' . __('Loading…', 'fansub') . '

'; $loading .= '

' . __('This widget requires JavaScript.', 'fansub') . '

'; return apply_filters('fansub_dashboard_widget_loading', $loading); } function fansub_dashboard_widget_cache($widget_id, $callback, $args = array()) { $loading = fansub_dashboard_widget_loading(); $locale = get_locale(); $cache_key = 'fansub_dashboard_' . md5($widget_id . '_' . $locale); if(false !== ($output = get_transient($cache_key)) && !empty($output)) { echo $output; return true; } if(!FANSUB_DOING_AJAX) { echo $loading; } if(fansub_callback_exists($callback)) { ob_start(); call_user_func($callback, $args); $html_data = ob_get_clean(); if(!empty($html_data)) { set_transient($cache_key, $html_data, 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS); } } else { echo fansub_build_message(__('Please set a valid callback for this widget!', 'fansub'), ''); } return true; } function fansub_dashboard_widget_rss_cache($args = array()) { echo '
'; $url = ''; if(is_string($args)) { $url = $args; } elseif(is_array($args) && isset($args['url'])) { $url = $args['url']; } if(!empty($url)) { $number = fansub_get_value_by_key($args, 'number'); $feed_args = array('url' => $url); if(fansub_id_number_valid($number)) { $feed_args['number'] = $number; } $rss = fansub_get_feed_items($feed_args); if(is_wp_error($rss)) { $error_code = $rss->get_error_code(); if('feed_down' === $error_code) { echo ''; } else { if(is_admin() || current_user_can('manage_options')) { echo '

' . sprintf(__('RSS Error: %s'), $rss->get_error_message()) . '

'; } } return; } if(fansub_array_has_value($rss)) { echo ''; } } else { echo fansub_build_message(__('Please set a valid feed url for this widget!', 'fansub'), ''); } echo '
'; } function fansub_wrap_tag($text, $tag, $class = '') { if(empty($text)) { return $text; } $html = new FANSUB_HTML($tag); $html->set_text($text); if(!empty($class)) { $html->set_class($class); } return $html->build(); } function fansub_fetch_feed($args = array()) { $number = absint(fansub_get_value_by_key($args, 'number', 5)); $offset = fansub_get_value_by_key($args, 'offset', 0); $url = fansub_get_value_by_key($args, 'url'); if(empty($url)) { return ''; } if(!function_exists('fetch_feed')) { include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/feed.php'); } $rss = fetch_feed($url); if(!is_wp_error($rss)) { if(!$rss->get_item_quantity()) { $error = new WP_Error('feed_down', __('An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. Try again later.')); $rss->__destruct(); unset($rss); return $error; } $max = $rss->get_item_quantity($number); $result = $rss->get_items($offset, $max); } else { $result = $rss; } return $result; } function fansub_dashboard_widget_script() { ?> get_description(); $thumbnail = fansub_get_first_image_source($description); $description = wp_strip_all_tags($description); $content = $item->get_content(); if(empty($thumbnail)) { $thumbnail = fansub_get_first_image_source($content); } $value = array( 'permalink' => $item->get_permalink(), 'title' => $item->get_title(), 'date' => $item->get_date(), 'image_url' => $thumbnail, 'description' => $description, 'content' => $content ); array_push($result, $value); } if(fansub_array_has_value($result)) { set_transient($transient_name, $result, $expiration); } } else { return $items; } } return $result; } function fansub_rest_api_get($base_url, $object = 'posts', $query = '') { $base_url = trailingslashit($base_url) . 'wp-json/wp/v2/' . $object; if(!empty($query)) { $base_url .= '?' . $query; } $data = @file_get_contents($base_url); if(!empty($data)) { $data = json_decode($data); } return $data; } function fansub_read_xml($xml, $is_url = false) { if($is_url) { $transient_name = 'fansub_read_xml_' . md5($xml); if(false === ($saved = get_transient($transient_name))) { $saved = @file_get_contents($xml); set_transient($transient_name, $saved, HOUR_IN_SECONDS); } $xml = $saved; } $object = new SimpleXMLElement($xml); return $object; } function fansub_build_message($message, $type = 'info') { $p = new FANSUB_HTML('p'); if(!empty($type)) { $p->set_class('text-left alert alert-' . $type); } $p->set_text($message); return $p->build(); } function fansub_generate_reset_key() { return wp_generate_password(20, false); } function fansub_generate_verify_link($key) { $url = home_url('/'); $url = add_query_arg(array('key' => $key, 'action' => 'verify_subscription'), $url); $a = new FANSUB_HTML('a'); $a->set_href($url); $a->set_text($url); return $a->build(); } function fansub_loading_image($args = array()) { $name = fansub_get_value_by_key($args, 'name', 'icon-loading-circle-16.gif'); $class = fansub_get_value_by_key($args, 'class'); fansub_add_string_with_space_before($class, 'img-loading'); $alt = fansub_get_value_by_key($args, 'alt'); $display = fansub_get_value_by_key($args, 'display', 'none'); $style = 'display: ' . $display; $img = new FANSUB_HTML('img'); $image_url = fansub_get_image_url($name); $img->set_image_alt($alt); $img->set_class($class); $img->set_attribute('style', $style); $img->set_image_src($image_url); $img->output(); } function fansub_get_allowed_image_mime_types() { $types = get_allowed_mime_types(); $result = array(); foreach($types as $key => $text) { if(false !== strpos($text, 'image')) { $result[$key] = $text; } } return $result; } function fansub_auto_reload_script($delay = 2000) { ?> ID; $active = (bool)fansub_get_post_meta('active', $post_id); $sidebar_id = fansub_get_post_meta('sidebar_id', $post_id); $default = (bool)fansub_get_post_meta('sidebar_default', $post_id); if(empty($sidebar_id)) { $sidebar_id = $post->post_name; } $sidebar_name = fansub_get_value_by_key('sidebar_name', $post_id); if(empty($sidebar_name)) { $sidebar_name = $post->post_title; } $sidebar_description = fansub_get_post_meta('sidebar_description', $post_id); $sidebar_tag = fansub_get_post_meta('sidebar_tag', $post_id); if(empty($sidebar_tag)) { $sidebar_tag = 'div'; } $args = array( 'id' => fansub_sanitize_id($sidebar_id), 'name' => strip_tags($sidebar_name), 'description' => strip_tags($sidebar_description), 'tag' => strtolower($sidebar_tag), 'active' => $active, 'default' => $default ); return $args; } function fansub_print_r($value) { echo '
    echo '
'; } function fansub_get_post_class($post_id = null, $class = '') { if(!fansub_id_number_valid($post_id)) { $post_id = get_the_ID(); } return join(' ', get_post_class($class, $post_id)); } function fansub_use_comment_form_captcha() { $use = get_option('fansub_discussion'); $use = fansub_get_value_by_key($use, 'use_captcha'); $use = apply_filters('fansub_use_comment_form_captcha', $use); return (bool)$use; } function fansub_user_not_use_comment_form_captcha() { $use = get_option('fansub_discussion'); $use = fansub_get_value_by_key($use, 'user_no_captcha', 1); $use = apply_filters('fansub_user_not_use_comment_form_captcha', $use); return (bool)$use; } function fansub_use_comment_form_captcha_custom_position() { return apply_filters('fansub_use_comment_form_captcha_custom_position', false); } function fansub_build_license_transient_name($type, $use_for) { $name = 'fansub_' . $type . '_' . $use_for . '_license_valid'; return 'fansub_check_license_' . md5($name); } function fansub_change_tag_attribute($tag, $attr, $value) { $tag = preg_replace('/' . $attr . '="(.*?)"/i', $attr . '="' . $value . '"', $tag); return $tag; } function fansub_add_html_attribute($tag, $html, $attribute) { $html = preg_replace('^' . preg_quote('<' . $tag . ' ') . '^', '<' . $tag . ' ' . $attribute . ' ', $html); return $html; } function fansub_replace_text_placeholder($text) { remove_filter('fansub_replace_text_placeholder', 'fansub_replace_text_placeholder'); $text = apply_filters('fansub_replace_text_placeholder', $text); add_filter('fansub_replace_text_placeholder', 'fansub_replace_text_placeholder'); $text_placeholders = array( '%DOMAIN%', '%CURRENT_YEAR%', '%PAGED%', '%HOME_URL%', '%SITE_NAME%' ); $text_placeholders = apply_filters('fansub_text_placeholders', $text_placeholders); $placeholder_replace = array( fansub_get_domain_name(home_url()), date('Y'), fansub_get_paged(), home_url('/'), get_bloginfo('name') ); $placeholder_replace = apply_filters('fansub_text_placeholders_replace', $placeholder_replace); $text = str_replace($text_placeholders, $placeholder_replace, $text); return $text; } function fansub_redirect_home() { wp_redirect(home_url('/')); exit; } function fansub_percentage($val1, $val2, $precision = 0) { $total = $val1 + $val2; if(0 == $total) { return 0; } $val1 /= $total; $val1 *= 100; return round($val1, $precision); } function fansub_widget_item_full_width_result($full_width_value, $total_item_count, $loop_count) { $full_width = false; $loop_count = absint($loop_count); $loop_count++; switch($full_width_value) { case 'all': $full_width = true; break; case 'first': if(0 == $loop_count) { $full_width = true; } break; case 'last': if($loop_count == $total_item_count) { $full_width = true; } break; case 'first_last': if(0 == $loop_count || $loop_count == $total_item_count ) { $full_width = true; } break; case 'odd': if(($loop_count % 2) != 0) { $full_width = true; } break; case 'even': if(($loop_count % 2) == 0) { $full_width = true; } break; } return $full_width; } function fansub_the_social_list($args = array()) { $option_socials = fansub_option_defaults(); $option_socials = $option_socials['social']; $order = fansub_get_value_by_key($args, 'order', fansub_get_value_by_key($option_socials, 'order')); $orders = explode(',', $order); $orders = array_map('trim', $orders); $orders = fansub_sanitize_array($orders); $option_names = $option_socials['option_names']; $options = fansub_get_option('option_social'); $icons = $option_socials['icons']; if(fansub_array_has_value($orders)) { foreach($orders as $social) { $option_name = fansub_get_value_by_key($option_names, $social); $item = fansub_get_value_by_key($options, $option_name); if(!empty($item)) { $icon = ''; $a = new FANSUB_HTML('a'); $a->set_href($item); $a->set_class('social-item link-' . $social); $a->set_text($icon); $a->output(); } } } } function fansub_in_maintenance_mode() { $option = get_option('fansub_maintenance'); $result = fansub_get_value_by_key($option, 'enabled'); $result = (bool)$result; $result = apply_filters('fansub_enable_maintenance_mode', $result); if(fansub_maintenance_mode_exclude_condition() || fansub_is_login_page()) { $result = false; } return $result; } function fansub_in_maintenance_mode_notice() { if(fansub_in_maintenance_mode()) { $page = fansub_get_current_admin_page(); if('fansub_maintenance' != $page) { $args = array( 'text' => sprintf(__('Your site is running in maintenance mode, so you can go to %s and turn it off when done.', 'fansub'), '' . __('setting page', 'fansub') . '') ); fansub_admin_notice($args); } } } function fansub_get_computer_info() { $result = array( 'operating_system_name' => php_uname('s'), 'computer_name' => php_uname('n'), 'release_name' => php_uname('r'), 'version_information' => php_uname('v'), 'machine_type' => php_uname('m') ); return $result; } function fansub_get_web_server() { return htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']); } function fansub_get_table_prefix() { global $wpdb; if(is_multisite()) { return $wpdb->base_prefix; } else { return $wpdb->get_blog_prefix(0); } } function fansub_get_peak_memory_usage() { return memory_get_peak_usage(true); } function fansub_get_memory_usage() { return memory_get_usage(true); } function fansub_get_memory_limit() { return ini_get('memory_limit'); } function fansub_get_curl_version() { if(function_exists('curl_version') && function_exists('curl_exec')) { $cv = curl_version(); $cvs = $cv['version'] . ' / SSL: ' . $cv['ssl_version'] . ' / libz: ' . $cv['libz_version']; } else { $cvs = __('Not installed', 'fansub') . ' (' . __('required for some remote storage providers', 'fansub') . ')'; } return htmlspecialchars($cvs); } function fansub_maintenance_mode_exclude_condition() { $condition = fansub_is_admin(); return apply_filters('fansub_maintenance_mode_exclude_condition', $condition); } function fansub_get_views_template($slug, $name = '') { $template = $slug; $template = str_replace('.php', '', $template); if(!empty($name)) { $name = str_replace('.php', '', $name); $template .= '-' . $name; } $template .= '.php'; $template = FANSUB_PATH . '/views/' . $template; if(file_exists($template)) { include($template); } } function fansub_convert_datetime_format_to_jquery($php_format) { $matched_symbols = array( // Day 'd' => 'dd', 'D' => 'D', 'j' => 'd', 'l' => 'DD', 'N' => '', 'S' => '', 'w' => '', 'z' => 'o', // Week 'W' => '', // Month 'F' => 'MM', 'm' => 'mm', 'M' => 'M', 'n' => 'm', 't' => '', // Year 'L' => '', 'o' => '', 'Y' => 'yy', 'y' => 'y', // Time 'a' => '', 'A' => '', 'B' => '', 'g' => '', 'G' => '', 'h' => '', 'H' => '', 'i' => '', 's' => '', 'u' => '' ); $result = ''; $escaping = false; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($php_format); $i++) { $char = $php_format[$i]; if(isset($matched_symbols[$char])) { $result .= $matched_symbols[$char]; } else { $result .= $char; } } if($escaping) { $result = esc_attr($result); } return $result; } function fansub_use_jquery_cdn($value = null) { if(null == $value) { $option = fansub_get_optimize_option(); $use = fansub_get_value_by_key($option, 'use_jquery_cdn', 1); $value = (bool)$use; } $value = apply_filters('fansub_use_jquery_google_cdn', $value); return $value; } function fansub_load_jquery_from_cdn() { if(!is_admin()) { $use = fansub_use_jquery_cdn(); if($use) { global $wp_version, $wp_scripts; $handle = (version_compare($wp_version, '3.6-alpha1', '>=') ) ? 'jquery-core' : 'jquery'; $enqueued = wp_script_is($handle); wp_enqueue_script($handle); $version = ''; $jquery_url = ''; $google_not_exists = array( '1.12.3' ); if(is_a($wp_scripts, 'WP_Scripts')) { $registered = $wp_scripts->registered; if(isset($registered[$handle])) { $version = $registered[$handle]->ver; if(in_array($version, $google_not_exists)) { $jquery_url = '//code.jquery.com/jquery-' . $version . '.min.js'; } } } if(empty($version)) { $version = FANSUB_JQUERY_LATEST_VERSION; } if(empty($jquery_url)) { $jquery_url = '//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/'. $version . '/jquery.min.js'; } wp_dequeue_script($handle); wp_deregister_script($handle); wp_register_script($handle, $jquery_url); if($enqueued) { wp_enqueue_script($handle); add_action('fansub_before_wp_head', 'fansub_jquery_google_cdn_fallback'); } } } } function fansub_jquery_google_cdn_fallback() { echo '' . "\n"; } function fansub_plugin_wpsupercache_installed() { return function_exists('wpsupercache_activate'); } function fansub_plugins_api($action, $args = array()) { if(!function_exists('plugins_api')) { require(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php'); } return plugins_api($action, $args); } function fansub_plugins_api_get_information($args = array()) { $slug = fansub_get_value_by_key($args, 'slug'); if(empty($slug)) { return new WP_Error('missing_slug', __('Please set slug for this plugin.', 'fansub')); } $transient_name = 'fansub_plugins_api_' . $slug . '_plugin_information'; $transient_name = fansub_sanitize_id($transient_name); if(false === ($data = get_transient($transient_name))) { $defaults = array( 'fields' => array( 'short_description' => true, 'screenshots' => false, 'changelog' => false, 'installation' => false, 'description' => false, 'sections' => false, 'tags' => false, 'icons' => true, 'active_installs' => true, 'versions' => true ) ); $args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); $data = fansub_plugins_api('plugin_information', $args); set_transient($transient_name, $data, MONTH_IN_SECONDS); } return $data; } function fansub_plugin_install_status($plugin) { if(!function_exists('install_plugin_install_status')) { require(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php'); } return install_plugin_install_status($plugin); } function fansub_setup_loop_data($args) { global $fansub_loop_data; $fansub_loop_data = $args; return $fansub_loop_data; } function fansub_get_loop_data() { global $fansub_loop_data; return $fansub_loop_data; } function fansub_get_plugin_icon_url($plugin) { if(is_object($plugin)) { $plugin = (array)$plugin; } if(!empty($plugin['icons']['svg'])) { $plugin_icon_url = $plugin['icons']['svg']; } elseif(!empty($plugin['icons']['2x'])) { $plugin_icon_url = $plugin['icons']['2x']; } elseif(!empty($plugin['icons']['1x'])) { $plugin_icon_url = $plugin['icons']['1x']; } else { $plugin_icon_url = fansub_get_value_by_key($plugin, array('icons', 'default')); } if(empty($plugin_icon_url)) { $plugin_icon_url = fansub_plugin_random_icon(); } return $plugin_icon_url; } function fansub_get_image_url($name) { return FANSUB_URL . '/images/' . $name; } function fansub_sanitize_first_and_last_name($name) { $result = array( 'first_name' => $name, 'last_name' => $name ); if(false !== strpos($name, ' ')) { $parts = explode(' ', $name); if('vi' == fansub_get_language()) { $first_name = array_pop($parts); } else { $first_name = array_shift($parts); } $last_name = implode(' ', $parts); $result['first_name'] = $first_name; $result['last_name'] = $last_name; } $result = apply_filters('fansub_sanitize_first_and_last_name', $result, $name); return $result; } function fansub_get_rich_text($text) { return do_shortcode(wpautop($text)); } function fansub_widget_title($args, $instance, $echo = true) { $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); $before_title = fansub_get_value_by_key($args, 'before_title'); $after_title = fansub_get_value_by_key($args, 'after_title'); if(!empty($title)) { $title = $before_title . $title . $after_title; } $title = apply_filters('fansub_widget_title_html', $title, $args, $instance); if((bool)$echo) { echo $title; } return $title; } function fansub_checkbox_post_data_value($data, $key, $default = 0) { return (isset($data[$key]) && 0 != $data[$key]) ? 1 : $default; } function fansub_change_nav_menu_css_class($terms, $classes, $item) { if(fansub_array_has_value($terms)) { foreach($terms as $term) { if($term->term_id == $item->object_id) { $classes[] = 'current-menu-item'; break; } } } return $classes; } function fansub_remove_wpseo_breadcrumb_xmlns($output) { $output = str_replace(' xmlns:v="http://rdf.data-vocabulary.org/#"', '', $output); return $output; } function fansub_widget_before($args, $instance, $show_title = true) { if(isset($args['before_widget'])) { echo $args['before_widget']; } if($show_title) { fansub_widget_title($args, $instance); } echo '
'; } function fansub_widget_after($args, $instance) { echo '
'; if(isset($args['after_widget'])) { echo $args['after_widget']; } } function fansub_get_installed_plugins($folder = '') { return fansub_get_plugins($folder); } function fansub_get_plugin_slug_from_file_path($file) { if('hello.php' == $file) { $file = 'hello-dolly'; } $slug = explode('/', $file); $slug = current($slug); return $slug; } function fansub_html_tag_attributes($tag, $context = '') { if(!current_theme_supports('fansub-schema')) { return; } $base = 'http://schema.org/'; $item_type = apply_filters('fansub_html_tag_attribute_item_type', '', $tag, $context); if(!empty($item_type)) { $schema = ' itemscope itemtype="' . $base . $item_type . '"'; echo $schema; } $item_prop = apply_filters('fansub_html_tag_attribute_item_prop', '', $tag, $context); if(!empty($item_prop)) { $schema = ' itemprop="' . $item_prop . '"'; echo $schema; } $attributes = apply_filters('fansub_html_tag_attributes', '', $tag, $context); $attributes = trim($attributes); if(!empty($attributes)) { echo ' ' . $attributes; } } function fansub_loop_plugin_card($plugin, $allow_tags = array(), $base_name = '') { $is_local = false; if(is_object($plugin)) { $plugin = (array)$plugin; } $title = wp_kses(fansub_get_value_by_key($plugin, 'name'), $allow_tags); if(empty($title)) { $is_local = true; } $description = strip_tags(fansub_get_value_by_key($plugin, 'short_description')); $version = wp_kses(fansub_get_value_by_key($plugin, 'version'), $allow_tags); $name = strip_tags($title . ' ' . $version); $author = wp_kses(fansub_get_value_by_key($plugin, 'author'), $allow_tags); if(!empty($author)) { $author = ' ' . sprintf(__('By %s'), $author) . ''; } $action_links = array(); if(!$is_local && (current_user_can('install_plugins') || current_user_can('update_plugins'))) { $status = fansub_plugin_install_status($plugin); switch($status['status']) { case 'install': if($status['url']) { $action_links[] = '' . __('Install Now') . ''; } break; case 'update_available': if($status['url']) { $action_links[] = '' . __('Update Now') . ''; } break; case 'latest_installed': case 'newer_installed': $action_links[] = '' . _x('Installed', 'plugin') . ''; break; } } $details_link = self_admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin=' . fansub_get_value_by_key($plugin, 'slug') . '&TB_iframe=true&width=600&height=550'); $action_links[] = '' . __('More Details') . ''; $plugin_icon_url = fansub_get_plugin_icon_url($plugin); $action_links = apply_filters('plugin_install_action_links', $action_links, $plugin); $date_format = __('M j, Y @ H:i'); $last_updated_timestamp = strtotime(fansub_get_value_by_key($plugin, 'last_updated')); if(empty($title) && !empty($base_name)) { $local_plugin = fansub_get_plugin_info($base_name); $title = wp_kses($local_plugin['Name'], $allow_tags); $description = strip_tags($local_plugin['Description']); $description = str_replace(' By HocWP.', '', $description); $action_links = array(); //$version = wp_kses($local_plugin['Version'], $allow_tags); //$name = strip_tags($title . ' ' . $version); $author = wp_kses($local_plugin['Author'], $allow_tags); if(!empty($author)) { $author = ' ' . sprintf(__('By %s'), $author) . ''; } } if(empty($title)) { return; } ?>

$plugin['rating'], 'type' => 'percent', 'number' => $plugin['num_ratings'])); ?> ()
= 1000000) { $active_installs_text = _x('1+ Million', 'Active plugin installs'); } else { $active_installs_text = number_format_i18n($plugin['active_installs']) . '+'; } printf(__('%s Active Installs'), $active_installs_text); ?>
')) { echo '' . __('Untested with your version of WordPress') . ''; } elseif(! empty($plugin['requires']) && version_compare(substr($GLOBALS['wp_version'], 0, strlen($plugin['requires'])), $plugin['requires'], '<')) { echo '' . __('Incompatible with your version of WordPress') . ''; } else { echo '' . __('Compatible with your version of WordPress') . ''; } ?>