Partially implement warc parsing

This commit is contained in:
Les De Ridder 2019-02-23 21:18:19 +01:00
parent b459c60d5b
commit ae1b6583ca
4 changed files with 277 additions and 30 deletions

View File

@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ void main(string[] args)
string arcPath;
string mountpoint;
if (args.length < 4 || !(arcPath = args[2]).isValidPath || !(mountpoint = args[3]).isValidPath)
if (args.length < 4 || !(arcPath = args[2]).isValidPath
|| !(mountpoint = args[3]).isValidPath)
goto case "help";

View File

@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ module cm3d2.arc;
import std.file;
import std.mmfile;
import std.conv;
import std.stdio;
import std.zlib;
import dfuse.fuse;
@ -9,31 +12,282 @@ import cm3d2;
class WarcFile
private MmFile _file;
class DirectoryHashNode
private ulong _id;
public FileHashEntry[] subdirectoryEntries;
public FileHashEntry[] fileEntries;
private uint _depth;
private ulong[] _parents;
this(MmFile file)
public DirectoryHashNode[] subdirectories;
ulong id()
return _id;
this(ubyte[] data)
auto unknown1 = data.readInteger!uint();
auto unknown2 = data.readInteger!uint();
assert(unknown1 == 0x20 && unknown2 == 0x10, "Invalid directory descriptor");
_id = data.readInteger!ulong();
auto subdirectoryCount = data.readInteger!uint();
auto fileCount = data.readInteger!uint();
_depth = data.readInteger!uint();
auto unknown3 = data.readBytes(4);
subdirectoryEntries = new FileHashEntry[subdirectoryCount];
for (auto i = 0; i < subdirectoryCount; i++)
subdirectoryEntries[i] = FileHashEntry(data);
fileEntries = new FileHashEntry[fileCount];
for (auto i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
fileEntries[i] = FileHashEntry(data);
_parents = new ulong[_depth];
for (auto i = 0; i < _depth; i++)
_parents[i] = data.readInteger!ulong();
subdirectories = new DirectoryHashNode[subdirectoryCount];
for (auto i = 0; i < subdirectoryCount; i++)
subdirectories[i] = new DirectoryHashNode(data);
struct FileHashEntry
ulong hash;
long offset;
this(ref ubyte[] data)
hash = data.readInteger!ulong();
offset = data.readInteger!long();
abstract class ArcEntry
public wstring name;
public ArcEntry parent;
public ArcEntry[] children;
this(ArcEntry parent)
this.parent = parent;
class DirectoryEntry : ArcEntry
this(ArcEntry parent = null)
class FileEntry : ArcEntry
private bool _deflated;
private uint _uncompressedSize;
private uint _compressedSize;
private ubyte[] _fileData;
this(ref ubyte[] data, ArcEntry parent = null)
_deflated = data.readInteger!uint() == 1;
auto unknown = data.readBytes(4);
if (unknown != [0, 0, 0, 0])
stderr.writeln("FileEntry.unknown: ", unknown);
_uncompressedSize = data.readInteger!uint();
_compressedSize = data.readInteger!uint();
assert(_deflated || _compressedSize == _uncompressedSize, "Uncompressed file entry with unequal sizes");
_fileData = data.readBytes(_compressedSize);
ubyte[] data()
if (_deflated)
return cast(ubyte[]) uncompress(_fileData[], _uncompressedSize);
return _fileData[];
private MmFile _file;
private string _path;
private ubyte[] _header;
private ubyte[] _fileData;
private ubyte[] _footer;
private DirectoryHashNode _utf8HashTree;
private DirectoryHashNode _utf16HashTree;
private wstring[ulong] _nameLookupTable;
public ArcEntry[] entries;
this(MmFile file, string path)
_file = file;
_path = path;
_header = (cast(ubyte[]) _file[])[0 .. 28];
auto rootName = _nameLookupTable[];
stderr.writeln("root name: " ~ rootName);
ArcEntry[] getArcEntries(ArcEntry parent, DirectoryHashNode directoryHashNode)
ArcEntry[] entries;
foreach (fileHashEntry; directoryHashNode.fileEntries)
auto file = _fileData[fileHashEntry.offset .. $];
auto fileEntry = new FileEntry(file, parent); = _nameLookupTable[fileHashEntry.hash];
entries ~= fileEntry;
foreach (i, directoryHashEntry; directoryHashNode.subdirectoryEntries)
auto directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry(parent); = _nameLookupTable[directoryHashEntry.hash];
directoryEntry.children = getArcEntries(directoryEntry, directoryHashNode.subdirectories[i]);
entries ~= directoryEntry;
return entries;
entries = getArcEntries(null, _utf16HashTree);
private void readHeader()
auto data = cast(ubyte[]) _file[];
auto data = _header[];
auto type = cast(string) data.readBytes(4);
assert(type == "warc", "Invalid warc file: " ~ type);
assert(type == "warc", _path ~ ": invalid warc file");
auto unknown1 = data.readBytes(4);
assert(unknown1 == [0xFF, 0xAA, 0x45, 0xF1], _path ~ ": invalid warc file");
auto fileVersion = data.readInteger!uint();
assert(fileVersion == 1000, _path ~ ": unrecognised version (" ~!string
~ ")");
auto unknown2 = data.readInteger!uint();
assert(unknown2 == 4, _path ~ ": invalid warc file");
auto unknown3 = data.readInteger!uint();
assert(unknown3 == 2, _path ~ ": invalid warc file");
auto fileDataLength = data.readInteger!ulong();
_footer = (cast(ubyte[]) _file[])[_header.length + fileDataLength .. $];
_fileData = (cast(ubyte[]) _file[])[_header.length .. _header.length + fileDataLength];
assert(data.length == 0, _path ~ ": unexpected data at end of .arc header");
private void readFooter()
auto data = _footer[];
enum BlockType : uint
UTF16HashData = 0,
UTF8HashData = 1,
UTF16NameData = 3
while (_utf8HashTree is null || _utf16HashTree is null || _nameLookupTable == null)
auto blockType = data.readInteger!BlockType();
auto blockSize = data.readInteger!ulong();
auto blockData = data.readBytes(blockSize);
if (blockType == BlockType.UTF8HashData)
_utf8HashTree = new DirectoryHashNode(blockData);
else if (blockType == BlockType.UTF16HashData)
_utf16HashTree = new DirectoryHashNode(blockData);
else if (blockType == BlockType.UTF16NameData)
readNameLookupTable(new FileEntry(blockData).data);
assert(false, _path ~ ": unknown footer block type (" ~!string ~ ")");
assert(data.length == 0, _path ~ ": unexpected data at end of .arc footer");
private void readNameLookupTable(ubyte[] data)
_nameLookupTable = null;
while (data.length > 0)
auto hash = data.readInteger!ulong();
auto nameLength = data.readInteger!uint();
auto name = cast(wstring) data.readBytes(nameLength * 2);
stderr.writeln(hash, " => \"", name, "\"");
_nameLookupTable[hash] = name;
class WarpFile
private MmFile _file;
private string _path;
this(MmFile file)
this(MmFile file, string path)
_file = file;
_path = path;
@ -55,8 +309,6 @@ class ArcFileSystem : Operations
this(string[] arcPaths)
import std.stdio;
foreach (path; arcPaths)
@ -67,15 +319,15 @@ class ArcFileSystem : Operations
auto type = cast(string) mmfile[0 .. 4];
if (type == "warc")
_warcFiles ~= new WarcFile(mmfile);
_warcFiles ~= new WarcFile(mmfile, path);
else if (type == "warp")
_warpFiles ~= new WarpFile(mmfile);
_warpFiles ~= new WarpFile(mmfile, path);

View File

@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ class Menu
assert(data.readString() == "CM3D2_MENU", "Not a valid .menu file");
menu.fileVersion = data.readInt();
menu.fileVersion = data.readInteger!uint();
menu.path = data.readString(); = data.readString();
menu.category = data.readString();
menu.description = data.readString();
assert(data.readInt() == data.length, "Unexpected data at end of file");
assert(data.readInteger!uint() == data.length, "Unexpected data at end of file");
while (data.length > 0)

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import std.range;
import std.traits;
ubyte readByte(Range)(ref Range data)
if (isRandomAccessRange!(Unqual!(Range))
if (isRandomAccessRange!(Unqual!Range)
&& is(ElementType!Range == ubyte) && hasSlicing!Range)
auto value = data[0];
@ -13,22 +13,17 @@ ubyte readByte(Range)(ref Range data)
return value;
ubyte[] readBytes(Range)(ref Range data, uint count)
if (isRandomAccessRange!(Unqual!(Range))
Range readBytes(Range)(ref Range data, size_t count)
if (isRandomAccessRange!(Unqual!Range)
&& is(ElementType!Range == ubyte) && hasSlicing!Range)
ubyte[] bytes = new ubyte[count];
for (auto i = 0; i < count; i++)
bytes[i] = data.readByte();
auto bytes = data[0 .. count];
data = data[count .. $];
return bytes;
string readString(Range)(ref Range data)
if (isRandomAccessRange!(Unqual!(Range))
if (isRandomAccessRange!(Unqual!Range)
&& is(ElementType!Range == ubyte) && hasSlicing!Range)
auto length = 0;
@ -57,11 +52,10 @@ string readString(Range)(ref Range data)
return value;
uint readInt(Range)(ref Range data)
if (isRandomAccessRange!(Unqual!(Range))
&& is(ElementType!Range == ubyte) && hasSlicing!Range)
Integer readInteger(Integer, Range)(ref Range data)
if (isRandomAccessRange!(Unqual!Range) && is(ElementType!Range == ubyte) && hasSlicing!Range)
auto value = littleEndianToNative!uint(data[0 .. 4]);
data = data[4 .. $];
auto value = littleEndianToNative!Integer(data[0 .. Integer.sizeof]);
data = data[Integer.sizeof .. $];
return value;