# luckybooru luckybooru is a [danbooru](https://danbooru.donmai.us/)-style booru written in Crystal with Lucky. ## Status luckybooru is in the early design stage. ## Goals and design principles * Feature parity with danbooru * Support for various types of media (images, audio, videos, plaintext, Markdown) * Full support for running in a cluster with live scaling * All major features should work with *noscript* * RESTful API ## Major technologies used * [Crystal](https://crystal-lang.org/) * [Lucky](https://luckyframework.org) ## Database schema (WIP) ![(database schema image)](schema.png) ## Source code * Main repo: *to be created* * This page: [luckybooru_info](https://git.fuwafuwa.moe/lesderid/luckybooru_info) All repos are licensed under the [University of Illinois/NCSA license](LICENSE.html).