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2016-10-16 05:30:52 +02:00
* Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the Boost-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
module dfuse.fuse;
/* reexport stat_t */
public import core.sys.posix.fcntl;
import std.algorithm;
import std.array;
import std.conv;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import errno = core.stdc.errno;
import core.stdc.string;
import c.fuse.fuse;
import core.thread : thread_attachThis, thread_detachThis;
import core.sys.posix.pthread;
* libfuse is handling the thread creation and we cannot hook into it. However
* we need to make the GC aware of the threads. So for any call to a handler
* we check if the current thread is attached and attach it if necessary.
private int threadAttached = false;
private pthread_cleanup cleanup;
extern(C) void detach(void* ptr) nothrow
import std.exception;
private void attach()
if (!threadAttached)
cleanup.push(&detach, cast(void*) null);
threadAttached = true;
* A template to wrap C function calls and support exceptions to indicate
* errors.
* The templates passes the Operations object to the lambda as the first
* arguemnt.
private auto call(alias fn)()
auto t = cast(Operations*) fuse_get_context().private_data;
return fn(*t);
catch (FuseException fe)
/* errno is used to indicate an error to libfuse */
errno.errno = fe.errno;
return -fe.errno;
catch (Exception e)
return -errno.EIO;
/* C calling convention compatible function to hand into libfuse which wrap
* the call to our Operations object.
* Note that we convert our * char pointer to an array using the
* ptr[0..len] syntax.
private int dfuse_access(const char* path, int mode)
return call!(
(Operations t)
if(t.access(path[0..path.strlen], mode))
return 0;
return -1;
private int dfuse_getattr(const char* path, stat_t* st)
return call!(
(Operations t)
t.getattr(path[0..path.strlen], *st);
return 0;
private int dfuse_readdir(const char* path, void* buf,
fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset, fuse_file_info* fi)
return call!(
(Operations t)
foreach(file; t.readdir(path[0..path.strlen]))
filler(buf, cast(char*) toStringz(file), null, 0);
return 0;
private int dfuse_readlink(const char* path, char* buf, size_t size)
return call!(
(Operations t)
auto length = t.readlink(path[0..path.strlen],
/* Null-terminate the string and copy it over to the buffer. */
assert(length <= size);
buf[length] = '\0';
return 0;
private int dfuse_read(const char* path, char* buf, size_t size,
off_t offset, fuse_file_info* fi)
/* Ensure at compile time that off_t and size_t fit into an ulong. */
static assert(ulong.max >= size_t.max);
static assert(ulong.max >= off_t.max);
return call!(
(Operations t)
auto bbuf = cast(ubyte*) buf;
return cast(int) t.read(path[0..path.strlen], bbuf[0..size],
private int dfuse_write(const char* path, char* data, size_t size,
off_t offset, fuse_file_info* fi)
static assert(ulong.max >= size_t.max);
static assert(ulong.max >= off_t.max);
return call!(
(Operations t)
auto bdata = cast(ubyte*) data;
return t.write(path[0..path.strlen], bdata[0..size],
private int dfuse_truncate(const char* path, off_t length)
static assert(ulong.max >= off_t.max);
return call!(
(Operations t)
t.truncate(path[0..path.strlen], to!ulong(length));
return 0;
private void* dfuse_init(fuse_conn_info* conn)
auto t = cast(Operations*) fuse_get_context().private_data;
return t;
private void dfuse_destroy(void* data)
/* this is an ugly hack at the moment. We need to somehow detach all
threads from the runtime because after fuse_main finishes the pthreads
are joined. We circumvent that problem by just exiting while our
threads still run. */
import std.c.process;
} /* extern(C) */
export class FuseException : Exception
public int errno;
this(int errno, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__,
Throwable next = null)
super("Fuse Exception", file, line, next);
this.errno = errno;
* An object oriented wrapper around fuse_operations.
export class Operations
* Runs on filesystem creation
void initialize()
* Called to get a stat(2) structure for a path.
void getattr(const(char)[] path, ref stat_t stat)
throw new FuseException(errno.EOPNOTSUPP);
* Read path into the provided buffer beginning at offset.
* Params:
* path = The path to the file to read.
* buf = The buffer to read the data into.
* offset = An offset to start reading at.
* Returns: The amount of bytes read.
ulong read(const(char)[] path, ubyte[] buf, ulong offset)
throw new FuseException(errno.EOPNOTSUPP);
* Write the given data to the file.
* Params:
* path = The path to the file to write.
* buf = A read-only buffer containing the data to write.
* offset = An offset to start writing at.
* Returns: The amount of bytes written.
int write(const(char)[] path, in ubyte[] data, ulong offset)
throw new FuseException(errno.EOPNOTSUPP);
* Truncate a file to the given length.
* Params:
* path = The path to the file to trunate.
* length = Truncate file to this given length.
void truncate(const(char)[] path, ulong length)
throw new FuseException(errno.EOPNOTSUPP);
* Returns a list of files and directory names in the given folder. Note
* that you have to return . and ..
* Params:
* path = The path to the directory.
* Returns: An array of filenames.
string[] readdir(const(char)[] path)
throw new FuseException(errno.EOPNOTSUPP);
* Reads the link identified by path into the given buffer.
* Params:
* path = The path to the directory.
ulong readlink(const(char)[] path, ubyte[] buf)
throw new FuseException(errno.EOPNOTSUPP);
* Determine if the user has access to the given path.
* Params:
* path = The path to check.
* mode = An flag indicating what to check for. See access(2) for
* supported modes.
* Returns: True on success otherwise false.
bool access(const(char)[] path, int mode)
throw new FuseException(errno.EOPNOTSUPP);
void exception(Exception e)
* A wrapper around fuse_main()
export class Fuse
bool foreground;
bool threaded;
string fsname;
this(string fsname)
this(fsname, false, true);
this(string fsname, bool foreground, bool threaded)
this.fsname = fsname;
this.foreground = foreground;
this.threaded = threaded;
void mount(Operations ops, const string mountpoint, string[] mountopts)
string [] args = [this.fsname];
args ~= mountpoint;
if(mountopts.length > 0)
args ~= format("-o%s", mountopts.join(","));
args ~= "-f";
args ~= "-s";
debug writefln("fuse arguments s=(%s)", args);
fuse_operations fops;
fops.init = &dfuse_init;
fops.access = &dfuse_access;
fops.getattr = &dfuse_getattr;
fops.readdir = &dfuse_readdir;
fops.read = &dfuse_read;
fops.write = &dfuse_write;
fops.truncate = &dfuse_truncate;
fops.readlink = &dfuse_readlink;
fops.destroy = &dfuse_destroy;
/* Create c-style arguments from a string[] array. */
auto cargs = array(map!(a => toStringz(a))(args));
int length = cast(int) cargs.length;
static if(length.max < cargs.length.max)
/* This is an unsafe cast that we need to do for C compat.
Enforce unlike assert will be checked in opt-builds as well. */
import std.exception : enforce;
enforce(length >= 0);
enforce(length == cargs.length);
fuse_main(length, cast(char**) cargs.ptr, &fops, &ops);