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2019-12-21 20:35:10 +01:00
@if (@_jscript)
// Offer to self-install for clueless users that try to run this directly.
var shell = WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell');
var fs = new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject');
var pathPlugins = shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings('%APPDATA%\\BetterDiscord\\plugins');
var pathSelf = WScript.ScriptFullName;
// Put the user at ease by addressing them in the first person
shell.Popup('It looks like you\'ve mistakenly tried to run me directly. \n(Don\'t do that!)', 0, 'I\'m a plugin for BetterDiscord', 0x30);
if (fs.GetParentFolderName(pathSelf) === fs.GetAbsolutePathName(pathPlugins)) {
shell.Popup('I\'m in the correct folder already.\nJust reload Discord with Ctrl+R.', 0, 'I\'m already installed', 0x40);
} else if (!fs.FolderExists(pathPlugins)) {
shell.Popup('I can\'t find the BetterDiscord plugins folder.\nAre you sure it\'s even installed?', 0, 'Can\'t install myself', 0x10);
} else if (shell.Popup('Should I copy myself to BetterDiscord\'s plugins folder for you?', 0, 'Do you need some help?', 0x34) === 6) {
fs.CopyFile(pathSelf, fs.BuildPath(pathPlugins, fs.GetFileName(pathSelf)), true);
// Show the user where to put plugins in the future
shell.Exec('explorer ' + pathPlugins);
shell.Popup('I\'m installed!\nJust reload Discord with Ctrl+R.', 0, 'Successfully installed', 0x40);
* Copyright© 2019-2020, _Lighty_
* All rights reserved.
* Code may not be redistributed, modified or otherwise taken without explicit permission.
var SaveToRedux = (() => {
/* Setup */
const config = {
main: 'index.js',
info: {
name: 'SaveToRedux',
authors: [
name: 'Lighty',
discord_id: '239513071272329217',
github_username: 'LightyPon',
twitter_username: ''
2020-01-03 17:18:26 +01:00
version: '2.0.3',
2019-12-21 20:35:10 +01:00
description: 'Allows you to save images, videos, profile icons, server icons, reactions, emotes and custom status emotes to any folder quickly.',
github: 'https://github.com/1Lighty',
github_raw: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/1Lighty/BetterDiscordPlugins/master/Plugins/SaveToRedux/SaveToRedux.plugin.js'
changelog: [
2020-01-03 17:18:26 +01:00
title: 'Fixed',
type: 'fixed',
items: ['Saving pictures from steam now works properly']
2019-12-21 20:35:10 +01:00
defaultConfig: [
type: 'category',
id: 'saveOptions',
name: 'File save settings',
collapsible: true,
shown: false,
settings: [
name: 'Filename preview',
type: 'preview'
name: 'File name save',
id: 'fileNameType',
type: 'dropdown',
value: 0,
options: [
{ label: 'Original', value: 0 },
{ label: 'Date', value: 1 },
{ label: 'Random', value: 2 },
{ label: 'Original + random', value: 3 },
{ label: 'Custom', value: 4 }
{ name: 'Custom file name save', note: 'Available options: file rand date time day month year hours minutes seconds. options must be wrapped in ${<OPTION>}!', id: 'customFileName', type: 'textbox', value: '${file}_${date}_${time}' },
{ name: 'Random string length', id: 'randLength', type: 'textbox', value: 7 },
name: 'Conflicting filename mode',
id: 'conflictingFilesHandle',
type: 'radio',
value: 0,
options: [
{ name: 'Warn', value: 0 },
{ name: 'Overwrite', value: 1 },
{ name: 'Append number: (1)', value: 2 },
{ name: 'Append random', value: 3 }
{ type: 'category', id: 'misc', name: 'Misc', collapsible: true, shown: false, settings: [{ name: 'Context menu option at the bottom instead of top', id: 'contextMenuOnBottom', type: 'switch', value: true }] }
/* Build */
const buildPlugin = ([Plugin, Api]) => {
const { ContextMenu, EmulatedTooltip, Toasts, Settings, Popouts, Modals, Utilities, WebpackModules, Filters, DiscordModules, ColorConverter, DOMTools, DiscordClasses, DiscordSelectors, ReactTools, ReactComponents, DiscordAPI, Logger, Patcher, PluginUpdater, PluginUtilities, DiscordClassModules, Structs } = Api;
const { React, ModalStack, ContextMenuActions, ContextMenuItem, ContextMenuItemsGroup, ReactDOM, ChannelStore, GuildStore, UserStore, DiscordConstants, Dispatcher, GuildMemberStore, GuildActions, SwitchRow, EmojiUtils, RadioGroup } = DiscordModules;
const ContextMenuSubMenuItem = WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('FluxContainer(SubMenuItem)');
const TextComponent = WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('Text');
const getEmojiURL = WebpackModules.getByProps('getEmojiURL').getEmojiURL;
const dialog = require('electron').remote.dialog;
const openSaveDialog = dialog.showSaveDialogSync || dialog.showSaveDialog;
const openOpenDialog = dialog.showOpenDialogSync || dialog.showOpenDialog;
const openItem = require('electron').shell.openItem;
const FsModule = require('fs');
const RequestModule = require('request');
const PathModule = require('path');
const FormItem = WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('FormItem');
const Messages = WebpackModules.getByProps('Messages').Messages;
const TextInput = WebpackModules.getByDisplayName('TextInput');
class FolderEditor extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
name: props.name,
path: props.path
XenoLib.DiscordUtils.bindAll(this, ['handleNameChange', 'handlePathChange']);
handleNameChange(name) {
this.setState({ name });
handlePathChange(path) {
this.setState({ path });
render() {
return [
className: DiscordClasses.Margins.marginBottom20.value,
title: Messages.GUILD_FOLDER_NAME
React.createElement(TextInput, {
maxLength: DiscordConstants.MAX_GUILD_FOLDER_NAME_LENGTH * 4,
value: this.state.name,
onChange: this.handleNameChange,
placeholder: Messages.SERVER_FOLDER_PLACEHOLDER,
autoFocus: true
className: DiscordClasses.Margins.marginBottom20,
title: 'Folder path'
React.createElement(XenoLib.ReactComponents.FilePicker, {
path: this.state.path,
placeholder: 'Path to folder',
onChange: this.handlePathChange,
properties: ['openDirectory', 'createDirectory'],
nullOnInvalid: true
class Preview extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
date: new Date(),
rand: props.rand
this.handleSettingsUpdate = this.handleSettingsUpdate.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
Dispatcher.subscribe('ST_SETTINGS_UPDATE', this.handleSettingsUpdate);
componentWillUnmount() {
Dispatcher.unsubscribe('ST_SETTINGS_UPDATE', this.handleSettingsUpdate);
handleSettingsUpdate(e) {
if (typeof e.rand !== 'undefined') this.setState({ rand: e.rand });
else this.forceUpdate();
render() {
return React.createElement(TextComponent, { color: TextComponent.Colors.PRIMARY }, this.props.formatFilename('unknown', this.state.date, this.state.rand), '.png');
class PreviewField extends Settings.SettingField {
constructor(name, note, data, onChange) {
super(name, note, onChange, Preview, data);
return class SaveToRedux extends Plugin {
constructor() {
this.promises = {
state: { cancelled: false },
cancel() {
this.state.cancelled = true;
restore() {
this.state.cancelled = false;
XenoLib.DiscordUtils.bindAll(this, ['handleContextMenu', 'formatFilename']);
XenoLib.changeName(__filename, 'SaveToRedux');
onStart() {
/* trigger settings migration */
if (typeof this.settings.folders !== 'undefined') {
const settings = Utilities.deepclone(this.defaultSettings);
const folders = [];
settings.saveOptions.fileNameType = this.settings.fileNameType;
settings.saveOptions.customFileName = this.settings.customFileName;
settings.saveOptions.randLength = this.settings.randLength;
settings.saveOptions.conflictingFilesHandle = this.settings.conflictingFilesHandle;
settings.misc.contextMenuOnBottom = this.settings.contextMenuOnBottom;
Object.values(this.settings.folders).forEach(folder => folders.push({ name: folder.name, path: folder.path }));
this.settings = settings;
this.folders = folders;
this.promises = { state: { cancelled: false } };
this.folders = XenoLib.loadData(this.name, 'folders', {
data: []
this.channelMessages = WebpackModules.find(m => m._channelMessages)._channelMessages;
this.short + '-CSS',
.ST-modal {
min-height: 320px;
this.lastUsedFolder = -1;
onStop() {
this.promises.state.cancelled = true;
PluginUtilities.removeStyle(this.short + '-CSS');
/* zlib uses reference to defaultSettings instead of a cloned object, which sets settings as default settings, messing everything up */
loadSettings(defaultSettings) {
return PluginUtilities.loadSettings(this.name, Utilities.deepclone(this.defaultSettings ? this.defaultSettings : defaultSettings));
buildSetting(data) {
if (data.type === 'preview') {
return new PreviewField(data.name, data.note, {
rand: this.rand(),
formatFilename: this.formatFilename
return super.buildSetting(data);
saveSettings(_, setting, value) {
super.saveSettings(_, setting, value);
Dispatcher.dispatch({ type: 'ST_SETTINGS_UPDATE', rand: setting === 'randLength' ? this.rand() : undefined });
saveFolders() {
PluginUtilities.saveData(this.name, 'folders', { data: this.folders });
patchAll() {
Utilities.suppressErrors(this.patchReactions.bind(this), 'Reaction patch')(this.promises.state);
async patchReactions(promiseState) {
const Reaction = await ReactComponents.getComponentByName('Reaction', `.${XenoLib.getSingleClass('reactionMe reactions')} > div:not(.${XenoLib.getSingleClass('reactionMe reactionBtn')})`);
if (promiseState.cancelled) return;
Patcher.after(Reaction.component.prototype, 'render', (_this, _, ret) => {
const oChildren = ret.props.children;
ret.props.children = e => {
const oChRet = oChildren(e);
const url = _this.props.emoji.id ? getEmojiURL({ id: _this.props.emoji.id, animated: _this.props.emoji.animated }) : WebpackModules.getByProps('getURL').getURL(_this.props.emoji.name);
() => {
const submenu = this.constructMenu(url.split('?')[0], 'Reaction', _this.props.emoji.name);
return XenoLib.createContextMenuGroup([submenu]);
return oChRet;
rand() {
let result = '';
const characters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
const charactersLength = characters.length;
for (var i = 0; i < this.settings.saveOptions.randLength; i++) {
result += characters.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charactersLength));
return result;
formatFilename(name, previewDate, previewRand) {
const date = previewDate || new Date();
const rand = previewRand || this.rand();
switch (this.settings.saveOptions.fileNameType) {
case 0: // original
return name;
case 1: // date
return `${date
.join('-')} ${date.getHours()}-${date.getMinutes()}-${date.getSeconds()}`;
case 2: // random
return rand;
case 3: // original + random
return `${name}-${rand}`;
case 4: // custom
// options file rand date time day month year hours minutes seconds
return Utilities.formatTString(this.settings.saveOptions.customFileName, {
file: name,
date: date
time: `${date.getMinutes()}-${date.getSeconds()}-${date.getMilliseconds()}`,
day: date.getDay(),
month: date.getMonth(),
year: date.getFullYear(),
hours: date.getHours(),
minutes: date.getMinutes(),
seconds: date.getSeconds()
formatURL(url, requiresSize, customName) {
2020-01-03 17:18:26 +01:00
if (url.indexOf('//steamuserimages') !== -1) url = url.replace(/\/$/, '');
2019-12-21 20:35:10 +01:00
if (url.indexOf('/a_') !== -1) url = url.replace('.webp', '.gif').replace('.png', '.gif');
else url = url.replace('.webp', '.png');
let fileName = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
if (requiresSize) url += '?size=2048';
const match = fileName.match(/([^\/\.]+)(?:\.([0-9a-zA-Z]+))?([^\/]+)?$/);
let name = customName || match[1];
let extension = match[2];
if (url.indexOf('//media.tenor.co') !== -1) {
extension = name;
name = url.match(/\/\/media.tenor.co\/[^\/]+\/([^\/]+)\//)[1];
} else if (url.indexOf('//i.giphy.com/media/') !== -1) name = url.match(/\/\/i\.giphy\.com\/media\/([^\/]+)\//)[1];
2020-01-03 17:18:26 +01:00
else if (url.indexOf('//steamuserimages') !== -1) {
extension = 'png';
url += '/'; /* ??? */
2019-12-21 20:35:10 +01:00
name = this.formatFilename(name);
2020-01-03 17:18:26 +01:00
const ret = { fileName: (extension && `${name}.${extension}`) || name, url: url, name, extension };
// Logger.info(`[formatURL] url \`${url}\` requiresSize \`${requiresSize}\` customName \`${customName}\`, ret ${JSON.stringify(ret, '', 1)}`);
return ret;
2019-12-21 20:35:10 +01:00
constructMenu(url, type, customName) {
const createSubMenu = (name, items, callback) =>
XenoLib.createContextMenuSubMenu(name, items, {
action: () => {
if (!callback) return;
const subItems = [];
const folderSubMenus = [];
const formattedurl = this.formatURL(url, type === 'Icon' || type === 'Avatar', customName);
const download = (path, openOnSave) => {
const req = RequestModule(formattedurl.url);
req.on('response', res => {
if (res.statusCode == 200) {
.on('finish', () => {
if (openOnSave) openItem(path);
BdApi.showToast('Saved!', { type: 'success' });
.on('error', e => BdApi.showToast(`Failed to save! ${e}`, { type: 'error', timeout: 10000 }));
} else if (res.statusCode == 404) BdApi.showToast('Image does not exist!', { type: 'error' });
else BdApi.showToast(`Unknown error. ${res.statusCode}`, { type: 'error' });
const saveFile = (path, basePath, openOnSave, dontWarn) => {
try {
FsModule.accessSync(PathModule.dirname(path), FsModule.constants.W_OK);
} catch (err) {
return BdApi.showToast(`Error saving to folder: ${err.message.match(/.*: (.*), access '/)[1]}`, { type: 'error' });
if (!dontWarn && FsModule.existsSync(path)) {
const handleConflict = mode => {
switch (mode) {
case 2: {
let num = 1;
try {
while (FsModule.existsSync(path)) {
path = `${basePath}/${formattedurl.name}(${num})${formattedurl.extension ? '.' + formattedurl.extension : ''}`;
if (num > 99) return Logger.err('Save attempt passed num 99!');
} catch (e) {
return Logger.stacktrace('Error finding good number', e);
case 3: {
path = `${basePath}/${formattedurl.name}-${this.rand()}${formattedurl.extension ? '.' + formattedurl.extension : ''}`;
download(path, openOnSave);
if (this.settings.saveOptions.conflictingFilesHandle) {
} else {
let ref1, ref2;
'File conflict',
className: WebpackModules.getByProps('defaultColor').defaultColor + ' ' + WebpackModules.getByProps('marginBottom20').marginBottom20
'A file with the existing name already exists! What do you want to do?'
React.createElement(RadioGroup, {
className: WebpackModules.getByProps('marginBottom20').marginBottom20,
clearable: false,
searchable: false,
options: [
name: 'Overwrite',
value: 1
name: 'Append number: (1)',
value: 2
name: 'Append random',
value: 3
value: 1,
ref: e => (ref1 = e),
onChange: e => {
ref1.props.value = e.value;
React.createElement(SwitchRow, {
children: 'Disable this warning and save this option',
note: 'This can be changed in settings',
value: 0,
ref: e => (ref2 = e),
onChange: e => {
const checked = e.currentTarget.checked;
ref2.props.value = checked;
confirmText: 'Ok',
cancelText: 'Cancel',
size: Modals.ModalSizes.SMALL,
red: false,
onConfirm: () => {
if (ref2.props.value) this.settings.saveOptions.conflictingFilesHandle = ref1.props.value;
} else {
download(path, openOnSave);
const folderSubMenu = folder => {
return createSubMenu(
XenoLib.createContextMenuItem('Remove Folder', () => {
const index = this.folders.findIndex(m => m === folder);
if (index === -1) return BdApi.showToast("Fatal error! Attempted to remove a folder that doesn't exist!", { type: 'error', timeout: 5000 });
this.folders.splice(index, 1);
BdApi.showToast('Removed!', { type: 'success' });
XenoLib.createContextMenuItem('Open Folder', () => {
XenoLib.createContextMenuItem('Save', () => {
this.lastUsedFolder = this.folders.findIndex(m => m === folder);
const path = folder.path + `/${formattedurl.fileName}`;
saveFile(path, folder.path);
XenoLib.createContextMenuItem('Save As...', () => {
let val = '';
let inputRef = null;
'Save as...',
className: DiscordClasses.Margins.marginBottom20,
title: 'Name your file'
React.createElement(TextInput, {
maxLength: DiscordConstants.MAX_GUILD_FOLDER_NAME_LENGTH,
ref: e => (inputRef = e),
value: val,
onChange: e => {
val = e;
inputRef.props.value = e;
placeholder: formattedurl.name,
autoFocus: true
confirmText: 'Save',
onConfirm: () => {
this.lastUsedFolder = this.folders.findIndex(m => m === folder);
if (!val.length) val = formattedurl.name;
else formattedurl.name = val;
saveFile(folder.path + `/${val}${formattedurl.extension ? '.' + formattedurl.extension : ''}`, folder.path, false, false);
/* const path = this.openSaveDialog({ defaultPath: folder.path + `/${formattedurl.fileName}` });
if (!path) return BdApi.showToast('Maybe next time.');
saveFile(path, undefined, false, true); */
XenoLib.createContextMenuItem('Save And Open', () => {
this.lastUsedFolder = this.folders.findIndex(m => m === folder);
const path = folder.path + `/${formattedurl.fileName}`;
saveFile(path, folder.path, true);
XenoLib.createContextMenuItem('Edit', () => {
let __name = folder.name.slice(0);
let __path = folder.path.slice(0);
const saveFolder = () => {
if (!__path || !__path.length) return BdApi.showToast('Invalid path', { type: 'error' });
folder.name = __name;
folder.path = __path;
'Edit folder',
React.createElement(FolderEditor, {
name: __name,
path: __path,
onNameChange: e => (__name = e),
onPathChange: e => (__path = e)
confirmText: 'Create',
onConfirm: saveFolder,
size: XenoLib.joinClassNames(Modals.ModalSizes.MEDIUM, 'ST-modal')
() => {
this.lastUsedFolder = this.folders.findIndex(m => m === folder);
const path = folder.path + `/${formattedurl.fileName}`;
saveFile(path, folder.path);
for (const folder of this.folders) folderSubMenus.push(folderSubMenu(folder));
XenoLib.createContextMenuItem('Add Folder', () => {
const path = openOpenDialog({
title: 'Add folder',
properties: ['openDirectory', 'createDirectory']
if (!path) return BdApi.showToast('Maybe next time.');
let idx;
if ((idx = this.folders.findIndex(m => m.path === path[0])) !== -1) return BdApi.showToast(`Folder already exists as ${this.folders[idx].name}!`, { type: 'error', timeout: 5000 });
const folderName = PathModule.basename(path[0]);
let __name = folderName;
let __path = path[0].slice(0);
const saveFolder = () => {
if (!__path || !__path.length) return BdApi.showToast('Invalid path', { type: 'error' });
path: __path,
name: __name || 'Unnamed'
BdApi.showToast('Added!', { type: 'success' });
'Create New Folder',
React.createElement(FolderEditor, {
name: folderName,
path: path[0],
onNameChange: e => (__name = e),
onPathChange: e => (__path = e)
confirmText: 'Create',
onConfirm: saveFolder,
size: XenoLib.joinClassNames(Modals.ModalSizes.MEDIUM, 'ST-modal')
); /*
WebpackModules.getByProps('openModal').openModal(_ =>
React.createElement(NewFolderModal, {
path: path[0],
name: folderName
); */
XenoLib.createContextMenuItem('Save As...', () => {
const path = openSaveDialog({ defaultPath: formattedurl.fileName });
if (!path) return BdApi.showToast('Maybe next time.');
saveFile(path, undefined, false, true);
return createSubMenu(`Save ${type} To`, subItems, () => {
if (this.lastUsedFolder === -1) return BdApi.showToast('No folder has been used yet', { type: 'error' });
const folder = this.folders[this.lastUsedFolder];
if (!folder) return BdApi.showToast('Folder no longer exists', { type: 'error' });
const path = folder.path + `/${formattedurl.fileName}`;
saveFile(path, folder.path);
handleContextMenu(_this, ret) {
if (!ret) return ret;
const type = _this.props.type;
let saveType = 'File';
let url = '';
let customName = '';
// image has no type property
if (type === 'NATIVE_IMAGE' || type === 'MESSAGE_MAIN') {
let src = (type === 'NATIVE_IMAGE' && ((typeof Utilities.getNestedProp(ret, 'props.children.props.href') === 'string' && ret.props.children.props.href.indexOf('discordapp.com/channels') === -1 && ret.props.children.props.href) || Utilities.getNestedProp(ret, 'props.children.props.src'))) || Utilities.getNestedProp(_this, 'props.attachment.href') || Utilities.getNestedProp(_this, 'props.attachment.url');
/* is that enough specific cases? */
if (typeof src === 'string') {
src = src.split('?')[0];
if (src.indexOf('//giphy.com/gifs/') !== -1) src = `https://i.giphy.com/media/${src.match(/-([^-]+)$/)[1]}/giphy.gif`;
else if (src.indexOf('//tenor.com/view/') !== -1) {
src = _this.props.src;
saveType = 'Video';
} else if (src.indexOf('//preview.redd.it/') !== -1) {
src = src.replace('preview', 'i');
} else if (src.indexOf('twimg.com/') !== -1) saveType = 'Image';
if (!src) {
let C = _this.props.target;
let t;
let e;
while (null != C) {
C instanceof HTMLImageElement && null != C.src && (t = C.src), C instanceof HTMLAnchorElement && null != C.href && (e = C.href), (C = C.parentNode);
if (!t && !(/\.(png|jpe?g|webp|gif|svg)$/i.test(e) || /\.(mp4|webm|mov)$/i.test(e) || /\.(mp3|ogg|wav|flac)$/i.test(e))) return;
src = t || e;
if (!src) return;
url = src;
if (!url) return;
2020-01-03 17:18:26 +01:00
if (/\.(png|jpe?g|webp|gif|svg)$/i.test(url) || url.indexOf('//steamuserimages') !== -1) saveType = 'Image';
else if (/\.(mp4|webm|mov)$/i.test(url)) saveType = 'Video';
else if (/\.(mp3|ogg|wav|flac)$/i.test(url)) saveType = 'Audio';
else if (url.indexOf('app.com/emojis/') !== -1) {
2019-12-21 20:35:10 +01:00
saveType = 'Emoji';
const emojiId = url.split('emojis/')[1].split('.')[0];
const emoji = EmojiUtils.getDisambiguatedEmojiContext().getById(emojiId);
if (!emoji) {
if (!DiscordAPI.currentChannel || !this.channelMessages[DiscordAPI.currentChannel.id]) return;
const message = this.channelMessages[DiscordAPI.currentChannel.id]._array.find(m => m.content.indexOf(emojiId) !== -1);
if (message && message.content) {
const group = message.content.match(new RegExp(`<a?:([^:>]*):${emojiId}>`));
if (group && group[1]) customName = group[1];
if (!customName) {
const alt = _this.props.target.alt;
if (alt) customName = alt.split(':')[1] || alt;
} else customName = emoji.name;
if (!Array.isArray(ret.props.children)) ret.props.children = [ret.props.children];
} else if (type === 'GUILD_ICON_BAR') {
saveType = 'Icon';
url = _this.props.guild.getIconURL();
if (!url) return;
/* customName = _this.props.guild.name; */
} else {
saveType = 'Avatar';
if (!_this.props.user || !_this.props.user.getAvatarURL) return /* ZLibrary.Logger.warn(this.getName(), `Something went wrong, user or avatar URL === undefined, unknown context menu type "${type}" ?`); */;
url = _this.props.user.getAvatarURL();
if (url.startsWith('/assets/')) url = 'https://discordapp.com' + url;
/* customName = _this.props.user.username; */
try {
const submenu = this.constructMenu(url.split('?')[0], saveType, customName);
const group = XenoLib.createContextMenuGroup([submenu]);
const targetGroup = ret.props.children;
if (this.settings.misc.contextMenuOnBottom) targetGroup.push(group);
else targetGroup.unshift(group);
} catch (e) {
Logger.warn('Failed to parse URL...', url, e);
getSettingsPanel() {
return this.buildSettingsPanel().getElement();
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return 'Plugin';
get css() {
return this._css;
get name() {
return config.info.name;
get short() {
let string = '';
for (let i = 0, len = config.info.name.length; i < len; i++) {
const char = config.info.name[i];
if (char === char.toUpperCase()) string += char;
return string;
get author() {
return config.info.authors.map(author => author.name).join(', ');
get version() {
return config.info.version;
get description() {
return config.info.description;
/* Finalize */
return !global.ZeresPluginLibrary || !global.XenoLib
? class {
2020-01-03 17:18:26 +01:00
getName() {
return this.name.replace(/\s+/g, '');
getAuthor() {
return this.author;
getVersion() {
return this.version;
getDescription() {
return this.description;
stop() {}
load() {
const ezlibMissing = !global.XenoLib;
const zlibMissing = !global.ZeresPluginLibrary;
const bothLibsMissing = ezlibMissing && zlibMissing;
const header = `Missing ${(bothLibsMissing && 'Libraries') || 'Library'}`;
const content = `The ${(bothLibsMissing && 'Libraries') || 'Library'} ${(zlibMissing && 'ZeresPluginLibrary') || ''} ${(ezlibMissing && (zlibMissing ? 'and XenoLib' : 'XenoLib')) || ''} required for ${this.name} ${(bothLibsMissing && 'are') || 'is'} missing.`;
const ModalStack = BdApi.findModuleByProps('push', 'update', 'pop', 'popWithKey');
const TextElement = BdApi.findModuleByProps('Sizes', 'Weights');
const ConfirmationModal = BdApi.findModule(m => m.defaultProps && m.key && m.key() === 'confirm-modal');
const onFail = () => BdApi.getCore().alert(header, `${content}<br/>Due to a slight mishap however, you'll have to download the libraries yourself. After opening the links, do CTRL + S to download the library.<br/>${(zlibMissing && '<br/><a href="https://rauenzi.github.io/BDPluginLibrary/release/0PluginLibrary.plugin.js"target="_blank">Click here to download ZeresPluginLibrary</a>') || ''}${(zlibMissing && '<br/><a href="http://localhost:7474/XenoLib.js"target="_blank">Click here to download XenoLib</a>') || ''}`);
if (!ModalStack || !ConfirmationModal || !TextElement) return onFail();
ModalStack.push(props => {
return BdApi.React.createElement(
children: [TextElement({ color: TextElement.Colors.PRIMARY, children: [`${content} Please click Download Now to install ${(bothLibsMissing && 'them') || 'it'}.`] })],
red: false,
confirmText: 'Download Now',
cancelText: 'Cancel',
onConfirm: () => {
const request = require('request');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const waitForLibLoad = callback => {
if (!global.BDEvents) return callback();
const onLoaded = e => {
if (e !== 'ZeresPluginLibrary') return;
BDEvents.off('plugin-loaded', onLoaded);
2019-12-21 20:35:10 +01:00
2020-01-03 17:18:26 +01:00
BDEvents.on('plugin-loaded', onLoaded);
const onDone = () => {
if (!global.pluginModule || (!global.BDEvents && !global.XenoLib)) return;
if (!global.BDEvents || global.XenoLib) pluginModule.reloadPlugin(this.name);
else {
const listener = () => {
BDEvents.off('xenolib-loaded', listener);
BDEvents.on('xenolib-loaded', listener);
const downloadXenoLib = () => {
if (global.XenoLib) return onDone();
request('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/1Lighty/BetterDiscordPlugins/master/Plugins/1XenoLib.plugin.js', (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return onFail();
fs.writeFile(path.join(window.ContentManager.pluginsFolder, '1XenoLib.plugin.js'), body, () => {});
if (!global.ZeresPluginLibrary) {
request('https://rauenzi.github.io/BDPluginLibrary/release/0PluginLibrary.plugin.js', (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return onFail();
fs.writeFile(path.join(window.ContentManager.pluginsFolder, '0PluginLibrary.plugin.js'), body, () => {});
} else downloadXenoLib();
2019-12-21 20:35:10 +01:00
2020-01-03 17:18:26 +01:00
start() {}
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return 'Plugin';
get name() {
return config.info.name;
get short() {
let string = '';
for (let i = 0, len = config.info.name.length; i < len; i++) {
const char = config.info.name[i];
if (char === char.toUpperCase()) string += char;
return string;
get author() {
return config.info.authors.map(author => author.name).join(', ');
get version() {
return config.info.version;
get description() {
return config.info.description;
2019-12-21 20:35:10 +01:00
: buildPlugin(global.ZeresPluginLibrary.buildPlugin(config));