From 976e14646ca2566faa5c7c2cc874bc976f67e8fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: 1Lighty Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:32:40 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] MLv2 GH release --- .../MessageLoggerV2/MessageLoggerV2.plugin.js | 4722 +++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 4722 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Plugins/MessageLoggerV2/MessageLoggerV2.plugin.js diff --git a/Plugins/MessageLoggerV2/MessageLoggerV2.plugin.js b/Plugins/MessageLoggerV2/MessageLoggerV2.plugin.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..01561f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Plugins/MessageLoggerV2/MessageLoggerV2.plugin.js @@ -0,0 +1,4722 @@ +//META{"name":"MessageLoggerV2","source":"","website":"","authorId":"239513071272329217","invite":"NYvWdN5","donate":""}*// +/*@cc_on +@if (@_jscript) + // Offer to self-install for clueless users that try to run this directly. + var shell = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell'); + var fs = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject'); + var pathPlugins = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings('%APPDATA%\\BetterDiscord\\plugins'); + var pathSelf = WScript.ScriptFullName; + // Put the user at ease by addressing them in the first person + shell.Popup('It looks like you\'ve mistakenly tried to run me directly. \n(Don\'t do that!)', 0, 'I\'m a plugin for BetterDiscord', 0x30); + if (fs.GetParentFolderName(pathSelf) === fs.GetAbsolutePathName(pathPlugins)) { + shell.Popup('I\'m in the correct folder already.\nJust go to settings, plugins and enable me.', 0, 'I\'m already installed', 0x40); + } else if (!fs.FolderExists(pathPlugins)) { + shell.Popup('I can\'t find the BetterDiscord plugins folder.\nAre you sure it\'s even installed?', 0, 'Can\'t install myself', 0x10); + } else if (shell.Popup('Should I copy myself to BetterDiscord\'s plugins folder for you?', 0, 'Do you need some help?', 0x34) === 6) { + fs.CopyFile(pathSelf, fs.BuildPath(pathPlugins, fs.GetFileName(pathSelf)), true); + // Show the user where to put plugins in the future + shell.Exec('explorer ' + pathPlugins); + shell.Popup('I\'m installed!\nJust go to settings, plugins and enable me!', 0, 'Successfully installed', 0x40); + } + WScript.Quit(); +@else @*/ +// extra TODOs: +// special edited message +// modal for checking which servers/channels/users are blacklisted/whitelisted +// option to show all hidden +module.exports = class MessageLoggerV2 { + getName() { + return 'MessageLoggerV2'; + } + getVersion() { + return '1.7.55'; + } + getAuthor() { + return 'Lighty'; + } + getDescription() { + return 'Saves all deleted and purged messages, as well as all edit history and ghost pings. With highly configurable ignore options, and even restoring deleted messages after restarting Discord.'; + } + load() { } + start() { + let onLoaded = () => { + try { + if (!global.ZeresPluginLibrary || !(this.localUser = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStore.getCurrentUser())) setTimeout(onLoaded, 1000); + else this.initialize(); + } catch (err) { + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.stacktrace(this.getName(), 'Failed to start!', err); + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.err(this.getName(), `If you cannot solve this yourself, contact ${this.getAuthor()} and provide the errors shown here.`); + this.stop(); + XenoLib.Notifications.error(`[**${this.getName()}**] Failed to start! Try to CTRL + R, or update the plugin, like so\n![image](`, { timeout: 0 }); + } + }; + this.pluginDir = (BdApi.Plugins && BdApi.Plugins.folder) || window.ContentManager.pluginsFolder; + this.__isPowerCord = !!window.powercord && ((window.bdConfig && window.bdConfig.dataPath) || '').indexOf('bdCompat') !== -1 && typeof BdApi.__getPluginConfigPath === 'function'; + let XenoLibOutdated = false; + let ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated = false; + if (global.BdApi && BdApi.Plugins && typeof BdApi.Plugins.get === 'function' /* you never know with those retarded client mods */) { + const versionChecker = (a, b) => ((a = a.split('.').map(a => parseInt(a))), (b = b.split('.').map(a => parseInt(a))), !!(b[0] > a[0])) || !!(b[0] == a[0] && b[1] > a[1]) || !!(b[0] == a[0] && b[1] == a[1] && b[2] > a[2]); + const isOutOfDate = (lib, minVersion) => lib && lib._config && && && versionChecker(, minVersion); + const iXenoLib = BdApi.Plugins.get('XenoLib'); + const iZeresPluginLibrary = BdApi.Plugins.get('ZeresPluginLibrary'); + if (isOutOfDate(iXenoLib, '1.3.26')) XenoLibOutdated = true; + if (isOutOfDate(iZeresPluginLibrary, '1.2.21')) ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated = true; + } + + if (!global.XenoLib || !global.ZeresPluginLibrary || XenoLibOutdated || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated) { + this._XL_PLUGIN = true; + const a = BdApi.findModuleByProps('openModal', 'hasModalOpen'); + if (a && a.hasModalOpen(`${this.getName()}_DEP_MODAL`)) return; + const b = !global.XenoLib, + c = !global.ZeresPluginLibrary, + d = (b && c) || ((b || c) && (XenoLibOutdated || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated)), + e = (() => { + let a = ''; + return b || c ? (a += `Missing${XenoLibOutdated || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated ? ' and outdated' : ''} `) : (XenoLibOutdated || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated) && (a += `Outdated `), (a += `${d ? 'Libraries' : 'Library'} `), a; + })(), + f = (() => { + let a = `The ${d ? 'libraries' : 'library'} `; + return b || XenoLibOutdated ? ((a += 'XenoLib '), (c || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated) && (a += 'and ZeresPluginLibrary ')) : (c || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated) && (a += 'ZeresPluginLibrary '), (a += `required for ${this.getName()} ${d ? 'are' : 'is'} ${b || c ? 'missing' : ''}${XenoLibOutdated || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated ? (b || c ? ' and/or outdated' : 'outdated') : ''}.`), a; + })(), + g = BdApi.findModuleByDisplayName('Text'), + h = BdApi.findModuleByDisplayName('ConfirmModal'), + i = () => BdApi.alert(e, BdApi.React.createElement('span', {}, BdApi.React.createElement('div', {}, f), `Due to a slight mishap however, you'll have to download the libraries yourself. This is not intentional, something went wrong, errors are in console.`, c || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated ? BdApi.React.createElement('div', {}, BdApi.React.createElement('a', { href: '', target: '_blank' }, 'Click here to download ZeresPluginLibrary')) : null, b || XenoLibOutdated ? BdApi.React.createElement('div', {}, BdApi.React.createElement('a', { href: '', target: '_blank' }, 'Click here to download XenoLib')) : null)); + if (!a || !h || !g) return console.error(`Missing components:${(a ? '' : ' ModalStack') + (h ? '' : ' ConfirmationModalComponent') + (g ? '' : 'TextElement')}`), i(); + class j extends BdApi.React.PureComponent { + constructor(a) { + super(a), (this.state = { hasError: !1 }), (this.componentDidCatch = a => (console.error(`Error in ${this.props.label}, screenshot or copy paste the error above to Lighty for help.`), this.setState({ hasError: !0 }), 'function' == typeof this.props.onError && this.props.onError(a))), (this.render = () => (this.state.hasError ? null : this.props.children)); + } + } + let k = !1, + l = !1; + const m = a.openModal( + b => { + if (l) return null; + try { + return BdApi.React.createElement( + j, + { label: 'missing dependency modal', onError: () => (a.closeModal(m), i()) }, + BdApi.React.createElement( + h, + Object.assign( + { + header: e, + children: BdApi.React.createElement(g, { size: g.Sizes.SIZE_16, children: [`${f} Please click Download Now to download ${d ? 'them' : 'it'}.`] }), + red: !1, + confirmText: 'Download Now', + cancelText: 'Cancel', + onCancel: b.onClose, + onConfirm: () => { + if (k) return; + k = !0; + const b = require('request'), + c = require('fs'), + d = require('path'), + e = BdApi.Plugins && BdApi.Plugins.folder ? BdApi.Plugins.folder : window.ContentManager.pluginsFolder, + f = () => { + (global.XenoLib && !XenoLibOutdated) || + b('', (b, f, g) => { + try { + if (b || 200 !== f.statusCode) return a.closeModal(m), i(); + c.writeFile(d.join(e, '1XenoLib.plugin.js'), g, () => { + if (BdApi.isSettingEnabled('fork-ps-5') && !this.__isPowerCord) return; + BdApi.Plugins.reload(this.getName()); + }); + } catch (b) { + console.error('Fatal error downloading XenoLib', b), a.closeModal(m), i(); + } + }); + }; + !global.ZeresPluginLibrary || ZeresPluginLibraryOutdated + ? b('', (b, g, h) => { + try { + if (b || 200 !== g.statusCode) return a.closeModal(m), i(); + c.writeFile(d.join(e, '0PluginLibrary.plugin.js'), h, () => { }), f(); + } catch (b) { + console.error('Fatal error downloading ZeresPluginLibrary', b), a.closeModal(m), i(); + } + }) + : f(); + } + }, + b, + { onClose: () => { } } + ) + ) + ); + } catch (b) { + return console.error('There has been an error constructing the modal', b), (l = !0), a.closeModal(m), i(), null; + } + }, + { modalKey: `${this.getName()}_DEP_MODAL` } + ); + } else onLoaded(); + } + stop() { + try { + this.shutdown(); + } catch (err) { + // ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.stacktrace(this.getName(), 'Failed to stop!', err); + } + } + getChanges() { + return [ + { + title: 'bruh', + type: 'improved', + items: ['Bruh. Gitlab sux, moved plugin to github.'] + } + ]; + } + initialize() { + if (this.__started) return XenoLib.Notifications.warning(`[**${this.getName()}**] Tried to start twice..`, { timeout: 0 }); + this.__started = true; + XenoLib.changeName(__filename, 'MessageLoggerV2'); /* To everyone who renames plugins: FUCK YOU! */ + try { + ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('openModal', 'hasModalOpen').closeModal(`${this.getName()}_DEP_MODAL`); + } catch (e) { } + // force update + ZeresPluginLibrary.PluginUpdater.checkForUpdate(this.getName(), this.getVersion(), ''); + if (window.PluginUpdates && window.PluginUpdates.plugins) delete PluginUpdates.plugins['']; + if (BdApi.Plugins && BdApi.Plugins.get('NoDeleteMessages') && BdApi.Plugins.isEnabled('NoDeleteMessages')) XenoLib.Notifications.warning(`[**${this.getName()}**] Using **NoDeleteMessages** with **${this.getName()}** is completely unsupported and will cause issues. Please either disable **NoDeleteMessages** or delete it to avoid issues.`, { timeout: 0 }); + if (BdApi.Plugins && BdApi.Plugins.get('SuppressUserMentions') && BdApi.Plugins.isEnabled('SuppressUserMentions')) XenoLib.Notifications.warning(`[**${this.getName()}**] Using **SuppressUserMentions** with **${this.getName()}** is completely unsupported and will cause issues. Please either disable **SuppressUserMentions** or delete it to avoid issues.`, { timeout: 0 }); + if (BdApi.Plugins && BdApi.Plugins.get('MessageLogger') && BdApi.Plugins.isEnabled('MessageLogger')) XenoLib.Notifications.warning(`[**${this.getName()}**] Using **MessageLogger** with **${this.getName()}** is completely unsupported and will cause issues. Please either disable **MessageLogger** or delete it to avoid issues.`, { timeout: 0 }); + if (window.ED && !this.__isPowerCord) XenoLib.Notifications.warning(`[${this.getName()}] EnhancedDiscord is unsupported! Expect unintended issues and bugs.`, { timeout: 7500 }); + let defaultSettings = { + obfuscateCSSClasses: true, + autoBackup: false, + dontSaveData: false, + displayUpdateNotes: true, + ignoreMutedGuilds: true, + ignoreMutedChannels: true, + ignoreBots: true, + ignoreSelf: false, + ignoreBlockedUsers: true, + ignoreNSFW: false, + ignoreLocalEdits: false, + ignoreLocalDeletes: false, + alwaysLogGhostPings: false, + showOpenLogsButton: true, + messageCacheCap: 1000, + savedMessagesCap: 1000, + reverseOrder: true, + onlyLogWhitelist: true, + whitelist: [], + blacklist: [], + notificationBlacklist: [], + toastToggles: { + sent: false, + edited: true, + deleted: true, + ghostPings: true + }, + toastTogglesDMs: { + sent: false, + edited: true, + deleted: true, + ghostPings: true, + disableToastsForLocal: false + }, + useNotificationsInstead: true, + blockSpamEdit: false, + disableKeybind: false, + cacheAllImages: true, + dontDeleteCachedImages: false, + aggresiveMessageCaching: true, + // openLogKeybind: [ + // /* 162, 77 */ + // ], // ctrl + m on windows + // openLogFilteredKeybind: [ + // /* 162, 78 */ + // ], // ctrl + n on windows + renderCap: 50, + maxShownEdits: 0, + hideNewerEditsFirst: true, + displayDates: true, + deletedMessageColor: '', + editedMessageColor: '', + showEditedMessages: true, + showDeletedMessages: true, + showPurgedMessages: true, + showDeletedCount: true, + showEditedCount: true, + alwaysLogSelected: true, + alwaysLogDM: true, + restoreDeletedMessages: true, + contextmenuSubmenuName: 'Message Logger', + streamSafety: { + showEdits: false, + showDeletes: false, + showButton: false, + showNotifications: false, + showContextMenu: false + }, + imageCacheDir: this.pluginDir + '/MLV2_IMAGE_CACHE', + flags: 0, + autoUpdate: true, + versionInfo: '' + }; + const Flags = { + STOLEN: 1 << 0, + STARTUP_HELP: 1 << 1 + }; + + this.settings = ZeresPluginLibrary.PluginUtilities.loadSettings(this.getName(), defaultSettings); + let settingsChanged = false; + + if (!this.settings || !Object.keys(this.settings).length) { + XenoLib.Notifications.error(`[${this.getName()}] Settings file corrupted! All settings restored to default.`, { timeout: 0 }); + this.settings = defaultSettings; // todo: does defaultSettings get changed? + settingsChanged = true; + } + // if (!this.settings.openLogKeybind.length) { + // this.settings.openLogKeybind = [162, 77]; + // settingsChanged = true; + // } + // if (!this.settings.openLogFilteredKeybind.length) { + // this.settings.openLogFilteredKeybind = [162, 78]; + // settingsChanged = true; + // } + + if (!this.settings.obfuscateCSSClasses && BdApi.Themes && BdApi.Themes.getAll().some(theme => typeof === 'string' &&'nfld99') !== -1 && BdApi.Themes.isEnabled( { + XenoLib.Notifications.warning(`[${this.getName()}] Obfuscate CSS classes has been forcefulyl turned on due to untrusted theme.`, { timeout: 0 }); + this.settings.obfuscateCSSClasses = true; + settingsChanged = true; + } + + if (this.settings.autoUpdate) { + if (this._autoUpdateInterval) clearInterval(this._autoUpdateInterval); + this._autoUpdateInterval = setInterval(_ => this.automaticallyUpdate(), 1000 * 60 * 60); // 1 hour + this.automaticallyUpdate(); + } + if (this.settings.versionInfo !== this.getVersion() && this.settings.displayUpdateNotes) { + XenoLib.showChangelog(`${this.getName()} has been updated!`, this.getVersion(), this.getChanges()); + this.settings.versionInfo = this.getVersion(); + this.saveSettings(); + settingsChanged = false; + } + + if (settingsChanged) this.saveSettings(); + + this.nodeModules = { + electron: require('electron'), + request: require('request'), + fs: require('fs'), + path: require('path') + }; + + let defaultConstruct = () => { + return Object.assign( + {}, + { + messageRecord: {}, + deletedMessageRecord: {}, + editedMessageRecord: {}, + purgedMessageRecord: {} + } + ); + }; + let data; + if (this.settings.dontSaveData) { + data = defaultConstruct(); + } else { + data = XenoLib.loadData(this.getName() + 'Data', 'data', defaultConstruct(), true); + const isBad = map => !(map && map.messageRecord && map.editedMessageRecord && map.deletedMessageRecord && map.purgedMessageRecord && typeof map.messageRecord == 'object' && typeof map.editedMessageRecord == 'object' && typeof map.deletedMessageRecord == 'object' && typeof map.purgedMessageRecord == 'object'); + if (isBad(data)) { + if (this.settings.autoBackup) { + data = XenoLib.loadData(this.getName() + 'DataBackup', 'data', defaultConstruct(), true); + if (isBad(data)) { + XenoLib.Notifications.error(`[${this.getName()}] Data and backup files were corrupted. All deleted/edited/purged messages have been erased.`, { timeout: 0 }); + data = defaultConstruct(); + } else { + XenoLib.Notifications.warning(`[${this.getName()}] Data was corrupted, loaded backup!`, { timeout: 5000 }); + } + } else { + XenoLib.Notifications.error(`[${this.getName()}] Data was corrupted! Recommended to turn on auto backup in settings! All deleted/edited/purged messages have been erased.`, { timeout: 0 }); + data = defaultConstruct(); + } + } + } + /* + const dataFileSize = this.nodeModules.fs.statSync(this.pluginDir + '/MessageLoggerV2Data.config.json').size / 1024 / 1024; + // SEVERITY + // 0 OK < 5MiB + // 1 MILD < 10MiB + // 2 DANGER < 20MiB + // 3 EXTREME > 20MiB + this.slowSaveModeStep = dataFileSize > 20 ? 3 : dataFileSize > 10 ? 2 : dataFileSize > 5 ? 1 : 0; +, `Data file size is ${dataFileSize.toFixed(2)}MB`); + if (this.slowSaveModeStep) ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.warn(this.getName(), 'Data file is too large, severity level', this.slowSaveModeStep); +*/ + if (!this.settings.dontSaveData) { + const records = data.messageRecord; + // data structure changed a wee bit, compensate instead of deleting user data or worse, erroring out + for (let a in records) { + const record = records[a]; + if (record.deletedata) { + if (record.deletedata.deletetime) { + record.delete_data = {}; + record.delete_data.time = record.deletedata.deletetime; + record.delete_data.rel_ids = record.deletedata.relativeids; + } + delete record.deletedata; + } + if (record.editHistory) { + record.edit_history = []; + for (let b in record.editHistory) { + record.edit_history.push({ content: record.editHistory[b].content, time: record.editHistory[b].editedAt }); + } + delete record.editHistory; + } + this.fixEmbeds(record.message); + } + } + + this.cachedMessageRecord = []; + this.messageRecord = data.messageRecord; + this.deletedMessageRecord = data.deletedMessageRecord; + this.editedMessageRecord = data.editedMessageRecord; + this.purgedMessageRecord = data.purgedMessageRecord; + this.tempEditedMessageRecord = {}; + this.editHistoryAntiSpam = {}; + this.localDeletes = []; + + this.settings.imageCacheDir = this.pluginDir + '/MLV2_IMAGE_CACHE'; + + const imageCacheDirFailure = () => { + this.settings.imageCacheDir = this.pluginDir + '/MLV2_IMAGE_CACHE'; + XenoLib.Notifications.error(`[**${this.getName()}**] Failed to access custom image cache dir. It has been reset to plugins folder!`); + }; + + if (this.settings.cacheAllImages && !this.nodeModules.fs.existsSync(this.settings.imageCacheDir)) { + try { + this.nodeModules.fs.mkdirSync(this.settings.imageCacheDir); + } catch (e) { + imageCacheDirFailure(); + } + } + + if (!this._imageCacheServer) { + class ImageCacheServer { + constructor(imagePath, name) { + ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('bindAll', 'debounce').bindAll(this, ['_requestHandler', '_errorHandler']); + this._server = require('http').createServer(this._requestHandler); + this._getMimetype = require('mime-types').lookup; + this._parseURL = require('url').parse; + this._fs = require('fs'); + this._path = require('path'); + this._imagePath = imagePath; + this._name = name; + } + start() { + this._server.listen(7474, 'localhost', this._errorHandler); + } + stop() { + this._server.close(); + } + _errorHandler(err) { + if (err) return ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.err(this._name, 'Error in ImageCacheServer', err); +, 'ImageCacheServer: OK'); + } + _requestHandler(req, res) { + // parse URL + const parsedUrl = this._parseURL(req.url); + const parsedFile = this._path.parse(parsedUrl.pathname); + // extract URL path + let pathname = this._path.join(this._imagePath, parsedFile.base); + this._fs.readFile(pathname, (err, data) => { + if (err) { + res.statusCode = 404; + res.end(`No such file file: ${err}.`); + } else { + // if the file is found, set Content-type and send data + res.setHeader('Content-type', this._getMimetype(parsedFile.ext)); + res.end(data); + } + }); + } + } + this._imageCacheServer = new ImageCacheServer(this.settings.imageCacheDir, this.getName()); + } + this._imageCacheServer.start(); + + defaultConstruct = undefined; + + /* backport from MLV3/rewrite */ + const CUser = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByPrototypes('getAvatarSource', 'isLocalBot'); + const userRecord = {}; + const lastSeenUser = {}; + for (const messageId in this.messageRecord) { + const record = this.messageRecord[messageId]; + const userObj =; + if (!userObj || typeof userObj === 'string') continue; + const date = new Date(record.message.timestamp); + if (!(userRecord[] && lastSeenUser[] && lastSeenUser[] > date)) { + userRecord[] = userObj; + lastSeenUser[] = date; + } + } + + this.unpatches = []; + + this.unpatches.push( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.after(this.getName(), ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStore, 'getUser', (_this, args, ret) => { + if (!ret && !args[1]) { + const userId = args[0]; + const users = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStore.getUsers(); + if (userRecord[userId]) return (users[userId] = new CUser(userRecord[userId])); + } + }) + ); + + const mentionedModule = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.find(m => typeof m.isMentioned === 'function'); + = { + openUserContextMenu: null /* NeatoLib.Modules.get('openUserContextMenu').openUserContextMenu */, // TODO: move here + getMessage: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.MessageStore.getMessage, + fetchMessages: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.MessageActions.fetchMessages, + transitionTo: null /* NeatoLib.Modules.get('transitionTo').transitionTo */, + getChannel: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ChannelStore.getChannel, + copyToClipboard: this.nodeModules.electron.clipboard.writeText, + getServer: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.GuildStore.getGuild, + getUser: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStore.getUser, + parse: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('parseAllowLinks', 'parse').parse, + getUserAsync: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('getUser', 'acceptAgreements').getUser, + isBlocked: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('isBlocked').isBlocked, + createMomentObject: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('createFromInputFallback'), + isMentioned: + mentionedModule.isMentioned.length > 4 + ? (e, id) => + mentionedModule.isMentioned( + id, + e.channel_id, + e.mentionEveryone || e.mention_everyone, + => || e), + e.mentionRoles || e.mention_roles + ) + : mentionedModule.isMentioned, + DiscordUtils: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('bindAll', 'debounce') + }; + + this.createButton.classes = { + button: (function () { + let buttonData = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('button', 'colorBrand'); + return `${buttonData.button} ${buttonData.lookFilled} ${buttonData.colorBrand} ${buttonData.sizeSmall} ${buttonData.grow}`; + })(), + buttonContents: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('button', 'colorBrand').contents + }; + + this.safeGetClass = (func, fail, heckoff) => { + try { + return func(); + } catch (e) { + if (heckoff) return fail; + return fail + '-MLV2'; + } + }; + + this.createMessageGroup.classes = { + containerBounded: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').containerCozyBounded, 'containerCozyBounded'), + message: this.safeGetClass(() => `.${ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').containerCozyBounded.split(/ /g)[0]} > div`, '.containerCozyBounded-MLV2 > div', true), + header: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').headerCozy, 'headerCozy'), + avatar: this.safeGetClass(() => XenoLib.getClass('header avatar', true), 'avatar'), + headerMeta: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').headerCozyMeta, 'headerCozyMeta'), + username: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').username, 'username'), + timestamp: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').timestampCozy, 'timestampCozy'), + timestampSingle: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').timestampCozy.split(/ /g)[0], 'timestampCozy'), + content: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').contentCozy, 'contentCozy'), + avatarSingle: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').avatar.split(/ /g)[0], 'avatar'), + avatarImg: XenoLib.getClass('clickable avatar'), + avatarImgSingle: XenoLib.getSingleClass('clickable avatar'), + botTag: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('botTagRegular').botTagRegular + ' ' + ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('botTagCozy').botTagCozy, + markupSingle: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('markup').markup.split(/ /g)[0] + }; + + this.multiClasses = { + defaultColor: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('defaultColor').defaultColor, + item: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.find(m => m.item && m.selected && m.topPill).item, + tabBarItem: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.UserModal.tabBarItem, + tabBarContainer: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.UserModal.tabBarContainer, + tabBar: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.UserModal.tabBar, + edited: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('edited').edited, + markup: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('markup')['markup'], + message: { + cozy: { + containerBounded: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').containerCozyBounded, 'containerCozyBounded'), + header: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').headerCozy, 'headerCozy'), + avatar: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').avatar, 'avatar'), + headerMeta: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').headerCozyMeta, 'headerCozyMeta'), + username: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').username, 'username'), + timestamp: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').timestampCozy, 'timestampCozy'), + content: this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').contentCozy, 'contentCozy') + } + } + }; + + this.classes = { + markup: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('markup')['markup'].split(/ /g)[0], + hidden: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('spoilerText', 'hidden').hidden.split(/ /g)[0], + messages: this.safeGetClass( + () => `.${ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('container', 'containerCompactBounded').container.split(/ /g)[0]} > div:not(.${ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('content', 'marginCompactIndent').content.split(/ /g)[0]})`, + this.safeGetClass(() => `.${XenoLib.getSingleClass('scroller messages')} > .${XenoLib.getSingleClass('channelTextArea message')}`, 'Lighty-youre-a-failure-my-fucking-god'), + true + ), + avatar: this.safeGetClass(() => XenoLib.getSingleClass('header avatar', true), 'avatar-MLV2') + }; + + this.muteModule = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.find(m => m.isMuted); + + = {}; + = {}; + = ''; + = false; + + this.createTextBox.classes = { + inputWrapper: XenoLib.getClass('inputWrapper'), + inputMultiInput: XenoLib.getClass('input') + ' ' + XenoLib.getClass('multiInput'), + multiInputFirst: XenoLib.getClass('multiInputFirst'), + inputDefaultMultiInputField: XenoLib.getClass('inputDefault') + ' ' + XenoLib.getClass('multiInputField'), + questionMark: XenoLib.getClass('questionMark'), + icon: XenoLib.getClass('questionMark'), + focused: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('focused').focused.split(/ /g), + questionMarkSingle: XenoLib.getSingleClass('questionMark') + }; + + this.createHeader.classes = { + itemTabBarItem: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.UserModal.tabBarItem + ' ' + ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.find(m => m.item && m.selected && m.topPill).item, + tabBarContainer: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.UserModal.tabBarContainer, + tabBar: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.UserModal.tabBar, + tabBarSingle: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordClassModules.UserModal.tabBar.split(/ /g)[0] + }; + + const Modals = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('ModalRoot'); + const ImageModalClasses = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('modal', 'image'); + + const ImageModal = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('ImageModal'); + + const MaskedLink = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('MaskedLink'); + const renderLinkComponent = props => ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.createElement(MaskedLink, props); + + const MLV2ImageModal = props => + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.createElement( + Modals.ModalRoot, + { className: ImageModalClasses.modal, ...props, size: Modals.ModalSize.DYNAMIC }, + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.createElement( + ImageModal, + Object.assign( + { + renderLinkComponent, + className: ImageModalClasses.image, + shouldAnimate: true + }, + props + ) + ) + ); + + this.createModal.imageModal = MLV2ImageModal; + + const chatContent = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('chatContent'); + const chat = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('chat'); + = ((chatContent && chatContent.chatContent) || /g)[0]; + = /g)[0]; + = !chatContent ? 'ERROR-CLASSWTF' : ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('title', 'chatContent').title.split(/ /g)[0]; + = this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozyBounded').containerCozyBounded.split(/ /g)[0], 'containerCozyBounded'); + + this.localUser = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.UserStore.getCurrentUser(); + + this.deletedChatMessagesCount = {}; + this.editedChatMessagesCount = {}; + + this.channelMessages = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.find(m => m._channelMessages)._channelMessages; + + this.autoBackupSaveInterupts = 0; + + this.unpatches.push( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.instead( + this.getName(), + ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.find(m => m.dispatch), + 'dispatch', + (_, args, original) => this.onDispatchEvent(args, original) + ) + ); + this.unpatches.push( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.instead(this.getName(), ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.MessageActions, 'startEditMessage', (_, args, original) => { + const channelId = args[0]; + const messageId = args[1]; + if (this.deletedMessageRecord[channelId] && this.deletedMessageRecord[channelId].indexOf(messageId) !== -1) return; + return original(...args); + }) + ); + + this.noTintIds = []; + this.editModifiers = {}; + + = {}; + + = this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-deleted'); + = this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-edited'); + = this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-edited-compact'); + = this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-tab'); + = this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-tab-selected'); + = this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-help-text-indent'); + = this.obfuscatedClass('ML2-MENU'); + = this.obfuscatedClass('ML2-OL'); + = this.obfuscatedClass('ML2-FILTER'); + = this.obfuscatedClass('ML2-MENU-MESSAGES'); + = this.obfuscatedClass('ML2-MENU-TABBAR'); + = this.obfuscatedClass('MLv2-menu-root'); + = this.obfuscatedClass('MLv2-image-root'); + + this.invalidateAllChannelCache(); + this.selectedChannel = this.getSelectedTextChannel(); + if (this.selectedChannel) this.cacheChannelMessages(; + + // todo: custom deleted message text color + ZeresPluginLibrary.PluginUtilities.addStyle( + ( = !this.settings.obfuscateCSSClasses ? 'ML2-CSS' : this.randomString()), + ` + .${} .${this.classes.markup}, .${} .${this.classes.markup} .hljs, .${} .container-1ov-mD *{ + color: #f04747 !important; + } + .theme-dark .${this.classes.markup}.${} .${} { + filter: brightness(70%); + } + .theme-light .${this.classes.markup}.${} .${} { + opacity: 0.5; + } + + .${} { + text-indent: 0; + } + + .theme-dark .${}:not(:hover) img:not(.${this.classes.avatar}), .${}:not(:hover) .mention, .${}:not(:hover) .reactions, .${}:not(:hover) a { + filter: grayscale(100%) !important; + } + + .${} img:not(.${this.classes.avatar}), .${} .mention, .${} .reactions, .${} a { + transition: filter 0.3s !important; + } + + .theme-dark .${} { + border-color: transparent; + color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); + } + .theme-light .${} { + border-color: transparent; + color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); + } + + .theme-dark .${} { + border-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); + color: rgb(255, 255, 255); + } + .theme-light .${} { + border-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); + color: rgb(0, 0, 0); + } + + .${} { + margin-left: 40px; + } + + .${} { + pointer-events: all; + } + + #${} { + max-height: 0px; + } + ` + ); + this.patchMessages(); + this.patchModal(); + + // const createKeybindListener = () => { + // this.keybindListener = new (ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getModule(m => typeof m === 'function' && m.toString().includes('.default.setOnInputEventCallback')))(); + // this.keybindListener.on('change', e => { + // if (this.settings.disableKeybind) return; // todo: destroy if disableKeybind is set to true and don't make one if it was true from the start + // // this is the hackiest thing ever but it works xdd + // if (!ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('isFocused').isFocused() || document.getElementsByClassName('bda-slist').length) return; + // const isKeyBind = keybind => { + // if (e.combo.length != keybind.length) return false; + // // console.log(e.combo); + // for (let i = 0; i < e.combo.length; i++) { + // if (e.combo[i][1] != keybind[i]) { + // return false; + // } + // } + // return true; + // }; + // const close = () => { + // = ''; + // = false; + // this.ModalStack.closeModal(; + // }; + // if (isKeyBind(this.settings.openLogKeybind)) { + // if ( return close(); + // return this.openWindow(); + // } + // if (isKeyBind(this.settings.openLogFilteredKeybind)) { + // if ( return close(); + // if (!this.selectedChannel) { + // this.showToast('No channel selected', { type: 'error' }); + // return this.openWindow(); + // } + // = `channel:${}`; + // this.openWindow(); + // } + // }); + // }; + + //this.powerMonitor = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('remotePowerMonitor').remotePowerMonitor; + + // const refreshKeykindListener = () => { + // this.keybindListener.destroy(); + // createKeybindListener(); + // }; + + //this.keybindListenerInterval = setInterval(refreshKeykindListener, 30 * 1000 * 60); // 10 minutes + + //createKeybindListener(); + + // this.powerMonitor.on( + // 'resume', + // (this.powerMonitorResumeListener = () => { + // setTimeout(refreshKeykindListener, 1000); + // }) + // ); + + this.unpatches.push( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.instead(this.getName(), ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('TextAreaAutosize').prototype, 'focus', (thisObj, args, original) => { + if ( return; + return original(...args); + }) + ); + + this.unpatches.push( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.instead(this.getName(), ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('LazyImage').prototype, 'getSrc', (thisObj, args, original) => { + let indx; + if (((indx = thisObj.props.src.indexOf('?ML2=true')), indx !== -1)) return thisObj.props.src.substr(0, indx); + return original(...args); + }) + ); + + this.dataManagerInterval = setInterval(() => { + this.handleMessagesCap(); + }, 60 * 1000 * 5); // every 5 minutes, no need to spam it, could be intensive + + this.ContextMenuActions = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ContextMenuActions; + + = (() => { + const channels = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ChannelStore.getChannels(); + var keys = Object.keys(channels); + return channels[keys[(keys.length * Math.random()) << 0]]; + })(); + + = []; + + = false; + document.addEventListener( + 'keydown', + (this.keydownListener = e => { + if (e.repeat) return; + if (e.keyCode === 46) = true; + }) + ); + document.addEventListener( + 'keyup', + (this.keyupListener = e => { + if (e.repeat) return; + if (e.keyCode === 46) = false; + }) + ); + + = -1; + const iconShit = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('container', 'children', 'toolbar', 'iconWrapper'); + // Icon by font awesome + // + this.channelLogButton = this.parseHTML(`
+ +
`); + this.channelLogButton.addEventListener('click', () => { + this.openWindow(); + }); + this.channelLogButton.addEventListener('contextmenu', () => { + if (!this.selectedChannel) return; + = `channel:${}`; + this.openWindow(); + }); + new ZeresPluginLibrary.EmulatedTooltip(this.channelLogButton, 'Open Logs', { side: 'bottom' }); + + if (this.settings.showOpenLogsButton) this.addOpenLogsButton(); + + this.unpatches.push( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.instead(this.getName(), ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.MessageActions, 'deleteMessage', (_, args, original) => { + const messageId = args[1]; + if (this.messageRecord[messageId] && this.messageRecord[messageId].delete_data) return; + this.localDeletes.push(messageId); + if (this.localDeletes.length > 10) this.localDeletes.shift(); + return original(...args); + }) + ); + + this.unpatches.push( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.instead(this.getName(), ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.MessageStore, 'getLastEditableMessage', (_this, [channelId]) => { + const me =; + return _this + .getMessages(channelId) + .toArray() + .reverse() + .find(iMessage => === me && iMessage.state === ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.DiscordConstants.MessageStates.SENT && (!this.messageRecord[] || !this.messageRecord[].delete_data)); + }) + ); + this.patchContextMenus(); + + if (!(this.settings.flags & Flags.STARTUP_HELP)) { + this.settings.flags |= Flags.STARTUP_HELP; + this.showLoggerHelpModal(); + this.saveSettings(); + } + + this.selfTestInterval = setInterval(() => { + this.selfTestTimeout = setTimeout(() => { + if (this.selfTestFailures > 4) { + clearInterval(this.selfTestInterval); + this.selfTestInterval = 0; + return BdApi.alert(`${this.getName()}: internal error.`, `Self test failure: Failed to hook dispatch. Recommended to reload your discord (CTRL + R) as the plugin may be in a broken state! If you still see this error, open up the devtools console (CTRL + SHIFT + I, click console tab) and report the errors to ${this.getAuthor()} for further assistance.`); + } + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.warn(this.getName(), 'Dispatch is not hooked, all our hooks may be invalid, attempting to reload self'); + this.selfTestFailures++; + this.stop(); + this.start(); + }, 3000); + ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.find(m => m.dispatch).dispatch({ + type: 'MESSAGE_LOGGER_V2_SELF_TEST' + }); + }, 10000); + + if (this.selfTestInited) return; + this.selfTestFailures = 0; + this.selfTestInited = true; + } + shutdown() { + if (!global.ZeresPluginLibrary) return; + this.__started = false; + const tryUnpatch = fn => { + if (typeof fn !== 'function') return; + try { + // things can bug out, best to reload tbh, should maybe warn the user? + fn(); + } catch (e) { + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.stacktrace(this.getName(), 'Error unpatching', e); + } + }; + if (Array.isArray(this.unpatches)) for (let unpatch of this.unpatches) tryUnpatch(unpatch); + if (this.MessageContextMenuPatch) tryUnpatch(this.MessageContextMenuPatch); + if (this.ChannelContextMenuPatch) tryUnpatch(this.ChannelContextMenuPatch); + if (this.GuildContextMenuPatch) tryUnpatch(this.GuildContextMenuPatch); + try { + ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.unpatchAll(this.getName()); + } catch (e) { } + this.forceReloadMessages(); + // if (this.keybindListener) this.keybindListener.destroy(); + if ( && ZeresPluginLibrary.PluginUtilities.removeStyle(; + if (this.dataManagerInterval) clearInterval(this.dataManagerInterval); + // if (this.keybindListenerInterval) clearInterval(this.keybindListenerInterval); + if (this.selfTestInterval) clearInterval(this.selfTestInterval); + if (this.selfTestTimeout) clearTimeout(this.selfTestTimeout); + if (this._autoUpdateInterval) clearInterval(this._autoUpdateInterval); + if (this.keydownListener) document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.keydownListener); + if (this.keyupListener) document.removeEventListener('keyup', this.keyupListener); + // if (this.powerMonitor) this.powerMonitor.removeListener('resume', this.powerMonitorResumeListener); + if (this.channelLogButton) this.channelLogButton.remove(); + if (this._imageCacheServer) this._imageCacheServer.stop(); + if (typeof this._modalsApiUnsubcribe === 'function') + try { + this._modalsApiUnsubcribe(); + } catch { } + // console.log('invalidating cache'); + this.invalidateAllChannelCache(); + // if (this.selectedChannel) this.cacheChannelMessages(; // bad idea? + } + automaticallyUpdate(tryProxy) { + const updateFail = () => XenoLib.Notifications.warning(`[${this.getName()}] Unable to check for updates!`, { timeout: 7500 }); + new Promise(resolve => { + const https = require('https'); + const req = https.request(tryProxy ? '' : '', { headers: { 'origin': '' } }, res => { + let body = ''; + res.on('data', chunk => { + body += chunk; + }); + res.on('end', () => { + if (res.statusCode !== 200) { + if (!tryProxy) return this.automaticallyUpdate(true); + updateFail(); + return; + } + if (!ZeresPluginLibrary.PluginUpdater.defaultComparator(this.getVersion(), ZeresPluginLibrary.PluginUpdater.defaultVersioner(body))) return; + const fs = require('fs'); + fs.writeFileSync(__filename, body); + XenoLib.Notifications.success(`[${this.getName()}] Successfully updated!`, { timeout: 0 }); + if (BdApi.isSettingEnabled('fork-ps-5') && !this.__isPowerCord) return; + BdApi.Plugins.reload(this.getName()); + }); + }); + req.on('error', _ => { + if (!tryProxy) return this.automaticallyUpdate(true); + updateFail(); + }); + req.end(); + }); + } + // title-3qD0b- da-title container-1r6BKw da-container themed-ANHk51 da-themed + // chatContent-a9vAAp da-chatContent + observer({ addedNodes }) { + let isChat = false; + let isTitle = false; + for (const change of addedNodes) { + if ((isTitle = isChat = typeof change.className === 'string' && change.className.indexOf( !== -1) || (isChat = typeof change.className === 'string' && change.className.indexOf( !== -1) || (isTitle = typeof change.className === 'string' && change.className.indexOf( !== -1) || ( && === 'border-radius: 2px; background-color: rgba(114, 137, 218, 0);') || (typeof change.className === 'string' && change.className.indexOf( !== -1)) { + try { + if (isChat) { + this.selectedChannel = this.getSelectedTextChannel(); + this.noTintIds = []; + this.editModifiers = {}; + } + if (!this.selectedChannel) return ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.warn(this.getName(), 'Chat was loaded but no text channel is selected'); + if (isTitle && this.settings.showOpenLogsButton) { + let srch = change.querySelector('div[class*="search-"]'); + if (!srch) return ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.warn(this.getName(), 'Observer caught title loading, but no search bar was found! Open Logs button will not show!'); + if (this.channelLogButton && srch.parentElement) { + srch.parentElement.insertBefore(this.channelLogButton, srch); // memory leak..? + } + srch = null; + if (!isChat) return; + } + const showStuff = (map, name) => { + if (map[] && map[]) { + if (this.settings.useNotificationsInstead) { +`There are ${map[]} new ${name} messages in ${ && this.selectedChannel.type !== 3 ? '<#' + + '>' : 'DMs'}`, { timeout: 3000 }); + } else { + this.showToast(`There are ${map[]} new ${name} messages in ${ ? '#' + : 'DMs'}`, { + type: 'info', + onClick: () => this.openWindow(name), + timeout: 3000 + }); + } + map[] = 0; + } + }; + if (this.settings.showDeletedCount) showStuff(this.deletedChatMessagesCount, 'deleted'); + if (this.settings.showEditedCount) showStuff(this.editedChatMessagesCount, 'edited'); + } catch (e) { + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.stacktrace(this.getName(), 'Error in observer', e); + } + break; + } + } + } + buildSetting(data) { + // copied from ZLib actually + const { name, note, type, value, onChange, id } = data; + let setting = null; + if (type == 'color') { + setting = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.ColorPicker(name, note, value, onChange, { disabled: data.disabled }); // DOESN'T WORK, REEEEEEEEEE + } else if (type === 'dropdown') { + setting = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Dropdown(name, note, value, data.options, onChange); + } else if (type === 'file') { + setting = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.FilePicker(name, note, onChange); + } else if (type === 'keybind') { + setting = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Keybind(name, note, value, onChange); + } else if (type === 'radio') { + setting = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.RadioGroup(name, note, value, data.options, onChange, { disabled: data.disabled }); + } else if (type === 'slider') { + const options = {}; + if (typeof data.markers != 'undefined') options.markers = data.markers; + if (typeof data.stickToMarkers != 'undefined') options.stickToMarkers = data.stickToMarkers; + setting = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Slider(name, note, data.min, data.max, value, onChange, options); + } else if (type === 'switch') { + setting = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Switch(name, note, value, onChange, { disabled: data.disabled }); + } else if (type === 'textbox') { + setting = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.Textbox(name, note, value, onChange, { placeholder: data.placeholder || '' }); + } else if (type === 'path') { + setting = new XenoLib.Settings.FilePicker(name, note, value, onChange, { properties: ['openDirectory', 'createDirectory'], placeholder: 'Path to folder', defaultPath: this.pluginDir + '/MLV2_IMAGE_CACHE', saveOnEnter: true }); + } + if (id) setting.getElement().id = this.obfuscatedClass(id); + return setting; + } + createSetting(data) { + const current = Object.assign({}, data); + if (!current.onChange) { + current.onChange = value => { + this.settings[] = value; + if (current.callback) current.callback(value); + }; + } + if (typeof current.value === 'undefined') current.value = this.settings[]; + return this.buildSetting(current); + } + createGroup(group) { + const { name, id, collapsible, shown, settings } = group; + + const list = []; + for (let s = 0; s < settings.length; s++) list.push(this.createSetting(settings[s])); + + const settingGroup = new ZeresPluginLibrary.Settings.SettingGroup(name, { shown, collapsible }).append(...list); + = id; // should generate the id in here instead? + return settingGroup; + } + getSettingsPanel() { + // todo, sort out the menu + const list = []; + // list.push( + // this.createGroup({ + // name: 'Keybinds', + // id: this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-settings-keybinds'), + // collapsible: true, + // shown: false, + // settings: [ + // { + // name: 'Open menu keybind', + // id: 'openLogKeybind', + // type: 'keybind' + // }, + // { + // name: 'Open log filtered by selected channel', + // id: 'openLogFilteredKeybind', + // type: 'keybind' + // }, + // { + // name: 'Disable keybinds', + // id: 'disableKeybind', + // type: 'switch' + // } + // ] + // }) + // ); + list.push( + this.createGroup({ + name: 'Ignores and overrides', + id: this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-settings-ignores-overrides'), + collapsible: true, + shown: false, + settings: [ + { + name: 'Ignore muted servers', + id: 'ignoreMutedGuilds', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Ignore muted channels', + id: 'ignoreMutedChannels', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Ignore bots', + id: 'ignoreBots', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Ignore messages posted by you', + id: 'ignoreSelf', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Ignore message edits from you', + id: 'ignoreLocalEdits', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Ignore message deletes from you', + note: 'Only ignores if you delete your own message.', + id: 'ignoreLocalDeletes', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Ignore blocked users', + id: 'ignoreBlockedUsers', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Ignore NSFW channels', + id: 'ignoreNSFW', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Only log whitelist', + id: 'onlyLogWhitelist', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Always log selected channel, regardless of whitelist/blacklist', + id: 'alwaysLogSelected', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Always log DMs, regardless of whitelist/blacklist', + id: 'alwaysLogDM', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Always log ghost pings, regardless of whitelist/blacklist', + note: 'Messages sent in ignored/muted/blacklisted servers and channels will be logged and shown in sent, but only gets saved if a ghost ping occurs.', + id: 'alwaysLogGhostPings', + type: 'switch' + } + ] + }) + ); + list.push( + this.createGroup({ + name: 'Display settings', + id: this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-settings-display'), + collapsible: true, + shown: false, + settings: [ + { + name: 'Display dates with timestamps', + id: 'displayDates', + type: 'switch', + callback: () => { + if (this.selectedChannel) { + // change NOW + this.invalidateAllChannelCache(); + this.cacheChannelMessages(; + } + } + }, + { + name: 'Display deleted messages in chat', + id: 'showDeletedMessages', + type: 'switch', + callback: () => { + this.invalidateAllChannelCache(); + if (this.selectedChannel) this.cacheChannelMessages(; + } + }, + { + name: 'Display edited messages in chat', + id: 'showEditedMessages', + type: 'switch', + callback: () => ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT' }) + }, + { + name: 'Max number of shown edits', + id: 'maxShownEdits', + type: 'textbox', + onChange: val => { + if (isNaN(val)) return this.showToast('Value must be a number!', { type: 'error' }); + this.settings.maxShownEdits = parseInt(val); + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT' }); + } + }, + { + name: 'Show oldest edit instead of newest if over the shown edits limit', + id: 'hideNewerEditsFirst', + type: 'switch', + callback: () => ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT' }) + }, + { + name: 'Display purged messages in chat', + id: 'showPurgedMessages', + type: 'switch', + callback: () => { + this.invalidateAllChannelCache(); + if (this.selectedChannel) this.cacheChannelMessages(; + } + }, + { + name: 'Restore deleted messages after reload', + id: 'restoreDeletedMessages', + type: 'switch', + callback: val => { + if (val) { + this.invalidateAllChannelCache(); + if (this.selectedChannel) this.cacheChannelMessages(; + } + } + }, + { + name: 'Show amount of new deleted messages when entering a channel', + id: 'showDeletedCount', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Show amount of new edited messages when entering a channel', + id: 'showEditedCount', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Display update notes', + id: 'displayUpdateNotes', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Menu sort direction', + id: 'reverseOrder', + type: 'radio', + options: [ + { + name: 'New - old', + value: false + }, + { + name: 'Old - new', + value: true + } + ] + }, + { + name: 'Use XenoLib notifications instead of toasts', + note: "This works for edit, send, delete and purge toasts, as well as delete and edit count toasts. Toggle it if you don't know what this does.", + id: 'useNotificationsInstead', + type: 'switch', + callback: e => (e ? XenoLib.Notifications.success('Using Xenolib notifications', { timeout: 5000 }) : this.showToast('Using toasts', { type: 'success', timeout: 5000 })) + } + ] + }) + ); + list.push( + this.createGroup({ + name: 'Misc settings', + id: this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-settings-misc'), + collapsible: true, + shown: false, + settings: [ + { + name: 'Disable saving data. Logged messages are erased after reload/restart. Disables auto backup.', + id: 'dontSaveData', + type: 'switch', + callback: val => { + if (!val) this.saveData(); + if (!val && this.settings.autoBackup) this.saveBackup(); + } + }, + { + name: "Auto backup data (won't fully prevent losing data, just prevent total data loss)", + id: 'autoBackup', + type: 'switch', + callback: val => { + if (val && !this.settings.dontSaveData) this.saveBackup(); + } + } /* + { + // no time, TODO! + name: 'Deleted messages color', + id: 'deletedMessageColor', + type: 'color' + }, */, + { + name: 'Aggresive message caching (makes sure we have the data of any deleted or edited messages)', + id: 'aggresiveMessageCaching', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Cache all images by storing them locally in the MLV2_IMAGE_CACHE folder inside the plugins folder', + id: 'cacheAllImages', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: "Don't delete cached images", + note: "If the message the image is from is erased from data, the cached image will be kept. You'll have to monitor disk usage on your own!", + id: 'dontDeleteCachedImages', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Display open logs button next to the search box top right in channels', + id: 'showOpenLogsButton', + type: 'switch', + callback: val => { + if (val) return this.addOpenLogsButton(); + this.removeOpenLogsButton(); + } + }, + { + name: 'Block spam edit notifications (if enabled)', + id: 'blockSpamEdit', + type: 'switch' + } + ] + }) + ); + list.push( + this.createGroup({ + name: 'Toast notifications for guilds', + id: this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-settings-toast-guilds'), + collapsible: true, + shown: false, + settings: [ + { + name: 'Message sent', + id: 'sent', + type: 'switch', + value: this.settings.toastToggles.sent, + onChange: val => { + this.settings.toastToggles.sent = val; + } + }, + { + name: 'Message edited', + id: 'edited', + type: 'switch', + value: this.settings.toastToggles.edited, + onChange: val => { + this.settings.toastToggles.edited = val; + } + }, + { + name: 'Message deleted', + id: 'deleted', + type: 'switch', + value: this.settings.toastToggles.deleted, + onChange: val => { + this.settings.toastToggles.deleted = val; + } + }, + { + name: 'Ghost pings', + id: 'ghostPings', + type: 'switch', + value: this.settings.toastToggles.ghostPings, + onChange: val => { + this.settings.toastToggles.ghostPings = val; + } + }, + { + name: 'Disable toasts for local user (yourself)', + id: 'disableToastsForLocal', + type: 'switch', + value: this.settings.toastToggles.disableToastsForLocal, + onChange: val => { + this.settings.toastToggles.disableToastsForLocal = val; + } + } + ] + }) + ); + + list.push( + this.createGroup({ + name: 'Toast notifications for DMs', + id: this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-settings-toast-dms'), + collapsible: true, + shown: false, + settings: [ + { + name: 'Message sent', + id: 'sent', + type: 'switch', + value: this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.sent, + onChange: val => { + this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.sent = val; + } + }, + { + name: 'Message edited', + id: 'edited', + type: 'switch', + value: this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.edited, + onChange: val => { + this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.edited = val; + } + }, + { + name: 'Message deleted', + id: 'deleted', + type: 'switch', + value: this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.deleted, + onChange: val => { + this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.deleted = val; + } + }, + { + name: 'Ghost pings', + id: 'ghostPings', + type: 'switch', + value: this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.ghostPings, + onChange: val => { + this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.ghostPings = val; + } + } + ] + }) + ); + + list.push( + this.createGroup({ + name: 'Message caps', + id: this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-settings-caps'), + collapsible: true, + shown: false, + settings: [ + { + name: 'Cached messages cap', + note: 'Max number of sent messages logger should keep track of', + id: 'messageCacheCap', + type: 'textbox', + onChange: val => { + if (isNaN(val)) return this.showToast('Value must be a number!', { type: 'error' }); + this.settings.messageCacheCap = parseInt(val); + clearInterval(this.dataManagerInterval); + this.dataManagerInterval = setInterval(() => { + this.handleMessagesCap(); + }, 60 * 1000 * 5); + } + }, + { + name: 'Saved messages cap', + note: "Max number of messages saved to disk, this limit is for deleted, edited and purged INDIVIDUALLY. So if you have it set to 1000, it'll be 1000 edits, 1000 deletes and 1000 purged messages max", + id: 'savedMessagesCap', + type: 'textbox', + onChange: val => { + if (isNaN(val)) return this.showToast('Value must be a number!', { type: 'error' }); + this.settings.savedMessagesCap = parseInt(val); + clearInterval(this.dataManagerInterval); + this.dataManagerInterval = setInterval(() => { + this.handleMessagesCap(); + }, 60 * 1000 * 5); + } + }, + { + name: 'Menu message render cap', + note: 'How many messages will show before the LOAD MORE button will show', + id: 'renderCap', + type: 'textbox', + onChange: val => { + if (isNaN(val)) return this.showToast('Value must be a number!', { type: 'error' }); + this.settings.renderCap = parseInt(val); + clearInterval(this.dataManagerInterval); + } + } + ] + }) + ); + + list.push( + this.createGroup({ + name: 'Advanced', + id: this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-settings-advanced'), + collapsible: true, + shown: false, + settings: [ + { + name: 'Obfuscate CSS classes', + note: 'Enable this if some plugin, library or theme is blocking you from using the plugin', + id: 'obfuscateCSSClasses', + type: 'switch' + }, + { + name: 'Automatic updates', + note: "Do NOT disable unless you really don't want automatic updates", + id: 'autoUpdate', + type: 'switch', + callback: val => { + if (val) { + this._autoUpdateInterval = setInterval(_ => this.automaticallyUpdate(), 1000 * 60 * 15); // 15 minutes + this.automaticallyUpdate(); + } else { + clearInterval(this._autoUpdateInterval); + ZeresPluginLibrary.PluginUpdater.checkForUpdate(this.getName(), this.getVersion(), ''); + } + } + }, + { + name: 'Contextmenu submenu name', + note: "Instead of saying Message Logger, make it say something else, so it's screenshot friendly", + id: 'contextmenuSubmenuName', + type: 'textbox' + } /* , + { + name: 'Image cache directory', + note: 'Press enter to save the path', + id: 'imageCacheDir', + type: 'path', + onChange: val => { + console.log(this.settings.imageCacheDir, val, 'what?'); + if (this.settings.imageCacheDir === val) return; + const savedImages = this.nodeModules.fs.readdirSync(this.settings.imageCacheDir); + console.log(savedImages); + if (!savedImages.length) return; + + function humanFileSize(bytes, si) { + const thresh = si ? 1000 : 1024; + if (Math.abs(bytes) < thresh) return `${bytes} B`; + const units = si ? ['kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'] : ['KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB', 'TiB', 'PiB', 'EiB', 'ZiB', 'YiB']; + let u = -1; + do { + bytes /= thresh; + ++u; + } while (Math.abs(bytes) >= thresh && u < units.length - 1); + return `${bytes.toFixed(1)}${units[u]}`; + } + let sz = 0; + for (let image of savedImages) ; + const size = humanFileSize(this.nodeModules.fs.statSync(this.settings.imageCacheDir).size); + ZeresPluginLibrary.Modals.showModal('Move images', ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.createElement(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.TextElement.default, { color: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.TextElement.Colors.PRIMARY, children: [`Would you like to move ${savedImages.length} images from the old folder to the new? Size of all images is ${size}.`] }), { + confirmText: 'Yes', + onConfirm: () => {} + }); + //this.settings.imageCacheDir = val; + } + } */ + ] + }) + ); + + const div = document.createElement('div'); + = this.obfuscatedClass('ml2-settings-buttonbox'); + = 'inline-flex'; + div.appendChild(this.createButton('Changelog', () => XenoLib.showChangelog(`${this.getName()} has been updated!`, this.getVersion(), this.getChanges()))); + div.appendChild(this.createButton('Stats', () => this.showStatsModal())); + div.appendChild(this.createButton('Donate', () =>''))); + div.appendChild( + this.createButton('Support server', () => { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.LayerManager.popLayer(); + if ('389049952732446731')) { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.GuildActions.transitionToGuildSync('389049952732446731'); + } else { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.InviteActions.openNativeAppModal('NYvWdN5'); + } + }) + ); + div.appendChild(this.createButton('Help', () => this.showLoggerHelpModal())); + let button = div.firstElementChild; + while (button) { + = = `5px`; + button = button.nextElementSibling; + } + + list.push(div); + + return => this.saveSettings(), ...list); + } + /* ==================================================-|| START HELPERS ||-================================================== */ + saveSettings() { + ZeresPluginLibrary.PluginUtilities.saveSettings(this.getName(), this.settings); + } + handleDataSaving() { + // saveData/setPluginData is synchronous, can get slow with bigger files + if (!this.handleDataSaving.errorPageClass) this.handleDataSaving.errorPageClass = '.' + XenoLib.getClass('errorPage'); + /* refuse saving on error page */ + if (!this.messageRecord || !Object.keys(this.messageRecord).length || document.querySelector(this.handleDataSaving.errorPageClass)) return; /* did we crash? */ + const callback = err => { + if (err) { + XenoLib.Notifications.error('There has been an error saving the data file'); + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.stacktrace(this.getName(), 'There has been an error saving the data file', err); + } + if (this.settings.autoBackup) { + if (this.saveBackupTimeout) this.autoBackupSaveInterupts++; + if (this.autoBackupSaveInterupts < 4) { + if (this.saveBackupTimeout) clearTimeout(this.saveBackupTimeout); + // 20 seconds after, in case shits going down y'know, better not to spam save and corrupt it, don't become the thing you're trying to eliminate + this.saveBackupTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.saveBackup(), 20 * 1000); + } + } + this.requestedDataSave = 0; + }; + const useEfficient = !window.ED; + if (useEfficient) { + this.efficientlySaveData( + this.getName() + 'Data', + 'data', + { + messageRecord: this.messageRecord, + deletedMessageRecord: this.deletedMessageRecord, + editedMessageRecord: this.editedMessageRecord, + purgedMessageRecord: this.purgedMessageRecord + }, + callback + ); + } else { + ZeresPluginLibrary.PluginUtilities.saveData(this.getName() + 'Data', 'data', { + messageRecord: this.messageRecord, + deletedMessageRecord: this.deletedMessageRecord, + editedMessageRecord: this.editedMessageRecord, + purgedMessageRecord: this.purgedMessageRecord + }); + callback(); + } + } + saveData() { + if (!this.settings.dontSaveData && !this.requestedDataSave) this.requestedDataSave = setTimeout(() => this.handleDataSaving(), 1000); // needs to be async + } + efficientlySaveData(name, key, data, callback) { + try { + let loadedData; + try { + /* bd gay bruh */ + loadedData = BdApi.loadData(name, key); + } catch (err) { } + if (loadedData) for (const key in data) loadedData[key] = data[key]; + this.nodeModules.fs.writeFile(this.__isPowerCord ? BdApi.__getPluginConfigPath(name) : this.nodeModules.path.join(this.pluginDir, `${name}.config.json`), JSON.stringify({ [key]: data }), callback); + } catch (e) { + XenoLib.Notifications.error('There has been an error saving the data file'); + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.stacktrace(this.getName(), 'There has been an error saving the data file', e); + } + } + saveBackup() { + const callback = err => { + if (err) { + XenoLib.Notifications.error('There has been an error saving the data file'); + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.stacktrace(this.getName(), 'There has been an error saving the data file', err); + } + this.saveBackupTimeout = 0; + this.autoBackupSaveInterupts = 0; + if (!XenoLib.loadData(this.getName() + 'DataBackup', 'data').messageRecord) this.saveBackupTimeout = setTimeout(() => this.saveBackup, 300); // don't be taxing + }; + const useEfficient = !window.ED; + if (useEfficient) { + this.efficientlySaveData( + this.getName() + 'DataBackup', + 'data', + { + messageRecord: this.messageRecord, + deletedMessageRecord: this.deletedMessageRecord, + editedMessageRecord: this.editedMessageRecord, + purgedMessageRecord: this.purgedMessageRecord + }, + callback + ); + } else { + ZeresPluginLibrary.PluginUtilities.saveData(this.getName() + 'DataBackup', 'data', { + messageRecord: this.messageRecord, + deletedMessageRecord: this.deletedMessageRecord, + editedMessageRecord: this.editedMessageRecord, + purgedMessageRecord: this.purgedMessageRecord + }); + callback(); + } + } + parseHTML(html) { + // TODO: drop this func, it's 75% slower than just making the elements manually + var template = document.createElement('template'); + html = html.trim(); // Never return a text node of whitespace as the result + template.innerHTML = html; + return template.content.firstChild; + } + randomString() { + let start = rand(); + while (start[0].toUpperCase() == start[0].toLowerCase()) start = rand(); + return start + '-' + rand(); + function rand() { + return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 7); + } + } + obfuscatedClass(selector) { + if (!this.obfuscatedClass.obfuscations) this.obfuscatedClass.obfuscations = {}; + if (this.settings.obfuscateCSSClasses) { + const { obfuscations } = this.obfuscatedClass; + return obfuscations[selector] || (obfuscations[selector] = this.randomString()); + } + return selector; + } + createTimeStamp(from = undefined, forcedDate = false) { + // todo: timestamp for edited tooltip + let date; + if (from) date = new Date(from); + else date = new Date(); + return (this.settings.displayDates || forcedDate) && forcedDate !== -1 ? `${date.toLocaleTimeString()}, ${date.toLocaleDateString()}` : forcedDate !== -1 ? date.toLocaleTimeString() : date.toLocaleTimeString([], { hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' }); + } + getCachedMessage(id, channelId = 0) { + let cached = this.cachedMessageRecord.find(m => == id); + if (cached) return cached; + if (channelId) return, id); // if the message isn't cached, it returns undefined + return null; + } + getEditedMessage(messageId, channelId) { + if (this.editedMessageRecord[channelId] && this.editedMessageRecord[channelId].findIndex(m => m === messageId) != -1) { + return this.messageRecord[messageId]; + } + return null; + } + getSavedMessage(id) { + /* DEPRECATED */ + return this.messageRecord[id]; + } + cleanupUserObject(user) { + /* backported from MLV2 rewrite */ + return { + discriminator: user.discriminator, + username: user.username, + avatar: user.avatar, + id:, + bot: + }; + } + createMiniFormattedData(message) { + message = XenoLib.DiscordUtils.cloneDeep(message); + let internalMessage =,; + let reactions = internalMessage ? internalMessage.reactions : []; + let guildId = null; + /* let guild = null; */ + /* const author =; */ + const channel =; + if (channel) guildId = channel.guild_id; + /* if (guildId) guild =; */ + const obj = { + message: { + author: { + discriminator:, + username:, + avatar:, + id:, + bot: internalMessage && && // TODO: is bot checking in menu + }, + /* channel_name: (channel && || 'unknown-channel', + guild_name: (guild && || 'unknown-guild', */ + mention_everyone: message.mention_everyone, + edited_timestamp: message.edited_timestamp, + mention_roles: message.mention_roles, + attachments: message.attachments, + channel_id: message.channel_id, + timestamp: message.timestamp, + mentions: => { + if (typeof e !== 'string') return e; + const iUser =; + if (!iUser) return e; + return this.cleanupUserObject(iUser); + }), + content: message.content, + pinned: message.pinned, + embeds:, + reactions: reactions, + type: message.type, + guild_id: guildId, + tts: message.tts, + id: + }, + local_mentioned:,, + /* ghost_pinged: false, */ + delete_data: null /* { + time: integer, + rel_ids: [ + string, + string, + string + ], + hidden: bool + } */, + edit_history: null /* [ + { + content: string, + timestamp: string + } + ], + edits_hidden: bool */ + }; + return obj; + } + getSelectedTextChannel() { + return ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ChannelStore.getChannel(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.SelectedChannelStore.getChannelId()); + } + invalidateAllChannelCache() { + for (let channelId in this.channelMessages) this.invalidateChannelCache(channelId); + } + invalidateChannelCache(channelId) { + if (!this.channelMessages[channelId]) return; + this.channelMessages[channelId].ready = false; + } + cacheChannelMessages(id, relative) { + // TODO figure out if I can use this to get messages at a certain point +{ channelId: id, limit: 50, jump: (relative && { messageId: relative, ML2: true }) || undefined }); + } + /* UNUSED */ + cachenChannelMessagesRelative(channelId, messageId) { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.APIModule.get({ + url: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.DiscordConstants.Endpoints.MESSAGES(channelId), + query: { + before: null, + after: null, + limit: 50, + around: messageId + } + }) + .then(res => { + if (res.status != 200) return; + const results = res.body; + const final = results.filter(x => this.cachedMessageRecord.findIndex(m => === == -1); + this.cachedMessageRecord.push(; + }) + .catch(err => { + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.stacktrace(this.getName(), `Error caching messages from ${channelId} around ${messageId}`, err); + }); + } + formatMarkup(content, channelId) { + const markup = document.createElement('div'); + + const parsed =, true, channelId ? { channelId: channelId } : {}); + // console.log(parsed); + // error, this render doesn't work with tags + // TODO: this parser and renderer sucks + // this may be causing a severe memory leak over the course of a few hours + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ReactDOM.render(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.createElement('div', { className: '' }, parsed), markup); + + const hiddenClass = this.classes.hidden; + + const hidden = markup.getElementsByClassName(hiddenClass); + + for (let i = 0; i < hidden.length; i++) { + hidden[i].classList.remove(hiddenClass); + } + const child = markup.firstChild; + let previousTab =; + let previousOpen =; + const callback = () => { + if ( === previousOpen && === previousTab) return; /* lol ez */ + try { + markup.appendChild(child); + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(markup); + } catch (e) { } +; + }; +, mutation => { + const nodes = Array.from(mutation.removedNodes); + const directMatch = nodes.indexOf(child) > -1; + const parentMatch = nodes.some(parent => parent.contains(child)); + return directMatch || parentMatch; + }); + return child; + } + async showToast(content, options = {}) { + // credits to Zere, copied from Zeres Plugin Library + const { type = '', icon = '', timeout = 3000, onClick = () => { }, onContext = () => { } } = options; + ZeresPluginLibrary.Toasts.ensureContainer(); + const toast = ZeresPluginLibrary['DOMTools'].parseHTML(ZeresPluginLibrary.Toasts.buildToast(content.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/ { + toast.classList.add('closing'); + sto2 = setTimeout(() => { + toast.remove(); + if (!document.querySelectorAll('.toasts .toast').length) document.querySelector('.toasts').remove(); + }, 300); + }; + const sto = setTimeout(wait, timeout); + const toastClicked = () => { + clearTimeout(sto); + clearTimeout(sto2); + wait(); + }; + toast.addEventListener('auxclick', toastClicked); + toast.addEventListener('click', () => { + toastClicked(); + onClick(); + }); + toast.addEventListener('contextmenu', () => { + toastClicked(); + onContext(); + }); + } + clamp(val, min, max) { + // this is so sad, can we hit Metalloriff? + // his message logger added the func to Math obj and I didn't realize + return Math.max(min, Math.min(val, max)); + } + deleteEditedMessageFromRecord(id, editNum) { + const record = this.messageRecord[id]; + if (!record) return; + + record.edit_history.splice(editNum, 1); + if (!record.edit_history.length) record.edit_history = null; + else return this.saveData(); + + const channelId = record.message.channel_id; + const channelMessages = this.editedMessageRecord[channelId]; + channelMessages.splice( + channelMessages.findIndex(m => m === id), + 1 + ); + if (this.deletedMessageRecord[channelId] && this.deletedMessageRecord[channelId].findIndex(m => m === id) != -1) return this.saveData(); + if (this.purgedMessageRecord[channelId] && this.purgedMessageRecord[channelId].findIndex(m => m === id) != -1) return this.saveData(); + delete this.messageRecord[id]; + this.saveData(); + } + jumpToMessage(channelId, messageId, guildId) { + if ( this.ModalStack.closeModal(; + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.NavigationUtils.transitionTo(`/channels/${guildId || '@me'}/${channelId}${messageId ? '/' + messageId : ''}`); + } + isImage(url) { + return /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|bmp)$/i.test(url); + } + cleanupEmbed(embed) { + /* backported code from MLV2 rewrite */ + if (! return embed; /* already cleaned */ + const retEmbed = {}; + if (typeof embed.rawTitle === 'string') retEmbed.title = embed.rawTitle; + if (typeof embed.rawDescription === 'string') retEmbed.description = embed.rawDescription; + if (typeof embed.referenceId !== 'undefined') retEmbed.reference_id = embed.referenceId; + if (typeof embed.color === 'string') retEmbed.color = ZeresPluginLibrary.ColorConverter.hex2int(embed.color); + if (typeof embed.type !== 'undefined') retEmbed.type = embed.type; + if (typeof embed.url !== 'undefined') retEmbed.url = embed.url; + if (typeof embed.provider === 'object') retEmbed.provider = { name:, url: embed.provider.url }; + if (typeof embed.footer === 'object') retEmbed.footer = { text: embed.footer.text, icon_url: embed.footer.iconURL, proxy_icon_url: embed.footer.iconProxyURL }; + if (typeof === 'object') = { name:, url:, icon_url:, proxy_icon_url: }; + if (typeof embed.timestamp === 'object' && embed.timestamp._isAMomentObject) retEmbed.timestamp = embed.timestamp.milliseconds(); + if (typeof embed.thumbnail === 'object') { + if (typeof embed.thumbnail.proxyURL === 'string' || (typeof embed.thumbnail.url === 'string' && !embed.thumbnail.url.endsWith('?format=jpeg'))) { + retEmbed.thumbnail = { + url: embed.thumbnail.url, + proxy_url: typeof embed.thumbnail.proxyURL === 'string' ? embed.thumbnail.proxyURL.split('?format')[0] : undefined, + width: embed.thumbnail.width, + height: embed.thumbnail.height + }; + } + } + if (typeof embed.image === 'object') { + retEmbed.image = { + url: embed.image.url, + proxy_url: embed.image.proxyURL, + width: embed.image.width, + height: embed.image.height + }; + } + if (typeof === 'object') { + = { + url:, + proxy_url:, + width:, + height: + }; + } + if (Array.isArray(embed.fields) && embed.fields.length) { + retEmbed.fields = => ({ name: e.rawName, value: e.rawValue, inline: e.inline })); + } + return retEmbed; + } + fixEmbeds(message) { + message.embeds =; + } + isCompact() { + return ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordAPI.UserSettings.displayCompact; // can't get a reference + } + /* ==================================================-|| END HELPERS ||-================================================== */ + /* ==================================================-|| START MISC ||-================================================== */ + addOpenLogsButton() { + if (!this.selectedChannel) return; + const parent = document.querySelector('div[class*="chat-"] div[class*="toolbar-"]'); + if (!parent) return; + parent.insertBefore(this.channelLogButton, parent.querySelector('div[class*="search-"]')); + } + removeOpenLogsButton() { + const button = document.getElementById(; + button.remove(); + } + showLoggerHelpModal(initial = false) { + this.createModal({ + confirmText: 'OK', + header: 'Logger help', + size: this.createModal.confirmationModal.Sizes.LARGE, + children: [ + ZeresPluginLibrary.ReactTools.createWrappedElement([ + this.parseHTML( + `
+ ${initial ? '
As you are a first time user, you must know in order to have a server be logged, you must RIGHT CLICK a server or channel and add it to the whitelist.
Alternatively if this behavior is unwanted, you can always log all unmuted servers and channels by disabling Only log whitelist in logger settings under IGNORES AND OVERRIDES.

' : ''} + Hello! This is the ${this.getName()} help modal! You may at any time open this in plugin settings by clicking the help button, or in the menu by pressing the question mark button and then then Logger help button.
+ Menu:

+ Clicking on a message, deletes the message
+ Clicking on an edit deletes that specific edit
+ Clicking on the timestamp deletes all messages in that message group +

+ Right-clicking the timestamp opens up options for the entire message group +

+ Toasts:
+ Note: Little "notifications" in discord that tell you if a message was edited, deleted, purged etc are called Toasts!

+ Opens menu with the relevant tab

+ Jumps to relevant message in the relevant channel +

+ Only dismisses/closes the Toast. +

+ Notifications:
+ Note: They show in the top right corner and are called XenoLib notifications. Can be enabled in Settings > Display Settings, all the way at the bottom.

+ Opens menu with the relevant tab

+ Jumps to relevant message in the relevant channel +

+ Open Logs button (top right next to search):
+ Opens menu

+ Opens filtered menu that only shows messages from selected channel

+ Whitelist/blacklist, ignores and overrides:
+ All servers are ignored unless whitelisted
+ Muted channels in whitelisted servers are ignored unless whitelisted or "Ignore muted channels" is disabled
+ All channels in whitelisted servers are logged unless blacklisted, or muted and "Ignore muted channels" is enabled +

+ All servers are logged unless blacklisted or muted and "Ignore muted servers" is enabled
+ Muted channels are ignored unless whitelisted or "Ignore muted channels" is disabled
+ Muted servers are ignored unless whitelisted or "Ignore muted servers" is disabled
+ Whitelisted channels in muted or blacklisted servers are logged

+ ALL:
+ Whitelisted channels in blacklisted servers are logged
+ Blacklisted channels in whitelisted servers are ignored
+ "Always log selected channel" overrides blacklist, whitelist-only mode, NSFW channel ignore, mute
+ "Always log DMs" overrides blacklist as well as whitelist-only mode
+ Channels marked NSFW and not whitelisted are ignored unless "Ignore NSFW channels" is disabled +

+ Chat:
+ Right-clicking an edit (darkened text) allows you to delete that edit, or hide edits
+ Right-clicking on a edited or deleted message gives you the option to hide the deleted message or hide or unhide edits, remove the edited or deleted message from log and remove deleted tint which makes the message look like it isn't deleted. +

` + ) + ]) + ], + red: false + }); + } + showStatsModal() { + const elements = []; + let totalMessages = Object.keys(this.messageRecord).length; + let messageCounts = []; + let spaceUsageMB = 0; + let cachedImageCount = 0; + let cachedImagesUsageMB = 0; + + let mostDeletesChannel = { num: 0, id: '' }; + let mostEditsChannel = { num: 0, id: '' }; + let deleteDataTemp = {}; + let editDataTemp = {}; + + for (const map of [this.deletedMessageRecord, this.editedMessageRecord, this.cachedMessageRecord]) { + let messageCount = 0; + if (!Array.isArray(map)) { + for (const channelId in map) { + if (!deleteDataTemp[channelId]) deleteDataTemp[channelId] = []; + if (!editDataTemp[channelId]) editDataTemp[channelId] = []; + for (const messageId of map[channelId]) { + messageCount++; + const record = this.messageRecord[messageId]; + if (!record) continue; // wtf? + if (record.delete_data && deleteDataTemp[channelId].findIndex(m => m === messageId)) deleteDataTemp[channelId].push(messageId); + if (record.edit_history && editDataTemp[channelId].findIndex(m => m === messageId)) editDataTemp[channelId].push(messageId); + } + } + } + for (const channelId in deleteDataTemp) if (deleteDataTemp[channelId].length > mostDeletesChannel.num) mostDeletesChannel = { num: deleteDataTemp[channelId].length, id: channelId }; + for (const channelId in editDataTemp) if (editDataTemp[channelId].length > mostEditsChannel.num) mostEditsChannel = { num: editDataTemp[channelId].length, id: channelId }; + + messageCounts.push(messageCount); + } + const addLine = (name, value) => { + elements.push(this.parseHTML(`
${name}: ${value}

`)); + }; + addLine('Total messages', totalMessages); + addLine('Deleted message count', messageCounts[0]); + addLine('Edited message count', messageCounts[1]); + addLine('Sent message count', this.cachedMessageRecord.length); + + let channel =; + if (channel) addLine('Most deletes', mostDeletesChannel.num + ' ' + this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,; + if (channel) addLine('Most edits', mostEditsChannel.num + ' ' + this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,; + + // addLine('Data file size', (this.nodeModules.fs.statSync(this.pluginDir + '/MessageLoggerV2Data.config.json').size / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2) + 'MB'); + // addLine('Data file size severity', this.slowSaveModeStep == 0 ? 'OK' : this.slowSaveModeStep == 1 ? 'MILD' : this.slowSaveModeStep == 2 ? 'BAD' : 'EXTREME'); + this.createModal({ + confirmText: 'OK', + header: 'Data stats', + size: ZeresPluginLibrary.Modals.ModalSizes.SMALL, + children: [ZeresPluginLibrary.ReactTools.createWrappedElement(elements)], + red: false + }); + } + reAddDeletedMessages(messages, id, deletedMessages, purgedMessages) { + // hack + if (this.antiinfiniteloop.findIndex(m => m === id) != -1) { + //this.showToast('Infinite loop detected in data! Faulty ID:' + id, { type: 'error', timeout: 5000 }); + //ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.err(this.getName(), `Infinite loop detected in data! Cancelled restore of ${id}!`); + // todo: add code to prevent this bullshit + return false; + } + const record = this.messageRecord[id]; + if (!record || !record.delete_data || record.delete_data.hidden || !record.delete_data.rel_ids) return false; + + this.antiinfiniteloop.push(; + + for (let prev in record.delete_data.rel_ids) { + let relID = record.delete_data.rel_ids[prev]; + let mIDX = (messages.length && messages.length - 1) || 0; + let addIn = false; + if (relID != 'CHANNELEND') { + mIDX = messages.findIndex(m => === relID); + } + if (mIDX !== -1) addIn = true; + else { + if (deletedMessages && deletedMessages.findIndex(m => m === relID) === -1 && (!this.settings.showPurgedMessages || !purgedMessages || purgedMessages.findIndex(m => m === relID) === -1)) continue; + if (this.reAddDeletedMessages(messages, relID)) addIn = true; + } + if (addIn) { + mIDX = messages.findIndex(m => === relID); + //let copy = Object.assign({}, record.message); + //for (let attachmentIDX in copy.attachments) { + // let attachment = copy.attachments[attachmentIDX]; + // console.log(attachment.proxy_url); + // attachment.proxy_url = this.imageCacheIdToDataURL(attachment.proxy_url); + // console.log(attachment.proxy_url); + //} + messages.splice(mIDX, 0, record.message); + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + getLiteralName(guildId, channelId, useTags = false) { + // TODO, custom channel server failure text + const guild =; + const channel =; // todo + /* if (typeof guildNameBackup !== 'number' && guild && guildNameBackup) */ if (guildId) { + const channelName = channel ? : 'unknown-channel'; + const guildName = guild ? : 'unknown-server'; + if (useTags && channel) return `${guildName}, <#${}>`; + return `${guildName}, #${channelName}`; + } else if (channel && { + return `group ${}`; + } else if (channel && channel.type == 3) { + let finalGroupName = ''; + for (let i of channel.recipients) { + const user =; + if (!user) continue; + if (useTags) finalGroupName += ', <@' + + '>'; + else finalGroupName += ',' + user.username; + } + if (!finalGroupName.length) { + return 'unknown group'; + } else { + finalGroupName = finalGroupName.substr(1); + if (useTags) return `group ${finalGroupName}`; + finalGroupName = finalGroupName.length > 10 ? finalGroupName.substr(0, 10 - 1) + '...' : finalGroupName; + return `group ${finalGroupName}`; + } + } else if (channel && channel.recipients) { + const user =[0]); + if (!user) return 'DMs'; + if (useTags) return `<@${}> DMs`; + return `${user.username} DMs`; + } else { + return 'DMs'; + } + } + getRelativeMessages(id, channelId) { + const messages = this.channelMessages[channelId]; + // ready check may be redundant, discord may not save the message if the channel isn't ready + if (messages && messages.ready && messages._array.length) { + let foundMessage = false; + let relMessages = []; + for (let i = messages._array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + const message = messages._array[i]; + if (!foundMessage && == id) { + foundMessage = true; + continue; + } + if (foundMessage) relMessages.push(; + if (relMessages.length >= 3) return relMessages; + } // todo, better caching if hasMoreBefore = true + if (!messages.hasMoreBefore) { + relMessages.push('CHANNELEND'); + return relMessages; + } + } + return null; + } + saveDeletedMessage(message, targetMessageRecord) { + let result = this.createMiniFormattedData(message); + result.delete_data = {}; + const id =; + const channelId = message.channel_id; + result.delete_data.time = new Date().getTime(); + result.ghost_pinged = result.local_mentioned; // it's simple bruh + if (!(result.delete_data.rel_ids = this.getRelativeMessages(id, channelId))) { + //console.error(`[${this.getName()}]: saveDeletedMessage -> Failed to get relative IDs!`); + //if (this.settings.displayInChat) ZeresPluginLibrary.Toasts.error(`Failed to get relative IDs! Deleted message will not show in chat after reload!`, { timeout: 7500 }); + } + if (!Array.isArray(targetMessageRecord[channelId])) targetMessageRecord[channelId] = []; + if (this.messageRecord[id]) { + const record = this.messageRecord[id]; + record.delete_data = result.delete_data; + record.ghost_pinged = result.ghost_pinged; + } else { + this.messageRecord[id] = result; + } + if (this.messageRecord[id].message.attachments) { + const attachments = this.messageRecord[id].message.attachments; + for (let i = 0; i < attachments.length; i++) { + attachments[i].url = attachments[i].proxy_url; // proxy url lasts longer + } + } + if (this.settings.cacheAllImages) this.cacheMessageImages(this.messageRecord[id].message); + targetMessageRecord[channelId].push(id); + } + createButton(label, callback) { + const classes = this.createButton.classes; + const ret = this.parseHTML(``); + if (callback) ret.addEventListener('click', callback); + return ret; + } + createModal(options, image, name) { + const modal = image ? this.createModal.imageModal : this.createModal.confirmationModal; + this.ModalStack.openModal(props => ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.createElement(modal, Object.assign({}, options, props, options.onClose ? { onClose: options.onClose } : {})), { modalKey: name }); + } + getMessageAny(id) { + const record = this.messageRecord[id]; + if (!record) return this.cachedMessageRecord.find(m => == id); + return record.message; + } + cacheImage(url, attachmentIdx, attachmentId, messageId, channelId, attempts = 0) { + this.nodeModules.request({ url: url, encoding: null }, (err, res, buffer) => { + if (err || res.statusCode != 200) { + if (res.statusCode == 404 || res.statusCode == 403) return; + attempts++; + if (attempts > 3) return ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.warn(this.getName(), `Failed to get image ${attachmentId} for caching, error code ${res.statusCode}`); + return setTimeout(() => this.cacheImage(url, attachmentIdx, attachmentId, messageId, channelId, attempts), 1000); + } + const fileExtension = url.match(/\.[0-9a-z]+$/i)[0]; + this.nodeModules.fs.writeFileSync(this.settings.imageCacheDir + `/${attachmentId}${fileExtension}`, buffer, { encoding: null }); + }); + } + cacheMessageImages(message) { + // don't block it, ugly but works, might rework later + setTimeout(() => { + for (let i = 0; i < message.attachments.length; i++) { + const attachment = message.attachments[i]; + if (!this.isImage(attachment.url)) continue; + this.cacheImage(attachment.url, i,,, message.channel_id); + } + }, 0); + } + /* ==================================================-|| END MISC ||-================================================== */ + /* ==================================================-|| START MESSAGE MANAGMENT ||-================================================== */ + deleteMessageFromRecords(id) { + const record = this.messageRecord[id]; + if (!record) { + for (let map of [this.deletedMessageRecord, this.editedMessageRecord, this.purgedMessageRecord]) { + for (let channelId in map) { + const index = map[channelId].findIndex(m => m === id); + if (index == -1) continue; + map[channelId].splice(index, 1); + if (!map[channelId].length) delete map[channelId]; + } + } + return; + } + // console.log('Deleting', record); + const channelId = record.message.channel_id; + for (let map of [this.deletedMessageRecord, this.editedMessageRecord, this.purgedMessageRecord]) { + if (!map[channelId]) continue; + const index = map[channelId].findIndex(m => m === id); + if (index == -1) continue; + map[channelId].splice(index, 1); + if (!map[channelId].length) delete map[channelId]; + } + delete this.messageRecord[id]; + } + handleMessagesCap() { + try { + // TODO: add empty record and infinite loop checking for speed improvements + const extractAllMessageIds = map => { + let ret = []; + for (let channelId in map) { + for (let messageId of map[channelId]) { + ret.push(messageId); + } + } + return ret; + }; + if (this.cachedMessageRecord.length > this.settings.messageCacheCap) this.cachedMessageRecord.splice(0, this.cachedMessageRecord.length - this.settings.messageCacheCap); + let changed = false; + const deleteMessages = map => { + this.sortMessagesByAge(map); + const toDelete = map.length - this.settings.savedMessagesCap; + for (let i = map.length - 1, deleted = 0; i >= 0 && deleted != toDelete; i--, deleted++) { + this.deleteMessageFromRecords(map[i]); + } + changed = true; + }; + const handleInvalidEntries = map => { + for (let channelId in map) { + for (let messageIdIdx = map[channelId].length - 1; messageIdIdx >= 0; messageIdIdx--) { + if (!Array.isArray(map[channelId])) { + delete map[channelId]; + changed = true; + continue; + } + if (!this.messageRecord[map[channelId][messageIdIdx]]) { + map[channelId].splice(messageIdIdx, 1); + changed = true; + } + } + if (!map[channelId].length) { + delete map[channelId]; + changed = true; + } + } + }; + const checkIsInRecords = (channelId, messageId) => { + for (let map of [this.deletedMessageRecord, this.editedMessageRecord, this.purgedMessageRecord]) if (map[channelId] && map[channelId].findIndex(m => m === messageId) != -1) return true; + return false; + }; + + for (let map of [this.deletedMessageRecord, this.editedMessageRecord, this.purgedMessageRecord]) handleInvalidEntries(map); + for (let messageId in this.messageRecord) { + if (!checkIsInRecords(this.messageRecord[messageId].message.channel_id, messageId)) delete this.messageRecord[messageId]; + } + let deletedMessages = extractAllMessageIds(this.deletedMessageRecord); + let editedMessages = extractAllMessageIds(this.editedMessageRecord); + let purgedMessages = extractAllMessageIds(this.purgedMessageRecord); + for (let map of [deletedMessages, editedMessages, purgedMessages]) if (map.length > this.settings.savedMessagesCap) deleteMessages(map); + if (changed) this.saveData(); + if (!this.settings.cacheAllImages) return; + if (!this.settings.dontDeleteCachedImages) { + const savedImages = this.nodeModules.fs.readdirSync(this.settings.imageCacheDir); + for (let img of savedImages) { + if (img.indexOf('ImageCache.config.json') !== -1) continue; + const attId = img.match(/(\d*).[a-z]+/i)[1]; + let found = false; + for (const msgId in this.messageRecord) { + const message = this.messageRecord[msgId]; + if (message.message.attachments.findIndex(m => === attId) !== -1) { + found = true; + break; + } + } + if (found) continue; + try { + this.nodeModules.fs.unlinkSync(`${this.settings.imageCacheDir}/${img}`); + } catch (e) { + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.err(this.getName(), 'Error deleting unreferenced image, what the shit', e); + } + } + } + // 10 minutes + for (let id in this.editHistoryAntiSpam) if (new Date().getTime() - this.editHistoryAntiSpam[id].times[0] < 10 * 60 * 1000) delete this.editHistoryAntiSpam[id]; + } catch (e) { + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.stacktrace(this.getName(), 'Error clearing out data', e); + } + } + /* ==================================================-|| END MESSAGE MANAGMENT ||-================================================== */ + onDispatchEvent(args, callDefault) { + const dispatch = args[0]; + + if (!dispatch) return callDefault(...args); + + try { + if (dispatch.type === 'MESSAGE_LOGGER_V2_SELF_TEST') { + clearTimeout(this.selfTestTimeout); + //console.log('Self test OK'); + this.selfTestFailures = 0; + return; + } + // if (dispatch.type == 'EXPERIMENT_TRIGGER') return callDefault(...args); + // console.log('INFO: onDispatchEvent -> dispatch', dispatch); + if (dispatch.type === 'CHANNEL_SELECT') { + callDefault(...args); + this.selectedChannel = this.getSelectedTextChannel(); + return; + } + + if (dispatch.ML2 && dispatch.type === 'MESSAGE_DELETE') return callDefault(...args); + + if (dispatch.type !== 'MESSAGE_CREATE' && dispatch.type !== 'MESSAGE_DELETE' && dispatch.type !== 'MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK' && dispatch.type !== 'MESSAGE_UPDATE' && dispatch.type !== 'LOAD_MESSAGES_SUCCESS') return callDefault(...args); + + // console.log('INFO: onDispatchEvent -> dispatch', dispatch); + + if (dispatch.message && dispatch.message.type) return callDefault(...args); // anti other shit 1 + + const channel = ? dispatch.message.channel_id : dispatch.channelId); + if (!channel) return callDefault(...args); + const guild = channel.guild_id ? : false; + + let author = dispatch.message && ? : false; + if (!author) author = ((this.channelMessages[] || { _map: {} })._map[dispatch.message ? :] || {}).author; + if (!author) { + // last ditch attempt + let message = this.getCachedMessage(; + if (message) author =; + } + + if (!author && !(dispatch.type == 'LOAD_MESSAGES_SUCCESS' || dispatch.type == 'MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK')) return callDefault(...args); + + const isLocalUser = author && ===; + + if (author && && this.settings.ignoreBots) return callDefault(...args); + if (author && isLocalUser && this.settings.ignoreSelf) return callDefault(...args); + if (author && this.settings.ignoreBlockedUsers && && !isLocalUser) return callDefault(...args); + if (author && author.avatar === 'clyde') return callDefault(...args); + + if (this.settings.ignoreLocalEdits && dispatch.type === 'MESSAGE_UPDATE' && isLocalUser) return callDefault(...args); + if (this.settings.ignoreLocalDeletes && dispatch.type === 'MESSAGE_DELETE' && isLocalUser && this.localDeletes.findIndex(m => m === !== -1) return callDefault(...args); + + let guildIsMutedReturn = false; + let channelIgnoreReturn = false; + + const isInWhitelist = id => this.settings.whitelist.findIndex(m => m === id) != -1; + const isInBlacklist = id => this.settings.blacklist.findIndex(m => m === id) != -1; + const guildWhitelisted = guild && isInWhitelist(; + const channelWhitelisted = isInWhitelist(; + + const guildBlacklisted = guild && isInBlacklist(; + const channelBlacklisted = isInBlacklist(; + + let doReturn = false; + + if (guild) { + guildIsMutedReturn = this.settings.ignoreMutedGuilds && this.muteModule.isMuted(; + channelIgnoreReturn = (this.settings.ignoreNSFW && channel.nsfw && !channelWhitelisted) || (this.settings.ignoreMutedChannels && (this.muteModule.isChannelMuted(, || (channel.parent_id && this.muteModule.isChannelMuted(channel.parent_id)))); + } + + if (!((this.settings.alwaysLogSelected && this.selectedChannel && == || (this.settings.alwaysLogDM && !guild))) { + if (guildBlacklisted) { + if (!channelWhitelisted) doReturn = true; // not whitelisted + } else if (guildWhitelisted) { + if (channelBlacklisted) doReturn = true; // channel blacklisted + if (channelIgnoreReturn && !channelWhitelisted) doReturn = true; + } else { + if (this.settings.onlyLogWhitelist) { + if (!channelWhitelisted) doReturn = true; // guild not in either list, channel not whitelisted + } else { + if (channelBlacklisted) doReturn = true; // channel blacklisted + if (channelIgnoreReturn || guildIsMutedReturn) { + if (!channelWhitelisted) doReturn = true; + } + } + } + } + + if (doReturn && this.settings.alwaysLogGhostPings) { + if (dispatch.type === 'MESSAGE_DELETE') { + const deleted = (this.tempEditedMessageRecord[] && this.tempEditedMessageRecord[].message) || this.getCachedMessage(, dispatch.channelId); + if (!deleted || deleted.type) return callDefault(...args); // nothing we can do past this point.. + if (!, return callDefault(...args); + const record = this.messageRecord[]; + if ((!this.selectedChannel || != && (guild ? this.settings.toastToggles.ghostPings : this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.ghostPings) && (!record || !record.ghost_pinged)) { + XenoLib.Notifications.warning(`You got ghost pinged in ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,, true)}`, { timeout: 0, onClick: () => this.openWindow('ghostpings'), onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(dispatch.channelId,, guild &&, channelId: }); + if (!this.settings.useNotificationsInstead) { + this.showToast(`You got ghost pinged in ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,}`, { + type: 'warning', + onClick: () => this.openWindow('ghostpings'), + onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(dispatch.channelId,, guild &&, + timeout: 4500 + }); + } + } + this.saveDeletedMessage(deleted, this.deletedMessageRecord); + this.saveData(); + if (ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordAPI.currentChannel && === dispatch.channelId) ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE', id: }); + } else if (dispatch.type === 'MESSAGE_UPDATE') { + if (!dispatch.message.edited_timestamp) { + let last = this.getCachedMessage(; + if (last) last.embeds =; + return callDefault(...args); + } + let isSaved = this.getEditedMessage(,; + const last = this.getCachedMessage(,; + const lastEditedSaved = isSaved || this.tempEditedMessageRecord[]; + // if we have lastEdited then we can still continue as we have all the data we need to process it. + if (!last && !lastEditedSaved) return callDefault(...args); // nothing we can do past this point.. + + if (isSaved && !lastEditedSaved.local_mentioned) { + lastEditedSaved.message.content = dispatch.message.content; // don't save history, just the value so we don't confuse the user + return callDefault(...args); + } + + let ghostPinged = false; + if (lastEditedSaved) { + // last is not needed, we have all the data already saved + if (lastEditedSaved.message.content === dispatch.message.content) return callDefault(...args); // we don't care about that + lastEditedSaved.edit_history.push({ + content: lastEditedSaved.message.content, + time: new Date().getTime() + }); + lastEditedSaved.message.content = dispatch.message.content; + ghostPinged = !lastEditedSaved.ghost_pinged && lastEditedSaved.local_mentioned && !,; + } else { + if (last.content === dispatch.message.content) return callDefault(...args); // we don't care about that + let data = this.createMiniFormattedData(last); + data.edit_history = [ + { + content: last.content, + time: new Date().getTime() + } + ]; + data.message.content = dispatch.message.content; + this.tempEditedMessageRecord[] = data; + ghostPinged =, && !,; + } + + if (isSaved) this.saveData(); + + if (!ghostPinged) return callDefault(...args); + + if (!isSaved) { + const data = this.tempEditedMessageRecord[]; + data.ghost_pinged = true; + this.messageRecord[] = data; + if (!this.editedMessageRecord[]) this.editedMessageRecord[] = []; + this.editedMessageRecord[].push(; + this.saveData(); + } else { + const lastEdited = this.getEditedMessage(,; + if (!lastEdited) return callDefault(...args); + lastEdited.ghost_pinged = true; + this.saveData(); + } + + if ((!this.selectedChannel || != && (guild ? this.settings.toastToggles.ghostPings : this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.ghostPings)) { + XenoLib.Notifications.warning(`You got ghost pinged in ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,, true)}`, { timeout: 0, onClick: () => this.openWindow('ghostpings'), onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(dispatch.channelId,, guild &&, channelId: }); + if (!this.settings.useNotificationsInstead) { + this.showToast(`You got ghost pinged in ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,}`, { + type: 'warning', + onClick: () => this.openWindow('ghostpings'), + onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(dispatch.channelId,, guild &&, + timeout: 4500 + }); + } + } + } else if (dispatch.type == 'MESSAGE_CREATE' && dispatch.message && (dispatch.message.content.length || (dispatch.attachments && dispatch.attachments.length) || (dispatch.embeds && dispatch.embeds.length)) && dispatch.message.state != 'SENDING' && !dispatch.optimistic && !dispatch.message.type &&, { + if (this.cachedMessageRecord.findIndex(m => === != -1) return callDefault(...args); + this.cachedMessageRecord.push(dispatch.message); + } + } + if (doReturn) return callDefault(...args); + + if (dispatch.type == 'LOAD_MESSAGES_SUCCESS') { + if (!this.settings.restoreDeletedMessages) return callDefault(...args); + if (dispatch.jump && dispatch.jump.ML2) delete dispatch.jump; + const deletedMessages = this.deletedMessageRecord[]; + const purgedMessages = this.purgedMessageRecord[]; + if ((!deletedMessages && !purgedMessages) || (!this.settings.showPurgedMessages && !this.settings.showDeletedMessages)) return callDefault(...args); + //console.log('Recursively adding deleted messages'); + /* return callDefault(...args); */ + if (this.settings.showDeletedMessages && deletedMessages) { + for (let messageIDX in deletedMessages) { + let recordID = deletedMessages[messageIDX]; + if (!this.messageRecord[recordID]) continue; + if (!this.messageRecord[recordID].delete_data) { + /* SOME WIZARD BROKE THE LOGGER LIKE THIS, WTFFFF */ + this.deleteMessageFromRecords(recordID); + continue; + } + if (this.messageRecord[recordID].delete_data.hidden) { + const mIDX = dispatch.messages.findIndex(m => === recordID); + if (mIDX != -1) dispatch.messages.splice(mIDX, 1); + continue; + } + if (this.messageRecord[recordID].message.channel_id != dispatch.channelId || dispatch.messages.findIndex(m => === recordID) != -1) continue; + this.antiinfiniteloop = []; + this.reAddDeletedMessages(dispatch.messages, recordID, deletedMessages, purgedMessages); + } + } + if (this.settings.showPurgedMessages && purgedMessages) { + for (let messageIDX in purgedMessages) { + let recordID = purgedMessages[messageIDX]; + if (!this.messageRecord[recordID]) continue; + if (this.messageRecord[recordID].delete_data.hidden) { + const mIDX = dispatch.messages.findIndex(m => === recordID); + if (mIDX != -1) dispatch.messages.splice(mIDX, 1); + continue; + } + if (this.messageRecord[recordID].message.channel_id != dispatch.channelId || dispatch.messages.findIndex(m => == recordID) != -1) continue; + this.antiinfiniteloop = []; + this.reAddDeletedMessages(dispatch.messages, recordID, deletedMessages, purgedMessages); + } + } + return callDefault(...args); + } + + const notificationsBlacklisted = this.settings.notificationBlacklist.indexOf( !== -1 || (guild && this.settings.notificationBlacklist.indexOf( !== -1); + + if (dispatch.type == 'MESSAGE_DELETE') { + const deleted = this.getCachedMessage(, dispatch.channelId); + + if (this.settings.aggresiveMessageCaching) { + const channelMessages = this.channelMessages[]; + if (!channelMessages || !channelMessages.ready) this.cacheChannelMessages(; + } + + if (!deleted) return callDefault(...args); // nothing we can do past this point.. + + if (this.deletedMessageRecord[] && this.deletedMessageRecord[].findIndex(m => m === != -1) { + if (!this.settings.showDeletedMessages) callDefault(...args); + return; + } + + if (deleted.type) return callDefault(...args); + + if (this.settings.showDeletedCount) { + if (!this.deletedChatMessagesCount[]) this.deletedChatMessagesCount[] = 0; + if (!this.selectedChannel || != this.deletedChatMessagesCount[]++; + } + if (!notificationsBlacklisted) { + if (guild ? this.settings.toastToggles.deleted && ((isLocalUser && !this.settings.toastToggles.disableToastsForLocal) || !isLocalUser) : this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.deleted && !isLocalUser) { + if (this.settings.useNotificationsInstead) { + XenoLib.Notifications.danger(`Message deleted from ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,, true)}`, { + onClick: () => this.openWindow('deleted'), + onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(dispatch.channelId,, guild &&, + timeout: 4500 + }); + } else { + this.showToast(`Message deleted from ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,}`, { + type: 'error', + onClick: () => this.openWindow('deleted'), + onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(dispatch.channelId,, guild &&, + timeout: 4500 + }); + } + } + } + + const record = this.messageRecord[]; + + if ((!this.selectedChannel || != && (guild ? this.settings.toastToggles.ghostPings : this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.ghostPings) && (!record || !record.ghost_pinged) &&, { + XenoLib.Notifications.warning(`You got ghost pinged in ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,, true)}`, { timeout: 0, onClick: () => this.openWindow('ghostpings'), onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(dispatch.channelId,, guild &&, channelId: dispatch.channelId }); + if (!this.settings.useNotificationsInstead) { + this.showToast(`You got ghost pinged in ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,}`, { + type: 'warning', + onClick: () => this.openWindow('ghostpings'), + onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(dispatch.channelId,, guild &&, + timeout: 4500 + }); + } + } + + this.saveDeletedMessage(deleted, this.deletedMessageRecord); + // if (this.settings.cacheAllImages) this.cacheImages(deleted); + if (!this.settings.showDeletedMessages) callDefault(...args); + else if (ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordAPI.currentChannel && === dispatch.channelId) ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE', id: }); + this.saveData(); + } else if (dispatch.type == 'MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK') { + if (this.settings.showDeletedCount) { + if (!this.deletedChatMessagesCount[]) this.deletedChatMessagesCount[] = 0; + if (!this.selectedChannel || != this.deletedChatMessagesCount[] += dispatch.ids.length; + } + + let failedMessage = false; + + for (let i = 0; i < dispatch.ids.length; i++) { + const purged = this.getCachedMessage(dispatch.ids[i],; + if (!purged) { + failedMessage = true; + continue; + } + this.saveDeletedMessage(purged, this.purgedMessageRecord); + if (ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordAPI.currentChannel && === dispatch.channelId) ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE', id: }); + } + + if (failedMessage && this.aggresiveMessageCaching) + // forcefully cache the channel in case there are active convos there + this.cacheChannelMessages(; + else if (this.settings.aggresiveMessageCaching) { + const channelMessages = this.channelMessages[]; + if (!channelMessages || !channelMessages.ready) this.cacheChannelMessages(; + } + if (!notificationsBlacklisted) { + if (guild ? this.settings.toastToggles.deleted : this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.deleted) { + if (this.settings.useNotificationsInstead) { + XenoLib.Notifications.danger(`${dispatch.ids.length} messages bulk deleted from ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,, true)}`, { + onClick: () => this.openWindow('purged'), + onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(, undefined, guild &&, + timeout: 4500 + }); + } else { + this.showToast(`${dispatch.ids.length} messages bulk deleted from ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,}`, { + type: 'error', + onClick: () => this.openWindow('purged'), + onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(, undefined, guild &&, + timeout: 4500 + }); + } + } + } + if (!this.settings.showPurgedMessages) callDefault(...args); + this.saveData(); + } else if (dispatch.type == 'MESSAGE_UPDATE') { + if (!dispatch.message.edited_timestamp) { + let last = this.getCachedMessage(; + if (last) last.embeds =; + return callDefault(...args); + } + + if (this.settings.showEditedCount) { + if (!this.editedChatMessagesCount[]) this.editedChatMessagesCount[] = 0; + if (!this.selectedChannel || != this.editedChatMessagesCount[]++; + } + + if (this.settings.aggresiveMessageCaching) { + const channelMessages = this.channelMessages[]; + if (!channelMessages || !channelMessages.ready) this.cacheChannelMessages(; + } + + const last = this.getCachedMessage(,; + const lastEditedSaved = this.getEditedMessage(,; + + // if we have lastEdited then we can still continue as we have all the data we need to process it. + if (!last && !lastEditedSaved) return callDefault(...args); // nothing we can do past this point.. + let ghostPinged = false; + if (lastEditedSaved) { + // last is not needed, we have all the data already saved + // console.log(lastEditedSaved.message); + // console.log(dispatch.message); + if (lastEditedSaved.message.content === dispatch.message.content) { + return callDefault(...args); // we don't care about that + } + lastEditedSaved.edit_history.push({ + content: lastEditedSaved.message.content, + time: new Date().getTime() + }); + lastEditedSaved.message.content = dispatch.message.content; + ghostPinged = !lastEditedSaved.ghost_pinged && lastEditedSaved.local_mentioned && !,; + if (ghostPinged) lastEditedSaved.ghost_pinged = true; + } else { + if (last.content === dispatch.message.content) { + return callDefault(...args); // we don't care about that + } + let data = this.createMiniFormattedData(last); + data.edit_history = [ + { + content: last.content, + time: new Date().getTime() + } + ]; + ghostPinged =, && !,; + data.message.content = dispatch.message.content; + if (ghostPinged) data.ghost_pinged = true; + this.messageRecord[] = data; + if (!this.editedMessageRecord[]) this.editedMessageRecord[] = []; + this.editedMessageRecord[].push(; + } + if (!notificationsBlacklisted) { + if (guild ? this.settings.toastToggles.edited && ((isLocalUser && !this.settings.toastToggles.disableToastsForLocal) || !isLocalUser) : this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.edited && !isLocalUser) { + if (!this.settings.blockSpamEdit) { + if (!this.editHistoryAntiSpam[]) { + this.editHistoryAntiSpam[] = { + blocked: false, + times: [new Date().getTime()] + }; + } else { + this.editHistoryAntiSpam[].times.push(new Date().getTime()); + } + if (this.editHistoryAntiSpam[].times.length > 10) this.editHistoryAntiSpam[].times.shift(); + if (this.editHistoryAntiSpam[].times.length === 10 && new Date().getTime() - this.editHistoryAntiSpam[].times[0] < 60 * 1000) { + if (!this.editHistoryAntiSpam[].blocked) { + if (this.settings.useNotificationsInstead) { + XenoLib.Notifications.warning(`Edit notifications from <@${}> have been temporarily blocked for 1 minute.`, { + timeout: 7500, + channelId: + }); + } else { + this.showToast(`Edit notifications from ${author.username} have been temporarily blocked for 1 minute.`, { + type: 'warning', + timeout: 7500 + }); + } + this.editHistoryAntiSpam[].blocked = true; + } + } else if (this.editHistoryAntiSpam[].blocked) { + this.editHistoryAntiSpam[].blocked = false; + this.editHistoryAntiSpam[].times = []; + } + } + if (this.settings.blockSpamEdit || !this.editHistoryAntiSpam[].blocked) { + if (this.settings.useNotificationsInstead) { +`Message edited in ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,, true)}`, { + onClick: () => this.openWindow('edited'), + onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(,, guild &&, + timeout: 4500 + }); + } else { + this.showToast(`Message edited in ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,}`, { + type: 'info', + onClick: () => this.openWindow('edited'), + onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(,, guild &&, + timeout: 4500 + }); + } + } + } + } + if ((!this.selectedChannel || != && (guild ? this.settings.toastToggles.ghostPings : this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.ghostPings) && ghostPinged) { + XenoLib.Notifications.warning(`You got ghost pinged in ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,, true)}`, { timeout: 0, onClick: () => this.openWindow('ghostpings'), onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(dispatch.channelId,, guild &&, channelId: dispatch.channelId }); + if (!this.settings.useNotificationsInstead) { + this.showToast(`You got ghost pinged in ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,}`, { + type: 'warning', + onClick: () => this.openWindow('ghostpings'), + onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(dispatch.channelId,, guild &&, + timeout: 4500 + }); + } + } + this.saveData(); + return callDefault(...args); + } else if (dispatch.type == 'MESSAGE_CREATE' && dispatch.message && (dispatch.message.content.length || (dispatch.attachments && dispatch.attachments.length) || (dispatch.embeds && dispatch.embeds.length)) && dispatch.message.state != 'SENDING' && !dispatch.optimistic && !dispatch.message.type) { + if (this.cachedMessageRecord.findIndex(m => === != -1) return callDefault(...args); + this.cachedMessageRecord.push(dispatch.message); + + /* if ( && == 'sent') this.refilterMessages(); */ + + if (this.settings.aggresiveMessageCaching) { + const channelMessages = this.channelMessages[]; + if (!channelMessages || !channelMessages.ready) this.cacheChannelMessages(; + } + if (!notificationsBlacklisted) { + if ((guild ? this.settings.toastToggles.sent : this.settings.toastTogglesDMs.sent) && (!this.selectedChannel || != { + if (this.settings.useNotificationsInstead) { +`Message sent in ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,, true)}`, { onClick: () => this.openWindow('sent'), onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(,, guild &&, timeout: 4500 }); + } else { + this.showToast(`Message sent in ${this.getLiteralName(channel.guild_id,}`, { type: 'info', onClick: () => this.openWindow('sent'), onContext: () => this.jumpToMessage(,, guild &&, timeout: 4500 }); + } + } + } + callDefault(...args); + } else callDefault(...args); + } catch (err) { + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.stacktrace(this.getName(), 'Error in onDispatchEvent', err); + } + } + /* ==================================================-|| START MENU ||-================================================== */ + processUserRequestQueue() { + return; + if (!this.processUserRequestQueue.queueIntervalTime) this.processUserRequestQueue.queueIntervalTime = 500; + if ( return; + const messageDataManager = () => { + if (! { + clearInterval(; + = 0; + return; + } + const data =; + + .getUserAsync( + .then(res => { + for (let ss of data.success) ss(res); + }) + .catch(reason => { + if (reason.status == 429 && typeof reason.body.retry_after === 'number') { + clearInterval(; + = 0; + this.processUserRequestQueue.queueIntervalTime += 50; + setTimeout(messageDataManager, reason.body.retry_after); + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.warn(this.getName(), 'Rate limited, retrying in', reason.body.retry_after, 'ms'); +; + return; + } + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.warn(this.getName(), `Failed to get info for ${data.username}, reason:`, reason); + for (let ff of ff(); + }); + }; + = setInterval(messageDataManager, this.processUserRequestQueue.queueIntervalTime); + } + patchMessages() { + const Tooltip = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('Tooltip'); + const TimeUtils = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('dateFormat'); + /* suck it you retarded asshole devilfuck */ + const SuffixEdited = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.memo(e => ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.createElement(Tooltip, { text: e.timestamp ? TimeUtils.dateFormat(e.timestamp, 'LLLL') : null }, tt => ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.createElement('time', Object.assign({ dateTime: e.timestamp.toISOString(), className: this.multiClasses.edited, role: 'note' }, tt), `(${ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.LocaleManager.Messages.MESSAGE_EDITED})`))); + SuffixEdited.displayName = 'SuffixEdited'; + const parseContent = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('renderMessageMarkupToAST').default; + const MessageContent = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.find(m => m.type && m.type.displayName === 'MessageContent'); + const MemoMessage = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.find(m => m.type && m.type.toString().indexOf('useContextMenuMessage') !== -1); + if (!MessageContent || !MemoMessage) return XenoLib.Notifications.error('Failed to patch message components, edit history and deleted tint will not show!', { timeout: 0 }); + this.unpatches.push( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.after(this.getName(), MessageContent, 'type', (_, [props], ret) => { + const forceUpdate = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.useState()[1]; + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.useEffect( + function () { + function callback(e) { + if (!e || ! || === { + forceUpdate({}); + } + } + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.subscribe('MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT', callback); + return function () { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.unsubscribe('MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT', callback); + }; + }, + [, forceUpdate] + ); + if (!this.settings.showEditedMessages) return; + if (!this.editedMessageRecord[props.message.channel_id] || this.editedMessageRecord[props.message.channel_id].indexOf( === -1) return; + const record = this.messageRecord[]; + if (!record || record.edits_hidden || !Array.isArray(ret.props.children)) return; + const createEditedMessage = (edit, editNum, isSingular, noSuffix) => + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.createElement( + XenoLib.ReactComponents.ErrorBoundary, + { label: 'Edit history' }, + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.createElement( + Tooltip, + { + text: !!record.delete_data ? null : 'Edited: ' + this.createTimeStamp(edit.time), + position: 'left', + hideOnClick: true + }, + _ => + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.createElement( + 'div', + { + ..._, + className: XenoLib.joinClassNames({ []: props.compact && !isSingular, []: !isSingular }), + editNum + }, + parseContent({ channel_id: props.message.channel_id, mentionChannels: props.message.mentionChannels, content: edit.content, embeds: [] }).content, + noSuffix + ? null + : ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.createElement(SuffixEdited, { + timestamp: + }) + ) + ) + ); + ret.props.className = XenoLib.joinClassNames(ret.props.className,; + const modifier = this.editModifiers[]; + if (modifier) { + ret.props.children = [createEditedMessage(record.edit_history[modifier.editNum], modifier.editNum, true, modifier.noSuffix)]; + return; + } + const oContent = Array.isArray(ret.props.children[0]) ? ret.props.children[0] : ret.props.children[1]; + const edits = []; + let i = 0; + let max = record.edit_history.length; + if (this.settings.maxShownEdits) { + if (record.edit_history.length > this.settings.maxShownEdits) { + if (this.settings.hideNewerEditsFirst) { + max = this.settings.maxShownEdits; + } else { + i = record.edit_history.length - this.settings.maxShownEdits; + } + } + } + for (; i < max; i++) { + const edit = record.edit_history[i]; + if (!edit) continue; + let editNum = i; + edits.push(createEditedMessage(edit, editNum)); + } + ret.props.children = [edits, oContent]; + }) + ); + this.unpatches.push( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.after(this.getName(), MemoMessage, 'type', (_, [props], ret) => { + const forceUpdate = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.useState()[1]; + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.useEffect( + function () { + function callback(e) { + if (!e || ! || === forceUpdate({}); + } + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.subscribe('MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE', callback); + return function () { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.unsubscribe('MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE', callback); + }; + }, + [, forceUpdate] + ); + const record = this.messageRecord[]; + if (!record || !record.delete_data) return; + if (this.noTintIds.indexOf( !== -1) return; + ret.props.className += ' ' +; + ret.props.__MLV2_deleteTime = record.delete_data.time; + }) + ); + const Message = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByIndex(ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getIndex(m => m.default && (m.default.displayName === 'Message' || (m.default.__originalFunction && m.default.__originalFunction.displayName === 'Message')))); + if (Message) { + this.unpatches.push( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.after(this.getName(), Message, 'default', (_, [props], ret) => { + if (!props.__MLV2_deleteTime) return; + const oRef = ret.ref; + ret.ref = e => { + if (e && !e.__tooltip) { + new ZeresPluginLibrary.EmulatedTooltip(e, 'Deleted: ' +'LLLL'), { side: 'left' }); + e.__tooltip = true; + } + if (typeof oRef === 'function') return oRef(e); + else if (XenoLib._.isObject(oRef)) oRef.current = e; + }; + }) + ); + } + this.forceReloadMessages(); + } + forceReloadMessages() { + const instance = ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.findInTree(ZeresPluginLibrary.ReactTools.getReactInstance(document.querySelector('.chat-3bRxxu .content-yTz4x3')), e => e && e.constructor && e.constructor.displayName === 'ChannelChat', { walkable: ['child', 'stateNode'] }); + if (!instance) return; + const unpatch = ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.after(this.getName() + '_RERENDER', instance, 'render', (_this, _, ret) => { + unpatch(); + if (!ret) return; + ret.key = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.KeyGenerator(); + ret.ref = () => _this.forceUpdate(); + }); + instance.forceUpdate(); + } + patchModal() { + // REQUIRED not anymore I guess lol + try { + const confirmModal = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('ConfirmModal'); + this.createModal.confirmationModal = props => { + try { + const ret = confirmModal(props); + if (props.size) ret.props.size = props.size; + + if (props.onCancel) { + const cancelButton = ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.findInReactTree(ret, e => e && e.type === XenoLib.ReactComponents.Button && e.props && e.props.look); + if (cancelButton) cancelButton.props.onClick = props.onCancel; + } + return ret; + } catch (err) { + if (props.onCancel) props.onCancel(); + else props.onClose(); + return null; + } + }; + this.createModal.confirmationModal.Sizes = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('ModalSize').ModalSize; + } catch { } + this.ModalStack = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('openModal', 'hasModalOpen'); + this._modalsApiUnsubcribe = this.ModalStack.modalsApi.subscribe(_ => { + if ( && !this.ModalStack.hasModalOpen( { + = ''; + = false; + = -1; + if ( = 0; + } + }); + /* + this.createModal.confirmationModal = class ConfirmationModal extends ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ConfirmationModal { + constructor(props) { + super(props); + this._handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this); + this._handleClose = this.handleClose.bind(this); + this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmitEx.bind(this); + this.handleClose = this.handleCloseEx.bind(this); + } + handleSubmitEx(e) { + if (this.props.ml2Data) onClearLog(e); + else return this._handleSubmit(e); + } + handleCloseEx(e) { + if (this.props.ml2Data) onChangeOrder(e); + else return this._handleClose(e); + } + render() { + const ret = super.render(); + if (!ret) return ret; + delete ret.props['aria-label']; + return ret; + } + }; + this.unpatches.push( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.instead(this.getName(), ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ConfirmationModal.prototype, 'componentDidMount', (thisObj, args, original) => { + if (thisObj.props.ml2Data) { + if ( { + this.refilterMessages(); + = false; + } + document.getElementById( = this.scrollPosition; + } + return original(...args); + }) + ); +*/ + } + buildMenu(setup) { + const ret = ZeresPluginLibrary.DCM.buildMenu(setup); + return props => ret({ ...props, onClose: _ => { } }); + } + // >>-|| POPULATION ||-<< + createMessageGroup(message, isStart) { + let deleted = false; + let edited = false; + let details = 'Sent in'; + let channel =; + let timestamp = message.timestamp; + let author =; + let noUserInfo = false; + let userInfoBeingRequested = true; + const isBot =; + const record = this.messageRecord[]; + if (record) { + deleted = !!record.delete_data; + edited = !!record.edit_history; + + if (deleted && edited) { + details = 'Edited and deleted from'; + timestamp = record.delete_data.time; + } else if (deleted) { + details = 'Deleted from'; + timestamp = record.delete_data.time; + } else if (edited) { + details = 'Last edit in'; // todo: purged? + if (typeof record.edit_history[record.edit_history.length - 1].time !== 'string') timestamp = record.edit_history[record.edit_history.length - 1].time; + } + } + + details += ` ${this.getLiteralName(message.guild_id || (channel && channel.guild_id), message.channel_id)} `; + + details += `at ${this.createTimeStamp(timestamp, true)}`; + + const classes = this.createMessageGroup.classes; + const getAvatarOf = user => { + if (!user.avatar) return '/assets/322c936a8c8be1b803cd94861bdfa868.png'; + return `${}/${user.avatar}.png?size=128`; + }; + if (!classes.extra) + classes.extra = [ + /* 0 */ XenoLib.joinClassNames(XenoLib.getClass('groupStart message'), XenoLib.getClass('groupStart cozyMessage'), XenoLib.getClass('systemMessage groupStart'), XenoLib.getClass('zalgo wrapper'), XenoLib.getClass('zalgo cozy'), XenoLib.getClass('cozy zalgo')), + /* 1 */ XenoLib.joinClassNames(XenoLib.getClass('groupStart message'), XenoLib.getClass('groupStart cozyMessage'), XenoLib.getClass('zalgo wrapper'), XenoLib.getClass('zalgo cozy'), XenoLib.getClass('cozy zalgo')), + /* 2 */ XenoLib.getClass('username header'), + /* 3 */ XenoLib.joinClassNames(XenoLib.getClass('clickable avatar'), XenoLib.getClass('avatar clickable')), + /* 4 */ XenoLib.joinClassNames(XenoLib.getClass('timestampTooltip username'), XenoLib.getClass('avatar clickable')), + /* 5 */ XenoLib.getClass('separator timestamp'), + /* 6 */ XenoLib.joinClassNames(this.multiClasses.markup, XenoLib.getClass('buttonContainer markupRtl')), + /* 7 */ XenoLib.getClass('embedWrapper container'), + /* 8 */ XenoLib.joinClassNames(XenoLib.getClass('zalgo latin24CompactTimeStamp'), XenoLib.getClass('separator timestamp'), XenoLib.getClass('alt timestampVisibleOnHover'), XenoLib.getClass('timestampVisibleOnHover alt')), + /* 9 */ XenoLib.getClass('latin24CompactTimeStamp separator'), + /* 10 */ XenoLib.getSingleClass('timestampTooltip username'), + /* 11 */ XenoLib.getSingleClass('separator timestamp'), + /* 12 */ XenoLib.getClass('zalgo contents') + ]; + + const element = isStart + ? this.parseHTML(`

${}${(isBot && `BOT`) || ''}${details}

`) + : this.parseHTML(`
+ + + [ + ${this.createTimeStamp(timestamp, -1)} + ] + + +
`); + element.messageId =; + const profImg = element.getElementsByClassName(classes.avatarImgSingle)[0]; + if (profImg) { + profImg.onerror = () => { + profImg.src = '/assets/322c936a8c8be1b803cd94861bdfa868.png'; + }; + const verifyProfilePicture = () => { + if ( != author.avatar && author.avatar) { + profImg.src = getAvatarOf(author); + if (record) { + = author.avatar; + } + } else { + if (record) = null; + } + }; + if (!isBot || true) { + if (!author) { + author =; + if ( => === == -1) { +{ + id:, + username: author.username, + success: [ + res => { + author = $.extend(true, {}, res); + verifyProfilePicture(); + userInfoBeingRequested = false; + } + ], + fail: [ + () => { + noUserInfo = true; + userInfoBeingRequested = false; + } + ] + }); + } else { + const dt = => ===; + dt.success.push(res => { + author = $.extend(true, {}, res); + verifyProfilePicture(); + userInfoBeingRequested = false; + }); + => { + noUserInfo = true; + userInfoBeingRequested = false; + }); + } + } else { + userInfoBeingRequested = false; + verifyProfilePicture(); + } + } + const profIcon = element.getElementsByClassName(classes.avatarImgSingle)[0]; + profIcon.addEventListener('click', () => { + //if (isBot) return this.showToast('User is a bot, this action is not possible on a bot.', { type: 'error', timeout: 5000 }); + if (userInfoBeingRequested) return this.showToast('Internal error', { type: 'info', timeout: 5000 }); + if (noUserInfo) return this.showToast('Could not get user info!', { type: 'error' }); + ZeresPluginLibrary.Popouts.showUserPopout(profIcon, author); + }); + profIcon.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => { + //if (isBot) return this.showToast('User is a bot, this action is not possible on a bot.', { type: 'error', timeout: 5000 }); + if (userInfoBeingRequested) return this.showToast('Internal error', { type: 'info', timeout: 5000 }); + if (noUserInfo) return this.showToast('Could not get user info! You can only delete or copy to clipboard!', { timeout: 5000 }); + ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('openUserContextMenu').openUserContextMenu(e, author, channel ||; + }); + const nameLink = element.getElementsByClassName(classes.extra[10])[0]; + nameLink.addEventListener('click', () => { + //if (isBot) return this.showToast('User is a bot, this action is not possible on a bot.', { type: 'error', timeout: 5000 }); + if (userInfoBeingRequested) return this.showToast('Internal error', { type: 'info', timeout: 5000 }); + if (noUserInfo) return this.showToast('Could not get user info!', { type: 'error' }); + ZeresPluginLibrary.Popouts.showUserPopout(nameLink, author); + }); + nameLink.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => { + //if (isBot) return this.showToast('User is a bot, this action is not possible on a bot.', { type: 'error', timeout: 5000 }); + if (userInfoBeingRequested) return this.showToast('Internal error', { type: 'info', timeout: 5000 }); + if (noUserInfo) return this.showToast('Could not get user info! You can only delete or copy to clipboard!', { type: 'error', timeout: 5000 }); + ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('openUserContextMenu').openUserContextMenu(e, author, channel ||; + }); + const timestampEl = element.getElementsByClassName(classes.extra[11])[0]; + timestampEl.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => { + const messages = [element]; + let target = element.nextElementSibling; + while (target && target.classList && !target.classList.contains(XenoLib.getSingleClass('systemMessage groupStart'))) { + messages.push(target); + target = target.nextElementSibling; + } + if (!messages.length) return; + const messageIds = []; + for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) if (messages[i] && messages[i].messageId) messageIds.push(messages[i].messageId); + if (!messageIds.length) return; + ZeresPluginLibrary.DCM.openContextMenu( + e, + this.buildMenu([ + { + type: 'group', + items: [ + { + label: 'Copy Formatted Message', + action: () => { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ContextMenuActions.closeContextMenu(); + let result = ''; + for (let msgid of messageIds) { + const record = this.messageRecord[msgid]; + if (!record) continue; + if (!result.length) result += `> **${}** | ${this.createTimeStamp(record.message.timestamp, true)}\n`; + result += `> ${record.message.content.replace(/\n/g, '\n> ')}\n`; + } + this.nodeModules.electron.clipboard.writeText(result); + this.showToast('Copied!', { type: 'success' }); + } + }, + { + type: 'item', + label: 'Remove Group From Log', + action: () => { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ContextMenuActions.closeContextMenu(); + let invalidatedChannelCache = false; + for (let msgid of messageIds) { + const record = this.messageRecord[msgid]; + if (!record) continue; // the hell + if ((record.edit_history && !record.edits_hidden) || (record.delete_data && !record.delete_data.hidden)) this.invalidateChannelCache((invalidatedChannelCache = record.message.channel_id)); + this.deleteMessageFromRecords(msgid); + } + if (invalidatedChannelCache) this.cacheChannelMessages(invalidatedChannelCache); + this.refilterMessages(); // I don't like calling that, maybe figure out a way to animate it collapsing on itself smoothly + this.saveData(); + } + } + ] + } + ]) + ); + }); + timestampEl.addEventListener('click', e => { + if (! return; + const messages = [element]; + let target = element.nextElementSibling; + while (target && target.classList && !target.classList.contains(XenoLib.getSingleClass('systemMessage groupStart'))) { + messages.push(target); + target = target.nextElementSibling; + } + if (!messages.length) return; + const messageIds = []; + for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) if (messages[i] && messages[i].messageId) messageIds.push(messages[i].messageId); + if (!messageIds.length) return; + let invalidatedChannelCache = false; + for (let msgid of messageIds) { + const record = this.messageRecord[msgid]; + if (!record) continue; // the hell + if ((record.edit_history && !record.edits_hidden) || (record.delete_data && !record.delete_data.hidden)) this.invalidateChannelCache((invalidatedChannelCache = record.message.channel_id)); + this.deleteMessageFromRecords(msgid); + } + if (invalidatedChannelCache) this.cacheChannelMessages(invalidatedChannelCache); + this.refilterMessages(); // I don't like calling that, maybe figure out a way to animate it collapsing on itself smoothly + this.saveData(); + }); + new ZeresPluginLibrary.EmulatedTooltip(timestampEl, 'Sent at ' +'LLLL'), { side: 'top' }); + } + const messageContext = e => { + let target =; + if (!target.classList.contains('mention') || (target.tagName == 'DIV' && target.classList.contains(ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('imageError').imageError.split(/ /g)[0]))) { + let isMarkup = false; + let isEdited = false; + let isBadImage = target.tagName == 'DIV' && target.classList == ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('imageError').imageError; + if (!isBadImage) { + while (target && (!target.classList || !(isMarkup = target.classList.contains(this.classes.markup)))) { + if (target.classList && target.classList.contains( isEdited = target; + target = target.parentElement; + } + } + + if (isMarkup || isBadImage) { + const messageId =; + const record = this.getSavedMessage(messageId); + if (!record) return; + let editNum = -1; + if (isEdited) editNum = isEdited.edit; + const menuItems = []; + if (channel) { + menuItems.push({ + type: 'item', + label: 'Jump to Message', + action: () => { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ContextMenuActions.closeContextMenu(); + this.jumpToMessage(message.channel_id, messageId, message.guild_id); + } + }); + } + if (!isBadImage || record.message.content.length) { + menuItems.push( + { + type: 'item', + label: 'Copy Text', + action: () => { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ContextMenuActions.closeContextMenu(); + this.nodeModules.electron.clipboard.writeText(editNum != -1 ? record.edit_history[editNum].content : record.message.content); + this.showToast('Copied!', { type: 'success' }); + } + }, + { + type: 'item', + label: 'Copy Formatted Message', + action: () => { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ContextMenuActions.closeContextMenu(); + const content = editNum != -1 ? record.edit_history[editNum].content : record.message.content; + const result = `> **${}** | ${this.createTimeStamp(record.message.timestamp, true)}\n> ${content.replace(/\n/g, '\n> ')}`; + this.nodeModules.electron.clipboard.writeText(result); + this.showToast('Copied!', { type: 'success' }); + } + } + ); + } + if (record.delete_data && record.delete_data.hidden) { + menuItems.push({ + type: 'item', + label: 'Unhide Deleted Message', + action: () => { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ContextMenuActions.closeContextMenu(); + record.delete_data.hidden = false; + this.invalidateChannelCache(record.message.channel_id); // good idea? + this.cacheChannelMessages(record.message.channel_id); + this.saveData(); + this.showToast('Unhidden!', { type: 'success' }); + } + }); + } + if (record.edit_history) { + if (editNum != -1) { + menuItems.push({ + type: 'item', + label: 'Delete Edit', + action: () => { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ContextMenuActions.closeContextMenu(); + this.deleteEditedMessageFromRecord(messageId, editNum); + this.refilterMessages(); // I don't like calling that, maybe figure out a way to animate it collapsing on itself smoothly + this.showToast('Deleted!', { type: 'success' }); + } + }); + } + if (record.edits_hidden) { + menuItems.push({ + type: 'item', + label: 'Unhide Edits', + action: () => { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ContextMenuActions.closeContextMenu(); + record.edits_hidden = false; + this.saveData(); + this.showToast('Unhidden!', { type: 'success' }); + } + }); + } + } + menuItems.push( + { + type: 'item', + label: 'Remove From Log', + action: () => { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ContextMenuActions.closeContextMenu(); + let invalidatedChannelCache = false; + if ((record.edit_history && !record.edits_hidden) || (record.delete_data && !record.delete_data.hidden)) this.invalidateChannelCache((invalidatedChannelCache = record.message.channel_id)); + this.deleteMessageFromRecords(messageId); + this.refilterMessages(); // I don't like calling that, maybe figure out a way to animate it collapsing on itself smoothly + if (invalidatedChannelCache) this.cacheChannelMessages(invalidatedChannelCache); + this.saveData(); + if (record.message.channel_id !== return; + if (record.delete_data) { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dirtyDispatch({ + type: 'MESSAGE_DELETE', + id: messageId, + channelId: record.message.channel_id, + ML2: true // ignore ourselves lol, it's already deleted + // on a side note, probably does nothing if we don't ignore + }); + } else { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dirtyDispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT', id: messageId }); + } + } + }, + { + type: 'item', + label: 'Copy Message ID', + action: () => { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ContextMenuActions.closeContextMenu(); + this.nodeModules.electron.clipboard.writeText(messageId); // todo: store electron or writeText somewhere? + this.showToast('Copied!', { type: 'success' }); + } + } + ); + ZeresPluginLibrary.DCM.openContextMenu( + e, + this.buildMenu([ + { + type: 'group', + items: menuItems + } + ]) + ); + return; + } + } + }; + element.addEventListener('contextmenu', e => messageContext(e)); + element.addEventListener('click', e => { + if (! return; + let target =; + let isMarkup = false; + let isEdited = false; + let isBadImage = target.tagName == 'DIV' && target.classList == ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('imageError').imageError; + if (!isBadImage) { + while (!target.classList.contains('message-2qnXI6') && !(isMarkup = target.classList.contains(this.classes.markup))) { + if (target.classList.contains( isEdited = target; + target = target.parentElement; + } + } + if (!isMarkup && !isBadImage) return; + const messageId =; + const record = this.messageRecord[messageId]; + if (!record) return; + this.invalidateChannelCache(record.message.channel_id); // good idea? + this.cacheChannelMessages(record.message.channel_id); + if (isEdited) { + this.deleteEditedMessageFromRecord(messageId, isEdited.edit); + } else { + this.deleteMessageFromRecords(messageId); + } + this.refilterMessages(); // I don't like calling that, maybe figure out a way to animate it collapsing on itself smoothly + this.saveData(); + }); + return element; + } + populateParent(parent, messages) { + let lastMessage; + let lastType; /* unused */ + let messageGroup; + const populate = i => { + try { + // todo: maybe make the text red if it's deleted? + const messageId = messages[i]; + const record = this.getSavedMessage(messageId); + const message = record ? record.message : this.getMessageAny(messageId); + if (!message) return; + // todo: get type and use it + if (!messageGroup /* || !lastType */ || !lastMessage || lastMessage.channel_id != message.channel_id || != || new Date(message.timestamp).getDate() !== new Date(lastMessage.timestamp).getDate() || (message.attachments.length && message.content.length)) { + messageGroup = this.createMessageGroup(message, true); + } else { + messageGroup = this.createMessageGroup(message); + } + lastMessage = message; + const markup = messageGroup.getElementsByClassName(this.classes.markup)[0]; + const contentDiv = messageGroup.getElementsByClassName(XenoLib.getSingleClass('embedWrapper container'))[0]; + if (record && record.edit_history) { + markup.classList.add(; + for (let ii = 0; ii < record.edit_history.length; ii++) { + const hist = record.edit_history[ii]; + const editedMarkup = this.formatMarkup(hist.content, message.channel_id); + editedMarkup.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ``); // TODO, change this + new ZeresPluginLibrary.EmulatedTooltip(editedMarkup, 'Edited at ' + (typeof hist.time === 'string' ? hist.time : this.createTimeStamp(hist.time)), { side: 'left' }); + editedMarkup.classList.add(; + editedMarkup.edit = ii; + markup.appendChild(editedMarkup); + } + } + markup.append(this.formatMarkup(message.content, message.channel_id)); + if (!record) { + const channel =; + const guild = && channel.guild_id); + markup.addEventListener('click', () => this.jumpToMessage(message.channel_id,, guild &&; + } + // todo, embeds + // how do I do embeds? + + // why don't attachments show for sent messages? what's up with that? + if (message.attachments.length) { + // const attachmentsContent = this.parseHTML(`
`); + const attemptToUseCachedImage = (attachmentId, attachmentIdx, hidden, filename, width, height) => { + const img = document.createElement('img'); + img.classList = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('clickable').clickable; + img.messageId = messageId; + img.idx = attachmentIdx; + = attachmentId; // USED FOR FINDING THE IMAGE THRU CONTEXT MENUS + if (hidden) { + img.src = `${record.message.channel_id},${}`; + img.width = 200; + } else { + img.src = 'http://localhost:7474/' + attachmentId + filename.match(/\.[0-9a-z]+$/i)[0] + `#${record.message.channel_id},${}`; + img.width = 256; + } + img.addEventListener('click', e => { + if ( { + this.deleteMessageFromRecords(messageId); + this.refilterMessages(); // I don't like calling that, maybe figure out a way to animate it collapsing on itself smoothly + this.saveData(); + return; + } + this.createModal( + { + src: img.src + '?ML2=true', // self identify + placeholder: img.src, // cute image here + original: img.src, + width: width, + height: height, + onClickUntrusted: e => e.openHref(), + className: + }, + true + ); + }); + img.onerror = () => { + const imageErrorDiv = document.createElement('div'); + imageErrorDiv.classList = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('imageError').imageError; + imageErrorDiv.messageId = messageId; + contentDiv.replaceChild(imageErrorDiv, img); + }; + contentDiv.appendChild(img); + return true; + }; + const handleCreateImage = (attachment, idx) => { + if (attachment.url == 'ERROR') { + attemptToUseCachedImage(, idx, attachment.hidden, attachment.filename, attachment.width, attachment.height); + } else { + if (!this.isImage(attachment.url)) return; // bruh + const img = document.createElement('img'); + img.classList = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('clickable').clickable; + img.messageId = messageId; + =; // USED FOR FINDING THE IMAGE THRU CONTEXT MENUS + img.idx = idx; + // = '104px'; // bruh? + if (record) { + img.addEventListener('click', () => { + if ( { + this.deleteMessageFromRecords(messageId); + this.refilterMessages(); // I don't like calling that, maybe figure out a way to animate it collapsing on itself smoothly + this.saveData(); + return; + } + this.createModal( + { + src: attachment.url + '?ML2=true', // self identify + placeholder: attachment.url, // cute image here + original: attachment.url, + width: attachment.width, + height: attachment.height, + onClickUntrusted: e => e.openHref(), + className: + }, + true + ); + }); + } + img.onerror = () => { + if (img.triedCache) { + const imageErrorDiv = document.createElement('div'); + imageErrorDiv.classList = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('imageError').imageError; + imageErrorDiv.messageId = messageId; + contentDiv.replaceChild(imageErrorDiv, img); + } + if (record) { + this.nodeModules.request.head(attachment.url, (err, res) => { + if (err || res.statusCode != 404) return; + record.message.attachments[idx].url = 'ERROR'; + img.src = 'http://localhost:7474/' + + attachment.filename.match(/\.[0-9a-z]+$/)[0]; + img.triedCache = true; + }); + } + }; + if (attachment.hidden) { + img.src = `${record.message.channel_id},${}`; + img.width = 200; + } else { + img.src = attachment.url; + img.width = this.clamp(attachment.width, 200, 650); + } + contentDiv.appendChild(img); + } + }; + for (let ii = 0; ii < message.attachments.length; ii++) handleCreateImage(message.attachments[ii], ii); + } + if (message.embeds && message.embeds.length && false) { + const ddiv = document.createElement('div'); + // TODO: optimize + if (!this.populateParent.__embedcontainer) this.populateParent.__embedcontainer = this.safeGetClass(() => ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('containerCozy', 'gifFavoriteButton').containerCozy, 'containerCozy'); + ddiv.className = this.populateParent.__embedcontainer; + const fuckme = new (ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('MessageAccessories'))({ channel: || }); + for (const embed of message.embeds) { + const embedBase = { + GIFVComponent: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('LazyGIFV'), + ImageComponent: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('LazyImageZoomable'), + LinkComponent: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('MaskedLink'), + VideoComponent: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('LazyVideo'), + allowFullScreen: true, + autoPlayGif: true, + backgroundOpacity: '', + className: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('embedWrapper', 'gifFavoriteButton').embedWrapper, + embed: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('sanitizeEmbed').sanitizeEmbed(message.channel_id,, embed), + hideMedia: false, + inlineGIFV: true, + maxMediaHeight: 300, + maxMediaWidth: 400, + maxThumbnailHeight: 80, + maxThumbnailWidth: 80, + suppressEmbed: false, + renderTitle: fuckme.renderEmbedTitle.bind(fuckme), + renderDescription: fuckme.renderEmbedDescription.bind(fuckme), + renderLinkComponent: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('defaultRenderLinkComponent').defaultRenderLinkComponent, + renderImageComponent: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('renderImageComponent').renderImageComponent, + renderVideoComponent: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('renderVideoComponent').renderVideoComponent, + renderAudioComponent: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('renderAudioComponent').renderAudioComponent, + renderMaskedLinkComponent: ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByProps('renderMaskedLinkComponent').renderMaskedLinkComponent + }; + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.ReactDOM.render(ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.createElement(ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('Embed'), embedBase), ddiv); + } + contentDiv.appendChild(ddiv); + } + if (!contentDiv.childElementCount && !message.content.length) return; // don't bother + //messageContent.appendChild(divParent); + parent.appendChild(messageGroup); + } catch (err) { + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.stacktrace(this.getName(), 'Error in populateParent', err); + } + }; + let i = 0; + const addMore = () => { + for (let added = 0; i < messages.length && (added < this.settings.renderCap || ( != -1 && i <; i++, added++) populate(i); + handleMoreMessages(); + = i; + }; + const handleMoreMessages = () => { + if (i < messages.length) { + const div = document.createElement('div'); + const moreButton = this.createButton('LOAD MORE', function () { + this.parentElement.remove(); + addMore(); + }); + = '100%'; + = '20px'; + div.appendChild(moreButton); + parent.appendChild(div); + } + }; + + if (this.settings.renderCap) addMore(); + else for (; i < messages.length; i++) populate(i); + this.processUserRequestQueue(); + if (!messages.length) { + const strong = document.createElement('strong'); + strong.className = this.multiClasses.defaultColor; + strong.innerText = "Not to worry, the logger is not broken! There simply wasn't anything logged in the selected tab."; + parent.appendChild(strong); + } + } + // >>-|| FILTERING ||-<< + sortMessagesByAge(map) { + // sort direction: new - old + map.sort((a, b) => { + const recordA = this.messageRecord[a]; + const recordB = this.messageRecord[b]; + if (!recordA || !recordB) return 0; + let timeA = new Date(recordA.message.timestamp).getTime(); + let timeB = new Date(recordB.message.timestamp).getTime(); + if (recordA.edit_history && typeof recordA.edit_history[recordA.edit_history.length - 1].time !== 'string') timeA = recordA.edit_history[recordA.edit_history.length - 1].time; + if (recordB.edit_history && typeof recordB.edit_history[recordB.edit_history.length - 1].time !== 'string') timeB = recordB.edit_history[recordB.edit_history.length - 1].time; + if (recordA.delete_data && recordA.delete_data.time) timeA = recordA.delete_data.time; + if (recordB.delete_data && recordB.delete_data.time) timeB = recordB.delete_data.time; + return parseInt(timeB) - parseInt(timeA); + }); + } + getFilteredMessages() { + let messages = []; + + const pushIdsIntoMessages = map => { + for (let channel in map) { + for (let messageIdIDX in map[channel]) { + messages.push(map[channel][messageIdIDX]); + } + } + }; + const checkIsMentioned = map => { + for (let channel in map) { + for (let messageIdIDX in map[channel]) { + const messageId = map[channel][messageIdIDX]; + const record = this.getSavedMessage(messageId); + if (!record) continue; + if (record.ghost_pinged) { + messages.push(messageId); + } + } + } + }; + + if ( == 'sent') { + for (let i of this.cachedMessageRecord) { + messages.push(; + } + } + if ( == 'edited') pushIdsIntoMessages(this.editedMessageRecord); + if ( == 'deleted') pushIdsIntoMessages(this.deletedMessageRecord); + if ( == 'purged') pushIdsIntoMessages(this.purgedMessageRecord); + if ( == 'ghostpings') { + checkIsMentioned(this.deletedMessageRecord); + checkIsMentioned(this.editedMessageRecord); + checkIsMentioned(this.purgedMessageRecord); + } + + const filters =','); + + for (let i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) { + const split = filters[i].split(':'); + if (split.length < 2) continue; + + const filterType = split[0].trim().toLowerCase(); + const filter = split[1].trim().toLowerCase(); + + if (filterType == 'server' || filterType == 'guild') + messages = messages.filter(x => { + const message = this.getMessageAny(x); + if (!message) return false; + const channel =; + const guild = || (channel && channel.guild_id)); + return (message.guild_id || (channel && channel.guild_id)) == filter || (guild &&; + }); + + if (filterType == 'channel') + messages = messages.filter(x => { + const message = this.getMessageAny(x); + if (!message) return false; + const channel =; + return message.channel_id == filter || (channel &&'#', '').toLowerCase())); + }); + + if (filterType == 'message' || filterType == 'content') + messages = messages.filter(x => { + const message = this.getMessageAny(x); + return x == filter || (message && message.content.toLowerCase().includes(filter.toLowerCase())); + }); + + if (filterType == 'user') + messages = messages.filter(x => { + const message = this.getMessageAny(x); + if (!message) return false; + const channel =; + const member = ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.GuildMemberStore.getMember(message.guild_id || (channel && channel.guild_id),; + return == filter || || (member && member.nick && member.nick.toLowerCase().includes(filter.toLowerCase())); + }); + + if (filterType == 'has') { + switch (filter) { + case 'image': + messages = messages.filter(x => { + const message = this.getMessageAny(x); + if (!message) return false; + if (Array.isArray(message.attachments)) if (message.attachments.some(({ filename }) => ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.DiscordConstants.IMAGE_RE.test(filename))) return true; + if (Array.isArray(message.embeds)) return message.embeds.some(({ image }) => !!image); + return false; + }); + break; + case 'link': + messages = messages.filter(x => { + const message = this.getMessageAny(x); + if (!message) return false; + return\/\/[\w\W]{2,}/) !== -1; + }); + break; + } + } + } + + if ( != 'sent') { + this.sortMessagesByAge(messages); + if (this.settings.reverseOrder) messages.reverse(); // this gave me a virtual headache + } else if (!this.settings.reverseOrder) messages.reverse(); // this gave me a virtual headache + + return messages; + } + // >>-|| REPOPULATE ||-<< + refilterMessages() { + const messagesDIV = document.getElementById(; + const original =; + = 'none'; + while (messagesDIV.firstChild) messagesDIV.removeChild(messagesDIV.firstChild); + = this.getFilteredMessages(); + this.populateParent(messagesDIV,; + = original; + } + // >>-|| HEADER ||-<< + openTab(tab) { + const tabBar = document.getElementById(; + if (!tabBar) return this.showToast(`Error switching to tab ${tab}!`, { type: 'error', timeout: 3000 }); + tabBar.querySelector(`.${}`).classList.remove(; + tabBar.querySelector('#' + tab).classList.add(; + = tab; + setTimeout(() => this.refilterMessages(), 0); + } + createHeader() { + const classes = this.createHeader.classes; + const createTab = (title, id) => { + const tab = this.parseHTML(`
`); + tab.addEventListener('mousedown', () => this.openTab(id)); + return tab; + }; + const tabBar = this.parseHTML(`
`); + const tabs = tabBar.getElementsByClassName(classes.tabBarSingle)[0]; + tabs.appendChild(createTab('Sent', 'sent')); + tabs.appendChild(createTab('Deleted', 'deleted')); + tabs.appendChild(createTab('Edited', 'edited')); + tabs.appendChild(createTab('Purged', 'purged')); + tabs.appendChild(createTab('Ghost pings', 'ghostpings')); + const measureWidth = el => { + el = el.cloneNode(true); + + = 'hidden'; + = 'absolute'; + + document.body.appendChild(el); + let result = el.getBoundingClientRect().width; + el.remove(); + return result; + }; + const totalWidth = measureWidth(tabs) * 2 - 20; + const wantedTabWidth = totalWidth / tabs.childElementCount; + const wantedTabMargin = wantedTabWidth / 2; + let tab = tabs.firstElementChild; + while (tab) { + = '0px'; + const tabWidth = measureWidth(tab); + if (tabWidth > wantedTabWidth) { + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.err(this.getName(), `What the shit? Tab ${tab} is massive!!`); + tab = tab.nextElementSibling; + continue; + } + = = `${wantedTabMargin - tabWidth / 2}px`; + tab = tab.nextElementSibling; + } + = '20px'; + return tabBar; + } + createTextBox() { + const classes = this.createTextBox.classes; + let textBox = this.parseHTML( + `
` + ); + const inputEl = textBox.getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; + inputEl.addEventListener('focusout', e => { + DOMTokenList.prototype.remove.apply(, classes.focused); + }); + inputEl.addEventListener('focusin', e => { + DOMTokenList.prototype.add.apply(, classes.focused); + }); + const onUpdate = e => { + if ( clearTimeout(; + = inputEl.value; + const filters =','); + // console.log(filters); + if (!filters[0].length) return this.refilterMessages(); + = setTimeout(() => { + if (filters[0].length) { + for (let i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) { + const split = filters[i].split(':'); + if (split.length < 2) return; + } + } + this.refilterMessages(); + }, 200); + }; + inputEl.addEventListener('keyup', onUpdate); // maybe I can actually use keydown but it didn't work for me + inputEl.addEventListener('paste', onUpdate); + const helpButton = textBox.getElementsByClassName(classes.questionMarkSingle)[0]; + helpButton.addEventListener('click', () => { + const extraHelp = this.createButton('Logger help', () => this.showLoggerHelpModal()); + this.createModal({ + confirmText: 'OK', + header: 'Filter help', + size: this.createModal.confirmationModal.Sizes.LARGE, + children: [ + ZeresPluginLibrary.ReactTools.createWrappedElement([ + this.parseHTML( + `
"server: " - Filter results with the specified server name or id. + "channel: " - Filter results with the specified channel name or id. + "user: " - Filter results with the specified username, nickname or userid. + "message: " or "content: " - Filter results with the specified message content. + "has: - Filter results to only images or links + + Separate the search tags with commas. + Example: server: tom's bd stuff, message: heck + + + Shortcut help: + + "Ctrl + M" (default) - Open message log. + "Ctrl + N" (default) - Open message log with selected channel filtered.\n\n
`.replace(/\n/g, '
') + ), + extraHelp + ]) + ], + red: false + }); + }); + new ZeresPluginLibrary.EmulatedTooltip(helpButton, 'Help!', { side: 'top' }); + return textBox; + } + // >>-|| MENU MODAL CREATION ||-<< + openWindow(type) { + if ( { + = 0; + if (type) this.openTab(type); + return; + } + = true; + if (type) = type; + if (! = 'deleted'; + const messagesDIV = this.parseHTML(`
`); + const viewportHeight = document.getElementById('app-mount').getBoundingClientRect().height; + = viewportHeight * 0.514090909 + 'px'; // hack but ok + // = 'none'; + const onChangeOrder = el => { + this.settings.reverseOrder = !this.settings.reverseOrder; + = 'Sort direction: ' + (!this.settings.reverseOrder ? 'new - old' : 'old - new'); // maybe a func? + this.saveSettings(); + this.refilterMessages(); + }; + + const Text = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('Text'); + const onClearLog = e => { + if (!Text) return; + if (document.getElementById([0]) != -1) return; + let type =; + if (type === 'ghostpings') type = 'ghost pings'; + else { + type += ' messages'; + } + this.createModal({ + header: 'Clear log', + children: ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.React.createElement(Text, { size: Text.Sizes.SIZE_16, children: [`Are you sure you want to delete all ${type}${ ? ' that also match filter' : ''}?`] }), + confirmText: 'Confirm', + cancelText: 'Cancel', + onConfirm: () => { + if ( == 'sent') { + if (! + for (let id of + this.cachedMessageRecord.splice( + this.cachedMessageRecord.findIndex(m => === id), + 1 + ); + else this.cachedMessageRecord.length = 0; // hack, does it cause a memory leak? + } else { + for (let id of { + const record = this.messageRecord[id]; + let isSelected = false; + if (record) { + this.invalidateChannelCache(record.message.channel_id); + if (this.selectedChannel) isSelected = record.message.channel_id ===; + } + this.deleteMessageFromRecords(id); + if (this.selectedChannel && isSelected) this.cacheChannelMessages(; + } + this.saveData(); + } + setImmediate(_ => this.refilterMessages()); + // = true; + } + }); + }; + this.createModal( + { + confirmText: 'Clear log', + cancelText: 'Sort direction: ' + (!this.settings.reverseOrder ? 'new - old' : 'old - new'), + header: ZeresPluginLibrary.ReactTools.createWrappedElement([this.createTextBox(), this.createHeader()]), + size: this.createModal.confirmationModal.Sizes.LARGE, + children: [ZeresPluginLibrary.ReactTools.createWrappedElement([messagesDIV])], + onCancel: onChangeOrder, + onConfirm: onClearLog, + onClose: _ => { }, + ml2Data: true, + className:, + ref: e => { + console.log(ref); + if (!e) return; + /* advanced tech! */ + const stateNode = ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.getNestedProp(e, '_reactInternalFiber.return.return.stateNode.firstChild.childNodes.1.firstChild'); + if (!stateNode) return; + stateNode.addEventListener( + 'scroll', + => { + this.scrollPosition = document.getElementById(; + }, 100) + ); + } + }, + false, + + ); + let loadAttempts = 0; + const loadMessages = () => { + loadAttempts++; + try { + this.refilterMessages(); + } catch (e) { + if (loadAttempts > 4) { + XenoLib.Notifications.error(`Couldn't load menu messages! Report this issue to Lighty, error info is in console`, { timeout: 0 }); + ZeresPluginLibrary.Logger.stacktrace(this.getName(), 'Failed loading menu', e); + return; + } + setTimeout(loadMessages, 100); + } + }; + setTimeout(loadMessages, 100); + } + /* ==================================================-|| END MENU ||-================================================== */ + /* ==================================================-|| START CONTEXT MENU ||-================================================== */ + patchContextMenus() { + const Patcher = XenoLib.createSmartPatcher({ before: (moduleToPatch, functionName, callback, options = {}) => ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.before(this.getName(), moduleToPatch, functionName, callback, options), instead: (moduleToPatch, functionName, callback, options = {}) => ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.instead(this.getName(), moduleToPatch, functionName, callback, options), after: (moduleToPatch, functionName, callback, options = {}) => ZeresPluginLibrary.Patcher.after(this.getName(), moduleToPatch, functionName, callback, options) }); + const WebpackModules = ZeresPluginLibrary.WebpackModules; + this.unpatches.push( + Patcher.after( + WebpackModules.find(({ default: defaul }) => defaul && defaul.displayName === 'NativeImageContextMenu'), + 'default', + (_, [props], ret) => { + const newItems = []; + if (! return; + const menu = ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.getNestedProp( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.findInReactTree(ret, e => e && e.type && e.type.displayName === 'Menu'), + 'props.children' + ); + if (!Array.isArray(menu)) return; + const addElement = (label, callback, id, options = {}) => newItems.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuItem(label, callback, id, options)); + let matched; + let isCached = false; + if (!props.src) return; + if (props.src.startsWith('data:image/png')) { + const cut = props.src.substr(0, 100); + matched = cut.match(/;(\d+);(\d+);/); + isCached = true; + } else { + matched = props.src.match(/.*ments\/(\d+)\/(\d+)\//); + if (!matched) matched = props.src.match(/r8q6.png#(\d+),(\d+)/); + if (!matched) { + matched = props.src.match(/localhost:7474.*#(\d+),(\d+)/); + isCached = true; + } + } + if (!matched) return; + const channelId = matched[1]; + const attachmentId = matched[2]; + const element = document.getElementById(attachmentId); + if (!element) return; + const attachmentIdx = element.idx; + const record = this.getSavedMessage(element.messageId); + if (!record) return; + addElement( + 'Save to Folder', + () => { + const { dialog } = this.nodeModules.electron.remote; + dialog + .showSaveDialog({ + defaultPath: record.message.attachments[attachmentIdx].filename + }) + .then(({ filePath: dir }) => { + if (!dir) return; + const attemptToUseCached = () => { + const srcFile = `${this.settings.imageCacheDir}/${attachmentId}${record.message.attachments[attachmentIdx].filename.match(/\.[0-9a-z]+$/)[0]}`; + if (!this.nodeModules.fs.existsSync(srcFile)) return this.showToast('Image does not exist locally!', { type: 'error', timeout: 5000 }); + this.nodeModules.fs.copyFileSync(srcFile, dir); + this.showToast('Saved!', { type: 'success' }); + }; + if (isCached) { + attemptToUseCached(); + } else { + const req = this.nodeModules.request(record.message.attachments[attachmentIdx].url); + req.on('response', res => { + if (res.statusCode == 200) { + req + .pipe(this.nodeModules.fs.createWriteStream(dir)) + .on('finish', () => this.showToast('Saved!', { type: 'success' })) + .on('error', () => this.showToast('Failed to save! No permissions.', { type: 'error', timeout: 5000 })); + } else if (res.statusCode == 404) { + attemptToUseCached(); + } else { + attemptToUseCached(); + } + }); + } + }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('save-to') + ); + addElement( + 'Copy to Clipboard', + () => { + const { clipboard, nativeImage } = this.nodeModules.electron; + const attemptToUseCached = () => { + const srcFile = `${this.settings.imageCacheDir}/${attachmentId}${record.message.attachments[attachmentIdx].filename.match(/\.[0-9a-z]+$/)[0]}`; + if (!this.nodeModules.fs.existsSync(srcFile)) return this.showToast('Image does not exist locally!', { type: 'error', timeout: 5000 }); + clipboard.write({ image: srcFile }); + this.showToast('Copied!', { type: 'success' }); + }; + if (isCached) { + attemptToUseCached(); + } else { + const path = this.nodeModules.path; + const process = require('process'); + // ImageToClipboard by Zerebos + this.nodeModules.request({ url: record.message.attachments[attachmentIdx].url, encoding: null }, (error, response, buffer) => { + if (error || response.statusCode != 200) { + this.showToast('Failed to copy. Image may not exist. Attempting to use local image cache.', { type: 'error' }); + attemptToUseCached(); + return; + } + if (process.platform === 'win32' || process.platform === 'darwin') { + clipboard.write({ image: nativeImage.createFromBuffer(buffer) }); + } else { + const file = path.join(process.env.HOME, 'ml2temp.png'); + this.nodeModules.fs.writeFileSync(file, buffer, { encoding: null }); + clipboard.write({ image: file }); + this.nodeModules.fs.unlinkSync(file); + } + this.showToast('Copied!', { type: 'success' }); + }); + } + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('copy-to') + ); + addElement( + 'Jump to Message', + () => { + this.jumpToMessage(channelId, element.messageId, record.message.guild_id); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('jump-to') + ); + if (record.delete_data && record.delete_data.hidden) { + addElement( + 'Unhide Deleted Message', + () => { + record.delete_data.hidden = false; + this.invalidateChannelCache(record.message.channel_id); // good idea? + this.cacheChannelMessages(record.message.channel_id); + this.saveData(); + this.showToast('Unhidden!', { type: 'success' }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('unhide-deleted') + ); + } + if (record.edit_history && record.edits_hidden) { + addElement( + 'Unhide Message History', + () => { + record.edits_hidden = false; + this.invalidateChannelCache(record.message.channel_id); // good idea? + this.cacheChannelMessages(record.message.channel_id); + this.saveData(); + this.showToast('Unhidden!', { type: 'success' }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('unhide-edited') + ); + } + addElement( + 'Remove From Log', + () => { + this.deleteMessageFromRecords(element.messageId); + this.refilterMessages(); // I don't like calling that, maybe figure out a way to animate it collapsing on itself smoothly + this.saveData(); + if (record.delete_data) ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dirtyDispatch({ type: 'MESSAGE_DELETE', id: messageId, channelId: channelId, ML2: true }); + else ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dirtyDispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT', id: messageId }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('remove') + ); + if (!props.src.startsWith('')) { + addElement( + 'Hide Image From Log', + () => { + record.message.attachments[attachmentIdx].hidden = true; + element.src = `${channelId},${attachmentId}`; + element.width = 200; + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('hide-image') + ); + } else { + addElement( + 'Unhide Image From Log', + () => { + record.message.attachments[attachmentIdx].hidden = false; + const srcFile = `http://localhost:7474/${attachmentId}${record.message.attachments[attachmentIdx].filename.match(/\.[0-9a-z]+$/)[0]}#${channelId},${attachmentId}`; + element.src = record.message.attachments[attachmentIdx].url === 'ERROR' ? srcFile : record.message.attachments[attachmentIdx].url; + element.width = record.message.attachments[attachmentIdx].url === 'ERROR' ? 256 : this.clamp(record.message.attachments[attachmentIdx].width, 200, 650); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('unhide-image') + ); + } + if (!newItems.length) return; + menu.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuGroup([XenoLib.createContextMenuSubMenu(this.settings.contextmenuSubmenuName, newItems, this.obfuscatedClass('mlv2'))])); + } + ) + ); + this.unpatches.push( + Patcher.after( + WebpackModules.find(({ default: defaul }) => defaul && defaul.displayName === 'MessageContextMenu'), + 'default', + (_, [props], ret) => { + const newItems = []; + const menu = ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.getNestedProp( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.findInReactTree(ret, e => e && e.type && e.type.displayName === 'Menu'), + 'props.children' + ); + if (!Array.isArray(menu)) return; + const addElement = (label, callback, id, options = {}) => newItems.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuItem(label, callback, id, options)); + addElement('Open Logs', () => this.openWindow(), this.obfuscatedClass('open')); + const messageId =; + const channelId =; + const record = this.messageRecord[messageId]; + if (record) { + /* + addElement('Show in menu', () => { + = `message:${messageId}`; + this.openWindow(); + }); */ + if (record.delete_data) { + const options = menu.find(m => m.props.children && m.props.children.length > 10); + options.props.children.splice(0, options.props.children.length); + addElement( + 'Hide Deleted Message', + () => { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dirtyDispatch({ + type: 'MESSAGE_DELETE', + id: messageId, + channelId: channelId, + ML2: true // ignore ourselves lol, it's already deleted + // on a side note, probably does nothing if we don't ignore + }); + this.showToast('Hidden!', { type: 'success' }); + record.delete_data.hidden = true; + this.saveData(); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('hide-deleted') + ); + const idx = this.noTintIds.indexOf(messageId); + addElement( + `${idx !== -1 ? 'Add' : 'Remove'} Deleted Tint`, + () => { + if (idx !== -1) this.noTintIds.splice(idx, 1); + else this.noTintIds.push(messageId); + this.showToast(idx !== -1 ? 'Added!' : 'Removed!', { type: 'success' }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('change-tint') + ); + } + if (record.edit_history) { + if (record.edits_hidden) { + addElement( + 'Unhide Edits', + () => { + record.edits_hidden = false; + this.saveData(); + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT', id: messageId }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('unhide-edits') + ); + } else { + let target =; + if (target) { + while (target && target.className && target.className.indexOf( === -1) { + target = target.parentElement; + } + if (target) { + if (!this.editModifiers[messageId]) { + addElement( + 'Hide Edits', + () => { + record.edits_hidden = true; + this.saveData(); + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT', id: messageId }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('hide-edits') + ); + } + const editNum = target.getAttribute('editNum'); + if (this.editModifiers[messageId]) { + addElement( + `${this.editModifiers[messageId].noSuffix ? 'Show' : 'Hide'} (edited) Tag`, + () => { + this.editModifiers[messageId].noSuffix = true; + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT', id: messageId }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('change-edit-tag') + ); + addElement( + `Undo Show As Message`, + () => { + delete this.editModifiers[messageId]; + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT', id: messageId }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('undo-show-as-message') + ); + } else if (typeof editNum !== 'undefined' && editNum !== null) { + addElement( + 'Show Edit As Message', + () => { + this.editModifiers[messageId] = { editNum }; + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT', id: messageId }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('show-as-message') + ); + addElement( + 'Delete Edit', + () => { + this.deleteEditedMessageFromRecord(messageId, parseInt(editNum)); + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT', id: messageId }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('delete-edit'), + { color: 'colorDanger' } + ); + } + } + } + } + } + if (record) { + addElement( + 'Remove From Log', + () => { + this.deleteMessageFromRecords(messageId); + this.saveData(); + if (record.delete_data) { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dirtyDispatch({ + type: 'MESSAGE_DELETE', + id: messageId, + channelId: channelId, + ML2: true // ignore ourselves lol, it's already deleted + // on a side note, probably does nothing if we don't ignore + }); + } else { + ZeresPluginLibrary.DiscordModules.Dispatcher.dirtyDispatch({ type: 'MLV2_FORCE_UPDATE_MESSAGE_CONTENT', id: messageId }); + } + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('remove-from-log'), + { color: 'colorDanger' } + ); + } + } + if (!newItems.length) return; + menu.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuGroup([XenoLib.createContextMenuSubMenu(this.settings.contextmenuSubmenuName, newItems, this.obfuscatedClass('mlv2'))])); + } + ) + ); + + const handleWhiteBlackList = (newItems, id) => { + const addElement = (label, callback, id, options = {}) => newItems.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuItem(label, callback, id, options)); + const whitelistIdx = this.settings.whitelist.findIndex(m => m === id); + const blacklistIdx = this.settings.blacklist.findIndex(m => m === id); + if (whitelistIdx == -1 && blacklistIdx == -1) { + addElement( + `Add to Whitelist`, + () => { + this.settings.whitelist.push(id); + this.saveSettings(); + this.showToast('Added!', { type: 'success' }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('add-whitelist') + ); + addElement( + `Add to Blacklist`, + () => { + this.settings.blacklist.push(id); + this.saveSettings(); + this.showToast('Added!', { type: 'success' }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('add-blacklist') + ); + } else if (whitelistIdx != -1) { + addElement( + `Remove From Whitelist`, + () => { + this.settings.whitelist.splice(whitelistIdx, 1); + this.saveSettings(); + this.showToast('Removed!', { type: 'success' }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('remove-whitelist') + ); + addElement( + `Move to Blacklist`, + () => { + this.settings.whitelist.splice(whitelistIdx, 1); + this.settings.blacklist.push(id); + this.saveSettings(); + this.showToast('Moved!', { type: 'success' }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('move-blacklist') + ); + } else { + addElement( + `Remove From Blacklist`, + () => { + this.settings.blacklist.splice(blacklistIdx, 1); + this.saveSettings(); + this.showToast('Removed!', { type: 'success' }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('remove-blacklist') + ); + addElement( + `Move to Whitelist`, + () => { + this.settings.blacklist.splice(blacklistIdx, 1); + this.settings.whitelist.push(id); + this.saveSettings(); + this.showToast('Moved!', { type: 'success' }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('move-whitelist') + ); + } + const notifIdx = this.settings.notificationBlacklist.indexOf(id); + addElement( + `${notifIdx === -1 ? 'Add To' : 'Remove From'} Notification Blacklist`, + () => { + if (notifIdx === -1) this.settings.notificationBlacklist.push(id); + else this.settings.notificationBlacklist.splice(notifIdx, 1); + this.saveSettings(); + this.showToast(notifIdx === -1 ? 'Added!' : 'Removed!', { type: 'success' }); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('change-notif-blacklist') + ); + }; + + this.unpatches.push( + Patcher.after( + WebpackModules.find(({ default: defaul }) => defaul && defaul.displayName === 'ChannelListTextChannelContextMenu' && defaul.toString().search(/\(0,\w\.default\)\(\w,\w\),\w=\(0,\w\.default\)\(\w,\w\),\w=\(0,\w\.default\)\(\w,\w\),\w=\(0,\w\.default\)\(\w\),\w=\(0,\w\.default\)\(\w\.id\)/) !== -1), + 'default', + (_, [props], ret) => { + const newItems = []; + const menu = ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.getNestedProp( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.findInReactTree(ret, e => e && e.type && e.type.displayName === 'Menu'), + 'props.children' + ); + if (!Array.isArray(menu)) return; + const addElement = (label, callback, id, options = {}) => newItems.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuItem(label, callback, id, options)); + addElement('Open Logs', () => this.openWindow(), this.obfuscatedClass('open')); + addElement( + `Open Log For Channel`, + () => { + = `channel:${}`; + this.openWindow(); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('open-channel') + ); + handleWhiteBlackList(newItems,; + if (!newItems.length) return; + menu.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuGroup([XenoLib.createContextMenuSubMenu(this.settings.contextmenuSubmenuName, newItems, this.obfuscatedClass('mlv2'))])); + } + ) + ); + + this.unpatches.push( + Patcher.after( + WebpackModules.find(({ default: defaul }) => defaul && defaul.displayName === 'GuildContextMenu'), + 'default', + (_, [props], ret) => { + const newItems = []; + const menu = ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.getNestedProp( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.findInReactTree(ret, e => e && e.type && e.type.displayName === 'Menu'), + 'props.children' + ); + if (!Array.isArray(menu)) return; + const addElement = (label, callback, id, options = {}) => newItems.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuItem(label, callback, id, options)); + addElement( + 'Open Logs', + () => { + this.openWindow(); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('open') + ); + addElement( + `Open Log For Guild`, + () => { + = `guild:${}`; + this.openWindow(); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('open-guild') + ); + handleWhiteBlackList(newItems,; + if (!newItems.length) return; + menu.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuGroup([XenoLib.createContextMenuSubMenu(this.settings.contextmenuSubmenuName, newItems, this.obfuscatedClass('mlv2'))])); + } + ) + ); + + this.unpatches.push( + Patcher.after( + WebpackModules.find(({ default: defaul }) => defaul && defaul.displayName === 'GuildChannelUserContextMenu'), + 'default', + (_, [props], ret) => { + const newItems = []; + const menu = ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.getNestedProp( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.findInReactTree(ret, e => e && e.type && e.type.displayName === 'Menu'), + 'props.children' + ); + if (!Array.isArray(menu)) return; + const addElement = (label, callback, id, options = {}) => newItems.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuItem(label, callback, id, options)); + addElement( + 'Open Logs', + () => { + this.openWindow(); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('open') + ); + addElement( + `Open Log For User`, + () => { + = `user:${}`; + this.openWindow(); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('open-user') + ); + if (!newItems.length) return; + menu.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuGroup([XenoLib.createContextMenuSubMenu(this.settings.contextmenuSubmenuName, newItems, this.obfuscatedClass('mlv2'))])); + } + ) + ); + + this.unpatches.push( + Patcher.after( + WebpackModules.find(({ default: defaul }) => defaul && defaul.displayName === 'DMUserContextMenu'), + 'default', + (_, [props], ret) => { + const newItems = []; + const menu = ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.getNestedProp( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.findInReactTree(ret, e => e && e.type && e.type.displayName === 'Menu'), + 'props.children' + ); + if (!Array.isArray(menu)) return; + const addElement = (label, callback, id, options = {}) => newItems.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuItem(label, callback, id, options)); + addElement( + 'Open Logs', + () => { + this.openWindow(); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('open') + ); + addElement( + `Open Log For User`, + () => { + = `user:${}`; + this.openWindow(); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('open-user') + ); + addElement( + `Open Log For DM`, + () => { + = `channel:${}`; + this.openWindow(); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('open-dm') + ); + handleWhiteBlackList(newItems,; + if (!newItems.length) return; + menu.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuGroup([XenoLib.createContextMenuSubMenu(this.settings.contextmenuSubmenuName, newItems, this.obfuscatedClass('mlv2'))])); + } + ) + ); + + this.unpatches.push( + Patcher.after( + WebpackModules.find(({ default: defaul }) => defaul && defaul.displayName === 'GroupDMContextMenu'), + 'default', + (_, [props], ret) => { + const newItems = []; + const menu = ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.getNestedProp( + ZeresPluginLibrary.Utilities.findInReactTree(ret, e => e && e.type && e.type.displayName === 'Menu'), + 'props.children' + ); + if (!Array.isArray(menu)) return; + const addElement = (label, callback, id, options = {}) => newItems.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuItem(label, callback, id, options)); + addElement('Open Logs', () => this.openWindow(), this.obfuscatedClass('open')); + addElement( + `Open Log For Channel`, + () => { + = `channel:${}`; + this.openWindow(); + }, + this.obfuscatedClass('open-channel') + ); + handleWhiteBlackList(newItems,; + if (!newItems.length) return; + menu.push(XenoLib.createContextMenuGroup([XenoLib.createContextMenuSubMenu(this.settings.contextmenuSubmenuName, newItems, this.obfuscatedClass('mlv2'))])); + } + ) + ); + } + /* ==================================================-|| END CONTEXT MENU ||-================================================== */ +}; +/*@end @*/