module dtagfs.filesystem; import std.algorithm; import std.range; import std.file; import std.conv; import std.path; import std.array; import std.string; import std.stdio; import core.sys.posix.unistd; import core.stdc.string; import core.stdc.errno; import dfuse.fuse; import dtagfs.tagprovider; class FileSystem : Operations { private string _source; private TagProvider[] _tagProviders; private stat_t _sourceStat; private string[][string] _tagCache; private string[][string] _dirCache; private string[] _tagList; private string[string] _fileLinkCache; private bool _noCommon; this(string source, TagProvider[] tagProviders, bool noCommon) { _source = source; _tagProviders = tagProviders; _noCommon = noCommon; lstat(toStringz(source), &_sourceStat); cacheTags(); } @property TagProvider primaryTagProvider() { return _tagProviders[0]; } void cacheTags() { foreach(tagProvider; _tagProviders.filter!(a => a.cacheReads)) { foreach(file; dirEntries(_source, SpanMode.breadth).filter!(a => a.isFile)) { auto tags = tagProvider.getTags(file); _tagCache[file] ~=!(tag => tag.replace("/", "/")).array; //replace '/' (directory separator) with full-width solidus _fileLinkCache[file.baseName] = file; } } _tagList = _tagCache.byValue() .joiner .array .sort() .uniq .array; } override void getattr(const(char)[] path, ref stat_t stat) { stat.st_uid = _sourceStat.st_uid; stat.st_gid = _sourceStat.st_gid; if(path == "/" || isTag(path.baseName)) { stat.st_mode = _sourceStat.st_mode; } else if(isFile(path.baseName)) { stat.st_mode = S_IFLNK | octal!777; stat.st_nlink = 1; } else { throw new FuseException(ENOENT); } } bool isTag(const(char)[] name) { return _tagList.canFind(name); } bool isFile(const(char)[] name) { return (name in _fileLinkCache) !is null; } string findFile(const(char)[] name) { if(!isFile(name)) { return null; } return _fileLinkCache[name]; } string[] getTags(const(char)[] path) { if(path == "/") { return _tagList; } else { auto tags = pathSplitter(path).array[1..$]; auto filePairs = _tagCache.byKeyValue().filter!(a => tags.all!(b => a.value.canFind(b))); return!(a => a.value) .joiner .filter!(a => !tags.canFind(a)) .filter!(a => !_noCommon || !filePairs.all!(f => f.value.canFind(a))) .array .sort() .uniq .array; } } string[] getFiles(const(char)[] path) { if(path == "/") { return!(a => a.baseName).array; } else { auto tags = pathSplitter(path).array[1..$]; return _tagCache.byKeyValue() .filter!(a => tags.all!(b => a.value.canFind(b))) .map!(a => a.key.baseName) .array; } } override ulong readlink(const(char)[] path, ubyte[] buf) { auto realPath = findFile(path.baseName); if(realPath is null) { throw new FuseException(ENOENT); } strncpy(cast(char*)buf, cast(char*)realPath.toStringz, realPath.length); return realPath.length; } override bool access(const(char)[] path, int mode) { //TODO: Check if this should always be true return true; } override string[] readdir(const(char)[] path) { if(path in _dirCache) { return _dirCache[path]; } if (path == "/") { return _dirCache[path] = getTags(path) ~ getFiles(path); } else { return _dirCache[path] = getTags(path) ~ getFiles(path) ~ [".", ".."]; } } }