
79 lines
3.0 KiB

@section('title', "Results for '" . $poll->question . "'")
@if ($voted)
<section class="primary-box">
<span>Your vote has been recorded!</span><br>
<div class="text-browser"><br></div>
$sortedOptions = $poll->options->sortByDesc(function($option) use($poll) { return $poll->votes->where('poll_option_id', $option->id)->count(); });
$nonZeroOptions = $sortedOptions->filter(function($option) use($poll) { return $poll->votes->where('poll_option_id', $option->id)->count() > 0; });
$cache = Cache::get($poll->id);
$total = $cache['vote_count'];
<section class="grid grid--large some-top-margin">
<div class="some-bottom-margin">
<div class="primary-box">
@foreach ($sortedOptions as $option)
@php ($votes = $poll->votes->where('poll_option_id', $option->id)->count())
<div class="some-more-bottom-margin">
<span>{{ $option->text }}</span>
<span class="text-browser">:</span>
<span style="float:right">{{ $votes }} votes</span>
<div style="background-color:#e83fb8;height:2rem;width:{{ $total == 0 ? 0 : ($votes / $total * 100) }}%;" "{{ $total == 0 ? 0 : ($votes / $total * 100)}}% of votes">
<div class="text-browser">
<span>{{ $total == 0 ? 0 : round($votes / $total * 100, 2) }}% of votes</span>
<div class="some-top-margin">
<span>Total votes: {{ $total }}</span>
@if ($total != 0)
<div class="primary-box">
<img src="{{ $cache['pie_chart']}}" style="display:block;margin: 0 auto">
<div class="text-browser"><br></div>
@foreach ($nonZeroOptions as $option)
<img src="{{ $cache['colour_squares'][$option->id] }}" style="display:inline-block">
<span>{{ $option->text }}</span>
<section class="primary-box some-top-margin">
<span>Results for this poll are hidden until the poll is closed.</span>