# Declares helpers for image building set -e [ "$DEBUG" = "1" ] && set -x prepare_nbd_volume() { device=$1 if ! `mountpoint -q "$TARGET"`; then sudo mkfs.ext4 "$device" sudo mkdir -p "$TARGET.device" sudo mount "$device" "$TARGET.device" rsync -aHAX "$TARGET/" "$TARGET.device" fi } require_debootstrap() { type -P debootstrap >/dev/null && return sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install debootstrap } clean_workspace() { sudo rm -rf $TARGET/* $TARGET/.??* } debootstrap() { if [ ! -d "$TARGET.debootstrap" ]; then sudo debootstrap \ --arch="$ARCH" \ --variant="$VARIANT" \ --components="$COMPONENTS" \ --include="$PKGS_INCLUDE" \ "$VERSION" \ "$TARGET.debootstrap" \ "$MIRROR" \ "$SCRIPT" fi rsync -aHAX "$TARGET.debootstrap/" "$TARGET/" } upgrade_debs() { do_in_target "apt-get update" do_in_target "apt-get -y upgrade" } secondstage() { # This step could be done directly by removing # do_in_target /debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage echo "Not needed anymore (removed the --foreign option)" } patch_target() { patches_dir=../$1 for file in $(find "$patches_dir" -type f | sed -n "s|^$patches_dir/||p"); do sudo mkdir -p "$TARGET/$(dirname $file)" sudo cp "$patches_dir/$file" "$TARGET/$file" done } clean_target() { clean_paths=$1 for path in $clean_paths; do if [ -e "$TARGET/$path" ]; then sudo rm -rf "$TARGET/$path" fi done for file in $(find "$TARGET/var/log" -type f); do echo | sudo tee $file done find "$TARGET" \( -name "*~" -or -name ".??*~" -or -name "#*#" -or -name ".#*" \) -delete } archive_target() { sudo tar -C "$TARGET" -czf "$NAME.tar.gz" . } do_in_target() { sudo chroot "$TARGET" su - root -c "$@" } push_to_s3() { edit_date=$(stat -c %Y "$TARGET") s3cmd put --acl-public "$NAME.tar.gz" "$S3_URL/$NAME-${edit_date}.tar.gz" s3cmd put --acl-public "$NAME.tar.gz" "$S3_URL/$NAME-latest.tar.gz" s3cmd ls "s3://rescue-images/rescue/" # s3cmd cp --acl-public "s3://rescue-images/rescue/$NAME-${edit_date}.tar.gz" "s3://rescue-images/rescue/$NAME-latest.tar.gz" } cli() { case $1 in "tarball") build_image patch_image upgrade_image clean_image archive_target push_to_s3 exit 0 ;; "image") NBD_DEVICE=${2:-"/dev/nbd1"} build_image patch_image upgrade_image clean_image prepare_nbd_volume $NBD_DEVICE sync exit 0 ;; "build_image"|"patch_image"|"archive_target"|"prepare_nbd_volume"|"upgrade_image"|"clean_image"|"push_to_s3") eval $@ exit 0 ;; esac echo >&2 "usage: [DEBUG=1] $0 (tarball|image)" exit 1 }