFDB . NotificationUtils . toast ( ` Plugin update check complete - ${ outdated } outdated! ` , { type : "error" } ) ;
else BDFDB . NotificationUtils . toast ( ` Plugin update check complete ` , { type : "success" } ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ) ;
} ,
children : "Check for Updates"
} )
} ) ) ;
} ;
let MessageHeaderExport = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByProperties ( "MessageTimestamp" , false ) ;
if ( MessageHeaderExport ) InternalBDFDB . processMessage = function ( e ) {
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( e , "instance.props.childrenHeader.type.type.name" ) && BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( e , "instance.props.childrenHeader.props.message" ) ) {
e . instance . props . childrenHeader . type = MessageHeaderExport . exports . default ;
} ;
const BDFDB _Patrons = Object . assign ( { } , InternalData . BDFDB _Patrons ) ;
InternalBDFDB . _processAvatarRender = function ( user , avatar ) {
if ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( avatar ) && BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( user ) && ( avatar . props . className || "" ) . indexOf ( BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbbadgeavatar ) == - 1 ) {
avatar . props [ "user_by_BDFDB" ] = user . id ;
let role = "" , className = BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( ( avatar . props . className || "" ) . replace ( BDFDB . disCN . avatar , "" ) ) , addBadge = settings . showSupportBadges , customBadge = false ;
if ( BDFDB _Patrons [ user . id ] && BDFDB _Patrons [ user . id ] . active ) {
role = BDFDB _Patrons [ user . id ] . t3 ? "BDFDB Patron Level 2" : "BDFDB Patron" ;
customBadge = addBadge && BDFDB _Patrons [ user . id ] . t3 && BDFDB _Patrons [ user . id ] . custom ;
className = BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( className , addBadge && BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbhasbadge , BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbbadgeavatar , BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbsupporter , customBadge && BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbsupportercustom ) ;
if ( user . id == InternalData . myId ) {
addBadge = true ;
role = "Theme Developer" ;
className = BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( className , BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbhasbadge , BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbbadgeavatar , BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbdev ) ;
if ( role ) {
delete avatar . props [ "user_by_BDFDB" ] ;
if ( avatar . type == "img" ) avatar = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . AvatarComponents . default , Object . assign ( { } , avatar . props , {
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
size : InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . AvatarComponents . Sizes . SIZE _40
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
} ) ) ;
delete avatar . props . className ;
avatar = BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : className ,
style : { borderRadius : 0 , overflow : "visible" } ,
"custombadge_id" : customBadge ? user . id : null ,
"user_by_BDFDB" : user . id ,
children : [ avatar ]
} ) ;
if ( addBadge ) avatar . props . children . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
text : role ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( "div" , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbbadge
} )
} ) ) ;
return avatar ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . _processAvatarMount = function ( user , avatar , wrapper ) {
if ( Node . prototype . isPrototypeOf ( avatar ) && BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( user ) && ( avatar . className || "" ) . indexOf ( BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbbadgeavatar ) == - 1 ) {
if ( wrapper ) wrapper . setAttribute ( "user_by_BDFDB" , user . id ) ;
avatar . setAttribute ( "user_by_BDFDB" , user . id ) ;
let role = "" , addBadge = settings . showSupportBadges , customBadge = false ;
if ( BDFDB _Patrons [ user . id ] && BDFDB _Patrons [ user . id ] . active ) {
role = BDFDB _Patrons [ user . id ] . t3 ? "BDFDB Patron Level 2" : "BDFDB Patron" ;
customBadge = addBadge && BDFDB _Patrons [ user . id ] . t3 && BDFDB _Patrons [ user . id ] . custom ;
avatar . className = BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( avatar . className , addBadge && BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbhasbadge , BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbbadgeavatar , BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbsupporter , customBadge && BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbsupportercustom ) ;
else if ( user . id == InternalData . myId ) {
addBadge = true ;
role = "Theme Developer" ;
avatar . className = BDFDB . DOMUtils . formatClassName ( avatar . className , addBadge && BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbhasbadge , BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbbadgeavatar , BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbdev ) ;
if ( role && ! avatar . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . bdfdbbadge ) ) {
if ( addBadge ) {
if ( customBadge ) avatar . setAttribute ( "custombadge_id" , user . id ) ;
let badge = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
badge . className = BDFDB . disCN . bdfdbbadge ;
badge . addEventListener ( "mouseenter" , _ => { BDFDB . TooltipUtils . create ( badge , role , { position : "top" } ) ; } ) ;
avatar . style . setProperty ( "position" , "relative" ) ;
avatar . style . setProperty ( "overflow" , "visible" ) ;
avatar . style . setProperty ( "border-radius" , 0 ) ;
avatar . appendChild ( badge ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . processMessageHeader = function ( e ) {
if ( e . instance . props . message && e . instance . props . message . author ) {
let avatarWrapper = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( e , "returnvalue.props.children.0" ) ;
if ( avatarWrapper && avatarWrapper . props && typeof avatarWrapper . props . children == "function" ) {
let renderChildren = avatarWrapper . props . children ;
avatarWrapper . props . children = ( ... args ) => {
let renderedChildren = renderChildren ( ... args ) ;
return InternalBDFDB . _processAvatarRender ( e . instance . props . message . author , renderedChildren ) || renderedChildren ;
} ;
else if ( avatarWrapper && avatarWrapper . type == "img" ) e . returnvalue . props . children [ 0 ] = InternalBDFDB . _processAvatarRender ( e . instance . props . message . author , avatarWrapper ) || avatarWrapper ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . processMemberListItem = function ( e ) {
InternalBDFDB . _processAvatarMount ( e . instance . props . user , e . node . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . avatarwrapper ) ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . processPrivateChannel = function ( e ) {
InternalBDFDB . _processAvatarMount ( e . instance . props . user , e . node . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . avatarwrapper ) ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . processUserPopout = function ( e ) {
InternalBDFDB . _processAvatarMount ( e . instance . props . user , e . node . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . userpopoutavatarwrapper ) , e . node ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . processUserProfile = function ( e ) {
InternalBDFDB . _processAvatarMount ( e . instance . props . user , e . node . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . avatarwrapper ) , e . node ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . processDiscordTag = function ( e ) {
if ( e . instance && e . instance . props && e . returnvalue && e . instance . props . user ) e . returnvalue . props . user = e . instance . props . user ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . processMessageContent = function ( e ) {
if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( e . instance . props . content ) ) for ( let ele of e . instance . props . content ) InternalBDFDB . _processMessageContentEle ( ele , e . instance . props . message ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . _processMessageContentEle = function ( ele , message ) {
if ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( ele ) ) {
if ( typeof ele . props . render == "function" && BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( ele , "props.children.type.displayName" ) == "Mention" ) {
let userId = BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( ele . props . render ( ) , "props.userId" ) ;
if ( userId && ! ele . props . children . props . userId ) ele . props . children . props . userId = userId ;
if ( message && message . mentioned ) ele . props . children . props . mentioned = true ;
else if ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . isValidElement ( ele . props . children ) ) InternalBDFDB . _processMessageContentEle ( ele . props . children , message ) ;
else if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( ele . props . children ) ) for ( let child of ele . props . children ) InternalBDFDB . _processMessageContentEle ( child , message ) ;
else if ( BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( ele ) ) for ( let child of ele ) InternalBDFDB . _processMessageContentEle ( child , message ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . processMention = function ( e ) {
delete e . returnvalue . props . userId ;
} ;
2020-10-15 21:56:54 +02:00
const ContextMenuTypes = [ "UserSettingsCog" , "UserProfileActions" , "User" , "Developer" , "Slate" , "GuildFolder" , "GroupDM" , "SystemMessage" , "Message" , "Native" , "Role" , "Guild" , "Channel" ] ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
const QueuedComponents = BDFDB . ArrayUtils . removeCopies ( [ ] . concat ( ContextMenuTypes . map ( n => n + "ContextMenu" ) , [ "GuildHeaderContextMenu" , "MessageOptionContextMenu" , "MessageOptionToolbar" ] ) ) ;
InternalBDFDB . addContextListeners = function ( plugin ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
for ( let type of QueuedComponents ) if ( typeof plugin [ ` on ${ type } ` ] === "function" ) {
PluginStores . patchQueues [ type ] . query . push ( plugin ) ;
PluginStores . patchQueues [ type ] . query = BDFDB . ArrayUtils . removeCopies ( PluginStores . patchQueues [ type ] . query ) ;
PluginStores . patchQueues [ type ] . query . sort ( ( x , y ) => { return x . name < y . name ? - 1 : x . name > y . name ? 1 : 0 ; } ) ;
for ( let module of PluginStores . patchQueues [ type ] . modules ) InternalBDFDB . patchContextMenuForPlugin ( plugin , type , module ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . patchContextMenuForPlugin = function ( plugin , type , module ) {
plugin = plugin == BDFDB && InternalBDFDB || plugin ;
if ( module && module . exports && module . exports . default ) BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( plugin , module . exports , "default" , { after : e => {
if ( e . returnValue && typeof plugin [ ` on ${ type } ` ] === "function" ) plugin [ ` on ${ type } ` ] ( { instance : { props : e . methodArguments [ 0 ] } , returnvalue : e . returnValue , methodname : "default" , type : module . exports . default . displayName } ) ;
} } ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . executeExtraPatchedPatches = function ( type , e ) {
if ( e . returnvalue && BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( PluginStores . patchQueues [ type ] ) && BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( PluginStores . patchQueues [ type ] . query ) ) {
for ( let plugin of PluginStores . patchQueues [ type ] . query ) if ( typeof plugin [ ` on ${ type } ` ] === "function" ) plugin [ ` on ${ type } ` ] ( e ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . load ( BDFDB ) ;
2020-09-19 21:58:35 +02:00
BDFDB . PluginUtils . checkChangeLog ( BDFDB ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
InternalBDFDB . patchPlugin ( BDFDB ) ;
for ( let type of QueuedComponents ) if ( ! PluginStores . patchQueues [ type ] ) PluginStores . patchQueues [ type ] = { query : [ ] , modules : [ ] } ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , LibraryModules . ContextMenuUtils , "openContextMenu" , { before : e => {
let menu = e . methodArguments [ 1 ] ( ) ;
if ( BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( menu ) && menu . type && menu . type . displayName ) {
for ( let type of ContextMenuTypes ) if ( menu . type . displayName . indexOf ( type ) > - 1 ) {
let patchType = type + "ContextMenu" ;
let module = BDFDB . ModuleUtils . find ( m => m == menu . type , false ) ;
if ( module && module . exports && module . exports . default && PluginStores . patchQueues [ patchType ] ) {
PluginStores . patchQueues [ patchType ] . modules . push ( module ) ;
PluginStores . patchQueues [ patchType ] . modules = BDFDB . ArrayUtils . removeCopies ( PluginStores . patchQueues [ patchType ] . modules ) ;
for ( let plugin of PluginStores . patchQueues [ patchType ] . query ) InternalBDFDB . patchContextMenuForPlugin ( plugin , patchType , module ) ;
break ;
} } ) ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByString ( "renderReactions" , "canAddNewReactions" , "showMoreUtilities" , false ) , "exports.default" ) , "type" , { after : e => {
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
if ( document . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . emojipicker ) || ! BDFDB . ObjectUtils . toArray ( PluginStores . loaded ) . filter ( p => p . started ) . some ( p => p . onMessageOptionContextMenu || p . onMessageOptionToolbar ) ) return ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
let toolbar = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findChild ( e . returnValue , { filter : c => c && c . props && c . props . showMoreUtilities != undefined && c . props . showEmojiPicker != undefined && c . props . setPopout != undefined } ) ;
if ( toolbar ) BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , toolbar , "type" , { after : e2 => {
let menu = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findChild ( e2 . returnValue , { filter : c => c && c . props && typeof c . props . onRequestClose == "function" && c . props . onRequestClose . toString ( ) . indexOf ( "moreUtilities" ) > - 1 } ) ;
InternalBDFDB . executeExtraPatchedPatches ( "MessageOptionToolbar" , { instance : { props : e2 . methodArguments [ 0 ] } , returnvalue : e2 . returnValue , methodname : "default" } ) ;
if ( menu && typeof menu . props . renderPopout == "function" ) {
let renderPopout = menu . props . renderPopout ;
menu . props . renderPopout = ( ... args ) => {
let renderedPopout = renderPopout ( ... args ) ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , renderedPopout , "type" , { after : e3 => {
InternalBDFDB . executeExtraPatchedPatches ( "MessageOptionContextMenu" , { instance : { props : e3 . methodArguments [ 0 ] } , returnvalue : e3 . returnValue , methodname : "default" } ) ;
} } , { noCache : true } ) ;
return renderedPopout ;
} } , { once : true } ) ;
} } ) ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . get ( BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByString ( "guild-header-popout" , false ) , "exports.default.prototype" ) , "render" , { after : e => {
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , e . returnValue . type , "type" , { after : e2 => {
InternalBDFDB . executeExtraPatchedPatches ( "GuildHeaderContextMenu" , { instance : { props : e2 . methodArguments [ 0 ] } , returnvalue : e2 . returnValue , methodname : "type" } ) ;
} } , { noCache : true } ) ;
} } ) ;
InternalBDFDB . onSettingsClosed = function ( ) {
if ( InternalBDFDB . SettingsUpdated ) {
delete InternalBDFDB . SettingsUpdated ;
InternalBDFDB . forceUpdateAll ( ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . forceUpdateAll = function ( ) {
if ( LibraryRequires . path ) settings = BDFDB . DataUtils . get ( this , "settings" ) ;
BDFDB . MessageUtils . rerenderAll ( ) ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . forceAllUpdates ( BDFDB ) ;
} ;
InternalBDFDB . addSpecialListeners ( BDFDB ) ;
if ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . BlobMask ) {
let newBadges = [ "lowerLeftBadge" , "upperLeftBadge" ] ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . BlobMask . prototype , "render" , {
before : e => {
e . thisObject . props = Object . assign ( { } , InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . BlobMask . defaultProps , e . thisObject . props ) ;
for ( let type of newBadges ) if ( ! e . thisObject . state [ ` ${ type } Mask ` ] ) e . thisObject . state [ ` ${ type } Mask ` ] = new InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Animations . Controller ( { spring : 0 } ) ;
} ,
after : e => {
let [ children , index ] = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findParent ( e . returnValue , { name : "TransitionGroup" } ) ;
if ( index > - 1 ) {
children [ index ] . props . children . push ( ! e . thisObject . props . lowerLeftBadge ? null : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . BadgeAnimationContainer , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . guildlowerleftbadge ,
key : "lower-left-badge" ,
animatedStyle : e . thisObject . getLowerLeftBadgeStyles ( ) ,
children : e . thisObject . props . lowerLeftBadge
} ) ) ;
children [ index ] . props . children . push ( ! e . thisObject . props . upperLeftBadge ? null : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . BadgeAnimationContainer , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . guildupperleftbadge ,
key : "upper-left-badge" ,
animatedStyle : e . thisObject . getUpperLeftBadgeStyles ( ) ,
children : e . thisObject . props . upperLeftBadge
} ) ) ;
[ children , index ] = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findParent ( e . returnValue , { name : "mask" } ) ;
if ( index > - 1 ) {
children [ index ] . props . children . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Animations . animated . rect , {
x : - 4 ,
y : - 4 ,
width : e . thisObject . props . upperLeftBadgeWidth + 8 ,
height : 24 ,
rx : 12 ,
ry : 12 ,
transform : e . thisObject . getLeftBadgePositionInterpolation ( e . thisObject . state . upperLeftBadgeMask , - 1 ) ,
fill : "black"
} ) ) ;
children [ index ] . props . children . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . Animations . animated . rect , {
x : - 4 ,
y : 28 ,
width : e . thisObject . props . lowerLeftBadgeWidth + 8 ,
height : 24 ,
rx : 12 ,
ry : 12 ,
transform : e . thisObject . getLeftBadgePositionInterpolation ( e . thisObject . state . lowerLeftBadgeMask ) ,
fill : "black"
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . BlobMask . prototype , "componentDidMount" , {
after : e => {
for ( let type of newBadges ) e . thisObject . state [ ` ${ type } Mask ` ] . update ( {
spring : e . thisObject . props [ type ] != null ? 1 : 0 ,
immediate : true
} ) . start ( ) ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . BlobMask . prototype , "componentWillUnmount" , {
after : e => {
for ( let type of newBadges ) if ( e . thisObject . state [ ` ${ type } Mask ` ] ) e . thisObject . state [ ` ${ type } Mask ` ] . dispose ( ) ;
} ) ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . BlobMask . prototype , "componentDidUpdate" , {
after : e => {
for ( let type of newBadges ) if ( e . thisObject . props [ type ] != null && e . methodArguments [ 0 ] [ type ] == null ) {
e . thisObject . state [ ` ${ type } Mask ` ] . update ( {
spring : 1 ,
immediate : ! document . hasFocus ( ) ,
config : { friction : 30 , tension : 900 , mass : 1 }
} ) . start ( ) ;
else if ( e . thisObject . props [ type ] == null && e . methodArguments [ 0 ] [ type ] != null ) {
e . thisObject . state [ ` ${ type } Mask ` ] . update ( {
spring : 0 ,
immediate : ! document . hasFocus ( ) ,
config : { duration : 150 , friction : 10 , tension : 100 , mass : 1 }
} ) . start ( ) ;
} ) ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . BlobMask . prototype . getLeftBadgePositionInterpolation = function ( e , t ) {
return void 0 === t && ( t = 1 ) , e . springs . spring . to ( [ 0 , 1 ] , [ 20 , 0 ] ) . to ( function ( e ) {
return "translate(" + e * - 1 + " " + e * t + ")" ;
} ) ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . BlobMask . prototype . getLowerLeftBadgeStyles = function ( ) {
var e = this . state . lowerLeftBadgeMask . springs . spring ;
return {
opacity : e . to ( [ 0 , . 5 , 1 ] , [ 0 , 0 , 1 ] ) ,
transform : e . to ( function ( e ) {
return "translate(" + - 1 * ( 16 - 16 * e ) + "px, " + ( 16 - 16 * e ) + "px)" ;
} )
} ;
} ;
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . BlobMask . prototype . getUpperLeftBadgeStyles = function ( ) {
var e = this . state . upperLeftBadgeMask . springs . spring ;
return {
opacity : e . to ( [ 0 , . 5 , 1 ] , [ 0 , 0 , 1 ] ) ,
transform : e . to ( function ( e ) {
return "translate(" + - 1 * ( 16 - 16 * e ) + "px, " + - 1 * ( 16 - 16 * e ) + "px)" ;
} )
} ;
} ;
let extraDefaultProps = { } ;
for ( let type of newBadges ) extraDefaultProps [ ` ${ type } Width ` ] = 16 ;
InternalBDFDB . setDefaultProps ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . GuildComponents . BlobMask , extraDefaultProps ) ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , LibraryModules . GuildStore , "getGuild" , { after : e => {
if ( e . returnValue && e . methodArguments [ 0 ] == InternalData . myGuildId ) e . returnValue . banner = "https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Library/_res/BDFDB.banner.png" ;
} } ) ;
BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( BDFDB , LibraryModules . IconUtils , "getGuildBannerURL" , { instead : e => {
return e . methodArguments [ 0 ] . id == InternalData . myGuildId ? e . methodArguments [ 0 ] . banner : e . callOriginalMethod ( ) ;
} } ) ;
InternalBDFDB . forceUpdateAll ( ) ;
const pluginQueue = window . BDFDB _Global && BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( window . BDFDB _Global . pluginQueue ) ? window . BDFDB _Global . pluginQueue : [ ] ;
if ( BDFDB . UserUtils . me . id == InternalData . myId ) {
for ( let module in DiscordClassModules ) if ( ! DiscordClassModules [ module ] ) BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( module + " not initialized in DiscordClassModules" ) ;
for ( let obj in DiscordObjects ) if ( ! DiscordObjects [ obj ] ) BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( obj + " not initialized in DiscordObjects" ) ;
for ( let require in LibraryRequires ) if ( ! LibraryRequires [ require ] ) BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( require + " not initialized in LibraryRequires" ) ;
for ( let module in LibraryModules ) if ( ! LibraryModules [ module ] ) BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( module + " not initialized in LibraryModules" ) ;
for ( let component in InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents ) if ( ! InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents [ component ] ) BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( component + " not initialized in NativeSubComponents" ) ;
for ( let component in InternalComponents . LibraryComponents ) if ( ! InternalComponents . LibraryComponents [ component ] ) BDFDB . LogUtils . warn ( component + " not initialized in LibraryComponents" ) ;
BDFDB . DevUtils = { } ;
2020-09-23 08:08:23 +02:00
BDFDB . DevUtils . generateClassId = InternalBDFDB . generateClassId ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
BDFDB . DevUtils . findByIndex = function ( index ) {
return BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c [ index ] ;
} ;
BDFDB . DevUtils . findPropAny = function ( ... strings ) {
window . t = { "$filter" : ( prop => [ ... strings ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => typeof n == "string" ) . every ( string => prop . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( string . toLowerCase ( ) ) > - 1 ) ) } ;
for ( let i in BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c ) if ( BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ) {
let m = BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c [ i ] . exports ;
if ( m && typeof m == "object" ) for ( let j in m ) if ( window . t . $filter ( j ) ) window . t [ j + "_" + i ] = m ;
if ( m && typeof m == "object" && typeof m . default == "object" ) for ( let j in m . default ) if ( window . t . $filter ( j ) ) window . t [ j + "_default_" + i ] = m . default ;
console . clear ( ) ;
console . log ( window . t ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DevUtils . findPropFunc = function ( ... strings ) {
window . t = { "$filter" : ( prop => [ ... strings ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => typeof n == "string" ) . every ( string => prop . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( string . toLowerCase ( ) ) > - 1 ) ) } ;
for ( let i in BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c ) if ( BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ) {
let m = BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c [ i ] . exports ;
if ( m && typeof m == "object" ) for ( let j in m ) if ( window . t . $filter ( j ) && typeof m [ j ] != "string" ) window . t [ j + "_" + i ] = m ;
if ( m && typeof m == "object" && typeof m . default == "object" ) for ( let j in m . default ) if ( window . t . $filter ( j ) && typeof m . default [ j ] != "string" ) window . t [ j + "_default_" + i ] = m . default ;
console . clear ( ) ;
console . log ( window . t ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DevUtils . findPropStringLib = function ( ... strings ) {
window . t = { "$filter" : ( prop => [ ... strings ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => typeof n == "string" ) . every ( string => prop . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( string . toLowerCase ( ) ) > - 1 ) ) } ;
for ( let i in BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c ) if ( BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ) {
let m = BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c [ i ] . exports ;
if ( m && typeof m == "object" ) for ( let j in m ) if ( window . t . $filter ( j ) && typeof m [ j ] == "string" && /^[A-z0-9]+\-[A-z0-9_-]{6}$/ . test ( m [ j ] ) ) window . t [ j + "_" + i ] = m ;
if ( m && typeof m == "object" && typeof m . default == "object" ) for ( let j in m . default ) if ( window . t . $filter ( j ) && typeof m . default [ j ] == "string" && /^[A-z0-9]+\-[A-z0-9_-]{6}$/ . test ( m . default [ j ] ) ) window . t [ j + "_default_" + i ] = m . default ;
console . clear ( ) ;
console . log ( window . t ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DevUtils . findNameAny = function ( ... strings ) {
window . t = { "$filter" : ( modu => [ ... strings ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => typeof n == "string" ) . some ( string => typeof modu . displayName == "string" && modu . displayName . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( string . toLowerCase ( ) ) > - 1 || modu . name == "string" && modu . name . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( string . toLowerCase ( ) ) > - 1 ) ) } ;
for ( let i in BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c ) if ( BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ) {
let m = BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c [ i ] . exports ;
if ( m && ( typeof m == "object" || typeof m == "function" ) && window . t . $filter ( m ) ) window . t [ ( m . displayName || m . name ) + "_" + i ] = m ;
if ( m && ( typeof m == "object" || typeof m == "function" ) && m . default && ( typeof m . default == "object" || typeof m . default == "function" ) && window . t . $filter ( m . default ) ) window . t [ ( m . default . displayName || m . default . name ) + "_" + i ] = m . default ;
console . clear ( ) ;
console . log ( window . t ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DevUtils . findCodeAny = function ( ... strings ) {
window . t = { "$filter" : ( m => [ ... strings ] . flat ( 10 ) . filter ( n => typeof n == "string" ) . map ( string => string . toLowerCase ( ) ) . every ( string => typeof m == "function" && ( m . toString ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( string ) > - 1 || typeof m . _ _originalMethod == "function" && m . _ _originalMethod . toString ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( string ) > - 1 || typeof m . _ _originalFunction == "function" && m . _ _originalFunction . toString ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( string ) > - 1 ) || BDFDB . ObjectUtils . is ( m ) && typeof m . type == "function" && m . type . toString ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( string ) > - 1 ) ) } ;
for ( let i in BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c ) if ( BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ) {
let m = BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c [ i ] . exports ;
if ( m && typeof m == "function" && window . t . $filter ( m ) ) window . t [ "module_" + i ] = { string : m . toString ( ) , func : m } ;
if ( m && m . _ _esModule ) {
for ( let j in m ) if ( m [ j ] && typeof m [ j ] == "function" && window . t . $filter ( m [ j ] ) ) window . t [ j + "_module_" + i ] = { string : m [ j ] . toString ( ) , func : m [ j ] , module : m } ;
if ( m . default && ( typeof m . default == "object" || typeof m . default == "function" ) ) for ( let j in m . default ) if ( m . default [ j ] && typeof m . default [ j ] == "function" && window . t . $filter ( m . default [ j ] ) ) window . t [ j + "_module_" + i + "_default" ] = { string : m . default [ j ] . toString ( ) , func : m . default [ j ] , module : m } ;
for ( let i in BDFDB . DevUtils . req . m ) if ( typeof BDFDB . DevUtils . req . m [ i ] == "function" && window . t . $filter ( BDFDB . DevUtils . req . m [ i ] ) ) window . t [ "funtion_" + i ] = { string : BDFDB . DevUtils . req . m [ i ] . toString ( ) , func : BDFDB . DevUtils . req . m [ i ] } ;
console . clear ( ) ;
console . log ( window . t ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DevUtils . getAllModules = function ( ) {
window . t = { } ;
for ( let i in BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c ) if ( BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ) {
let m = BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c [ i ] . exports ;
if ( m && typeof m == "object" ) window . t [ i ] = m ;
console . clear ( ) ;
console . log ( window . t ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DevUtils . getAllStringLibs = function ( ) {
window . t = [ ] ;
for ( let i in BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c ) if ( BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c . hasOwnProperty ( i ) ) {
let m = BDFDB . DevUtils . req . c [ i ] . exports ;
if ( m && typeof m == "object" && ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( m ) && Object . keys ( m ) . length ) {
var string = true , stringlib = false ;
for ( let j in m ) {
if ( typeof m [ j ] != "string" ) string = false ;
if ( typeof m [ j ] == "string" && /^[A-z0-9]+\-[A-z0-9_-]{6}$/ . test ( m [ j ] ) ) stringlib = true ;
if ( string && stringlib ) window . t . push ( m ) ;
if ( m && typeof m == "object" && m . default && typeof m . default == "object" && ! BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( m . default ) && Object . keys ( m . default ) . length ) {
var string = true , stringlib = false ;
for ( let j in m . default ) {
if ( typeof m . default [ j ] != "string" ) string = false ;
if ( typeof m . default [ j ] == "string" && /^[A-z0-9]+\-[A-z0-9_-]{6}$/ . test ( m . default [ j ] ) ) stringlib = true ;
if ( string && stringlib ) window . t . push ( m . default ) ;
console . clear ( ) ;
console . log ( window . t ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DevUtils . listen = function ( strings ) {
strings = BDFDB . ArrayUtils . is ( strings ) ? strings : Array . from ( arguments ) ;
BDFDB . DevUtils . listenStop ( ) ;
BDFDB . DevUtils . listen . p = BDFDB . PatchUtils . patch ( "WebpackSearch" , BDFDB . ModuleUtils . findByProperties ( strings ) , strings [ 0 ] , { after : e => {
console . log ( e ) ;
} } ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DevUtils . listenStop = function ( ) {
if ( typeof BDFDB . DevUtils . listen . p == "function" ) BDFDB . DevUtils . listen . p ( ) ;
} ;
BDFDB . DevUtils . req = InternalBDFDB . getWebModuleReq ( ) ;
window . BDFDB _Global = BDFDB ;
else {
window . BDFDB _Global = Object . assign ( {
PluginUtils : {
buildPlugin : BDFDB . PluginUtils . buildPlugin ,
cleanUp : BDFDB . PluginUtils . cleanUp
} , config ) ;
Object . freeze ( BDFDB ) ;
for ( let obj in DiscordObjects ) if ( ! DiscordObjects [ obj ] ) {
DiscordObjects [ obj ] = function ( ) { } ;
BDFDB . DiscordObjects [ obj ] = function ( ) { } ;
for ( let component in InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents ) if ( ! InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents [ component ] ) InternalComponents . NativeSubComponents [ component ] = "div" ;
for ( let component in InternalComponents . LibraryComponents ) if ( ! InternalComponents . LibraryComponents [ component ] ) {
InternalComponents . LibraryComponents [ component ] = "div" ;
BDFDB . LibraryComponents [ component ] = "div" ;
if ( css ) BDFDB . DOMUtils . appendLocalStyle ( "BDFDB" , css . replace ( /[\n\t\r]/g , "" ) . replace ( /\[REPLACE_CLASS_([A-z0-9_]+?)\]/g , function ( a , b ) { return BDFDB . dotCN [ b ] ; } ) ) ;
window . BDFDB _Global . loaded = true ;
delete window . BDFDB _Global . loading ;
BDFDB . LogUtils . log ( "Finished loading library." ) ;
while ( PluginStores . delayedLoad . length ) PluginStores . delayedLoad . shift ( ) . load ( ) ;
while ( PluginStores . delayedStart . length ) PluginStores . delayedStart . shift ( ) . start ( ) ;
while ( pluginQueue . length ) {
let pluginName = pluginQueue . shift ( ) ;
if ( pluginName ) BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => BDFDB . BDUtils . reloadPlugin ( pluginName ) ) ;
} , "Could not initiate library!" , config . name ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
loadLibrary ( true ) ;
return class BDFDB _Frame {
getName ( ) { return config . info . name ; }
getAuthor ( ) { return config . info . author ; }
getVersion ( ) { return config . info . version ; }
getDescription ( ) { return config . info . description ; }
2020-09-22 23:30:15 +02:00
load ( ) {
libraryInstance = this ;
2020-10-06 23:53:08 +02:00
Object . assign ( this , config . info , BDFDB . ObjectUtils . exclude ( config , "info" ) ) ;
2020-09-22 23:30:15 +02:00
if ( ! BDFDB . BDUtils . isPluginEnabled ( config . info . name ) ) BDFDB . BDUtils . enablePlugin ( config . info . name ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
start ( ) { }
2020-09-22 23:30:15 +02:00
stop ( ) {
if ( ! BDFDB . BDUtils . isPluginEnabled ( config . info . name ) ) BDFDB . BDUtils . enablePlugin ( config . info . name ) ;
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
getSettingsPanel ( collapseStates = { } ) {
let settingsPanel , settingsItems = [ ] ;
let bdToastSetting = BDFDB . BDUtils . getSettings ( BDFDB . BDUtils . settingsIds . showToasts ) ;
2020-10-08 17:35:36 +02:00
for ( let key in settings ) settingsItems . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( InternalComponents . LibraryComponents . SettingsSaveItem , {
2020-09-19 21:32:19 +02:00
type : "Switch" ,
plugin : InternalBDFDB ,
disabled : key == "showToasts" && bdToastSetting ,
keys : [ "settings" , key ] ,
label : InternalBDFDB . defaults . settings [ key ] . description ,
note : key == "showToasts" && bdToastSetting && "Disable BBDs general 'Show Toast' setting before disabling this" ,
value : settings [ key ] || key == "showToasts" && bdToastSetting
} ) ) ;
return settingsPanel = BDFDB . PluginUtils . createSettingsPanel ( BDFDB , settingsItems ) ;
2020-09-26 20:11:27 +02:00
} ) ( ) ;
2020-10-31 20:17:31 +01:00
/* //META{"name":" */