
519 lines
14 KiB

License: BSD
Project Webpage:
Author: Terry Caton
#include <cassert>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
* better documentation
* unicode character decoding
namespace json
inline std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& istr, UnknownElement& elementRoot) {
Reader::Read(elementRoot, istr);
return istr;
inline Reader::Location::Location() :
// Reader::InputStream
class Reader::InputStream // would be cool if we could inherit from std::istream & override "get"
InputStream(std::istream& iStr) :
m_iStr(iStr) {}
// protect access to the input stream, so we can keeep track of document/line offsets
char Get(); // big, define outside
char Peek() {
assert(m_iStr.eof() == false); // enforce reading of only valid stream data
return m_iStr.peek();
bool EOS() {
m_iStr.peek(); // apparently eof flag isn't set until a character read is attempted. whatever.
return m_iStr.eof();
const Location& GetLocation() const { return m_Location; }
std::istream& m_iStr;
Location m_Location;
inline char Reader::InputStream::Get()
assert(m_iStr.eof() == false); // enforce reading of only valid stream data
char c = m_iStr.get();
if (c == '\n') {
m_Location.m_nLineOffset = 0;
else {
return c;
// Reader::TokenStream
class Reader::TokenStream
TokenStream(const Tokens& tokens);
const Token& Peek();
const Token& Get();
bool EOS() const;
const Tokens& m_Tokens;
Tokens::const_iterator m_itCurrent;
inline Reader::TokenStream::TokenStream(const Tokens& tokens) :
inline const Reader::Token& Reader::TokenStream::Peek() {
assert(m_itCurrent != m_Tokens.end());
return *(m_itCurrent);
inline const Reader::Token& Reader::TokenStream::Get() {
assert(m_itCurrent != m_Tokens.end());
return *(m_itCurrent++);
inline bool Reader::TokenStream::EOS() const {
return m_itCurrent == m_Tokens.end();
// Reader (finally)
inline void Reader::Read(Object& object, std::istream& istr) { Read_i(object, istr); }
inline void Reader::Read(Array& array, std::istream& istr) { Read_i(array, istr); }
inline void Reader::Read(String& string, std::istream& istr) { Read_i(string, istr); }
inline void Reader::Read(Number& number, std::istream& istr) { Read_i(number, istr); }
inline void Reader::Read(Boolean& boolean, std::istream& istr) { Read_i(boolean, istr); }
inline void Reader::Read(Null& null, std::istream& istr) { Read_i(null, istr); }
inline void Reader::Read(UnknownElement& unknown, std::istream& istr) { Read_i(unknown, istr); }
template <typename ElementTypeT>
void Reader::Read_i(ElementTypeT& element, std::istream& istr)
Reader reader;
Tokens tokens;
InputStream inputStream(istr);
reader.Scan(tokens, inputStream);
TokenStream tokenStream(tokens);
reader.Parse(element, tokenStream);
if (tokenStream.EOS() == false)
const Token& token = tokenStream.Peek();
std::string sMessage = "Expected End of token stream; found " + token.sValue;
throw ParseException(sMessage, token.locBegin, token.locEnd);
inline void Reader::Scan(Tokens& tokens, InputStream& inputStream)
while (EatWhiteSpace(inputStream), // ignore any leading white space...
inputStream.EOS() == false) // ...before checking for EOS
// if all goes well, we'll create a token each pass
Token token;
token.locBegin = inputStream.GetLocation();
// gives us null-terminated string
std::string sChar;
switch (sChar[0])
case '{':
token.sValue = sChar[0];
MatchExpectedString(sChar, inputStream);
token.nType = Token::TOKEN_OBJECT_BEGIN;
case '}':
token.sValue = sChar[0];
MatchExpectedString(sChar, inputStream);
token.nType = Token::TOKEN_OBJECT_END;
case '[':
token.sValue = sChar[0];
MatchExpectedString(sChar, inputStream);
token.nType = Token::TOKEN_ARRAY_BEGIN;
case ']':
token.sValue = sChar[0];
MatchExpectedString(sChar, inputStream);
token.nType = Token::TOKEN_ARRAY_END;
case ',':
token.sValue = sChar[0];
MatchExpectedString(sChar, inputStream);
token.nType = Token::TOKEN_NEXT_ELEMENT;
case ':':
token.sValue = sChar[0];
MatchExpectedString(sChar, inputStream);
token.nType = Token::TOKEN_MEMBER_ASSIGN;
case '"':
MatchString(token.sValue, inputStream);
token.nType = Token::TOKEN_STRING;
case '-':
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
MatchNumber(token.sValue, inputStream);
token.nType = Token::TOKEN_NUMBER;
case 't':
token.sValue = "true";
MatchExpectedString(token.sValue, inputStream);
token.nType = Token::TOKEN_BOOLEAN;
case 'f':
token.sValue = "false";
MatchExpectedString(token.sValue, inputStream);
token.nType = Token::TOKEN_BOOLEAN;
case 'n':
token.sValue = "null";
MatchExpectedString(token.sValue, inputStream);
token.nType = Token::TOKEN_NULL;
default: {
std::string sErrorMessage = "Unexpected character in stream: " + sChar;
throw ScanException(sErrorMessage, inputStream.GetLocation());
token.locEnd = inputStream.GetLocation();
inline void Reader::EatWhiteSpace(InputStream& inputStream)
while (inputStream.EOS() == false &&
inline void Reader::MatchExpectedString(const std::string& sExpected, InputStream& inputStream)
std::string::const_iterator it(sExpected.begin()),
for ( ; it != itEnd; ++it) {
if (inputStream.EOS() || // did we reach the end before finding what we're looking for...
inputStream.Get() != *it) // ...or did we find something different?
std::string sMessage = "Expected string: " + sExpected;
throw ScanException(sMessage, inputStream.GetLocation());
// all's well if we made it here, return quietly
inline void Reader::MatchString(std::string& string, InputStream& inputStream)
MatchExpectedString("\"", inputStream);
while (inputStream.EOS() == false &&
inputStream.Peek() != '"')
char c = inputStream.Get();
// escape?
if (c == '\\' &&
inputStream.EOS() == false) // shouldn't have reached the end yet
c = inputStream.Get();
switch (c) {
case '/': string.push_back('/'); break;
case '"': string.push_back('"'); break;
case '\\': string.push_back('\\'); break;
case 'b': string.push_back('\b'); break;
case 'f': string.push_back('\f'); break;
case 'n': string.push_back('\n'); break;
case 'r': string.push_back('\r'); break;
case 't': string.push_back('\t'); break;
case 'u': // TODO: what do we do with this?
default: {
std::string sMessage = "Unrecognized escape sequence found in string: \\" + c;
throw ScanException(sMessage, inputStream.GetLocation());
else {
// eat the last '"' that we just peeked
MatchExpectedString("\"", inputStream);
inline void Reader::MatchNumber(std::string& sNumber, InputStream& inputStream)
const char sNumericChars[] = "0123456789.eE-+";
std::set<char> numericChars;
numericChars.insert(sNumericChars, sNumericChars + sizeof(sNumericChars));
while (inputStream.EOS() == false &&
numericChars.find(inputStream.Peek()) != numericChars.end())
inline void Reader::Parse(UnknownElement& element, Reader::TokenStream& tokenStream)
if (tokenStream.EOS()) {
std::string sMessage = "Unexpected end of token stream";
throw ParseException(sMessage, Location(), Location()); // nowhere to point to
const Token& token = tokenStream.Peek();
switch (token.nType) {
// implicit non-const cast will perform conversion for us (if necessary)
Object& object = element;
Parse(object, tokenStream);
Array& array = element;
Parse(array, tokenStream);
case Token::TOKEN_STRING:
String& string = element;
Parse(string, tokenStream);
case Token::TOKEN_NUMBER:
Number& number = element;
Parse(number, tokenStream);
case Token::TOKEN_BOOLEAN:
Boolean& boolean = element;
Parse(boolean, tokenStream);
case Token::TOKEN_NULL:
Null& null = element;
Parse(null, tokenStream);
std::string sMessage = "Unexpected token: " + token.sValue;
throw ParseException(sMessage, token.locBegin, token.locEnd);
inline void Reader::Parse(Object& object, Reader::TokenStream& tokenStream)
MatchExpectedToken(Token::TOKEN_OBJECT_BEGIN, tokenStream);
bool bContinue = (tokenStream.EOS() == false &&
tokenStream.Peek().nType != Token::TOKEN_OBJECT_END);
while (bContinue)
std::pair<std::string, UnknownElement> member;
// first the member name. save the token in case we have to throw an exception
const Token& tokenName = tokenStream.Peek();
member.first = MatchExpectedToken(Token::TOKEN_STRING, tokenStream);
// ...then the key/value separator...
MatchExpectedToken(Token::TOKEN_MEMBER_ASSIGN, tokenStream);
// ...then the value itself (can be anything).
Parse(member.second, tokenStream);
// try adding it to the object (this could throw)
catch (Exception&)
// must be a duplicate name
throw ParseException("Duplicate object member token: " + member.first, tokenName.locBegin, tokenName.locEnd);
bContinue = (tokenStream.EOS() == false &&
tokenStream.Peek().nType == Token::TOKEN_NEXT_ELEMENT);
if (bContinue)
MatchExpectedToken(Token::TOKEN_NEXT_ELEMENT, tokenStream);
MatchExpectedToken(Token::TOKEN_OBJECT_END, tokenStream);
inline void Reader::Parse(Array& array, Reader::TokenStream& tokenStream)
MatchExpectedToken(Token::TOKEN_ARRAY_BEGIN, tokenStream);
bool bContinue = (tokenStream.EOS() == false &&
tokenStream.Peek().nType != Token::TOKEN_ARRAY_END);
while (bContinue)
// ...what's next? could be anything
UnknownElement& element = array.back();
Parse(element, tokenStream);
bContinue = (tokenStream.EOS() == false &&
tokenStream.Peek().nType == Token::TOKEN_NEXT_ELEMENT);
if (bContinue)
MatchExpectedToken(Token::TOKEN_NEXT_ELEMENT, tokenStream);
MatchExpectedToken(Token::TOKEN_ARRAY_END, tokenStream);
inline void Reader::Parse(String& string, Reader::TokenStream& tokenStream)
string = MatchExpectedToken(Token::TOKEN_STRING, tokenStream);
inline void Reader::Parse(Number& number, Reader::TokenStream& tokenStream)
const Token& currentToken = tokenStream.Peek(); // might need this later for throwing exception
const std::string& sValue = MatchExpectedToken(Token::TOKEN_NUMBER, tokenStream);
std::istringstream iStr(sValue);
double dValue;
iStr >> dValue;
// did we consume all characters in the token?
if (iStr.eof() == false)
std::string sMessage = "Unexpected character in NUMBER token: " + iStr.peek();
throw ParseException(sMessage, currentToken.locBegin, currentToken.locEnd);
number = dValue;
inline void Reader::Parse(Boolean& boolean, Reader::TokenStream& tokenStream)
const std::string& sValue = MatchExpectedToken(Token::TOKEN_BOOLEAN, tokenStream);
boolean = (sValue == "true" ? true : false);
inline void Reader::Parse(Null&, Reader::TokenStream& tokenStream)
MatchExpectedToken(Token::TOKEN_NULL, tokenStream);
inline const std::string& Reader::MatchExpectedToken(Token::Type nExpected, Reader::TokenStream& tokenStream)
if (tokenStream.EOS())
std::string sMessage = "Unexpected End of token stream";
throw ParseException(sMessage, Location(), Location()); // nowhere to point to
const Token& token = tokenStream.Get();
if (token.nType != nExpected)
std::string sMessage = "Unexpected token: " + token.sValue;
throw ParseException(sMessage, token.locBegin, token.locEnd);
return token.sValue;
} // End namespace