Restricted Acces !

If you are the administrator and if you want to Reinstall XRS, please go to the Control Panel and click on 'Unsinstall XRS'

"); if(isset($_POST['team'], $_POST['accro'], $_POST['pass'], $_POST['path'], $_POST['dbhost'], $_POST['dbuser'], $_POST['dbpass'], $_POST['dbname'])) { sleep(3); @mysql_connect($_POST['dbhost'],$_POST['dbuser'],$_POST['dbpass']); $select_base=@mysql_selectdb($_POST['dbname']); if (!$select_base) echo 'ERROR - Database\'s Informations'; else { $query = file_get_contents('install.sql'); mysql_query($query) or exit(mysql_error()); $FileContent = ""; $filename = "../config.php"; if (is_writable($filename)) unlink($filename); if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'a')) { echo "Unable to open the file (".$filename.")."; exit; } if (fwrite($handle, stripslashes($FileContent)) === FALSE) { echo "Unable to write in the file (".$filename.")."; exit; } fclose($handle); echo 'The installation was completed successfully !
Click here for continue.
'; } } ?> Setup
Fansub Info
Fansub name :
Fansub acronym :
Fansub pass :
Portal path :
User :
Password :
Database's Name :