# [MentionAliasesRedux](https://1lighty.github.io/BetterDiscordStuff/?plugin=MentionAliasesRedux "MentionAliasesRedux") Changelog ### 2.0.2 - Plugin has been renamed to MentionAliasesRedux to avoid issues loading due to the original plugin, as well as to be able to distinguish between the two more easily. - Fixed plugin description being wrong - Fixed menu button not showing ### 2.0.1 - Fixed settings likely being overriden or breaking completely due to issue with settings migration and/or loading - Fixed funny behavior if you toggled the plugin ### 2.0.0 - Menu popout has been reworked entirely - Menu popout now works with the new rich textbox - Added tag for mutual friends tab, as well as friends list - Fixed animation error on DMs list, where if someone was typing and had an alias and you hovered over them, the typing animation would reset. - You can now edit groups from context menu - Fixed showing you could tag people in a channel when you couldn't - Fixed being able to tag people in DMs that aren't there - Fixed having no DMs and group DMs support - Clicking on the group name in context menu now adds/removes the person from the group - menu button is now fully React so there should not be any more alignment issues when updates come - Tags menu button now also shows when you upload an image for easy tagging - Added color pickers to settings, so now you can set the color and background directly in settings, without needing custom CSS. ### 1.1.3 & 1.1.4 - Fixed Discord freezing/crashing when right clicking any text area. ### 1.3.1 & 1.3.2 - Fixed Discord freezing/crashing when right clicking any text area. ### 1.3.0 - Fixed plugin not working due to context menu update. ### 1.2.5 - Temporarily fixed until I figure out what changed internally. Context menu options for setting aliases has been temporarily disabled. ### 1.2.4 - Fixed mentions menu button being misaligned. ### 1.2.3 - Fixed tags in chat causing error spam. ### 1.2.2 - Fixed open mentions list button being positioned and colored wrong. ### 1.2.1 - Added option to show alias tag in DMs list. - Added option to show alias after AKA in DMs. - Fixed random margin in set alias modal. - Fixed animated avatars not working in defined aliases menu. - Fixed aliases menu button not showing when switching channels. ### 1.2.0 - ? ### 1.1.0 - Public release - ?