# Arch Linux image on Scaleway [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/lesderid/image-archlinux.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/lesderid/image-archlinux) Scripts to build an Arch Linux (x86_64) image on Scaleway This image is built using [Image Tools](https://github.com/scaleway/image-tools) and is based on the official [Ubuntu](https://github.com/scaleway/image-ubuntu) image. ![](https://d11xdyzr0div58.cloudfront.net/static/logos/archlinux-logo-dark-scalable.518881f04ca9.svg) --- **This image is meant to be used on a VC1 server.** We use the Docker's building system and convert it at the end to a disk image that will boot on real servers without Docker. Note that the image is still runnable as a Docker container for debug or for inheritance. [More info](https://github.com/scaleway/image-tools#docker-based-builder) --- ## Building Build and add the image to [your account](https://cloud.scaleway.com/#/images): $ make image_on_local Full list of commands available at: [scaleway/image-tools](https://github.com/scaleway/image-tools/#commands) ## Testing To test your image, run: $ scw run --tmp-ssh-key --name="archlinux" --- ## Links - [Community: Add Archlinux ARM image](https://community.cloud.online.net/t/need-feedback-add-arch-linux-arm-image/243?u=manfred) - [Community: New linux distributions (Debian, CoreOS, CentOS, Fedora, Arch Linux, ...)](https://community.cloud.online.net/t/official-new-linux-distributions-debian-coreos-centos-fedora-arch-linux/229?u=manfred) --- A project by [![Scaleway](https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/5185491?v=3&s=42)](https://www.scaleway.com/) and lesderid