
108 lines
6.5 KiB

if (!function_exists('add_filter')) exit;
if (!fansub_kntl_license_valid()) {
function hocwp_ph_admin_option()
global $hocwp_pos_tabs;
$defaults = fansub_kntl_get_option_defaults();
$option = new FANSUB_Option('HorribleSubs', 'fansub_kntl');
$options = $option->get();
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'test_upload', 'title' => 'Test upload', 'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_media_upload'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'single_page', 'title' => 'Single Page', 'default' => $defaults['single_page'], 'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_select_page'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'posts_per_page', 'title' => 'Post Number', 'default' => $defaults['posts_per_page'], 'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_input_number'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'date_format', 'title' => 'Date Format', 'default' => $defaults['date_format']));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'loading_text', 'title' => 'Loading Text', 'default' => $defaults['loading_text']));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'search_none_text', 'title' => 'No Result Text', 'default' => $defaults['search_none_text']));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'show_more_text', 'title' => 'Show More Text', 'default' => $defaults['show_more_text']));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'reached_end_text', 'title' => 'Reached End Text', 'default' => $defaults['reached_end_text']));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'clear_text', 'title' => 'Clear Text', 'default' => $defaults['clear_text']));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'refresh_text', 'title' => 'Refresh Text', 'default' => $defaults['refresh_text']));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'qualities', 'title' => 'Qualities', 'default' => $defaults['qualities'], 'description' => 'Separate qualities with commas.'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'servers', 'title' => 'Servers', 'default' => $defaults['servers'], 'description' => 'Separate servers with commas.'));
$option->add_section(array('id' => 'post_type', 'title' => 'Post Type', 'description' => 'Post type informations, if all fields are empty, the default post type will be used.'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'post_type_name', 'title' => 'Name', 'default' => $defaults['post_type_name'], 'section' => 'post_type'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'post_type_label_name', 'title' => 'Label Name', 'default' => $defaults['post_type_label_name'], 'section' => 'post_type'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'post_type_label_singular_name', 'title' => 'Label Singular Name', 'default' => $defaults['post_type_label_singular_name'], 'section' => 'post_type'));
$option->add_section(array('id' => 'release_box', 'title' => 'Release Box', 'description' => 'All settings for release box.'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'release_box_title', 'title' => 'Title', 'default' => $defaults['release_box_title'], 'section' => 'release_box'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'release_box_search_placeholder', 'title' => 'Search Placeholder', 'default' => $defaults['release_box_search_placeholder'], 'section' => 'release_box'));
$option->add_section(array('id' => 'single_box', 'title' => 'Single Box', 'description' => 'All settings for post box on single page.'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'single_batch_title', 'title' => 'Batch Title', 'default' => $defaults['single_batch_title'], 'section' => 'single_box'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'single_batch_tip', 'title' => 'Batch Tips', 'default' => $defaults['single_batch_tip'], 'section' => 'single_box'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'single_batch_none', 'title' => 'No Batch Text', 'default' => $defaults['single_batch_none'], 'section' => 'single_box'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'single_search_placeholder', 'title' => 'Search Placeholder', 'default' => $defaults['single_search_placeholder'], 'section' => 'single_box'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'single_episode_none', 'title' => 'No Episode Text', 'default' => $defaults['single_episode_none'], 'section' => 'single_box'));
$option->add_section(array('id' => 'facebook', 'title' => 'Facebook', 'description' => 'Provide your information to connect with Facebook.'));
$post_type = isset($options['fb_post_type']) ? $options['fb_post_type'] : '';
$post_type = hocwp_json_string_to_array($post_type);
if (!hocwp_array_has_value($post_type)) {
$post_type = array();
$lists = get_post_types(array('_builtin' => false, 'public' => true), 'objects');
if (!array_key_exists('post', $lists)) {
$lists[] = get_post_type_object('post');
//$lists[] = get_post_type_object('episode');
//$lists[] = get_post_type_object('batch');
$all_option = '';
foreach ($lists as $lvalue) {
$selected = '';
foreach ($post_type as $ptvalue) {
$ptype = isset($ptvalue['value']) ? $ptvalue['value'] : '';
if ($lvalue->name == $ptype) {
$selected = $lvalue->name;
$args = array(
'value' => $lvalue->name,
'text' => $lvalue->labels->singular_name,
'selected' => $selected
$all_option .= hocwp_field_get_option($args);
$args = array(
'id' => 'fb_post_type',
'name' => 'fb_post_type',
'all_option' => $all_option,
'value' => $post_type,
'title' => 'Post type',
'placeholder' => 'Choose post types',
'multiple' => true,
'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_select_chosen',
'section' => 'facebook'
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'fb_app_id', 'title' => 'App ID', 'section' => 'facebook'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'fb_app_secret', 'title' => 'App Secret', 'section' => 'facebook'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'fb_redirect_uri', 'title' => 'Redirect Uri', 'section' => 'facebook'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'fb_access_token', 'title' => 'Access Token', 'section' => 'facebook'));
add_action('init', 'hocwp_ph_admin_option');