
43 lines
1.8 KiB

$xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n";
$xml .= "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"rss_style.xsl\"?>\n";
$xml .= "<rss version=\"2.0\">\n";
$xml .= "<channel>\n";
$xml .= "<title>" . $config['accro'] . " Releases</title>\n";
$xml .= "<link>" . $config['path'] . "</link>\n";
$xml .= "<description>Latest " . $config['accro'] . " Releases</description>\n";
$xml .= "<copyright> " . $config['team'] . " 2009</copyright>\n";
$xml .= "<language>en</language>\n";
$xml .= "<image>\n";
$xml .= "<title> " . $config['accro'] . " Releases</title>\n";
$xml .= "<url>" . $config['path'] . "design/rss.png</url>\n";
$xml .= "<link>" . $config['path'] . "</link>\n";
$xml .= "</image>\n";
$today = date("D, d M Y H:i:s +0100");
//date du jour d'execution du fichier PHP
$xml .= "<pubDate>" . $today . "</pubDate>\n";
// Faîtes appel à vos fichier de connection à votre base de donnée MySQL
// Adaptez ces lignes à votre base de données / noms de table
$resultat_requete = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM releases ORDER BY date DESC limit 0, 10");
// extraction des 10 dernières releases
while ($lig = @mysql_fetch_assoc($resultat_requete))
$titre = $lig["name"];
$adresse = $lig["url"];
$date = $lig["date"];
$datephp = date("D, d M Y H:i:s +0100", $date);
$xml .= "<item>\n";
$xml .= "<title>" . $titre . "</title>\n";
$xml .= "<link>" . $config['path'] . "</link>\n";
$xml .= "<pubDate>" . $datephp . "</pubDate>\n";
$xml .= "<description>Visit our distro to download</description>\n";
$xml .= "</item>\n";
} //fin du while
$xml .= "</channel>\n";
$xml .= "</rss>\n";
$fp = fopen("rss.xml", 'w+');
fputs($fp, $xml);
echo '<br><br><p><font color="green">RSS Updated !</font></p><p><a href="rss.xml">Saw the file</a></p>';