import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web import tornado.template from urlparse import urlparse import redis import datetime import string import random import time #Admin Handler class HashHandler(tornado.web.RedirectHandler): def initialize(self, cache, admin_token): self.cache = cache self.admin_token = admin_token self.life_of_hash = 60*60*6 def get(self): #simple admin check. Best to move this endpoint to an internal IP for security on production if self.get_argument("admin_token") != self.admin_token: self.write({"error":1,"errorMsg":"Are you the admin?"}) return 1 #get the number of hashes they want. Default to 10. num = int(self.get_argument("num",10)) if num > 1000000000000: self.write({"error":1,"errorMsg":"No more than 100 at a time, please."}) return 1 expiration = int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) + self.life_of_hash tokens = [] for i in range(num): #create token and add it to the database token = self.generateRandomToken() self.cache.zadd("linkshim:hashes", expiration, token) tokens.append(token) self.write({"error":0,"tokens": tokens,"expiration":expiration}) return 1 def generateRandomToken(self, size=25, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits): return "".join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(size)) #Handle requests to redirect class RedirectHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def initialize(self, cache, templates_dir): self.cache = cache self.loader = tornado.template.Loader(templates_dir) def get(self): href = self.get_argument("href") current_timestamp = int(time.mktime(time.gmtime())) #add the url to today's set today ="%Y-%m-%d") self.cache.zincrby("linkshim:outbound:" + today , href, 1) #check domain for watch_list domain = self.getDomain(href) ismember = self.cache.sismember("linkshim:watchlist",domain) #if it is in the watchlist, lets totally block that domain by displaying watchlist.html if ismember: self.writeConfirmationMessage("watchlist.html",href) return 1 #get expiration of the hash provided h = str(self.get_argument("h")) expiration = self.cache.zscore("linkshim:hashes", h) #if hash doesn't exist, or its expired, display the warning message if expiration == None or expiration < time.mktime(time.gmtime()): self.writeConfirmationMessage("warning.html", href) return 1 #we're all good! [domain not marked as spam, and hash is valid] self.smartRedirect(href) return 1 #write a simple HTML page to stop user from being linked, or to warning them (you edit the HTML in watchlist.html or warning.html) def writeConfirmationMessage(self, file, href): html = self.loader.load(file).generate(href=href) self.write(html) return 1 #using this rather than a simple header redirect makes the referrer from this page, to protect privacy of the user def smartRedirect(self, href): #we set a refresh header just to be safe, but hopefully we won't use it. self.set_header("Refresh","1") self.set_header("URL", href) #IE requires a special solution. if self.isIE(): self.write("") else: self.write("") return 1 #IE sucks. Let's use a helper function to detect it def isIE(self): if "User-Agent" not in self.request.headers: return False user_agent = self.request.headers["User-Agent"] if user_agent.find("MSIE") != -1: return True return False #get raw domain name, stripped of subdomains and ports def getDomain(self, href): url_parts = urlparse(href) domain = '.'.join(url_parts.netloc.split('.')[-2:]) index = domain.find(":") if index != -1: domain = domain[:index] return domain if __name__ == "__main__": #connect to redis! redis_cache = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) #change to random string. Strong authentication with IP checks, etc. should be required on production scripts. admin_token = "JTCyFFO7OMWRxlnLCp6gp4fcJaLj2234tv3U0AabE7iQ" listen_on_port = 8888 #absolute path that our templates are located in templates_dir = "/var/www/linkshim/templates" application = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/r", RedirectHandler, dict(cache=redis_cache, templates_dir=templates_dir)), (r"/hash", HashHandler, dict(cache=redis_cache,admin_token=admin_token)), ]) application.listen(listen_on_port) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()