Convert tabs to spaces

This commit is contained in:
Les De Ridder 2020-02-11 15:01:08 +01:00
parent b7868a87c5
commit d376977326
7 changed files with 2213 additions and 2213 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
listen {
type "plaintext"
address "::"
port 6667
type "plaintext"
address "::"
port 6667
# No password set

View File

@ -10,64 +10,64 @@ import ircd.server;
static T tagValueOrNull(T)(Tag tag, string childName)
if(childName !in tag.tags)
return null;
return tagValue!T(tag, childName);
if(childName !in tag.tags)
return null;
return tagValue!T(tag, childName);
static T tagValue(T)(Tag tag, string childName)
static if(isArray!T && !isSomeString!T)
template U(T : T[])
alias U = T;
static if(isArray!T && !isSomeString!T)
template U(T : T[])
alias U = T;
T array = [];
T array = [];
foreach(value; tag.tags[childName][0].values)
array ~= value.get!(U!T);
foreach(value; tag.tags[childName][0].values)
array ~= value.get!(U!T);
return array;
else static if(isIntegral!T && !is(T == int))
return cast(T)tagValue!int(tag, childName);
return tag.tags[childName][0].values[0].get!T;
return array;
else static if(isIntegral!T && !is(T == int))
return cast(T)tagValue!int(tag, childName);
return tag.tags[childName][0].values[0].get!T;
shared static this()
auto server = new Server();
auto server = new Server();
auto config = parseFile("config.sdl");
auto config = parseFile("config.sdl");
auto pass = config.tagValue!string("pass");
server.setPass(pass.empty ? null : pass);
auto pass = config.tagValue!string("pass");
server.setPass(pass.empty ? null : pass);
foreach(listenBlock; config.tags.filter!(t => t.getFullName.toString == "listen"))
assert(listenBlock.tagValue!string("type") == "plaintext");
foreach(listenBlock; config.tags.filter!(t => t.getFullName.toString == "listen"))
assert(listenBlock.tagValue!string("type") == "plaintext");
auto addresses = listenBlock.tagValue!(string[])("address");
auto port = listenBlock.tagValue!ushort("port");
auto addresses = listenBlock.tagValue!(string[])("address");
auto port = listenBlock.tagValue!ushort("port");
foreach(address; addresses)
server.listen(port, address);
foreach(address; addresses)
server.listen(port, address);

View File

@ -11,348 +11,348 @@ import ircd.helpers;
class Channel
string name;
string topic = "";
Connection[] members;
char[] modes;
char[][Connection] memberModes;
string[][char] maskLists;
string key;
Nullable!uint userLimit;
Connection[] inviteHolders;
private Server _server;
this(string name, Server server)
{ = name;
this._server = server;
this.maskLists = ['b' : [], 'e' : [], 'I' : []];
void join(Connection connection)
members ~= connection;
if(members.length == 1)
memberModes[connection] ~= 'o';
memberModes[connection] = [];
inviteHolders = inviteHolders.remove!(c => c == connection);
void part(Connection connection, string partMessage)
foreach(member; members)
if(partMessage !is null)
member.send(Message(connection.prefix, "PART", [name, partMessage], true));
member.send(Message(connection.prefix, "PART", [name]));
members = members.remove!(m => m == connection);
void invite(Connection connection)
inviteHolders ~= connection;
void sendNames(Connection connection, bool sendRplEndOfNames = true)
string channelType;
channelType = "@";
else if(modes.canFind('p'))
channelType = "*";
channelType = "=";
auto onChannel = members.canFind(connection);
connection.send(Message(, "353", [connection.nick, channelType, name, members.filter!(m => onChannel || !m.modes.canFind('i')).map!(m => prefixedNick(m)).join(' ')], true));
void sendPrivMsg(Connection sender, string text)
foreach(member; members.filter!(m => m.nick != sender.nick))
member.send(Message(sender.prefix, "PRIVMSG", [name, text], true));
void sendNotice(Connection sender, string text)
foreach(member; members.filter!(m => m.nick != sender.nick))
member.send(Message(sender.prefix, "NOTICE", [name, text], true));
void sendTopic(Connection connection)
connection.send(Message(, "331", [connection.nick, name, "No topic is set"]));
connection.send(Message(, "332", [connection.nick, name, topic], true));
void setTopic(Connection connection, string newTopic)
topic = newTopic;
foreach(member; members)
member.send(Message(connection.prefix, "TOPIC", [name, newTopic], true));
void kick(Connection kicker, Connection user, string comment)
foreach(member; members)
member.send(Message(kicker.prefix, "KICK", [name, user.nick, comment], true));
members = members.remove!(m => m == user);
void sendModes(Connection user)
auto specialModes = "";
string[] specialModeParameters;
if(members.canFind(user) && key !is null)
specialModes ~= "k";
specialModeParameters ~= key;
if(members.canFind(user) && !userLimit.isNull)
import std.conv : to;
specialModes ~= "l";
specialModeParameters ~=!string;
user.send(Message(, "324", [user.nick, name, "+" ~ modes.idup ~ specialModes] ~ specialModeParameters));
bool setMemberMode(Connection target, char mode)
return false;
memberModes[target] ~= mode;
return true;
bool unsetMemberMode(Connection target, char mode)
return false;
//NOTE: byCodeUnit is necessary due to auto-decoding (
import std.utf : byCodeUnit;
import std.range : array;
memberModes[target] = memberModes[target].byCodeUnit.remove!(m => m == mode).array;
return true;
bool setMode(char mode)
return false;
modes ~= mode;
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, clear the invite list when +i is set
return true;
bool unsetMode(char mode)
return false;
//NOTE: byCodeUnit is necessary due to auto-decoding (
import std.utf : byCodeUnit;
import std.range : array;
modes = modes.byCodeUnit.remove!(m => m == mode).array;
return true;
bool addMaskListEntry(string mask, char mode)
if(maskLists[mode].canFind!(m => m.toIRCLower == mask.toIRCLower))
return false;
maskLists[mode] ~= mask;
return true;
bool removeMaskListEntry(string mask, char mode)
if(!maskLists[mode].canFind!(m => m.toIRCLower == mask.toIRCLower))
return false;
maskLists[mode] = maskLists[mode].remove!(m => m.toIRCLower == mask.toIRCLower);
return true;
void sendBanList(Connection connection)
foreach(entry; maskLists['b'])
connection.send(Message(, "367", [connection.nick, name, entry], false));
connection.send(Message(, "368", [connection.nick, name, "End of channel ban list"], true));
void sendExceptList(Connection connection)
foreach(entry; maskLists['e'])
connection.send(Message(, "348", [connection.nick, name, entry], false));
connection.send(Message(, "349", [connection.nick, name, "End of channel exception list"], true));
void sendInviteList(Connection connection)
foreach(entry; maskLists['I'])
connection.send(Message(, "346", [connection.nick, name, entry], false));
connection.send(Message(, "347", [connection.nick, name, "End of channel invite list"], true));
bool setKey(string key)
this.key = key;
return true;
bool unsetKey(string key)
if(this.key != key)
return false;
this.key = null;
return true;
void setUserLimit(uint userLimit)
this.userLimit = userLimit;
bool unsetUserLimit()
return false;
return true;
string nickPrefix(Connection member)
return "@";
else if(memberModes[member].canFind('v'))
return "+";
return "";
string prefixedNick(Connection member) { return nickPrefix(member) ~ member.nick; }
bool visibleTo(Connection connection)
return members.canFind(connection) || !modes.canFind('s') && !modes.canFind('p');
bool canReceiveMessagesFromUser(Connection connection)
if(modes.canFind('n') && !members.canFind(connection))
return false;
else if(modes.canFind('m') && nickPrefix(connection).empty)
return false;
else if(maskLists['b'].any!(m => connection.matchesMask(m)) && !maskLists['e'].any!(m => connection.matchesMask(m)))
return false;
return true;
string name;
string topic = "";
Connection[] members;
char[] modes;
char[][Connection] memberModes;
string[][char] maskLists;
string key;
Nullable!uint userLimit;
Connection[] inviteHolders;
private Server _server;
this(string name, Server server)
{ = name;
this._server = server;
this.maskLists = ['b' : [], 'e' : [], 'I' : []];
void join(Connection connection)
members ~= connection;
if(members.length == 1)
memberModes[connection] ~= 'o';
memberModes[connection] = [];
inviteHolders = inviteHolders.remove!(c => c == connection);
void part(Connection connection, string partMessage)
foreach(member; members)
if(partMessage !is null)
member.send(Message(connection.prefix, "PART", [name, partMessage], true));
member.send(Message(connection.prefix, "PART", [name]));
members = members.remove!(m => m == connection);
void invite(Connection connection)
inviteHolders ~= connection;
void sendNames(Connection connection, bool sendRplEndOfNames = true)
string channelType;
channelType = "@";
else if(modes.canFind('p'))
channelType = "*";
channelType = "=";
auto onChannel = members.canFind(connection);
connection.send(Message(, "353", [connection.nick, channelType, name, members.filter!(m => onChannel || !m.modes.canFind('i')).map!(m => prefixedNick(m)).join(' ')], true));
void sendPrivMsg(Connection sender, string text)
foreach(member; members.filter!(m => m.nick != sender.nick))
member.send(Message(sender.prefix, "PRIVMSG", [name, text], true));
void sendNotice(Connection sender, string text)
foreach(member; members.filter!(m => m.nick != sender.nick))
member.send(Message(sender.prefix, "NOTICE", [name, text], true));
void sendTopic(Connection connection)
connection.send(Message(, "331", [connection.nick, name, "No topic is set"]));
connection.send(Message(, "332", [connection.nick, name, topic], true));
void setTopic(Connection connection, string newTopic)
topic = newTopic;
foreach(member; members)
member.send(Message(connection.prefix, "TOPIC", [name, newTopic], true));
void kick(Connection kicker, Connection user, string comment)
foreach(member; members)
member.send(Message(kicker.prefix, "KICK", [name, user.nick, comment], true));
members = members.remove!(m => m == user);
void sendModes(Connection user)
auto specialModes = "";
string[] specialModeParameters;
if(members.canFind(user) && key !is null)
specialModes ~= "k";
specialModeParameters ~= key;
if(members.canFind(user) && !userLimit.isNull)
import std.conv : to;
specialModes ~= "l";
specialModeParameters ~=!string;
user.send(Message(, "324", [user.nick, name, "+" ~ modes.idup ~ specialModes] ~ specialModeParameters));
bool setMemberMode(Connection target, char mode)
return false;
memberModes[target] ~= mode;
return true;
bool unsetMemberMode(Connection target, char mode)
return false;
//NOTE: byCodeUnit is necessary due to auto-decoding (
import std.utf : byCodeUnit;
import std.range : array;
memberModes[target] = memberModes[target].byCodeUnit.remove!(m => m == mode).array;
return true;
bool setMode(char mode)
return false;
modes ~= mode;
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, clear the invite list when +i is set
return true;
bool unsetMode(char mode)
return false;
//NOTE: byCodeUnit is necessary due to auto-decoding (
import std.utf : byCodeUnit;
import std.range : array;
modes = modes.byCodeUnit.remove!(m => m == mode).array;
return true;
bool addMaskListEntry(string mask, char mode)
if(maskLists[mode].canFind!(m => m.toIRCLower == mask.toIRCLower))
return false;
maskLists[mode] ~= mask;
return true;
bool removeMaskListEntry(string mask, char mode)
if(!maskLists[mode].canFind!(m => m.toIRCLower == mask.toIRCLower))
return false;
maskLists[mode] = maskLists[mode].remove!(m => m.toIRCLower == mask.toIRCLower);
return true;
void sendBanList(Connection connection)
foreach(entry; maskLists['b'])
connection.send(Message(, "367", [connection.nick, name, entry], false));
connection.send(Message(, "368", [connection.nick, name, "End of channel ban list"], true));
void sendExceptList(Connection connection)
foreach(entry; maskLists['e'])
connection.send(Message(, "348", [connection.nick, name, entry], false));
connection.send(Message(, "349", [connection.nick, name, "End of channel exception list"], true));
void sendInviteList(Connection connection)
foreach(entry; maskLists['I'])
connection.send(Message(, "346", [connection.nick, name, entry], false));
connection.send(Message(, "347", [connection.nick, name, "End of channel invite list"], true));
bool setKey(string key)
this.key = key;
return true;
bool unsetKey(string key)
if(this.key != key)
return false;
this.key = null;
return true;
void setUserLimit(uint userLimit)
this.userLimit = userLimit;
bool unsetUserLimit()
return false;
return true;
string nickPrefix(Connection member)
return "@";
else if(memberModes[member].canFind('v'))
return "+";
return "";
string prefixedNick(Connection member) { return nickPrefix(member) ~ member.nick; }
bool visibleTo(Connection connection)
return members.canFind(connection) || !modes.canFind('s') && !modes.canFind('p');
bool canReceiveMessagesFromUser(Connection connection)
if(modes.canFind('n') && !members.canFind(connection))
return false;
else if(modes.canFind('m') && nickPrefix(connection).empty)
return false;
else if(maskLists['b'].any!(m => connection.matchesMask(m)) && !maskLists['e'].any!(m => connection.matchesMask(m)))
return false;
return true;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -9,64 +9,64 @@ import std.algorithm : map;
@safe pure
bool wildcardMatch(string input, string pattern)
foreach (ref pi; 0 .. pattern.length)
const pc = pattern[pi];
switch (pc)
case '*':
if (pi + 1 == pattern.length)
return true;
for (; !input.empty; input.popFront())
auto p =;
if (wildcardMatch(p, pattern[pi + 1 .. pattern.length]))
return true;
return false;
case '?':
if (input.empty)
return false;
if (input.empty || pc != input.front)
return false;
return input.empty;
foreach (ref pi; 0 .. pattern.length)
const pc = pattern[pi];
switch (pc)
case '*':
if (pi + 1 == pattern.length)
return true;
for (; !input.empty; input.popFront())
auto p =;
if (wildcardMatch(p, pattern[pi + 1 .. pattern.length]))
return true;
return false;
case '?':
if (input.empty)
return false;
if (input.empty || pc != input.front)
return false;
return input.empty;
@safe pure
dchar toIRCLower(dchar input)
import std.uni : toLower;
case '[':
return '{';
case ']':
return '}';
case '\\':
return '|';
return input.toLower;
import std.uni : toLower;
case '[':
return '{';
case ']':
return '}';
case '\\':
return '|';
return input.toLower;
@safe pure
string toIRCLower(string input)
import std.utf : byChar;
import std.utf : byChar;

View File

@ -9,85 +9,85 @@ import std.conv;
//TODO: Make this a class
struct Message
string prefix;
string command;
string[] parameters;
bool prefixedParameter;
string prefix;
string command;
string[] parameters;
bool prefixedParameter;
//NOTE: The RFCs don't state what this is exactly, but common implementations use the byte count of the message parameters
ulong bytes;
//NOTE: The RFCs don't state what this is exactly, but common implementations use the byte count of the message parameters
ulong bytes;
static Message fromString(string line)
string prefix = null;
line = line[1 .. $];
prefix = line[0 .. line.indexOf(' ')];
line = line[prefix.length + 1 .. $];
static Message fromString(string line)
string prefix = null;
line = line[1 .. $];
prefix = line[0 .. line.indexOf(' ')];
line = line[prefix.length + 1 .. $];
//stop early when no space character can be found (message without parameters)
if(!line.canFind(' '))
return Message(prefix, line, [], false);
//stop early when no space character can be found (message without parameters)
if(!line.canFind(' '))
return Message(prefix, line, [], false);
auto command = line[0 .. line.indexOf(' ')];
line = line[command.length + 1 .. $];
auto bytes = line.length;
string[] params = [];
bool prefixedParam;
params ~= line[1 .. $];
prefixedParam = true;
else if(line.canFind(' '))
auto param = line[0 .. line.indexOf(' ')];
line = line[param.length + 1 .. $];
params ~= param;
params ~= line;
auto command = line[0 .. line.indexOf(' ')];
line = line[command.length + 1 .. $];
auto bytes = line.length;
string[] params = [];
bool prefixedParam;
params ~= line[1 .. $];
prefixedParam = true;
else if(line.canFind(' '))
auto param = line[0 .. line.indexOf(' ')];
line = line[param.length + 1 .. $];
params ~= param;
params ~= line;
return Message(prefix, command, params, prefixedParam, bytes);
return Message(prefix, command, params, prefixedParam, bytes);
string toString()
auto message = "";
if(prefix != null)
message = ":" ~ prefix ~ " ";
string toString()
auto message = "";
if(prefix != null)
message = ":" ~ prefix ~ " ";
if(parameters.length == 0)
return message ~ command;
if(parameters.length == 0)
return message ~ command;
message ~= command ~ " ";
if(parameters.length > 1)
message ~= parameters[0 .. $-1].join(' ') ~ " ";
message ~= command ~ " ";
if(parameters.length > 1)
message ~= parameters[0 .. $-1].join(' ') ~ " ";
if(parameters[$-1].canFind(' ') || prefixedParameter)
message ~= ":";
message ~= parameters[$-1];
if(parameters[$-1].canFind(' ') || prefixedParameter)
message ~= ":";
message ~= parameters[$-1];
return message;
return message;

View File

@ -20,446 +20,446 @@ import ircd.helpers;
class Server
Connection[] connections;
enum creationDate = packageTimestampISO.until('T').text; //TODO: Also show time when RFC-strictness is off
enum versionString = "salty-ircd-" ~ packageVersion;
string name;
enum string info = "A salty-ircd server"; //TODO: Make server info configurable
string motd;
Channel[] channels;
private uint[string] _commandUsage;
private ulong[string] _commandBytes;
private string _pass = null;
private SysTime _startTime;
name = Socket.hostName;
_startTime = Clock.currTime;
private void readMotd()
import std.file : exists, readText;
motd = readText("motd");
private void pingLoop()
foreach(connection; connections)
connection.send(Message(null, "PING", [name], true));
private void acceptConnection(TCPConnection tcpConnection)
auto connection = new Connection(tcpConnection, this);
connections ~= connection;
connections = connections.filter!(c => c != connection).array;
static bool isValidChannelName(string name)
return (name.startsWith('#') || name.startsWith('&')) && name.length <= 200;
static bool isValidNick(string name)
import std.ascii : digits, letters;
if(name.length > 9)
return false;
foreach(i, c; name)
auto allowed = letters ~ "[]\\`_^{|}";
if(i > 0)
allowed ~= digits ~ "-";
if (!allowed.canFind(c))
return false;
return true;
static bool isValidUserMask(string mask)
import std.regex : ctRegex, matchFirst;
auto validMaskRegex = ctRegex!r"^([^!]+)!([^@]+)@(.+)$";
return !mask.matchFirst(validMaskRegex).empty;
Connection[] findConnectionByNick(string nick)
return connections.find!(c => c.nick.toIRCLower == nick.toIRCLower);
bool canFindConnectionByNick(string nick)
return !findConnectionByNick(nick).empty;
bool isNickAvailable(string nick)
return !canFindConnectionByNick(nick);
Channel[] findChannelByName(string name)
return channels.find!(c => == name.toIRCLower);
bool canFindChannelByName(string name)
return !findChannelByName(name).empty;
void join(Connection connection, string channelName)
auto channelRange = findChannelByName(channelName);
Channel channel;
channel = new Channel(channelName, this);
channels ~= channel;
channel = channelRange[0];
foreach(member; channel.members)
member.send(Message(connection.prefix, "JOIN", [channelName]));
void part(Connection connection, string channelName, string partMessage)
auto channel = connection.channels.array.find!(c => == channelName.toIRCLower)[0];
channel.part(connection, partMessage);
channels = channels.remove!(c => c == channel);
void quit(Connection connection, string quitMessage)
Connection[] peers;
foreach(channel; connection.channels)
peers ~= channel.members;
channel.members = channel.members.remove!(m => m == connection);
channels = channels.remove!(c => c == channel);
peers = peers.sort().uniq.filter!(c => c != connection).array;
foreach(peer; peers)
if(quitMessage !is null)
peer.send(Message(connection.prefix, "QUIT", [quitMessage], true));
peer.send(Message(connection.prefix, "QUIT", [connection.nick], true));
void whoChannel(Connection origin, string channelName, bool operatorsOnly)
//TODO: Check what RFCs say about secret/private channels
auto channel = findChannelByName(channelName)[0];
foreach(c; channel.members.filter!(c => !operatorsOnly || c.isOperator)
.filter!(c => c.visibleTo(origin)))
//TODO: Support hop count
origin.sendWhoReply(channelName, c, channel.nickPrefix(c), 0);
void whoGlobal(Connection origin, string mask, bool operatorsOnly)
foreach(c; connections.filter!(c => c.visibleTo(origin))
.filter!(c => !operatorsOnly || c.isOperator)
.filter!(c => [c.hostname, c.servername, c.realname, c.nick].any!(n => wildcardMatch(n, mask))))
//TODO: Don't leak secret/private channels if RFC-strictness is off (the RFCs don't seem to say anything about it?)
auto channelName = c.channels.empty ? "*" : c.channels.array[0].name;
auto nickPrefix = c.channels.empty ? "" : c.channels.array[0].nickPrefix(c);
//TODO: Support hop count
origin.sendWhoReply(channelName, c, nickPrefix, 0);
void privmsgToChannel(Connection sender, string target, string text)
auto channel = findChannelByName(target)[0];
channel.sendPrivMsg(sender, text);
void privmsgToUser(Connection sender, string target, string text)
auto user = findConnectionByNick(target)[0];
user.send(Message(sender.prefix, "PRIVMSG", [target, text], true));
void noticeToChannel(Connection sender, string target, string text)
auto channel = findChannelByName(target)[0];
channel.sendNotice(sender, text);
void noticeToUser(Connection sender, string target, string text)
auto user = findConnectionByNick(target)[0];
user.send(Message(sender.prefix, "NOTICE", [target, text], true));
void sendChannelTopic(Connection origin, string channelName)
auto channel = findChannelByName(channelName)[0];
void setChannelTopic(Connection origin, string channelName, string newTopic)
auto channel = findChannelByName(channelName)[0];
channel.setTopic(origin, newTopic);
void sendChannelNames(Connection connection, string channelName)
auto channel = findChannelByName(channelName)[0];
void sendGlobalNames(Connection connection)
foreach(channel; channels.filter!(c => c.visibleTo(connection)))
channel.sendNames(connection, false);
auto otherUsers = connections.filter!(c => !c.modes.canFind('i') && c.channels.filter!(ch => !ch.modes.canFind('s') && !ch.modes.canFind('p')).empty);
connection.send(Message(name, "353", [connection.nick, "=", "*",!(m => m.nick).join(' ')], true));
void sendFullList(Connection connection)
foreach(channel; channels.filter!(c => c.visibleTo(connection)))
connection.sendRplList(, channel.members.filter!(m => m.visibleTo(connection)).array.length, channel.topic);
void sendPartialList(Connection connection, string[] channelNames)
foreach(channel; channels.filter!(c => channelNames.canFind( && c.visibleTo(connection)))
connection.sendRplList(, channel.members.filter!(m => m.visibleTo(connection)).array.length, channel.topic);
void sendVersion(Connection connection)
connection.send(Message(name, "351", [connection.nick, versionString ~ ".", name, ""], true));
void sendTime(Connection connection)
auto timeString = Clock.currTime.toISOExtString;
connection.send(Message(name, "391", [connection.nick, name, timeString], true));
void invite(Connection inviter, string target, string channelName)
auto user = findConnectionByNick(target)[0];
auto channel = findChannelByName(channelName)[0];
user.send(Message(inviter.prefix, "INVITE", [user.nick, channelName]));
void sendMotd(Connection connection)
connection.send(Message(name, "375", [connection.nick, ":- " ~ name ~ " Message of the day - "], true));
foreach(line; motd.splitLines)
//TODO: Implement line wrapping
connection.send(Message(name, "372", [connection.nick, ":- " ~ line], true));
connection.send(Message(name, "376", [connection.nick, "End of MOTD command"], true));
void sendLusers(Connection connection)
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, use '1 server' instead of '1 servers' if the network (or the part of the network of the query) has only one server
//TODO: Support services and multiple servers
connection.send(Message(name, "251", [connection.nick, "There are " ~ connections.filter!(c => c.registered)!string ~ " users and 0 services on 1 servers"], true));
if(connections.any!(c => c.isOperator))
connection.send(Message(name, "252", [connection.nick, connections.count!(c => c.isOperator).to!string, "operator(s) online"], true));
if(connections.any!(c => !c.registered))
connection.send(Message(name, "253", [connection.nick, connections.count!(c => !c.registered).to!string, "unknown connection(s)"], true));
if(channels.length > 0)
connection.send(Message(name, "254", [connection.nick,!string, "channels formed"], true));
connection.send(Message(name, "255", [connection.nick, "I have " ~!string ~ " clients and 1 servers"], true));
void ison(Connection connection, string[] nicks)
auto reply = nicks.filter!(n => canFindConnectionByNick(n)).join(' ');
connection.send(Message(name, "303", [connection.nick, reply], true));
void whois(Connection connection, string mask)
auto user = findConnectionByNick(mask)[0];
connection.send(Message(name, "311", [connection.nick, user.nick, user.user, user.hostname, "*", user.hostname], true));
//TODO: Send information about the user's actual server (which is not necessarily this one)
connection.send(Message(name, "312", [connection.nick, user.nick, name, info], true));
connection.send(Message(name, "313", [connection.nick, user.nick, "is an IRC operator"], true));
auto idleSeconds = (Clock.currTime - user.lastMessageTime).total!"seconds";
connection.send(Message(name, "317", [connection.nick, user.nick,!string, "seconds idle"], true));
auto userChannels =!(c => c.nickPrefix(user) ~' ');
connection.send(Message(name, "319", [connection.nick, user.nick, userChannels], true));
void kill(Connection killer, string nick, string comment)
auto user = findConnectionByNick(nick)[0];
user.send(Message(killer.prefix, "KILL", [nick, comment], true));
quit(user, "Killed by " ~ killer.nick ~ " (" ~ comment ~ ")");
user.send(Message(null, "ERROR", ["Closing Link: Killed by " ~ killer.nick ~ " (" ~ comment ~ ")"], true));
void kick(Connection kicker, string channelName, string nick, string comment)
auto channel = findChannelByName(channelName)[0];
auto user = findConnectionByNick(nick)[0];
channel.kick(kicker, user, comment);
void updateCommandStatistics(Message message)
auto command = message.command.toUpper;
if(command !in _commandUsage)
_commandUsage[command] = 0;
_commandBytes[command] = 0;
_commandBytes[command] += message.bytes;
void sendCommandUsage(Connection connection)
foreach(command, count; _commandUsage)
//TODO: Implement remote count
connection.send(Message(name, "212", [connection.nick, command,!string, _commandBytes[command].to!string, "0"], false));
void sendUptime(Connection connection)
import std.format : format;
auto uptime = (Clock.currTime - _startTime).split!("days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds");
auto uptimeString = format!"Server Up %d days %d:%02d:%02d"(uptime.days, uptime.hours, uptime.minutes, uptime.seconds);
connection.send(Message(name, "242", [connection.nick, uptimeString], true));
void setPass(string pass)
_pass = pass;
bool isPassCorrect(string pass)
return pass == _pass;
void listen(ushort port = 6667)
listenTCP(port, &acceptConnection);
void listen(ushort port, string address)
listenTCP(port, &acceptConnection, address);
Connection[] connections;
enum creationDate = packageTimestampISO.until('T').text; //TODO: Also show time when RFC-strictness is off
enum versionString = "salty-ircd-" ~ packageVersion;
string name;
enum string info = "A salty-ircd server"; //TODO: Make server info configurable
string motd;
Channel[] channels;
private uint[string] _commandUsage;
private ulong[string] _commandBytes;
private string _pass = null;
private SysTime _startTime;
name = Socket.hostName;
_startTime = Clock.currTime;
private void readMotd()
import std.file : exists, readText;
motd = readText("motd");
private void pingLoop()
foreach(connection; connections)
connection.send(Message(null, "PING", [name], true));
private void acceptConnection(TCPConnection tcpConnection)
auto connection = new Connection(tcpConnection, this);
connections ~= connection;
connections = connections.filter!(c => c != connection).array;
static bool isValidChannelName(string name)
return (name.startsWith('#') || name.startsWith('&')) && name.length <= 200;
static bool isValidNick(string name)
import std.ascii : digits, letters;
if(name.length > 9)
return false;
foreach(i, c; name)
auto allowed = letters ~ "[]\\`_^{|}";
if(i > 0)
allowed ~= digits ~ "-";
if (!allowed.canFind(c))
return false;
return true;
static bool isValidUserMask(string mask)
import std.regex : ctRegex, matchFirst;
auto validMaskRegex = ctRegex!r"^([^!]+)!([^@]+)@(.+)$";
return !mask.matchFirst(validMaskRegex).empty;
Connection[] findConnectionByNick(string nick)
return connections.find!(c => c.nick.toIRCLower == nick.toIRCLower);
bool canFindConnectionByNick(string nick)
return !findConnectionByNick(nick).empty;
bool isNickAvailable(string nick)
return !canFindConnectionByNick(nick);
Channel[] findChannelByName(string name)
return channels.find!(c => == name.toIRCLower);
bool canFindChannelByName(string name)
return !findChannelByName(name).empty;
void join(Connection connection, string channelName)
auto channelRange = findChannelByName(channelName);
Channel channel;
channel = new Channel(channelName, this);
channels ~= channel;
channel = channelRange[0];
foreach(member; channel.members)
member.send(Message(connection.prefix, "JOIN", [channelName]));
void part(Connection connection, string channelName, string partMessage)
auto channel = connection.channels.array.find!(c => == channelName.toIRCLower)[0];
channel.part(connection, partMessage);
channels = channels.remove!(c => c == channel);
void quit(Connection connection, string quitMessage)
Connection[] peers;
foreach(channel; connection.channels)
peers ~= channel.members;
channel.members = channel.members.remove!(m => m == connection);
channels = channels.remove!(c => c == channel);
peers = peers.sort().uniq.filter!(c => c != connection).array;
foreach(peer; peers)
if(quitMessage !is null)
peer.send(Message(connection.prefix, "QUIT", [quitMessage], true));
peer.send(Message(connection.prefix, "QUIT", [connection.nick], true));
void whoChannel(Connection origin, string channelName, bool operatorsOnly)
//TODO: Check what RFCs say about secret/private channels
auto channel = findChannelByName(channelName)[0];
foreach(c; channel.members.filter!(c => !operatorsOnly || c.isOperator)
.filter!(c => c.visibleTo(origin)))
//TODO: Support hop count
origin.sendWhoReply(channelName, c, channel.nickPrefix(c), 0);
void whoGlobal(Connection origin, string mask, bool operatorsOnly)
foreach(c; connections.filter!(c => c.visibleTo(origin))
.filter!(c => !operatorsOnly || c.isOperator)
.filter!(c => [c.hostname, c.servername, c.realname, c.nick].any!(n => wildcardMatch(n, mask))))
//TODO: Don't leak secret/private channels if RFC-strictness is off (the RFCs don't seem to say anything about it?)
auto channelName = c.channels.empty ? "*" : c.channels.array[0].name;
auto nickPrefix = c.channels.empty ? "" : c.channels.array[0].nickPrefix(c);
//TODO: Support hop count
origin.sendWhoReply(channelName, c, nickPrefix, 0);
void privmsgToChannel(Connection sender, string target, string text)
auto channel = findChannelByName(target)[0];
channel.sendPrivMsg(sender, text);
void privmsgToUser(Connection sender, string target, string text)
auto user = findConnectionByNick(target)[0];
user.send(Message(sender.prefix, "PRIVMSG", [target, text], true));
void noticeToChannel(Connection sender, string target, string text)
auto channel = findChannelByName(target)[0];
channel.sendNotice(sender, text);
void noticeToUser(Connection sender, string target, string text)
auto user = findConnectionByNick(target)[0];
user.send(Message(sender.prefix, "NOTICE", [target, text], true));
void sendChannelTopic(Connection origin, string channelName)
auto channel = findChannelByName(channelName)[0];
void setChannelTopic(Connection origin, string channelName, string newTopic)
auto channel = findChannelByName(channelName)[0];
channel.setTopic(origin, newTopic);
void sendChannelNames(Connection connection, string channelName)
auto channel = findChannelByName(channelName)[0];
void sendGlobalNames(Connection connection)
foreach(channel; channels.filter!(c => c.visibleTo(connection)))
channel.sendNames(connection, false);
auto otherUsers = connections.filter!(c => !c.modes.canFind('i') && c.channels.filter!(ch => !ch.modes.canFind('s') && !ch.modes.canFind('p')).empty);
connection.send(Message(name, "353", [connection.nick, "=", "*",!(m => m.nick).join(' ')], true));
void sendFullList(Connection connection)
foreach(channel; channels.filter!(c => c.visibleTo(connection)))
connection.sendRplList(, channel.members.filter!(m => m.visibleTo(connection)).array.length, channel.topic);
void sendPartialList(Connection connection, string[] channelNames)
foreach(channel; channels.filter!(c => channelNames.canFind( && c.visibleTo(connection)))
connection.sendRplList(, channel.members.filter!(m => m.visibleTo(connection)).array.length, channel.topic);
void sendVersion(Connection connection)
connection.send(Message(name, "351", [connection.nick, versionString ~ ".", name, ""], true));
void sendTime(Connection connection)
auto timeString = Clock.currTime.toISOExtString;
connection.send(Message(name, "391", [connection.nick, name, timeString], true));
void invite(Connection inviter, string target, string channelName)
auto user = findConnectionByNick(target)[0];
auto channel = findChannelByName(channelName)[0];
user.send(Message(inviter.prefix, "INVITE", [user.nick, channelName]));
void sendMotd(Connection connection)
connection.send(Message(name, "375", [connection.nick, ":- " ~ name ~ " Message of the day - "], true));
foreach(line; motd.splitLines)
//TODO: Implement line wrapping
connection.send(Message(name, "372", [connection.nick, ":- " ~ line], true));
connection.send(Message(name, "376", [connection.nick, "End of MOTD command"], true));
void sendLusers(Connection connection)
//TODO: If RFC-strictness is off, use '1 server' instead of '1 servers' if the network (or the part of the network of the query) has only one server
//TODO: Support services and multiple servers
connection.send(Message(name, "251", [connection.nick, "There are " ~ connections.filter!(c => c.registered)!string ~ " users and 0 services on 1 servers"], true));
if(connections.any!(c => c.isOperator))
connection.send(Message(name, "252", [connection.nick, connections.count!(c => c.isOperator).to!string, "operator(s) online"], true));
if(connections.any!(c => !c.registered))
connection.send(Message(name, "253", [connection.nick, connections.count!(c => !c.registered).to!string, "unknown connection(s)"], true));
if(channels.length > 0)
connection.send(Message(name, "254", [connection.nick,!string, "channels formed"], true));
connection.send(Message(name, "255", [connection.nick, "I have " ~!string ~ " clients and 1 servers"], true));
void ison(Connection connection, string[] nicks)
auto reply = nicks.filter!(n => canFindConnectionByNick(n)).join(' ');
connection.send(Message(name, "303", [connection.nick, reply], true));
void whois(Connection connection, string mask)
auto user = findConnectionByNick(mask)[0];
connection.send(Message(name, "311", [connection.nick, user.nick, user.user, user.hostname, "*", user.hostname], true));
//TODO: Send information about the user's actual server (which is not necessarily this one)
connection.send(Message(name, "312", [connection.nick, user.nick, name, info], true));
connection.send(Message(name, "313", [connection.nick, user.nick, "is an IRC operator"], true));
auto idleSeconds = (Clock.currTime - user.lastMessageTime).total!"seconds";
connection.send(Message(name, "317", [connection.nick, user.nick,!string, "seconds idle"], true));
auto userChannels =!(c => c.nickPrefix(user) ~' ');
connection.send(Message(name, "319", [connection.nick, user.nick, userChannels], true));
void kill(Connection killer, string nick, string comment)
auto user = findConnectionByNick(nick)[0];
user.send(Message(killer.prefix, "KILL", [nick, comment], true));
quit(user, "Killed by " ~ killer.nick ~ " (" ~ comment ~ ")");
user.send(Message(null, "ERROR", ["Closing Link: Killed by " ~ killer.nick ~ " (" ~ comment ~ ")"], true));
void kick(Connection kicker, string channelName, string nick, string comment)
auto channel = findChannelByName(channelName)[0];
auto user = findConnectionByNick(nick)[0];
channel.kick(kicker, user, comment);
void updateCommandStatistics(Message message)
auto command = message.command.toUpper;
if(command !in _commandUsage)
_commandUsage[command] = 0;
_commandBytes[command] = 0;
_commandBytes[command] += message.bytes;
void sendCommandUsage(Connection connection)
foreach(command, count; _commandUsage)
//TODO: Implement remote count
connection.send(Message(name, "212", [connection.nick, command,!string, _commandBytes[command].to!string, "0"], false));
void sendUptime(Connection connection)
import std.format : format;
auto uptime = (Clock.currTime - _startTime).split!("days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds");
auto uptimeString = format!"Server Up %d days %d:%02d:%02d"(uptime.days, uptime.hours, uptime.minutes, uptime.seconds);
connection.send(Message(name, "242", [connection.nick, uptimeString], true));
void setPass(string pass)
_pass = pass;
bool isPassCorrect(string pass)
return pass == _pass;
void listen(ushort port = 6667)
listenTCP(port, &acceptConnection);
void listen(ushort port, string address)
listenTCP(port, &acceptConnection, address);