-- Copyright (c) 2005-2010, Niels Martin Hansen, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro -- Copyright (c) 2013, Thomas Goyne -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any -- purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above -- copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -- MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR -- ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES -- WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN -- ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF -- OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. error = error pairs = pairs select = select sformat = string.format tonumber = tonumber type = type check = require 'aegisub.argcheck' local * -- Make a shallow copy of a table copy = check'table' (tbl) -> {k, v for k, v in pairs tbl} -- Make a deep copy of a table -- Retains equality of table references inside the copy and handles self-referencing structures deep_copy = check'table' (tbl) -> seen = {} copy = (val) -> return val if type(val) != 'table' return seen[val] if seen[val] seen[val] = val {k, copy(v) for k, v in pairs val} copy tbl -- Generates ASS hexadecimal string from R, G, B integer components, in &HBBGGRR& format ass_color = (r, g, b) -> sformat "&H%02X%02X%02X&", b, g, r -- Format an alpha-string for \Xa style overrides ass_alpha = (a) -> sformat "&H%02X&", a -- Format an ABGR string for use in style definitions (these don't end with & either) ass_style_color = (r, g, b, a) -> sformat "&H%02X%02X%02X%02X", a, b, g, r -- Extract colour components of an ASS colour extract_color = check'string' (s) -> local a, b, g, r -- Try a style first a, b, g, r = s\match '&H(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)' if a then return tonumber(r, 16), tonumber(g, 16), tonumber(b, 16), tonumber(a, 16) -- Then a colour override b, g, r = s\match '&H(%x%x)(%x%x)(%x%x)&' if b then return tonumber(r, 16), tonumber(g, 16), tonumber(b, 16), 0 -- Then an alpha override a = s\match '&H(%x%x)&' if a then return 0, 0, 0, tonumber(a, 16) -- Ok how about HTML format then? r, g, b, a = s\match '#(%x%x)(%x?%x?)(%x?%x?)(%x?%x?)' if r then return tonumber(r, 16), tonumber(g, 16) or 0, tonumber(b, 16) or 0, tonumber(a, 16) or 0 -- Create an alpha override code from a style definition colour code alpha_from_style = check'string' (scolor) -> ass_alpha select 4, extract_color scolor -- Create an colour override code from a style definition colour code color_from_style = check'string' (scolor) -> r, g, b = extract_color scolor ass_color r or 0, g or 0, b or 0 -- Converts HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) to RGB HSV_to_RGB = (H, S, V) -> r, g, b = 0, 0, 0 -- Saturation is zero, make grey if S == 0 r = clamp(V*255, 0, 255) g = r b = r -- Else, calculate color else -- Calculate subvalues H = math.abs(H) % 360 -- Put H in range [0, 360) Hi = math.floor(H/60) f = H/60.0 - Hi p = V*(1-S) q = V*(1-f*S) t = V*(1-(1-f)*S) -- Do math based on hue index if Hi == 0 r = V*255.0 g = t*255.0 b = p*255.0 elseif Hi == 1 r = q*255.0 g = V*255.0 b = p*255.0 elseif Hi == 2 r = p*255.0 g = V*255.0 b = t*255.0 elseif Hi == 3 r = p*255.0 g = q*255.0 b = V*255.0 elseif Hi == 4 r = t*255.0 g = p*255.0 b = V*255.0 elseif Hi == 5 r = V*255.0 g = p*255.0 b = q*255.0 else error "math.floor(H % 360 / 60) should be [0, 6), is #{Hi}?" return r, g, b -- Convert HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminance) to RGB -- Contributed by Gundamn HSL_to_RGB = (H, S, L) -> local r, g, b -- Make sure input is in range H = math.abs(H) % 360 S = clamp(S, 0, 1) L = clamp(L, 0, 1) if S == 0 -- Simple case if saturation is 0, all grey r = L g = L b = L else -- More common case, saturated colour Q = if L < 0.5 L * (1.0 + S) else L + S - (L * S) P = 2.0 * L - Q Hk = H / 360 local Tr, Tg, Tb if Hk < 1/3 Tr = Hk + 1/3 Tg = Hk Tb = Hk + 2/3 elseif Hk > 2/3 Tr = Hk - 2/3 Tg = Hk Tb = Hk - 1/3 else Tr = Hk + 1/3 Tg = Hk Tb = Hk - 1/3 get_component = (T) -> if T < 1/6 P + ((Q - P) * 6.0 * T) elseif 1/6 <= T and T < 1/2 Q elseif 1/2 <= T and T < 2/3 P + ((Q - P) * (2/3 - T) * 6.0) else P r = get_component(Tr) g = get_component(Tg) b = get_component(Tb) return math.floor(r*255+0.5), math.floor(g*255+0.5), math.floor(b*255+0.5) -- Removes spaces at the start and end of string trim = (s) -> s\gsub '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1' -- Get the 'head' and 'tail' of a string, treating it as a sequence of words separated by one or more space-characters headtail = (s) -> a, b, head, tail = s\find '(.-)%s+(.*)' if a then head, tail else s, '' -- Iterator function for headtail words = (s) -> -> return if s == '' head, tail = headtail s s = tail head -- Clamp a number value to a range clamp = (val, min, max) -> if val < min then min elseif val > max then max else val -- Interpolate between two numbers interpolate = (pct, min, max) -> if pct <= 0 then min elseif pct >= 1 then max else pct * (max - min) + min -- Interpolate between two colour values, given in either style definition or style override format -- Return in style override format interpolate_color = (pct, first, last) -> r1, g1, b1 = extract_color first r2, g2, b2 = extract_color last r, g, b = interpolate(pct, r1, r2), interpolate(pct, g1, g2), interpolate(pct, b1, b2) ass_color r, g, b -- Interpolate between two alpha values, given either in style override or as part as a style definition colour -- Return in style override format interpolate_alpha = (pct, first, last) -> ass_alpha interpolate pct, select(4, extract_color first), select(4, extract_color last) { :copy, :deep_copy, :ass_color, :ass_alpha, :ass_style_color, :extract_color, :alpha_from_style, :color_from_style, :HSV_to_RGB, :HSL_to_RGB, :trim, :headtail, :words, :clamp, :interpolate, :interpolate_color, :interpolate_alpha }