#!/usr/bin/fish set scriptdir (dirname (status --current-filename)) source $scriptdir/config.fish source $scriptdir/utils.fish if not test -d $subvoldir echo "Backup directory doesn't exist, run bootstrap.fish first!" exit end echo "Creating new snapshots..." for pair in (get-subvol-mounts) set subvol (get-subvol $pair) set mount (get-mount $pair) set safename (clean-name $subvol) set safepath $subvoldir/$safename if test -d $safepath if not test -f $mount/.btrfish-lock sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot -r $mount $safepath-new sudo touch $mount/.btrfish-lock set snapshots $snapshots $safepath set pairs $pairs $pair else echo "$mount/.btrfish-lock exists, skipping..." end else echo $mount "is not bootstrapped and will not be included in the backups!" end end echo "Syncing..." sync echo "Sending to target..." for snapshot in $snapshots sudo btrfs send -p $snapshot $snapshot-new | receive-on-target end echo "Replacing old snapshots..." for snapshot in $snapshots sudo btrfs subvolume delete $snapshot sudo mv $snapshot-new $snapshot end echo "Renaming subvolumes on target..." for pair in $pairs set subvol (clean-name (get-subvol $pair)) set mount (get-mount $pair) if not test -f $mount/.btrfish-keepone rename-target-subvolume $subvol $subvol.(date +%Y-%m-%d) else delete-target-subvolume $subvol end rename-target-subvolume $subvol-new $subvol sudo rm $mount/.btrfish-lock end echo "Done!"