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# Here is where you configure the Lucky server
# Look at config/route_helper.cr if you want to change the domain used when
# generating links with `Action.url`.
Lucky::Server.configure do |settings|
if Lucky::Env.production?
settings.secret_key_base = secret_key_from_env
settings.host = ""
settings.port = ENV["PORT"].to_i
settings.gzip_enabled = true
# By default certain content types will be gzipped.
# For a full list look in
# https://github.com/luckyframework/lucky/blob/master/src/lucky/server.cr
# To add additional extensions do something like this:
# config.gzip_content_types << "content/type"
settings.secret_key_base = "SvDuwNASl8MVLGYq/iugM335UPqck5EeSFp+hCqjwsw="
# Change host/port in config/watch.yml
# Alternatively, you can set the PORT env to set the port
settings.host = Lucky::ServerSettings.host
settings.port = Lucky::ServerSettings.port
# By default Lucky will serve static assets in development and production.
# However you could use a CDN when in production like this:
# Lucky::Server.configure do |settings|
# if Lucky::Env.production?
# settings.asset_host = "https://mycdnhost.com"
# else
# settings.asset_host = ""
# end
# end
settings.asset_host = "" # Lucky will serve assets
Lucky::ForceSSLHandler.configure do |settings|
# To force SSL in production, uncomment the lines below.
# This will cause http requests to be redirected to https:
# settings.enabled = Lucky::Env.production?
# settings.strict_transport_security = {max_age: 1.year, include_subdomains: true}
# Or, leave it disabled:
settings.enabled = false
private def secret_key_from_env
ENV["SECRET_KEY_BASE"]? || raise_missing_secret_key_in_production
private def raise_missing_secret_key_in_production
puts "Please set the SECRET_KEY_BASE environment variable. You can generate a secret key with 'lucky gen.secret_key'".colorize.red