Add multi-phase tests

This commit is contained in:
Les De Ridder 2019-07-13 00:25:31 +02:00
parent a3c4a99b5d
commit b4482002db
2 changed files with 144 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -3,31 +3,74 @@ import util;
import std.stdio : stderr, writeln;
import std.datetime : Duration;
import std.meta : AliasSeq;
import std.meta : AliasSeq, ApplyLeft, staticMap, Instantiate;
alias tests = AliasSeq!(testInsert, testDelete, testConcat, testMixed);
alias setupFuns = AliasSeq!(noSetup, makeAndInsert, makeAndInsert, noSetup);
enum testNames = ["100 inserts", "100 deletes", "Concat", "Mixed"];
alias multiPhaseTests = AliasSeq!(testInsert, testDelete, testConcat);
alias multiPhaseSetupFuns = AliasSeq!(makeAndInsert, makeAndInsert, makeAndInsert);
alias containers = AliasSeq!(int[], StdArray!int, rcarray!int, EMSIArray!int, StdxArray!int);
enum containerNames = ["[]", "Phobos Array", "rcarray", "EMSI Array", "stdx array"];
enum phasesPerTest = 5;
enum times = 100000;
enum phaseSizes = [
(10 - 0), (50 - 10), (200 - 50), (1000 - 200), (10000-1000),
void testInsert(Container, size_t size = 100)()
(10 - 0), (50 - 10), (200 - 50), (1000 - 200), (10000-1000),
10, 50, 200, 1000, 10000,
enum phaseSetupSizes = [
0, 10, 50, 200, 1000,
10, 50, 200, 1000, 10000,
10, 50, 200, 1000, 10000,
enum multiPhaseTestNames = ["Inserts", "Deletes", "Concat"];
enum phaseNames = [
"0-10", "10-50", "50-200", "200-1000", "1000-10000",
"10-0", "50-10", "200-50", "1000-200", "10000-1000",
"10+10", "50+50", "200+20", "1000+1000", "10000+10000",
enum runsPerMultiPhaseTest = 10000;
alias singlePhaseTests = AliasSeq!(testMixed);
alias singlePhaseSetupFuns = AliasSeq!(noSetup);
enum singlePhaseTestNames = ["Mixed"];
alias containers = AliasSeq!(rcarray!int, int[], StdArray!int, EMSIArray!int, StdxArray!int);
enum containerNames = ["rcarray", "[]", "Phobos Array", "EMSI Array", "stdx array"];
enum runsPerSinglePhaseTest = 1000000;
void testInsert(size_t size, Container)(ref Container container)
auto container = make!Container();
static foreach (i; 0 .. size)
container ~= 42;
assert(container.length == size && container[size - 1] == 42);
assert(container.length >= size && container[$ - 1] == 42);
void testDelete(Container, size_t size = 100)(ref Container container)
void testDelete(size_t size, Container)(ref Container container)
assert(container.length >= size);
foreach (i; 0 .. size)
static if (is(Container : StdxArray!U, U))
@ -44,10 +87,10 @@ void testDelete(Container, size_t size = 100)(ref Container container)
assert(container.length == 0);
assert(container.length >= 0);
void testConcat(Container, size_t size = 100)(ref Container container)
void testConcat(size_t size, Container)(ref Container container)
auto c = container ~ container;
@ -110,11 +153,24 @@ auto testContainers(Containers...)()
Duration[][] results;
static foreach (i, test; tests)
static foreach (i, test; multiPhaseTests)
static foreach (j; i * phasesPerTest .. (i + 1) * phasesPerTest)
enum phaseSize = phaseSizes[j];
enum phaseSetupSize = phaseSetupSizes[j];
alias ts = staticMap!(ApplyLeft!(test, phaseSize), Containers);
alias ss = staticMap!(ApplyLeft!(multiPhaseSetupFuns[i], phaseSetupSize), Containers);
results ~= benchmarkWithSetup!(Transpose!(2, ts, ss))(runsPerMultiPhaseTest).array;
static foreach (i, test; singlePhaseTests)
alias ts = staticMap!(test, Containers);
alias ss = staticMap!(setupFuns[i], Containers);
results ~= benchmarkWithSetup!(Transpose!(2, ts, ss))(times).array;
alias ss = staticMap!(singlePhaseSetupFuns[i], Containers);
results ~= benchmarkWithSetup!(Transpose!(2, ts, ss))(runsPerSinglePhaseTest).array;
return results;
@ -122,14 +178,30 @@ auto testContainers(Containers...)()
void printResults(Containers...)(Duration[][] results)
static foreach (i, test; tests)
import std.stdio : writeln;
static foreach (i, test; multiPhaseTests)
writeln(test.stringof, ":");
static foreach (j; 0 .. phasesPerTest)
writeln("\t", "Phase ", j + 1, " (", phaseNames[i * phasesPerTest + j], ")");
static foreach (k, Container; Containers)
writeln("\t\t", Container.stringof, ": ", results[i * phasesPerTest + j][k]);
static foreach (i, test; singlePhaseTests)
import std.stdio : writeln;
writeln(test.stringof, ":");
static foreach (j, Container; Containers)
writeln("\t", Container.stringof, ": ", results[i][j]);
writeln("\t", Container.stringof, ": ", results[multiPhaseTests.length * phasesPerTest + i][j]);
@ -138,27 +210,64 @@ void plotResults(Containers...)(Duration[][] results)
import plt = matplotlibd.pyplot;
foreach (i, test; tests)
auto testResults = results[i];
import std.range : iota;
import std.algorithm : map;
import std.array : array;
import std.conv : to;
import std.range : iota;
import std.algorithm : map;
import std.array : array;
import std.conv : to;
static foreach (i, test; multiPhaseTests)
enum colours = ["C0", "C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "C5", "C6", "C7", "C8", "C9"];
static assert(Containers.length <= colours.length);
auto title = testNames[i] ~ " (" ~!string ~ " runs)";
auto testResults = results[i * phasesPerTest .. (i + 1) * phasesPerTest];
auto testPhaseNames = phaseNames[i * phasesPerTest .. (i + 1) * phasesPerTest];
auto title = multiPhaseTestNames[i] ~ " (" ~!string ~ " runs per phase)";
double[] x = iota(phasesPerTest).map!(to!double).array;
enum barWidth = 0.8 / Containers.length;
static foreach (j; 0 .. Containers.length)
auto height =!(t =>!(r =>!"hnsecs")).map!(t => t[j].to!double / t[0]).array;
auto xs = x.dup;
xs[] = xs[] + j * barWidth;, height, barWidth, ["color": colours[j], "label": containerNames[j]]);
auto ticks =!(t => t + barWidth + barWidth / 2).array;
plt.xticks(ticks, testPhaseNames);
plt.ylabel("Relative time (lower is better)");
plt.ylim(0, 2);
plt.axhline(1, ["color": "black"]);
plt.savefig("out/" ~!string ~ ".png", ["dpi": 500]);
static foreach (i, test; singlePhaseTests)
auto testResults = results[multiPhaseTests.length * phasesPerTest + i];
auto title = singlePhaseTestNames[i] ~ " (" ~!string ~ " runs)";
auto x = iota(testResults.length);
auto height =!(d =>!"msecs").array;
auto height =!(d =>!"msecs").map!(to!double).array;
height =!(h => h / height[0]).array;
plt.clf();, height);
plt.xticks(x, containerNames);
plt.ylabel("Time (ms)");
plt.ylim(0, 3000);
plt.ylabel("Relative time (lower is better)");
plt.ylim(0, 2);
plt.axhline(1, ["color": "black"]);
plt.savefig("out/" ~!string ~ ".png", ["dpi": 500]);
plt.savefig("out/" ~ (multiPhaseTests.length + i).to!string ~ ".png", ["dpi": 500]);
void main()

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ T make(T : StdxArray!U, U)()
return T();
T makeAndInsert(T, size_t size = 100)()
T makeAndInsert(size_t size, T)()
T t = make!T();
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ T makeAndInsert(T, size_t size = 100)()
return t;
T[2] makeAndInsert2(T, size_t totalSize = 100)()
T[2] makeAndInsert2(size_t totalSize, T)()
T a = make!T();
T b = make!T();