2020-02-27 08:44:03 +01:00
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
var RepoControls = ( _ => {
2020-03-15 10:21:23 +01:00
let searchTimeout ;
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
return class RepoControls {
getName ( ) { return "RepoControls" ; }
2019-01-09 10:26:58 +01:00
2020-03-15 10:21:23 +01:00
getVersion ( ) { return "1.3.6" ; }
2019-01-09 10:26:58 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
getAuthor ( ) { return "DevilBro" ; }
2019-01-09 10:26:58 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
getDescription ( ) { return "Lets you sort and filter your list of downloaded Themes and Plugins." ; }
2019-01-26 22:45:19 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
constructor ( ) {
this . patchedModules = {
after : {
V2C _List : "render" ,
V2C _PluginCard : "render" ,
V2C _ThemeCard : "render" ,
V2C _ContentColumn : "render"
} ;
2019-01-26 22:45:19 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
initConstructor ( ) {
this . defaults = {
settings : {
addEditButton : { value : true , description : "Adds an Edit Button to your Plugin and Theme List." } ,
addDeleteButton : { value : true , description : "Adds a Delete Button to your Plugin and Theme List." } ,
confirmDelete : { value : true , description : "Asks for your confirmation before deleting a File." }
2019-11-06 23:57:43 +01:00
} ,
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
sortings : {
sort : {
value : "name" ,
label : "Sortkey:" ,
values : {
name : "Name" ,
author : "Author" ,
version : "Version" ,
description : "Description" ,
enabled : "Enabled" ,
adddate : "Added" ,
moddate : "Modified"
} ,
order : {
value : "asc" ,
label : "Order:" ,
values : {
asc : "Ascending" ,
desc : "Descending"
2019-11-06 23:57:43 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
} ;
2019-01-26 22:45:19 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
getSettingsPanel ( ) {
if ( ! window . BDFDB || typeof BDFDB != "object" || ! BDFDB . loaded || ! this . started ) return ;
let settings = BDFDB . DataUtils . get ( this , "settings" ) ;
let settingspanel , settingsitems = [ ] ;
for ( let key in settings ) settingsitems . push ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . SettingsSaveItem , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . marginbottom8 ,
type : "Switch" ,
plugin : this ,
keys : [ "settings" , key ] ,
label : this . defaults . settings [ key ] . description ,
value : settings [ key ]
} ) ) ;
return settingspanel = BDFDB . PluginUtils . createSettingsPanel ( this , settingsitems ) ;
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
load ( ) { }
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
start ( ) {
if ( ! window . BDFDB ) window . BDFDB = { myPlugins : { } } ;
if ( window . BDFDB && window . BDFDB . myPlugins && typeof window . BDFDB . myPlugins == "object" ) window . BDFDB . myPlugins [ this . getName ( ) ] = this ;
let libraryScript = document . querySelector ( "head script#BDFDBLibraryScript" ) ;
if ( ! libraryScript || ( performance . now ( ) - libraryScript . getAttribute ( "date" ) ) > 600000 ) {
if ( libraryScript ) libraryScript . remove ( ) ;
libraryScript = document . createElement ( "script" ) ;
libraryScript . setAttribute ( "id" , "BDFDBLibraryScript" ) ;
libraryScript . setAttribute ( "type" , "text/javascript" ) ;
libraryScript . setAttribute ( "src" , "https://mwittrien.github.io/BetterDiscordAddons/Plugins/BDFDB.min.js" ) ;
libraryScript . setAttribute ( "date" , performance . now ( ) ) ;
libraryScript . addEventListener ( "load" , _ => { this . initialize ( ) ; } ) ;
document . head . appendChild ( libraryScript ) ;
else if ( window . BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB . loaded ) this . initialize ( ) ;
this . startTimeout = setTimeout ( _ => {
try { return this . initialize ( ) ; }
catch ( err ) { console . error ( ` %c[ ${ this . getName ( ) } ]%c ` , "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;" , "" , "Fatal Error: Could not initiate plugin! " + err ) ; }
} , 30000 ) ;
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
initialize ( ) {
if ( window . BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB . loaded ) {
if ( this . started ) return ;
BDFDB . PluginUtils . init ( this ) ;
2019-01-26 22:45:19 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
BDFDB . ModuleUtils . forceAllUpdates ( this ) ;
else console . error ( ` %c[ ${ this . getName ( ) } ]%c ` , "color: #3a71c1; font-weight: 700;" , "" , "Fatal Error: Could not load BD functions!" ) ;
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
stop ( ) {
if ( window . BDFDB && typeof BDFDB === "object" && BDFDB . loaded ) {
this . stopping = true ;
2019-10-22 11:37:23 +02:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
BDFDB . ModuleUtils . forceAllUpdates ( this ) ;
2019-01-26 22:45:19 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
BDFDB . PluginUtils . clear ( this ) ;
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2019-01-26 22:45:19 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
// begin of own functions
2019-01-26 22:45:19 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
processV2CContentColumn ( e ) {
2020-03-15 10:21:23 +01:00
let [ children , index ] = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findChildren ( e . returnvalue , { key : [ "plugin-list" , "theme-list" ] } ) ;
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
if ( index > - 1 ) {
let list = children [ index ] ;
this . injectControls ( e . instance , list , children , index , children [ index ] . key . split ( "-" ) [ 0 ] ) ;
this . sortEntries ( null , list ) ;
2019-11-06 23:57:43 +01:00
2019-01-26 22:45:19 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
processV2CPluginCard ( e ) {
this . processV2CThemeCard ( e ) ;
2019-01-26 22:45:19 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
processV2CThemeCard ( e ) {
if ( ! e . instance . props . RCdata ) return ;
let [ children , index ] = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findChildren ( e . returnvalue , { props : [ [ "className" , "bda-controls" ] ] } ) ;
if ( index > - 1 ) {
let settings = BDFDB . DataUtils . get ( this , "settings" ) ;
if ( settings . addDeleteButton ) children [ index ] . props . children . unshift ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
text : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . DELETE ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Clickable , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . _repoentryiconwrapper ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . svgicon ,
name : BDFDB . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . NOVA _TRASH
} ) ,
onClick : _ => {
let deleteFile = _ => {
BDFDB . LibraryRequires . fs . unlink ( e . instance . props . RCdata . path , ( error ) => {
if ( error ) BDFDB . NotificationUtils . toast ( ` Unable to delete ${ e . instance . props . RCdata . type } " ${ e . returnvalue . props [ "data-name" ] } ". ` , { type : "danger" } ) ;
else BDFDB . NotificationUtils . toast ( ` Successfully deleted ${ e . instance . props . RCdata . type } " ${ e . returnvalue . props [ "data-name" ] } ". ` , { type : "success" } ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
if ( ! settings . confirmDelete ) deleteFile ( ) ;
else BDFDB . ModalUtils . confirm ( this , ` Are you sure you want to delete the ${ e . instance . props . RCdata . type } " ${ e . returnvalue . props [ "data-name" ] } "? ` , deleteFile ) ;
} )
} ) ) ;
if ( settings . addEditButton ) children [ index ] . props . children . unshift ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . TooltipContainer , {
text : BDFDB . LanguageUtils . LanguageStrings . EDIT ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Clickable , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . _repoentryiconwrapper ,
children : BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . svgicon ,
name : BDFDB . LibraryComponents . SvgIcon . Names . PENCIL
} ) ,
onClick : _ => {
if ( ! BDFDB . LibraryRequires . electron . shell . openItem ( e . instance . props . RCdata . path ) ) BDFDB . NotificationUtils . toast ( ` Unable to open the ${ e . instance . props . RCdata . type } " ${ e . returnvalue . props [ "data-name" ] } ". ` , { type : "danger" } ) ;
} )
} ) ) ;
this . highlightSearchKey ( e ) ;
2019-01-06 23:37:28 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
injectControls ( instance , parent , children , index , type ) {
let sortings = BDFDB . DataUtils . get ( this , "sortings" ) ;
children . splice ( index , 0 , BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Flex , {
className : BDFDB . disCN . marginbottom8 ,
justify : BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Flex . Justify . BETWEEN ,
align : BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Flex . Align . CENTER ,
children : [
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . SearchBar , {
onChange : value => {
2020-03-15 10:21:23 +01:00
BDFDB . TimeUtils . clear ( searchTimeout ) ;
searchTimeout = BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => {
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
this . sortEntries ( instance , parent , value ) ;
} , 1000 ) ;
} ,
onClear : _ => {
this . sortEntries ( instance , parent , "" ) ;
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Button , {
color : BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Button . Colors . GREEN ,
size : BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Button . Sizes . MIN ,
onClick : _ => {
this . toggleAll ( type , instance , true ) ;
} ,
children : "Enable All"
} ) ,
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Button , {
color : BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Button . Colors . RED ,
size : BDFDB . LibraryComponents . Button . Sizes . MIN ,
onClick : _ => {
this . toggleAll ( type , instance , false ) ;
} ,
children : "Disable All"
} ) ,
] . concat ( Object . keys ( sortings ) . map ( key =>
BDFDB . ReactUtils . createElement ( BDFDB . LibraryComponents . QuickSelect , {
nativeComponent : true ,
label : this . defaults . sortings [ key ] . label ,
value : {
label : this . defaults . sortings [ key ] . values [ sortings [ key ] ] ,
value : sortings [ key ]
} ,
options : Object . keys ( this . defaults . sortings [ key ] . values ) . map ( valuekey => { return {
label : this . defaults . sortings [ key ] . values [ valuekey ] ,
value : valuekey
} } ) ,
onChange : value => {
BDFDB . DataUtils . save ( value , this , "sortings" , key ) ;
this . sortEntries ( instance , parent ) ;
} )
) )
} ) ) ;
sortEntries ( instance , parent , searchkey = parent . props . searchkey ) {
if ( instance ) instance = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( instance , { name : "V2C_List" } ) ;
let sortings = BDFDB . DataUtils . get ( this , "sortings" ) ;
parent . props . searchkey = ( searchkey || "" ) . toUpperCase ( ) ;
if ( ! parent . props . entries ) parent . props . entries = parent . props . children ;
let entries = [ ] . concat ( parent . props . entries ) ;
for ( let i in entries ) {
let entry = entries [ i ] ;
if ( ! entry . props . RCdata ) {
entry . props . RCdata = { } ;
if ( entry . props . plugin ) {
[ "name" , "author" , "version" , "description" ] . forEach ( key => {
let funcname = "get" + key . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + key . slice ( 1 ) ;
let value = typeof entry . props . plugin [ funcname ] == "function" ? entry . props . plugin [ funcname ] ( ) : "" ;
if ( value ) entry . props . RCdata [ key ] = value . toUpperCase ( ) . trim ( ) ;
else entry . props . RCdata [ key ] = "" ;
} ) ;
entry . props . RCdata . type = "plugin" ;
entry . props . RCdata . enabled = BDFDB . BDUtils . isPluginEnabled ( entry . key ) ? 1 : 2 ;
2020-03-15 10:21:23 +01:00
let loadedPlugin = BDFDB . BDUtils . getPlugin ( entry . key , false , true ) ;
entry . props . RCdata . path = loadedPlugin && typeof loadedPlugin . filename == "string" && BDFDB . LibraryRequires . path . join ( BDFDB . BDUtils . getPluginsFolder ( ) , loadedPlugin . filename ) ;
2019-11-06 23:57:43 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
else if ( entry . props . theme ) {
[ "name" , "author" , "version" , "description" ] . forEach ( key => {
if ( entry . props . theme [ key ] ) entry . props . RCdata [ key ] = entry . props . theme [ key ] . toUpperCase ( ) . trim ( ) ;
else entry . props . RCdata [ key ] = "" ;
} ) ;
entry . props . RCdata . type = "theme" ;
entry . props . RCdata . enabled = BDFDB . BDUtils . isThemeEnabled ( entry . key ) ? 1 : 2 ;
2020-03-15 10:21:23 +01:00
let loadedTheme = BDFDB . BDUtils . getTheme ( entry . key , false ) ;
entry . props . RCdata . path = loadedTheme && typeof loadedTheme . filename == "string" && BDFDB . LibraryRequires . path . join ( BDFDB . BDUtils . getThemesFolder ( ) , loadedTheme . filename ) ;
2019-11-06 23:57:43 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
let stats = entry . props . RCdata . path && BDFDB . LibraryRequires . fs . statSync ( entry . props . RCdata . path ) ;
entry . props . RCdata . adddate = stats && stats . atime . getTime ( ) ;
entry . props . RCdata . moddate = stats && stats . mtime . getTime ( ) ;
entry . props . RCdata . search = [ entry . props . RCdata . name , entry . props . RCdata . author , entry . props . RCdata . description ] . filter ( n => n ) . join ( " " ) ;
2019-11-06 23:57:43 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
entry . props . RCdata . searchkey = parent . props . searchkey ;
if ( parent . props . searchkey && entry . props . RCdata . search . indexOf ( parent . props . searchkey ) == - 1 ) entries [ i ] = null ;
let order = sortings . order == "asc" ? - 1 : 1 ;
parent . props . children = entries . filter ( n => n ) . sort ( function ( x , y ) {
return x . props . RCdata [ sortings . sort ] < y . props . RCdata [ sortings . sort ] ? order : x . props . RCdata [ sortings . sort ] > y . props . RCdata [ sortings . sort ] ? order * - 1 : 0 ;
} ) ;
if ( instance ) {
BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( instance ) ;
BDFDB . TimeUtils . timeout ( _ => { BDFDB . ReactUtils . forceUpdate ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( instance , { name : [ "V2C_PluginCard" , "V2C_ThemeCard" ] } ) ) ; } ) ;
2019-01-06 23:37:28 +01:00
2019-11-06 23:57:43 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
highlightSearchKey ( e ) {
if ( ! e . instance . props . RCdata . searchkey ) return ;
[ BDFDB . disCN . _reponame , BDFDB . disCN . _repoauthor , BDFDB . disCN . _repodescription ] . forEach ( className => {
let [ children , index ] = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findChildren ( e . returnvalue , { props : [ [ "className" , className ] ] } ) ;
if ( index > - 1 ) {
let originalText = BDFDB . StringUtils . htmlEscape ( children [ index ] . props . children ) ;
let highlightedText = BDFDB . StringUtils . highlight ( originalText , e . instance . props . RCdata . searchkey ) ;
if ( highlightedText != originalText ) children [ index ] . props . children = BDFDB . ReactUtils . elementToReact ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . create ( highlightedText ) ) ;
} ) ;
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2019-01-26 22:45:19 +01:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
toggleAll ( type , instance , enable ) {
let listnode = BDFDB . ReactUtils . findDOMNode ( BDFDB . ReactUtils . findOwner ( instance , { name : "V2C_List" } ) ) ;
if ( listnode ) BDFDB . ModalUtils . confirm ( this , ` Are you sure you want to ${ enable ? "enable" : "disable" } all ${ type [ 0 ] . toUpperCase ( ) + type . slice ( 1 ) } s? ` , _ => {
for ( let header of listnode . querySelectorAll ( BDFDB . dotCN . _repoheader ) ) {
if ( header . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . _reponame ) . textContent . toLowerCase ( ) . indexOf ( this . name . toLowerCase ( ) ) != 0 ) {
let switchwrap = header . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . _repocheckboxwrap ) ;
if ( switchwrap ) {
let switchinner = switchwrap . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . _repocheckboxinner ) ;
let switchinput = switchwrap . querySelector ( BDFDB . dotCN . _repocheckbox ) ;
if ( switchinner && switchinput ) {
if ( BDFDB . DOMUtils . containsClass ( switchinner , BDFDB . disCN . _repocheckboxchecked ) && ! enable ) switchinput . click ( ) ;
else if ( ! BDFDB . DOMUtils . containsClass ( switchinner , BDFDB . disCN . _repocheckboxchecked ) && enable ) switchinput . click ( ) ;
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
} ) ;
2018-10-11 10:21:26 +02:00
2020-02-10 21:39:51 +01:00
} ) ( ) ;