# Copyright (C) 2019 The LineageOS Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. BOARD_VENDOR := sony VENDOR_PATH := device/sony/loire-common TARGET_SPECIFIC_HEADER_PATH += $(VENDOR_PATH)/include # Architecture TARGET_ARCH := arm64 TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT := armv8-a TARGET_CPU_ABI := arm64-v8a TARGET_CPU_ABI2 := TARGET_CPU_VARIANT := cortex-a53 TARGET_2ND_ARCH := arm TARGET_2ND_ARCH_VARIANT := armv8-a TARGET_2ND_CPU_ABI := armeabi-v7a TARGET_2ND_CPU_ABI2 := armeabi TARGET_2ND_CPU_VARIANT := cortex-a53.a57 TARGET_USES_64_BIT_BINDER := true # TODO # Bootloader #TARGET_BOOTLOADER_BOARD_NAME := MSM8974 #TARGET_NO_BOOTLOADER := true #TARGET_NO_RADIOIMAGE := true # TODO: Partial # Kernel BOARD_KERNEL_BASE := 0x20000000 #BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE := androidboot.hardware=qcom ehci-hcd.park=3 lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1 sched_enable_hmp=1 sched_enable_power_aware=1 service_locator.enable=1 swiotlb=1 androidboot.configfs=true androidboot.usbcontroller=a800000.dwc3 loop.max_part=7 BOARD_KERNEL_IMAGE_NAME := Image.gz-dtb BOARD_KERNEL_PAGESIZE := 4096 BOARD_KERNEL_TAGS_OFFSET := 0x01e00000 BOARD_RAMDISK_OFFSET := 0x02000000 TARGET_KERNEL_ARCH := arm64 TARGET_KERNEL_SOURCE := kernel/sony/msm8952 TARGET_KERNEL_CLANG_COMPILE := true # Platform PRODUCT_PLATFORM_SOD := true TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM := msm8952 TARGET_BOARD_PLATFORM_GPU := qcom-adreno510 # TODO # Audio #AUDIO_FEATURE_DISABLED_USBAUDIO := true #AUDIO_FEATURE_ENABLED_EXTN_POST_PROC := true #BOARD_USES_ALSA_AUDIO := true # TODO: Partial # Bluetooth BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH := true BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_BCM := true # TODO # Camera #USE_DEVICE_SPECIFIC_CAMERA := true #TARGET_HAS_LEGACY_CAMERA_HAL1 := true #TARGET_USES_MEDIA_EXTENSIONS := true # TODO # Camera Shims #TARGET_LD_SHIM_LIBS := \ # /system/vendor/bin/credmgrd|/system/vendor/lib/libshims_signal.so \ # /system/vendor/bin/mm-qcamera-daemon|libandroid.so \ # /system/vendor/bin/suntrold|/system/vendor/lib/libshims_signal.so \ # /system/lib/hw/camera.vendor.qcom.so|libsensor.so \ # /system/lib/libcammw.so|libsensor.so # TODO # Charger BOARD_CHARGER_ENABLE_SUSPEND := true # TODO # Filesystem TARGET_FS_CONFIG_GEN += $(VENDOR_PATH)/config.fs # TODO # Graphics #TARGET_USES_ION := true #NUM_FRAMEBUFFER_SURFACE_BUFFERS := 3 #OVERRIDE_RS_DRIVER := libRSDriver_adreno.so #TARGET_USES_GRALLOC1_ADAPTER := true # TODO # Shader cache config options # Maximum size of the GLES Shaders that can be cached for reuse. # Increase the size if shaders of size greater than 12KB are used. #MAX_EGL_CACHE_KEY_SIZE := 12*1024 # TODO # Maximum GLES shader cache size for each app to store the compiled shader # binaries. Decrease the size if RAM or Flash Storage size is a limitation # of the device. #MAX_EGL_CACHE_SIZE := 2048*1024 #TARGET_ADDITIONAL_GRALLOC_10_USAGE_BITS := 0x02000000U # TODO # Lights HAL #TARGET_PROVIDES_LIBLIGHT := true # TODO # Partition information #BOARD_BOOTIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 20971520 #BOARD_CACHEIMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE := ext4 #BOARD_CACHEIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 209715200 #BOARD_RECOVERYIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 16777216 #BOARD_FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE := 131072 # (BOARD_KERNEL_PAGESIZE * 64) # TODO #TARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_EXT4 := true #TARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_F2FS := true # TODO # Power #TARGET_HAS_LEGACY_POWER_STATS := true #TARGET_HAS_NO_WLAN_STATS := true #TARGET_USES_INTERACTION_BOOST := true # TODO # QCOM hardware #BOARD_USES_QCOM_HARDWARE := true # TODO: Partial, check # Recovery BOARD_USES_RECOVERY_AS_BOOT := true TARGET_NO_RECOVERY := true TARGET_RECOVERY_FSTAB := $(VENDOR_PATH)/rootdir/etc/fstab.qcom TARGET_RECOVERY_PIXEL_FORMAT := "RGBX_8888" TARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_EXT4 := true TARGET_USERIMAGES_USE_F2FS := true # TODO # RIL #TARGET_RIL_VARIANT := caf # TODO # Security patch level #VENDOR_SECURITY_PATCH := 2016-05-01 # TODO # SELinux #include device/qcom/sepolicy-legacy/sepolicy.mk # TODO #BOARD_SEPOLICY_DIRS += \ # $(COMMON_PATH)/sepolicy # SODP build barrier PRODUCT_PLATFORM_SOD := true # Treble #DEVICE_MANIFEST_FILE := $(COMMON_PATH)/manifest.xml # Kernel BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE := androidboot.bootdevice=7824900.sdhci # TODO # Audio #AUDIO_FEATURE_DISABLED_FM_VIRTUAL_RECORD := true #AUDIO_FEATURE_ENABLED_ANC_HEADSET := true #AUDIO_FEATURE_ENABLED_AUXPCM_BT := true #AUDIO_FEATURE_ENABLED_EXTN_FORMATS := true #AUDIO_FEATURE_ENABLED_HFP := true #AUDIO_FEATURE_ENABLED_HWDEP_CAL := true #AUDIO_FEATURE_ENABLED_MULTI_VOICE_SESSIONS := true #AUDIO_FEATURE_ENABLED_MULTIPLE_TUNNEL := true #AUDIO_FEATURE_ENABLED_NEW_SAMPLE_RATE = true #AUDIO_FEATURE_ENABLED_PROXY_DEVICE := true #AUDIO_FEATURE_LOW_LATENCY_PRIMARY := true # #USE_CUSTOM_AUDIO_POLICY := 1 #USE_XML_AUDIO_POLICY_CONF := 1 # TODO # Binder API version #TARGET_USES_64_BIT_BINDER := true # TODO # Bluetooth #BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH_BCM := true #BOARD_BLUETOOTH_BDROID_BUILDCFG_INCLUDE_DIR := $(COMMON_PATH)/bluetooth #BOARD_CUSTOM_BT_CONFIG := $(COMMON_PATH)/bluetooth/vnd_loire.txt # TODO # BT/FM (Broadcom): Adjust the sysfs patch for 3.4 kernel #BOARD_HAVE_BCM_FM_SYSFS := "/sys/bus/platform/drivers/bcm_ldisc/bcm_ldisc/" #BOARD_BRCM_HCI_NUM := 26 # TODO # Camera #TARGET_USES_MEDIA_EXTENSIONS := true # TODO # Filesystem #TARGET_FS_CONFIG_GEN += $(COMMON_PATH)/config.fs # TODO # FM #BOARD_HAVE_BCM_FM := true # TODO # Init #TARGET_INIT_VENDOR_LIB := libinit_loire # TODO # Partition information #BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 2671771648 #BOARD_USERDATAIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 12656294912 #BOARD_ROOT_EXTRA_FOLDERS := lta-label # TODO # Recovery #TARGET_RECOVERY_FSTAB := $(COMMON_PATH)/rootdir/etc/fstab.qcom #TARGET_RECOVERY_PIXEL_FORMAT := "RGBA_8888" # TODO # SELinux #BOARD_SEPOLICY_DIRS += \ # $(COMMON_PATH)/sepolicy # TODO # Sensors #USE_SENSOR_MULTI_HAL := true # TODO # Shims #TARGET_LD_SHIM_LIBS += \ # /system/lib/libsomc_chokoballpal.so|/vendor/lib/libshim_camera.so # TODO # Wifi #BOARD_WLAN_DEVICE := bcmdhd #BOARD_WPA_SUPPLICANT_DRIVER := NL80211 #WPA_SUPPLICANT_VERSION := VER_0_8_X #BOARD_WPA_SUPPLICANT_PRIVATE_LIB := lib_driver_cmd_bcmdhd #BOARD_HOSTAPD_DRIVER := NL80211 #BOARD_HOSTAPD_PRIVATE_LIB := lib_driver_cmd_bcmdhd #WIFI_DRIVER_FW_PATH_PARAM := "/sys/module/bcmdhd/parameters/firmware_path" #WIFI_DRIVER_FW_PATH_AP := "/vendor/firmware/fw_bcmdhd_apsta.bin" #WIFI_DRIVER_FW_PATH_STA := "/vendor/firmware/fw_bcmdhd.bin" # Inherit from the proprietary version -include vendor/sony/loire-common/BoardConfigVendor.mk