Compare commits


13 Commits

8 changed files with 184 additions and 68 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -5,6 +5,6 @@ __dummy.html

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ targetType "executable"
dependency "vibe-core" version="~>1.8.1"
dependency "vibe-d:stream" version="~>0.9.0-alpha.1"
dependency "sdlang-d" version="~>0.10.5"
preGenerateCommands "./"
preBuildCommands "./"
versions "VibeDefaultMain"
targetPath "out"

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
set packageVersion (git describe)
echo "module ircd.packageVersion; enum packageVersion = \"$packageVersion\";" > source/ircd/packageVersion.d

6 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
set gitVersion (git describe)
set buildDate (date --iso-8601=seconds)
echo -e "/* This file is generated on build! */\n\nmodule ircd.versionInfo;\n\nenum gitVersion = \"$gitVersion\";\nenum buildDate = \"$buildDate\";" > source/ircd/versionInfo.d

View File

@ -224,7 +224,14 @@ class Channel
modes ~= mode;
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, clear the invite list when +i is set
//NOTE: The RFCs don't specify that the invite list should be cleared on +i
version (BasicFixes)
if (mode == 'i')
inviteHolders = [];
return true;
@ -349,6 +356,9 @@ class Channel
string nickPrefix(Connection member)
if (!members.canFind(member))
return null;
if (memberModes[member].canFind('o'))
return "@";
@ -382,7 +392,8 @@ class Channel
return false;
else if (maskLists['b'].any!(m => connection.matchesMask(m))
&& !maskLists['e'].any!(m => connection.matchesMask(m)))
&& !maskLists['e'].any!(m => connection.matchesMask(m))
&& nickPrefix(connection).length == 0)
return false;

View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import vibe.core.core;
import : readLine;
import ircd.versionInfo;
import ircd.message;
import ircd.server;
@ -48,9 +50,14 @@ class Connection
return nick ~ "!" ~ user ~ "@" ~ hostname;
@property bool registrationAttempted()
return nick !is null && user !is null;
@property bool registered()
return nick !is null && user !is null && _server.isPassCorrect(pass);
return registrationAttempted && (!_server.hasPass || _server.isPassCorrect(pass));
@property bool isOperator()
@ -61,9 +68,10 @@ class Connection
@property string servername()
} //TODO: Support server linking
//TODO: Maybe replace string's opEquals (or make a new string class/struct) to compare with toIRCLower
//TODO: Support server linking
//TODO: Maybe 'replace' string's opEquals (or make a new string class/struct) to compare with toIRCLower
//TODO: Read errata
this(TCPConnection connection, Server server)
@ -118,6 +126,7 @@ class Connection
void closeConnection()
connected = false;
@ -158,10 +167,14 @@ class Connection
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, ignore command case
//NOTE: The RFCs don't specify whether commands are case-sensitive
version (BasicFixes)
message.command =!!string;
//NOTE: The RFCs don't specify what 'being idle' means
// We assume that it's sending any message that isn't a PING/PONG.
// We assume that it's sending any message that isn't a PING/PONG.
if (message.command != "PING" && message.command != "PONG")
lastMessageTime = Clock.currTime;
@ -313,6 +326,10 @@ class Connection
else if (registrationAttempted)
void onUser(Message message)
@ -343,12 +360,14 @@ class Connection
else if (registrationAttempted)
void onPass(Message message)
//TODO: Make sure PASS is sent before the NICK/USER combination
if (message.parameters.length < 1)
@ -364,12 +383,6 @@ class Connection
pass = message.parameters[0];
if (!_server.isPassCorrect(pass))
//NOTE: The RFCs don't allow ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH as a response to PASS
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, do send ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH
void onQuit(Message message)
@ -443,7 +456,9 @@ class Connection
nick, channelName, "Cannot join channel (+i)"
else if (channel.maskLists['b'].any!(m => matchesMask(m)))
else if (channel.maskLists['b'].any!(m => matchesMask(m))
&& !channel.maskLists['e'].any!(m => matchesMask(m))
&& !channel.inviteHolders.canFind(this))
send(Message(, "474", [
nick, channelName, "Cannot join channel (+b)"
@ -645,10 +660,16 @@ class Connection
&& (!(c.modes.canFind('s') || c.modes.canFind('p')) || c.members.canFind(this))))
//NOTE: The RFCs don't allow ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL as a response to TOPIC
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, do send ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL
send(Message(, "331", [
nick, channelName, "No topic is set"
], true));
version (BasicFixes)
send(Message(, "331", [
nick, channelName, "No topic is set"
], true));
@ -844,10 +865,10 @@ class Connection
//NOTE: The RFCs are ambiguous about the parameter(s).
// It specifies one allowed parameter type, a space-separated list of nicknames (i.e. prefixed with ':').
// However, the nicknames in the example are sent as separate parameters, not as a single string prefixed with ':'.
// For this implementation, we assume the example is wrong, like most clients seem to assume as well.
// (Other server implementations usually seem to support both interpretations.)
// It specifies one allowed parameter type, a space-separated list of nicknames (i.e. prefixed with ':').
// However, the nicknames in the example are sent as separate parameters, not as a single string prefixed with ':'.
// For this implementation, we assume the example is wrong, like most clients seem to assume as well.
// (Other server implementations usually seem to support both interpretations.)
_server.ison(this, message.parameters[0].split);
@ -919,7 +940,6 @@ class Connection
if (channelList.length != 1 && channelList.length != userList.length)
//TODO: Figure out what the right error is here
@ -978,7 +998,11 @@ class Connection
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, send an error
//NOTE: The RFCs don't allow ERR_NOSUCHNICK as a reponse to MODE
version (BasicFixes)
@ -988,10 +1012,22 @@ class Connection
if (target.toIRCLower != nick.toIRCLower)
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, use a different error message when viewing modes and when changing modes
send(Message(, "502", [
nick, "Cannot change mode for other users"
], true));
//NOTE: The RFCs don't specify a different message for viewing other users' modes
version (BasicFixes)
if (message.parameters.length > 1)
send(Message(, "502", [nick, "Cannot change mode for other users"], true));
send(Message(, "502", [nick, "Cannot view mode of other users"], true));
send(Message(, "502", [nick, "Cannot change mode for other users"], true));
@ -1006,7 +1042,11 @@ class Connection
auto add = modeString[0] == '+';
if (!add && modeString[0] != '-')
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, send a malformed message error
//NOTE: The RFCs don't specify what should happen on malformed mode operations
version (BasicFixes)
sendMalformedMessageError(message.command, "Invalid mode operation: " ~ modeString[0]);
@ -1018,19 +1058,18 @@ class Connection
auto changedModes = modeString[1 .. $];
foreach (mode; changedModes)
//when RFC-strictness is off, maybe send an error when trying to do an illegal change
switch (mode)
case 'i':
case 'w':
case 's':
case 'w':
case 's':
if (add)
modes ~= mode;
case 'o':
case 'O':
case 'O':
if (!add)
@ -1057,17 +1096,31 @@ class Connection
auto channelRange = _server.findChannelByName(message.parameters[0]);
if (channelRange.empty)
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, send an error message when the channel doesn't exist
//NOTE: The RFCs don't allow ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL as a response to MODE
version (BasicFixes)
auto channel = channelRange[0];
//NOTE: The RFCs are inconsistent on channel mode query syntax for mask list modes
// ('MODE #chan +b', but 'MODE #chan e' and 'MODE #chan I')
version (BasicFixes)
enum listQueryModes = ["+b", "+e", "+I", "e", "I"];
enum listQueryModes = ["+b", "e", "I"];
if (message.parameters.length == 1)
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, also allow '+e' and '+I' (?)
else if (message.parameters.length == 2 && ["+b", "e", "I"].canFind(message.parameters[1]))
else if (message.parameters.length == 2 && listQueryModes.canFind(message.parameters[1]))
auto listChar = message.parameters[1][$ - 1];
final switch (listChar)
@ -1097,7 +1150,11 @@ class Connection
auto add = modeString[0] == '+';
if (!add && modeString[0] != '-')
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, send a malformed message error
//NOTE: The RFCs don't specify what should happen on malformed mode operations
version (BasicFixes)
sendMalformedMessageError(message.command, "Invalid mode operation: " ~ modeString[0]);
@ -1112,7 +1169,6 @@ class Connection
auto changedModes = modeString[1 .. $];
Lforeach: foreach (mode; changedModes)
//when RFC-strictness is off, maybe send an error when trying to do an illegal change
switch (mode)
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is on, limit mode changes with parameter to 3 per command
@ -1121,7 +1177,6 @@ class Connection
case 'v':
if (i + 1 == message.parameters.length)
//TODO: Figure out what to do when we need more mode parameters
break Lforeach;
auto memberNick = message.parameters[++i];
@ -1151,20 +1206,34 @@ class Connection
processedParameters ~= memberNick;
case 'b': //TODO: Implement bans
case 'e': //TODO: Implement ban exceptions
case 'I': //TODO: Implement invite lists
case 'b':
case 'e':
case 'I':
if (i + 1 == message.parameters.length)
//TODO: Figure out what to do when we need more mode parameters
break Lforeach;
auto mask = message.parameters[++i];
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, interpret '<nick>' as '<nick>!*@*'
if (!Server.isValidUserMask(mask))
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, send an error
break Lforeach;
//NOTE: The RFCs don't specify whether nicks are valid masks
//NOTE: The RFCs don't allow an error reply on an invalid user mask
version (BasicFixes)
if (Server.isValidNick(mask))
mask ~= "!*@*";
sendMalformedMessageError(message.command, "Invalid user mask: " ~ mask);
break Lforeach;
break Lforeach;
bool success;
@ -1181,7 +1250,6 @@ class Connection
case 'k':
if (i + 1 == message.parameters.length)
//TODO: Figure out what to do when we need more mode parameters
break Lforeach;
auto key = message.parameters[++i];
@ -1202,7 +1270,6 @@ class Connection
if (i + 1 == message.parameters.length)
//TODO: Figure out what to do when we need more mode parameters
break Lforeach;
@ -1230,9 +1297,9 @@ class Connection
case 'i': //TODO: Implement invite-only channels
case 'm': //TODO: Implement channel moderation
case 'n': //TODO: Implement the no messages from clients on the outside flag
case 'i':
case 'm':
case 'n':
case 'p':
case 's':
case 't':
@ -1408,13 +1475,42 @@ class Connection
], true));
void sendMalformedMessageError(string command, string description)
send(Message(, "ERROR", [command, "Malformed message: " ~ description], true));
void sendWelcome()
send(Message(, "001", [
nick, "Welcome to the Internet Relay Network " ~ prefix
], true));
//NOTE: According to the RFCs these aren't ':'-prefixed strings but separate parameters
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, also send 002, 003, and 004
enum availableUserModes = "aiwroOs";
enum availableChannelModes = "OovaimnqpsrtklbeI";
send(Message(, "001", [nick,
"Welcome", "to", "the", "Internet", "Relay", "Network", prefix
], false));
send(Message(, "002", [nick,
"Your", "host", "is", ~ ",", "running", "version", _server.versionString
], false));
send(Message(, "003", [nick,
"This", "server", "was", "created", buildDate
], false));
send(Message(, "004", [nick,, _server.versionString, availableUserModes, availableChannelModes
], false));
void onIncorrectPassword()
//NOTE: The RFCs don't allow ERR_PASSWDMISMATCH as a response to NICK/USER
version (BasicFixes)
send(Message(, "464", [nick, "Password incorrect"], true));
//NOTE: The RFCs don't actually specify what should happen here
string getHost()

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import std.string;
import vibe.core.core;
import ircd.packageVersion;
import ircd.versionInfo;
import ircd.message;
import ircd.connection;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ class Server
Connection[] connections;
enum versionString = "salty-ircd-" ~ packageVersion;
enum versionString = "salty-ircd-" ~ gitVersion;
string name;
enum string info = "A salty-ircd server"; //TODO: Make server info configurable
@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ class Server
foreach (c; connections.filter!(c => c.visibleTo(origin))
.filter!(c => !operatorsOnly || c.isOperator)
.filter!(c => [c.hostname, c.servername, c.realname,
c.nick].any!(n => wildcardMatch(n, mask))))
.filter!(c => [c.hostname, c.servername, c.realname, c.nick]
.any!(n => wildcardMatch(n, mask))))
//TODO: Don't leak secret/private channels if RFC-strictness is off (the RFCs don't seem to say anything about it?)
auto channelName = c.channels.empty ? "*" : c.channels.array[0].name;
@ -510,6 +510,11 @@ class Server
return pass == _pass;
bool hasPass()
return _pass != null;
void listen(ushort port = 6667)
listenTCP(port, &acceptConnection);

View File

@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ module ircd.versions;
(* NotStrict: enabled when any versions are enabled that disable RFC-strictness, i.e. any of the above)
//TODO: Implement 'SupportTLS'
//TODO: Implement 'MaxNickLengthConfigurable'
version (Modern)
version = SupportTLS;