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2018-10-16 04:42:13 +02:00
| HTML Tidy Laravel filter
| Here is a list of all available config options with their default values.
| For more info please visit https://github.com/Stolz/laravel-html-tidy
return [
// Enable if PHP has tidy extension support
'enabled' => extension_loaded('tidy'),
// Process AJAX requests
'ajax' => false,
// Encoding of your original documents. This refers to the encoding that you original documents have,
// not the enconding that will be used for the output.
'encoding' => 'utf8', // Possible values: ascii, latin0, latin1, raw, utf8, iso2022, mac, win1252, ibm858, utf16, utf16le, utf16be, big5, and shiftjis.
// Doctype used for the output
'doctype' => '<!doctype html>',
// Append errors to output
'display_errors' => false,
// Errors container opening tag
'container_open_tag' => '<div id="tidy_errors" style="position: absolute;right: 0;top: 0;z-index: 100;padding:1em;margin:1em;border:1px solid #DC0024;font-family: Sans-Serif;background-color:#FFE5E5;color:#DC0024"><a style="float:right;cursor:pointer;color:blue;margin:-15px" onclick="document.getElementById(\'tidy_errors\').style.display = \'none\'">[x]</a>',
// Errors container closing tag
'container_close_tag' => '</div>',
// Options passed to HTML Tidy parseString() function. Docs: http://tidy.sourceforge.net/docs/quickref.html
'tidy_options' => [
'output-xhtml' => false,
'char-encoding' => 'utf8',
'wrap' => 0,
'wrap-sections' => false,
'indent' => 2, // 2 is equivalent to 'auto', which seems to be ignored by PHP-html-tidy extension
'indent-spaces' => 4,
// HTML5 workarounds
'doctype' => 'omit', //The filter will add the configured doctype later
'new-blocklevel-tags' => 'article,aside,canvas,dialog,embed,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,nav,output,progress,section,video',
'new-inline-tags' => 'audio,bdi,command,datagrid,datalist,details,keygen,mark,meter,rp,rt,ruby,source,summary,time,track,wbr',
// Errors that match these regexs wont be displayed
'ignored_errors' => [
// workaround to hide errors related to HTML5
"/line.*<html> proprietary attribute \"class\"\n?/",
"/line.*<input> proprietary attribute \"autocomplete\"\n?/",
"/line.*<input> proprietary attribute \"autofocus\"\n?/",
"/line.*<meta> lacks \"content\" attribute\n?/",
"/line.*<meta> proprietary attribute \"charset\"\n?/",
"/line.*<script> inserting \"type\" attribute\n?/",
"/line.*<style> inserting \"type\" attribute\n?/",
"/line.*<table> lacks \"summary\" attribute\n?/",
"/line.*is not approved by W3C\n?/",
"/line.*proprietary attribute \"data-.*\n?/",
"/line.*proprietary attribute \"placeholder.*\n?/",
"/line.*proprietary attribute \"contenteditable.*\n?/",