#!/usr/bin/fish set saury_version v0.0.1 set saury_name (basename (status -f)) set saury_authors "Les De Ridder " set has_pacman (type pacman ^ /dev/null > /dev/null; and echo 1) set has_makepkg (type makepkg ^ /dev/null > /dev/null; and echo 1) set aurweb_rpc_base_url "https://aur.archlinux.org/rpc/" set aurweb_rpc_version 5 function print_prefix echo -n "$saury_name: " end function error print_prefix set_color red echo $argv set_color normal exit 1 end function niy print_prefix set_color cyan echo "not implemented yet ($argv)" set_color normal exit 1 end function need_root if not test (id -u) -eq 0 error "you cannot perform this operation unless you are root" end end function print_usage function print_operation echo -e " "(status -f) $argv end echo 'usage:' (status -f) '[options] [...]' echo 'operations:' print_operation "{-h --help}" print_operation "{-V --version}" print_operation "{-A --aur-sync} [options] [package(s)]" echo 'options:' echo ' -c, --color=' echo ' -v, --verbose' end function print_version echo $saury_name $saury_version echo "Copyright © 2019 $saury_authors" echo echo "This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of" \ "the University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License." | fold -sw 60 end function aur_sync niy "install package '$argv'" end function aur_search set query $argv if test (string length "$query") -lt 2 error "search query must be at least 2 characters long" end set rpc_response (curl -s "$aurweb_rpc_base_url/?v=$aurweb_rpc_version&type=search&by=name-desc&arg=$query") set rpc_response_type (echo $rpc_response | jq -r '.type') if test "$rpc_response_type" = "search" set results (echo $rpc_response | \ jq -r '.results | sort_by(.NumVotes, (.Name | explode | map(-.))) | reverse | map(.Name, .PackageBase, .Description, .Version, .OutOfDate != null, .NumVotes, (.Popularity * 100 | round / 100))[]') if test $_flag_verbose begin set -l IFS set installed_packages (pacman -Q) end end for i in (seq (math (count $results) / 7)) set name $results[(math $i \* 7 - 6)] set package_base $results[(math $i \* 7 - 5)] set description $results[(math $i \* 7 - 4)] set package_version $results[(math $i \* 7 - 3)] set out_of_date $results[(math $i \* 7 - 2)] set votes $results[(math $i \* 7 - 1)] set popularity $results[(math $i \* 7)] set_color --bold echo -n (string join "" \ (set_color CC3399) "aur/" \ (set_color normal; set_color --bold) (string replace -a -i \ "$query" \ (string join "" (set_color 33CCB3) \ "$query" \ (set_color normal; set_color --bold)) \ "$name")) echo -n ' ' if test $out_of_date = "true" set_color CC334D else set_color 33CC66 end echo -n $package_version if test "$name" != "$package_base" set_color 3399CC echo -n " ($package_base)" end echo -n (string join "" \ (set_color normal; set_color --bold) ' (' \ (set_color CC6733) "+$votes" \ (set_color normal; set_color --bold) ' | ' \ (set_color CC6733) "$popularity" \ (set_color normal; set_color --bold) ')') if test $_flag_verbose # not shown by default because it's quite slow set installed (echo $installed_packages | grep -E "^$name ") if test "$installed" echo -n ' [installed' set installed_version (echo $installed | cut -d' ' -f2) if test "$package_version" != "$installed_version" echo -n ": $installed_version" end echo -n ']' end end echo set_color normal echo (string replace -a -i \ "$query" \ (string join "" (set_color 33CCB3) \ "$query" \ (set_color normal)) \ " $description") end else if test "$rpc_response_type" = "error" set rpc_error (echo $rpc_response | jq -r '.error') error "an RPC error occurred ("(string trim -c '.' (string lower $rpc_error))")" else error "an unexpected RPC response was received" end end function aur_sysupgrade niy "upgrade installed AUR packages" end function on_start # Detect 24-bit colour support # (Source: https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/blob/619a248a3525b13ccd12f815cdb2d373e7372292/share/config.fish#L18) if not set -q STY and not string match -q -- 'eterm*' $TERM and begin set -q KONSOLE_PROFILE_NAME or string match -q -- "*:*" $ITERM_SESSION_ID or string match -q -- "st-*" $TERM or test -n "$VTE_VERSION" -a "$VTE_VERSION" -ge 3600 or test "$COLORTERM" = truecolor -o "$COLORTERM" = 24bit end set -q fish_term24bit or set -g fish_term24bit 1 end if not test -t 1 function set_color end end end function main set -le argv set aur_sync_options 's/search' 'u/sysupgrade' set aur_sync_exclusive_options 's,u' argparse -n $saury_name -x 'V,A' -x $aur_sync_exclusive_options \ 'h/help' 'V/version' 'A/aur-sync' 'c/color=?' 'v/verbose' $aur_sync_options -- $argv \ ^| sed (string join '' 's/:/:' (set_color red) '/;s/$/' (set_color normal) '/') | head -1 if not set --local --query argv # if argparse didn't locally set $argv, it encountered an error exit 1 end if set --query _flag_color if test "$_flag_color" = "always" functions -e set_color else if test "$_flag_color" = "never" function set_color end end end if test $_flag_verbose set -g _flag_verbose $_flag_verbose end if set --query _flag_help print_usage else if set --query _flag_version print_version else if set --query _flag_aur_sync if test $_flag_search aur_search $argv else if test $_flag_sysupgrade aur_sysupgrade else if not test $argv error "no targets specified" else aur_sync $argv end end else error "no operation specified (use -h for help)" end end on_start main $argv